
Overview Details

Live Museum “The story of Ancient Kuldiga”

The tour at the “living Museum” is like a walk through history. Here, accompanied by a guide, it is possible to learn in interactive form about events during various periods in Kuldiga – about prison sentences, about Duke Jacob's ships, trade plans, about the glory and misery of Kuldiga.

With the help of holograms, sound effects and other interactive elements, there is an opportunity to travel back in time and survive the sides of the history page full of joy, fear, horror and success.

Distance from countries capital city146 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers

More museum

The Museum is situated in the place, where during the times of World War II the battles between the soldiers of Latvian and Soviet armies took place.The main subject of the museum is the history of Latvians during World War II and the battle of More.

On the second floor of the museum the guide will tell you about the history of crafts and will show you the exhibition of household objects. Every year there are new exhibitions of the local craftsmen’s products . The visitors can buy souvenirs, jewellery and other crafts and goods.

Distance from countries capital city77


The birthplace of Latvia’s first prime minister and, later, president, Kārlis Ulmanis (1877-1942) was turned into a museum in 1993.  The homestead has undergone unbelievable transformation during the past two decades.  The landscape has been cleaned up, and buildings that were lost or were in poor shape have been rebuilt.  There are a house, an ancillary building, a cattle shed and barn and a granary.  The exhibition focuses on the life of Ulmanis, featuring an impressive collection of agricultural equipment and instruments, including Latvia’s largest wooden butter churn.

Agri Heritage Distance from countries capital city60 Electric vehicle charging available

Museum der Ethno-Kosmologie Litauens

Das einzige Museum solcher Art im Baltikum. Das Ziel des Museums besteht darin, die Mensch(und litauisches Volk)-Kosmos-Beziehung zu zeigen. Ausbildungsprogramme, mythologische Steine.

Distance from countries capital city77

Sõru Maritime Centre and Sõru Museum

The Centre at Sõru harbour exhibits various vessels, smaller wooden boats are built and renovated here too. The three-masted schooner Alar is awaiting restoration. Part of the Centre complex is the Sõru Museum giving an insight into local sea-going history; workshops on coastal life and seafaring can be booked in advance.

Distance from countries capital city173 Active season months1-12

"Kalna Kaibeni"

“Kalna Kaibēni” is on Kaibēni Hill (226 m above sea level) and 7 km to the West of Ineši. Nominated as Latvia’s oldest memorial museum (1929), this is a place with buildings from the 18th and 19th century. Inside you will see exhibits which speak to the lives and contributions of the schoolteachers and authors Reinis (1839-1920) and Matīss (1848-1926) Kaudzīte. The authentic farm includes a garden which the two brothers planted themselves, and the wooden sculptures which were produced by Krišjānis Kugra present characters from the brothers’ famous novel “Age of the Surveyors”.

Distance from countries capital city140

Hiiumaa Museum

The museum’s main house in Kärdla (open all year round) and branches in Kassari and Käina (open in summer) give an insight into wool manufacturing, seafaring, agriculture and manor estates on the island, islanders´ life through tsarist and Soviet regimes and independence. Classes on heritage are run in the Long House.

Distance from countries capital city164 Active season months1-12

Neuntes Fort (IX fortas ) In Kaunas

Ein am Ende des 19. Jh. gebautes Teil der Festung. Ein Museum, das Verbrechen totalitäre Regimes gegen Menschlichkeit wiederspiegelt.

Distance from countries capital city103

Vilani Museum of Local History

Viļāni Museum of Local History. Permanent exposition of the town history from the ancient times to nowadays. Tours in Viļāni.
Working hours: Mon– Fri : 8.00 – 12.00,13.00 – 17.00, Sat., Sunday : closed
Distance from countries capital city213

The Madona Regional Research and Art Museum

This is one of the oldest museums in Vidzeme and features interesting discoveries from the Middle Ages and the Iron Age, some of which were found around Lake Lubāna. Employees organise thematic exhibitions related to the culture and history of the administrative district, as well as art exhibitions.  The museum is in the historical buildings of the former Birži Estate.

Distance from countries capital city165

Academia Petrina and the Gederts Eliass Jelgava Museum of History and Art

The late Baroque and early Classicism building was commissioned by Duke Peter Byron of Courland and Zemgale, and it was built between 1773 and 1776 on the basis of a design by a Danish architect.  It was the castle of Duchess Anna.  The first university in Latvia, Academia Petrina was established here in 1775 and named after Duke Peter.  The first observatory was installed at the academy in 1772, and a high school was in the building during the age of the Russian Empire.  Among graduates are distinguished Latvians such as Krišjānis Barons, Jānis Alunāns and Jānis Čakste, as well as the Lithuanian Antanas Smetona.  The Jelgava Museum of History and Art took over the building in 1952, and in 1975 it was named after the Old Master Ģederts Eliass (1887-1975).  The exhibition speaks to the history of the city and surrounding area during and after the period of the Duchy of Courland and Zemgale.  Outside the impressive building are four cannons from the period of the duchy, as well as monument to Eliass that was designed in 1987 by the sculptor Jānis Zariņš.  Another monument, “Lāčplēsis and the Black Knight,” was designed by the sculptor Kārlis Jansons and commemorates the liberators of Jelgava.

Distance from countries capital city44

A collection of horns in “Purvziedi”

Found at the Purvziedi homestead in Vaide, this collection of more than 600 horns has been established by forest guard Edgars Hausmanis, who says that he found all of the exhibits in the forest.

Mushroom picking By the sea Distance from countries capital city165 Active season months4-10 Accommodation available Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet)
Outdoor firepalceBBQPlace for tentsNo smokingTrailer parking available Sports groundPicnick areaSouvenire shop Nearest bus stop3kmNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak GermanHosts speak Russian

The Latgale Museum of Culture and History

The current exhibition is in a building that used to house the Latgale Central Museum, and it speaks to the 700 years of the history of Rēzekne.  It features typical ceramics and other artworks from Latgale.  A separate exposition, “A Miracle Created by the Transformation of Clay and Fire,” speaks to the history of ceramics, and the museum also features pottery workshops where people can watch experts using ancient traditions to create new forms of pottery.  Outside of the museum is a monument to the distinguished Lettigalian poet Antons Kūkojs (1940-2007).

Distance from countries capital city240

An antique musical instrument workshop

Here you will find a vast collection of antique instruments.  You’ll learn about their history and about how they were manufactured.  You can play music or commission or purchase homemade instruments.  If you contact the venue in advance, the Igaunis family will organise a concert performance for you.

Agri Heritage Distance from countries capital city245

The Roja Fishing Museum

This is one of the most important destinations in Northern Kurzeme, offering a wealth of information about the history of the region and the shoreline, its cultural and historical values, the building of sailing ships, fishing traditions, local residents and their work and achievements.  The museum was opened in 1968, and right now it has permanent exhibitions about Krišjānis Valdemārs, the Roja maritime school and the building of sailing ships in the 19th century.  There is also information about the history of fish processing from the 19th century to the present day, the Liv Shore, and the Soviet contributions toward the development of the coastline.  The museum features three women from Kurzeme from different historical periods – Mildiņa, who is a simple fisherman’s wife, Mrs Pauliņš from the era of sailing ship building, and Anna Petrovna from the Soviet era.  The three women offer attractive information about objects that are not exhibited at the museum, also displaying the naughty sense of humour that people in Kurzeme have. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months1-12

Latgale Farmstead „Mezmalas”

Latgale Farmstead „Mežmalas”. The owners of the farmstead created an interesting collection of the old household items, tools and equipment of the 19th and 20th century. The visitors are offered to try plainting of the scale basket. Sale of baskets and herbal tea. Enjoy walking along the energetic path through the pine forest.
Working hours: on request

The Kuldiga Administrative District Museum

On the banks of the Venta River is a treasure of wooden architecture – the so-called Bangerts Villa, which relates to romantic stories and legends and was recently restored.  It is said that a man known as Captain Bangerts bought the villa as a gift to present to his Parisian bride.  The Kuldīga Administrative District Museum has been in the building since 1940.  Since reconstruction, unique wall paintings and other interior design details have been restored, and the flat of the Bangerts family allows people to see how wealthy residents of the city lived in the early 20th century.  Also on display are some of the sets of playing cards that have been collected by Jānis Mētra.

Distance from countries capital city158

The Brone Buivydaite memorial museum

Established in 1990, this museum features an orchard that was planed in 1935 and relates to the poetess Brone Buivydaite. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12


Pirms dodamies tālāk – Skaistkalnes virzienā, var izmest nelielu loku līdz Lejeniekiem, kas atrodas skaistā vietā – Mēmeles kreisajā krastā, 6 km austrumos no Bauskas. Latviešu dzejnieka Viļa Plūdoņa (1874. – 1940.) memoriālais muzejs dibināts 1968. g. viņa dzimtajās mājās „Lejeniekos”. Zemgales daba un vecmātes stāsti būtiski ietekmēja nākamā dzejnieka daiļradi. Šeit nokļuvušie var apskatīt ratu un etnogrāfisko priekšmetu kolekciju, izstaigāt Plūdoņa taku vai apmeklēt dzejnieka un viņa radinieku atdusas vietu netālu esošajos kapos. Bērniem noteikti jāiegriežas “Zaķīšu pirtiņā”.

