Das Zeichen des Lettischen Erbes wurde auf Initiative des Landtourismusverbandes „Lauku ceļotājs“ eingeführt und wird lettischen Reiseunternehmen verliehen, die das lettische Kultur- und Alltagserbe bewahrt haben und fördern bzw. den Reisenden präsentieren. Anhand dieses Zeichens sind die Orte zu erkennen, wo die Gastgeber bereit sind, Gästen die lettische Traditionen beizubringen, lettische Gerichte anzubieten, Gewerbe und Fähigkeiten zu unterrichten und lettische Feste zu feiern. Das Zeichen wird den Betreibern von Gästehäusern, Bauernhöfen, Handwerkern, Gaststätten, Veranstaltern der lettischen traditionellen Feiern, Museen, Sammlern und Fachleuten verliehen.
Überblick | Details |
DZIRNUPESFür das Pflegen von lettischen TraditionenAuf dem traditionellen Hof der Region Vidzeme, der 15 km von der Stadt Limbaži entfernt liegt, können die Gäste in einer romantischen Kornkammer übernachten. Die im Jahr 1924 gebaute Kornkammer ist für das Empfangen der Gäste angepasst. Der Bauernhof Dzirnupes ist für Erholung in Zweisamkeit oder mit Kindern geeignet. In der Kornkammer ist eine Sauna gebaut. Auf dem Gelände des Hofes befinden sich ein Teich und ein kleiner Fluss, wo man schwimmen, angeln oder romantische Fahrten mit einem Boot unternehmen kann, sowie eine Laube, eine Schmiede, wo der Wirt einen Nagel schmieden lehrt, eine Schaukel, ein Garten mit den örtlichen Leckereien und blühende Wiesen. Hier kann man auch Haustiere besichtigen, sowie sie auch füttern und kuscheln. Die Wirte pflegen lettische Traditionen, die sie als Erbe auch ihren Kindern weiter gegeben haben. Der Wirt stellt verschiedene ländliche Werkzeuge, sowie Musikinstrumente her. Zurzeit arbeitet die Wirtin an die Vorbereitung eines neuen Angebots für Touristen Das Wissen der Frauen, bei dem den Frauen nach oder vor der Hochzeit verschiedene lettische Traditionen und Handwerksarbeiten, auch das Brotbacken, gelehrt werden. |
LUKILATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For preserving the traditional rural environment. |
DieninasThe owners of the Dieniņas homestead have preserved old traditions related to fishing and fish processing, and they have engaged in this work for three generations now. Fish are processed in line with ancient and local recipes, making use of technologies that are typical of the coastline. Visitors can buy local smoked fish. Tourist groups are invited to take part in an active leisure and cultural event, complete with dishes of fish that will fill their stomachs, a boot-tossing event at the sea, stories by the wives of the fishermen, a theatrical performance, smoking of fish, and tasting of fish.
Preservation of coastline fishing traditions |
MekeFor modern solutions to the introduction and conservation of Latvian environment and historical buildingsThe architecture style of late 19th and early 20th centuries was preserved during the restoration of Meke hotel and appropriate interior was designed. The lobby features photos with the historical evidence of the building. The owners will tell the history of the building and the surroundings to the visitors, and offer social leisure events. |
Mazmezotnes muizaPar cukurbiešu audzēšanas un pārstrādes tradīcijas izzināšanu un daudzināšanu. Atjaunotajā “Mazmežotnes muižā” ir senas cukurbiešu audzēšanas tradīcijas jau no grāfa Līvena laikiem, kas turpinātas arī pēc Latvijas neatkarības atjaunošanas. Īpašnieki vienā no muižas ēkām ir iekārtojuši modernu un interaktīvu ekspozīciju, kas stāsta un rāda cukurbiešu audzēšanas vēsturi Latvijā. Ekspozīcija pieejama ikvienam interesentam. |
von 60 EUR / Nacht
Pferdehof KLAJUMIThe horse farm features friendly and purebred horses from Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus (12 in all), as well as three different kinds of cosy dogs, rabbits, chickens, cows and cats. This is a true countryside environment involving four different homesteads – Klajumi, Ganiņi, Ķemeri and Krasti. Visitors can go horseback riding to visit the Rings of Daugava Nature Park and the frontier between Latvia and Belarus. Please be aware that personal identification is needed when entering the frontier zone. |
