
Overview Details

Pluskovas Old-Believer Preaching House

Pļuskovas Old-Believer Preaching House was built in the beginning of the 20th century

The Roman Catholic Church of St John the Baptist

Located at 10 Sēravotu Street. The historicism style building is built from wood in 1889 and it is the newest of the three churches in Ķemeri. It is possible to see the church from the inside on the days of worship services. On other days-from the outside.

Distance from countries capital city47

Liepajas Sveta Meinarda katolu baznica

Atrodas Ganību ielā 120. Celta (iesvētīta 2001. g.) mūsdienu modernās arhitektūras formās un interesanta ar faktu, ka sākotnēji bijusi Vatikāna paviljons Pasaules izstādē “Expo 2000” Hannoverē. To pārbūvēja un uz Liepāju pārcēla par Vācijas katoļu saziedotajiem līdzekļiem. Ēkā darbojas katoļu draudzes centrs.

Distance from countries capital city218

Recina Old-Believers Prayer House

Rečina Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1912. It has a rectangular shape with a single-hall, rubble-wall foundation and a small tower on the top of the altar.

Дундагская лютеранская церковь

Храм построен в 1766 г., а колокольня возводилась в 1897 году. Орган, построенный в 1859 году органным мастером Ансисом Динсбергсом, считается старейшим органом Латвии работы латышского мастера. Запрестольный образ «Пасхальное утро» создан Янисом Розенталсом в 1912 году. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.

Distance from countries capital city153

The Kubesele Nature Trail and Krimulda Lutheran church

The Krimulda Lutheran church is seen as one of the oldest in Latvia. It was built in the early 13th century, soon after the territory of Kubasele was conquered. Over the subsequent centuries, it has been rebuilt many times. Alongside the church is a meditation maze called "Lily Blossom." When the Liv warrior Kaupo fell in battle near Vīlande in 1217, his remains were supposedly interred at the church. Local residents, true, describe a small hillock that is near the church as the grave of Kaupo. The site is located alongside the little Runtiņupīte (Runtiņš) river, on the right bank of which is a manmade cave that is approximately seven metres deep. It is the Kubesele Cave or the Runtiņala Cave. The Kubesele castle hill is on the left bank of the Runtiņupīte. The Kubesele Nature Trail starts at the church. If you hike down the trail, you'll see all of the aforementioned objects and others. The trail leads to the Gauja River where, on the right bank, is the Great (Runtiņš) Rock. Nearby you'll find anchor blocks installed by rafters on the river.

Distance from countries capital city51

Церковь Святейшего сердца Иисуса римско-католической общины Ликсны

Церковь строилась с 1909 по 1913 год. Качество красного кирпича, используемого в строительстве храма, было плохим, поэтому с 1939 года заменено около 60 000 кирпичей! Храм считается одним из самых внушительных сакральных строений Латвии. В строительстве церкви применены декоративные элементы неоготического стиля, а в интерьере - алтарь, кафедра, хоры органа, молитвенные скамейкии изготовленные в наши дни исповедальни созданы в готических формах. Орган строился в 1931 году. Храм пострадал во время Первой мировой войны и был восстановлен в 1921 году. Осмотр церкви рекомендуется проводить в сопровождении гида.

Distance from countries capital city208

The Aluksne Evangelical Lutheran Church

The church was built during the rule of Baron Otto Hermann von Fittinghof and built between 1781 and 1788 by the architect Christoph Haberland.  Built in the style of Classicism, the church has elements of the Baroque style and a set of colourful rocks in a mosaic on the façade.  The organ was built in 1855 by August Martin, and the bell was evacuated to Russia during World War I.  The congregation replaced it with a much older bell (1530).  The altar painting, “Baptism of Christ” was pained by an unknown artist and was restored in 2000.  During the mid-19th century, there were many Estonians in the congregation, so worship services were held in Estonian, too.  The church was restored in 1934, and now it dominates the city with its 55.5 m high tower.

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12

Puderova Old-Believers Prayer House

Puderova Old-Believers Prayer House. The architectural monument of local importance was built in the beginning of the 20th century.

Ivandes luteranu baznica

Iespaidīgais un monumentālais dievnams uzcelts 1816. gadā. No baznīcas nozīmīgākajām interjera detaļām ir saglabājušās ērģeles, altārglezna, lustra un kroņlukturis. Jāpiebilst, ka baznīca savā pastāvēšanas laikā nav pārtraukusi savu darbību.

Distance from countries capital city170

The Jaunpiebalga Evangelical Lutheran Church

The church was built from 1801 until 1804 by Fridrihs Veits from Cēsis.  At the centre of the altar is a painting, “Christ on the Cross,” which dates to the latter half of the 19th century.  The bell was cast in 1895, and the organ was built in 1914.  In front of the church is a 1930 monument to those who fell during World War I and Latvia’s liberation battles (sculptor Kārlis Zāle, architect Aleksandrs Birzenieks).  Restoration of the façade and interior of the church was finished quite recently.

Distance from countries capital city136

Baznicu (Church) Hill

This is the highest point in the southern part of Daugavpils.  A radius of approximately 300 m around 18. Novembra Street once housed the first Old Believer prayer house (1908-1928), the St Boris and Gleb Orthodox Cathedral (1905), the Daugavpils Mother of God Catholic Church (1905), and the Daugavpils Martin Luther Lutheran Church (1893).

Distance from countries capital city222 Active season months1-12

Roman Catholic Church of Divine Grace in Saulkrasti

Roman Catholic Church of Divine Grace – On 19 April 1998, the so-called “White Sunday” or the Day of Divine Grace, Saulkrasti Roman Catholic Church of Divine Grace was consecrated. The building is 24 m long and its tower is 16 m high. The 300-seat church was designed by the architect Jānis Šrēders. The image of Christ on the altarpiece was derived from the vision of the saint, Sister Faustina, of 22 February 1931 in a monastery in Poland. The altarpiece was created by the artist Ēriks Pudzēns. 14 paintings on the walls of the church depict Christ’s path of suffering from conviction to resurrection. The altar is built of ash. On 2 August 1998, a 7.38 m tall cross was consecrated by Saulkrasti Roman Catholic Church of Divine Grace. At night this cross is illuminated. The cross is similar to the cross of Golgotha in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ was crucified.

Distance from countries capital city47 Active season months1-12

Vilani Old-Believers Prayer House

Viļāni Old-Believers Prayer House. The architect P.Pavlovs built Old-Believers Prayer House in 1930s. The congregation was established very recently. Nevertheless the 14 meters high tower was constructed in 2004. The Prayer House is a very simple building but you will be pleased to see the magnificent icons. The Prayer House has been renovated completely.

The Piedruja Orthodox Church of St Nicholas

The church is on the highest part of the banks of the Marku river, and it is behind the Piedruja border control point.  A paved street leads to the church, and it is thought that it was built in the early 20th century by local farmers, who were required to bring stones for the street when they attended worship services.  The church has six cupolas and is seen as one of the most beautiful ones in the Krāslava Administrative District.  The building was erected between 1883 and 1885 to replace an old 17th century wooden church.  It corresponds to the architectural form of the Old Russian town of Vladimir and the Byzantine style.  It is said that at one time the church had as many as 1,000 members.

Distance from countries capital city289 Active season months1-12

The tower of a church in Valmiera

From the tower of St Simon’s Lutheran Church, you can see the central part of Valmiera and the banks of the Gauja River. During clear weather, you can see Zilaiskalns Hill. The church contains some cultural and historical treasures, as well as one of Latvia’s most resonant pipe organs.
Distance from countries capital city108 Active season months1-12

Katharinen-kirche in Muhu

Eine der schönsten Landkirchen Estlands, wurde ursprünglich als Zufluchtsort verwendet. Wurde im Stil der Frühgotik gebaut. Die Wandmalerei aus dem Jahr 1330.

Distance from countries capital city153

The Orthodox Church of St Peter and St Paul

Located at 1 Katedrāles Street. The oldest church in Ķemeri was built in 1893 in the style of the wooden churches of the Northern Russia. (Architect V. Lunskis). Near the church, there are buried 97 Russian soldiers killed in World War I for whom in 1925, a monument was unveiled-a black marble cross. Not far from the church you can find the Brethren's Cemetery and a monument to the Soviet soldiers who died from the wounds in World War II and after the war. This is the oldest church in Ķemeri. According to legends, it is built without a single nail. You can see the church during the worship but the visitors must be appropriately dressed! During the rest of the time, the building can be viewed from the outside.

Distance from countries capital city48

Tiskadi Orthodox Church

Tiskādi Orthodox Church is the cultural monument of the local significance. The construction works of the building lasted from 1829 to 1878. The church was reconstructed in 2008. The church has antique icons and the library of sacred literature.

The Viesite Lutheran Church

The Viesīte Lutheran Church is in Kaļķu Street in the western part of Viesīte, on the so-called Vales hillock which was left behind after the Ice Age. An interesting fact is that the defenders of Viesīte defeated the Bermont army here in 1919. The cornerstone for the church was laid on August 15, 1937 (a commemoration day for military heroes). The building was consecrated in 1939 and restored in 1994. Financing was provided for the construction of the church by Professor Pauls Stradiņš. The altar painting is by Ligita Caune. To the East of the church, at the foot of the Vales hillock is a monument to Stradiņš.

Distance from countries capital city141

The Ruduski Old Believers prayer house

This small wooden church with fragments of a metal gate is on the side of the road in the village of Ruduški.  It is not open to visitors on a daily basis.

Distance from countries capital city281

Edoles luteranu baznica

Atrodas Ēdoles centrā. Dievnams tapis 17. gs. vidū, pateicoties Ēdoles pils īpašnieka - Johana Dītriha Bēra iniciatīvai, kas to veltījis sava noslepkavotā tēva piemiņai, domādams, ka tādējādi varēs izpirkt brāļa Filipa - tēva slepkavas grēkus. Lai izpirktu savējos, J. D. Bērs licis sevi paglabāt zem baznīcas durvju sliekšņa. Dievnama iekštelpas rotā sākotnējais baroka interjers, kā arī krāšņs ērģeļu prospekts un luktu apdares elementi.

Distance from countries capital city176

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church of Zosna

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church of Zosna. The church was built in 1800 by the donations of local people; it is devoted to Saint Michael. The church is built on the stone foundation and panelled with boards. It has a small square tower that was restored in 1994.

The Nereta Lutheran Church

The Nereta Lutheran Church is in the centre of Nereta at Rīgas Street 2. The Baroque church features elements of the late Gothic period, and it is seen as one of the oldest churches in Zemgale. It was built between 1584 and 1893 at the initiative of Count Wilhelm von Effern and rebuilt in 1679. There are gravestone reliefs in the church dedicated to Wilhelm and Georg von Effern which date back to the late 16th century. The gravestone for Georg Effern is the most distinguished artwork in the style of early Nordic Mannerism in Latvia. The altar painting was painted in 1863 by P. Handler. The organ was built by R. Knauff in 1893, and the stained glass windows were produced by E. Baiermann in 1900. The chandeliers on the ceiling date back to the 17th and 19th centuries. Visitors can view Nereta and its surroundings from the unique eight-corner tower of the church, which is 38.6 m high.

Distance from countries capital city119

Sakaslejas luteranu baznica

Celta ~ 1560. g. vietā, kur agrāk atradusies Sakas osta. Dievnamā apskatāms > 170 gadus vecs kuģa modelis. Vietējie ticēja, kas tas aizsargā jūrniekus un bojāejas. Šāda tradīcija Latvijā ir novērojama tikai dažās baznīcās. Baznīcu var apskatīt arī no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city216

Holy Jesus Heart Roman Catholic Church of Bikova

Holy Jesus Heart Roman Catholic Church of Bikova (Gaigalava). Enjoy the Gothic forms and architectural design of the church. The church and the altar are decorated with the icons of Zebedee sons – James and John (the apostles of Jesus) and other saints.

Rubenes Luteranu baznica

Pastāv uzskats, ka tieši Rubenē izveidojusies pirmā latviešu draudze. Baznīcas altārdaļa būvēta jau, bet pati baznīca savu pašreizējo izskatu ieguvusi 1739. gadā.Būtiska baznīcas interjera sastāvdaļa ir Ķieģeļu muižas mantinieces Barbaras Helēnas fon Budbergas 1762. gadā dāvinātais kroņlukturis ar Krievijas impērijas divgalvaino ērgli un zaru ornamentiem uz bumbas. Baznīcā redzama arī zīme (1869. g.), kas ir veltīta pusgadsimtam kopš dzimtbūšanas atcelšanas.

