Ancient historical sites

Overview Details

Лиепайский Домик Петра I

Находится на ул. Кунгу, д. 24.Одно из старейших зданий города - деревянный сруб с черепичной крышей, построенный во второй половине XVII века и прозванный в народе гостиницей мадам Хойер. Здесь в 1697 году во время путешествия «Великого посольства» в западную Европу останавливался (инкогнито) русский царь Петр I. Находящееся по соседству здание на ул. Кунгу, д. 26, является вторым старейшим жилым зданием Лиепаи (1699 г.) – жилой дом бургомистра города. Во время Северной войны здесь останавливался король Швеции Карл XII. Оба здания подлежат осмотру только снаружи.

Distance from countries capital city217

The Kemeri Post Office

The building was erected during the first period of Latvian independence, and it maintained its functions for a long time.  The building is located at Tukuma Street 30.  Beginning in 1940, the post office had an automated telephone central.  The Postal Service no longer uses it, and the building can only be viewed from the outside.

Distance from countries capital city47


This is a sand dune that is covered with pines and has a monument to soldiers from Company 6 in Rīga, who defended the city in 1919.  It was from this place that the soldiers went into battle against the numerically much larger army of Bermont-Avalov to liberate Rīga and its Pārdaugava neighbourhood.  Created by the sculptor Kārlis Zāle, the monument features a wall facing Slokas Street that is 12 metres tall and is a depiction of the head of a lion that was once part of the gates to Rīga.  The side walls on both sides have bas relief depictions of Ancient Latvians and soldiers from 1919.  Atop the dune is an area with an altar, a sacrificial dish, and a memorial plaque to commemorate those who fell in battle.  The monument was unveiled in 1937 by President Kārlis Ulmanis.

Active season months1-12

Mustvee village

A haven for Russian Old Believers. Mustvee village has held fairs for the past two centuries. It is also a traditional fishing town.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city174


Eine der ältesten Ortschaften Litauens. Schon im 14. Jh befand sich hier eine Holzburg. Der 20 m hohe Merķine-Burgberg an der Mündung der Flüsse Merkys und Nemunas.

Distance from countries capital city104

The Baki castle hill

This may be an ancient cult object, and today it is a little hill in the dunes that is a bit larger than other local hills.  It is said that a church once sank into the dune.  This tale suggests that there was a Christian or pagan prayer place here at one time. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city143 Active season months1-12

Dzerbenes Augstais kalns

Atrodas 0,5 km ziemeļaustrumos no Dzērbenes baznīcas, ceļa otrajā pusē. Vizuāli izteiksmīgs pilskalns ar 50 x 50 m lielu plakumu, kura kultūrslānī atrastas vēlā dzelzs laikmeta apmetnes atliekas. Pilskalna rietumu nogāzē ir izveidots ceļš, pa kuru nonāksim līdz tā plakumam ar estrādi.

Distance from countries capital city115

Musteika (Musteika)

Musteikas pirmsākumi ir meklējami jau 18. gs. Līdz Musteikai no Marcinkones puses var nokļūt pa grantētu ceļu, kas ved gar bijušajiem kolhoza zivju dīķiem. Automašīnu var atstāt ciema sākumā un izstaigāt to ar kājām, izjūtot veco ēku smaržu un šarmu. Musteikā atrodas Dzūkijas biškopības vēsturei veltīts „dzīvs” muzejs, kur stropos dzīvo bites, bet tā saimnieks ir biškopis pēc aicinājuma un būtības. Ja palūgsiet, viņš demonstrēs – kā ar krama, metāla un posas piepes palīdzību senos laikos ieguva uguni.

Distance from countries capital city118

Icas apmetnes ciems

Ičas apmetnes ciems ir sena dzīvesvieta Ičas upes krastos. Apmetne atklāta 1937. gadā. Tā bijusi apdzīvota neolītā (4500 - 1500 pr.Kr.) un bronzas laikmetā (1500 - 500 pr.Kr.). Apmetnē dzīvojuši amatnieki, zvejnieki, mednieki. 


Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city231 Active season months6-8

The Cemetery of the Brethren of Lacukrogs

The Cemetery of the Brethren of Lāčukrogs offers a final resting place to men who fell during World War I.
Distance from countries capital city47

Grisku kalns

Atrodas 0,3 km ziemeļos no Vecpiebalgas pilsdrupām. Ap 10 m augsto, bet visnotaļ izteiksmīgo Grišku kalnu sauc arī par Piebalgas, Balgas un Veļķu pilskalnu. 13. gs. šeit bijusi svarīga apmetnes vieta ar mākslīgi nostāvinātām nogāzēm un dziļu aizsarggrāvi. Vēstures notikumi ir atstājuši ap metru biezu kultūrslāni. Bezlapu laikā no kalna paveras skats uz Vecpiebalgas baznīcu un pilsdrupu vietu. Pilskalna piekājē ir aka ar Griškavotu.

Distance from countries capital city128

Ringwall Muuksi

Eine der größten befestigten Siedlungen im Bezirk Harju, befindert sich auf einer Erhebung des natürlichen Kliffs Nordestlands.

Distance from countries capital city49


„Upmaļi” is the family house of writer Janis Klīdzējs who has written 8 novels, 11 storybooks, 2 essay books and reflections about Latgalian catholic-Latvian mentality. Janis Streičs (famous Latvian film director) shot a film based on the novel of Janis Klīdzējs called „The Child of a Man”.

Rebasemeiza (Rebasemõisa)

Neliela apdzīvota vieta nacionālā parka ziemeļrietumu daļā, kur kādreiz atradusies Rebases muiža. Mūsdienās no tās saglabājušās klēts atliekas, pie kurām apskatāms interesants vēstures liecinieks – sens akmens, ko izmantoja kulšanas procesā (Peksukivi).

Distance from countries capital city260

Lulleme (Lüllemäe)

Lullemē atrodas blakus parka robežai, bet arī šo vietu ir vērts pieminēt kā vienu no apskates objektiem. Lullemē uzmanību piesaista viena otrai blakus stāvošās baznīcas. Mūsdienās redzamās 15. gs. celtās Sv. Marijas baznīcas drupas ir liecinieks 2. pasaules kara notikumiem, kad 1944. g. baznīcu sagrāva. Jaunā baznīca ir celta 1997. gadā. Ciema rietumdaļā uzstādīts piemineklis, kas veltīts brīvības cīņās (1919. – 1920.) kritušajiem.

Distance from countries capital city257

Дом Штафенхагена

Находится на ул. Базницас, д. 17. Здание построено в XVII веке, как жилой дом кулдигского бургомистра. В 1701 году здесь гостил король Швеции Карл XII, который в передней оставил огромный сундук (2 х 2,5 м), на который после реставрации можно взглянуть и сегодня.

Distance from countries capital city156

Raja-Kükita-Tiheda-Kasepää one-street village

Old Believers, who fled persecution from the Russian Orthodox church because of their refusal to adapt to church reforms, settled down on the western shore of Lake Peipsi in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Their traditional one-street villages can be seen along the lakeshore where Kasepää, Tiheda, Kükita and Raja villages together extend for an almost continuous 8 km. It is one of the few places in Estonia today with such a concentration of Old Believers. The villages featuring prayer houses and homesteads in a distinctly different architectural and life style are a true wonder.

Distance from countries capital city180 Active season months1-12

Cesu vienibas laukums

Cēsu centrālais laukums – Vienības laukums (ākumā – Konventa laukums) – atgādina par Cēsu kauju notikumumiem, kuru nozīme un ikviena dalībnieka ieguldījums aprakstīti devīzē uz pieminekļa “No zobena saule lēca”. Cēsu kaujas 1019.gada jūnijā bija svarīgs Latvijas valstiskuma vēstures pagrieziena punkts, kad apvienotais latviešu un igauņu karaspēks sakāva vācu landesvēru, kas apdraudēja Baltijas valstu pastāvēšanu. Vienības laukums turpina būt par nozīmīgu notikumu liecinieku. 1989.gada 23.augustā daudzu cēsnieku ceļi veda uz Vienības laukumu, kuram cauri vijās Baltijas ceļš.

Distance from countries capital city88 Active season months1-12

The old Kemeri road

One of the most interesting objects in Bigauņciems, the road begins at the seashore, crosses the Vecslocene River (there is no bridge, but hikers and bikers can get across it), and then continues as a forest road to Lake Melnezers.

Distance from countries capital city44

The Trommel castle hill

Near the place where the Kilmiņupe River flows into the sea is the legendary Trommel castle hill, which was a Medieval fortification.  It is some 100 m from the Kraujas homestead.  An archaeological dig in 1977 found fragments of bricks and pot-bellied stoves, which suggests that the fortifications date back to the Middle Ages.  The location also is linked to stories about a pirate, Trommel, who buried his loot here.  The holes in the area have been left behind by treasure hunters.  Trommel supposedly robbed ships in the Bay of Rīga from the shores of Kurzeme to Roņu Island.  Many ships docked here in ancient times, waiting for better winds so that they could pass by Cape Kolka.  The pirate made use of this fact, also pillaging property from sunken ships.  It is said that Trommel lived in a stone castle. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city143 Active season months1-12

Bijusi Grobinas dzelzcela stacijas eka

Taisnā Celtnieku iela ir bijušās Liepājas – Aizputes šaursliežu dzelzceļa (celta 1900. gadā, 49 km gara) līnijas „trase”, kuras malā (Celtnieku ielā 50) redzama bijusī dzelzceļa stacijas ēka.

Distance from countries capital city204

A walk through historical locations in Kaltene

Kaltene features several homes where shipbuilders used to live – Caurnāši, which was home to the Bertliņi family, Ilmati, where six ailing ships were built, Maizītes, where the Stahl family of ship builders built 16 two-mast and three-mast ships, and Dambekalni, which was once one of the first canned fish factories on the coastline.  To the side of the sea are the old boat piers of Kaltene.  In 1936, a board pier was built by the Freijs family from Roja.  It was 200 m long and had room for some 50 boats.  All that is left are wooden poles that have been eaten away by the sea and time.  If you want to learn about the specifics, difficulties and challenges of fishermen today, visit Ervīns Vilciņš in Ķirķrags.  He will tell interesting stories on the basis of his experience.  You can watch as he fishes in the morning and then taste the fish that he has caught. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city112 Active season months1-12

Tirgonu iela Liepaja

Pirmā Liepājas gājēju iela. 140 m garā iela par gājējiem piemērotu tika pārveidota mūzikas festivāla “Mēs Liepājai” (1988. g.) laikā savāktajiem līdzekļiem. Daudzo veikalu un kafejnīcu dēļ iela ir dzīva, tāpēc vietējo iedzīvotāju un viesu iecienīta.

Distance from countries capital city216

The former Kirbizi ship building facility

During the latter half of the 19th century, one of the largest ship building facilities was located here between the Dzeņi and Lielkalni homesteads.  It was known as the Ķirbiži and then the Vitrupe shipyard, though nothing remains of it.  28 ships were built here between the 1860s and 1929.

Distance from countries capital city90 Active season months1-12

Svetkalns (Zviedru kalns)

Svētkalnā atradusies krustnešu nocietinātā pils. Zemgaļiem to nebija pa spēkam ieņemt, tādēļ, nodedzinādami savu pili Tērvetes pilskalnā (1286. g.), tie aizgāja uz Raktes (Žagares) novadu Lietuvā. Kad Svētkalna nocietinājumi bija zaudējusi savu militāro nozīmi, krustneši to nojauca. 1701. g. Ziemeļu kara laikā Svētkalnā atradās zviedru armijas nocietinātā apmetne, no kā arī cēlies vietvārds. Domājams, ka pirms tam šajā vietā atradusies seno zemgaļu svētvieta. No Svētkalna paveras viena no skaistākajām un biežāk fotografētajām Tērvetes ainavām.

Distance from countries capital city75

Karogu Street

This is the one street in Ķemeri where the towns' wooden buildings have been preserved to the greatest degree.  Turning onto Durbes Street from Karogu Street, you will find the Miervaldis Ķemers Museum, which is focused on the well known Latvian cultural activist, pastor and painter (1902-1980).  The museum is at Durbes Street 21.

Distance from countries capital city47

The Vejupite ravine

The Vējupīte ravine is meant for those who are not afraid of long and steep wooden stairs of the type that lead you up and down the ravine. From the Līvkalns guesthouse, you can climb the stairs downward, where you will find a shallow (3.6 m) but high (6.1 m) cave – the Pēters Cave. It is something of a gap or a niche. Another 10 minutes or so downstream (toward the Gauja) will lead you to the deep Pūces ravine and its Kraukļupīte River. The Satezele castle hill is at the confluence of the two rivers (90 x 75 m). A wooden castle was there during the feudal era in the early 13th century. Its main entrance was on the western side of the castle hill. You can get to the hill from the depths of the ravine via a wooden staircase. The Kraukļi ravine, in turn, is accessible if you climb down the same stairs and continue on your way toward the Gauja. The ravine is found on the left bank of the Vējupīte, and its sandstone walls are up to 11 m high. The Kraukļi cave, which is 5.2 m deep, is on the wall. Another 10-15 minutes (crossing the Vējupīte on a wooden bridge), and you will find another staircase leading you to Paradīze Hill (see the description above).

Distance from countries capital city59

The Obiteli windmill

The Narūta River which flows out of Lake Ežezers is approximately 1 km long and ends at the small Obiteļi windmill lake.  On the right bank of the river is a windmill that was built around 1900.  Today the site has the Obiteļa leisure centre with a sauna and banquet facilities.

Distance from countries capital city270

The site of the Oak tree of love

The site of the Oak tree of love, which was once a symbol of the growth of Ķemeri on the left bank of the Vēršupīte.
Distance from countries capital city50

Metsanurme Village Centre

In Metsanurme Village Centre you can see restored old threshing barn, limestone barn oven and few tools that were used ages ago. You could be also interested in seeing an outdoor exhibition which focuses on historical agricultural tools. All of this is made to look interesting to not only locals but also visitors.

Distance from countries capital city23 Optional meals
Place for tents Souvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishOther languages

Kipsares baka (Kiipsaare tuletorn)

Harilaidas galā no jūras ūdens paceļas 26 m augstā Kīpsāres bāka – viena no neparastākajām Igaunijas bākām. Tā celta 1933. g., kad jūra no bākas atradās ~ 100 m attālumā. Krastu noskalošanas rezultātā tā tagad ir viļņu ieskauta.

Distance from countries capital city273

Death Island

This was an island after the Rīga hydroelectric power plant created a reservoir, and before that it was a peninsula on the Left Bank of the Daugava.  During World War I, there were massive battles between Latvian Riflemen and a much larger German army on Death Island.  On December 25, 1916, the Germans used poisonous gas against the Latvian troops.  In honour of this, the architect Eižens Laube designed a monument to fallen Latvian riflemen on the northern shore of Death Island.  It was unveiled in 1924.  Death Island can be reached by boat, and the trenches and graves there are of interest.  There is a pier for boats on the north-western shore of the island, and nearby is a location for leisure.  Some of the trenches and dugouts have recently been restored.  The battles were described by Aleksandrs Grīns in his masterpiece, “Snowstorm of Souls.”

Distance from countries capital city34

Dorf Zervynos

Ein der ethnografischen Dörfer in Dzūkija mit Holzgebäuden und Kruzifix.

Distance from countries capital city98


Atrodas Tērvetē, Dobeles – Elejas ceļa malā, 0,2 km dienvidrietumos no Tērvetes pilskalna. Ar mežu apaugušais paugurs ir sena apmetnes vieta, kas bijusi apdzīvota jau 1. g.t. pr. Kr. Teika stāsta, ka kalnā bijis klosteris, kura mūki pēc klusēšanas pārkāpuma saulgriežu laikā kopā ar visu celtni nogrimuši kalna dzīlēs.

Distance from countries capital city75

The Daugmale castle hill

This is an ancient and important place for trade and craftsmanship on the left shore of the Rīga hydroelectric power plant reservoir.  It rises some 15 m above the Daugava River.  The Zemgale port that is described in historical documents is thought to have been located alongside the castle hill and at the mouth of the little Varžupīte stream.  Antiquities that have been dug up here suggest that the castle hill and its adjoining ancient settlement were populated until the late 12th century, when the importance of Daugmale began to shrink because of rapidly growing Rīga.  The foundations of the castle hill have been shored up.

Distance from countries capital city32 Active season months1-12

Sulphur water spring with pavilion

Built in the turn of the19th to 20th century. Next to it-on the right bank of the river Vēršupīte, there is located one of the most popular Latvian sulphur water springs, called "Small lizard". The spring runs out from a stone-designed lizard sculptured in 1949 (Sculptor J. Bajārs). Its water is healthy for using both internally and externally. Not far from the pavilion there can be found Jānis Lībietis alley sign. J. Lībietis worked in the position of a director for the sulphur water spring authority of Kemeri from 1928 to 1944.

Distance from countries capital city58

A memorial stone to Augusts Muizulis

The memorial stone to Augusts Muižulis,a recipient of the Lāčplēsis Military Order, is placed in the Lapmežciems, at the edge of the road (P 128, Jūrmala-Talsi) at the marker for the 9th kilometre. A. Muižulis, (189 –1941) was a lieutenant colonel in the No. 4 Valmiera Infantry Brigade. The adjacent Tuteņi homestead is his native home.

Distance from countries capital city44

The Selpils castle hill

The castle hill is an island in the reservoir of the Pļaviņas hydroelectric power plant, and it can be accessed by boat.  The ancient Selonian castle hill was settled several times between the 6th and the 12th century.  This was the political and military centre of the Selonian region.  In 1373, the Livonian Order built a stone castle on the hill, as it did on many other ancient hillocks.  The castle was sacked in 1704 during the Great Northern War.  Remnants of a square tower, a guard room and the 12 m embankment that once protected the castle are all that survive.  Approximately 300 m to the North of the Sēlpils castle hill is Oliņkalns hill, which is underwater.

Distance from countries capital city125 Active season months1-12


Setomaa in South-East Estonia is a unique area for its people (the Seto) and culture. The historic location in the borderland between East and West, straddling two languages and cultures has shaped the local language, life style, clothes and food. A very specific type of singing – leelo – is incorporated in the UNESCO list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Visitors are advised to follow the Seto Külävüü route from Võõpsu to Luhamaa through many villages to better understand the area.
Traditional Seto food is found at Seto Teahouse (tsäimaja) (+372 505 4673, in Värska and at Taarka Tarõ in the Seto Community Centre in Obinitsa (+372 5620 3374, Catering for groups should be booked in advance, cultural shows can also be booked.

Local lifestyle Active season months1-12

Mezabralu bunkurs

Pie Vidzemes šosejas pirms Melturu tilta pāri Amatai ir privātais muzejs "Mežabrāļu bunkurs". Bunkurs izveidots, lai varētu vēstīt par Nacionālo partizānu mežabrāļu cīņu laikā no 1944.-1956. gadam, kad mežos pret okupācijas varu cīnījās ap 20 000 Latvijas patriotu. Nacionālo partizānu bunkurs izveidots balstoties uz savāktajām mežabrāļu atmiņām, dienasgrāmatu pierakstiem un fotogrāfijām. Uz bunkuru ved meža taka ar informāciju par dažādiem mežabrāļu piedzīvojumiem un cīņām. Bunkura pazemes daļā apskatāmi vēsturiskie priekšmeti, kas viņus pavadīja dzīvē un cīņā. Saimnieks piedāvā pastaigu pa meža taku, kur izvietota informācija par mežabrāļiem un slēpņu spēle bērniem. Ar iepriekšēju pieteikšanos iespējams iekļūt bunkurā un apskatīt iekārtotu bunkuru ar mežabrāļu izmantoto ieroču, munīcijas un citu priekšmetu ekspozīciju. Stāstījumu papildina savāktās mežabrāļu interviju videoieraksti. Apmeklētājiem iespējams pasūtīt mednieku desiņu cepšanu lapenē pie bunkura.

Distance from countries capital city77 Active season months1-12 Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet) Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Picnick areaNature trail

The trail of historical rocks

Near Mākoņkalns hill there is a trail that is mowed in the summer and leads to several historical rocks – Plakanais (Flat) rock, Āža muguras (Ram's Back) rock (on which you can clamber), and the Jaunstašuļi Velna pēdas (Devil's Footprint) rock, on the surface of which is a shape similar to a human footprint.  There are signs along the side of the road leading to the trail.

Distance from countries capital city283

Lestene Cemetery of the Brethren

The graveyard that is alongside the Lestene Lutheran Church is the final resting place for more than 900 soldiers who fell during World War II, particularly during battles at the so-called Fortress of Kurzeme, as well as in Zemgale and Vidzeme.  The sculptress Arta Dumpe designed the commemorative monument “Mother Motherland – Latvia.”  The cemetery of the brethren is the second largest resting place for soldiers from World War II after the Cemetery of the Brethren in Rīga.  The names of some 11,000 soldiers are engraved on the gravestones.

Distance from countries capital city80 Active season months1-12

Robezu Street

A straight street which runs through Ķemeri in the northwestern-southeastern direction. The street's name is a proof that it is the former historical boundary between the regions of Vidzeme and Kurzeme. Near the intersection of Robežu and Tukuma streets, you can notice the former pharmacy building-the memory of the former resort of the all-union significance. On the walls there has survived the pharmacy-related symbolism.

Distance from countries capital city47

The Boat Cemetery

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union banned individual fishing in the sea, and the motor boats which had no other purpose were simply beached in the dunes.  It is said that members of the Border Guard often set the boats on fire.  Another story is that the Border Guard banned an ancient tradition of burning old boats on Summer solstice Eve.  Along the road to the cemetery is the old net barn, which is a residential building today.

Distance from countries capital city176

The Old Suiti road

(V-1279) linked Kuldīga and Alsunga before a new road was built.  The lovely gravel road weaves through forests and farmland.  During appropriate weather, it can be used as an alternative road to learn about the landscapes of the Suiti region.  You can also bike down the road.

Distance from countries capital city176 Active season months1-12

Warewolf's tomb

A place fraught with many legends and ghost stories about the old burial mound at the church of Mazirbe, an ancient tomb covered by stones– the only known grave of warewolves in Latvia.

Distance from countries capital city177

Käsmu Captains' Village

In 1804 Käsmu founded the first Estonian naval school and from 1798 – 1920 built more than 40 ships. Now there is a museum about seafaring. 

Distance from countries capital city79

Burgberg in Tervete

Das alte zemgalicshe wirtschaftspolitische Zentrum, das eine stark befestigte Siedlung vor der Ankunft der Kreuzritter war. Die Ruinen der Burg des Livländischen Ordens.

Distance from countries capital city75

The Skrunda Castle hill

Located on the left bank of the Venta River 100 m to the Northwest of the Liepāja (A9) highway bridge across the river.  The antique castle hill was the site of a Livonian Order that existed from the 14th to the 18th century before being sacked during the Great Northern War.  No part of the castle has survived.  A stage was built on the castle hill in 1987, and it is a popular venue for various events.  The hill is surrounded by a park with wooden chairs that were designed by the sculptor Ģirts Burvis in honour of the kings of Courland.  There is a viewing platform, and there are legends about underground passages and a white lady who appears only once every 100 years.

Distance from countries capital city147 Active season months1-12

The Dignaja castle hill

This is one of comparatively few castle hills along the banks of the Daugava River that is not overgrown with trees and bushes, which means that it has a classical castle hill form that is part of the local landscape.  The Dignāja castle hill was settled during several periods, particularly between the 5th and the 9th century AD, when it was an important centre.  Archaeologists have found that Lettigalian tribes lived here.  After the Holy Crusade invasion, the Livonian Order built a castle on the hill that has not survived.  It is said that there was once an underground passageway under the hill.  The hill itself offers a lovely view of the Daugava River valley.  World War I trenches have been preserved the area.  There was once a settlement at the foot of the hill.

Distance from countries capital city183 Active season months1-12

The Grobina castle hill

This ancient Courlandian castle hill has remnants of an ancient city.  Historical sources indicate that in 1263, the Courlandians handed the castle over to the Livonian Order without a battle and that the castle was then burned down.  The name of the place, Skābaržkalns, has to do with the name of the city, because hornbeam trees in the area were once known as grobi.

Distance from countries capital city206

A monument to the founders and directors of the Kemeri spa

A monument to the founders and directors of the Ķemeri spa (1861) on the banks of the Vēršupīte.
Distance from countries capital city48

The Apakscels road

The Apakšceļs road – a lonely, forested and ancient road between Košrags and Dūmele, with lots of interesting stories about the old Pitragupe windmill, which never did grind any grain (the foundations are still there), and about the boiler of a wrecked ship which a local baron used to produce tar. This used to be a horse path which crossed the Bažas swamp. The great rock of Dūmele is impressive, indeed.
Distance from countries capital city182

Swedish scanst (Kuce Hill, Jumprava Hill)

Swedish scanst (Kuce Hill, Jumprava Hill). Medieval fortification. The monument of national meaning is located in the village Stari 450 m from Atspuki mill, 70 mto the Southeast from the ruins of Jumpravmuiža. The territory is 0,7 – 1 m deep outside and 1 – 1,5 m high inside. The new road to the ruins of Jumpravmuiža leads through the West side of the fortification.

The Lake Castle of Araisi

The Lake Castle of Āraiši is of pan-European importance. It is a reconstructed Lettigalian lake castle from the 9th or 10th century, and it is the only place in the Baltic States at which visitors can learn about how people lived more than 1,000 years ago. The castle offers various thematic events.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city82

Sepi (Seppes), Kalsi

Approximately 200 metres to the North-East from the Liv People's Centre, along the Mazirbe-Košrags road, there is the Seppes homestead.  The little log granary was built in the 1920s and 1930s by an Estonian fisherman and builder who arrived in Mazirbe from Saaremaa.  He was called Jēkabs Jaga.  On the other side of the road is the Kalši home, which was built in the early 20th century.  It has been restored, but the bricks that were made in a local kiln were preserved for its walls.

Distance from countries capital city172

The remnants of the Vardite sulphurous spring

The remnants of the Vardīte sulphurous spring – not easy to find, but the location is between the Forest House and the Ķemeri Hotel.
Distance from countries capital city48

Etnografische Dörfe

Salos, Vaišnoriškė, Strazdai, Šuminai sind die bewohnten Dörfe im Augštaitija- Nationalpark, in denen historische Einzelgehöfte mit Holzgebäuden erhalten sind.

Distance from countries capital city125

Altja fishing village

Altja village in Lahemaa National Park was first recorded in writing in 1465. It is a typical seaside village with houses along one street. Traditional farmsteads of Uustalu and Toomarahva from the late 19th C are open to visitors. Renovated fishnet sheds are located on Altja Cape. The village has a swing and a tavern (Altja Kõrts) providing national food 

Distance from countries capital city89 Active season months1-12

Vartajas pilskalns

Atrodas Vārtājas ielejas labajā krastā un labi saskatāms no Priekules – Grobiņas (P106) ceļa. Senās kuršu zemes – Piemares pilskalns, kas vēstures avotos pirmo reizi minēts 1253. gadā – līgumā starp Kurzemes bīskapu un Livonijas ordeni. Viens no lielākajiem Dienvidkurzemes pilskalniem. Iespējams, ka iepriekš – arī sens kulta kalns. Pagājušā gadsimta sešdesmitajos gados veiktajos arheoloģiskajos izrakumos konstatēts, ka pilskalns bijis apdzīvots jau vidējā dzelzs laikmetā. Pie tā konstatēta liela senspilsētas vieta.

Distance from countries capital city216

Vijciems, pine cone drying

Vijciema čiekurkalte savu darbību uzsāka 1895. g. pēc plašiem apkārtnes meža ugunsgrēkiem. Šobrīd tā ir vecākā Latvijā un viena no vecākajām Eiropas čiekuru kaltēm. Pēc ceturtdaļgadsimta dīkstāves to atjaunoja 1992. g. Vienreizējais kultūrvēstures piemineklis ir saglabāts pilnīgā darba kārtībā. Ēkā atrodas 19. gs. beigās ražotā autentiskā iekārta un aprīkojums. Arī mūsdienās to izmanto čiekuru žāvēšanai. Ekskursijas laikā apmeklētāji var iepazīties pilnu čiekuru (g.k. – priedes) apstrādes ciklu. Ziemā, kad ir īstais čiekuru žāvēšanas laiks, te demonstrē kaltēšanas procesu. Vijciema čiekurkalte ir iekļauta Eiropas kultūras mantojuma objektu sarakstā.

Distance from countries capital city159 Active season months1-12

The Vacsloboda castle hill

This partly forested hillock stands 40 metres above the surrounding area and offers impressive views.  The fact that this was once a castle hill is attested by the presence of a moat and remnants of defensive fortifications.  It is thought that Lettigalian tribes settled here in the 10th century AD.  You can climb the hillock to take a look at the surrounding landscapes.

Distance from countries capital city270

Vilces pilskalns

No Vilces muižas pa pastaigu taku var aiziet līdz pilskalnam (12 m virs apkārtnes, labiekārtots), kas atrodas Vilces un Rukūzes upīšu satekā. Atradumi liecina, ka cilvēku apmetne šeit ir pastāvējusi jau vidējā dzelzs laikmetā. Pilskalna piekājē atrodas atpūtai labiekārtotā Zaķu pļava. Nostāsti vēsta, ka Vilces grava bijusi laupītāja Kaupēna slēpšanās vieta.

Distance from countries capital city78

Boundary-mark between Kurzeme and Vidzeme

The historic stone, on which there is carved over 200 years old boundary-mark, sets the border between the Duchy of Courland and the Russian province. Nowadays, it sets the Babīte and Jelgava district boundary. The stone lies to the East of Kalnciems–Peat road (the south of the swamp Labais purvs) at the edge of a forest firebreak and it can be hard to find. To this end, the description of the road map may help: around 400 m south of the car parking lot at Lily Lake from Kalnciems-Peat road to the right (in the east) turns a forest road which leads down from hills Krāču kalni. It should be around 170 m to go until it abruptly turns to the right (to the southeast). Then you must go in this direction until after ~ 0.5 km to turn to the northeast where after further ~ 0.4 km of the current forest road intersection turn to the north. After ~ 0.4 km turn right (to the east) on a big firebreak, on the left (the north) side of which behind the drainage ditch during the non-leaf period there can be seen a rounded stone. Due to the poor condition of roads, the stone can be reached only on foot.

Distance from countries capital city53


Eine alte Ortschaft am linken Ufer des Flusses Nemunas. Liškiava-Kirche und Kloster, heiliger Berg und Burgberg mit den Ruinen der am Ende des 14. Jh unter Leitung von Vytautas der Großen gebauten Burg. Ein Kultstein mit einem Kühstapfen.
Distance from countries capital city125

Tallinner Tor

Auch Königstor (Kuningavärav) genannt. Im Barockstil gebaut ist ein Teil der früheren mittelalterlichen Stadtbefestigung. Der Beginn des alten Postweges.

Distance from countries capital city128

The place where Krisjanis Valdemars saw the sea

The biography of Krišjānis Valdemārs tells us that during the summer of 1839, teachers and students from the Lubezere school spent a few days on the coastline in Roja, where Valdemārs would later help to build a maritime school.  The area was breath-taking and unforgettable for the little boy.  “The noble appearance of the sea grabbed the spirit of the young man so powerfully that during those three days, I thought about nothing other than the noble sea, with childish courage that allowed me to prepare a plan for a deeper port in the Roja River so that larger boats and small ships could enter it,” Valdemārs wrote. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months1-12

Old Burial Mound

The Middle Ages and the beginning of the last century cemetery at the church of Mazirbe. It is surrounded by a moss-covered stone fence. There you can find a number of interesting sights-Werewolf's Tomb, Old Taizelis Tomb, Grand Pine, etc..

Distance from countries capital city175

The Cemetery of the Brethren

The Cemetery of the Brethren. A wood pathway leads from the Rīga­Ventspils highway (A10) to a memorial rock dedicated to men who fell during World War II.
Distance from countries capital city41


Cesis Castle complex is a place where the past meets the future. 
The medieval castle provides an opportunity to get into the 800 years distant past, to climb up the Western tower with candle lanterns, observe the castle garden and park, climb down to the dungeon, as well as to see how the blacksmith is making Latgalian ornaments in his Ancient jewellery smithy. 
Right next to the ruins stands the New Castle, an 18th century castle manor house. Now it is Cesis History and Art Museum, which details the events that occured up to 800 years ago, stores the very first Latvian flag,  the first coins of the city, the Biedermeier era style interior and the only historical facial reconstruction of a Livonian woman who lived in the Medieval castle. A great ending of the visit is Lademacher tower, from where you can see a breathtaking view of the city. 
The park at the lowland of the castle’s territory was set up as a family garden. It was created by the New Castle owner Carl Gustav von Sievers. The park is like a time machine, a shelter from all the surroundings, where one can enjoy some peace of mind. It is a place where everyone feels something special, receives an indescribable pleasure just by relaxing next to the pond. 
A bit further, right next to the city center is the May park, an essential component of the urban landscape, with its illuminated fountains and black swans that are living there. It is a great place where you can relax with your family, because the park also has a children’s playground with more activities.

For children and teenagers Castles and manors Distance from countries capital city89 Accepts individual travellers Disable Access Accepts tourist groups

Valjala Fort Hill

One of the biggest castle hills in Estonia, which is surrounded by walls built of stone. It is mentioned in Livonian Chronicle of Henry as one of the best fortifications at that time.

Distance from countries capital city193

The most interesting buildings and homesteads

Vāldamõ – a residential building that is yellow and has natural roofing materials.  It was built as a new farm at the beginning of the last century.  Virgo is the next homestead to the North from Vāldamõ, and it was established as a new farm in the 1920s.  The house (1930) features interesting wood carvings.  Next to the North is Fīlmaņi, which has a building that appears antique, but was built in the early 20th century as a single roof.  Silkalni is the homestead that we find if we turn to the right toward Pitrags at the crossroads.  The yellow building was built around 1906 as a single room.  Norpiedagi is to the South from Silkalni – a brown and larger house than the previous one.  The home was built around 1906 as a one-room granary by the active Liv public activist and boat builder Diriķis Volganskis (1884-1968).  His son, Edgars Valgamā, who was also a Liv cultural activist and worked as a pastor in Finland, was born here.  Anduļi can be found at the aforementioned crossroads.  This is one of the largest old farms in the village, and it is owned by the village elder.  The history of the homestead was first recorded in 1680, when it was called Kūkiņi.  The homestead includes a residential building (c. 1909), a threshing barn (1905), a granary (mid-19th century), and a smokehouse made of a boat that was cut in two.  Under the part of the threshing barn which is on the back of the dune, there is the medieval, so-called Plague cemetery.  Žoki is a homestead that is on the other side of the road from Anduļi.  The building that is there now was built on the foundation of an older one.  In the mid-19th century, Žoki was home to the first reading school for Liv children from the seashore villages of the Dundaga region.  Liv Nika Polmanis (1823-1903) worked there as a teacher.  Next to the North of Žoki is the Tilmači homestead, with several buildings that were built in the late 19th and early 20th century – a brown residential building, a stable and part of a granary.  When the residential building was restored, the owner found a board reading "1825. Kurlyandskaya gubernya."  The seven historical homesteads and buildings were at one time considered for listing on the UNESCO list of world heritage.

Distance from countries capital city175

Veca Cesu alus daritava

Tiek uzskatīta par vecāko alus darītavu Ziemeļeiropā. Tā tika uzcelta 1878. gadā, un tās pirmais īpašnieks bija grāfs Emanuels fon Zīverss (Sievers), Cēsu pils muižas saimnieks. Savukārt 1922. gadā alus darītavu pārpirka Cēsu uzņēmēji un sāka tur ražot arī vīnu, sulas un minerālūdeni. Uzņēmums "Cēsu alus" šeit alu un atspirdzinošus dzērienus ražoja no 1976. līdz 2001. gadam, bet šobrīd tas ir pārcēlies uz jaunām telpām.  Šobrīd ēkā tiek organizētas dažādas izstādes, kā arī ēku var apskatīt no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city88 Active season months1-12

The Smarde saloon

The Smārde saloon has a very long history, and food is served here. There is a car park, and approx. 100 m to the East is a cemetery and monument to commemorate soldiers who fell during World War II.
Distance from countries capital city54


To the North-west from the Pitrags Baptist church (in the direction of the sea) is a fishing and farming homestead, Kurgati, which was established in the 1930s.  This brought new building elements to the Liv Shore – a split roof end which was not typical of buildings in Liv villages.

Distance from countries capital city176


To the East of the Ezermuiža-Dūmele road you will find the bed of the ancient Lake Dieviņezers.  It was one of the largest lakes in Kurzeme in the past, being 7.5 km long and 1.6 km wide.  A canal was dug in 1838 (Melnsilupe River today), and the water from the lake was siphoned to the sea so as to create fertile farmland. Residents of Ezermuiža have been involved in forestry work since the age when barons ruled the land.  Dūmele is connected to Košrags by a lonely forest road that is known as the Bottom Road.  A bike route runs down it.  The Ziedkalni weekend house is in Dūmele. The "Ziedkalni" homestead in Dūmele offers spa services, cod fishing and accommodations.

Distance from countries capital city148 Active season months1-12

Skulte Port and Zvejniekciems

In the 19th century at the seaside of Skulte, a small village formed, which was inhabited by fishermen. The name “Zvejniekciems” (Fishermen’s village) arose from the population's main activity. In 1967 the Skulte part of Zvejniekciems was added to the Saulkrasti township. Nowadays Zvejniekciems is the home of Skulte Port, and the rocky beach of Zvejniekciems is located between the port and Saulkrasti Beach, while the village itself can be proud of the creative heritage left by the architect Marta Staņa (1913–1972).

Distance from countries capital city54 Active season months1-12

Kolkja-Kasepää-Varnja one-street village

Kolkja, Kasepää and Varnja are another example of one-street villages of Old Believers who fled to Estonia from Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Old Believers Museum ( is located in Kolkja as is Suur-Kolkja prayer house. An Old Believers´ church and the Museum of Living History are found in Varnja ( Both museums tell a gripping and well-illustrated story of Old Believers on Lake Peipsi over 350 years.

Distance from countries capital city221 Active season months1-12

Sluggish Mile

Around 6 km in length and an isolated route stretching between Ragaciems and Klapkalnciems where, as stories about olden days tell, robbers used to attack travelers. Around 1.5 km before Klapkalnciems (going from the side of Ragaciems), in the dune by the sea there is installed a commemorational stone dedicated to the Finnish jaeger battles. It was installed on December 09, 1997. The stone has "travelled" from the south-eastern part of Finland where in 1940 it served as an anti-tank defense. In the monument, there are engraved the words, "Here during World War I, from August 1916 to December fought the Finnish yeagers". In turn, in Klapkalnciems there is installed a commemorational stone in the place where there are buried five Finnish soldiers.

Distance from countries capital city52

Jomas Straße

Beliebte und eine der ältesten Straßen in Jurmala zwischen Dzintari und Majori. Die 1,1 km lange Straße mit Wirtshäusern, Sommercafés und Souvenirladen.

Distance from countries capital city23

The Struves Park

The Strūves Park is toward the northwest of Jēkabpils, on the left bank of the Daugava, and opposite the Ādamsona (Krustpils) island. The park was established in the 19th century as a place where the city’s residents could relax and hold celebrations. It can be said with absolute certainty that this is a place of global importance, because the park contains a memorial stone to Professor Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struwe (1793-1864) from the University of Tartu. He was an astronomer and geodesist. The stone is at a place where Struwe completed his land survey of the Vidzeme Province of the Russian Empire. The meridian location which Struwe identified (and other points related to those locations are found in many other European countries) is on the UNESCO list of world heritage.

Distance from countries capital city141

Margionis (Margionys)

Neliela apdzīvota un ainaviska vieta plašajā Skrobļa (Skroblus) strauta ielejā. Ciema austrumu pusē atrodas Lietuvas mērogā unikāls objekts – klēts - rija, kur no 1929. g. vietējie cilvēki uzveda un skatījās lauku teātra izrādes. Netālu no tās (uz abiem objektiem ir norādes) atrodas Skrobļa avoti (Skroblaus versmės), kas iztek no dziļas starppauguru ieplakas. Avotu gan ir appludinājis bebru uzceltais dambis. Dienvidos no ciema atrodas vecs grants karjers, kas ir viena no retajām vietām Baltijā, kur dabā ir atrodami krama ieža gabali, kas atnesti ar ledāju.

Distance from countries capital city115

A walk down the old Kaltene road

The cosy land road along the sea is 1 km long, and it offers a look at the wonderful aspects of the village.  To the right are rocks from the sea, as well as miniature flower gardens on the seashore with tempting benches and overturned boats.  On the side of the shore is the Kaltene library, which is more than 100 years ago.  It was initially a summer home for Baron Nolken, and it was built in 1899.  Later it was rebuilt several times and took on new roles.  An elementary school was installed here in 1926, after which it became a club and then, in 1992, a primary school once again.  The path runs along beautiful seashore homesteads, among which one can find the former homes of old fishermen and ship builders such as Burliņi.  At one time, the Žulnieki portage at Smilgas was the site of  the kiln of blacksmith Pēteris Valdemārs.  He was the main blacksmith for ships between Kaltene and Upesgrīve. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city112 Active season months1-12

The Lasu castle hill

 The Lašu castle hill is 0.2 km from the Vecumnieki-Ilūkste road at Laši. It is an ancient Selonian castle hill, and it was populated between the 1st millennium BC and the 10th or 12th century. Very little remains of the old Veclaši (Tiesenhausen) Estate, which had an impressive mansion designed in the Neo-Gothic style in the late 19th century. What remains are an ancillary building, the foundations of the mansion, fragments of the gates, and a park. Until 1920, the estate belonged to the Pshezdzetski dynasty, and before that it was owned by the Tiesenhausen and Fittinghoff dynasties. Before visiting the location, look for photographs of the old mansion on the Internet. Sadly, the important cultural monument has not experienced any major improvements over the past 20 years.


Distance from countries capital city184

Vesturiskais serpentina cels

Šis ir viens no retajiem ceļiem, kurš saglabājies kā notikumu liecinieks. Ceļš ved no Krimuldas uz Siguldu. Jau vācbaltu apgaismotāja novadpētnieka – mākslinieka Johana Kristofa Broces 1794. gada zīmējumā "Siguldas un Krimuldas pilsdrupas" redzams lauku ceļš gar Krimuldas pili, pa kuru iet zemnieks un darba ratus velk zirgs. Lai braukšana pa Gaujas senlejas nogāzi ar zirga pajūgu būtu droša, ceļu izveidoja līkloča formā, tā uzbrauktuvi padarot daudz lēzenāku. Domājams, ka ceļš atjaunots 19 gs., kad Krievijas cars Aleksandrs otrais un viņa sieva ieradušies uz vizīti siguldā. Pāri ceļam bijuši vairāki mazi tiltiņi, ko iedzīvotāji dēvējuši par velna tiltiem. Tagad serpentīna ceļš kļuvis par romantisku pastaigu vietu.

Distance from countries capital city53 Active season months1-12

Stupelu Hill

Stupeļu Hill is 3 km to the South of the Vecumnieki-Ilūkste road. There are no signs, so the castle hill might be difficult to find. The Great Stupeļu Rock, which is discussed further on in this guidebook, is also hard to find when there is vegetation. Stupeļu Hill is approximately 30 m high, and it was one of the highest castle hills in the historical district of Selonia. Archaeologists say that it was first abandoned at the beginning of our era and then populated again during the late Iron Age. It is interesting that iron was extracted and processed near the castle hill. Archaeologists believe that this is the site of one of the earliest “cities” in the region. To the West of the hill is the Great Stupeļu Rock, which is 6.7 m long, 5.6 m wide and up to 2.7 m high. Above ground, it is 35 m3 large, and it may have been a cult location. During archaeological digs in the late 1970s, antiquities from the 10th to the 13th century were found here.

Distance from countries capital city130

Roter Turm von Pärnu

Der Turm war der Eckturm der mittelalterlichen Stadtmauer von Pärnu. Der Turmhof ist ein beliebter Ort für Kunsthandwerkermärkte und ein Veranstaltungsort.

Distance from countries capital city129

Kassinurme hills and a sacred grove

Kassinurme hills were formed during the last Ice Age, and an ancient stronghold and a sacred grove can be found in the hills. At the foot of the stronghold a stage has been built; a swing, tepees, a campfire place and a model of the stronghold are located in the forecourt. Nature, health and antiquities trails are located nearby.

Distance from countries capital city155 Active season months1-12

The Ragaciems fishing area with net huts

This is a very interesting monument to the history of fishing in the region.  These areas had docks and areas where fishermen built huts to store their nets and other inventory.  The areas also had a social role – men came together to discuss work that had to be done, while women and children wove nets.  The huts at Bigauņciems were eventually washed into the sea, and the areas at Ragaciems have been partly destroyed.  The ones at Lapmežciems are the ones which are best preserved.  One of the net huts has been restored, but the others are in very poor condition, indeed.  That may be why you should focus on these huts as you walk along the beach.  Make sure that you take some pictures of this historic location.

Distance from countries capital city47


This set of buildings represents a homestead for a fisherman and a farmer.  The house was built in 1926, and the ancillary buildings all date back to the first half of the 20th century.  The homestead can be seen from the road.

Distance from countries capital city172

Kolski un Kobasare (Koobasaare)

Divas mazas apdzīvotas vietas nacionālā parka dienvidrietumu daļā. No kādreiz piecām Kolski ciema saimniecībām līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājusies tikai viena. Kolski iedzīvotājus līdzīgi kā citviet Baltijas valstīs pēc 2. pasaules kara deportēja uz Sibīriju. Kolski apkārtnē redzamie mājdzīvnieki „apsaimnieko” šejienes pļavas, neļaujot tām aizaugt ar mežu. Tādējādi tiek uzturēta apkaimes vēsturiskā ainava. 3 km dienvidrietumos meklējams Kobasāres ciems. Tā nosaukums (koopa no igauņu valodas nozīmē ala, saar – sala) atgādina par Ziemeļu kara notikumiem, kura laikā cilvēki slēpušies pašu raktās alās. Kobasārē un tam blakus esošajā Apjas (Apja) ciemā var izbaudīt patiesi 21. gadsimtam nepierastas lauku ainavas.

Distance from countries capital city265


Ein zweistöckiges Holzhaus auf dem Uošvės-Hügel mit wunderschönem Blick aufs Haff. Hier hat drei Sommer der Träger des Nobelpreises, deutscher Schriftsteller Thomas Mann (1875 – 1955) verbracht.

Distance from countries capital city357

The stone age settlement of the river Silinupe

It lies between Pīlādžu street and the left bank of the river Siliņupe. In the 3rd to 2nd millenium B.C., there was a fishermen and hunters' settlement in the place of which there is installed an informational commemorational stone (Sculptor O.Skarainis). The settlement near the river Siliņupe is the oldest known human settlement in the area of the Ķemeri National Park. There are found many artifacts: pottery fragments and arrow tips, flint and amber pieces, etc..It is possible that the adjacent residential area has been the place of a cemetery. A small portion of the finds is displayed at the Lapmežciems Museum, the other ones are located in the National History Museum of Latvia.

Distance from countries capital city44

Temple Hill

Temple Hill is steep (with artificially created steepness) and about 30 m high, and it is opposite Marijas Island.  It is an ancient Lettigalian castle hill, 80 m long and 40 m wide, with several artificial ramparts.  One of the oldest objects found in the region is an axe from the 2nd to 3rd millennium BC.   Archaeologists believe that the island was populated at that time.  There was a Lettigalian castle on the hill during the 10th and 11th century, but it was sacked by the Holy Crusade.  The surface of the castle hill was transformed comparatively recently in 1807, when a granite rotunda was built there in honour of Russian Field Marshall Sheremetev and Swedish captain Wulff.  The view of Lake Alūksne and the town is one of the most beautiful ones in all Vidzeme.  The Sun Bridge (1937) is also worth a look.  A wooden viewing platform is nearby.

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12

Alte Straße Pärnu-Riga

Die Straße führt durch die ehemaligen Fischerdörfer. Eine bessere Radfahr-Alternative auf der Strecke zwischen Häädemeeste und Ainaži.


Atslegu skvers

Parkā blakus pusloka tiltiņam ir novietotas trīs milzīgas dzelzs atslēgas, kuras balsta akmens mūris un metāla arkas. Tās simbolizē trīs vēsturiskos centrus un to vienotību – Siguldu, Turaidu, Krimuldu. Dobēs pie šī objekta sezonāli zied dažādi kultūraugi. 

Distance from countries capital city53 Active season months1-12


Name of Litene is associated with one of the most tragic pages of Latvian history. In twenties and thirties of the 20th century a Latvian Army summer camp was located nearby, where in the summer of 1941 Latvian officers faced the communist terror: Nearly five hundred officers of Latvian army were sent to Norilsk in Siberia, part of them was shot and secretly buried in the nearby forest. At the end of the summer of 1941 about 300 civilians, mostly Jews, were shot there by the army of Nazi Germany. Today, honouring the memory of people killed, memorial and memorial sites are created.

Distance from countries capital city202

Linezeris (Lynezeris)

Grūti iedomāties, ka vēl joprojām Eiropā ir apdzīvotas vietas, kuru sasniegšanai ir labu laika sprīdi jābrauc pa neapdzīvotu mežu ieskautu smilšainu ceļu, kur tikai paretam var redzēt kādu sēņotāju vai ogotāju! Tāpat kā Zervinos ciemam, arī šim ir piešķirts kultūras mantojuma pieminekļa statuss, jo Linežeris ir viens no dažiem nacionālā parka etnogrāfiskajiem ciemiem. Linežerī ir aplūkojamas 19. – 20. gs. mijā celtās ēkas un apskatāms tā laika ciema plānojums. Šejieniešu tāpat kā citu dzūku galvenā nodarbošanās bija mežistrāde un meža velšu vākšana. Nelielā mērā – arī lauksaimniecība. Apceļojot nacionālā parka etnogrāfiskos ciemus, rodas pamatots jautājums: „Ar ko mūsdienās te nodarbojas cilvēki. Kā viņi spēj dzīvot tik nomaļā vietā”? Jāatzīst, ka lielākā daļa te ierodas tikai vasaras laikā. Neskatoties uz to, etnogrāfiskie ciemi ir ļoti sakopti un joprojām „dzīvi”!

Distance from countries capital city117

Marking of the Janis Libietis Alley

Marking of the Jānis Lībietis Alley in the Ķemeri Park – Lībietis directed the institution which managed the Ķemeri sulphurous springs from 1928 until 1944, and the monument to him is at the end of the Jānis Lībietis Pathway
Distance from countries capital city48