Gehöft für lettische Traditionen CAUNITESLATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For popularisation and fostering of Latvian traditions. |
LANTUSFür lettische LandschaftDer Hof Lantus ist ein erneuerter Hof in der Region Vidzeme, der für Gäste geeignet ist, die den Komfort lieben. Hier befinden sich mehrere Kaminräume, eine Sauna, ein Schwimmbecken, ein Whirlpool, ein Sportplatz, ein Teich, und ein Holzkübel, der unter freiem Himmel mit einem Holzofen beheizt wird. Der Hof liegt in der Nähe eines Waldes. Hier wird auch Verpflegung angeboten. Die Wirtin kocht lettische Gerichte und dabei verwendet sie so viel wie möglich ihre eigenen Produkte oder die Produkte der örtlichen Unternehmer. |
Petera Tutana pineju darbnicaFor the promotion of the craft of a weaverCraftsman Pēteris Tutāns manages Pinumu Pasaule (World of Plaiting), which is one of the largest plaiting companies of Latvia. All stages from the growing of willow to the end product is made by hand. The company prepares plaited baskets, kitchenware and interior objects, garden furniture, etc. The visitors can view the workshop, learn about growing willows and purchase finished products. |
von 50 EUR / Nacht
PIEKUNIPar latvisko pirts tradīciju uzturēšanu un daudzināšanu. “Piekūni” meklējami Gaiziņkalna pievārtē. Saimnieki piedāvā latviskos pirts rituālus, kur pēršanās procesu pavada dziesmas un zāļu tējas. Saimniece Anita ir arī vietējais gids, kura stāsta par Gaiziņkalna apkaimi, šejienes dabu un tradīcijām. |
Hof "Juri", Käse der Region LatgaleThe owners live on a farm that they inherited from their ancestors, and they use cow milk from the farm to produce cheese in accordance with old and new recipes. Visitors can taste milk, soured milk, buttermilk and other dairy products, watching how they are produced and taking part in the process. There are farm animals to visit, as well.
SIGN AWARDED FOR: Latvia foods, Lettigalian foods, cheese-making |
Hanfanbau ADZELVIESIFür lettisches Handwerk – HanfzukostAuf dem Hof Adzelvieši wird Hanf angebaut, aus dessen Samen Hanfbutter und grob gemahlene Zukost hergestellt wird. An der Kornkammer (101 Jahre alt) sind alte Werkzeuge der Hanffaserbearbeitung ausgestellt. Hier kann man leckere Produkte verkosten und kaufen, sowie eine spannende Reise in die Geschichte der Hanfzüchtung unternehmen. Der gewöhnliche Hanf ist eine alte Kulturpflanze in Lettland, die hier seit mehr als 1000 Jahren angebaut wird. |
Lettgallishes Bier „Kolnaseta“The slogan for this operation is: “Real Latgale beer is produced here!” Visitors can help in brewing beer, hear stories about traditions, and taste the finished product. The owner also offers Lettigalian goodies for some noshing.
SIGN AWARDED FOR: Latvian beverages (beer) |
Hof Licisi, ZiegenzüchterThis is one of Latvia’s earliest and largest got farms. Tourists will hear attractive stories about how goats are bred and goat milk products (milk, cheese, kefir) are produced. The products can be tasted and bought. The local Latvian breed of goats has existed since the turn of the 19th century.
SIGN AWARDED FOR: Goat milk products |
"Indani", HofThis lovely farm is near Valdeķi, and visitors will experience true Latvian farm life. The venue features goats, sheep, horses, geese, chickens, rabbits, etc. Visitors can learn about milking cows and producing meat, they can examine a collection of antique tools, enjoy a country sauna with birch and juniper switches, swim in the local pond and taste herbal teas. The venue has a volleyball court, horseback riding, space for tents, and a lean-to with an outdoor kitchen. Visitors can spend the night in a room, on the second floor of the sauna or, during the summer, in the granary.
