No 50201
Self drive tour Bus tour Public transport tour
Self drive tour Independent travel Latvia

Liv's Road

Saulkrasti - Salacgriva - Ainazi

Tourist attractions

  • Saulkrasti -  Today Saulkrasti is attractive because of its white sand beach, as well as various annual events, the Saulriets trail, the White Dune, the unique bicycle museum, Sea Park, the “Centrs” swimming facility, Sun Square, etc.
  • The Cepli ceramics workshop of Ingrida Zagata - The craftswoman uses clay, rocks and other materials to produce dishware and various interior design objects, finishing them in an open kiln.
  • The Munchhausen Museum - The restored mansion of the Dunte Estate is now a museum featuring the adventures and life of the legendary king of lies, Baron Munchhausen.
  • The Vejavas weekend home - The owner offers groups of various sizes a chance to go to the sea in a fisherman’s boat and to watch shoreline fishing, as well.
  • Lamprey eel fishing at Salacgriva - This is one of the few places in the world where lamprey eels are caught at the industrial level and with a fishing method that has been used for the past 150 years.
  • The Ainazi Maritime School Museum - The museum at Valdemāra Street 47 was opened in 1969 in the building of the maritime school that was opened in 1864 at the suggestion of Krišjānis Valdemārs.
Accommodations Taverns
Distance driving 70 km

Register in advance to visit Mrs Žagata’s ceramics workshop, the trip into the sea from Vējavas, and a visit to the place where lampreys are caught in Salacgrīva. The tour will take at least an hour or hour-and-a-half, so choose four to five destinations to visit.