Distance from countries capital city72

Ekspozicija "Sudraba Limbazi"

Apmeklētājiem tiek piedāvāta ekskursija ar stāstiem par Limbažiem, kas kādā veidā saistīti ar sudrabu. Ekskursijas laikā iespējams apskatīt paraugdemonstrējumus lodēšanā. Sadarbībā ar juvelieriem, darbnīcā būs iespējas apgūt prasmes darbam ar misiņu un sudrabu, tiks piedāvātas arī meistarklases. Pēc iepriekšējas pieteikšanās grupām būs pieejamas arī O.Auzera lekcijas par sudraba ietekmi uz veselību.

Ekspozīcija atvērta apmeklētājiem  no trešdienas līdz svētdienai no pl.10:00-17:00, citā laikā grupām- pēc iepriekšēja pieteikuma.

Ieejas maksa:
2 EUR- Skolēniem, studentiem, pensionāriem;
3 EUR- Pieaugušajiem
Pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem- bez maksas

Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers

Bernsteinmuseum in Palanga

Die größte Bernsteinausstellung im Baltikum (seit 1963) mit Bernsteineinschlüssen. Ist die Bedeutung des Bernsteins in der Geschichte des baltischen Völkern wiedergespiegelt. Das Museum ist in einem dem Grafen Tyszkiewicz (1865 – 1932) gehörteten Schloss (gebaut 1897) eingerichtet.

Distance from countries capital city330

Kraslavas Vestures un makslas muzejs

Atrodas Grāfu Plāteru parkā, blakus Krāslavas jaunajai pilij. Tas izvietojies vienā no 18. gs. celtajām muižas saimniecības ēkām. Muzeja ekspozīcija ir veidota interesantā veidā – 17 m garā laivā, kas (laiva ar pieciem airiem) ir pilsētas ģerbonis. Muzeja krājums iepazīstina ar Krāslavas novada vēsturi, sākot no akmens laikmeta līdz mūsdienām. Muzejā tiek organizētas Krāslavas mākslinieku izstādes.

Distance from countries capital city264


Das Museum befindet sich in der Festung von Kopgalis. Im Aquarium des Museums sind Fische und Tiere der Ostsee und anderer Meere und Ozeane zu sehen. Eine Ausstellung. Pinguine und Seehunde. In den Pulverkellern der Festung ist eine Ausstellung der Seefhrt Litauens, aber auf den Bollwerken eine Ausstellung der Gewehr eingerichtet. Das einzige Delfinarium im Baltikum.

Distance from countries capital city316


The late 19th C saw an increase in the development of dairy products in Estonia. The Dairy Museum was established in 1976 to preserve, research and exhibit the history of dairy production. Collections are exhibited both indoors and outdoors, our programmes are very popular and guided tours for groups are available on request. Estonian Dairy Museum tells guests about making dairy products at home, displays and exhibitions on dairy history are also available here. The museum also organises sweet cheese snack, cheese, ice-cream and butter making masterclasses.

Distance from countries capital city111 Active season months1-12

The Munchhausen Museum

The restored mansion of the Dunte Estate is now a museum featuring the adventures and life of the legendary king of lies, Baron Munchhausen.  The first floor is devoted to the barn and his stories, while the second floor has a collection of wax models of people who are distinguished in terms of Latvia’s history.  Also there is the largest collection of beer mugs in Latvia.  There are three circular trails in the forest with wooden sculptures.  The longest one leads to the sea.  A wooden model of a ship is interesting to children.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city64 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance
BBQ Tour guide services Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

Kalevipoeg Museum

Kalevipoeg is a hero from the Estonian national epic, most of his stories come from Jõgeva County, where you can find his sword in the Kääpa River, there are his places of rest, stones he’s thrown, springs and bogs, ploughing furrows, etc. The museum has 12 themed rooms presenting Kalevipoeg´s legends as well as Estonian heritage. 17 wooden statues of the epic’s characters stand in the museum grounds.

Distance from countries capital city192 Active season months1-12

Braki, the Rudolfs Blaumanis memorial museum

This farm is where the Latvian author Rūdolfs Blaumanis (1863-1908), founder of modern dramaturgy in Latvia, lived and worked.  The farm has been restored, and it is a typical leased farm in Vidzeme with eight wooden buildings.  Educational events and tours are available, featuring family celebrations, the mischief of little imps, and farm work.  You can taste Latvian porridge, pancakes, tea, and wine “from the sweet bottle.”

Distance from countries capital city115 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

A museum or forestry and household tools at Kleperi

The Lejas Kleperi farm straddles the boundary between the Cēsis and Valka Districts. The farm is 119.4 hectares large, with 86.1 hectares of forestland. The farm’s work is centred on forestry. In 1992, a private museum of farming and forestry equipment was set up in one of the residential buildings. The museum’s collection is constantly being updated.
Distance from countries capital city118 Active season months4-10
FireplaceRooms for seminars Neighbour housesNearest shopNearest town Hosts speak Russian

The History Museum of Malta

The History Museum of Malta. Exposition „History of Malta parish: from Rozentova and Borovaja to Malta”. We offer household items, tools of trade, works of art, collection of paper money and coins. Excursion outside the museum „At the cross-roads of Malta”.
Working hours: Mon– Fri : 9.00 – 17.00, Sat., Sunday : closed


Located on the side of the Daugavpils-Krāslava (A6) road in Naujene, the museum features a replica of the room of a wealthy Latvian farmer with household objects from the 19th and 20th century.  Younger visitors will be interested in Latvia's only diorama, "Underwater World," which will introduce them to the inhabitants of the Daugava River.  An outdoor exhibition, "Daugava of the Heart," has information about the protected Curves of Daugava Nature Park and the protected Upper Daugava landscape region, as well as local cultural and historical values.  The museum offers creative workshops and educational programmes.  There is an apple orchard to the east of the museum.  On the opposite side of the road, is the Juzefova (Juzepova) Park, which once was a baronial estate owned by Duke Bogdan Shahno.  It no longer exists.  The park has pathways, relaxation areas and information stands about the history of the park and the most interesting trees that are found therein.  You will need at least one hour to walk through the park. 

For children and teenagers Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city235 Active season months5-10 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Tour guide servicesPicnick area


Eine Asstellung der Steine unter freiem Himmel, eingerichtet vom litauischen Ärzt Intas Vaclovas (1925 – 2007). Ein Museum der einzigartigen Steine.

Distance from countries capital city325

Senlietu privatkolekcija "Saipetnieki"

We offer a private collection of ancient tools, household items and technologies which we began to assemble in 2002.  Right now we have more than 5,000 objects of cultural and historical objects on display, as well as a lovely garden with countless compositions of colourful flowers, fountains, an Eastern meditation bridge, ponds, a pergola, leafy areas, etc.  The garden covers more than 2 ha, and it is located 1 km from Lazdukalns.

Beautiful sights Active leisure Distance from countries capital city225 Active season months1-12
Outdoor firepalceRooms for  festivities Facilities  appropriate for childrenTour guide servicesPicnick areaNature watching Other languages

The Antons Austrins Memorial Museum at Kakaisi

Kakaiši is found 1 km to the South-West from Vecpiebalga, in the tiny village of Kakaiši. The Latvian writer Antons Austriņš (1884-1934) was born there and went to school in Vecpiebalga.  Austriņš is best known for the short story collection “Puiškans” (1931).  The museum features various rural objects, things associated with the author, and exhibits such as his collected works and other books that are worth visiting in the company of a guide.

Distance from countries capital city129 Active season months5-10

Gulbenes novada vestures un makslas muzejs

Gulbenes novada vēstures un mākslas muzejs dibināts 1982.gadā un apsaimnieko trīs ēkas – Vecgulbenes muižas oranžēriju, klēti un Sarkano pili. Oranžērijas ēkā izvietotas izstāžu zāles un apskatāmas divas pastāvīgās ekspozīcijas „Gulbenes vēsture” un „Jūlijs Madernieks”. Regulāri tiek atklātas dažāda satura tematiskās izstādes. Vecgulbenes muižas klētī apskatāma ekspozīcija „Tautsaimniecība”, kur apmeklētāji var iesaistīties vairākās aktivitātēs (malt ar rokas dzirnavām, pārbaudīt smaržas un taustes iemaņas, noteikt kokus, graudus, vīt virves u.c.).

Distance from countries capital city184 Active season months1-12

Kohtla Mining Park

The most fascinating part of the Park is its underground museum. Guided underground tours take visitors to where miners used to work and rest and stored their explosives, and include a real train ride and learning about various pieces of equipment and technology. A delicious miner’s lunch can be booked in advance and enjoyed in a genuine miners´ underground canteen.

Distance from countries capital city166 Active season months1-12

The Eduards Veidenbaums Memorial Museum

The memorial museum for Edvards Veidenbaums (1867-1892) was established at his homestead, “Kalači.”  The great poet and translator lived there from the age of five and also died there.  Alongside the museum is an exhibition hall that offers thematic exhibitions.  A monument designed by the sculptor Laimonis Blumbergs is in the garden of the museum and was installed in 1961.  There is also a granary in which Veidenbaums lived during the summer.  The poet was buried in the local Liepa cemetery.

Distance from countries capital city104 Active season months1-12

A collection of military bicycles at the Saulkrasti Bicycle Museum

This collection contains bicycles from five different armies and five different eras in the history of Latvia. They include a World War I bicycle from the Russian Empire, a bicycle from the Latvian army, two World War II German bicycles, and a Monark-brand military bicycle from Sweden that was donated to the renewed Latvian army in the 1990s. The exhibition also features items that are related to the use of military bicycles – seals, awards, and information about the bicycle units of Latvia’s Home Guard. This is the only bicycle museum in Latvia, and its exhibits are unique, as well.
Active season months1-12
Tour guide services

A collection of antiquities

At a lovely place in the Gauja National Park in the Vaidava Parish, guests can examine ancient tools, mechanisms and household objects. Guides will talk about how these various items were used. There is a guesthouse for overnight accommodations, and there is room for tents and picnics.
Distance from countries capital city85 Active season months4-11
Farm animals Picnick area Nearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak Russian

Park von Europa

Das Museum vom Zentrum Europas. Gegründet vom litauischen Bildhauer Gintaras Karosas. Mehr als 100 von Künstlern aus den 33 Ländern errichtete Installationen sind unter freiem Himmel ausgestellt.

Distance from countries capital city21

The Pedvale Open Air Museum of Art

The open-air museum was proposed in 1992 by the sculptor Ojārs Arvīds Feldbergs, and it is located on the banks of the Ancient Abava River valley and on land that was once part of the Firkspedvāle and Briņķpedvāle estates.  The park features contemporary art, and the museum also organises symposiums, creative workshops and other events.

Distance from countries capital city114

Libiesu seta

Meklējama Tārgales ciema centrā. 2018. g. nogalē atklāta Lībiešu zvejnieku sēta ar dzīvojamo māju, kurā ir saimes galds un soli, kūti, tīklu žāvētavu un mākslīgi radīts kāpas fragments. Sēta veidota kā atklāta tipa objekts un to var apmeklēt jebkurā laikā. Apkaimē saglabātas vietējās koku sugas. 


The Barta Museum, featuring traditions from lower Kurzeme

The basic exhibition at the museum, “Traditions Related to the Sewing and Wearing of Bārta Folk Costumes From the 19th to the 21st Century”, features folk costumes for unmarried and married women, as well as for men, emphasising the diversity of elements therein.  Visitors can help to embroider or weave blouses.  The Bārta Ethnographic Ensemble offers two educational programmes – “The Bārta Folk Costume” and “Singing Women From Bārta”.

Distance from countries capital city231

A train wagon to commemorate deportations

The wagon commemorates the 2,916 innocent people from Skrunda and the surrounding area who were deported to Siberia in cattle wagons.  It is found at Stacijas Street 1 near the Skrunda railroad station.

Distance from countries capital city148 Active season months1-12

The Daugava Museum

The museum is in the mansion of the Dole Estate, which was built in 1898 for the Loeuwis von Menar dynasty.  The collection presents Daugava as an important water route, with the apparel of Baltic and Liv tribes, everyday objects, etc.  Outside the movement is equipment to catch lampreys and a reconstructed weir to catch salmon.  Alongside is a 17th century cannon from the Duchy of Courland that was found in the Misa River and was cast in Baldone.  Nearby are four cannons from the Russian tsar’s army.  Those were found on a building lot in Salaspils in 2007.

Distance from countries capital city21

Xранилище старинных предметов в Нице

Xранилище старинных предметов находится на втором этаже здания Туристического информационного центра в Нице. Здесь представлен более чем столетний народный костюм Ницы со всеми неотъемлемыми принадлежностями - юбкой, корсажем, кафтаном и шапкой с «ушками». В ницанском сундуке для приданого хранятся работы местных рукодельниц, которые продолжают местные ремесленнические традиции. Посетители могут ознакомиться с ницанскими одеялами, платками, скатертями и другими пригодными в хозяйстве вещами, а также с рукавицами и носками.

Distance from countries capital city237

Kurgja Farm Museum

The farm museum presents the life and activities of Carl Robert Jakobson (an outstanding 19th C public person, writer and teacher) and his farmstead. Visitors can see cattle, sheep, horses and renovated outbuildings. They can also test their skills in farm jobs; Estonian food is available if booked in advance.

Distance from countries capital city131 Active season months1-12

An Energy Museum exhibition at the Plavinas hydroelectric power plant

This exhibition features the Pļaviņas hydroelectric power plant as a unique architectural building with unique engineering elements.  It is the largest producer of electricity in the Baltic States and one of the largest in Europe.  The exhibition speaks to the construction of the plant and major aspects of its operations.  There is a model of the plant, as well as various types of equipment that are used to ensure its operations.  Visitors will see a diver's suit, as well as various documents and photographs about the operations and reconstruction of the plant, the history of Aizkraukle, and the lives of people who worked at the plant.  Tours are available of the machine room of the plant, a look at the plant from a viewing platform, and a chance to learn more about the buildings as such.



For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city92 Active season months1-12

The Miervaldis Kemers Museum

The Miervaldis Ķemers Museum (Durbes street 21) is dedicated to a well known cultural worker in Latvia (1902­1980) who was also a clergyman and a painter.
Distance from countries capital city48

The Janskola Memorial Museum

This museum is along the road from Jaunpiebalga and Vecpiebalga and was opened in 1969.  It focuses on the life and work of two distinguished Latvians – the composer Emīls Dārziņš (1875-1910) and the poet and writer Jānis Sudrabkalns (1894-1975).  It features items related to the lives of the two men.  Music by Dārziņš can be heard in the museum, tours are offered to individual visitors and groups, and thematic and musical events are held at the museum.

Distance from countries capital city138 Active season months1-12

The Storm Museum

The Baltic Sea gave this territory one of the old names of Jūrkalne – Felixberg, and people still talk about the interesting legend that is the origin of the name.  Several wrecked ships have been found in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Jūrkalne.  An exhibition in the museum visualises the underwater world as the deck of a ship that has sunk into the depths of the sea.  The exhibition focuses on the cultural and historical heritage of underwater Latvia, allowing visitors to learn all about the history of sailing ships, steamships and other objects that have been raised from the depths.  Small children will start to learn about the underwater world, and researchers with broader knowledge will find something new here.

Distance from countries capital city189 Active season months1-12

The Ernst Glück Bible Museum

Located at Pils Street 25A in Alūksne, this is a building that was initially a trade pavilion and was built in the early 20th century.  The Ernst Glück Bible Museum was established in 1990 as the only museum of its type in Latvia and the Baltic States.  Glück (1652-1705) was a pastor and educator who was the first to translate the Bible into Latvian.  The exhibition features various editions of the Bible from 1694 to the present day in 38 languages, along with books of sermons and other examples of Christian literature.

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12

Priekules senlietu kratuve

Atrodas Skolas ielā 12, Priekules pamatskolā. Tās krājumā ir plašs Priekules novadā iegūto vēsturisko liecību klāsts – sadzīves priekšmeti, darbarīki, dokumenti, padomju gados izsūtīto un represēto cilvēku atmiņu stāsti u.c. liecības, kā arī Priekules skolu attīstības vēsture.

Distance from countries capital city234

The Lidumnieki Museum

The brothers Imants and Ivars Novožilovs have spent more than 10 years collecting local evidence of World War II – weapons, wrecks of armoured vehicles, the everyday objects of soldiers, etc., and they have now opened an exhibition of those items at the former headquarters of the local parish council.
Active season months1-12
Tour guide services

The Viesite narrow-gauge railroad train at the Viesite Museum

In 1916, during the German military occupation of Latvia, prisoners of war were put to work in installing narrow-gauge railroads via which the Germans exported Latvian timber. A narrow-gauge rail network was built through the forests and across the swamps of the Viesīte area. The track width was round 600 mm, and there was a total of 130 km of tracks to connect Viesīte (the central station) to Nereta, Aknīste, Jēkabpils and Daudzeva. The train was used after world War II to transport timber and passengers. The last trip along the line occurred on August 31, 1972. You can tour the museum individually or with the assistance of a guide. You’ll see an Mi-635 locomotive, wagons for passengers and cargo, a platform to transport timber materials, and two trolleys.
Active season months1-12
Tour guide services

Zimmer der estnischen Fahne

In Otepää wurde am 4. Juni 1884 die estnische Fahne geweiht. Im Pastorat ist ein Zimmer der estnischen Fahne eingerichtet.

Distance from countries capital city225

The Dairy Museum

The granary and cheese-making building of the former Seiksāte (Berghof) Estate houses a museum that was opened in 1985 and demonstrates the route of milk from the cow to finished dairy products.  You can try your hand at milking a cow and churning butter, and then you can taste what you have made.

