Nature objects in Lithuania

What's special about the nature in Lithuania?

The Curonian spit - a sandy, desert-like stretch of land between the Baltic see and the Curonian Inlet, teh hilly landscapes of the Žemaitija region, the blue mirror labyrinths of the lakes in teh Aukštaitija region, the pine forests in teh Dzūkija region, the curves of the Nemuna river valley, and the many regional nature parks, created not only to protect  the nature but also for people's recreation and interest - these are the nature values attracting guests of Lithuania. 

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Overview Details

The Meteliai Regional Park

There are three large lakes at the centre of this park – Lake Dusia, Lake Metelys, and Lake Obelija. Lake Dusia has very clear and transparent water, and its southern and south-eastern beaches are popular among swimmers. The lakes and their nearby wetlands are important during the migration season of birds.

Kaunas juras regionalais parks

Kauņas jūras reģionālais parks (Kauno marių regioninis parkas) dibināts 1992. gadā. Tas ietver Nemunas HES uzpludināto posmu – lielāko Lietuvas ūdenskrātuvi no Kauņas līdz Piļonas (Piliuona) ciemam. Viena no nozīmīgākajām parka vērtībām ir ainava, kas veidojusies ilgā cilvēka un dabas mijiedarbībā. Parkā konstatētas 950 augu sugas, 600 dzīvnieku, - 34 zivju sugas. Parka nozīmīgas dabas vērtības ir meži, augstie purvi, kadiķu audze. Parkā ir apskatāmi dažādu vēsturisko periodu liecinieki – senču pilskalni, Pažaislis klosteris, Kauņas cietokšņa Piektais forts, kā arī Rumšišķes (Rumšiškės) brīvdabas muzejs – viens no lielākajiem (195 ha) šāda veida muzejiem Eiropā. Vaišvīdavā (Vaišvydava) ir izveidots parka apmeklētāju centrs, parkā ir dabas takas, piemēram, Žiegždriai ģeoloģiskā taka un Dubravos izziņas taka.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city111

The Salantai Regional Park

The terrain in this territory was created during the Ice Age. There are the ancient river valleys of the Minija, Salantas and Erla rivers, along with groups of rocks.

Botanikas taka

Kaut arī Augštaitijas nacionālo parku uzskata par floristiskā ziņā ļoti bagātu teritoriju, šī ir vienīgā vieta, kur varam iepazīt augu valsts bagātību. To īstenot palīdz takas malās izvietotie informācijas stendi. 3,8 km garās lokveida takas sākums ir meklējams Palūšē, Lūšu (Lūšiai) ezera galējā austrumu punktā. Taka ved gar ezera krastu, mežainām kāpām, nelielu strautu ielejām un pa purvāju. Nenomaldīties palīdz krāsu marķējums uz koku stumbriem.

Distance from countries capital city113

The Trakai Historical National Park

This park was established mostly to protect a wide range of cultural and historical objects such as the Trakai lake castle, the ancient Trakai cloister, the Užutrakai castle, the Bražole castle hill, the heritage of ancient local tribes, etc.
National park Distance from countries capital city28
Boat tourBicycle trailNature trailNature watching

The Panemunių Regional Park

This park covers the Nemuna River valley between the villages of Seredžius and Geldaudišķis, with lovely views of castle hills, medieval castles, aristocratic estates, etc., along the shores.
Nature park Distance from countries capital city156
Bicycle trailNature watching

Regionalpark Grazutės

Gegründet für den Schutz der Landschaften und der Seen der Aukštaitija-Anhöhe, Arten und Biotope.

Distance from countries capital city139

The Salu Estate park

Located on an island in Lake Dviragio, the Salu Estate and its park, when viewed from above, are reminiscent of the boundaries of Lithuania.  The park to the east of the estate is a mixed-type park and is one of the oldest ones in Lithuania.  Back in the day, it was a forest park where trees were never cut down.  The park featured maple, linden, elm, aspen and other local trees, and they are now around 200 years old.  A winding path links the alley to a park trail by the lake.  The various plants and fragments of alleys have survived to the present day.

Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance

Ventė Cape

Place for bird ringing and bird watching.

Distance from countries capital city333

Platelu ezers (Platelių ezeras)

Nacionālā parka galvenā ainavas dominante. Ezers ir ~ 8,4 km garš un līdz 3,3 km plats. Tā austrumu krasti pārsvarā ir ar mežiem apauguši, ziemeļrietumu krasts – purvains, bet rietumu krastā parādās apdzīvotas sētas un simpātiskā Plateļu (Plateliai) pilsētiņa, kur meklējamas skaistākās skatu vietas. Ezera krastos ir labi attīstīta infrastruktūra - tūristu mītnes, ēdināšanas uzņēmumi (Plateļos), ūdenssporta un atpūtas inventāra noma. Ūdens dzidruma dēļ, Plateļu ezeru ir iecienījuši zemūdens niršanas entuziasti. Ezerā ir vairākas salas, no kurām interesanta ir Pils salas (Pilies sala), uz kuras no 15. – 16. gs. atradās muiža. Pastāv uzskats, ka senie Plateļu apkārtnes iedzīvotāji sākotnēji ir dzīvojuši uz salas, kuru ar krastu savienojis uz pāļiem celts tilts. Jāpiemin, ka 15 gs. pirmoreiz pieminētā Plateļu pilsētiņa atradusies uz Šventorkalņa (Šventorkalnis) kalna. Apkārt Plateļu ezeram ir izveidots ~ 24 km garš velomaršruts. Tā ir ļoti laba iespēja iepazīt parku videi un ceļotāja veselībai draudzīgā veidā.

Distance from countries capital city307

The Nemuna Delta Regional Park

The Nemuna River divides up into two large streams at its estuary at Kuršių Marios, and this has established the Rusnė Island. This is a unique environmental territory with wetlands, streams, ancient rivers, lagoon lakes and flood plains which are important places for birds to nest and rest during migration season. Vast tracts of this territory are flooded each spring. The park includes the territory to the N and W of Rusne (lagoons, swamps, fishing ponds, Kuršių Marios).
Nature park Distance from countries capital city330
Bicycle trailNature trailNature watching

Negelsches Naturreservat (Naglių rezervatas)

Die Dünen nördlich Pervalka über dem ehemaligen Dorf Negeln. Eine 9 km lange Strecke mit den wüstenartigen Landschaften. Stegpfade.

Distance from countries capital city356

Mikitai izzinas taka (Mikytų pazintinis takas)

Vienu kilometru garā lokveida taka, kas ved pa lielāku nacionālā parka meža masīvu, uzskatāmi attēlo Žemaitijas augstienes un tuvākās apkārtnes reljefa veidošanās vēsturi. No takas augstākā punkta – Mikitai kalna, kas ir sens pagānu upurkalns, paveras (ainaviska stiga) tālākas apkārtnes skats. Kā takas interesantākie apskates objekti ir jāmin teikām apvītais akmens ar Velna pēdu un ar akmeņiem izliktas akas paliekas.

Distance from countries capital city316

Burgberg Seredziaus

Eine der malerischischen Burgberge am Fluss Nemunas mit schöner Sicht aufs Flusstal. In 13 – 14 Jh. befand sich hier eine militäre Festung, die nicht erhalten ist.

Distance from countries capital city145

The Dzukija National Park

This territory is Lithuania’s most forested area, and people here have always lived in accordance with nature. Local treasures include berries, mushrooms, honey, clean water from streams and rivers, etc. People here have engaged in various crafts, as well as in beekeeping.
National park Distance from countries capital city110
Boat tourBicycle trailNature watching

The Izidoras Navidanskas Zemaitija Botanical Park

One of the oldest botanical parks in Lithuania, this one was opened by Izidoras Navidanskas in 1928, when he was only 16.  In 1965, the park because the Žemaitija botanical park, and Navidanskas and his son, Rapolas, who is the current owner, did a lot to expand it.

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

The Aukstadvaris Regional Park

This territory in the northern part of the Dzūkija Highlands with lots of hillocks and lakes. The most interesting tourist destination is Velnio duobė (Devil’s Flowerbed) – a funnel-shaped hole that is up to 40 m deep and 200 m wide and is thought to have originated during the Ice Age.
Nature park Distance from countries capital city56
Nature trailNature watching

The Zagare Regional Park

Žagare has long since been known for a special type of cherries.  There are various varieties which only differ in terms of when they are ripe and productive.  There are different types of trees.  The cherries grow at nearly home, and that is an exclusive symbol of Žagare. 

Active leisure Silence and Peace Beautiful sights Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city260 Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Nature trailNature watching

Oldest apple tree in Lithuania

The oldest apple tree in Lithuania is a forest apple tree and is part of the country's botanical heritage and the only protected apple tree in Lithuania.

Heritage gardens

The Energetic Labyrinth and Geometric Figure Park

This park has five labyrinths with decorative plants, flowers and various kinds of medicinal plants.  The longest path in the labyrinth is 1.7 km long.  The total distance of the paths is 4.5 km.  The park has three geometric figures -- a cupola, a mandala and a Merkabah.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Optional meals Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Pre-order required

The Kurtuvėnai Regional Park

This is a small area with lots of different terrains – high hillocks, distinct river valleys, thermal streams, continental dunes, etc.

Tituvenu regionalais parks

Tītuvēnu reģionālais parks (Tytuvėnų regioninis parkas) dibināts 1992. gadā. Parkam raksturīga ainavu daudzveidība – te ir sastopami lieli mežu masīvi, purvi, ezeri, upītes. Šejienes reljefa veidotājs tāpat kā citur Baltijas valstīs ir bijis ledājs, kas atnesis un atstājis aiz sevis garas laukakmeņu grēdas. Kopumā parkā ir konstatētas 603 augu un 787 dzīvnieku sugas. Parkā aug veci un dabiski boreālie (ziemeļu) meži, veci un jaukti platlapju meži ar ozoliem, liepām, kļavām, ošiem un gobām, sugām bagāti egļu meži, staignāju meži, nogāžu un gravu meži, purvaini meži un aluviālie (pārplūstošie) meži. Parkā esošās pļavas un tīrumi ir nozīmīga dzērvju atpūtas vieta migrāciju laikā, kad te pulcējās tūkstošiem putnu. Šiluvas baznīca un Tītuvēnu klosteris ir svētceļnieku galamērķis vairāk nekā 500 gadu garumā. 

Nature park Distance from countries capital city200

Vilnius University Siauliai Academy Botanical Garden

The botanic garden is part of the Siauliai University and is the newest and smallest botanical garden in Lithuania, covering 6.54 ha of land. 

Heritage gardens Active season months3-10 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers

The University of Klaipeda Botanical Garden

The botanical garden was established in 1993 in the lovely Dane River valley.  It covers approximately 9.3 hectares, and in 2002, it was given the status of a dendrological park.

Heritage gardens Active season months4-9 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

The Kurtuvenai Estate Park

This estate is surrounded by an ancient and geometric landscape.  During the latter half of the 19th century, it had a landscape style with various elements of geometry.  The park covers 4.2 ha and has ancient linden, maple, elm, oak and other decorative bushes, with more than 20 types of plants that have turned into wood.

Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

Parniddene Düne

In der Umgebung von der 52 m hohen Parniddenen Düne sind die im 18. Jh. bei einem Holzeinschlag entstandene Wanderdünen zu sehen! Aussichtsplatz.

Distance from countries capital city358

The Pajuris Regional Park

The territory is established in order to protect the dunes and the seashore habitats. There are beautiful beaches and wooded dunes, and the paved Klaipēda–Palanga bikeway trails through the park, which is worth travelling at full length.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city322
Bicycle trailNature trail

Garnu kalns (Garnių kalnas)

  Aiz Jodkrantes (Nidas virziens) ceļa labajā pusē ir izveidots autostāvlaukums un labiekārtota vieta, no kuras apskatāma Lietuvas (atrodamas ziņas, ka arī Eiropas) lielākā zivju gārņu Ardea cinerea un jūras kraukļu Phalacrocorax carbo kolonija, kur kopā varētu būt ~ 3000 putnu. Neaizmirstiet līdzi paņemt tālskati!

Distance from countries capital city355

Hügel Ladakalnis

Vermutlich ein heidnischer Hügel. Schöner Blick auf die 6 Seenlandschaften. Ein Symbol vom Nationalpark.

Distance from countries capital city122

The Baltu Plant Museum

This museum was established in 2014 in partnership with the Siauliai University botanical garden. The museum is 85 m long and 40 m wide on a territory that covers 0.34 ha.

Heritage gardens Active season months5-9 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance