Gardens and plants

Gardens with interesting an unusual plants, hybrids created in Latvia, beautiful gardens that have received various prizes, as well as plant growing operations.

  • Visits to gardens depend on the season, and they are mostly recommended when flowers are in bloom.
  • Owners offer tours and advice about gardening, and sell plants, bulbs and other planting materials.
  • Visitors can purchase flowers, decorative plants and trees, also receiving advice as to how they are to be grown.
  • Some farms also offer vegetable and herb gardens which are both decorative and practical.
Overview Details

Plant grower "Vilki"

The farm "Vilki" is a small green oasis among the extensive cereal fields of Zemgale. Here you can go on a pedestrian walk through the arboretum and farmland, discovering about 1000 different plants - both typical of the landscape of Latvia and quite unique. Owners are growing differend kind of plants and herbs. Offers consultations in planting. There are also Latvian blue cows on the farm. Visitors have a picnic area available.

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city55 Active season months5-10 Must register in advance Disable Access Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Picnick area

Romju Pojenes

A garden of feelings, where peonies smell, birds sing and the heart rejoices! About 730 peonies of different varieties grow in the garden of "Romju pojenes", which will delight every visitor with their variety of scents, colors and shapes.

It is located in Tukuma county, Irlava parish, ~1 km from the Viesata river loop nature trail.

The garden is available during peonies blooming (June).

Distance from countries capital city90 Active season months6-6

Kesterciema Peonijas

A collection of peonies in the garden in Ķesterciems which is just 300 metres from the sea.  The collection has been put together over the course of many years, with some that were first grafted in the 18th century and others that are completely new varieties.  Each year the range is supplemented, with a bit more than 800 different kinds right now.  Peony blossoms are at their peak attractiveness around mid-June.

Distance from countries capital city68 Active season months6-7

Kolekcijas darzs "ROZITES"

The “Rozītes” rose garden is found in the Sēme Parish in Kurzeme, and it covers a bit less than 3 hectares.  There are more than 3,000 rose plants in the garden with 300 different varieties.  There are also perennials and rare trees in the garden.  Visitors will enjoy three lovely ponds which have fish in them, but they are meant more for beauty and relaxation.  You can watch the fish from the terrace, walk across a flower island, and go to our amphitheatre to listen to relaxing music.  On a hot summer day, visit the “water rock” to hear the bubbling sound of the surrounding water.  Daila and Bruno Trubiņš will be happy to give you a tour of the garden and tell you all about the plants and how to care for them.  You can purchase rose and perennial plants.  Each June we organise a Rose Festival with an extensive programme for adults and children alike.  Visitors are welcome to taste rose jam and drinks made of rose petals.   We can host seminars, concerts, weddings and photo sessions.  The garden is open from May until the end of September, and we particularly welcome visitors when the flowers are in full bloom.  Ring 2646-9604 to arrange for your visit in advance, please.

Distance from countries capital city68 Active season months5-9 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers

Zilu Peonijas

Zīļu peonijas is a farm where you can get a true sense of how many different types of peonies there are in the world.  The garden has more than 800 different kinds, and they will surprise you with their diversity of form and colour.  Each visitor will find one which best corresponds to his or her tastes.  Flowers are sold to be taken home.  The garden is in the Slampe Parish of the Tukums Administrative District.

Distance from countries capital city65 Active season months6-8

Silezeru peonijas

The peony garden "Silezeru peonijas" is located in a scenic place in Valmiera region, Kocēni parish.

Currently, about 800 different varieties grow in the garden - from very early flowering peonies, daisies, intersection peonies to shrub peonies. The first three varieties of peonies were purchased in 2015. The gardening of the peony collection began with them. The new varieties were gradually purchased first from peony collectors known in Latvia, and then from foreign kennels in England, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden and Poland.

The owner organizes excursions and introduces the flower of love - peony, but you need to call in advance.

Distance from countries capital city105 Active season months6-7


A family farm in Sigulda, which grows fruit trees, fruits and produces various drinks from them. Offers wines for tasting from flowers, berries, fruits, the non-alcoholic festive drink "Rhubarb", brandy with an apple in the bottle and the liqueur Allažu kimelis - an original, ancient recipe.