Host: Signe Ezeriņa Preserving the traditional Latvian lifestyle |
Dzirnupes, lettischer HofFür das Pflegen von lettischen TraditionenAuf dem traditionellen Hof der Region Vidzeme, der 15 km von der Stadt Limbaži entfernt liegt, können die Gäste in einer romantischen Kornkammer übernachten. Die im Jahr 1924 gebaute Kornkammer ist für das Empfangen der Gäste angepasst. Der Bauernhof Dzirnupes ist für Erholung in Zweisamkeit oder mit Kindern geeignet. In der Kornkammer ist eine Sauna gebaut. Auf dem Gelände des Hofes befinden sich ein Teich und ein kleiner Fluss, wo man schwimmen, angeln oder romantische Fahrten mit einem Boot unternehmen kann, sowie eine Laube, eine Schmiede, wo der Wirt einen Nagel schmieden lehrt, eine Schaukel, ein Garten mit den örtlichen Leckereien und blühende Wiesen. Hier kann man auch Haustiere besichtigen, sowie sie auch füttern und kuscheln. Die Wirte pflegen lettische Traditionen, die sie als Erbe auch ihren Kindern weiter gegeben haben. Der Wirt stellt verschiedene ländliche Werkzeuge, sowie Musikinstrumente her. Zurzeit arbeitet die Wirtin an die Vorbereitung eines neuen Angebots für Touristen Das Wissen der Frauen, bei dem den Frauen nach oder vor der Hochzeit verschiedene lettische Traditionen und Handwerksarbeiten, auch das Brotbacken, gelehrt werden. |
Freizeitanlage SAULESKALNSFor maintaining and chanting Latvian traditions. The hosts nurture Latvian traditions and share their knowledge with visitors, a significant part of whom are students. There is a "Sun Trail" in Sauleskalns, which introduces eight Latvian anniversaries, where you can participate in creative workshops, make masks, attend culinary master classes and tastings. |
Hof Vaidelotes, alte Rituale und TraditionenFür das Pflegen der lettischen Traditionen. Für lettische GerichteAuf dem Hof Vaidelotes werden die altlettische Kultur popularisiert, alte Rituale ausgeführt und solche lettische Gerichte wie Grützen, Piroggen, gefüllte Klöße und Blechkuchen angeboten, die zum Kulturerbe zählen. Diese Gerichte werden aus grob gemahlenem Getreide vorbereitet, das auf dem Hof gezüchtet wird. Erwerb von Tees, Gewürzen und anderen Produkten. Hier werden öffentliche Veranstaltungen organisiert, auf denen Sonnenwenden gefeiert und Traditionen mit Musik, Liedern, Tänzen und verschiedenen Ritualen gezeigt werden. Die Wirtin leitet diese Veranstaltungen und dabei erklärt sie die Traditionen. Hier werden Gerichte vorbereitet, die jedem der organisierten Feste entsprechen. |
Café "Mikelis"LATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For keeping the heritage of Latvian farmstead and culture. |
Kräutertees und Honig TURAIDASPar tradicionālo amata prasmju – zedeņu žoga pīšana uzturēšanu un daudzināšanu. Bioloģiskā saimniecība, kur līdztekus tēju un medus ražošanai saimnieki saglabājuši senu amatniecības tradīciju – žogu pīšanu. Kā izejmateriālu izmanto kārklus, kas aug lauku un grāvmalās. Saimnieki apmeklētājiem rāda – kā veidot zedeņu žogus, organizējot meistarklases. Saimnieces Zigrīdas pītais žogs ir apskatāms arī Latvijas Etnogrāfiskajā brīvdabas muzejā. |
Mühle von Rideli, unterschiedlich gemahlene KörnerFor the preservation of the material heritage of the mill and promotion of the skills of the craftRideļi mill has been reborn in new quality. The mill that was built in the 20s of the 20th century now hosts a modern exposition of historical milling mechanisms and devices, as well as household and other objects used at the farm. Detailed descriptions, technical drawings and pictures of the devices have been developed. The visitors can access all floors of the mill either themselves or accompanied by a guide. |
Haus der Traditionen "Zvanitaji" in RucavaThe Zvanītāji Centre of Traditions is located in the heart of Rucava. It is housed in a late 19th century wooden building that has been turned into a museum which features the lifestyles of people more than 100 years ago. Antique household objects are on display, as are folk costumes, stockings and mittens that are typical of Rucava. The centre organises various events related to visiting, singing, playing and dancing, and it weaves useful textiles. There are cultural and educational programmes such as “Evening Sessions” and “Celebratory Feasts in Rucava.” Guests can sing, dance and play music together with Rucava story-tellers, singers and musicians, also enjoying traditional foods such as rye bread, white butter with potatoes, potato pancakes, potato buns and carrot buns.
