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The Christmas Battles of the First World War are etched in Latvian history as a tragic yet heroic tale. According to the old style, or Julian calendar, the attack on the German Imperial Army began on 23rd December 1916, on the eve of Christmas. These battles, in which all Latvian rifleman regiments participated for the first time, became known as the "Christmas Battles". The Christmas Battles and the subsequent January Battles were the most tragic yet also one of the most heroic chapters in the history of the Latvian riflemen. The Latvian riflemen achieved what no Russian unit had managed on the Riga front – breaking through the German defences and capturing an area of approximately 30 square kilometres. During the Christmas Battles, both Russian and Latvian forces suffered heavy losses, with the Latvian losses measured in the thousands. These significant casualties severely undermined the loyalty of the Latvians to the Russian Empire's authorities and marked a turning point in both the history of the riflemen and Latvia. The riflemen's fight is depicted in Aleksandrs Grīns' novel and the 2019 film adaptation, Blizzard of Souls ("Dvēseļu putenis").

>>> Program

For more information about the Christmas Battles, visit the Military Heritage Tourism website:

Explore over 150 nature tourism destinations across Latvia and Estonia with our detailed Baltic Nature Tourism Map. Perfect for planning your next vacation, this map highlights the best spots for experiencing the natural beauty of the Baltic States. Start your adventure today!

See detail information on Baltic Nature Tourism web site

Baltic Nature

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25. maijā Kaldabruņā notiks Sēlijas kopienu forums, kas šogad ir veltīts mākslai, kas maina. Programmā - trīs izstāžu atklāšanas, kormūzikas cikla pirmatskaņojums, lekcijas, pieredzes stāsti, darbnīcas un darba grupas.

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Aicinām piedalīties pasākumā, kas iezīmēs jaunu pavērsienu Baltijas sidra attīstībā. Trīs dienu programma piedāvā jaunas zināšanas profesionāļiem un sidra svētkus visiem. Apmācību (klātienē) vadīs Gabe Cook, neatkarīgs pasaules mēroga sidra eksperts no Apvienotās Karalistes, ar 15 gadu pieredzi, sidra zinātāju pasaulē pazīstams kā “Sidrologs”; IG @ciderlogist.


  • 23. maijs, 2024 / bārs "Sidrērija", Peldu iela 24, Rīga / Apmācības: Sertifikāts “Sidra Zinātājs / Cider Guide”.
  • 24. maijs, 2024 / bārs "Sidrērija", Peldu iela 24, Rīga / Darbseminārs Zīmols “Baltijas Sidrs”.
  • 25. maijs, 2024 / Kalnciema kvartāls, Kalnciema iela 35, Rīga / Sidra tirgus.

>>> Pilna pasākuma programma un sīkāka informācija (Latviski, PDF)
>>> Full event program and more details (English, PDF)

Aicināti piedalīties sidrdari, bārmeņi, dzērienu someljē/pomeljē, dzērienu pārdevēji vairumtirdzniecībā un mazumtirdzniecībā, dzērienu eksportētāji, viesmīlības nozares pārstāvji, sidra entuziasti un interesenti.

Registrācija līdz 25. aprīlim:

Informācija par pieteikšanos un dalību pasākumos:; +371 22495916.

The Nature Tourism is one of tourism's fastest growing sectors. On October 19, Nature tourism experts from across the Baltic and Nordic region discused the emergence and development of nature-based holidays and how experiential travel is now such an important and often-requested option for our customers today. The webinar was attended by participants who are able to see and hear of the latest products to emerge in the sector and expected developments in the future, all part of the journey towards sustainable travel.

  • Asnate Ziemele, President, Baltic Nature Tourism, Latvia & Estonia (>>> Presentation - PDF)
  • Matijs Babris, President, Latvian Nature Tourism Association (>>> Presentation - PDF)
  • Sylvia Adams, Founder, Amazing Nature Scandinavia, Sweden
  • Åsmund Bakke, Owner, Folgefonni Glacier Team

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The community of hiking enthusiasts continues to grow; therefore, the Latvian Rural Tourism Association "Lauku ceļotājs" has come up with an initiative to make long-distance hiking routes "The Forest Trail / Mežtaka" and "The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route / Jūrtaka" more accessible to various segments of the society, including families with young children, seniors, people with mobility difficulties, or other limitations. In collaboration with organizations representing these community groups and project partners from Latvia and Estonia, environmental accessibility solutions will be developed, providing the opportunity for a wider range of the community to enjoy the hiking experience.

>>> Summary (presentations, photos, videos)

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The Code of Conduct for nature travel in Latvia provides practical guidance to visitors on how to enjoy the country's beautiful natural surroundings while being environmentally friendly and safe. It answers all questions related to traveling in nature in Latvia.

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The cider-making tradition will be showcased at two international events in Riga: the NICA Cider Competition and the Cider Festival on the first day of the Riga Food exhibition. Diverse cider-related events are scheduled to take place from September 6 to 9.

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The annual Nordic International Cider Awards (NICA) will be held from September 6th to 9th as part of "RigaFood 2023," the largest food industry fair in the Baltic region. Cider production is a new industry in Latvia, but already now Latvian natural cider competes on an equal footing with European, Nordic, and global ciders from countries and regions with long-standing cider-making traditions. By organising the NICA competition in Riga this year, we want to showcase the excellent quality and potential of natural cider to become a national beverage, similar to the Nordic countries where cider is served at state receptions as well as social gatherings.

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An important and frightening part of the "legacy" of the First and Second World Wars - CHEMICAL WEAPONS - has been sunk to the bottom of the Baltic Sea. You could call it a kind of time bomb. Below are just a few facts described in scientific publications.

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