Distance from countries capital city45 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers
Nearest town


The Liepas farm in Dobele is a dynamically developing plant farm, specialising in fruit trees, berry bushes and roses.  On offer are locally grown, high-quality and appropriate for Latvia's climate fruit tree, rose and berry bush planting materials, with a wide variety of types.  Visitors will see plants in containers and an introductory garden which shows how a small fruit tree looks when it is grown up.  During the spring, visitors will enjoy the blooming season, and during the summer and autumn they will be able to taste cherries, plums, apples and pears.

Distance from countries capital city73 Active season months4-10 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Tour guide servicesPicnick areaPicnick area Nearest train station1500mNearest bus stop1500mNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The Ezerlici farm

This lovely farm features lilies, peonies and other flowers, as well as a beautiful rock garden and a dendrological park that is under development.  Bees from more than 100 hives produce honey.  The lady of the house will take you on a tour and offer plants and honey products for sale.

Distance from countries capital city253 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance


Dendrological plantings by Māris Linde are located in Aizpute, about 1km to the south-west of the town centre. Under trees, there is a decorative garden showing rare tree and flower cultivars. The owner shares attractive stories about the plant varieties in his garden. Visitors can buy plants and learn about the books written by Māris Linde.

Distance from countries capital city175 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Tour guide servicesPicnick area

The Betras tree farm

This farm offers apple, pear, cherry and plum trees, black currants, red currents, gooseberries, raspberries, quince, chokeberries and sweet mountain-ash.  The owners will teach you about establishing fruit orchards and growing fruit trees.  Candies made at the farm are for sale.

Distance from countries capital city48 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance

Deko Dobe

Saimniecība specializējas uz dažādu dekoratīvo stādu audzēšanu nelielos apjopmos.

Sezonas laikā pieejamas arī svaigas krūmmellenes, smiltsērkšķi, cidonijas, augļi un ogas.

Distance from countries capital city100

The Dimzas plant farm

Take a tour of this lovely plant farm, which has more than 3,000 types of plants, including a wide range of water plants.  You can purchase plants and receive consultations on growing them.

Distance from countries capital city58 Active season months2-11 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Rooms for  festivities Tour guide servicesPicnick area


This beautiful garden of practical ideas offers colourful flowers and a wide collection of coniferous trees which visitors can visit all year long.  Behind the house are a vegetable garden and a group of greenhouses.

Distance from countries capital city75 Active season months5-10 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups


Beautiful, harmonic and unique -- those are words to describe the garden at the Gundegas homestead in the Daudzese Parish.  Owner Agrita Laizāne tends to her garden every day, particularly in the spring, when she is inspire to plant the flowers.  In the autumn she thinks about work to be done next year, collecting seeds and preparing her garden for the winter.

Active season months4-10 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Accommodation available
Steam bath SwimmingPicnick area

Darznieciba "Ratnieki"

Viengadīgo krāšņumaugu, ēdamaugu dēstu audzēšana. Dažādu krāsu un formu tomātu audzēšana segtajās platībās. Ar 2021. gadu tomātu pārstrāde - sulas un pulvera ražošana.

Distance from countries capital city131 Must register in advance

Kolekciju darzs "Ciruli"

”Cīruļi” atrodas 5 km attālumā no Rūjienas, Jeru pagastā. Īpašums ir pārmantots no paaudzes paaudzē, īpašniekiem vienojoties kopīgā mīlestībā uz ziediem, dažādu augu audzēšanai pārvēršoties arī par vaļasprieku. 

Dārzā atrodamas arisēmas, ramondas, magnolijas, knifofijas, rodžersijas, ligularijas, rožainā radiola, ehinācijas un vēl daudz vairāk pazīstamu, skaistu augu. Pavasaris iesākas ar sniegarožu un daudzo sīpolpuķu plaukšanu, vēlāk - krāsainie īrisu ziedi un trauslās astilbju skaras. Daudz skaistuma un krāsainības puķu dobēm piedod heihēras un hostas, kas priecē līdz pat vēlam rudenim. Dārzā aug arī skujeņi, vīteņaugi un katru gadu ražojoši vīnogulāji, kas veido pašu dārza telpu.


Distance from countries capital city175

The Vejkalnietis winery

The owner uses Latvian products to make and offer more than 20 different wines, including some that are made of exotic flowers. You can taste and purchase wines made of berries, fruit, vegetables and flowers, including white jasmine, the elderberry tree, dandelions, the large cranberry, etc. There is a lily garden alongside which is the largest one in Eastern Europe and offers plants for sale.

The day lily garden offers a look at globally famous types of day lilies which can be purchased.  Many of these have been developed by the originator of the garden, Varis Baņģieris.  More than 1,000 types of day lilies can be seen and purchased.  The garden is open from 9:00 AM until 7:00 PM every day in July and August, when the flowers bloom.  The owner also offers tastings of homemade wine that is called "Vējkalnietis."

Botanical Beautiful sights For parties Distance from countries capital city100 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet) Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Rooms for  festivities Tour guide servicesSouvenire shop Nearest bus stop700mNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest station

Kaasiku Farm, ornamental garden, nature trail and laces

The farm boasts one of the most attractive gardens in Viljandi County and is a feast for the eye for both seasoned gardeners and nature lovers. A footpath takes visitors from the garden to the edge of Paistu primeval valley.
A farm museum displays agricultural and household tools and equipment along with decorative laces and patterns. Examples of fine laces in various techniques include a stunning bridal dress of a former lady of the house.

Distance from countries capital city170 Active season months5-9

KATLEJA - orhideju kolekcija un eksotiskie dzivnieki

Astoņus kilometrus no Kroņauces, saimnieks izveidojis lielāko orhideju kolekciju Latvijā. Interesanti apskatīt arī eksotiskos dzīvniekus - iguānas, sarkanausainie bruņurupuči, pitons un šņācējtarakāni, kuri šeit atraduši mājvietu. Saimniecībā ir arī Šetlandes poniji, ar kuriem var jāt bērni.Piedāvā makšķerēšanu zivju dīķos un teltsvietas.
Distance from countries capital city90 Active season months1-12
Farm animalsBBQPlace for tents Fishing - commercial Nearest shopNearest town

The Gliemji farm

The farm grows and offers vegetables, annual and perennial flowers for gardens, as well as decorative bushes and trees. The owners will design gardens and other green areas, sell saplings and accept commissions for the growth of saplings. You can learn all about the secrets of growing decorative plants and receive advice from the owners.

Seminars Mushroom picking60m For parties Beautiful sights1km Distance from countries capital city273 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Steam bathRooms for  festivities50pers.Birch besomRooms for seminarsIndoor pool Table games, etc.Berry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesBicycle trailNature trail Nearest train stationNearest bus stopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianOther languagesHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant

"Amales" (Laimigo kirbju zeme)

Reta galda vīnogu kolekcija un degustācija, ainaviska dārza apskate un stāstījums par ķirbjaugu, čilli un tomātu šķirņu kolekciju. Kolekcijā ir 120 šķirņu tomātu, 20 šķirņu paprikas un aso piparu, 140 šķirņu ķirbjaugu. Degustācijas galds - sukādes, čilli, interesanti ievārījumi un pašu fermentētas tējas.

Botanical Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance


The beautiful, tidy and artfully laid out farmstead is situated in Jaunpiebalga district. The farmstead is naturally encorporated into the landscape, the old barn is renovated and its top floor is a place for the owner’s workshop and exhibition (she is a softwares artist). The old log house has also been renovated, and the sauna has been rebuilt. A small river flows through the farmstead, and there is also a Tuleja mound on the territory, which is a natural landmark protected by the state.

Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months1-12
Picnick area


Latvia's first grape selector, Pauls Sukatnieks (1914-1989) lived at Apsītes.  The house has been restored and contains household and farm equipment, as well as Sukatnieks' library and office.  The garden that surrounds the house has local and introduced colourful plants and trees, including rare ones.  Visitors can look at the types of grapes that Sukatnieks developed, as well as his vineyard.  Alongside the homestead is an information stand about birdwatching in the Dviete wetlands.  You can tour the garden and house in the company of a guide.  There is space for relaxation and picnics, and the homestead organises work sessions and educational events. 