SIGN AWARDED FOR: Latvian traditions, Latvian foods, a Latvian building |
Backen von Sklandrausis (Kuchen aus Roggenteig und Karotten) USIFür lettische Gerichte – SklandraušiAuf dem Hof Ūši zeigt die Wirtin, wie man das traditionelle nordkurländische süße Gericht Sklandrauši vorbereitet. Sie bietet auch eine Führung für Fußgänger Spaziergang in die industrielle Geschichte von Kolka mit theatralischen Elementen und eine Verkostung der besten Sprotten aus Lettland an. |
Hof "Piekuni", Saunarituale und altlettische KulturPar latvisko pirts tradīciju uzturēšanu un daudzināšanu. Saimnieki piedāvā latviskos pirts rituālus, kur pēršanās procesu pavada dziesmas un zāļu tējas. Saimniece Anita ir arī vietējais gids, kura stāsta par Gaiziņkalna apkaimi, šejienes dabu un tradīcijām. |
Gaststätte MEKEFür lettische Gerichte. Für lettische LandschaftDas authentisch aussehende Wirtshaus Mekes krogs ist in einem 105 Jahre alten Stall eingerichtet. Im Angebot des Wirtshauses sind solche Gerichte und Getränke, die früher viel gegessen wurden, z.B. Graupengrütze, Sauerampfersuppe, dickflüssige Kürbissuppe, graue Erbsen, Piroggen mit Speck und Hausbranntwein. |
Cafe AlidaThe owners use old recipes to produce aromatic chicory coffee – a true local product from Latvia’s countryside goodies. All of the raw materials for chicory coffee come from surrounding fields and meadows. Visitors learn about the process and the history thereof, also looking at traditions related to such coffee. The coffee can be tasted and purchased.
Betriebsstätte von sprudelndem Birkensaft BIRZIFor modern developments of Latvian traditions – birch sapCollection of birch sap is characteristic of Latvian and neighbouring nations. The owner, Ervīns Labanovskis tells and shows - how this was done in ancient times. The brewing process also includes ancient wisdom. The primary recipe for the preparation of fizzy birch sap is the recipe used and tested by the parents of the owner, which was later upgraded by him. The visitors are welcome to try and buy the products. |
Hof "Apkalnmajas", Lederwaren und PferdegeschirreThe crafts workshop at the Apkalnmājas farm was established on the basic of typical countryside crafts traditions and the typical lifestyle of the Latgale region. The workshop has been successful in producing horse tack, belts, leather sacks, etc. Visitors are offered a tour of the exhibition and workshop, learning about types of leather and the secrets of leatherwork. They can also try their own hand at producing leather goods and purchase finished products. Master’s classes and lessons are available. The owner will also discuss her experience with the Lettigalian lifestyle.
Preservation of traditional crafts – horse items |
Fischerhof DIENINASThe owners of the Dieniņas homestead have preserved old traditions related to fishing and fish processing, and they have engaged in this work for three generations now. Fish are processed in line with ancient and local recipes, making use of technologies that are typical of the coastline. Visitors can buy local smoked fish. Tourist groups are invited to take part in an active leisure and cultural event, complete with dishes of fish that will fill their stomachs, a boot-tossing event at the sea, stories by the wives of the fishermen, a theatrical performance, smoking of fish, and tasting of fish.