Distance from countries capital city157

The Kleboniski Village Life Museum

This museum focuses on life in the countryside and was opened in 1991.  It sits on 18 ha of land, with authentic farms from the  Augštaitija region. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-11 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers

The G.F. Stender Museum

The G.F. Stender Museum is at the former Laši pastoral estate, 500 m to the Northeast from the Nereta-Ilūkste road. Gotthard Friedrich Stender (1714-1796), also known as Old Stenders, was the author of the first broader Latvian language grammar book (1761), the first Latvian-German and German-Latvian dictionary (1789), the first Latvian primer (1782), and the first illustrated primer, “ABC of Pictures” (1787). He worked as a pastor in Sēlpils and Sunākste and was born at the Laši pastoral estate, at which one of the buildings now contains a small museum. A memorial stone (sculptor I. Folkmanis, architect N. Tamane) is alongside the Nereta-Ilūkste road.

Distance from countries capital city184

Dzuku etnografiskais muzejs

Vieta, bez kuras apmeklējuma nav iedomājama Dzūkijas vēstures un kultūras izziņa! Muzejs meklējams Marcinkones centrā, netālu no dzelzceļa stacijas. To noteikti ir jāiepazīst vietējā gida pavadībā, kas pastāstīs daudz interesantus faktus par dzūku tradīcijām un attiecībām ar mežu. Muzejā ir apskatāma dzīvojamā ēka ar ikdienas sadzīves priekšmetiem un rija, kas pārsteidz ne tikai ar savu plašumu, bet arī vairākiem interesantiem eksponātiem, no kuriem ir jāpiemin milzīgs sēņu grozs (tajā iegāja 110 kg gaileņu!), 750 gadus veca vienkoča paliekas, bitenieku un vietējo amatnieku instrumenti u.c. Rijā notiek ikgadēji ar dzūku kultūru un vēsturi saistīti pasākumi. Visbeidzot, te var iegādāties vietējos suvenīrus un medu. Ja ir vēlme iepazīt Marcinkones tuvāko apkaimi, ar kājām var doties pa 13 km garo Zackagira dabas taku (Zackagirio gamtinis takas).


The ”Jasmuiza” Memorial Museum

Between 1883 and 1891, the estate that was once owned by the Šadurskis family was rented by the father of the great poet Rainis, Krišjānis Pliekšāns.  Rainis spent his youth at the estate, as reflected in the poet’s The Land of My Youth Days.  Rainis translated Pushkin’s Boris Godunov while at the state.  In honour of the poet and his contributions in the world of literature, an exhibition, “Rainis’ High School and University Years,” was opened at the estate in 1964.  The restored cattle shed today offers a look at the work of potters in Latgale.

Distance from countries capital city217

The Liudvika and Stanislovas Didziuliai memorial house and museum

This museum is at the Griežioneliu farm in the Anīkšču region.  It was opened in 1968 as an authentic farm with plants that come from that time.  The history of the farm is related to biological heritage.

Heritage gardens Active season months5-9 Pre-order required Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

Spielzeug-museum in Tartu

Traditionelle Spielzeuge von verschiedenen historischen Perioden und Völkern.
Eine Spielzeug- und Pupenwerkstatt.

Distance from countries capital city185

Latvian Agriculture museum

This museum offers a look at the Latvian countryside, informing visitors about the history of the development of the agricultural sectors and popularising evidence about farming and life in Latvia's countryside from the late 19th century to the present day.  The interest of visitors is facilitated by various equipment used to process the land and harvest and process the crops. There are also various tools.
This museum offers a look at the Latvian countryside, informing visitors about the history of the development of the agricultural sectors and popularising evidence about farming and life in Latvia's countryside from the late 19th century to the present day.

Agri Heritage Distance from countries capital city113 Active season months1-12

Nauksenu Cilvekmuzejs

The Naukšēni People’s Museum, where we tell intelligent people about those who were born at the NAUKŠĒNI DISCO, arrived here and stayed here.  We’ll look at how they talk, sing, think and love.

Distance from countries capital city157 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Karaite Ethnographic Museum

Karaims are a small nation of Turkish decent who practise The Karaim religion which started developing around 8th century in Persia. Their language is still used in modern-day Lithuania. In the museum there are rooms not only dedicated to Lithuanian Karaite communities but also Poland's and Ukraine's.

Distance from countries capital city30

The memorial home of Andrejs Upitis

Located at Daugavas Street 58 in Skrīveri, this was the first home of the Andrejs Upītis (1877-1970).  It was built in 1908, but the one that is there now was built on the foundations of the first one in 1921.  The building houses a museum which features the life and work of the writer, including the writing his great novel “The Green Earth.”  There is a garden around the building.  In 1952, Upītis gifted the house and garden to the state.  The museum offers tours and educational programmes.

Distance from countries capital city80 Active season months1-12

The Janis Cakste memorial museum “Auci”

Jānis Čakste (1859-1927) was Latvia’s first president (1922-1927), and he began to build a house for himself in 1924.  In 1999, in honour of the 140th anniversary of the president’s birth, an exhibition was unveiled about his life, work and family.  Čakste’s office can be toured, and artists from Jelgava exhibit their works at the museum, as well.

Distance from countries capital city55

Rundales udensdzirnavas

18. gadsimta beigās celtās Rundāles muižas ūdensdzirnavas atrodas Pilsrundāles centrā. Ūdensdzirnavas savas pastāvēšanas laikā piedzīvojušas divus postošus ugunsgrēkus, taču laika gaitā to darbība tika atjaunota. Tolaik dzirnavas darbojušās ar ūdens spēku un papildus tam bijusi uzstādīta arī tvaika mašīna. 20. gadsimta trīsdesmitajos gados, kad par īpašnieku kļuva Voldemārs Bergmanis, ūdensdzirnavu ēku atjaunoja un pilnībā nokomplektēja ar tolaik vismodernākajām firmas “O. J. Keller” dzirnavu graudu pārstrādes mašīnām, kā arī tika izvērsta plaša saimnieciskā darbība: labības pārstrāde, galdniecība, vilnas apstrāde un augļu pārstrādāšana.

Mūsdienās ūdensdzirnavu ēkā ir izveidots muzejs piecos stāvos, kurā var iepazīties ar dzirnavu darbību. Iespējams sekot līdzi grauda ceļam pa koka šahtām līdz samaltam miltu maisam. Piedāvājumā arī inventāra noma Rundāles ūdensdzirnavu tilpnē. Pieejami SUP dēļi, airu laiva, ūdens velosipēds un kanoe laiva.

2021. gadā tika izveidota neliela alus darītava un uzsākta alus ražošana. Tiek ražots gaišais un tumšais alus, kura visas sastāvdaļas tiek iepirktas Latvijā, bet graudi no vietējiem zemniekiem. Videi draudzīgā iekārta atbilst jaunākajiem ES standartiem un prasībām. Viesiem tiek parādīts alus gatavošanas process, piedāvā degustācijas, kā arī telpas pasākumiem un svinībām.

Seminars For parties Active leisure Active season months1-12

The World War II Museum

Found at Daugavpils Street 40 in Aglona, this is one of the largest private collections of military exhibits related to World War II in Latvia, with more than 1,000 objects arranged as a museum.  Visitors can see pistols, rifles, machine guns, mines, hand grenades, uniforms, military equipment, etc.  The owner is an enthusiast about history, Valdis Tumovs.



Distance from countries capital city231

Museum der Absurdität oder Orvidų sodyba

Im Garten von Vilius Orvidas (1952 – 1992) ist eine Ausstellung der in der Sowjetzeit von der Melioration „geretteten” Steine, Grabkreuze, Holzgegenstände u.a. unter freiem Himmel eingerichtet.

Distance from countries capital city314

The Cernavska Museum

This museum is devoted to the career of the ceramist Polikarps Čerņavskis. His work featured light, yellowish and very bright glazing. Guided tours of the museum are available. There are demonstrations of the use of the potter’s wheel. Ceramics can be purchased, and visitors can attend the opening of the kiln. Special works can be commissioned.
Distance from countries capital city203 Active season months1-12

Luhtre tourist farm Museum

The farm, established in 1874, today provides comfortable tourist accommodation, saunas, an outdoor pool and organic food made to centuries-old recipes. Its little museum exhibits the exquisite needlework and farm tools of previous generations. All these items have a story to tell about their former owners´ dreams and work.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months1-12 Disable Access Accommodation available Optional meals
TV in bedroomsSaunaBBQPlace for tents Hairdryer SwimmingTennis court

An historical exhibition about the cinema and photography

This is a collection of cinema and photography items collected by the owner of the Ziķu homestead in the Zirņi Parish, which is in the Saldus Administrative District.  The collection includes antique film cameras and objects that demonstrate the process of taking pictures and films.  The exhibition is in a log building that the owner built – one that resembles bee cells.  Please contact the owner in advance for a tour.

Distance from countries capital city129 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance

Bauskas Novadpetniecibas un makslas muzejs

Atrodas Bauskas centrā, Kalna iela 6. Muzeja piedāvājumā ir ekspozīcija „Bauska laikā un cilvēki Bauskā 20 gs., pastaiga un atraktīvs piedzīvojums”.