Pastāv vairākas teikas par Rubenes baznīcas nosaukuma rašanos. Viena no tām vēsta, ka, sargājot baznīcu no velna, tās sienā iemūrēta sieviete un vīrietis, kura vārds bijis Rubens. Baznīca esot nosaukta viņam par godu.Vēl viena versija vēsta, ka baznīcas nosaukums cēlies no rubeņa, kas sēdējis kādā no kokiem, kas vēlāk izmantots baznīcas celtniecībā.

Distance from countries capital city95 Active season months1-12

The Roman Catholic Church of St Michael

Built around 1625. For several centuries it was the main worship place for the Suiti community, supporting the community's spirituality and identity. In 1882 the church was expanded into the form of a cross that is seen today. Inside the church you can see work done by the Dutch wood carver Johann Mertens around 1715. The organ was built by F. Weisenborn in Jēkabpils in 1893, and the altar painting dates back to 1910. The bricked graveyard of the Schwerin dynasty is under the church. Contact it in advance if you wish to see its interior.

Distance from countries capital city187

St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church of Vilani

St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church of Viļāni. The Church together with the Monastery of Bernardian Order was built in the middle of the 18th century. It is a national cultural monument. Many important paintings, sculptures and objects of applied arts have survived here. The Church has an organ and a fisharmony. The status of national importance was awarded to the architectural monument in 1952.
Distance from countries capital city213

The Dviete Catholic Church

The Dviete Catholic Church is in the centre of the small village of Dviete. The white church can be seen from a distance. The first wooden church was built here in 1775 by the owner of the local estate, Count J.K. Wischling. Later the church was dismantled and brought the Zarinki cemetery. The Neo-Baroque Catholic church that is seen today has two towers, and its construction was financed by Count Kazimir Plater-Sieberg. The church was destroyed during World War I, and until it was rebuilt and consecrated, the granary of the Dviete Estate magazine, with its ridged roof, was used as a prayer house. It is on the side of the Dviete-Bebrene road and has recently been restored. In 1940, a stone fence was installed around the church with a tiled roof, and a building for the congregation was built in the 1970s. The church features a particularly ornate sacral Baroque interior, which is seen as the most ornate interior of its type in the former Daugavpils District.

Distance from countries capital city208

Руцавская лютеранская церковь

Храм неоднократно горел и строился снова. Теперешняя церковь построена в 1874 году, а после пожара 1927 года была восстановлена в 1932 году. Можно осмотреть алтарную икону«Иисус со святым причастием», две картины И. Зебериньша «Иисус у креста» и «Иисус благословляет детей» (1957 г.). Проспект органа является первым, построенным в «латышском» вкусе органом (резчик по дереву П. Планкус, 1936 г.), а сам инструмент номинирован как самая красивая и самая объемная работа лиепайского мастера Екаба Яугиеша. Трубы органа сделаны из дерева, что является редким случаем. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.

Distance from countries capital city260

Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church of Ozolmuiza

Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church of Ozolmuiža was built in 1820 by the foundation of counts Plāteri-Zībergi. It is a stone building with a small bell tower. The church has a huge stone altar with four columns and a massive cross. It is a monument of state importance.

The Aizkraukle Lutheran Church

A bit less than one kilometre from the Aizkraukle castle hill, the church can be seen from the Rīga-Daugavpils highway (A6).  The church was built in 1688 on the steep banks of the Daugava River Valley, and old Daugavpils road can still be spotted.  Between 1896 and 1899 the church was rebuilt in Neo-Gothic forms.  Inside is an important altar painting by Augusts Annuss, “Lord Help Us, We are Sinking.” There are memorials to local people such as Col Jorģis Zemitāns and Archbishop Arnolds Lūsis.  A legend says that the steeple of the church is crooked because it was hit by a German military plane during World War II.



Distance from countries capital city82

Daugavpils Dievmates Romas katolu baznica

Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā - A. Pumpura ielā 11 a. Varenais neobaroka stilā celtais dievnamu tapis 1905. g. Pastāv viedoklis, ka par šīs baznīcas prototipu izmantotas Aglonas vai Krāslavas bazilikas, kā arī Rietumeiropas baznīcu paraugi. Tās interjeru rotā divstāvīgs altāris, kurā novietota spāņu gleznotāja B. E. Muriljo pazīstamās gleznas “Svētā Dievmāte” kopija. 1909. g. baznīcā uzstādīja poļu meistara Ādolfa Hofmana būvētās ērģeles.No būvniecības laika saglabājusies arī pārējā baznīcas iekārta.

Distance from countries capital city227

Kapela Preilos

Preiļos, blakus viesu namam „Pie Pliča” (Raiņa bulvāris) ikviens var apskatīt un ieiet Latgales un Latvijas mazākajā dievnamā – kapelā.

Distance from countries capital city204

The Skaistkalne Roman Catholic Church

The Skaistkalne Roman Catholic Church is in the southern part of Skaistkalne and on the right bank of the Mēmele River valley. The Baroque church is known as the most beautiful Catholic church in Zemgale. The ornate interior and the graves of clergymen and noblemen can be toured.

Distance from countries capital city75

Pusa Manor park and Chapel

Puša Manor - Chapel was built in the end of the 18th century; it is located in the Pušas Manor park that was built in the middle of the 19th century. Both are permanent local architectural monuments.

Bartas Romas katolu baznica

Atrodas 2,5 km no Bārtas centra, Bārtas upes labajā krastā. Mūsdienīgais dievnams tapis 2002. gadā (arhitekte: A. Siliņa).

Distance from countries capital city231

Крутская лютеранская церковь

Находится в 2,5 км к северу от Круте. Небольшое здание из деревянных бревен с дощатой обшивкой первоначально было построено в 1642 году, а кирпичная башня восстановлена после Второй мировой войны. Интерьер церкви – алтарь (вторая половина XVII века), алтарная икона неизвестного автора «Иисус у креста» (XVII в.) и богато орнаментированная кафедра (1642 г.) являются важными памятниками времен маньеризма.

Distance from countries capital city238

Jurmalciema Naceretes evangeliski luteriska baznica

Atrodas ciema ziemeļdaļā. Neliela vienstāvu ēka ar svaigi nomainītu jumtu. Pēc vieniem avotiem celta 1883. gadā, citiem – pamatakmens ielikts 1933. g. 1. maijā. Tā tapusi pēc vietējo iedzīvotāju ziedojumiem uz Pirču māju zemes (saimnieks zemi atdevis dievnama celtniecībai). Baznīcas iekārta 2. pasaules kara laikā gāja bojā, tādēļ mūsdienās redzamā ir tapusi 20. gs. otrajā pusē.

Distance from countries capital city241

Salaspils Sveta Jura luteranu baznicas drupas

Baznīca šajā vietā – blakus Livonijas ordeņa pilij (nav saglabājusies) atradās jau ~ 1380. gadu. Tagad redzamais dievnams (patiesībā – atliekas) tika nopostīts pēc 2. pasaules kara un uzspridzināta 20. gs. 70. gados. Tā drupas ir iekonservētas un virs altārdaļas uzstādīts balts koka krusts. Atrodas Salaspils dienviddaļā starp Rīgas HES dambi un ūdenskrātuvi.

Distance from countries capital city20

The Birzu Lutheran Church

The first church was here in the early 18th century, followed by the second and third one (1847-1848), and then the one that is there now. The church was damaged during World War I and then during the Soviet era, when wool was stored there between 1969 and 1993. In the 1990s, the building was in terrible shape, but it is gradually recovering its appearance. Between 1826 and 1856, the sexton and organist at the church was the Latvian poet and translator Ansis Līventāls (1803-1878). His grave and monument are alongside the church. At the same place are the graves of German and Russian soldiers who died during World War I, as well as the grave monument of the pastor and writer Jacob Florentin Lundberg (1782-1858).

Distance from countries capital city149

The Sabile Lutheran Church

The church was opened in 1651 after half a century of sometimes interrupted construction.  It was fully rebuilt and took on its current appearance in 1876.  The church contains one of the most important church objects in Latvia – the oldest pulpit in the country (1590).  It was designed in the style of Mannerism.  The church also has a bell from a wrecked chapel of the local knighthood.  The bell was manufacture in 1450 and was installed at the church in the 19th century.  It is the oldest church bell in Latvia.  The German painter F. Wolff painted the altar painting, “Christ on the Cross,” and it, along with the altar, have recently been restored.

Distance from countries capital city109 Active season months1-12

Domkirche von Tartu

Eine der größten Kirchen Osteuropas (bis 16. Jh.) un die einzige mittelalterliche Kirche Estlands mit zwei Türmen. Wurde in 13. – 16. Jh. gebaut, zerstört im Laufe des Livländischen Kriegs. Im Chorteil der Kirche befindet sich das Museum der Universität Taru (früher – eine Bibliothek). Die Türme sind renoviert und in denen sind die Aussichtsplätze eingerichtet.

Distance from countries capital city185

The Sauka Lutheran Church

When you travel along the northern shore of Lake Sauka where the road to Klauce crosses your road, you will see the Sauka Lutheran Church among the trees. This is the third church at this location. It was opened in 1827 and can mostly be viewed from the outside. The altar is decorated with sculptures of St Peter and St Paul, as well as the altar painting “Jesus on the Cross with Mary and John,” which is by J. Doering. The organ was built by craftsmen in Jelgava, and the pipes were manufactured in Sauka.

Distance from countries capital city134

Kirche Karja

Die kleinste und eine der reichtesten Kirchen Nordeuropas im Sinne der Zierelemente. Seit dem Bau im 14. Jh ist äußerlich kaum verändert worden.

Distance from countries capital city194

Берзгальская католическая церковь

Одна из самых красивых деревянных церквей Южной Латгалии. Построенный из бревен и обшитый досками храм строился в период с 1750 по 1751 гг. Сохранился алтарь работы XVIII века (резьба по дереву, барокко) и проспект органа, а также более 30 предметов, имеющих художественную ценность. Во дворе церкви в XIX веке построена колокольня. В направлении озера Рушонс построен деревянный пасторат.

Distance from countries capital city240

Nicas luteranu baznica

Dievnams celts (1851. g.) un vēlāk (1876. g.) paplašināts. Tas tika sagrauts 2. Pasaules kara laikā un pēcāk atjaunots. Līdz Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanai to izmantoja par skolas sporta zāli. Pēc draudzes darbības atsākšanas (1989. g.) sākās arī baznīcas un ar to saistīto tradīciju atdzimšana. Apskatāma no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city238

The Rinda church and manse

The church was built in 1835, and its greatest treasure is the organ, which was built by Karl Bittner in 1854.  The manse is being restored.  Boats are available for rental.

Distance from countries capital city181 Active season months1-12

The Rezekne Old Believer Prayer House of St Nicholas

The Rēzekne Old Believer Prayer House of St Nicholas is in the southern part of the city, at Siņicina Street 4. The house of worship was built in 1895 and rebuilt in 1906. Its tower has three silver and brass bells (restored), and one of them is thought to be the largest bell in Latvia (4,832 kg with a tongue that weighs 200 kg in and of itself). Alongside is a museum which features the cultural and religious environment of the Old Believers.

Distance from countries capital city245

The Pinki Evangelical Lutheran Church of St John

The first church in Piņķi was made of wood.  The idea of building a new church emerged in the 1850s, and the cornerstone for a design by the architect J.D. Felsco was laid on May 25, 1872.  The church that is there today was completed in 1874.  The nine-register organ was built by the distinguished organ builder Wilhelm Sauer in 1890.  On July 17, 1916, the 5th Latvian Riflemen’s Battalion was on its way to the front lines at Smārde and stopped at the Piņķi Estate.  Col Jukums Vācietis delivered a sermon at the church on that date (though not all historians agree that he did so), and that has gone down in history as one of the most important events of the day.  The historical even inspired Aleksandrs Čaks to write the poem “Sermon at the Piņķi Church.”  The church is a cultural monument and can be toured.  It is lit up at night.  Alongside the stone is a rock that was installed in commemoration of the Latvian riflemen.

Distance from countries capital city16 Active season months1-12

Malu pareizticigo baznica

Dievnamu (atrodas Skujenes – Vecpiebalgas ceļa malā) 1872. g. cēla pirmais izglītotais latviešu arhitekts Jānis Frīdrihs Baumanis (1834. – 1891.), kas ir vairāku pazīstamu celtņu – J. Vītola Mūzikas akadēmijas, Rīgas cirka, Valsts bankas u.c. ēku projekta autors. Padomju laikā Māļu baznīcā atradās tukšās taras pieņemšanas punkts, bet mūsdienās – saglabājies tikai ēkas ārējais veidols. Baznīca apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city108

Православная церковь во имя Преображения Господня в Ерсике

Со стороны шоссе Рига – Даугавпилс (А6) (напротив кафе «Бордертаун») стоит необычный (построенный из складывающихся конструкций) храм, который изготовлен в Одессе в 1866 году. Церковь служила передвижной церковью царской армии и стоит на этом месте с 1904 года. Раньше (с 1886 г.) она находилась в Даугавпилсе. При храме построен деревянный дом-молельня, который открыт целые сутки.

Distance from countries capital city176

Rezeknes Vissvetakas Dievdzemdetajas Piedzimsanas pareizticigo baznica

Atrodas pilsētas centrā, Atbrīvošanas alejā 98. Dievnamu sāka celt 1840. g. (iesvētīja 1846. g.) un tas uzskatāms par pilsētas vecāko sakrālo būvi. Nekvalitatīvu būvniecības materiālu izmantošana un cēlāju pieredzes trūkums bija iemesls, kādēļ 1854. g. to nācās pārbūvēt. Pie baznīcas atrodas 1867. g. būvēta Sv. A. Ņevska kapliča, kas veltīta cara Aleksandra II paglābšanās faktam vilciena katastrofā un stikla mauzolejs, kurā apbedīts baznīcas mecenāts ģenerālis Karaulovs (šobrīd tiek restaurēts). Dievnams ir atvērts arī apmeklētājiem.

Distance from countries capital city240

Labraga luteranu baznica

Atrodas Labraga – Apriķu ceļa malā. Kāds nostāsts vēsta, ka to 1896. gadā cēlis vietējais muižkungs, kurš vēlējies, lai viņa meitas laulības notiktu baznīcā. Dievnamā atrodas altārglezna "Kristus pie krusta un Sv. Marija Magdalēna", kas gleznota 19. gadsimtā (autors T. Šprengels).

Distance from countries capital city199

Lipuski Old-Believers Prayer House

Lipuški Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1893 at lake Rāzna in village Lipuški. In former days, it was one of the largest Old- Believers parishes in the Baltic countries; you will notice Old-Believers cemeteries that are placed in the neighbourhood.
Distance from countries capital city280

St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church of Pilcene (Pilcine)

St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church of Pilcene (Piļcine) is the oldest wooden church in Latgale, built in 1670. It is prominent because of its half columns, hexagonal tower, semicircular windows, and a dome with a cross and antique interior.

The Ludza Catholic Church

The first Catholic church in Ludza was built in 1687 and burned down.  A new wooden Baroque church was built in 1738, and because of its colourful interior it became known as the loveliest wooden house of worship in Latvia.  The church burned down during a great conflagration in 1938.  Work on the church that is there began in 1939, but it was only completed in the early 1990s.

Distance from countries capital city266

Svetas Marijas Magdalenas (Madalinas) Romas katolu baznica Gosporos

Meklējama Gosporos, starp Rīgas – Daugavpils šoseju (A 6) un Daugavu. Apjomā nelielais dievnams būvēts 1820. gadā romāņu stilā no laukakmeņiem senas kapsētas vietā. Tuvāk Daugavai ir izveidota aka, no kuras iztek Svētavots, kam piedēvē dziednieciskas īpašības. Pie baznīcas novietots dobumakmens.

Distance from countries capital city181

Stikani Old-Believers Prayer House

Štikāni Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works of the church were held in 40s of the 20 th century on the site of the previous church built by brothers Rogozini. You should see Gospel (the protected art object).

Gipka Lutheran Church

1.2 km to the south of the centre of Ģipka and on the side of the Jūrmala-Kolka road (P131), this church makes it hard to believe that the rock church was built very recently – after 1992, because it was burned down during the Soviet occupation in 1979.  Ironically, the Dundaga forestry fire safety post was housed in the steeple of the church after World War II.  The ornate altar and organ were destroyed in the fire, but the altar painting, “Christ on the Cross,” was saved.  The church is now once again open for business.

Distance from countries capital city141

Svetas Jaunavas Marijas paradisanas katolu baznica

Baznīca atrodas Sodu ielā (Sodų gatve) 8. Tās pirmsākumi meklējami 1409. g. (viena no vecākajām Lietuvas baznīcām), kad Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Vītauts Dižais izveidoja Traķu apgabala baznīcu. Dievnams joprojām ir pazīstams ar 1123. g. Konstantinopolē gleznotās Traķu Dievmātes gleznu, kuru it kā Vītautam 1390. g. uzdāvinājis Bizantijas ķeizars Emanuels Paleologs II. Šis fakts gan ir jāuzskata par leģendu, ko aprakstījis vēsturnieks Albertas Vijūkas – Kojalavičius, jo 1645 g. gleznas restaurācijas laikā noskaidrojās, ka tā ir tapusi 15 gs. beigās vai 16. gs. sākumā. Traķu Dievmātes glezna ir pirmā Lietuvas pāvesta vainagotā glezna (vainagošanas ceremonija notika 1718 g.), pēc kuras brīnumus piedzīvojuši daudzi ticīgie - gan katoļi, gan pareizticīgie, gan pagāni, gan tatāri. Latvijā - Aglonas bazilikā atrodas šīs gleznas kopija, ko uzskata par svētu! Vislabākais skats uz baznīcu, Traķu ezerpili un Traķiem paveras no klaja paugura Galves (Galvė) ezera ziemeļu krastā.


The Roman Catholic Church of St John the Baptist

was built between 1930 and 1947.  On both sides of the altar are sculptures of angels that date back to the late 17th century and were sculpted in Subate.  They are the only elements of this kind in the Baroque decorative sculpture in churches in Kurzeme.  It may be that the figure of the Saviour on the cross with a sleeping lamb at his feet was produced by the same artists.  No one knows how the artworks arrived in Subate.  The organ with its wooden pipes was manufactured by Juris Bokums.  During the season, the interior of the church can be toured, and if you contact the church in advance, you can arrange for organ music performances. 

Distance from countries capital city192

Kulnevskaya (Ilzeskalns) Orthodox Church

Kulnevskaya (Ilzeskalns) Orthodox Church was built in 1832 by Kulnevs, the landlord of Ilzenberg (Ilzeskalns) manor house. He was also the brother of Jacob Kulnevs. The Church has an iconostasis with icons of the 19th century. The rectangular building has semicircular niches at its sides. The members of Kulnevs family are buried here. The place of tomb is a rare phenomenon in Orthodox churches of Latvia.

Dobeles luteranu baznica

Atrodas pilsētas centrā - Tirgus laukuma malā. Dievnams tapis 1495. g., pēc Livonijas ordeņa mestra Valtera fon Pletenberga (~ 1450. – 1535.) pavēles. Gadsimtiem ritot, ēka pārbūvēta un tagad redzamais tornis celts 1907. g. Baznīcā apskatāmi nozīmīgi kultūrvēstures pieminekļi: altārglezna “Golgāta” - H. Kīperta darināta kopija (pēc K. Arnoldi Kandavas luterāņu baznīcas oriģināla (1864. g.)), muižniekam Fīlipam Drahenfelsam veltīta epitāfija (B. Bodekers, 16. un 17. gs. mija), A. D. Tīzenhauzenas kapu plāksne (1648. g.), kristāmtrauka pamatne (18. gs.) un piemiņas plāksne 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušajiem draudzes locekļiem (1925. g.). Ap Tirgus laukumu (atjaunots, jauka strūklaka) izvietojies Dobeles vēsturiskais centrs.

Distance from countries capital city72

The Apriki Lutheran Church

The Apriķi Lutheran Church is, for good reason, known as one of the most beautiful churches in Kurzeme. It was owned by the Osten-Zacken dynasty in the past, built in the 17th century, and rebuilt in 1710. The wooden interior is in the Rococo style with elements of the Baroque, and it dates to the mid-18th century. It is amazingly ornate. The beautiful ceiling paintings, which were produced by a Prussian painter called Rode, were painted between 1744 and 1746.

Distance from countries capital city188

Stameriena's Orthodox Church of St Alexander Nevsky

The owner of the Stāmeriena Estate was Baron Johann Gottlieb von Wolff, and his wife, Sofia Potyomkina, was a member of the Russian Orthodox faith, so work on the church began in 1902.  It was consecrated two years later.  The crosses on the steeple of the church are known for mountain crystals that were presented by the Wolff dynasty.  Contact the church in advance for a tour of its interior.

Distance from countries capital city199 Active season months1-12

The Lode (Apsi) Lutheran Church

The Lode (Apši) Lutheran Church is between Lake Bānūži and Lake Ilze. It is a unique example of wooden architecture and dates back to 1780. The log church had a straw roof until the early 20th century, at which point a shingled roof was installed instead.

Distance from countries capital city119

Rimsi Old-Believers Prayer House

Rimši Old-Believers Prayer House. The church was built in the beginning of the 20th century.

The Lutheran Church of St John in Aizpute

The Lutheran Church of St John in Aizpute is on Beidas Hill, which is near the steep river valley of the Tebra River and the Dzirnavdīķis pond which the river has created. The church is on an ancient Courlandian castle hill. The current Gothic appearance of the church dates back to 1860, when it was rebuilt. The tower dates back to 1730. This is one of the oldest churches in Kurzeme, and it features an interesting interior with many artistic monuments.

Distance from countries capital city175

Dzerbenes luteranu baznica

Tagadējais dievnams (iepriekšējie celti 1652. un 1776. g.) būvēts laikā no 1839. - 1842. g. Vidzemē pazīstamā lībiešu būvmeistara Mārča Sāruma (1799. –1859.) vadībā. Par prototipu tam izmantoja Pievolgas vācu koloniju baznīcu veidolu. Dievnama altārī atrodas Pītera Paula Rubensa gleznas “Kristus pie krusta” kopija (oriģināls – Minhenē), ko 1887. g. baznīcai uzdāvināja Nēķena muižas īpašniece. Baznīcas remonta laikā (1928. g.) atklāja piemiņas plāksnes 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušajiem. Blakus baznīcas atrodas viduslaiku kapsēta. Celtnes autors un būvdarbu virsuzraugs - H. fon Hagemeistars esot teicis, ka šis dievnams esot „vienīgā baznīca visā Vidzemē un varbūt arī pasaulē, kas uzcelta bez apreibināšanās”.

Distance from countries capital city115

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Ciskadi

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Ciskādi was built approximately in 1990. The brick building is an example of Romanesque style. The church has a specific icon called „Madonna and the child”, crucifix and the organ.

Капелла Святого Тадеуша

Находится в 50 м к западу от Лудзенской католической церкви. Построена в 1738 году в форме восьмиугольной ротонды и служила местом отдыха графов Карницких. Небольшое здание с дощатой обшивкой, деревянным потолком и кирпичным полом. Возле капеллы установлена скульптура Девы Марии (1934 г.) работы лудзенского художника Леона Томашицкого - королевы земли Мары.

Distance from countries capital city266

Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Church of Struzani

Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Church of Strūžāni was renovated and sanctified in 1958. The church has no towers because they were not allowed in the time of the Soviet Union.

The Ludza Orthodox Church

In the centre of the Old City, on the corner of Latgales and Baznīcas streets, the church was built in the style of Russian Classicism between 1843 and 1845.  The ceiling and wall paintings were recently restored, and the bell in the steeple weighs 1,667 kg.

Distance from countries capital city266

Gostinu luteranu baznica

Atrodas Lielajā ielā 34 a. Vēlīnā klasicisma stilā celtā baznīca pēc muižnieka Nikolausa fon Korfa ierosmes būvēta laikā no 1828. - 1830. gadam. Dievnams ir interesants ar to, ka tajā apskatāms Vidzemes sakrālmākslā rets altāra tips – kancelaltāris (kancele un altāris ir apvienoti arhitektoniski vienotā mākslinieciskā kompozīcijā).

Distance from countries capital city126

Vecauces evangeliski luteriska baznica

Vecauces ev. lut. baznīca ir valsts nozīmes arhitektūras piemineklis. Baznīca pirmo reizi uzcelta kā koka būve 1667. gadā, bet pēc zibens spēriena 1729. gadā tā nodega. Mūra baznīca celta 1744. gadā, savukārt 1866.gadā Mēdemu valdīšanas laikā baznīcu paplašināja līdz 500 sēdvietām, izgatavoja jaunu altāri, kanceli un uzstādīja Liepājas ērģeļmeistara Kārļa Hermaņa būvētas ērģeles. meklētājiem piedāvā doties interesantā, izklaidējošā un informatīvā ekskursijā pa baznīcu, apskatot ekspozīciju "Auce pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laikā" un baznīcas bibliotēku (Baznīcas grāmatas (pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laiks – 1918.-40.g., vācu laiks, padomju laiks un šodiena)). Baznīcā izveidotajā Mākslas telpā apskatei tiek piedāvātas vairākas unikālas ekspozīcijas: skolotājas Jadvigas Kupčes grāmatu un personīgo lietu ekspozīcija, kantātes “Dievs Tava zeme deg” vārdu autora Andreja Eglīša ekspozīcija, izcilā flamenko ģitārista Andreja Kārkliņa un režisora Kārļa Pamšes ekspozīcijas.

Distance from countries capital city111 Active season months1-12

The Sarkani Catholic Church

The Sarkaņi Catholic Church is on the western shore of Lake Cirms, and it was built of field stones in 1830. The church is famous for a painting of the Virgin Mary which is said to be miraculous. This is a popular destination for pilgrims as a result of this fact.

Distance from countries capital city169

The Bebrene Catholic Church

The Bebrene Catholic Church is opposite the Bebrene Estate on the side of the Ilūkste-Birži road. Work on the church began in 1797, but it was only completed in 1883. The outside of the church is in the style of Classicism, while the interior was designed in Baroque forms. The interior of the church can be viewed during worship services.

Distance from countries capital city195

The Roman Catholic Church of the Anguished Mother of God in Rezekne

The church was built in the Neoromantic style between 1936 and 1939 on the basis of a design by the architect Pavlov.  It was consecrated before the completion of construction, this happening in 1937.  The church honours the Anguished Mother of God, and the central altar is dedicated to her.  Icons in the building date back to the early 20th century, and a statue of the Fatima Mother of God is in the yard near the entrance.

Distance from countries capital city240

The Roman Catholic Church of John the Baptist in Feimani

Located in the southern part of Feimaņi, the church was built between 1756 and 1760. The local estate was owned by the Korff dynasty, and the denomination of the congregation changed when the family converted from Lutheranism to Catholicism.  This church has the largest number of artistic monuments among all churches in the Rēzekne Administrative District, including a confessional bench, pews, an organ prospectus, silver cups and three altar wood engravings from the 18th century.  Above the gate is a bell tower with four bells.  During Holy Week, clappers are used instead of bells.  They are about 2 m long and 1 m high and are reminiscent of ancient laundry rolls.  Feimaņi is also home to one of three flag workshops in Latvia, and it has state-of-the-art equipment.  The flag of Latgale was “born” here in ideological and physical terms.

Distance from countries capital city226 Active season months1-12

The Old Believer prayer house in Blizneva

One of the most unusual houses of worship in the national park, this one has a red brick tower, and together with local residential buildings it makes up an interesting cultural landscape.  The prayer house is not open to the public.

Distance from countries capital city282

Циравская лютеранская церковь

Целостное здание церкви строилось в 1780 – 1781 гг. во времена барона Х.Ф. Бера, а перестраивалось в 1876 и 1888 гг. Церковь известна своим алтарем и кафедрой, выполненными в стиле рококо, и построенным в первой половине XVIII века органом. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.

Distance from countries capital city191

Jasmuizas (Aizkalnes) katolu baznica

Atrodas Jasmuižas austrumdaļā. Dievnams celts 1815. g., bet pārbūvēts 1932. g.

Distance from countries capital city217

The Lielvarde Lutheran Church

Located in the Lielvārde Park and alongside the Andrejs Pumpurs Museum, the church was restored in 1932 on the foundations of a church that was built in 1747 and bombarded during World War I.  Inside the church are several artistic monuments, including the altar, the pulpit, the pews and an altar painting by Kārlis Miesnieks, “Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane” (1939).  On the eastern wall of the church is a stone cross that has partly sunk into the ground.  Specialists believe that it is an old gravestone.



Distance from countries capital city56

Bоrisovas St. Nikolay Old-Believers Prayer House

Bоrisovas St. Nikolay Old-Believers Prayer House was built in the period of 1911 – 1921 . The different feature of the Prayer House is a brick building placed on the hill. The bell of the temple was specially ordered and brought from St. Petersburg. The bell has a very soft sound.

The Garsene Lutheran Church

This, the third church at this location, was built in 1906 at the initiative of and financing from Gotthard von Budberg, who dedicated it to his late wife, Gertrude. The Walker company organ in the church was built in 1906 in Ludwigsburg in Southern Germany. In 1992, a memorial plaque to commemorate people from Gārsene who were repressed by the Soviet regime was consecrated at the church. 100 m to the East is a cemetery where we see the legendary chapel of the Budberg dynasty, as well as the graves of the noblemen. The church is open to visitors.

Distance from countries capital city160 Active season months4-12

The Akniste Catholic Church

The Aknīste Catholic Church was built between 1937 and 1940, and its design is based on the Kaunas Church of the Resurrection in Lithuanian. The building features the rectangular and geometric forms that were typical of the age of Functionalism. Inside is a large wooden altar, along with a pulpit and two side altars (from the early 19th century) which were once found at the Rokišķi church. They were brought to the Aknīste church when the one in Rokišķi was redesigned. In 1997 the church was granted the Blue Flag of European cultural heritage. Alongside the church are the red brick gates of an old Catholic church, which date back to the latter half of the 19th century. Also there is the Selonian Park.

Distance from countries capital city149

St. Mauritius Kirche zu Haljala

Gebaut als ein Gebäude des Festungstyps. Wurde in der Zeit des Livländischen Kriegs und des Nordkriegs zerstört. 1865 wurde der heutige Turm gebaut. Die von J. V. Rabe gebaute Kanzel mit Spindeltreppe.

Distance from countries capital city88

All Saints Orthodox Church of Malta (Rozentova)

All Saints Orthodox Church of Malta (Rozentova) was built in 1928. It is the wooden log building with double window frames and a dome. Facades are decorated with the motive of the sun.

The Heart of Jesus Cathedral in Rezekne

In 1685, a military leader from Krakow, Belinsky, paid for the construction of a wooden church in the current location.  It was restored in 1749 and lasted until 1887, when it burned down during a storm.  A church with two steeples was designed in the Gothic style, and construction of it began one year later.  The church was consecrated in 1904 and is one of the most impressive churches in Latvia.  Attention should be paid to stained glass windows that feature images of St Meinhard and Albert.  Alongside the church is the centre of the Rēzekne-Aglona diocese, which is the seat of the local bishop.

Distance from countries capital city245

The Crucifix of Kurpiniki

The Crucifix of Kurpinīki is known also as the place where Janis Streičs shot some scenes of the movie „The Child of a Man”. Long time ago this crucifix was situated in the courtyard of writer’s grandfather Donat Klidzejs in the USA.

Grobinas Sv. Brigitas katolu baznica

Atrodas Celtnieku un Z. Mauriņas ielu krustojumā. Dievnams uzcelts 2000. gadā modernās arhitektūras formās (arhitekti Aija un Andris Kokini), kas simbolizē Noasa šķirstu vai zviedru laivas, kas atnesušas kristīgo ticību.

Distance from countries capital city204

The Kolka Orthodox Church of the Birth of Christ

During restorations of the tower of the Kolka Lutheran church in the 1990s, a document was found which spoke to the conversion of many Livs to the Orthodox faith.  The document was placed in the tower in 1885, when the church was being constructed, and it says that the decision by Livs to join the Orthodox church was based not on faith, "but instead as a resource for accessing advantages in relation to land."  The Orthodox congregation purchased land from a local aristocrat in 1885, and in 1990, a church, manse and school were built on the land.  All three buildings have survived to the present day.  The church has its own congregation, and worship services are held once a month.  There are news to show that Kolka is the only Liv shoreline village in which an Orthodox church was built during the 1890s.  The church's bell dates back to 1936.  During the Soviet era, the church was used as a mortuary, but today its original functions have been restored to it.

Distance from countries capital city159

St. Anna Roman Catholic Church of Berzgale

St. Anna Roman Catholic Church of Bērzgale. The Church was built in 1770 and sanctified in 1776. The building is an example of Baroque style with a woodcarved altar and two pictures of Virgin Mary. The church resembles Aglona Basilica.
Distance from countries capital city258

The Roman Catholic Church of Archangel Michael in Zosna

The building was built in 1800 and rebuilt in 1825. Zosna Catholic Church is one of the smallest wooden churches in Latgale and the oldest church of the Rāzna National Park. The building is famous for the altarpiece "Madonna with a child". Noteworthy is also the gate, fence (built from red bricks and boulders) and the bell tower. Not far from the church there lives a manager with whom you can agree on seeing the church from the inside.

Distance from countries capital city249

Пилдская католическая церковь

В1699 в центре Нюкши Пасиенские доминиканские монахи построили часовню, на месте которой в 1765 году помещик Хилзен возвел новую церковь. Помещения были маленькие, и в 1922 - 1926 гг. на фундаменте старой церкви строится новая и большая – теперешняя церковь, которую называют одним из самых красивейших деревянных храмов Латгалии. В здании находится центральный алтарь работы второй четверти XVIII века и два боковых алтаря работы примерно 1700 г. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.

Distance from countries capital city277

The Rubeni Roman Catholic Church

On sunny days, this white church absolutely sparkles. It is in the southern section of the village and can be seen from a great distance. Jesuits built the first wooden church at this location in 1759 in honour of St Peter and St Paul. The church that is there today was built nearly a century-and-a-half later, in 1893. The interior can be visited during worship services. Interred in the yard of the church is the Lithuanian pastor and wood carver Antons Rimovičs (1865-1933). The congregation building is opposite the church.

Distance from countries capital city170

The Jaundome Catholic chapel

This chapel is interesting in form and made of field stones.  It was built in the 19th century and is not open to the public.

Distance from countries capital city276

Grobinas luteranu baznica

Atrodas Grobiņas centrā, Dzērves laukuma malā. Pirmā baznīca Grobiņa bija celta jau ap 1560. g., bet nākamā – 1596. g. celtā iznīcināta 1659. g. zviedru iebrukuma laikā. Pēc Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Jēkaba Ketlera iniciatīvas 1664. g. tiek uzcelts jauns dievnams, ko atjauno 1892. gadā. Tas dedzis 2. pasaules kara laikā, bet vēlāk atkal atjaunots. Šobrīd notiek altāra restaurācijas darbi.

Distance from countries capital city205

Malta (Borovaja, Borovska) Old-Believers Prayer House

Malta (Borovaja, Borovska) Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction of the church was started in 1931 by A. Gruncevičs. The Church is an architectural monument of local importance.


Ein hervorragendes Sakralensemble im Barockstil (17 – 18 Jh.), eine Kirche und ein tätiger Nonnenkloster.

Distance from countries capital city99

The Rezekne Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity

The church was built between 1932 and 1938 to replace an old Neo-Gothic wooden church.  It was designed by J. Cīrulis.  Until 1994, the building housed a venue that rented out films.  Today it houses an exhibition, “From Foundations to the Steeple:  Photographs of Ancient Lettigalian Construction Jobs.”  This documents the construction of the church.  The 37 metre steeple offers a good look at Rēzekne.

Distance from countries capital city241

Divine Providence Catholic Church of Rikava

Divine Providence Catholic Church of Rikava (Baltini) was built in Doric style in 1929 by the donations of landlord Alexander Riks. The church has icons „St. Antony” and „Jesus Christ appears to Mary Magdalene”. Beside the church there is a cemetery and family vault of Riks.

Idena graveyard chapel

Īdeņa graveyard chapel has Catholic church services. Īdeņa chapel was built in 1898 by the foundation of dean Smilgevičs. The church is devoted to the honor of the Holy Cross. The chapel has a small bell tower and the weatherboards. You shouldn’t miss the chapel’s special celebration that is the indulgences of St. Francis of Assisi, stigmata day in September 17.

The Bukmuiza Catholic church

Construction of the church began in 1830 thanks to money donated by nobleman Ludvigs Šabanskis.  The Baroque stone church is surrounded by a restored stone fence, and inside there are icons including "Heart of Jesus," "Christ's Suffering," and "St Joseph."  The church is not open to the public on a daily basis.

Distance from countries capital city279

Guriliski Old-Believers Prayer House

Guriliški Old-Believers Prayer House was built in the beginning of the 20th century. It has a very old bell that was made in 1939.

Ventspils Nikolaja luteranu baznica

Lai arī dievnama pirmsākumi meklējami 18. gs. sākumā, tā celtniecību (arhitekts Johanns Eduards de Vite) pabeidza viena gada laikā 1834. – 1835. g. (vēlīnā klasicisma stils). Būvniecības darbus finansēja Krievijas cars. Gan baznīcas atrašanās piejūrā, gan arī tās nosaukums liecina, ka tā celta, godinot Svēto Nikolaju, kas ir visu jūrnieku un zvejnieku aizbildnis. Baznīca apskatāma arī no iekšpuses, kur uzmanība jāpievērš ērģelēm un altārgleznai (1888. g.).

Distance from countries capital city191

The Crucifix of Ruzina

The Crucifix of Ružina is made of wood according to old Latgalian traditions.

The Jelgava Church of the Holy Trinity

Work on a new church began in 1574 at the commission of Duke Gotthard Kettler of Courland and Zemgale.  The steeple was installed between 1686 and 1688, and in 1862 its height was increased to 80.5 m.  The church burned down because of Soviet bombardment on July 27, 1944, and in 1954 the Soviet military blew up its ruins.  Reconstruction of the steeple began in 2009, and it now has an outstanding interactive museum that is particularly interesting for children, along with a glassed viewing platform.

Distance from countries capital city44

The Piedruja Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary

Located on the right bank of the Daugava, the church can be seen from various parts of Piedruja.  The first wooden church was built at the instruction of Prince Jan Stapekha in 1632, and it burned down in 1759.  The Baroque stone church that is there now was built in 1759 with its two towers, and it may have been designed by an Italian architect.  The towers stand 27 m high, and under the church is a cellar.  The towers have three bells – the largest one dates back to 1711, the middle-sized one was manufactured in 1896, and the smallest dates back to 1619.  The largest bell weighs nearly 0.4 tonnes.  Inside the church are many important cultural and historical monuments, including a central wooden altar with a painting of the assumption of Mary, three 18th century altars, a pulpit from the early 19th century, St Anton’s altar, a fresco of the Holy Trinity, church dishes from the 17th century, etc.  The building is surrounded by a large garden with a stone fence and stone repositories at the corners of the garden.  Two priests, Kazimirs Konvalevskis and Broņeslavs Stefanovičs are buried here.  Stefanovičs played a major role in the restoration of the church after World War I.  The Piedruja congregation first emerged during the first half of the 17th century.

Distance from countries capital city289 Active season months1-12

Drustu luteranu baznica

Mūsdienās redzamo (pēc skaita – trešo) baznīcu cēla laikā no 1835. - 1837. g. (ampīra stilā) Mārča Sāruma vadībā. Arī šīs ēkas projektēšanā par paraugu bija ņemts Pievolgas vācu baznīcu veidols, tādēļ tā līdzīga Dzērbenes luterāņu baznīcai. Dievnama altāri rotā Otto Donnera fon Rihtera glezna “Kristus debesbraukšana” (1898. g.). E. Martina firmā būvētās 10 reģistru ērģeles (1901. g.) darbojās arī šodien. Pie Drustu baznīcas atrodas 1932. g. atklātais un formās iespaidīgais (E. Kuraua firmas veidots) granīta piemineklis 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušo piemiņai. Nelielā baznīcas sienas nišā novietota piemiņas plāksne komunisma terora upuriem.

Distance from countries capital city121

St. Cross Honouring Roman Catholic Church of Malta

St. Cross Honouring Roman Catholic Church of Malta (Rozentova) is national architectural monument. The church has a promiment „St. Mary Magdalene beside the Cross of Jesus” and three big altars. The wooden log building was constructed in 1780. It was sanctified in 1782.

Spruktu Sveta Antona Romas katolu baznica

Atrodas nomaļā vietā, 0,7 km no Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa, Daugavas virzienā. Dievnams celts 1933. – 1938. gadā koka kapelas vietā pēc Prāvesta Vaclava Kozlovska projekta, kurš pats arī vadījis celtniecības darbus. Dievnams celts no lieliem cementa ķieģeļiem. Tā lielajā altārī novietota Svētā Antona glezna, bet sānu altārī – Jaunavas Marijas statuja. Gan glezna, gan statuja ir pārvesta no Izvaltas baznīcas. Ikdienā baznīca apskatāma no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city245

Sv. Gara luteranu baznica

Atrodas Bauskas vēsturiskajā centrā, Plūdoņa ielā 13 a un ir šīs pilsētas daļas vecākā ēka. Dievnams celts 1591. - 1594. g. vēlās gotikas stilā, bet tornis piebūvēts 1614. g. Baznīcas iekšpusē atrodas nozīmīgi mākslas pieminekļi: altāris (1699. g., pārbūvēts 1861. g., mākslinieks J. Dērings), kancele (1762. g.) un ērģeļu prospekts (1766. g.) – abi Nikolaja fon Korfa dāvinājums, draudzes soli (17. gs. vidus – 18. gs. sāk.), senākais no koka veidotais Bauskas ģerboņa attēlojums (1640. g.), deviņas 16. – 17. gs. kapu plāksnes, epitāfijas u.c. Baznīca, kurā ir vērts ieiet!

Distance from countries capital city65

Lutherische Kirche in Nida

Ein im gotischen Stil gebautes Gotteshaus wurde 1888 eingeweiht. Daneben befindet sich ein etnografischer Friedhoff aus dem 19 – 20 Jh. mit ungewöhnlichen Grabkreuzen aus Holz. In den Formen der Kreuze sind die Motiven von Pflanzen, Vögeln, Tieren zu sehen.

Distance from countries capital city357

The Indrica Catholic Church

A wooden church was built by local craftsmen here between 1655 and 1658.  Financed by the Plater aristocratic family, it was a miniature basilica, and this is seen as one of the oldest wooden churches in Latgale.  That makes it a unique cultural and historical monument.  The central altar has baroque wood carvings that were produced by masters from a local sculptural school.  The side altar includes a painting of Mary Magdalene from the mid-18th century.  The church was moved to its present location on the right bank of the Daugava in 1698.  It has been restored several times – in 1890 and 1918.  The stone wall that stretches around the church dates back to the late 17th century, and the freestanding bell tower was built in the mid-19th century.  It was restored in 2002.  According to various sources of information, the Indrica congregation is the oldest one in Latgale.

Distance from countries capital city280 Active season months1-12

The Jurkalne Catholic Church

according to legend, was washed into the sea because of collapsing shores along with other buildings and the old road.  The church was built in 1862 and has an altar painting from the late 19th century, "Mother of God," along with an organ.  The metal elements of the building's doors are interesting.  Hanging from the ceiling of the church is a sailing ship that has to do with the rescue of the crew of the sunken ship.  

Distance from countries capital city199

The Velena Lutheran Church

The Velēna Lutheran Church is at the crossing of the Smiltene-Gulbene-Lizums roads. It is said that the roof of the first wooden church at this location had a peat moss roof. The organ from the Sauer company still works, and it is one of the best organs in Latvia. The organist offers guided tours of the church.

Distance from countries capital city161

Uljanova Old-Believers Prayer House

Uļjanova Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1875. The house is a modest building where everyone can come to confess. The Prayer House is not rich in decorations.
Distance from countries capital city220

Plavinu Sveta Petera luteranu baznica

Atrodas Raiņa ielā 18. Baznīca celta 1911. - 1912. g. pēc Stukmaņu muižas nomnieka barona R. Noldes iniciatīvas. 1. pasaules karā cietušo baznīcu atjaunoja un no jauna iesvētīja 1921. g. Baznīcā apskatāma altārglezna “Kristus augšāmcelšanās”. Dievnams tāpat kā daudzas citas pilsētas ēkas ir būvētas no apkaimē sastopamā izejmateriāla – dolomīta. Interesanti, ka tornis būvēts ēkas vienā malā – asimetriski.

Distance from countries capital city122

Roman Catolic Church of Pusa

Roman Catolic Church of Puša was built in 1743. Financed by Count Šadurskis; managed by Jesuits mission. There is on organ and 3 altars in the church.

Daugavpils Sveto Moceklu Borisa un Gleba pareizticigo katedrale

Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā - Tautas ielā 2. Šo uzskata par vienu no krāšņākajiem Latvijas pareizticīgo dievnamiem, kura ārējo veidolu izrotā daudzo torņu kupoli. Tā celta 1905. g. kā Dinaburgas garnizona baznīca ar daudziem nozīmīgiem mākslas pieminekļiem interjerā, 19. gs. ikonām. Dievnams ir ikdienā atvērts un apskatāms no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city226

Tiskadi Old-Believers Prayer House

Tiskādi Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1886 and reconstructed in 1905. The large church was sanctified 100 years ago. It is situated in the district which is mostly populated by Old Believers. The church stands on the hill.

Paramonovas Old-Believer Preaching House

Paramonovas Old-Believer Preaching House was built in 1882.

The Liepaja Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity

The church was built between 1742 and 1578 after a design by J.K. Dorn and for the needs of the local German congregation.  The 55 metre steeple was completed only in 1866.  The façade and interior of the church are in the style of late Baroque and Classicism (with elegant Rococo elements inside the church).  The church is known for the organ that was built by H.A. Koncius between 1773 and 1780.  Since a reconstruction in 1885, the instrument has more than 7,000 pipes, 131 registers and four manuals.  It is suggested that it is the largest mechanical organ in the world, and its sound is just wonderful.  Visitors can visit the church, examine the organ and climb the steeple.

Distance from countries capital city216

Jurmalciema baptistu baznica

Labi aplūkojama (neliela izmēra vienstāvu ēka) no Klajumu vējdzirnavu puses. Baptistu draudze Jūrmalciemā dibināta 1933. gadā.

Distance from countries capital city242

The Kolka Evangelical Lutheran church

It is said that after a shipwreck near Cape Kolka, a rescued Danish tradesman financed the building of a church in Kolka in thanks for his rescue.  There are several churches in Kolka which have changed their location.  The stone worship house that can be seen today has foundations that were laid by the former owner of the Dundaga Estate, Karl Ludwig Ferdinant von der Osten-Zaken.  The church was built at or near the site of an old wooden church which suffered much damage during the Crimean War.  The work on the church was begun by builder Oto Zīverts in 1885 on the basis of a design by the architect T. Zeiler.  During the Soviet era, the church was vandalised, and a warehouse was installed there.  It is worth looking at the modernist altar painting by Helēna Heinrihsone.  It is said that there is no similar painting in any other church.  Before the painting was hung, a cross hung at its location.

Distance from countries capital city159

Nicgales Romas Katolu Draudzes Jaunavas Marijas Dzimsanas baznica

Meklējama Nīcgalē, starp Rīgas – Daugavpils šoseju (A 6) un Daugavas krastu. Baznīcu cēla (neogotikas stils) pēc muižnieka Henriha Plātera - Zīberga iniciatīvas 1862. - 1863. g., veltot to Jaunavas Marijas dzimšanai. Kā jau daudzas citas baznīcas, arī šī ēka un tās interjera priekšmeti cieta 1. pasaules kara laika notikumos. To atjaunoja 1922. gadā. Baznīcas iekārta ir saglabājusies no 19. gs. 60. gadiem, bet, centrālā altāra augšdaļu pārbūvēja 1957. gadā. Dažus gadus vēlāk - 1961. g. uzstādīja ērģeles.

Distance from countries capital city193

The Pitrags Baptist church

This is a simple one-story building with a cross on its roof.  The Pitrags congregation was established in 1890, but the church was built in 1902.  It was restored after a World War I fire in 1925 and 1926, and restored again during the period of Latvia's restored period of independence.

Distance from countries capital city176

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Nagli

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Nagļi was built in 1862 by landlord Nābels. Some time ago, Nagļi Church was a branch of Viļāni Church. The Bernardian monks served there. After the closing of the cloisters in 1930s, the church was served by priests.

Kuremäe sacred groves and Pühtitsa Convent

Pühtittsa Convent at Kuremäe was established in 1891 and is the only operating Russian Orthodox nunnery in Estonia. Centuries ago there was a sacred grove on Kuremäe hill and a sacrificial spring at its foot, the spring is considered “holy“ for its curative powers. The convent compound is open to visitors; guided tours run by nuns can be booked to learn more about the daily life of convent residents.

Distance from countries capital city187 Active season months1-12

The Cesvaine Lutheran Church

Found in the northern part of Cesvaine, the church was built of fieldstones in the Neo-Gothic style in 1879 by the architect Paul Max Bertschy.  The church was restored in 1929 and again in the early 1990s.  The altar painting, “Christ on the Cross” (1923) is by Jēkabs Bīne.


Distance from countries capital city182

St Catherine’s Lutheran Church

The first wooden church was built here in 1252, and the brick church was built in 1665.  It burned down and was restored in 1672, but it was rebuilt in later years.  There are important artistic monuments in the interior of the church – the altar, the pulpit and the painted organ.  Legendary Duke Jacob Kettler of Courland (1610-1682) was baptised in the church and married Princess Charlotte Louise from Brandenburg in it.  During the Soviet era, the church housed a museum and a concert hall.  According to legend, the name of the church is based on a woman called Catherine, who donated funds to build the church, was subjected to lies, tortured and then proclaimed as a saint.  Above the side entrance is a medallion of a woman with a crown of thorns, torture equipment and a sword in her hand.  Elements of this story can also be seen in the herald of Kuldīga.  The steeple of the church offers a good look at the roofs of the ancient part of the city.

Beautiful sights Distance from countries capital city156

Senie Traki (Senieji Trakai)

Traķu pirmsākumi ir meklējami Senajos Traķos, kas atrodas 4 km dienvidaustrumos no Traķu centra. Uzskata, ka Senos Traķus ir dibinājis Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Ģedimins (~ 1275. – 1341.) 14. gs. pirmajā pusē. 14. gs. otrajā pusē šeit uzcēla mūra pili, no kuras līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nostāvināti zemes vaļņi. Laikā no 1345. – 1382. g. tajā valdīja Ģedimina dēls – Ķēstutis (1297. – 1382.). Senajos Traķos dzimis arī viens no izcilākajiem viduslaiku Lietuvas valdniekiem – Ķēstuta dēls - Vītauts Dižais. Kā pilij, tā arī tās valdniekiem bija nozīmīga loma sekojošajos krusta karos un cīņās. 1391. g. pils tika sagrauta cīņas laikā ar Vācu ordeni, kādēļ arī zaudēja savu stratēģisko nozīmi. 1405. g. benediktīniešu mūki šajā vietā uzcēla baznīcu, bet 18. gs. beigās - jaunu un lielāka apjoma klosteri, kura vienu no korpusiem 1889. g. pārbūvēja par baznīcu.


The Aglona Catholic Basilica

This is the centre for Catholicism in Latvia and a destination for pilgrims from all around the world.  Its origins date back to 1699, when the Dominican Order established a cloister.  One year later, it built the first wooden church.  The brick Church of St Dominic and the buildings of the cloister were erected between 1768 and 1800.  The Baroque church is distinguished by two towers that are 60 metres high.  The pulpit, organ prospectus, organ, prayer bench and pews come from the 18th century, while the side altars date back to the early 19th century.  The central altar includes the painting “The Miraculous Mother of God of Aglona,” which is thought to have healing properties.  For that reason, it is unveiled only during important events.  In advance of a visit to Latvia by Pope John Paul II in 1993, the complex underwent major rebuilding and restoration.  On August 15 each year, hundreds and thousands of pilgrims arrive in Aglona to celebrate the assumption of the Virgin Mary.  The holy stream of Aglona is 100 metres to the East of the basilica.

Distance from countries capital city231

The Kraslava Catholic Church

The Krāslava Catholic Church was built between 1755 and 1767 after a design by the Italian architect A. Paracco, and it is considered to be Latgale’s most outstanding Baroque monument. The interior can be toured, and you can also visit the restored cemetery where members of the Plater family of noblemen are buried.

Distance from countries capital city264

Kirche Kihelkonna

Eine einzigartige Kirche mit einem im 17. Jh. beiseite gebauten Glockenturm.

Distance from countries capital city248

Kuldigas Sv. Annas luteranu baznica

Mūsdienās redzamais iespaidīgais dievnams tapis ilgākā laika posmā. Jau 1870. g. latviešu draudze sāka vākt ziedojumus neogotiskās baznīcas celtniecībai, ko pabeidza 1904. gadā (V. Neimaņa projekts). Ēkas iekšpusi rotā dekoratīvi zvaigžņu velvju griesti, bet tās altārdaļā izvietotasmākslinieka J. Šķērstena veidotās vitrāžas (1940. g.) un 17. gs. kristāmtrauks. Baznīcu ieskauj plašs dārzs.

Distance from countries capital city157

Blessed Our Lady’s Birth Roman Catholic Church of Kaunata

Blessed Our Lady’s Birth Roman Catholic Church of Kaunata was rebuilt in 1850 by Zuzanna Druva after the wooden building was burned down. The church has a fabric icon „St. Elizabeth is visited by Mary”.

Riebinu Sv. Apustulu Petera un Pavila katolu baznica

Dievnams celts no šķeltajiem laukakmeņiem un sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem laikā no 1894. - 1909. g. Tajā saglabājušās vecās koka baznīcas iekārtas un 18. gs. sākumā veidots cilnis “Svētais vakarēdiens”.

Distance from countries capital city210

The Krustpils Lutheran Church

 The Krustpils Lutheran Church is found at Rīgas Street 211A in Krustpils, on the right bank of the Little Daugava. The stone church which is there was built between 1818 and 1820 and consecrated in 1824. Two older churches stood on the site before then. The church was seriously damaged during World War I, and it was restored in 1924. There are several notable cultural monuments in the church – the altar painting, “Christ Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane”, the organ (with pipes that were manufactured in Germany), etc. The church is seen as one of the best examples of Empire-style architecture in Latvia, and in 1999 it was granted the European blue flag as an element of cultural heritage. There are legends about underground passages to Daugavsala, which is to the West of the church. The church is closed to visitors most days and can only be viewed from the outside. Nearby the church are two monuments – one commemorating the politically repressed, and the other memorialising national partisans.


Distance from countries capital city135

Kokneses luteranu baznica

Atrodas Pļaviņu HES ūdenskrātuves krastā (R. Blaumaņa ielas galā) iepretim salai, uz kuras top Likteņdārzs. Baznīca (celta 1687. g.) ir vairākkārt atjaunota (1731., 1887.). Tagad redzamais tornis tapis par Stukmaņu muižas īpašnieku atvēlētajiem līdzekļiem. Baznīcā par mācītāju kalpojis Ernests Gliks. Padomju laikos ēkā atradies Stučkas vēstures un mākslas muzejs. Apmeklētāji var uzkāpt dievnama tornī (čuguna zvans!), kā arī aplūkot mākslinieka A. Dobenberga gleznas. Baznīca ir atvērta un apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city101

Livanu luteranu baznica

Atrodas pie Līvānu dzelzceļa stacijas, Dzelzceļa ielā 17. Tā kā Līvānos nebija luterāņu baznīcas, draudze dievkalpojumus noturēja ugunsdzēsēju depo. 1929. gadā ielika dievnama pamatakmeni un pēc trīs gadiem pabeidza pašas ēkas celtniecību. Saglabājušās ziņas, ka padomju laikā baznīcā bija plānots iekārtot sporta zāli un noliktavu, taču tas neticis īstenots. Jāpiemin, ka baznīca ir celta uz bijušās korķu fabrikas pamatiem. Dievnama zvana iegādei līdzekļus sarūpēja kara ministrs – ģenerālis Jānis Balodis u.c.

Distance from countries capital city165

Vidsmuizas katolu baznica

0,2 km austrumos no Vidsmuižas atrodas no šķeltajiem laukakmeņiem un sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem celtā (1910. - 1912. g.) Vidsmuižas katoļu baznīca. Tāpat kā Riebiņos esošā, arī šī ir uzskatāma par tipisku 19. – 20. gs. mijas Latgales lauku baznīcas paraugu.

Distance from countries capital city224

Liepupe Lutheran Church

The church has a non-traditional design and layout: the altar is in the middle but the pulpit- above the altar. The church has also an original bell tower with a bell casted in 1634. The present wooden interior was created by the students of Riga Crafts High School. Next to the church there are ruins of the old church and the rectory where at the end of the 18th century as a tutor worked Garlieb Merkel who in Liepupe observed events used in his famous book "Latvians".

Distance from countries capital city70

Krustceli Old-Believers Prayer House

Krustceļi Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1939.

Iecavas luteranu baznica

Atrodas Iecavas upes ielokā starp Rīgas un Sporta ielu. Baznīcas celtniecību uzsāka 1641. g. un pabeidza ap 1657. g. Ēka ievērojami cieta 2. Pasaules kara laikā. Pie baznīcas atrodas kapi, kuros apglabāti grāfu Pālenu dzimtas pārstāvji. To ziemeļaustrumu stūrī redzama Pālenu dzimtas kapliča. Baznīca ir it kā „sadalīta” divās daļās – vienā daļā notiek restaurācijas darbi, otrā izvietota bibliotēka. To ir vērts redzēt arī no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city43

Kirche in Palusė

Die Kirche hat einen 1800 gebauten einzigartigen achteckigen Glockenturm. Blick auf den Lūšiai-See.

Distance from countries capital city113

Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church of Stolerova

Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church of Stoļerova. The construction works of the church were finished in 1999 by the support of dean Butāns. The building is slightly larger than the previous one; the newest (restored) church in Rēzekne district. The church has a specific icon of Our Lady that was transferred from the chapel of Rozenmuiža.

Vainova Old-Believers Prayer House

Vainova Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1980 replacing the previous church that was burnt by lightening. Initially, the Prayer House was one of the biggest churches in Latgale (for 2 000 people). The congregation of the church exists since the 18th century.

Liezeres luteranu baznica

Līdz 18. gs. šajā vietā bija koka baznīca, kamēr 1798. g. uzcēla mūra baznīcu, kas cieta 1. pasaules karā, bet 2. pasaules kara laikā to uzspridzināja. Tikai pusgadsimtu vēlāk - 1991. gadā tika uzsākti atjaunošanas darbi, kas joprojām turpinās. Tagad redzamais dievnams ir iepriekšējā līdzinieks.

Distance from countries capital city151

Gramzdas luteranu baznica

Dievnama mūri kā svētvieta glabā ne tikai svētuma starojumu, mierinājumu, bet arī smagus, rūgtus un iznīcinošus notikumus. Vairākkārt pārbūvēta, sagrauta, dedzināta, un tomēr atjaunota.

Distance from countries capital city243

Notra’s Old-Believers Prayer House

Notra’s Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works lasted from 1928 till 1931. The church is situated on the site of the previous church that was originally built in 1853.

The Lasu Lutheran church

When you drive down the Nereta-Ilūkste road, the church, which was built in 1805 and restored in 1888, can be seen from a distance. The altar, pulpit and organ prospectus are all original. German soldiers who fell during World War I are buried outside of the church. Two plaques on the western wall of the building honour residents of the Laši Parish who died during the First World War, as well as those local residents who suffered Soviet repressions.

Distance from countries capital city184

The Archangel Michael Catholic Church of Subate

The Archangel Michael Catholic Church of Subate is in the historical centre of Subate. The building, which does not have a tower, was built of fieldstones in 1831, with financing from Count Mikhail Sieberg-Plater. An impressive bell tower was built in front of it. The church contains a sculptural group, “Golgotha,” from the late 18th century, along with a crucifix and a major altar relief that is made of carved wood. It is based on the globally famous Leonardo da Vinci fresco “The Holy Supper.”

Distance from countries capital city171

Priekules baptistu baznica

Atrodas Tirgoņu un Zāļu ielas krustojumā (Zāļu ielā 12). Interesanta ar faktu, ka šī ir vienīgā padomju laikā uzbūvētā (1948. g., pēc citiem avotiem – šajā gadā atjaunota) Latvijas baznīca.

Distance from countries capital city233

Kampiski Old-Believers Prayer House

Kampišķi Old-Believers Prayer House was reconstructed in 1931 by architect V. Šervinskis. The building is very high and spacious; has two cells and a rectangular belltower with the cross on the top.

Mikeltorna luteranu baznica

Atrodas iepretim bākai. Saukta arī par Pizes (Miķeļtorņa lībiskais nosaukums) baznīcu. To uzcēla 1893. g. Padomju laikā ēkā bija izvietots pionieru nometnes klubs. Tagad tā atkal kalpo savam pamatmērķim.

Distance from countries capital city217

Preilu katolu baznica

Meklējama pilsētas centrā - Tirgus laukumā 11. Dievnams uzcelts 1886. g. Ēkā atrodas vairāki nozīmīgi mākslas pieminekļi – gleznas, krucifikss (18. gs.) u.c. Baznīcas dārzā apskatāma skulptūra “Latgales māte” (tēlnieks B. Buls) un piemineklis politiski represēto piemiņai (tēlniece V. Dzintare). Baznīca ir apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city203

St. Martins-Kirche in Käina

Die Ruinen der um 1500 gebauten eindrucksvollen Kirche, die man besichtigen kann. Das Gebäude wurde nach dem Luftangriff 1942 beschädigt.

Distance from countries capital city148

Juzefovas (Juzepovas) Sveta Petera un Pavila Romas katolu baznica

Atrodas skaistā vietā – Elernes loka ziemeļdaļā, Daugavas senielejas malā. Mūsdienās redzamais dievnams celts no tēstiem laukakmeņiem iepriekšējo vietā laikā no 1934. - 1961. gadam. Pēc baznīcas uzcelšanas padomju vara tajā izvietoja klubu, tādēļ draudze baznīcu atguva tikai 1989. gadā. Šīs vietas agrākais nosaukums – Naujene (Novene) ir lietuviešu cilmes. Savukārt, Juzefovas vārds cēlies no vietējā muižnieka Juzefa (Jezupa) Šadurska.

Distance from countries capital city235

Muitnieku luteranu baznica

Nelielā izmēra ēka (balts ķieģeļu mūris, ar dēļiem apšūts zems tornis) atrodas Liepājas – Klaipēdas šosejas (A 11) malā. 20. gadsimta sākumā tā kalpojusi kā lūgšanu nams, taču tā paša gadsimta vidū pārbūvēta, uzceļot torni.

Distance from countries capital city233

Varaklanu Sv. Viktora katolu kapela - baznica

Varakļānu centrā, Rīgas ielas malā paceļas neliels paugurs, uz kura atrodas balta ēka ar 4 kolonnām un kupolveida jumtu, kas celta pēc Romas Panteona parauga. Kapela būvēta 1814. g. (arhitekts Vinčento Macoti), un tajā atrodas grāfu Borhu dzimtas apbedījumi. Kapelā bija novietoti arī Sv. Viktora pīšļi, kas pārvesti uz Varakļānu katoļu draudzes baznīcu.

Distance from countries capital city199

Roman Catholic Church of Prezma

Sts. Simon and Judas the Apostles Roman Catholic Church of Prezma. The brick stone church with its two towers was built in 1859. The Monument of National significance.

Daugavpils Sveta Petera kedes katolu baznica

Atrodas Rīgas ielā 39. Dievnams celts 1848. – 1849. g. klasicisma stilā (arhitekts A. Štauberts), bet laikā no 1924. – 1934. g. pārbūvēts (A. Vizuļa projekts). Dievnama izskatu salīdzina ar Svētā Pētera katedrāles veidolu Vatikānā. Blakus baznīcai atrodas Rīgas ielas gājējiem domātā daļa.

Distance from countries capital city226

The ruins of the Ikskile church

Since the 1970s, these ruins have been on a small (100 m long) island that is part of the reservoir of the Rīga hydroelectric power plant.  The island is named after St Meinhard and the ruins are part of the oldest stone building in Latvia.  Work on the church began in 1184, but it was rebuilt and sacked several times, most recently in 1916.  The ruins have been conserved and are protected by a metal cover.  The shores of the island have been strengthened.  The 10 metre metal cross on the island was designed by E. Samovičs, while the stone altar was sculpted by J. Karlobs.

Distance from countries capital city32

St. Alois Roman Catholic church of Ostrone

St. Alois Roman Catholic church of Ostrone (Ustroņu) was built in 1935 in the time of dean B. Valpitrs CCM (Congregation Clericorum Marianorum).

Evangelisch-lutherische St. Johanniskirche in Cesis

Gebaut am Ende des 13. Jh. als eine dreischiffige Basilika im romanischen Stil mit gotischen Elementen. 1853 wurde der 65 m hohe Turm aufgebaut (Aussichtsplatz). In der Kirche befinden sich die Grabsteine der livonischen Bischöfe, Kanzel (1748), Altar aus Eichenholz (1858), Altarbild (1862), Buntglasfenster und eine der besten Orgeln Lettlands (1907).

Distance from countries capital city90

The Zasa Lutheran Church

The Zasa Lutheran Church is in the northern part of the Zasa park, was built in 1750, and is a small Lutheran church. The organ, which was produced by the distinguished organ builder Andrejs Sūnākslis, was recently restored. The graves of German soldiers who fell during World War I are near the church.

Distance from countries capital city176

Daugavpils Martina Lutera katedrale

Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā – 18. novembra ielā 66. Apjoma ziņā – lielākais Daugavpils luterāņu dievnams, kuru cēla laikā no 1891. - 1893. g. neogotiskā stilā no sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem (arhitekts Vilhelms Neimanis). 1941. g. baznīcā izcēlās ugunsgrēks un gāja bojā lielākā daļa no tās sākotnējās iekārtas. Turpmāko divu gadu laikā baznīcu daļēji atjaunoja, taču vēlāk tajā izveidoja noliktavu u.c. baznīcai „nepiederīgas” iestādes. 1985. g. ēka vēlreiz cieta ugunsgrēkā. Pagājušā gadsimta deviņdesmito gadu sākumā uzsāka baznīcas atjaunošanas darbus, uzstādīja solus un altāri, kas ir Ogres Amatniecības vidusskolas audzēkņu darinājums.

Distance from countries capital city226

St. Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Dukstigals

St. Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Dukstigals. The wooden church was burned down in the World War II and restored in 1947. The church has the icon of Our Lady in the central altar and the statue of Our Lady.

The Katlakalns Lutheran Church

There are records to show that there has been a church at this location since the 17th century, and the current one was built between 1792 and 1794 by the chief construction specialist of the city of Rīga, Christopher Haberland.  He designed the cupola-shaped building, with the cupola ensuring good acoustics inside the building.  The altar is opposite the entrance door.  Between the columns of the building is an altar painting showing Christ and St Peter on a storm-ravaged sea.  Other important objects include chalices from the 18th or 19th century, candelabras, etc.  The building was restored in 2014.  To the South from it is the Katlakalns cemetery, which is the final resting place of the distinguished Baltic German writer Garlieb Merkel (1769-1850).  He was of great importance in ensuring the end of indentured servitude in Latvia.


Dunikas – Golgatas (Krustcelu) luteranu baznica

Celta 1933. g. vietējai brāļu draudzei. Baznīcā atrodas glezna “Kristus” (1850. g.) un Liepājas meistara Jēkaba Jauģieša 1920. g. darinātās ērģeles. Mūsdienās dievnamu izmanto Bārtas draudze. Pie baznīcas novietots akmens apkaimes represētajiem iedzīvotājiem.

Distance from countries capital city240

Liepajas Sveta Jazepa katolu katedrale

Atrodas starp Kr. Valdemāra un Kuršu ielām. Viena no iespaidīgākajām un greznākajām pilsētas celtnēm, kas būvēta neoromantikas formās. 19. gs. beigās katoļu draudze nevarēja saņemt atļauju jauna dievnama celtniecībai, tādēļ uz vecās ēkas uzbūvēja jaunu, kur vecā baznīca tapa par lielākās ēkas sānu kapelu. Baznīcas sienas un koka griestus rotā attēli ar Bībeles sižetiem. Dievmātes kapelā saglabājies mazās baznīcas (no 18. gs.) centrālais altāris. Baznīcas griestos ir iekārts burinieka modelis, ko dāvinājuši vētras laikā izglābušies jūrnieki.

Distance from countries capital city217

The Kemeri Lutheran Church

18 A. Upīša Street. The church was built in 1897 in the Neo-Gothic style (Architect H. Shel) and it is one of the few19th century city brick buildings. In the church there is the altarpiece "Christ healing the sick" - I. Zeberliņš (1943). You can see the church from the inside during the worship or by a prior arrangement. Near the church, you can see a monument designed by E. Laube (1926) to 80 Latvian riflemen who died in World War I and who were buried in the Warrior's Cemetery near the river Vēršupīte. Near the cemetery, there are also buried J. Kārkliņš and F. Siliņš, fighters of the Kauguri Battle of May 18, 1919. By a prior arrangement, tourist groups can see the church from the inside.

Distance from countries capital city47

The Pasiene Church

This is one of the most outstanding Catholic churches in Latvia.  The current building was built in 1761 in the Polish Baroque style.  The interior from the 18th century is original and very ornate.  Each year there are spiritual music events and Polish cultural festivals here.  The guide will give you a tour of the church and of other tourism destinations along the frontier line of the EU (please be sure to bring along your passport!).

Distance from countries capital city308

The St George Lutheran Church of Subate

The St George Lutheran Church of Subate is on the north-eastern shore of Lesser Lake Subate. The church was built in the Byzantium style in 1685 and 1868 and was commissioned by the owner of the Prode Estate, H.F. Osten-Sacken. This is the only church in Latvia which is reminiscent of the typical appearance of Protestant churches in the late 17th century. The small towers at the corners of the building are of interest. Inside you will find a richly ornamented ensemble of sculptures and wood carvings, including a 17th-century altar, pulpit and pews, as well as artworks from the 17th and 18th century and a bell that was cast in 1682. Some of the interior design was the work of students at the Stelmuže wood carving school.

Distance from countries capital city171

The churches of Kolka

Kolka Evangelical Lutheran Church. A story has survived of one Danish trader saved in a shipwreck at Kolkasrags who in gratitude built a church in Kolka. The church had changed its location for three times in Kolka. The foundation of the church visible nowadays and built of boulders was laid by Karl Ludwig Ferdinand von der Osten-Zaken, the former owner of the Dundaga estate. It was built instead of the wooden church (or close to it) which was heavily damaged during the Crimean War. The first construction works were started in 1885 by the construction foreman Otto Sievert (Architect: T. Zeiler). In the Soviet time, the church was vandalized and it was used as a warehouse. It is worth to see the modern- style altarpiece
(a donation of the artist Helen Heinrihson) which does not have a counterpart in any other church. Before in its place there was placed a cross.
Kolka Orthodox Church. Data on the Liv turning to orthodoxy are provided by a document found in the tower of the Kolka Orthodox Church (see also below) during restoration works (the nineties of the last century) that was placed there during building of the church in 1885. It says that the Liv turning to orthodoxy or the so-called emperor's faith "has nothing to do with the religious belief but it is a means to get the earthly benefits or pleasures." In 1885, the orthodox congregation purchased land from baron Osten-Zaken. In 1890, a church, priest's house and school building were built on it. All the buildings have survived until now. The church has its own congregation and worships are held once a month. Information is found that Kolka is the only Liv coastal village where in the nineties of the 19th century there was built an orthodox church. The church bell is place "occupied" in 1936. In the Soviet time, the Church was used as a chapel but nowadays it performs its original role.

Distance from countries capital city156

Borovkas Svetas Dievmates Romas katolu baznica

Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa malā redzamais dievnams uzcelts ar Plāteru dzimtas pārstāvju – Vaclava un Kazimira Plātera atbalstu 1811. gadā. Dievnamu ieskauj metālkaluma un no ķieģeļiem mūrēts žogs, kā arī divi zvanu torņi. Labās puses zvanu tornī karājas vecs zvans. No baznīcas iekārtas ir jāpiemin galvenais altāris, ko rotā Dievmātes skulptūra, trīs biktskrēsli, četras evaņģēlistu sienas freskas un Lurdas Dievmātes glezna. Ikdienā apskatāma no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city252

The Ilukste Roman Catholic Church

The Ilūkste Roman Catholic Church is to the North of Unity Square. The first stone church in Ilūkste was financed by the Plater-Sieberg dynasty of noblemen between 1754 and 1769. The current church was built in 1816. In 1861, it was taken over by the Orthodox Church, but it was returned to a Catholic congregation in 1920. The church was restored in 1921. The interior can be viewed during worship services.

Distance from countries capital city200

Лиепайская лютеранская церковь Святой Анны

Находится в стороне от площади Куршу, ул. Э.Венденбаума, д. 1. Старейшая церковь города, сведения о которой сохранились с 1508 года. Первый храм на этом месте был построен из дерева. После неоднократных перестроек (последняя – в 1893 г. под руководством архитектора Лиепаи Пауля Макса Берчи) храм приобрел теперешний вид в неоготическом стиле с башней высотой около 60 м. Церковный интерьер славится одним из самых выдающихся шедевров времен барокко в Латвии – алтарем (резчик по дереву Николя Сефренс младший), который в 2012 году отметил свое 350-летие.Алтарь считается одной из самых выдающихся работ Восточной Европы того времени. Ретабло алтаря (5,8 x 9,7 м) известно тематическим циклом страданий Иисуса. В храме находится третий по величине орган Латвии, который построен по эскизам композитора и органиста Альфреда Калниньша. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри и подняться на колокольню.

Distance from countries capital city217

The Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Virgin Mary in Dukstigals

The present wooden church on the hill was built in 1947 but today it has been restored. Currently, the deanery of Rezekne is located there. Every day you can see it from the outside. Until 1960, in Dukstigals there were two congregations: White Dukstigals (Šadurska) and Black Dukstigal (Slobodska). In White Dukstigals, the church was built in 1775. In 1960, during the time of the Soviet power, the church was violently demolished, despite the fact that it was an architectural monument and the oldest wooden church in Latgale-367years old! The "excuse" was the explanation that one congregation must not have two churches.

Distance from countries capital city261

Saulkrasti (Peterupe) Evangelical Lutheran Church

The first building of the church was built in 1641. The fourth building of the church was only built in 1856 – during the times of Pastor Johann Wilhelm Knierim. Its altar painting – The Crucified Christ (Golgotha) was painted in 1856 by Jozeps Millers, who was influenced by the altar piece in Munich Louis Church created by his teacher Peter Cornelius. An epitaph of Baroness Auguste Amalija von Pistohlkros, the sister of the owner of Bīriņi Manor and the patroness of the church, was immured in the memorial wall. Construction of the tower was completed on 11 June 1856, as evidenced by a memorial plaque on the wall of the church with an inscription “Erbaut von August Pistolkors 1856”. The church was consecrated in 1864. And a year later an organ by Martin Company with 8 registers, which was extended to 14 registers in 1903, was installed in the church. Unfortunately, the organ was destroyed in WW2. Saulkrasti (Pēterupe) Evangelical Lutheran Church survived both World War 2 and the Soviet period. The Soviet era was one of the most difficult times for the church, because many churches in the area were destroyed, pastors were discharged and the congregation fell apart. The Pēterupe congregation remained. As an architectural monument the church was lucky enough to undergo roof repairs of the tower even during Soviet times. Funds were granted by the Chairlady of the Executive Committee Ņina Manzūrova. 

Distance from countries capital city45 Active season months1-12

Kalnamuizas luteranu baznica

Šo sakrālo celtni uzskata par vecāko Zemgales baznīcu, kas joprojām pilda savu pamatfunkciju. Tās celtniecību uzsāka 1567. g. un pēc nopostīšanas atjaunoja 1614. g. Pēc poļu - zviedru un Ziemeļu kara to atkārtoti atjaunoja 1815. g. Dievnamu var apskatīt arī no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city73

Platelu baznica (Platelių baznycia)

Iespaidīga koka celtne un izcils koka arhitektūras piemērs, kuru pamanīs katrs Plateļu apmeklētājs! Plateļu baznīca ir viens no Lietuvas vecākajiem koka dievnamiem. Pašreiz redzamais ir būvēts 1744. g., bet zvanu tornis – 1899. g. Dienvidos no baznīcas plešas Plateļu muižas parks.

Distance from countries capital city306

The Mazirbe Lutheran church

A wooden church was built here in 1766, and the new brick church was built on the foundations of the old church and consecrated in 1868.  The tall steeple of the church helped ship captains orient themselves during the daytime.  An altar painting by Gunta Liepiņa-Grīva, "Christ and Peter on the Sea," was consecrated in 1993 to replace the former painting, which was lost.  The blue-white-green Livonian flag was consecrated at the Mazirbe manse (now a recollection centre) on November 18, 1923.  Near the manse are several rocks which stand witness to the Black Plague in 1710 and 1711.  The text in Latin said that Livonians on the coastline were conquered by Swedish King Karl IX and the bubonic plague.  The texts on the rocks have eroded away, but records of them were made.  The Mazirbe cemetery has a monument to Old Taisel, a monument to the parents of captain A. Bertholds, and the legendary grave of a werewolf. 

Distance from countries capital city174

Rucavas baptistu baznica

Atrodas Rucavas galvenās ielas malā, netālu no centra.Rucavas draudzi dibināja 1871. gadā, bet izmēros nelielo dievnamu uzcēla 1888. gadā.

Distance from countries capital city260

The Orthodox Church and Cloister of the Holy Spirit

 The Orthodox Church and Cloister of the Holy Spirit and the Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Miracle Maker are found at Brīvības Street 200 in Jēkabpils. The Byzantine Church of the Holy Spirit was built between 1853 and 1886 to replace a wooden church which had been built in the latter half of the 17th century and burned down in 1773. Duke Jacob of the Duchy of Courland supplied the timber for the old church. The cloister was alongside the church. On Second Easter in 1903, the church caught on fire, and the only icon rescued was a painting of the Virgin Mary. The church suffered damage during World War I and was restored in 1933. Alongside the Church of the Holy Spirit is the oldest church in Jēkabpils – the oldest stone church in the city, which is named after St Nicholas the Miracle Maker and was erected in 1774. This is a very small church, just 17 x 19.5 m. The cloister of the Church of the Holy Spirit operates the church today, and it can be viewed from the inside. The stone fence that surrounds the complex is massive, but atypical of urban environments in Latvia.


Distance from countries capital city141

The Dagda Roman Catholic Church of the All-Holy Trinity

The first wooden Catholic church in Dagda was built in 1705, while the church that is seen today was built in the Baroque style during the latter half of the 18th century, the work financed by a local nobleman.  Important interior elements include the altar, the pulpit, the organ, a monument to the Hilsen dynasty, etc.  To the North of the church is historical Dagda itself, with typical red brick buildings from the early 20th century that are known as the former homes of Jewish merchants.


Distance from countries capital city265

The Roman Catholic Church of John the Baptist in Viski

The church was built of fieldstones between 1908 and 1925 in the Tudor Neo-Gothic style (designed by the Liepāja-based architect Stadmann).  It replaced a wooden church that dated back to 1621, and its steeple offers a lovely view of lakes that surround the village of Višķi.

Distance from countries capital city225 Active season months1-12

Krupenisku Old-Believer Prayer House

Krupenišku Old-Believer Prayer House was built in 1908. The autor of the design is engineer I. Ivanov. At present the church is in bad tehnical condition.

The Kuldiga Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity

The church was built between 1640 and 1642 as a mark of respect for the king of Poland.  It was commissioned by Duke Jacob Kettler and has a confessional bench with allegoric paintings (1691), as well as three altars decorated with Rococo carvings.  There is a 16th century sculpture of the Madonna and her child.  Contact the church for a tour.

Distance from countries capital city156

Svetas dievmates dzimsanas pareizticigo katedrale

Pareizticība Traķu apkārtnē „ienāca” jau Lietuvas dižkunigaiša Ģedimina (Gediminas) valdīšanas laikā (1316. – 1341.). Līdz 18. gs. beigām no astoņām pareizticīgo baznīcām Traķos nebija saglabājusies neviena, tādēļ pareizticīgo draudze 1863. g. uzcēla jaunu baznīcu, kas saglabājusies līdz mūsdienām un apskatāma Vitauta ielā (Vytauto gatve) 32.


The St Nicholas Orthodox Maritime Cathedral

This church was built between 1900 and 1903 in the Byzantine style, and was meant for the local military garrison. The church, which was built to honour St Nicholas, patron saint of all seamen, and it was consecrated in the presence of Tsar Nicholas II. The ornate building was sacked by the Germans during World War I. During Latvia’s period of independence, the cathedral was used by the local military garrison. The Soviet military, in turn, turned into a sports hall, a cinema for sailors, and a warehouse. There are stories to say that Soviet soldiers broke off bits of the golden mosaic of the icons in the church. The building has now been returned to an Orthodox congregation. The builders of the cathedral used a unique way of pouring cement, which is why there are no supporting columns in the church. Instead, its weight is bolstered by its walls, with four arched vaults supporting them. It is the tallest Orthodox cathedral in Latvia at this time.
Distance from countries capital city220

Saint Martin's Church in Valjala

Oldest (building started in 1227) stone church in Estonia. Unique christening stone in the Baltic States. Old painting on the walls.

Distance from countries capital city193

Sts. Simon and Judas Roman Catholic Church of Dricani

Sts. Simon and Judas Roman Catholic Church of Dricāni was built in 1859 on the top of the hill. There is the wooden altar of the Holy Spirit, decorated with woodcarvings, wooden statuettes and the icon of Simon and Jude.

Kirblas baznica (Kirbla kirik)

Vienīgā baznīca nacionālā parka teritorijā. Tā atrodas Kirblas (Kirbla) ciemā – uz neliela pacēluma, kas Baltijas ledus ezera laikā bijusi sala, kuru no visām pusēm ietvēris ūdens. Kirblas baznīcas pirmsākumi ir meklējami 16. gs. un par tās celtniecību saglabājušies dažādi interesanti nostāsti. Tas ir viens no mazākajiem Igaunijas dievnamiem (29 x 11 m).

Distance from countries capital city103

Ismeri Old-Believers Prayer House

Ismeri Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1912 by the donations of local people. The parish of Ismeri exists since 1861.

Jumpravas luteranu baznica

Jau pēc dievnama veidola var spriest, ka vēl ne tik sen – padomju laikos ēka bija izmantota citām vajadzībām. Pēc 2. pasaules kara to atsavināja draudzei, bet torni – uzspridzināja, dievnamā ierīkojot noliktavu. 20. gs. deviņdesmitajos gados draudze uzsāka baznīcas atjaunotni un tagad tā kalpo savam pamatmērķim.

Distance from countries capital city67

The Kaltene Lutheran Church

The Kaltene Lutheran Church dates back to 1567, when Duke Gotthard Kettler of Courland ordered the construction of new churches in Kurzeme.  One of them was in Kaltene, and was known as the Church of St Catherine.  In 1848, a clay church was built in place of the old wooden church.  A sacristy was added in 1880, and the church was rebuilt and expanded in 1896.  It suffered much damage during World War I because a Russian mine ship attacked it.  The church was restored during the first half of the 1920s.  The altar painting, “Christ and St Peter on the Sea” was painted in 1898 by M Pohl after a panting by R. Richter.  The pulpit and organ date back to the 18th century and are cultural monuments of national importance.  The organ was built by August Martin in 1843, and it was initially in a church in Gulbene.  The instrument was brought to Kaltene in 1943 and is the oldest surviving instrument by Martin.  The bell was manufactured in 2006 by the Liepājas Metalurgs company, and a new building for the congregation was built in 2012 and 2013.  The first scenes of the feature film “Long Road to the Dunes” and the film “Forest of Bulrush” were filmed outside the gates of the church.  Nearby is the Putniņi homestead.  In 1921, Culture Minister Rainis visited the homestead.  At that time there was a store there.  The Germans burned down the homestead during World War II. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city112 Active season months1-12

Roman Catholic Church of Nautreni (Rogovka)

Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Nautrēni (Rogovka). The construction works of the brick church lasted from 1901 till 1914. It is an example of Romantesque style. The organ was bought in 1939; it is a national cultural monument.

Ikskiles luteranu baznica

Atrodas Daugavas prospektā 10, starp Rīgas – Daugavpils šoseju (A 6) un Kalēju ielu. Dievnams celts laikā no 1931. - 1933. g. (arhitekts: Pēteris Kundziņš). Padomju gados tajā bija izvietota Latvijas Valsts bibliotēkas grāmatu glabātava. Pateicoties draudzes aktivitātēm 1989. g., ēku atjaunoja. Tagad tā kalpo savam pamatmērķim.

Distance from countries capital city31

Livanu Sveta Mikela katolu baznica

Atrodas Līvānu ziemeļdaļā, Baznīcas ielā 17. Dievnams uzbūvēts 1861. g. un paplašināts 1880. gadā. Pēc nopostīšanas 1. pasaules kara laikā to atjaunoja 1918. gadā. No interjera ievērības cienīgas ir ērģeles (uzstādītas 1936. g.), glezna „Svētais Jānis Kristītājs” (mākslinieks Šēnbergs) un 14 Krusta ceļa gleznas, kas ir vācu mākslinieka Fogela gleznu kopijas (19. gs. pirmā puse). Kopš 20. gadsimta sākuma bez izmaiņām ir saglabājies tikai Ostrabramas Dievmātes altāris ēkas labajā pusē. 2007. gadā nokrāsoja dievnama fasādi. Šo darbu laikā, no ēkas sienas izņēma nesprāgušu artilērijas lādiņu, kas bija iestrēdzis 1. pasaules kara laikā.

Distance from countries capital city163

The Vecpiebalga Lutheran Church

The first church in Vecpiebalga was built in 1345, and the next one was built between 1839 and 1845 by the Livonian builder Mārcis Sārums.  The church was destroyed in 1944 and restored between 1995 and 1997 (architect Ausma Skumiņa).  The altar painting is titled “Christ Walking in the Land of Piebalga.” Outside the church is a rock to commemorate those who suffered from political repressions in Latvia.

Distance from countries capital city128