Preservation of coastline fishing traditions |
''Upenite''For the promotion of traditional Latgalian foodThe owner Inese Survilo offers Latgalian meals that are prepared according to the recipes of forefathers. The landlady shows and tells – how to make cheese – a skill she has learned from her grandmother. The visitors may participate in the process and taste cheese with various additives. She prepares krupņiks ar gulbim (barley porridge with potatoes), gulbešnīki (potato pancakes) and farm cakes, furthermore, cooking skills of these dishes can be acquired at organised master classes. |
Jaunpils Handwerk HausFor the promotion of craftsmen’s skillsThe crafts house of Jaunpils hosts Jaunpils Weaver’s Group, which was founded in 1970 and is currently headed by weaving craft master Velga Pavlovska. The weavers use ancient looms and traditional techniques to weave traditional patterns. Visitors may join informative excursions, get involved in creative workshops, try their hand in weaving skills and buy souvenirs. |
Brauerei VALMIERMUIZAS ALUSFür das Popularisieren der lettischen BierkulturMit der Bierbrauerei von Valmiermuiža erwacht auch das kulturhistorische Zentrum von Valmiermuiža. Während des Besuches kann man die Geschichte des Landgutes und den Prozess des Bierbrauens von den natürlichen Rohstoffen bis zu dem fertigen Produkt kennenlernen. Die Besichtigung der Brauerei ergänzen die Verkostung des Kellerbiers und Erzählungen über traditionelle lettische Festgetränke. |
Heimarbeitermarkt MARKT DER LOKALEN PRODUKTE VON STRAUPELATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For reviving and maintaining the market traditions. |
Zentrum der Handwerker von LudzaFür das Popularisieren des lettischen Handwerks. Für lettische Gerichte. Für das Pflegen der lettischen TraditionenIn dem Zentrum der Handwerker von Ludza kann man Werke besichtigen und kaufen, die mehr als 40 Handwerker aus der Region Latgale geschaffen haben. Hier kann man eine Führung bestellen, die ein in altlettgallischer Kleidung angezogener Reiseführer leitet. In dem Suprādki-Zimmer erzählt er über das Leben der alten Baltenstämme, die Entstehung und die Entwicklung der Handwerkschaft, über die alten Ethik- und Arbeitsgesetze und Traditionen. Hier kann man Vorführungen von alten Gewerben zuschauen, sowie diese Gewerbe auch erlernen. Gruppen können eine Mahlzeit bestellen, bei der auch die Vorbereitung von lettgallischen Gerichten und Getränken, sowie des Brotes gelehrt wird.
Pferdehof "Klajumi", ländliche LandschaftSIGN AWARDED FOR: Latvian landscape, Latvian breeds of horses The horse farm features friendly and purebred horses from Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus (12 in all), as well as three different kinds of cosy dogs, rabbits, chickens, cows and cats. This is a true countryside environment involving four different homesteads – Klajumi, Ganiņi, Ķemeri and Krasti. Visitors can go horseback riding to visit the Rings of Daugava Nature Park and the frontier between Latvia and Belarus. Please be aware that personal identification is needed when entering the frontier zone. |
IevlejasPar maizes cepšanas latviskās tradīcijas uzturēšanu un daudzināšanu. “Ievlejās” jau ir senas maizes cepšanas tradīcijas. Saimniece ar malku kurinātā klona krāsnī cep rudzu saldskābo maizi, kurai tuvākā un tālākā apkaimē ir daudz piekritēju. Ceptuve ir atvērta apmeklētājiem. Īpaši to iecienījušas skolu ekskursijas. Apmeklētāji var paši piedalīties kukulīša veidošanā, apskatīt muzeju un iepazīt maizes cepšanas tradīcijas ar mīklu, tautasdziesmu un dažādu spēļu palīdzību. Izmanto pašu saimniecībā ražotos graudus. |
VejavasVējavas is on the shore of the Bay of Rīga in Vidzeme and in the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve. Vējavas is a former fisherman’s homestead with its own cultural history, aura and magnificence. Groups of various sizes can go to sea in a fisherman’s boat to watch the fishing process. They can engage in conversations with fishermen to learn about lampreys and the lives of fishermen. The lamprey weir on the Svētupe River differs from those on the Salaca River in terms of its structure and the fishing principles. Tasty lampreys and smoked and cooked during the season. A film about fishing for lampreys is available for viewing.
For preserving the traditions of coastline fishermen |
LIELA MUIZADie Akademie der Lebensfreude "Liela muiža", in der sich mit der Anfertigung von Bottichen, heißen Bottichen, Möbeln, Treppen, Türen und anderen im Haushalt notwendigen Sachen beschäftigen, bietet in der Sommersaison Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten im Gasthaus an. Im Erdgeschoss des Gasthauses befindet sich eine Festhalle für 30-35 Personen, ein Dampfbad mit Holzfeuerung und eine gut eingerichtete Küche (Miete der Räume und des Dampfbades ist ganzjährig). Übernachtung im Obergeschoss – ein Zimmer für 8 Personen und 5 Doppelzimer. Die Gäste können den Fertigungsprozess der Bottische von Anfang an bis zum Endprodukt beobachten und auch selbst daran teilnehmen. |
"Pie Andra Pitraga"Par Lībiešu krasta kultūrvides saglabāšanu un daudzināšanu – lībiešu žogi. Unikāla un privāti veidota žogu kolekcija, kas atspoguļo ~ 20 Lībiešu krastam raksturīgos piekrastes žogu veidus. Saimnieks 3 gadu laikā būvējis žogus, pēc senām fotogrāfijām, pētot lībiešu krasta apbūves tradīcijas. Te apmeklētāji var arī piedalīties zivju (butes, arī vējzivis un brekši) kūpināšanā, degustēt produkciju un noklausīties stāstījumu par piekrastes zvejniecības tradīcijām. Teritorijā atrodas arī brīvdienu namiņš un kempinga laukums. |
Mühle von KoniThis is one of the few places in Latvia to offer a look at industrial equipment from the 19th century that is still in good working order – a wool plucking and combing apparatus from the Šūberts Rudzītis & Co. company in Latvia, a unique spinning wheel from Germany, and a windmill used to grind grain. Visitors can track the processing of wool on equipment that is 100 years old, watching how blankets and pillows stuffed with sheep wool are produced by hand. There are souvenirs to purchase. The owners organise celebrations on Latvian holidays – St Martin’s Day and the Summer Solstice, as well as evening visiting sessions from that were common in earlier times, complete with the baking of water pretzels.
SIGN AWARDED FOR: Preservation of traditional crafts and skills |
Saldus maiznieksFor the promotion of bread traditionsSIA Saldus Maiznieks, which was founded in 1992, is a family business that produces approximately 2 tonnes of rye bread daily, which is made by using malt and natural leaven. The company offers excursions, during which the visitors are allowed to try the role of a baker. The excursions are conducted by Kristīne Kriņģele, the apprentice baker of Latvian Chamber of Crafts. |
The Cernavska MuseumVisitors can examine antique pottery tools and dishware produced by old masters at Silajāņi, listen to the stories that are told by a guide, and watch videos from the 20th century. Demonstrations of turning can be seen at the workshop, and the master will talk about how ceramics are produced. Traditional Lettigalian ceramics are for sale. Visitors can try their hand at the pottery wheel. The pottery that they produce will be fired and painted and later delivered by mail.
Preservation of traditional crafts – Lettigalian pottery |
The “Big Estate” academy of joie de vivreThe craftsman manufactures barrels, hot tubs, furniture, stairs, doors and other useful objects. He’ll lead visitors on a tour, share his skills and experience, and offer people a chance to manufacture their own household objects. Visitors can watch the barrel making process from start to finish and try out their own hand at using antique tools. They will learn about the skills of a barrel maker and track the development of traditions in this regard. The exhibition at the museum offers a look at antique barrels and equipment for manufacturing them. Particular attention is paid to the process, with a thorough story about the process and the lifestyle that it involves.
For maintaining traditional skills (barrel making) |
Café und Brotmuseum KUKABURRAThe café is at Km 115 of the Rīga-Veclaicene Highway (A2), and visitors can enjoy a variety of Latvian dishes. Ingredients from local farmers and home manufacturers are used to prepare the dishes, and some can be bought at the café. Visitors can tour a bread museum and, each weekend, take part in the baking of bread. The café also features an exhibition of antique objects.
Host: Jānis Kriekis Latvian foods |
Limbazu TinePar tradicionālo amatu prasmju uzturēšanu
Der Keramiker Janis SeikstsLATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For keeping the pottery tradition. |
The Suiti Ethnic Cultural CentreFor the conservation and promotion of Suiti traditionsThe collection developed at the ethnic centre allows to view a permanent exposition of Suiti folk costumes and to wear them. People, who wish to make Suiti folk costume may receive valuable advice. The association, under the lead of Dace Martinova, organises the International Bourdon Singing Festival, Suiti weddings, as well as actively manages the social and cultural life of Suiti, by introducing not only Latvian, but also foreign guests with it. |
Latgolys Smakovka Brewery and DistilleryPar latgaliešu dzēriena “šmakovka” tradīcijas uzturēšanu
Ugis Puzulis’ ceramics workshopPar podniecības kā tradicionālas amata prasmes daudzināšanu
Hof der Selen "Gulbji"'
This is one of the few locations in Latvia where you can find an active far that has the design and buildings of a typical farm in the historical region of Selonia. The owners collect antique household objects and offer a tour featuring medicinal plants, a black sauna and Selonian foods. They produce their own ingredients and work with other local farmers. Examples of Latvian cuisine include crêpes, barley soup, thick potato soup, sautéed beans in a special sauce, manna with fruit, bread soup with whipped cream, tortes, herbal teas and a special area dish known as zeppelins.
Hosts: The Skrejāns family Preserving a traditional Selonian farm Upholding the culinary traditions of the Selonian tribes |
Gasthof KONU DZIRNAVASThis is one of the few places in Latvia to offer a look at industrial equipment from the 19th century that is still in good working order – a wool plucking and combing apparatus from the Šūberts Rudzītis & Co. company in Latvia, a unique spinning wheel from Germany, and a windmill used to grind grain. Visitors can track the processing of wool on equipment that is 100 years old, watching how blankets and pillows stuffed with sheep wool are produced by hand. There are souvenirs to purchase. The owners organise celebrations on Latvian holidays – St Martin’s Day and the Summer Solstice, as well as evening visiting sessions from that were common in earlier times, complete with the baking of water pretzels.
SIGN AWARDED FOR: Preservation of traditional crafts and skills |
The Dumpis pottery workshopLATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For keeping the pottery tradition. |
Backen von Landbrot in BERZINIThe farm offers wheat and rye bread baked in accordance with old family recipes. A special oven that is more than 70 years old ensures the taste and aroma of the bread, and the owners use antique baking tools such as a kneading trough, an oven peel and a dough hook. Visitors can contact the farm in advance to arrange for a visit during which they can bake their own loaves of bread. The owners will talk about the Jūrkalne mill, which was built in 1740 and once played a great role in bread baking traditions in the region.
Host: Juris Lastovskis Ancient skills: Baking bread |
Bäckerei und Gaststätte LACIFor popularisation of culture of bread Lāči brend bread is popular in latvia and abroad, because the bakery uses ancient mastery and skills. You can take a tour of the bakery, knead and bake your own little loat of bread, have lunch at a cosy saloon and purchase the bakery's products. |
Mikjanu setaThis is one of only two Latvian fishing villages that have, to the very best of their ability, preserved an authentic atmosphere. The Latvian Open-Air Ethnographic Museum has its Vītolnieki branch here, featuring an old fisherman’s homestead. Active construction of new buildings is causing the problem that the village is rapidly losing its status as an untouched part of Latvia.
SIGN AWARDED FOR: Traditional crafts |
Sauna MuseumLATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For keeping the sauna tradition. |
Bauernwirtschaft "Klimpas"LATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For keeping the traditional sheep-breeding and wool crafting skills. |
Ribbe WindmühlePar “Graudu ceļš” izstrādi un daudzināšanu. Izglītojošā ekspozīcija atrodas 19. gs. sešdesmito gadu beigās celtajās vējdzirnavās. Tā iepazīstina ar Latvijas graudu audzēšanas un pārstrādes tradīcijām, vienlaikus uzturot Latvijā vienīgās, tik labā tehniskā stāvoklī esošās vējdzirnavas. Apmeklētāji var gida pavadībā iepazīt dzirnavas un piedalīties pīrāgu cepšanā. |
Imkerei KALNU MEDUSLATVIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL MARK IS AWARDED FOR: For fostering of the traditional bee-keeping skills. |