Distance from countries capital city65

The Ludza Regional Research Museum

On the banks of Little Lake Ludza is a farm with a house, windmill, threshing barn and the workshop of the Lettigalian ceramicist Polikarps Vilcāns.  Various events related to craftsmanship and culture are organised there.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city266

Ethnographic and household storage in Sarkani

Ethnographic and household storage in Sarkaņi offers craft tools collection, furniture and household collection, 19th and the end of the 20th century living room furnishings, and the exhibition dedicated to Madona countrymen. (Source: Madona TIC)

Distance from countries capital city170 Active season months1-12


Countryside life open-air museum. Various historical county buildings, everyday life tools, traditions etc.

Distance from countries capital city80

The home of poet Jonas Maculis-Maironis and his father

This is the birthplace of the poet Jonas Mačulis-Maironis (1862-1932), and it is an historical and environmentally protected area with the villages of Pagojuki, Pasandravjo and Bernoti.  It is a branch of the Raseini District Museum of History, and the environmentally protected area is part of the Dubisos Regional Park. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups

Profesora Aleksandra Biezina muzejs “Jaundilmani”

Pusceļā starp Madonu un Cesvaini, Sarkaņu pagasta Biksēres “Jaundilmaņos”  dzimis Latvijas Bērnu ķirurģijas pamatlicējs, traumatalogs un ortopēds, izcils bērnu ārsts Aleksandrs Bieziņš (1897.-1975.). Tagad viņa dzimtajās mājās ierīkots muzejs, Paula Stradiņa Medicīnas vēstures muzeja filiāle. 

Distance from countries capital city170 Active season months1-12

The “Selonian Farm” branch of the Jekabpils Museum of History

This is the farm of a moderately wealthy Selonian farmer from the 19th century. It features a residential building with a mantel chimney, two granaries, a threshing barn, a sauna, a windmill, a smithy, a steam locomotive and a threshing machine. Groups will enjoy thematic programmes such as “Crafts at the Selonian Farm,” “When Honey Melts on Your Tongue,” and “A Wedding at the Selonian Farm.”

For parties Distance from countries capital city145 Active season months5-11 Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet) Optional meals
Rooms for  festivitiesNo smoking ScreenDiaprojectorLCD/ProjectorComputer Tour guide servicesPicnick areaSouvenire shop Nearest restaurantNearest town

The Museum of Francis Trasuns „Kolnasata”

The Museum of Francis Trasuns „Kolnasāta”. The museum of the promoter of Latgalian revival, prominent cultural worker, pastor and politician F. Trasuns (1864 – 1926) was established in his house „Kolnasāta”. There is also an exposition about Jānis Klīdzējs; a collection of old household items. „Kolnasāta” is the place of many cultural events in Latgale.
Working hours: Mon– Fri : 8.00 - 16.00, Sat., Sunday : on request
Distance from countries capital city226

Museum vom lebendigen Silber

Befindet sich im alten Rathaus. Das größte Silberkunstwerk Baltikums (wiegt mehr als 30 kg) und andere dekorative Gegenstände sind zu sehen. Auf der Dachkammer ist die einmalige Malerei im Stil des Spätrokoko zu sehen.

Distance from countries capital city88

Estonian Agricultural Museum

The museum is located near Tartu in Ülenurme manor estate, and takes pride in its unique collection of agricultural machinery and a comprehensive exhibition on agriculture and rural life in Estonia through the centuries. Other exhibitions cover beekeeping, vehicles of the past and the use of straw and birch bark.
The museum has many educational programmes and training courses e.g. blacksmithing, restoration of woodwork, making wooden furniture, baking rye bread, national handicraft. National meals for groups should be booked in advance.

Distance from countries capital city191 Active season months1-12

The “Selija” museum in Viesite

This is another place (at A. Brodeles Street 7) which must certainly be visited by those who are interested in the cultural environment of the historical region of Selonia. The museum was established in 2000, and much of its exhibition can be found at the depot of the former narrow-gauge railroad (the depot was built in 1948, and the railroad operated between 1916 and 1972). There you can see a restored locomotive, a passenger wagon, a trolley, etc. The exhibits reflect the lives of major personalities in and around Viesīte, also looking at events and the cultural heritage. There are wood processing and textile workshops at the museum. Outside the building is a fragment from the narrow gauge railroad, along with a water pump.

Distance from countries capital city141

The Silmaci of Druviena

The location requires a drive through the Pērlis forest and sparsely populated areas.  Silmači features an open-air stage, which was built in the 1980s for just one performance that was staged by the Latvian National Theatre during the Summer Solstice celebration in 1986.  Ever since then, Rūdolfs Blaumanis’ famous play “Tailor Days at Silmači” has been performed here during the season.  Alongside the stage is a museum that features information about the single performance in 1986.  An original manuscript of the play (1902) can also be viewed.

Distance from countries capital city150

The House-Museum of the writer Michael Narics

The House-Museum of the writer Michael Narics. Reveal the history of political repressions in the USSR and Soviet Latvia; see creative works of the winners of competition organized by M. Narics Educational Center.
Working hours: on request

Soera Farm Museum

The main building of the museum features an early 19th C. threshing barn with a dirt floor, the living quarters were added in the late 19th C. The museum also exhibits a smoke sauna, summer kitchen, granary, cellar, coach house and a dining house (formerly a cattle shed). All buildings have a display of tools and everyday commodities, traditional farm food can be booked in advance and handicraft workshops are available.

Distance from countries capital city149 Active season months1-12

The Antanas Baranauskas and Antanas Zukauskas-Vienuolis memorial museum

This museum was opened 1927 and is focused on the culture, literature, history, agriculture and technical history of the region of Anīkšči.  Throughout the year, visitors are welcome to stroll through the park of the museum, which commemorates two distinguished Lithuanian authors. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Pre-order required Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Dzukstes Pasaku muzejs

Iekārtots bijušā Džūkstes – Lancenieku skolā, kur ikviens var iepazīt mūsu „Pasaku tēva” – Anša Lerha-Puškaita devumu folkloras mantojuma vākšanā.
Distance from countries capital city62

Mezniecibas muzejs Eglava

The museum at Egļava has an exhibition about forestry in Latvia before and after World War II.  The exhibit features forestry tools and equipment, as well as textiles from the former Balvi District along with samples of ceramics and woodworking.  The former forest ranger house has rooms to provide accommodations to guests.

Distance from countries capital city240 Active season months4-9 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accommodation available
Steam bathLiving room available to guests Kitchen Hosts speak Russian

Jurmalciema ekspozicija „Jurmaliesu senlietas”

Atrodas Jūrmalciema austrumdaļā. Koka šķūnī sakrāti vietējo entuziastu savāktie Jūrmalciema iedzīvotāju sadzīves priekšmeti un amata rīki. Novadpētnieki te var uzzināt vērtīgu informāciju par ciema vēsturi un zvejnieku dzīvesveidu.

Distance from countries capital city241

The Ainazi Maritime School Museum

The museum at Valdemāra Street 47 was opened in 1969 in the building of the maritime school that was opened in 1864 at the suggestion of Krišjānis Valdemārs.  The school trained more than 1,000 sea captains and helmsmen.  The exhibition at the museum relates to the operations of the school, as well as the building of sailing ships on the Vidzeme shoreline during the latter half of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century.  There is a collection of anchors, as well as the top of the Ainaži lighthouse, which was once washed away by the sea, but has been restored.

Distance from countries capital city116

Horsecart Museum

The museum is located in Pilkuse manor farm, exhibits on display are carts, carriages and sleighs along with accessories from horse collars to lap robes. Military, emergency and fire brigade carts are extraordinary and rare while a coach and a calash (barouche) are exhibits to be really proud of. Numerous agricultural tools and equipment also ensure hours of excitement and discovery in the museum.

Distance from countries capital city227 Active season months1-12

Hellenurme Mill Museum

The only operating windmill of this type in Estonia allows you to follow the bread making process from start to finish. In the beginning you will see how grain is turned into flour with the help of water, and afterwards you will be able to bake your own bread in the bakery. Please book excursions and classes in advance. You can order also catering.

Distance from countries capital city219 Active season months1-12

Samovarimaja (Samovar House)

The Samovar House is a small samovar museum located in the Old Believers’ village near Lake Peipus, which has a private collection with more than 100 different and very special samovars and objects related to samovars.

In the museum, you can find a variety of information about samovars. Their history, shape, size, and tea drinking traditions will be told.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city220 Active season months1-12

The Liepaja Museum

The museum has more than 120,000 objects which focus on the history of Liepāja and Southern Kurzeme from the Stone Age to the 19th century.  Another exhibition is focused on the life and work of the wood sculptor Miķelis Pankoks (1894-1983).  New art exhibitions are periodically staged at the museum.

Distance from countries capital city216

The Alsunga District Museum

has a permanent exhibition that features a Suiti living room and kitchen and liturgical apparel worn by Catholic priests.  In the exhibition hall there are changing exhibitions related to the history and present of the Suiti Women ethnographic ensemble.  A special offer involves performances by Suiti women, Suiti men and Suiti bagpipe players.  Also in the building are the Alsunga Tourism Information Centre, as well as ceramics and weaving workshops.  Contact the museum in advance to arrange for performances and master's classes.  

Distance from countries capital city177 Active season months1-12

Sillaotsa Farm Museum

The museum set up in 1982 presents life and activity of the region from the late 19th C to the recent past. Temporary exhibitions are held in the barn and more than 200 species of trees and shrubs can be viewed in the parkland extending over 17 ha. Themed events include baking bread, celebrations of folk holidays are frequently arranged. From the museum visitors can access Velise cultural and natural heritage trail.

Distance from countries capital city85 Active season months1-12

A park and museum to commemorate the Christmas battles

The so-called Christmas battles between the Russian and the German military took place in 1916, during World War I. Latvian riflemen demonstrated such courage and heroism during these battles that they became known far beyond Latvia’s borders. Machine Gun Hill now has a memorial to the Latvian riflemen. The viewing tower on the hill has been restored. The Maztīrelis swamp and the place where the German narrow-gauge railroad used to run can be seen well from the hill. The rail tracks crossed the swamp from the North to the South, and the rows of trees in the swamp show where they were. Visiting the object: You can hike the area with or without a guide. The Christmas battle museum at the Mangaļi homestead offers thematic and educational events, as well as mock battles. You can look at monuments, graves, trenches, fortifications, dugouts, etc. The Mangaļi homestead is home to Latvia’s largest mock-up of a battle site. There are unique elements of fortifications from World War I here – ones that are related to the Christmas battles. One part of the fortifications has been reconstructed in its original location – the dugout and a part of the so-called “German rampart” that was part of the front line of the German fortifications.
Active season months1-12
Tour guide services


The distinguished Latvian author an painter Jānis Jaunsudrabiņš (1877-1962) spent six years of his childhood at Riekstiņi in Nereta.  He was born into a servant family and moved to Riekstiņi together with his mother after his father passed away.  The household inspired him for his "White Book."  In honour of Jaunsudrabiņš, a museum was opened at Riekstiņi in 1967, and it is in an authentic Selonian farm with its spirit and aromas.  You can tour the residential building and the homestead's granary and wheelhouse, also houshold building from 1820.  The apple orchard has trees that are 100 years old and older.  Nearby is the Ķišķi cemetery (on the side of the Vecumnieki-Ilūkste road), where members of the Jaunsudrabiņš family were interred and Jānis Jaunsudrabiņš was reburied in 1997.  The Nereta Administrative District still has many single family farms and place names which Jaunsudrabiņš mentioned in his books. 

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city119 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups

The Andrejs Pumpurs Museum in Lielvarde

The museum is in the Lielvārde Park.  It is in the granary of the Lielvārde Estate that was built in the early 19th century.  It was later used as a residential building.  A veranda was added to it in 1922.  The museum has been there since 1970, and it features exhibits about the Latvian national epos “Lāčplēsis” and its author, Andrejs Pumpurs (1841-1902).  The museum also features information about the history and ethnography of the Lielvārde Administrative District.  Alongside it is a large rock that weighs around 80 tonnes and is known as Lāčplēsis’ Bed.  A broken part of the rock is known as the Lāčplēsis blanket.  Both rocks were once on the banks of the Daugava River next to the Lielvārde island.  Waters from the Ķegums hydroelectric power plant now make waves in that area.  Nearby is the so-called Spīdala log that was brought from Aizkraukle.


Distance from countries capital city56

The office of photographer Martins Buclers

The office of photographer Mārtiņš Buclers was recently found at the Sauka Unity House where the Sauka trade school was located. In 2010, the exhibition was moved to the Sauka Parish Council in Lone. Mārtiņš Buclers (1866-1944) was a founding father of photography in Latvia. He established the first company in the country which produced photo film and paper. The exhibits are of particular interest now that we are in the digital photo era. The Sauka Unity House is closed and can only be viewed from the outside, but alongside it is a memorial stone dedicated to Buclers, as well as a monument commemorating the 150th anniversary of photography.

Distance from countries capital city134

Mikjanu seta

This facility is in the historical village of Pape in Southern Kurzeme.  Accommodations are available in an historical granary with a roof made of reeds.  It is appropriate for inhabitation during the late spring, the summer and the early fall.  There are three bedrooms, a small front room and a kitchen, with two floors in all.  The building will fit eight people.  This is an ideal location for creative camps, plenary sessions, master workshops and other activities.  There are tenting areas for as many as 80 people.  The Mikjāņi farm observes local traditions and offers traditional foods such as “herring on coals,” white butter with boiled potatoes, fish soup, etc., for visitors who apply for a meal in advance.  This offer is only available to groups which register in advance.

Fishing By the sea Distance from countries capital city260 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet) Internet access
Place for tentsBaby cotNo smoking RefrigeratorElectric rangeKitchen FishingSwimmingBicyclesFacilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom picking Nearest bus stop10kmNeighbour housesNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

SIA “North Latgallian Firewood” / Biedriba "Rusa veja"

SIA “North Latgallian Firewood” darbības pamatnozare ir mežsaimniecība un kokmateriālu sagatavošana - uzņēmumā nodarbojas ar malkas sagatavošanu un tirdzniecību, kā arī piedāvā malkas gabalošanu un skaldīšanu izbraukumā pie klienta. Uzņēmuma piedāvātie pakalpojumi – malkas sagatavošana, malkas tirdzniecība lielos apjomos, kokmateriālu sagatavošanas pakalpojumi.

Brīvajā laikā uzņēmuma īpašnieks restaurē senus motociklus un ir izveidojis plašu retro motociklu un senlietu kolekciju.

Distance from countries capital city263 Active season months1-12

Pavilosta Regional Research Museum

Found on the right bank of the Saka River at Dzintaru Street 1, the museum is in the first red brick and fieldstone building in Pāvilosta.  It was built in 1879 for ship pilots.  The museum focuses on the history of the local region, particularly in terms of fishing and seafaring.  Among the exhibits are stone and bone axes, bronze brooches and belts, as well as a unique honey press, all of which have been found in the Saka Parish.  Alongside the museum is a boathouse with larger exhibits.  A mansard that was opened in 2012 is a site for exhibitions and thematic events.  The museum’s phone number is +371-6349-8276.  Make sure that you also visit the oldest part of Pāvilosta – Āķgals, which is a typical coastline village from the 19th and early 20th century.

Distance from countries capital city216


Atrodas Tērvetes ziemeļrietumu daļā, Tērvetes upītes krasta līkumā. „Sprīdīšos” sava mūža pēdējo desmitgadi (no 1922. līdz 1933. g.) strādāja un atpūtās latviešu rakstniece Anna Brigadere (1861. - 1933). Šajā laikā top lugas, stāsti, dzejoļi un rakstnieces atmiņu triloģija. No laukakmeņiem celtā „Sprīdīšu” ēka uzbūvēta 1840 g. Te sākotnēji darbojušās ūdensdzirnavas, tad skola, dzīvojuši mežziņi. Tagad šeit aplūkojams rakstnieces memoriālais muzejs. No „Sprīdīšiem” var uzsākt garāku pastaigu pa Tērvetes dabas parku, kur izvietoti no koka darinātie A. Brigaderes pasaku varoņi.

Distance from countries capital city75


This is a homestead that is three km from the centre of Vecpiebalga and is in a lovely place – the Incēni hill.  There is a museum here featuring the author of the legendary fairy tale “Pussy’s Mill” by Kārlis Skalbe (1879-1945).  The poet and prose writer built the building in 1926 and spent summers there from that year until 1944.  The museum was opened in 1987.  The western slope of Vaktskalns hill right alongside the museum offers a lovely view of Lake Alauksts.  The cremated remains of Skalbe and his wife, Lizete, were reinterred at the location in 1992 from Sweden, where the poet died.  There is a unique monument to them in the form of a stone boat.

Distance from countries capital city130

Estonian Road Museum

An age-old twisting postal road between Tartu and Võru takes travellers to Varbuse postal station dating from 1863. The Estonian Road Museum is housed in this well-preserved complex of a postal station which creates a wonderful setting for displaying the history of travelling and roads, traffic regulation and machinery. Cross-sections of road pavements disclose the secrets of road building. An outdoor display shows stretches of historic roads from Estonia and former Livonia creating an authentic ambience of the past.

Distance from countries capital city229 Active season months1-12

The Museum of Malta Secondary School No 2

The Museum of Malta Secondary School No 2. Exhibition of the ancient Latgalian jewellery of the 6th –13th century.
Working hours: Mon– Fri : 9.00 – 16.00, Sat., Sunday : closed

Rainis’ home at Berkenele

The Berķenele semi-estate is a historical monument of national importance, known as the place where the distinguished Latvian author and politician Rainis (1865-1929) spent his childhood.  The house was restored in 1995, and since 1996 it has been the Rainis house in Berķenele.  Rainis recorded his childhood impressions in a poetry collection called "Five Sketch Notebooks from Dagda." Today the managers of the house offer tours, creative workshops and exhibitions.  Visitors can don the clothing worn by the lord and his servants.  Around the house is a large orchard, featuring a programme called "Route of Apples."  The house also has a lovely landscape that is interesting to see. 

Heritage gardens For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city222 Active season months5-10 Accommodation available Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Rooms for  festivitiesPlace for tents Picnick area

A forestry museum

At the Žīguri Parish kindergarten, guests are offers a guided tour of forest life. The owner’s stories about the forest and its residents will be of interest to everyone. The Anna Āze Forestry Museum offers some of the true treasures of Latvia’s surprising forest world. It has been declared the best destination for families in Latvia.
Distance from countries capital city260

The Akniste Regional Research Museum

The Aknīste Regional Research Museum is at the corner of Skolas and Miera streets in Aknīste. It is another location which will very much help you to learn about the culture and history of the Selonian region. The museum was established in 1998 and featured antiquities from the Iron Age and Bronze Age, as well as objects which speak to distinguished people from the region and Selonian culture. It is worth looking at the collection of ancient Selonian dishware.

Distance from countries capital city149

Vilis Pludons’ homestead

The Lejenieki homestead is 1.1 km north of Bangas.  Vilis Plūdons (1874-1940) was an outstanding Latvian poet, a representative of the style of National Romanticism, and a schoolteacher.  His real name was Vilis Lejnieks, and he was born in at the Lejenieki homestead in the Bauska region.  His father was Jānis Lejnieks.  As a boy, Vilis was enchanted by fairy tales told by his granny and by folk songs that she sang.  Plūdons is buried nearby in the family cemetery.  Lejenieki offers an exhibition about the poet’s life and work.  The local sauna features sculptures of rabbits, thus recalling Plūdons’ poem, “Rabbit Sauna.”

Distance from countries capital city78 Active season months5-10

Local History Museum of Nautreni

Local History Museum of Nautrēni. Permanent exposition of the local history of the district, school and parish.
Working hours: on request

The Kubalu school and museum

The Kubalu school was opened in 1843, and for 28 years it was the only school for the children of peasants at the Dundaga Estate.  This is the oldest log schoolhouse in Latvia, with old benches, blackboards, ink and pens inside.  There are examples of texts written by schoolchildren in the 19th century.  There can be a few lessons that are learned at such an old school.  In the attic is an exhibition featuring the teacher and writer E. Dinsbergs, and they speak to the experiences of the long life of that man.  A restored ancillary building offers an exhibition about the history of the school, along with a collection of ethnographic objects.  Trails on the estate mark out the way in which the land was once used.  Visitors are welcome to examine the landscape and rest a bit, as well.



For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city146 Active season months5-10

Jana Zabera muzejs "Vecais Ceplis"

Operdziedātāja Jāņa Zābera muzejs "Vecais ceplis" atklāts 1973. gada 11. augustā - dziedātāja dzimšanas dienā - viņa dzimtajās mājās. Muzejā apskatāmas fotogrāfijas no viņa dzīves gājuma, afišas un operu tērpi. Tāpat pieejami dziesmu un operu āriju ieraksti mākslinieka izpildījumā.

Muzeju pārzina Jāņa Zābera brāļa meita ar ģimeni. To ir iespējams apmeklēt, iepriekš saskaņojot laikus.


Active season months1-12

Museum of Antiquities Fazani

The private museum of antiquities of Zigurds Safranovičš was founded in May 2010. The collection of the museum contains around 50 thousand objects, of which 99% of exhibits have been donated. The oldest and rarest, according to legend, 300-year-old item – Ernst Glick's refrigerator.

The museum's surroundings are a large park of the former Baron Wulf's estate, where it is currently possible to spend the night in tents, as well as available rest areas - canopies, fire places, grills, utensils for cooking, etc., drinking water (from a well), available electricity for telephones, cameras, etc. for charging. For larger groups (starting from 10 people), porridge cooked on the fire.

Distance from countries capital city167 Active season months1-12

The Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre

The Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre is a multi-functional institution of culture, arts and education, located inside of the fortress' Arsenal building. It is a unique place in the Eastern Europe, where are located the original paintings of Mark Rothko – a great artist of the XX cent., a founder of the abstract expressionism movement, best known for his enigmatic color field paintings.

Distance from countries capital city225 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available Disable Access
Rooms for seminars Tour guide servicesSouvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The Ventspils Coastline Open Air Museum

The museum was established in 1954 and features the traditions of Latvian and Livonian fishermen, sailors and farmers and their lives and residences.  There are fishermen’s homesteads with net huts, smokehouses, granaries, etc.  There is a collection of fishing boats and the largest assemblage of anchors in the Baltic States (more than 100 anchors, the heaviest one weighing 22 tonnes).  The windmill was transported from the Užava Parish.  The 19th century Smiltnieki home features authentic household objects.  The newest thing at the museum is the Lielirbe Baptist Prayer House, which is nearly 100 years old.  A narrow-gauge railroad runs down the 1.3 km Mountain line from May 1 to October 31 every year, and at its end is its turntable.  The building of the museum was designed on the basis of the Mazirbe train station.  The museum is in the Jūrmala park, with playgrounds for children and the Anchor trail.

Distance from countries capital city189

Observatory of Tartu University

Observatory which was built (1808. – 1810. g.) Southeast of Doma Hill is called pearl of Estonian's science. There's a museum inside.

Distance from countries capital city185

Hiiumaa Military Museum

The museum opened in 2007 and displays a 180 mm gun barrel, reconstruction of a Soviet restricted border zone, a civil defence shelter, armoured vehicles, a border guard boat and naval mines. Exhibited in the main building are a maritime surveillance radar in its original position, various military items, “Lenin´s corner” and weapons and barracks rooms.

Distance from countries capital city171 Active season months1-12


Approximately 6 km to the south-west of Iecava is the home of the father of author Edvarts Virza (born Jēkabs Eduards Liekna, 1883-1940), Billītes.  The author and his wife, Elza Stērste, moved to the house in 1901.  Virza was one of Latvia's most outstanding 20th century authors, poets and prose writers, as well as publicist and translator.  He wrote many poems at Billītes, and in 1933 he produced his masterpiece, "Straumēni," which depicts the life of a Latvian farmer.  A museum dedicated to Virza is at the house today.  It was opened by his children and grandchildren.  Contact the museum in advance for a tour.

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city53 Active season months5-9 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Picnick areaNature trail

Local History Museum of Berzgale

Local History Museum of Bērzgale was founded in 1988. There is the memorial room of writer Antons Rupainis (1906 – 1976), the exposition of municipality history, its famous people and cultural-historical traditions.
Working hours: Mon– Fri : 9.00 – 12.00,13.00 – 17.00, Sat., Sunday : on request

The ”Kalna Ziedi” Aizkraukle Museum of History and Art

The museum was established in 1973 and has been in the Kalna Ziedi homestead since 1989.  The permanent exhibition is in a building that was erected in 1989 on the foundations of the former home, while the warehouse (1990) was built on the foundations of a cattle shed.  The exhibition hall (2000) was built where a granary once stood.  The only part of the former farm that remains in place is the cellar, but the placement of the buildings is typical for the layout of a farm in Vidzeme.  The collection of the museum speaks to the history of the administrative district, beginning with information about the Stone Age.  The open-air exhibition features beehives with marks of belonging, as well as rare round crosses that are monuments to Medieval cemeteries.  100 metres to the Northeast from the museum is the Kalna Ziedi castle hill, while 200 metres to the south are the remains of a sacrificial oak stump that was destroyed in 1994.  The location is on the edge of the reservoir of the Pļaviņas hydroelectric power plant and offers a broad view of the plant’s dam and the town of Pļaviņas.


Distance from countries capital city93

The Ogre Museum of History and Art

Located in a cultural centre at Brīvības Street 15 in Ogre, the museum was established in 1980 and has a permanent exhibition, “Ogre – a Swimming and Air Spa, Relaxation and Everyday Life, 1920-1940,” which offers a good look at the “golden age” of Ogre, when it was a popular spa.  Another exhibition, “Legendary Ogre” offers a different view.  Visit the museum to find out what it is!


Distance from countries capital city38

Saulkrasti Bicycle Museum

It is the bicycle collection of father and son Jānis and Guntis Seregins, which is the only collection of antique bicycles in Latvia. They have been collecting cycles since 1977 when they joined the Antique Automobile Club and became fascinated with Latvia’s cycling traditions. The collection’s core is formed from technically unusual bicycles. In total, the museum has approximately 70 Latvian-made and used bicycles. Besides bicycles there are many other pieces of cycling ephemera relating to sport, cycle clubs and bicycle production. The museum has an extensive collection of bicycle brands, bringing together 1000 badges from all over the world. Guided excursions available.

Distance from countries capital city43 Active season months1-12

The Lithuanian People's Life Museum

This museum was established in 1974, and it is one of the largest (194 ha) outdoor ethnographic museums in Europe, with 91,420 exhibits in all.  The exhibition is made up of farms, villages and a small town to demonstrate the ancient architecture, culture and lives of Lithuanians, along with vegetables, fruits and flowers. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 Accommodation available Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

The Lapmezciems Museum

The Lapmežciems Museum features information about the history of the local parish, its school and its fishing industry. There are also exhibits featuring World War I battles near Klapkalnciems which involved Finnish soldiers. The museum also organises theme­based exhibitions. Alongside it is a memorial rock for the politically repressed.
Distance from countries capital city44

Obinitsa Seto Museum

While you are in Obinitsa Seto Museum you can learn more about the lifestyle and culture of Setomaa's people. In the museum you can see a lot of items that are very important to their culture, for example the fine handicraft of the Seto women. Also since 2015 here you can also learn about other Finno-Ugric nations. There is a possibility to shop in the souvenir shop.

Distance from countries capital city283

Libiesu saieta nams

Kolkas Lībiešu saieta nams tika atklāts 2019. g. Tajā var iepazīt Ziemeļķurzemes lībiešu kultūru, uzzināt par tradicionālajām nodarbēm, klausīties valodas skanējumu  un gūt priekštatu par piekrastes kultūrvēsturisko mantojumu. Saieta namā var organizēt un apmeklēt kultūras pasākumus, seminārus, mācības, izstādes, kā arī saņemt tūrisma informāciju.

Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

Park Grutas

Das einzige Museum solches Maßstabs unter freiem Himmel im Baltikum. Gegründet in 1999. Die Ausstellungsobjekte einbezogen die monumentalen Denkmäler spiegeln die sowjetische Ideologie wieder. Ein Minizoo.

Distance from countries capital city122


“Vēveri” is located 7 km to the North of the centre of Vecpiebalga and offers a look at typical and authentic farms and craftsmen’s operations from the Piebalga landscape in the 19th century. You will wee ancient tools and household objects, as well as a recently restored windmill.

Distance from countries capital city137

The Oskars Kalpaks Memorial Museum, “Airites”

“Airītes” is a museum found at the place where the first commander of the Latvian Armed Forces, Col Oskars Kalpaks and other Latvian soldiers (including three officers) fell during a battle on March 6, 1919.  The public donated money in 1920 to build a monument, and it was unveiled on September 3, 1922.  In 1935, work began on a building that was proposed by the Col Kalpaks Battalion organisation, the plan being to exhibit items related to Kalpaks’ battles.  It was opened a year later.  The monument was destroyed during the Soviet era, and the building housed a post office and some flats.  The memorial was restored during the national Renaissance in 1988 and 1989, and on November 11, 1990, the museum was reopened.  During renovations in 2007, the second floor burned down.  The museum and exhibition were renewed in 2013.  The exhibits speak to Kalpaks’ life during World War I and Latvia’s liberation battles.  Employees regularly organise commemorative events in honour of Kalpaks, as well as celebrations of Lāčplēsis (Veterans’) Day.

Distance from countries capital city139 Active season months1-12

Põlva Peasant Museum

This is a unique open-air museum in South Estonia with displays on farming and school life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its 5 ha grounds comprise a school, a court and a poorhouse with outbuildings, a communal granary, dwelling houses, and a Dutch windmill. Farm tools and machinery are also displayed.

Distance from countries capital city218 Active season months1-12

The Old School of Druviena

The Old School of Druviena is alongside the Druviena-Liezēre road. The historical school building became home to a museum in 1964. The school is closely linked to the great Latvian writer Jānis Poruks (1871-1911), and a memorial room to him has been installed in the building. On the second floor, you can look at a classroom, sit on an old-time school bench and try to imagine yourself as a schoolchild long ago. Interesting exhibits include boxes in which children brought food from home – the same ones which were used by two of Poruks’ most popular characters, Cibiņš and Buņģis.

Distance from countries capital city166

The Tervete Museum of Ancient History and the Tervete wooden castle

This is the largest exhibition in the Baltic States to feature the Semigalian material culture during the Iron Age.  There is a wealth of ornamentations, weapons and household objects, including the largest collection of swords in the Baltic States.  The exhibition is housed in the rebuilt defensive rooms of the wooden castle of Tērvete which existed here in the 12th century.  During the second weekend of each August, there is an international Semigalian festival which is the largest Medieval festival in the Baltic States.

Distance from countries capital city75 Active season months5-10
Tour guide services

„Egles” - senlietu kolekcija

Saimnieks Valentīns Kuklis savā viensētā izveidojis no koka un citiem materiāliem un vēsturiskiem priekšmetiem veidotu brīvdabas kolekciju, kas savākta g.k. no Latgales lauku sētām. Daļa no vēsturiskajiem priekšmetiem ir izvietota saimnieka veidotā muzejā. Piedāvā ekskursiju un stāstījumu par savāktajiem darbarīkiem un sadzīves priekšmetiem.

Distance from countries capital city200

The Museum of Deksari

The Museum of Dekšāri was opened in 1996. Exposition includes materials about the history of the rural municipality, school and collective farms, biography of prominent people who contributed to the area, also the collection of Latgalian literature.
Working hours: Mon– Fri : 10.00 – 14.00, Sat., Sunday : closed

Retro auto kolekcija Pilsrundale

Pilsrundālē pa ceļam uz Rundāles pili var apmeklēt Retro auto kolekciju, kur apskatāmi 1939. g. automobiļi un dažādu laiku motocikli. Starp automobiļiem ir arī pasaulē šodien reti sastopami modeļi. Šī ir īstā vieta vēsturisko spēkratu cienītājiem!

Distance from countries capital city78

The birthplace and museum of Stepon Darius

This museum was opened in 1991 at the birthplace of the aviator Stepon Darius.  The house and granary have been restored, with exhibitions in both buildings.  One speaks to the history of aviation in Lithuania and Darius' life, while the other shows ancient household objects.  There is a campsite nearby where you can spend a longer period of time. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

The Rokiski Regional Museum and Estate

This is one of the most important cultural centres in Augštaitija, and the nobility of the buildings is emphasised by a park and ponds. 

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Pre-order required Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

Daugavpils novadpetniecibas un makslas muzejs

Atrodas Rīgas ielā 8 – skaistā, 1883. g. celtā jūgendstila ēkā . Muzejs (viens no Latgales lielākajiem un vecākajiem) tajā darbojas no 1959. g. (pats muzejs dibināts 1938. g.) un tā krājums vēsta par Daugavpils un tās apkārtnes vēsturiskajiem notikumiem. Tajā regulāri tiek rīkotas arī tematiskās izstādes, piedāvātas muzejpedagoģiskas programmas. Te vēl var apskatīt Daugavpilī dzimušā un pasaulē pazīstamā mākslinieka Marka Rotko (1903. – 1970.) gleznu reprodukcijas, kuras no 2013. gada plānots pārcelt uz M. Rotko centru Daugavpils cietoksnī.

Distance from countries capital city227

The Kretinga Estate Park

The Kretinga Estate park is one of the oldest ones in Lithuania to have survived to the present days.  Established in the 16th and 17th century, it is a mixed-style park that covers 23 ha of land.  The southern part of the park has an astronomical calendar with a sundial, a hedge, allies, and flowerbeds and rock gardens with dahlias, peonies, tulips and roses.  There are trails for strollers and areas for relaxation.  Particularly popular among local residents is the restored fountain in the park.

Distance from countries capital city314 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Optional meals This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

A memorial room honouring Peteris Barisons

Pēteris Barisons (1904-1947) was a Latvian composer and conductor, and this is his birthplace – the Skudras homestead.  The exhibition features the composer’s personal items, including musical instruments, documents and other bits of evidence about his life.  Call +371-6512-9504 to arrange for a visit.

Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months1-12

The Jaunpiebalga Administrative District Research Museum

The museum was opened in 1977 in an old farmhouse with a reed roof.  The museum features distinguished people from the surrounding area, events there, and the region’s history and traditions.

Distance from countries capital city136

Seto Tsäimaja

In Seto Tsäimaja, belonging to Setos Museum, you can enjoy dishes from earthenware made according to Setos traditions, listen to Setos songs and music instruments.


The Latvian Open-Air Ethnographic Museum

This is one of the oldest open-air museums in Europe, featuring 118 old buildings from all cultural and historical regions of Latvia.  You’ll be able to our farms, craftsmen’s and fishermen’s farms (including Liv ones), and a farm once owned by Russian Old Believers in Latgale.  Annual celebrations are held, and educational programmes are available.  Craftspeople do their work at the museum, and you can quench your thirst at the Priede saloon. 

Distance from countries capital city12
Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak Russian

Krivu klets muzejs

Saimniecības zemi, kas atrodas starp Ulbroku un Vālodzēm, 1929. gadā nopirka tagadējā saimnieka – Dzintara Āboliņa vectēvs. Tajā laikā arī tika uzcelta klēts, kurā glabāja saimniecībā izaudzēto lauksaimniecības produkciju. Krīvu klēts atdzimšana notika pirms 20 gadiem, kad tagadējie saimnieki tajā uzsāka veidot muzeju no sadzīves priekšmetiem un darba instrumentiem, kas savulaik izmantoti Krīvu saimniecībā.
Krīvu klētī piedāvā izglītojoši – tematiskas ekskursijas ar asprātīgiem uzdevumiem, kuros tiek iesaistīti dažādi seno laiku sadzīves priekšmeti. Te var uzvārīt „Cira kāta zupu”, vai uzcept picu. Apmeklētājus iepazīstina ar saimniecības vēsturi, šejienes cilvēku dzīves gaitām, seniem dokumentiem, zemes apstrādes un galdniecības instrumentiem. Īpaša programma piedāvāta jaunlaulātajiem ar graudu malšanu un pakava izkalšanu. Saimnieki organizē gadskārtu (saulgriežu) svinības. Iekārtota īpaša retro istaba, kurā var nofotografēties. Krīvu klēts muzejs piedalās muzeju nakts pasākumos.

For children and teenagers Active season months5-9 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers