Nature objects in Estonia

What's special about the nature in Estonia?

In Estonia, there stands the most impressive rock wall in the Baltics - the so called North Estonian "glint" (from Estonian language). Estonia has its own "Land of Inlets" - the Lahemaa region with its national park, the "Land of Islands" - the Saaremaa island and the Monzund archipelago. The Matsalu bay is one of the most significant rest stops for birds during their migration. In Estonia there is one of the most prominent impact craters in Europe, there are the greatest waterfalls and boulders in the Baltics, the Munamagi hill - the highest spot in the Baltics, the Lake Peipus - the 5th largest lake in Europe, - with long-standing fishing traditions, and the great variety of nature from West to East, from North to South.

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Overview Details

The Lahemaa National Park

This is the first national park in Estonia and the Baltic States. Perfect for a day trip out from Tallinn for a hiking trip and nature watching. It was established in 1971 to protect the area that is along the Bay of Finland – the shoreline, forests, swamps, meadow biotopes, species, natural monuments, rocks, waterfalls, cliffs and cultural monuments such as ancient cemeteries, castle hills, baronial estates, fishing villages, etc.

National park Distance from countries capital city50
Cross-country skiingBicycle trailNature trailNature watching

Vilsandi sala (Vilsandi saar)

Vilsandi nacionālā parka „sirds” un divpadsmitā lielākā Igaunijas sala (garums - 6 km, platums – 2 km). Tā ir ļoti „jauna” sala, kas sākusi veidoties pirms ~ 2000 gadiem zemes garozas celšanās rezultātā, savienojoties divām salām, kas noticis pirms ~ 350 gadiem. Cilvēki salu sāka apdzīvot 18. gs. un to galvenā nodarbe bija zvejniecība, kuģu būve, nelielā apjomā – lauksaimniecība. Līdz 2. pasaules karam te bija ap 200 iedzīvotāju, kuri vēlāk salu bija spiesti pamest PRSR pierobežas režīma zonas dēļ. Nozīmīgu Vilsandi daļu aizņem mežs un kadiķu lauki. To visā garumā šķērso grantēts - zemes ceļš ar atzariem uz jūras krastu. Salu ar kājām var izstaigāt vairāku stundu laikā, iepazīstot vietējo apbūvi (daļa arī mūsdienās celtas ēkas) un Tolli sētu, kur pēc nostāstiem dzīvojis nīderlandiešu jūras braucējs Johans Dolls, kā arī vējdzirnavas. Noteikti ir jāaiziet līdz salas rietumu krastam, kur atrodas Vilsandi bāka un bākas uzrauga saimniecības ēkas. No šejienes ir labi redzamas Vaikas salas. Šodien uz salas pastāvīgi (visa gada garumā) dzīvo tikai trīs cilvēki.


Aegna Island

This is an entirely forested island in the Bay of Finland, ~14 km from Tallinn. A network of small pathways covers the entire island. Recommended hike along the seashore of the island, which will offer dunes, as well as a coastline that is sandy in some parts, rocky in others, and covered with reeds in still others (~9 km). A ferry boat will take you to the island from the Pirita port.

Suitsu tornis (Suitsu torn)

Suitsu tornis celts 1979. g. kā pirmais Matsalu rezervāta metāla tornis. To atjaunoja 1998. g. Torņa augstums ir 21 m, tādēļ no tā paveras izcila dabas un kultūrainava uz Kazari deltas niedrājiem un blakus esošo Suitsu upi (Suitsu jõgi), kuras krastā ir uzceltas vairākas zvejnieku laivu būdas.


Viking village

A unique theme park on the River Pirita evokes interest in ancient Vikings. Facilities include: stronghold, chamber of spells, smithy, Viking boat and dugout canoe trips, shows and battles with ancient weapons, a catapult, archery, axe throwing, cave and smoke saunas, trout fishing, accommodation, catering etc.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city30 Active season months1-12

The Vooremaa field of drumlins

This is the most visually impressive drumlin field in the Baltic States, and it is close to the village of Tabivere. The drumlins were established by ice glaciers, and they point in the direction in which the ice moved long ago. In terms of their appearance, the drumlins resemble loaf-shaped hillocks. From their “backs,” there are lovely views of the local landscape and the lakes that are around the area. The visitor centre is in the village of Äksi.

Ancient Võhandu River valley

This is one of the most beautiful ancient river valleys in Estonia – 12 km long with nearly 40 revealed Devonian sandstone cliffs. Among these, the most important ones are Viira müür, Kalamatu müür, and Põdramüür.

Kostivere karst field

This is one of Estonia’s most beautiful karst fields, covering 125 hectares which feature different karst processes – subterranean streams, the dry Jõelähtme River bed, karst streams, funnels, ditches, caves, cliffs, a unique rock “mushroom,” etc. During the spring, the field is flooded, but at other times of the year, its contents are easily visible.

Moor Tolkuse

Durch das höchste Dünen-Massiv Estlands und den Moor führt der Lehr-Wanderweg. Blick vom Aussichtsturm bis auf die Insel Kihnu.

Distance from countries capital city175

Aegna Island

An afforested island in the Gulf of Finland, approximately 14 km to the North of Tallinn.  There is a network of small roads and trails on the island.  Forests:  Mostly 1.1, 1.2 and 4.2.  Information:  A ferry boat to the island departs from the port at Pirita. 

Hike around the shore of the island, where you will find all kinds of environments – dunes, sandy areas, rocky areas and places with lots of reeds (~9 km).

Active season months1-12
Nature trailNature watching

Risas purva taka (Riisa rabarada)

Izcila lokveida taka (4,5 km), kuras lielākā daļa (koka laipas) ved pa Rīsas purvu (Riisa raba). No takas un divstāvīgā koka skatu torņa ir vērojami purva ezeriņi, lāmas, un purvaini meži. Ja nacionālā parka apskati sāk no ziemeļu puses, tad šī taka ir labs ceļojuma iesākums!


Lahemaa Hiking Centre

The Centre promotes sustainable lifestyle and the great outdoors, there you can plant trees and make and install nest boxes. Canoeing, bog walks, bow and crossbow shooting ranges are available for the more adventurous. There is a log house for functions and accommodation and a sauna with a hot tub.

Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months1-12

Torna kalns (Tornimägi)

Karulas augstienes augstākais reljefa punkts (137 m.vjl.), kas virs tuvākās apkārtnes paceļas par ~ 60 m. Torņa kalnā ir uzbūvēts skatu tornis ar ļoti plašu apkārtskatu. Uz tā platformas ir novietoti panorāmas fotoattēli, kuros atzīmēti zīmīgākie plašākā apkaimē redzamie objekti – apdzīvotas vietas, pilskalni, baznīcu torņi u.c. Turpat izveidota atpūtas vieta un meklējams Rebases ainavu takas sākums.

Distance from countries capital city260

The Letipea Ehalkivi rock

This is the largest rock in the Baltic States and, according to some sources, in all of the segment of Northern Europe which was affected by the last Ice Age. Its size is 930 m3! The rock is 7.5 m high, 16.5 m long and 14 m high, with a circumference of 48.5 m. The rock resembles a huge pebble from a distance, and it is on the sandy and rocky beach. Depending on the season, it can be out in the water. The Ice Age carried the rock to its current location from the southern shore of Finland. It is made of pegmatite.

The Rock of Jana - Toma

The Rock of Jana - Toma is claiming itself to be the highest (almost 8 m) rock in The Baltic. It is located in Kasispea village.

Distance from countries capital city72

Mejekoses pargajienu taka (Meiekose matkarada)

~ 3 – 5 km gara taka, kas ved pa veco ceļu gar Tēramā upes (Tõramaa jõgi) kreiso krastu. Takas malās izvietoti interaktīvi elementi bērniem, kas palīdz labāk uztvert dabā notiekošo. Taku ieskauj mitrie meži un palieņu pļavas, kas palu laikā atrodas zem ūdens. Tēramā (Tõramaa) ciemā apkārtnē atrastas cilvēka darbības pēdas jau no akmens laikmeta.

Distance from countries capital city149

Reimann Retked

The company runs wildlife tours: rafting in early spring, kayaking in summer (with beaver watching upon request), bog and snowshoeing round the year, kick-sledging in winter. Our experienced guides tell exciting stories of wildlife and history.

Distance from countries capital city34 Active season months1-12

Halbinsel Pärispea

Auf der Küste der Halbinsel befinden sich sowohl ehemalige Fischerdörfer, als auch die Reste eines Militärstützpunkts der Sowjetarmee. Großartige von den Gletschern des Eiszeitalters eingebrachte Feldsteine.

Distance from countries capital city74

Trips aboard kaleships

Kale is a traditional wooden sailing ship for trawling nets on Lake Võrtsjärv, but its graceful appearance with two triangular sails often inspired pleasure trips too. Võrtsjärve Foundation supported the building of the ship Paula, completed in 2005 and Liisu in 2009. Trips aboard a kaleship are a genuinely memorable experience.
When booked in advance a sailing trip may include eating fish soup and freshly smoked fish.

Distance from countries capital city181 Active season months5-9

Meenikunno swamp

This is a highland swamp with several little lakes. At the SE of the area is a wooden trail.


This is a quick boat ride from Tartu down the Emajõgi River to Piirissaare Island in Lake Peipsi (Peipsi järv). Along the lower reaches of the river are major wetlands which are of enormous importance for birds.

Tuhala Karst area, Witch’s well

One of the largest karst areas in Estonia is found here. The unique Witch’s well is one of the most interesting parts of this area. During spring floods (not every year, and for only a short period of time), the well erupts with underground river waters to create an unusually powerful karst stream that can pump out as much as 100 litres per hour.

Castle Hill Otepää

Very expressive form of relief with wide look over the neighborhood. On its peak there's ruins of the castle of bishop Hermanis which was built in 1224. The world's oldest firearm was found here.

Distance from countries capital city225

Terama taka (Tõramaa matkarada)

Divarpus kilometrus gara taka (vienā virzienā) aizved līdz Hallistes palieņu pļavām, kur Hallistes upes labajā krastā ir uzcelts divstāvīgs koka skatu tornis. No tā paveras visaptverošs skats uz atjaunotajām (izcirsti krūmi) Hallistes palieņu pļavām. Pavasara palu laikā no torņa redzamā apkārtne un tornis atrodas ūdenī.


Saaremaa Island

The biggest sea island in Estonia. In translation - "Land of The Islands". A bridge, where cyclists can drive connects Saaremaa island to Muhu island .

Distance from countries capital city160

The Panga cliffs

The highest and most beautiful wall of cliffs on Saaremaa Island (up to 21 m high), stretching along some 3 km. During strong winds from the W or NW, a part of the cliff is washed by the waves of the sea. The open face of the cliff has limestone, marls and dolomite, and there is a wealth of fossils at the base of the cliff – corals, stromatoporids, etc.
Distance from countries capital city230
Nature trailNature watching

Mekonnu skatu tornis (Mäekonnu vaatetorn)

Viens no diviem nacionālā parka skatu torņiem, kas atrodas ~ 1,5 km ziemeļos no Ehijerva ezera (Ähijärv). Tornis ir veiksmīgi „nomaskēts” nelielā priežu pudurī, tādēļ tas „nebojā” izcilo dabas un kultūrainavu, kas paveras no tā skatu platformas. Pie autostāvlaukuma ir izveidota labiekārtota atpūtas vieta.


Skats uz Vaikas salam (Vaika saared)

No Vilsandi bākas un tai tuvākās apkaimes ir labi saskatāmas leģendārās Vaikas salas. Tām ir piešķirts rezervāta statuss, tādēļ salas var apskatīt tikai no attāluma. Mazākā no saliņām - Kullipank ir tikai pārdesmit metrus diametrā. Tā ir jūras ūdeņu izrobots zemas un asas dolomīta klints fragments, kas klāts ar oļiem, nelieliem laukakmeņiem un kādu atsevišķi stāvošu lakstaugu. Domājams, ka vētru laikā tā pazūd zem jūras ūdens. Savukārt, Alumine Vaigas – Apakšējā Vaikas sala ir lielākā no sešām salām. Šīs salas diametrs ir ~ 150 m un tā paceļas vismaz kādus divus metrus virs jūras līmeņa. Uz salas ir bagātīga veģetācija un pat kāds zems krūms salas centrā. Redzami arī metru augsti atsegumi. Uz salas vēl joprojām atrodas 20. gs. sākumā celto „putnu māju” paliekas, kas bija domātas ligzdojošo putnu piesaistīšanai.


Pärimusmatkad/Heritage Tours

The company provides wildlife tours – seal watching, walking, cycling or skiing trips, rubber boat trips to Vilsandi and other islands, orchid trips, and trips to learn about culture and life of the manors, towns and villages, crafts and seafaring. Miku forest park in Vilsandi National Park is where visitors can learn about and try various forestry jobs.
The Vilsandi NP centre is in Loona Manor along with a guesthouse and café-restaurant (

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12

Halbinsel Käsmu

Eine von Nadelbaumwäldern bedeckte Halbinsel. Malerisches Käsmu Steinfeld, Matsikivi Stein, Vana Jüri Stein u.a. Bei passenden Bedingungen kann man sich auf einer steinernen Landzunge bis zur 0,5 km entfernt liegenden Insel Saartneem schleppen. 

Distance from countries capital city81