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city208 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers
Place for tentsRooms for seminars Tour guide servicesPicnick area

Stadu audzetava "Sprogas"

Zemnieku saimniecība "Sprogas" ir Tīcu ģimenes dārzkopības uzņēmums, kura saknes veidojušās 90-to gadu sākumā, bet strauju attīstību tas ieguvis pēdējo desmit gadu laikā. Jau iepriekš "Sprogās" saimniekots ar vērienu – audzētas zemenes, narcises, lefkojas. Saimniecības vadītājs Ivars Tīcs darbošanās prieku dārzniecības jomā mantojis vairākās paaudzēs. "Sprogas" nodarbojas ar vasaras puķu stādu, augļu koku, dekoratīvo stādu,  augļu un ogu audzēšanu.

Distance from countries capital city196 Active season months1-12


The Klūgu family owns a landscape garden that has been declared to be one of the most beautiful gardens in Latvia, offering a diverse landscape which the owners recommend be enjoyed in July, when the summer flowers are most colourful.  If you want to satisfy the dream of the family -- living in a park, you must see Latvia's typical landscape with large deciduous trees, various coniferous trees and a colourful park of shrubs that has been established over the course of several years.

Distance from countries capital city77 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance
Picnick area

The Zalenieki tree farm

This is one of the most ornate and beautiful tree farms in Latvia, with some 1,000 types and forms of plants.  The owner will take you on a tour, and you can purchase coniferous trees, decorative bushes, plants for fencing, ivies, and outstanding grafted trees and bushes in containers (1-200 litres).  A colourful arboretum is also on offer, along with garden consultations. This can be used as a venue for events and photo sessions.

Distance from countries capital city68 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers

Polli Darzkopibas petniecibas centrs

Distance from countries capital city189 Active season months1-12

Puku lauki

Ziemciešu audzētava „Puķu lauki” ir ģimenes uzņēmums, kurā audzē un piedāvā dekoratīvos stādus. Saimniecība ir specializējusies konkrētu augu grupu audzēšanā. Tās laukos bagātīgi zeļ ziemcietes, graudzāles (zāļveida ziemcietes) un dažādas cirpto bukšu formas. Turklāt, šejienes augu šķirnes ir pielāgotas mūsu klimatiskajiem apstākļiem. Apmeklētāji var izstaigāt skaisti iekopto un ainavisko paraugdārzu, kā arī iegādāties stādus plastmasas konteineros visas sezonas garumā. 

Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance


Approximately one kilometre to the west of the former Vārnava school, you will find the Rudzīši homestead, which is owned by Ēvalds Pūpols and his family.  Ēvalds has spent most of his life cultivating grapes and developing new varieties thereof.  On the hilly territory, he has established a beautiful and well-tended area to grow grapes that love warmth.  The vineyard has approximately 60 types of grapes.  Facing south-east, this is one of Latvia's largest and most diverse vineyards.  There are many trails to learn about the garden and its beautiful surrounding area.  The owner will offer guide services, and you can learn all about the growing and selection of grapes.  You can purchase plants, and if the season has been productive, you can taste the grapes as such.  Rudzīši hosts a harvest festival and other events.

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city130 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers
Picnick area

Kirsteins garden and Tuja cascade

You will feel the beauty, power and energy of nature here, ensuring harmony with nature and a good sense of the energy of rocks, plants, Latvian plants and underground streams.  Rocks here decorate the garden, which offers a good view of the sea and a cascade of waterfalls that are delightful in the spring and the fall.  During the summer, it is a rock river.  The site is one km to the north of the bus stop in Tūja and has 28 types of coniferous trees, 14 decorative shrubs, 13 kinds of rhododendrons, and winter plants.  The interesting collection of stones may mean that there is an energy field, and the garden is quite esoteric.  The rocky seashore of Vidzeme is nearby, and the garden has received many prizes from the Salacgrīva Administrative District and Latvia as such.

Distance from countries capital city76 Active season months1-12


The tree farm focuses on decorative plants, including summer and perennial flowers, fern and collections of peonies.  Flower containers and pyramids are made on order. The farm delivers and installs vertical “green walls”. The farm also offers Christmas products and materials for floral design.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city168 Active season months4-10 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance


The hatchery of decorative saplings and their sale (thujas, junipers, meadowsweets, weigelas, barberries, roses, etc.); creating and nurturing a commercial black currant garden, consultations.

Distance from countries capital city100 Active season months1-12

Jaunmoku gardens

Jaunmoku Gardens is a family business of the Kalēju family, which has been growing high-quality Latvian fruit next to Jaunmoku Castle for almost 20 years. Jaunmoku cider is made entirely from the highest quality apples grown in the family’s gardens.


The Jaunbomji farm

The owner of the farm grows petunias, geraniums, balsams, asters, snapdragons and other plants, also designing beautiful pots of flowers. She organises seminars on biological farming. Visitors can purchase plants, pick black currants from a bush, and pick tomatoes from a vegetable bed. Tastings are available, and there are rabbits on display, as well.

Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months5-9 Optional meals Internet access Accepts individual travellers No pets allowed Must register in advance Accommodation available Accepts tourist groups
BBQPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsNo smoking FishingFishing - winterFacilities  appropriate for childrenTour guide servicesPicnick area Nearest bus stop400mNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishOther languages


Your visit to the Sēlija tree farm will include an exciting story from the owner, Mendriķis, about apple trees.  You can tour the orchard, warehouses and processing facilities, enjoying a glass of apple juice or listening to the story about winemakers while sipping a glass of apple wine.

Distance from countries capital city230 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance


Višķi is a populated area that started as the Višķi Estate and received the status of a village in the 19th century.  An agricultural school was opened there in 1921, followed by a one-year homemaking school in 1926.  During World War II, in 1943, the Višķi Gardening and Beekeeping School was established.  After the war, the Višķi Gardening (later Agricultural) Technical School was opened.  Because of these educational activities, Višķi ir not similar to a typical countryside village.  There is a wide area of lovely plants, including a dendrological park (est. 1936) and apple orchards.  A local guide will tell you all about the park, but you can also stroll through the village individually. 

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city220 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups

Zemnieku saimnieciba "Mucenieki"

The farmstead grows apples, strawberries, black currants, red currants, etc., berries and fruits; there is a big selection of processed goods: natural juices, nectars and syrups. There are offered apple, strawberry, red currant, gooseberry, sea-buckthorn and chokeberry saplings; consultations are given for making out a commercial garden and taking care of it. Excursions around the commercially grown plants.

Distance from countries capital city135 Active season months1-12

Vecpiebalga water lilies

On the edge of the Bērzkrogs-Madona road in the centre of Vecpiebalga, you will find a pond full of various types of water lilies of different colours. The owner will tell you all about the popular folk song about water lilies from Vecpiebalga, offer plants for sale and offer practical advice. The pond also has carp which children can feed by hand while their parents are listening to the stories.

Distance from countries capital city128 Active season months6-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups


Skaidrīte Bauze is one of Latvia's most famous mitten knitters, with more than 185 pairs of mittens in her collection to demonstrate the wide range of Latvian ornaments and colours.  Visitors can look at the collection, listen to information about it, and look at a garden with many different plants and wooden sculptures that are the work of the owner of the farm, Haralds Bauze.

Agriculture Agri Heritage Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months5-9 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet)
Outdoor firepalce Nearest town

The Tado Ivanausko farm and park

The Tado Ivanausko farm and apple orchard have a memorial museum that is in Ringaudosa in the Kaunas District.  The memorial farm has a house in which the museum is located, a gardener's house, a poultry coop and a garden and park that cover approximately 4 ha.  The name of the location is based on very floral and fertile apple trees.

Heritage gardens Active season months4-9 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

The Lithuanian Agriculture and Forestry Science Centre's Pomiculture and Gardening Institute

The Lithuanian Pomiculture and Gardening Institute became a national scholarly institute in 1992.  It engages in scholarly studies, as well as experimental manufacturing.  The institute produces Lithuanian fruits and vegetables that are used to manufacture high-quality, natural and healthy products. 

Heritage gardens Active season months5-9 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

Biohumusa razotne "BioEC"

2012. gadā tika izveidots ģimenes uzņēmums "Bioorganic earthworm compost", kurš nodarbojas ar organiskā mēslojuma - sliekkomposta jeb biohumusa ražošanu. Ir izveidota moderna sliekkomposta ražotne, kura ir viena no lielākajām Baltijas valstīs. Pieaugot cilvēku interesei par zaļo saimniekošanu un iespējami kvalitatīvāku ekoproduktu iegūšanas iespējām, tiek piedāvātas ekskursijas pa ražotni, lai parādītu, kā tiek ražots viens no visefektīvākajiem organiskajiem mēslojumiem - sliekkomposts.

Distance from countries capital city60 Active season months1-12

Stadaudzetava "Arites"

Saimniecībā, kura atrodas pašā Sēlijas novada centrā, aug un zied vairāk nekā 400 dažādu rožu šķirnes, kā arī siltumnīcās tiek audzēti dažādi dārzeņu un puķu stādi. Iegādei tiek piedāvāti dažādi viengadīgie augi, vairāki simti rožu stādi un ēdamaugu stādi siltumnīcai un dārzam. 

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months4-9


Peony collector Andris Berkens opens up his garden to visitors each spring and popularises and praises the name of Tērvete by bringing beautiful stories about flowers throughout the world.  Flowers can be purchased to enhance a visitor's garden, and the recommendation is to visit when the flowers are in full bloom. Visit is free of charge.

Distance from countries capital city76 Active season months6-6 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

The Japanese Garden

The largest Japanese garden in Europe (16 ha) was established in 2007 by Japanese designer Hajime Watanabe and Dr Šarunas Kasmauskas, merging religion, art and respect for nature. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 Accommodation available This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers No pets allowed Pre-order required

The garden of gardener Zenta Skrastina

This is one of the most beautiful gardens in Latvia, and the owners of the garden will offer you a tour, along with valuable advice. Visitors can purchase trees, bushes, winter plants, perennials, medicinal plants, as well as edible flowers. Florist services are also available.

Distance from countries capital city130 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Peteris Upitis’ lilac garden

The Gardening Institute is the leading scholarly centre for fruit and vegetable research in Latvia.  The institute specialises in selection and introduction of plant cultivars that are suitable for cultivation under the agro-climatic conditions in the Baltic countries, have high nutrition value and are rich in fibre content.

Seminars Heritage gardens For parties Botanical Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Internet access Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance
Rooms for seminarsNo smoking ScreenWhiteboardOverhead projectorLCD/ProjectorTV VideoComputerCopier Tour guide servicesBicycle trailNature trailNature watchingSouvenire shop Nearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian


The number of types of peonies in this garden is close to 400, and collect Dagnija Voika is  proud of one of the largest collections in Latvia.  There are 30 types of shrub peonies, and other flowers that grown there include bearded irises, Siberian irises, daylilies, as well as less common plants such as yuccas and eremurus.  The garden is open in June, when the owner organises a peony festival and offers tours.  The valuable peony roots are used to produce the PEO series of cosmetics, and plants can be purchased.

Botanical Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months5-9 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Tour guide services

Stadaudzetava "Blidene"

Stādaudzētava piedāvā rožu, skujeņu, dižstādu, ūdensaugu, lapu krūmu un dzīvžogu materiāla iegādi un konsultācijas.
Distance from countries capital city82 Active season months1-12

The lovely garden of the Strubergs family

This garden has several times been declared to be Latvia's most outstanding exemplary decorative garden.  The owners offer tours and advice on gardening.

Distance from countries capital city50 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
BBQ Picnick area Nearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak Russian


This garden on the banks of the Bērze River is known as a rock fairy tale and a miraculous garden.  The garden has rocks of various forms and sizes, including milling stones, distance markers and border posts related to parishes.  The exhibition is supplemented by decorative plants and compositions of plants that are the responsibility of the lady of the house.

Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers


This farm grows tulips and has nearly 400 different types of bulbs.  A tulip festival is held each spring, and bulbs can be purchased in the autumn.  Also on view are a pony, goats and rabbits.  The farm also offers cakes, pastries and other treats.

Distance from countries capital city75 Active season months4-8 Optional meals Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers
Picnick area

Valmieras muzeja arstniecibas un garsaugu darzs

The garden is located on the very bank of the River Gauja, near the Valmiera Castle ruins. A story about the use of plants in preparing meals. Bread, gingerbread baking, cheese making programmes.

Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Must register in advance


This is one of the most beautiful gardens in Nīca, particularly featuring hostas and maple trees.  There are more than 130 varieties of hostas, as well as 25 maple trees.  The large pond features fish that can be fed, and visitors will enjoy the beauty of the garden.  Guests will particularly enjoy the impressive homestead sign that was created after a long search.  The garden has done will in beautiful garden competitions at the level of Nīca and the level of Latvia.

Distance from countries capital city236 Active season months5-10 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups