Castles and manors

Overview Details

The Birini Castle

The Bīriņi palace was built in 1857-1860 as a family property of Counts von Pistolkors. The palace was designed by Riga architect F. W. Hess. Information can be found that in those times it was the most luxurious and modern historicism building in Vidzeme. The ensemble of the Bīriņi palace includes a wide park and forest of the19th century with plantings of alien species, an artificial lake Bīriņi, a family vault built in 1814 with a tomb monument to Counts von Mellin (aproximately in 1835), a watermill, manager's house, stables, etc. Obelisks to A. And N von Pistolkors are erected near the palace. Until today, there have been preserved valuable indoor decorative finishes of the second half of the 19th century. The Birini palace was rebuilt in the start of the 20th century after the project of Architect R. H. Zirkwitz. From 1926 to 1995, a sanatorium functioned there. Today, the palace complex is used for various events, there is located a hotel, restaurant and museum.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city55

Kaives muiza

Braucot cauri Kaives ciemam, var pievērst uzmanību Kaives muižas „atliekām”. Vietas vēsture ir sena, jo jau 1440. gadā Livonijas ordeņa mestrs piešķīra šeit īpašumu Johanam Kaivenam. Kungu māja gāja bojā 1905. gadā, bet pārvaldnieka ēku nopostīja 2. pasaules kara laikā. 1956. g. nodega kalte, bet pirms trijām desmitgadēm - muižas krogs. Līdz mūsdienām palikusi tikai 1861. gadā celtā magazīna (sarkana ķieģeļu ēka) pakalnā un tai blakus esošais parks, kurā izveidots neliels skulptūru dārzs, estrāde un atpūtas vieta.

Distance from countries capital city127

Gatartas muiza

Atrodas Gatartas centrā uz reljefa virsmas paaugstinājuma. Muižas pili cēla laikā no 1823. - 1824. g. (fasāde - klasicisma stilā). Tās ieeju vēl pavisam nesen rotāja divi (postīti) lauvu tēli. Par muižas kompleksa varenību liecina vēl 20 citas ēkas (dažādā stāvoklī, g.k. – sliktā!) – ļoti iespaidīgs ledus pagrabs, dārznieka un kalēja māja, klēts, magazīna, alus brūzis, Kundziņkrogs, kas atrodas plašākā teritorijā. Daļēji saglabājies 19. gs. veidotais parks. Drustu muižas īpašnieks – vācbaltietis un pētnieks Ludvigs Kārlis Augusts fon Hāgemeisters (1780. – 1833) 1806. g. organizēja un vadīja Krievijas ekspedīciju uz Aļasku. Šobrīd muižas pils ir privātīpašums un apskatāma no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city125

Lonas muiza (Loona mõis)

Muiža vēsturiskajos dokumentos pirmoreiz ir pieminēta 16. gs. Tagad redzamā vienstāva kungu māja ir vairākreiz pārbūvēta laikā no 17. – 19. gs. 1997. g. ēku vēlreiz atjaunoja un tagad tajā atrodas viesu nams un Vilsandi nacionālā parka apmeklētāju centrs, kur var iegūt ne tikai vērtīgu informāciju, bet arī apskatīt Vilsandi apkārtnē atrastās fosilijas. No Lonas muižas var uzsākt pārgājienu uz Vilsandi salu. Vienā no muižas ēkām ir izveidota Vilsandi nacionālajam parkam veltīta ekspozīcija.

Distance from countries capital city251


One of the oldest buildings at the Pope Estate is the old hunting castle that was built in 1653. The mansion was built in 1608 or 1620. The Neo-Gothic porch was added in 1840. The interiors of the mansion have been preserved since the 18th century and the 3rd quarter of the 19th century, including wood panelling, original decorated ceilings, a front door in the style of Classicism, and a Rococo stove.  Sadly, one of the oldest buildings - the home of the estate's governor - burned down in 2018, but the rest of the estate did not suffer and retained its beauty.  Visitors will be delighted about the aromatic garden of phloxes, as well as the impressive oak trees. Worth a look is the hillock behind the main building of the estate, near which there used to be a narrow-gauge railroad (the Pope Station).  The other buildings cover a fairly extensive territory, and so it is worth spending a few hours to tour the village of Pope.

The Pope Estate and its park are among the best-preserved estates in the area.  Since March 1941, it has housed a school.  Most of the trees in the park are common, but there are a few rare ones.

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city167

The Rudbarzi Estate

The Rudbārži Estate was built at the request of Baroness Thea von Firks from the aristocratic dynasty.  After a reconstruction in 1883, the building became an ornate example of Mannerism and Renaissance architecture, with decorative finishing and a larger size.  On December 15, 1905, the building was torched by revolutionaries.  The restoration began three years later under the leadership of architect L. Reinier.  The castle has a holiday hall with two marble fireplaces, the parquet in some of the rooms dates back to the early 20th century, and the outdoor doors have metal engravings.  The castle was reconstructed in 1938.  It housed a German field hospital during World War II, while after the war it housed a school for forestry workers.  In 1962, the Rudbārži school moved into the building, which is now named after Oskars Kalpaks.  A commemorative plaque outside the building is devoted to the Kalpaks battalion.  During Latvia’s liberation battles, on January 22, 1919, the Bolsheviks occupied Skrunda, and seven days later, Kalpaks’ battalion attacked from the direction of the Rudbārži Estate.  After a three-hour battle, the victory was won, with the battalion taking over a strategic line near the banks of the Venta River.   This was the first victory for Kalpaks’ men after many retreats, and that inspired the rest of the liberation battles.

Distance from countries capital city157 Active season months1-12

Platelu muiza (Platelių dvaras)

Plateļu dienviddaļā plešas sakoptais Plateļu muižas (muižas vēsture ir zināma, no 16. gs.) parks, kura centrā aug Raganu osis – dižkoks 7,2 m apkārtmērā. Parkā un tā tuvākajā apkārtnē ir redzamas muižas saimniecības ēkas. Vienā no tām – atjaunotajā zirgu stallī ir izveidots muzejs, kurā var apskatīt unikālas 250 vietējo meistaru darinātās maskas. Pašreiz šī ir lielākā šāda veida masku kolekcija Baltijas valstīs. Plateļu ezerā ir atrastas trīs no ozolkoka taisītas vienkoča laivas. Viena no tām (darināta 16. gs.) atrodas Lietuvas Jūras muzejā. Otra (15. gs.) ir apskatāma atjaunotajā Plateļu muižas graudu glabātavas pagrabā (Didžioji gatve 22), jo šobrīd tiek restaurēta. Trešā laiva arī izlikta apskatei kā muzeja eksponāts.

Distance from countries capital city306

Lodes muiza

Lodes muižas ēkas izvietojušās t.s. Lodes – Taurenes subglaciālās iegultnes (cauri tek Gauja) austrumu nogāzē. Muižas apbūve tapusi 19. gs. pirmajā pusē, bet kungu māju (klasicisma stils) cēla 1815. g. Pēdējie īpašnieki, kas šeit saimniekoja (līdz 1939. g.) – bija Šmidtu dzimta. Mūsdienās muižas pilī vasarās dzīvo LU Ģeogrāfijas un Zemes zinātņu fakultātes studenti, kuriem šeit ir lauku prakšu norises vieta. Kungu māja apskatāma no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city117

The Buse Castle Hill

The Buse (Matkule) castle hill is next to the Imula River.  The hill and the opposite bank of the river offer one of the loveliest views of small rivers in Kurzeme.  They are best seen during the season when trees are bare so that leaves do not cover up the landscapes.  There are trails for pedestrians in the area.

Distance from countries capital city95 Active season months1-12

Kaucmindes pils

Vieta, ko nekādi nevar uzskatīt par tūrisma objektu, bet tajā pat laikā tas ir Latvijas mērogā nozīmīgs kultūras un vēstures piemineklis, ko nevar nepieminēt! Laikā no 1923. – 1943. gadam muižas pilī atradās Latvijā zināmākā mājturības skola, kurā mācījās izslavētās kaucmindietes! Tagad muižas pils ir pamesta, avārijas stāvoklī un apskatāma tikai no ārpuses un „pa gabalu”. Ap 1780. gadu celtā pils, kas 1909. – 1912. g. tika pārbūvēta pusloka būvapjomā, ir Latvijai diezgan unikāls arhitektūras paraugs.

Distance from countries capital city70

Stukmani Estate

The complex dates back to the 17th and 18th century, when a fortress was replaced by a mansion and other buildings.  The rectangular yard that is in the centre of the state is surrounded by the mansion, two granaries with columns that were built opposite one another, a stable and a wheelhouse.  The stable and wheelhouse, the bell tower and the gate create the most impressive part of the buildings.  Bells were rung because of religious rituals, but also to inform people at the estate about everyday issues.  The silhouette of the building is reminiscent of cloisters, city halls and churches that were common in Europe in the 18th century.  In 1780, the estate was taken over by the family of Karl Otto von Löwenstern, and the mansion can only be viewed from the outside.  There is a hiking trail near the estate.

Distance from countries capital city116

The New Aluksne Castle

The castle was commissioned by Baron Alexander von Fittinghof and built between 1859 and 1863 in the late Tudor Neo-Gothic style.  It is one of the most important monuments to this style in Latvia and has an ornate limestone façade.  The 7th Sigulda Infantry Brigade was housed in the castle from 1921 until 1940.  Today it is home to the Alūksne Museum with a permanent exhibition and an “environmental labyrinth.”  One of the most unusual exhibits is a set of fluorescent minerals that can be viewed under lights with various spectrums.

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12

The Slokenbeka Estate

The estate in Milzkalne that is along the banks of the Slocene River dates back to the 15th century, when it was built as a closed complex for the Livonian Order.  It is the only fortified estate of its type to have survived to the present day, and it was once used as a hiding place for aristocrats during an attack.  The gate towers with their ornate weather vanes were built in the late 17th century, and the ancillary buildings date back to the 18th and 19th century.  A brick wall with firing apertures survives.  The Latvian Road Museum is in one of the wings of the complex, while the former mansion offers accommodations, tours and tastings of local goodies.

Distance from countries capital city64 Active season months1-12

Господская усадьба «Априки»

Находится ~ в 1 км на восток от центра Априки. Дворец господской усадьбы (стиль барокко) строился с 1742 по 1745 гг., а башня неоготического стиля как пристройка возводилась в конце XIX века. На фронтоне главного фасада дворца выполнен рельеф из песчаника с гербом родов баронов Остен – Сакенов и Корфов, который является самым роскошным элементом среди подобного рода имений Латвии. В здании сохранились и первоначальные элементы интерьера (осматриваются в сопровождении гида) – дверные створки, расписанная голландская печь, оконные дубовые ставни, коробки, чеканные металлические детали и паркет. В комплекс господской усадьбы входит дом управляющего, дом прислуги, хозяйственные постройки и парк. С 1920 года во дворце господской усадьбы действует школа и устроен музей края, который непременно следует посетить! Сейчас в музее выставлена коллекция этикеток производимого в Латвии хлеба. В 1901 году господскую усадьбу приобрел Карл Густав Маннергейм (1867 - 1951), который был президентом государства Финляндии и легендарным автором системы фортификации линий Маннергейма - Зимняя война (1939 - 1940).

Distance from countries capital city190

Jaunpiebalgas muiza

Muižas pils (no sarkaniem ķieģeļiem celta) ir meklējama ceļu krustojumā pie Gaujām – 2 km ziemeļaustrumos no Jaunpiebalgas centra, Gaujas labajā krastā. Līdz 1918. g. muižas īpašnieki bija slaveno grāfu Šeremetjevu dzimta. Muižas pili nodedzināja 1905. g. nemieros, bet vēlāk atjaunoja. Muižas pilī bijušas dažādas iestādes: slimnīca, kolhoza „Piebalga” administrācija, mūsdienās – pašvaldība un dažādu sadzīves pakalpojumu sniedzēji.

Distance from countries capital city136

The Edole Castle

This convent-type castle was built in the mid-13th century by the bishopric of Piltene.  Annexes were added in the 16th and 19th centuries to create a typical internal courtyard.  The Neo-Gothic forms of the castle’s façade date back to the 1830s.  From the 16th century to the 1920, the castle was owned by the noble Behr family.  After it was burned down during the 1905 Revolution, the castle was rebuilt in two years’ time.  The castle is known for ghost stories, tales of elf weddings, and stains of blood in the Red Room that are supposedly the result of a murder.  A fireplace was built to hide the stains, but they reappeared.  Since the privatisation of the castle, the interior has been restored with halls and cellars that are decorated with elements that are typical to the castle.  Its rooms and viewing tower are open to the public.  In the park, visitors will find the Alley of Love and the elf oak tree.

Distance from countries capital city173

Dvietes muiza

Muižas dzīvojamā ēka līdz mūsdienām nav saglabājusies. Šodien Dvietes muižas parkā ir apskatāmas muižas pārvaldnieka māja un trīs mūra saimniecības ēkas. 19. gs. veidots ainavu parks ar laukakmeņu mūrējuma tiltu. Parkā atrodas Dvietes muižas ēkas.

Distance from countries capital city207

The Varaklani Estate

The Varakļāni Estate has a mansion which is known as one of the most outstanding monuments to Classicism in Latgale. It was built between 1783 and 1789 and designed by the Italian architect Vincento Macotti, and it was owned by Earl Michael Johan Borch. Late in the 18th century, the same architect designed the estate’s lovely and romantic landscape park, which was one of the first parks of its kind in Latvia. The Varakļāni Administrative District Museum is housed in the mansion today.

Distance from countries capital city199

Kidevas muiza (Kiideva mõis)

Kīdevas muiža rakstos ir minēta 1614. g., taču pašreiz redzamā divstāvu kungu māja, ir celta 19. gs. beigās. Ēkas sienas ir klātas ar koka šķindeļiem, kas viens otru pārklāj kā zivs zvīņas. Šāds kungu mājas sienu pārklājums Igaunijas mērogā ir unikāls. Laikā no 1919. – 1951. g. tajā atradās skola. Blakus muižai atrodas neliels parks. Diemžēl turpat pusgadsimtu ilgās pamestības rezultātā ēkas atrodas ļoti kritiskā stāvoklī. Tas ir arī pietiekams apmeklējuma iemesls.

Distance from countries capital city120

The Sigulda Castle ruins

On the left bank of the ancient Gauja River valley, between the Paparžu ravine and the ravine along which the Sigulda-Turaida road passes through the valley there are the ruins of a castle built by the Order of the Brethren of the Sword.  Construction on the castle began in 1207, and three decades later, in 1236, the castle was rebuilt for the needs of the Livonian Order.  The Sigulda Castle suffered much damage during wars in the late 16th and early 17th century.  During the Great Northern War, it was burned down and never restored.  What is there today is the south-western segment of the castle's convent building, as well as the tower of the main gate.  Beyond that is the internal forecastle, where there is an open-air stage for the annual Sigulda Opera Music Festival and other public events.  There are also impressive views of the ancient Gauja River valley, Krimulda and Turaida.  Reconstruction of the ruins is currently ongoing, and after the work is completed a second tower on the left side of the stage will be available to visitors.  The plan is to install crossings around the walls of the convent building.  Presently the ruins are available on a 24/7 basis and free of charge, but after the restorations are completed in 2012, admission will be charged.

Distance from countries capital city55

Rakvere Castle and Schenkenberg Tavern

The Castle is a theme park depicting life of the 16th C stronghold where families can spend an exciting day as soldiers and noble knights. There is horse riding, bow and crossbow shooting, you can practise carpentry and blacksmith skills, mint coins, make gold and gunpowder. Facilities include a wine cellar, torture chamber, death room, medieval brothel, astronomy room, barber and alchemist workshops. The Schenkenberg Tavern menu has dishes cooked to medieval recipes.

Distance from countries capital city99 Active season months1-12

The Kelme Estate Park

The Kelme Estate is one of the last remaining provincial estates in Lithuania.  Designed in the Baroque style, it is a large and closed estate farm with many authentic buildings, gardens and bodies of water.  The geometric park is a vivid example of Baroque style, and it is divided up into various parts by alleys.  There is a viewing mound in the park.  Most of the trees are ancient, indeed, but the best part of the estate is behind it -- one large and three smaller ponds, as well as a viewing mount that is in the ancient park.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

The Ventspils castle of the Livonian Order

The Castle of the Livonian Order in Ventspils was first listed in documents in the late 13th century, and despite damaging wars, it has maintained its essence as a castle to this very day and only with minimal changes. The castle is also known as the oldest Medieval fortress in Latvia. Today it is home to a modern museum.

Distance from countries capital city185 Active season months1-12

Riebinu muiza

Šī vairāk ir uzskatāma par vēsturisku vietu, nekā tūrisma objektu, jo muižas pils atrodas avārijas stāvoklī un apskatāma no ārpuses! Mūsdienās redzamais muižas komplekss ir veidojies 19. - 20. gs. mijā, bet muižas pils (vēlīnais klasicisms) - 19. gs. pirmajā pusē. Vēlāk tai piebūvēja neobarokālus torņus abos ēkas galos. Vienā no tiem atradās kapela, otrā – bibliotēka. 19. gs. tika uzsākta ainavu parka un dendrārija izveide. 19. gs. beigās pilī norisinājās plaši remontdarbi, un tās īpašnieki – Kerbedzu dzimta ēku līdz pat 1. pasaules karam atvēlēja māksliniekiem. No 1920. - 1975. g. muižā darbojās pamatskola, tad ēkas kā noliktavu izmantoja kolhozs.

Distance from countries capital city210

The Kolka Semi-Estate and Old School

The estate owned by the dynasty of Baron Osten-Zaken was rebuilt in 1856 and 1857, because the old estate was sacked during the Crimean War (1853-1856).  At the beginning of the war, British warships bombarded Latvia's shoreline and ships with the purpose of scaring the Russian tsar.  Some of the gunfire hit Kolka, which was part of the Russian Empire at that time.  After the estate was destroyed, the so-called White House was built there with a series of ancillary buildings.  A mantel chimney was installed on the second floor, and it was used to smoke wild game (the chimney is still there).  The estate belonged to the aristocrats until 1919, when its last owner, Christian von Osten-Zaken, was shot in Tukums.  An elementary school, known as the Kolka School, was installed in the White House in 1929.  It remained open until 1961, when a new school was built.  Crafts lessons were offered at the building until 1989, at which time it was known as the Old School or the Small School.  In 1991, the Old School was taken over by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia, and it has been used for summer internships for students ever since 1994.

Distance from countries capital city159

The Alsunga Order Castle

The first stone castle in Alsunga was built in 1372, starting with the central part of the southern wing. The authorised representative of the Livonian Order, who was subject to a higher-ranking official in Kuldīga, lived here. The guard towers and other parts of the castle were gradually added between the 15th and the 18th century. The Baroque castle with its two towers is quite impressive. The castle is unique in and outside of Latvia in that it is one of the rare Medieval castles to have survived to the present day in part, but in its original historical appearance.  The castle offers an exhibition about its history.  Visitors can look at a Suiti kitchen, write a letter with a fountain pen in Barbara’s boudoir, or celebrate a special event in the romantic venue of the castle’s round tower. Renovation of the castle began in 2018, and it is closed to visitors.  Still, you can look at its exterior and tour its garden.  

Distance from countries capital city182

The Krustpils Castle

The origins of the castle date back to 1237. The closed yard that was typical of Medieval castles has been preserved. The interior took on its Historicism design in the mid-19th century, but there are also more ancient elements such as the gate tower, the basic walls, the firing apertures, the vaulted structures, the window apertures, etc. The Jēkabpils Museum of History was installed in the castle in 1994, and it can be toured in the company of a guide or an audio guide.

Distance from countries capital city136

Mezotne Castle

This beautiful castle (1797-1802) is seen as the most brilliant example of Classicism in Latvian architecture.  It, like the Eleja Castle, was designed by the architect of the royal court in Russia, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Quarenghi and the architect Johann Georg Adam Berlitz.  The ornate interior was unique for Kurzeme at the time when the castle was built.  Empress Catherine II gifted the castle to Charlotte von Lieven (1742-1828) after Charlotte served as governess for the empress’ grandchildren.  An agricultural school operated in the building from 1921 until 1941, and it was very much damaged and pillaged during World War II.  Restoration began later, when the Mežotne experimental selection station was housed in it.  The lovely building houses a hotel and can be toured.  Around the castle, which is on the banks of the Lielupe River, there is one of the most beautiful English-type gardens in Latvia – perfect for a stroll.

Distance from countries capital city74

Vecpiebalgas pilsdrupas

Atrodas Vecpiebalgas dienvidaustrumdaļā aiz baznīcas. 1340. - 1365. g. Rīgas arhibīskaps šeit uzcēla pili - cietoksni, ko apjoza aizsarggrāvji (atliekas redzamas arī mūsdienās). Pils ziemeļu pusē atradās priekštilta nocietinājumi, bet austrumdaļā - pils galvenā ieeja un tornis. Pili postīja 1577. g., bet pilnībā sagrāva 18. gs.

Distance from countries capital city128

The Medieval Aluksne Castle

The Livonian Order built a fortified castle on the largest island in Lake Alūksne – Marijas Island (Pilssala Island) in 1342.  It was linked to the land by a 120 m drawbridge.  The castle had several forecastles, and it was regularly modernised and expanded until the end of the 17th century.  It was one of the largest Livonian Order Castles, with similar ones found in Vastelina and Izborsk.  Defensive barriers were put up around the castle, which survived until the Great Northern War.  Its central part was blown up by the defeated Swedish military in 1702, after which Russians completely sacked it.  All that is left are the castle ruins on the island, which is now linked to Alūksne and Temple Hill by two wooden bridges.  An open-air stage alongside the castle ruins is used for various public events.

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12

Rankas muiza

Atrodamas ziņas, ka Rankas muižas pils celta 18. gs. vidū un 19. gs. vidū (nozīmīgi - 1836.-1866.g.) pārbūvēta, kad uzceltas pārējās saimniecības ēkas. 20. gs. šeit atradās dažādas ar izglītību saistītas iestādes: 30. gados - Rankas mājturības skola, pēc 2. pasaules kara - Rankas lauksaimniecības skola. Muižas pils cieta 80. – 90. gadu mijā divu ugunsgrēku laikā. Daļēji saglabājušās kalpu mājas, kūtis, klētis, dārznieka māja, “brūzis” u.c. ēkas.

Kopš 2013. gada ieguldīts milzīgs darbs, lai Rankas muižas kompleksu atjaunotu un izveidotu par sakārtotu, tīru vidi. Teritorijā notiek atjaunošanas darbi muižas ēkām. 2003. gadā par Rankas muiža kompleksa īpašniekiem kļuva Ābolu ģimene un, pateicoties viņiem, Rankas muižas komplekss pamazām atdzimst. Ekskursija pa Rankas muižu iekļauj visu telpu apskati: recepciju, antīko automašīnu un priekšmetu izstādi, mākslas galeriju, bibliotēku un Romas katoļu kapelu, kā arī muižas 8,4 hektārus plašo parku ar trīs dīķiem.

Distance from countries capital city157

Alatskivi Castle

The Castle was restored recently and now exhibits life and history of a noble family on three floors. Tour guides have numerous stories and legends to tell, visitors can make their personal castle souvenirs.
Kivi Kõrts ( near the castle is a pub with simple meals from locally sourced produce, characteristic to the Estonian cuisine and the Peipsi area.

Distance from countries capital city205 Active season months1-12

Slosbergas (Pilskalnes) muiza

Muižas ansamblis veidots 19.gadsimtā, tās arhitektūrā atspoguļojās vairāku eklektisma formāli stilistisku virzienu uzslāņojumi, taču dominējošais bija baroka stils. Tā bija grāfa Kazimira Plātera-Zīberga (1808-1876), vēlāk grāfa Fēliksa Konstantina Plātera-Zīberga (1847-1928) rezidence. Pils un daļa saimniecības ēku tika iznīcinātas pirmā pasaules kara laikā, krievu armijas lielkalibra artilērijas apšaudes gaitā. Pārpalikušās drupas laika gaitā tika nojauktas. Līdz mūsdienām saglabājušies vārtu stabi, kas ir apmierinošā tehniskā stāvoklī. Muižā bijusi arī grāfa Zīberga 1697. gadā celta mūra kapela ar altāri un skaistām gleznām. Dievkalpojumus esot noturējis Ilūkstes prāvests. Bijušie īpašnieki: 18. gadsimtā barons A. Plāters-Zībergs, Kazimirs Plāters-Zībergs (1808-1876).
Distance from countries capital city196

Kaunas Castle

Kaunas Castle is the oldest stone castle in Lithuania and interestingly enough, the museum that is inside is also the oldest one in Lithuania. It's possible to take a tour to get know more about Kaunas Castle and also visit the museum where there's not only information about the castle but also about the city of Kaunas itself and much more.

Distance from countries capital city103

Приекульский замок

С XV века в Приекуле правил род баронов Корфов. Один из них – Иоганн Альберт Корф (1697 - 1766.) был президентом Петербургской Академии наук (1734 - 1740 гг.), дипломатом и литератором, который занимался исследованием истории Курземе. Приекульский замок находится на западе от улицы Айзпуте, на берегу реки Вирга. Первоначально дворец господской усадьбы построили в XVIII веке, а в конце XIX века велись большие работы по перестройке здания (проект Пауля Макса Берчи). В здании находится Приекульская средняя школа. Примерно в 100 м к востоку от господской усадьбы возвышается смотровая башня усадьбы (построена в конце XIX века), над которой развевается государственный флаг Латвии.

Distance from countries capital city232

The Biksere Estate

The road leading to this estate is reminiscent of a narrow mountain road with a deep river valley alongside it.  The estate used to be known as the Libe Estate, and the buildings that are seen there now belonged to a nobleman, Magnuss.  The mansion has a Neo-Gothic glass tower which is known as an architectural curio among specialists.  The Sarkaņi Parish Council sits in the mansion.  The granary is the work of a local enthusiast, Andris Trečaks, who has collected a series of ancient objects.  Outside the granary is a very broad view of the “lower” Lubāna flatlands, resembling a painting with an empty frame.

Distance from countries capital city175

The Grasi Estate

The origins of the castle that was built in the style of Classicism date back to 1784.  Later it was rebuilt into a two-story building with a portico with four columns at its centre.  A new period in the development of the state began in 1993, when restoration of the buildings began.  The estate currently houses a children’s village, while the mansion is now a hotel.


Distance from countries capital city168

Vihula Manor

For the first time Vihula Manor is mentioned in 1501. The complex you can see now has been made after 1810. It was finished in 1880. Now here is an excellent hotel, SPA complex, a restaurant and more. Around the manor is a park. 

Distance from countries capital city95

Ludzas pilsdrupas

Dabiskā zemesragā starp Lielo un Mazo Ludzas ezeru 14. gs. beigās slejās seno latgaļu koka pils, kuras vietā Livonijas ordenis uzcēla Latgales varenāko mūra pili. Tā bija iespaidīga trīsstāvu celtne kvadrāta formā ar sešiem torņiem, trīs vārtiem un divām priekšpilīm. Pēc krievu iebrukuma Latgalē 1481. g., Ludzas pili atjaunoja 1525. g. 1654. g. to atkal izposta Krievijas cara Alekseja Mihailoviča karaspēks. Jau 18. gs. no pils bija palikušas tikai drupas, kas arī mūsdienās ir ļoti iespaidīgas un ainaviskas (ar skatu uz Lielo Ludzas ezeru un baznīcu torņiem).

Distance from countries capital city266

The Raudondvaris Castle, estate and park

The Raudondvaris Castle is on the right bank of the Neveža River in Raundondvaris.  The estate and a park that covers 3.8 ha has two buildings, an orangery, a stable for horses and a cellar.  Alongside the estate in 1834 was a park that was rebuilt in the 20th century with new plants and flowerbeds that featured ancient types of roses.  The northern part of the park is forested, with maple, pine and linden trees, as well as Edelweiss that blooms in the spring.  Paths in the park lead to a local environmentally protected area.

Distance from countries capital city113 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Optional meals Accepts tourist groups

The Baisogala Estate Park

The Baisogalo Estate is one of the oldest ones in Lithuania and is known as a royal castle because it once belonged to the local lord.  The ornate late-Classicism buildings were built in the mid-19th century and have survived.  The 12 ha landscape park dates back to the early part of the 19th century, with an alley of chestnut trees leading to the estate from the local village.  The central alley that starts at the gate weaves through two curvy bodies of water with a bridge and statues of lions.  Various trees behind the estate are alongside curvy and narrow pathways.  On both sides of the alleys are bodies of water, and deep in the park is a pond with an island.

Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

The Kretinga Estate Park

The Kretinga Estate park is one of the oldest ones in Lithuania to have survived to the present days.  Established in the 16th and 17th century, it is a mixed-style park that covers 23 ha of land.  The southern part of the park has an astronomical calendar with a sundial, a hedge, allies, and flowerbeds and rock gardens with dahlias, peonies, tulips and roses.  There are trails for strollers and areas for relaxation.  Particularly popular among local residents is the restored fountain in the park.

Distance from countries capital city314 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Optional meals This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

Ivandes muiza

Līdzmūsdienām ir saglabājusies vecā - 18. gs. vidū klasicisma stilā celtā vecā kungu māja (šobrīd netiek izmantota, skaisti sīkrūšu logi!) un tai iepretim - pēc 1905. g. ugunsgrēka atjaunotā (1912. – 1913. g., neoklasicisma stils) jaunā pils, kurā atrodas Īvandes pagasta pārvalde, bibliotēka un jauniešu tūristu mītne. Ēkā saglabājušies atsevišķi interjera elementi – parketa grīdas, koka kāpnes u.c. Muižas parkā joprojām zaļo Baltijā lielākā Eiropas baltegle. Tās augstums pārsniedz 32 m, apkārtmērs - 4 m. Parkā izveidota atpūtas vieta.

Distance from countries capital city171

Peterupe Rectory ("Ligotnes")

The first mention of Pēterupe Rectory goes back to the late 17th century. The Manor Park and the buildings have partially survived to the present day, including a linden alley at the end of Smilšu Street, planted by the pastor Jānis Neilands in 1879 and the grand oak planted by Johann Wilhelm Knierim in 1869. After the fire of 1908, the Rectory was restored and partially rebuilt. In Soviet times, the property was removed from the parish and the house was named “Līgotnes”. During German times the Rectory was occupied by legionnaires. After the war, the building of the Rectory was turned into a hospital, then into a secondary school and later it was transformed into a block of flats for teachers. Now the building again belongs to the parish and it is inhabited by a priest of the parish and his family. 

Distance from countries capital city46

The Stameriena Castle

The castle was built during the first half of the 19th century in Tudor Neo-Gothic forms.  The first owner of the castle was Baron Johann Gottlieb von Wolff.  During the 1870s and 1880s it was rebuilt in the style of French Neo-Renaissance.  The castle was burned down during the 1905 Revolution, but it was restored with certain elements of Art Nouveau forms.  Tours are available of the interior of the building.

Distance from countries capital city198 Active season months1-12

The Cirava Estate

A very impressive ensemble that is in terrible shape.  The estate dates back to the 18th and 19th century, with the castle being built in the early 19th century.  Half a century later it was rebuilt in the Neo-Gothic style with symmetrical towers and bricks in the cornices.  The estate belonged to the Manteufel-Stzege dynasty.  The vestibule, stairwell and second floor hall still have ornamental ceiling paintings, but visitors are not allowed to enter the building, so they cannot be seen.  Valuable interior design elements include a fireplace from the early 19th century that is decorated with marble elements.  After the expropriation of the castle in 1920 and until 1951, the building housed a forestry school and then an agricultural crafts school.  Opposite the castle was the stable of the state that was built in the style of Classicism with a pediment and mighty columns.  Built in the early 19th century, the stable is no longer used and can only be viewed from the outside.  A very much overgrown park surrounds the complex, and the hillock is the grave of one of the baron’s dogs.


Distance from countries capital city191

Valdeki Manor House

The residential building of the manor house was built in the 19th century. In 1932, so neglected manor house was bought by the Latvian press king A. Benjamiņš. Nowadays, the manor house is owned by the Benjamiņi family again and there is located a photo exposition of the private life and travels of A. Benjamiņš.

Distance from countries capital city100

Skaistkalnes (Senbergas) muiza

Meklējama Skaistkalnes dienviddaļā, Mēmeles labajā krastā, Skolas ielā 5. Vietvārds Šēnberga tulkojums no vācu valodas nozīmē „Skaistais kalns”. No sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem celtā divstāvu muižas pils (historisma stils) tapusi ap 1894. g. (arhitekts Pauls Makss Berči). Ēkā ir saglabājušies dekoratīvās apdares elementi un iespaidīgs kamīns (vienīgais tāds Latvijā), uz kura atainota dzimtbūšanas atcelšanu Latvijā. Kamīnzālē atrodas pirms četriem gadiem atjaunotais griestu plafons. Muižas pilī atrodas Skaistkalnes vidusskola. Muižu ietver parks, kurā atrodas citas ar muižu saistītās ēkas.

Distance from countries capital city75

The New Cesis Castle

The New Cēsis Castle (Pils Square 9) was built in 1777 as a residence for Karl Eberhard von Zievers, and it is home to the Cēsis Museum of History and Art, which was opened in 1949.  The building has a neo-Gothic tower decorated with curved arcades and window apertures.  It is one of the first examples of eclecticism in Latvian architecture.  Beginning in 2012, the museum will feature a modern exhibition under the title "Latvia: Symbol of Latvian History."  This will be an interactive exhibition featuring the history of Cēsis and its environs since the era of the Vendians and up to the early 20th century.  There will be sections on the history of the Latvian flag, the lives of the Zievers dynasty, and the family's great contributions toward the development of Cēsis.  The third and fourth floors of the castle are dedicated to temporary exhibitions, and there is a special room there for families and children.  The tower of the castle offers the best view of the Cēsis Castle ruins, the old town, and St John's Lutheran church.

Distance from countries capital city90


Muižas ēka tikusi restaurēta, taču tā celta 1732. gadā. Muižas kompleksu veido – kungu māja, bijušās skolas ēka, pārvaldnieka māja, klēts, saimniecības ēka, kā arī tējas namiņš, kas atrodas senajā ozolu parkā, no kura takas tālāk aizvijas uz Meža parku. Ungurmuižas  iekštelpās ir grezni zīmējumi (grenadieri, ziedu motīvi, zīmētas tapetes, drapēri, ainas no barona karagājieniem un ceļojumiem) kuru autors ir Limbažu gleznotājs Georgs Dītrihs Hinšs. Ungurmuižā par seno auru rūpējas katrs gleznojums, zīmējums un katrs nostūris.

Distance from countries capital city84 Active season months1-12

The Rundale Castle

The palace was built as the summer residence of the duke of Courland, Ernst Johan Byron, and it was designed by the outstanding Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. The construction of the palace ensemble took place between 1736 and 1740. The decorative finishing of the interiors was carried out from 1765 to 1768 by the sculptor Johann Michael Graff and the painters Francesco Martini and Carlo Zucchi. The significance of the palace lies in its authenticity as it has not been modified through rebuilding since then. Intensive restoration works started in 1972 when the Rundāle Palace museum was established. The restoration was completed in 2018.

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city78

Dobele castle ruins and castle hill

On the right bank of the Bērze River and in the western part of Dobele, the castle hill and its fortified forecastle were occupied between the 10th and 13th centuries, with an ancient town at its foot (currently the square between Tērvetes Street and the Liepāja highway).  As was common, the Livonian Order used this ancient Semigallian castle hill to build a brick castle between 1335 and 1347.  The castle was sacked during the 18th century, and its fairly impressive and beautiful ruins have been conserved.  A viewing platform is part of the charm.

Distance from countries capital city72

Druvienas muiza

Druvienas muižas pirmsākumi ir meklējami 17. gs. beigās. Tagad redzamā apbūve ir veidojusies 19. – 20. gs. Līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājusies muižas pils (1898. g.) un saimniecības ēkas – klētis, kūtis, kalpu mājas. Muižas pilī 20. gs. 50. gados izvietoja pamatskolu. Diemžēl sākotnējie ēkas interjeri nav saglabājušies. Pili ieskauj parks. Šobrīd ēkā atrodas Druvienas Latviskās dzīvesziņas centrs, kas piedāvā dažādas aktivitātes un radošās darbnīcas. 

Distance from countries capital city166

The Sveksnos Estate Park

The Švekšnos Estate and its park are among the most beautiful venues of this type in Žemaitija.  Alongside the estate is an impressive park, with two segments that are linked by a wide parade staircase that is decorated with vases and offers a lovely view of the lower terrace.  On an island I the central pond of the park is a statue of the goddess Diana.  A colourful sundial, a vase on a pedestal, a sculpture of St Mary, and a sculpture called "Angel of Freedom" are all found in the park.  Other elements, including viewing areas, pathways and gates have also been restored.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers

The Krimulda Estate

The Krimulda Estate was first recorded in documents in the 15th century.  The Krimulda Castle that can be seen now is on the right bank of the ancient Gauja River valley opposite the aerial tram.  There are outstanding views of the ancient river valley from the castle and the opposite shore.  The Krimulda Castle is a Neo-Classical structure which was built by a local nobleman in the 19th century.  In the 1920s, the castle was expropriated and turned over to the Latvian Red Cross, which installed a children's sanatorium there.  Today the Krimulda rehabilitation hospital is in the building, and among other structures, the ones that have survived include the stables, threshing barn, servants' quarters, governor's quarters, and the so-called Swiss house.  Educational tours are available, and overnight stays are possible at the estate.


Ruins of the Aizpute Castle

Found along Liepājas Street, which is the old road from Livonia to Prussia, the ruins are a symbol of Aizpute and are depicted on its herald and its flag.  Work on the castle began around 1248 and was done during the role of Dietrich von Grenningen, master of the Livonian Order.  It was a castella-type stone castle with a tower at one corner and wooden buildings in the courtyard.  The bishopric of Kurzeme was in Aizpute during the Middle Ages.  The castle was abandoned after the Livonian War in the latter half of the 16th century, but it was restored in the early 17th century, with annexes being added to it.  Part of the castle had residential flats until the 1970s.  The ruins have been preserved to a certain extent, but it is dangerous to clamber upon them, so that is forbidden.  Aizpute is one of the oldest towns in Latvia, with written information about it dating back to 1378.  100 m to the East of the ruins is a stone bridge, which is one of the newest bridges in Latvia.  The stone railings were presented by Baron Karl von Manteufel, and the bridge was installed in 1907.  The granite plaque on the railing on the north end of the bridge has the herald of the Manteufel dynasty, though it is hard to see.



Distance from countries capital city176

Jauna Pilsmuiza

Atrodas stāvā Tebras (Dzirnavdīķa) ziemeļu krasta augšdaļā (Skolas ielā 1). Ēka celta 19. – 20. gs. mijā kā Aizputes muižas jaunā kungu māja. Tajā atrodas Aizputes novadpētniecības muzejs (no 1999. g.) un Aizputes TIC. Ekspozīcija par Aizputes pilsētas un apkārtnes vēsturi tiek pasniegts saistošā veidā, ļaujot apmeklētājiem iejusties vairāku gadu desmitu seno notikumu atmosfērā.

Distance from countries capital city177

Haeskas muiza (Haeska mõis)

Muiža vēsturiskajos avotos ir minēta jau 1560. gadā. Tagad redzamā kungu māja ir celta no akmens 1805. g. Padomju laikos tajā atradās Matsalu rezervāta administrācija, bet mūsdienās ēkā ir izveidota viesnīca. Līdz muižai nokļūstam pa skaistu aleju, kuras apkaimē ir redzamas citas muižas kompleksa ēkas.

Distance from countries capital city107


The Eversmuiža Estate is in the centre of Cibla and is dominated by a 1680 mansion that was built in the style of Classicism and was rebuilt several times later.  There is a home for servants, a gatehouse and ancillary buildings that are in poor shape.  A stone wall surrounds the park of the estate.  Since the 17th century and for nearly two centuries, the estate belonged to an aristocratic Polish family, after it was owned by various others.  Today the mansion houses a boarding school and the Cibla Regional Research Museum, which offers tours.  A cultural and historical trail runs along the banks of the Ilža River.

Distance from countries capital city279

Dundaga Castle

One of the largest castles in Kurzeme, this building has been preserved in fairly good shape.  Work on its began in the mid-13th century, and it was commissioned by the heads of the Dome Cathedral in Rīga.  In 1434, the estate was bought by the bishop of Kurzeme.  The Maidel and Osten-Sacken dynasties owned it from the 16th to the 20th century.  The Dundaga Castle burned down twice and has been rebuilt many times.  The last reconstruction was in 1905, after the castle was burned down during the revolution.  Of interest on both sides of the castle’s door are stone carvings of a knight and a bishop.  In recent years, the hotel in the castle has been renovated, as has the second floor hallway and a terrace that is popular for weddings.  There are many legends about the castle, including one about a wedding of elves and another about the Green Lady.  Today the building houses the Dundaga School of Music and Art, a hotel, party rooms, the Dundaga Tourism Information Centre and various exhibitions.  It is worth finding a guide to tour the castle.  Groups of tourists can also order tastings of local foods.

Distance from countries capital city153

Виргская усадьба

Виргская господская усадьба как лен была передана вассалу Ливонского ордена Конраду Нолду. До наших дней сохранился дворец господской усадьбы «Виргас», в котором с 1935 года до наших дней разместилась школа. Во дворце находятся три двери, украшенные красивой резьбой по дереву, с гербами рода Нолдов и портреты баронов. В бывшей клети господской усадьбы в 1983 г. обустроен Дом традиций - теперь Дом культуры. Господскую усадьбу окружает парк, в котором находится место могилы барона Нолда и баронессы с памятником. В центре Вирги установлен сапог Карла XII с двумя направленными друг от друга пушками и ядрами, которые вещают о временах Северной войны, когда в Вирге в 1701 г. был лагерь шведского войска.

Distance from countries capital city220

The Mazirbe manse

The residential building was erected in the early 18th and renovated in the middle of the 19th century.  Restoration of the manse and its ancillary buildings is continuing even today.  Since September 2009, the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church has housed its Recollection Centre at the manse.  The ruins of an old stable can be seen.

Distance from countries capital city170

Põltsamaa Castle and Museum

The Castle was built beside the Põltsamaa River in the 13th C and became the residence of Duke Magnus, King of Livonia in the 16th C. In the castle yard you find the tourist information centre, local history museum, wine cellar, Estonian Press Museum, art gallery, ceramic and handicraft workshop.
Põltsamaa has a fabulous Rose Garden, where tours can be booked to learn more about roses, legends and history of rose growing.

Distance from countries capital city126 Active season months1-12

Olustvere Manor and park

Olustvere is one of the best preserved manor estates in Estonia. The building complex is set in landscaped grounds in English style with avenues of old trees. Collections of stuffed birds, hand-carved wooden horses with tools and antique furniture are exhibited in the complex. Other buildings and facilities include a distillery, a smithy and handicraft, wool, clay, ceramics and glass workshops where visitors can try their hand in various crafts. The mansion now houses a tourism centre.

Distance from countries capital city138 Active season months1-12

The Luznava Estate

The construction of the state began in the early 20th century.  The mansion was built of bricks and fieldstones between 1905 and 1911 in the styles of Historicism and Art Nouveau.  The estate was owned by engineer and professor Stanislav Kerbedz from St Petersburg, the first Russian engineer to develop principles for the architectonic aspects of bridges.  These were used during the latter half of the 19th century, and Kerbedz led the construction of the Nikolayev bridge across the Neva River in St Petersburg.  Kerbedz’s wife, Yevgenia, was well known as a lover of art, and she brought various art objects to the estate from Italy.  The Lūznava Estate was a popular place for gatherings of artists during the summers.  Among those to visit was the distinguished Lithuanian painter and composer Mikalojus Čiurlionis.  The estate is surrounded by a 23.7 ha landscape park with a system of ponds.  Near the estate is a statue of the Madonna, which was carved by an unknown Italian artist.  The statue was damaged and thrown into a pond during World War II, but it was restored in 1991.  Reconstruction of the main building of the estate was complete in 2015, and today it is a modern and international centre for environmental education and the arts.

Distance from countries capital city244 Electric vehicle charging available1items
Rooms for  festivitiesRooms for seminars


Until 1724, the Cecina semi-estate belonged to the Hilsen dynasty.  When daughter Jadviga married Jans Šadurskis, the estate was recorded as the Malnava Estate in 1774.  Ownership of the estate changed hands several times.  The mansion is built in the style of Classicism with Baroque elements.  The granary is on one side of the yard, while the mansion is on the other side.  During agrarian reforms in the 1920s, the estate was one of the largest ones in Latvia, covering 12,400 ha.  The mansion was damaged during World War Ii, and the original interior design was lost during reconstruction.  Among other buildings, the granary, built in the style of Classicism during the first half of the 19th century, has been preserved, as have several other buildings.  The park of the estate has exotic bushes and trees, as well as two cement bunkers, one of which was briefly visited by Adolf Hitler.  The estate also has a vodka distillation facility where you will learn all about the process from antiquity to the present day.

Heritage gardens

The Preili Estate

The Preiļi Estate is in the southern part of Preiļi. During the Soviet era, the mansion was home to a variety of institutions. A fire burned much of the upper part of the building in 1978. The mansion was never restored, and it can only be viewed from the outside. Around it, however, is one of Latvia’s most outstanding landscape parks (mid-19th century). Irēna Kjarkuža offers interesting tours of the state, with interesting legends and songs in the Lettigalian language.

Distance from countries capital city204

Tervetes pilsdrupas

1339. g. Livonijas ordeņa mestrs (no 1328. – 1340.) Eberhards fon Monheims pašu zemgaļu 1286. g. nodedzinātās pils vietā uzceļ jaunu - mūra pili. To sešus gadus vēlāk nodedzināja lietuviešu karaspēks. Pili gan atjaunoja Kurzemes hercoga Ketlera valdīšanas laikā, taču Ziemeļu kara laikā - 1701. g. to atkal noposta zviedru karapulki. Līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājusies tikai no laukakmeņiem celtās pils sienas atliekas.

Distance from countries capital city75

The Bebrene Estate

The Bebrene Estate features an ensemble of Baroque buildings from the late 19th and early 20th century. The dominant building is the mansion of Count Plater-Sieberg, which was built in 1896 after a design by the architect L.J.L. Marconi. It is home to the Bebrene High School today. Surviving to the present day are the ornate gate and the unusual stone fence of the estate. The regular-design park which surrounds the mansion features a wealth of foreign trees.

Distance from countries capital city195

Haapsalu Episcopal Castle

This is one of several remarkable medieval strongholds in Estonia; the convent house, mysterious cellars and displays with numerous finds and exhibits are open to visitors; the children’s playground in the courtyard contains attractions inspired by the Middle Ages.
The single nave Dome Church (1279) is the largest of its kind in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The White Lady, the most famous ghost in Estonia, makes her appearance in a church window in August at full moon.

Distance from countries capital city100 Active season months1-12

The Astravo Estate park

This is one of the most expressive estates built in the style of Romanticism.  Dating back to the 19th century, it is on a peninsula in Astravo, which can easily be reached from Biržu along the longest wooden bridge in Lithuania, crossing Lake Širvenos.  Covering 18 ha, the mixed-plan park was installed from 1851 until 1862.  Local fir trees, linden trees and pine trees grow in the park.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers

Landgut Uzutrakio

Das heute gesehene Ensemble (im Stil des Neorenaissance gebautes Gutshaus) entstand im wesentlichen in der Zeit zwischen 1897 – 1902 als ein Eigentum vom Grafen Joseph Tyszkiewicz und seiner Frau. Ein Park.

Distance from countries capital city34

The ruins of the Grobina castle

The Livonian Order built a castle made of bricks and fieldstones in this location in 1253.  The building measured 72 x 40 metres and had a three-story residential area and a gate tower at its centre.  An entrance for soldiers was installed at the height of the second floor of the fortified wall during the 14th century, with barriers and four bastions installed during the 16th and 17th century.  Legend has it that the daughter of a knight was bricked into the wall and that there was once a secret underground passage to the Lutheran church that is 200 metres away.  The park includes the “Ancient Seashore” promenade, featuring plaques with quotes from Zenta Mauriņa and Jānis Rainis.

Distance from countries capital city206

Bikovas Manor

Bikovas Manor. The name of this manor is listed in the chronicle since the 17th century. You should see the manor house and the park where you can find a stone chapel that was built in 1820, servant’s house, several household buildings and stablings. After the fire of 1905, the building was reconstructed and the second floor was built. Since 1937, the manor is serving as Gaigalava Secondary school. According to the legend, there are secret passages that lead to the church and the cemetery. The building is the architectural monument of local importance.

Lizuma muiza

Skaistā ēka atrodas Lizuma centrā. Lizuma muižas īpašumi piederējuši dažādām dzimtām – vācbaltiešiem Tīzenhauzeniem, Malamiem un Volfiem. 1836. g. muižu iegādājas barons Otto Gotlībs fon Volfs, kura laikā muižas pils iegūst tagadējo veidolu – Tjudoru neogotikas stilu ar poligonālu torni. Jau no 1937. g. pilī izvietojusies Lizuma skola, kas ir viens no iemesliem, kādēļ saglabājusies ne tikai pati ēka, bet arī atsevišķi interjera elementi kāpņu telpā, Zilajā (Mednieku) zālē u.c. Pili ieskauj parks, kur atrodas muižas saimniecības ēkas – mūra klēts (te kultūras nams), 1876. g. celtais zirgu stallis (sporta halle), kalpu un dārznieka namiņš u.c. Bijušajā spirta brūzī ražo Gotiņas konfektes. Pils tornī izveidots Lizuma vidusskolas veidotais novadpētniecības muzejs.

Distance from countries capital city167

The Veselava Estate

The estate of 12 buildings and a park has survived almost completely to this very day.  The main building of the estate was erected on a largish oval island in the 1840s, and it has a moat all around it.  This was meant to resemble fortified Medieval castles.  The mansion is currently home to the local parish government, library and post office.  Visitors can take a tour of the estate and its surroundings.  There are stories about the estate to say that the baron had a beautiful daughter who, like the Rose of Turaida, refused to obey her father's instructions.  Go to Veselava, and you'll hear the whole story!


The Oleri Estate

The oldest elements of the Oleri Estate date back to the 17th century.  Initially there was a wooden mansion with an ancillary building.  The new centre was built in the late 18th century in the style of Early Classicism.  After agrarian reforms, the mansion housed an elementary school, and during the Soviet occupation and until the 1970s it was a school for children with mental disorders.  The mansion suffered in a fire in 2000, after which it was restored.  A local organisation was of great importance in this regard.  The mansion is known for its Classicist paintings, with a unique “Painting Gallery.”  The mansion is surrounded by a lovely park.  The Oleri Estate is known for hosting chamber music concerts.  The local Oleri swamp has a wooden pathway and a little viewing tower.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city140 Active season months1-12

Burg Raudonė

Die älteste (16 Jh.) der drei Burge am Fluss Nemunas. Renoviert nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. Heutzutage – eine Schule. Ein Park. Blick vom Burgturm.

Distance from countries capital city164

Schloss Durbe

Das in 1671 gebaute Schloss wurde mehrmals umgebaut und die heutige Aussicht im Stil des Klassizismus hat das Schloss 1820 – 1923 erhalten. Der im 19. Jh angelegte Park mit einer Rotunde und einer Steinbrücke. Tematische Ausstellungen.

Distance from countries capital city66

The Trakai Island Castle

The Trakai Island Castle is the only East Europe's castle which is built on a little island. The process of building this castle started in 14th century. After its fall on 1410 during a war it lost its meaning as a military base and became a living place for ruler of Lithuania. Trakai Castle is one of the most popular objects in Lithuania for tourists. Inside the castle is a museum which tells about Trakai history. 


Distance from countries capital city30

Elejas muiza

Muiža sāka veidoties 16. gs. beigās (īpašnieki - Tīzenhauzeni, vēlāk Bēri), bet no 1753. g. tā kļūst par Mēdemu dzimtas īpašumu. Tagad redzamo muižas pili (mūsdienās tikai atliekas) cēla 1806. - 1810. g. klasicisma stilā (Johana Georga Ādama Berlica projekts) pēc itāļu izcelsmes Pēterburgas galma arhitekta Džakomo Kvarengi meta. Muižas īpašnieks tajā laikā bija Johana Frīdriha Mēdema dēls - Kristofs Johans Frīdrihs (saukts par Žanno). Elejas pilī bija savākti daudzi nozīmīgi Eiropas mākslinieku darbi, kā arī iekārtots izcils interjers. 18 muižas kompleksa ēkas nodedzināja Pirmā pasaules kara laikā (1915. g.) un līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nelieli pils pirmā stāva drupu fragmenti ar kaltiem portika kolonu kapiteļiem, pārvaldnieka māja (apskatāma no ārpuses), atsevišķas saimniecības ēkas un parks. No pils drupām pa aleju var aiziet līdz Tējas namiņam (bēdīgā stāvoklī). 0,5 km ziemeļos no pils drupām atrodas 1912. g. izveidotā Mēdemu dzimtas kapsēta. Elejas pils mūra žoga arkādē iemūrēts dobumakmens.

Distance from countries capital city70

The Alantos Estate park

The Alantos Estate is in the village of Naujasodžio, and it was built in the style of Neo-Classicism in the 19th century.  The estate is surrounded by a park with many types of trees, as well as a set of ancillary buildings.  The mansion is reminiscent of an Italian villa, and the Neo-Romantic park has alleys of trees and three ponds of various sizes.  The trees were planted so that over the course of time, their trunks would grow together to ensure mighty crowns.  Alongside the park are a few gazebos, an obelisk that stands a few metres high, as well as white marble sculptures of Venus and Jupiter.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

Veitko Manor

Veitko Manor was built in 1832. From 1993, there are hostels of Latgale Craft School.

Padures muiza

Tāšu – Padures muiža (Tasch – Paddern) celta 19. gs. sākumā kā Korfu dzimtas pils, kas 1852. gadā pāriet Keizerlingu dzimtas īpašumā kā medību pils, kas kalpojusi kā vasaras mītne, un ir izcils vēlīnā klasicisma paraugs. Iekštelpās saglabājušies vairāki senā interjera apdares fragmenti. Pēc pils pabeigšanas, ap to sāka veidot vairāk kā 10 ha lielu parku ar svešzemju kokiem. Šobrīd muižas ēkā atrodas Kalvenes pamatskola.

Distance from countries capital city168 Active season months1-12

Kolga Manor

Kolga Manor with its impressive territory, several buildings and antique feel will not leave you unmoved! Kolga Manor was first heard about in 13th century but the manor we see nowadays was built style of Baroque in 17 - 18th century but in 1820's it was re-built in the style of Classicism. From the end of 17th century until 20th century it was the biggest Estonian manor. Now in these buildings is a guesthouse, a restaurant, conference centre and a museum. It's possible to hire a guide.

Distance from countries capital city57

Schloß Sangaste

Castle's prototype is England's Windsor castle. Sangaste Castle was finished in 1883. Its last owner was Friedrich von Berg (1845. - 1938.) - known grain selector. Near the castle is a park.

Distance from countries capital city243

The Koknese Estate

All that remains today is the governor’s house in which the Latvian author Rūdolfs Blaumanis (1863-1908) lived from 1885 until 1887, and a stable built of fieldstones.  The Central Daugava Forestry Centre of the Latvian State Forests company is located in the building.  The stone gates of the Koknese High School where once the gates of the estate.  The buildings can mostly be viewed from the outside.



Distance from countries capital city101

Pussalas pils drupas (Pusiasalio pilies liekanos)

Pussalas pils pirmsākumi ir meklējami 14. gs. Tajā laikā minētā pils bija viena no lielākajām šāda tipa aizsardzības pilīm. Pēc Traķu un Viļņas ieņemšanas 1382. g. pils kļuva par Ķēstutu (Kęstutis) - Lietuvas dižkunigaišu dzimtas dzīves un valdīšanas vietu. 1655. g. Polijas – Lietuvas lielvalsts un Krievijas kara laikā pili nopostīja. Līdz mūsdienām no iespaidīgās celtnes (aizņēma 4 ha platību) saglabājušās tikai no laukakmeņiem celtā aizsargmūra un torņu paliekas. Tās iekšpagalmā ir apskatāma efektīvā viduslaiku ieroča – katapultas atdarinājums.


The Volkenberga castle ruins

The Volkenberga Castle was built in the 13th century by the Livonian Order, and it was practically impregnable, as it was on top of Mākoņkalns hill.  These were among the first fortifications in Latgale, and only fragments of the castle remain today.  Architect Pēteris Blūms has said that this was a special type of fortification.  Legends say that after the lord and lady of the castle died, the property was divided up among their three daughters – Roze, Lūcija and Marija.  Each sister built a new castle on the land which she inherited – Roze built Rēzekne, Lūcija built Ludza, and Marija built Viļaka.  A memorial plaque at the foot of Mākoņkalns hill recalls the visit which pre-war Latvian President Kārlis Ulmanis paid to Latgale in 1938.

Distance from countries capital city281

Adamovas Manor (ancient name –Adamhof, Odumova)

Adamovas Manor (ancient name –Adamhof, Odumova) is the cultural monument of the state importance. It has two well preserved buildings of the 19th century. The Manor was built in 1851. Landlords Korfs, Žemčužņikova and Karaulovs were the owners of the manor. There was discovered a mineral spring in 1905. It was named in the honour of St. Helena. Mineral water gained the highest awards in London in 1912 and in 1913 in Paris. Currently, there is no mineral spring anymore. However, there is Adamova sanatorium boarding-school for children with psychoneurological illnesses. A modern sports complex was built in 2006 for organizing national sports competitions. We offer sauna, conference rooms, boat rental, and accommodation for 120 people.

Galenu Vidsmuiza

Ļoti savdabīga vieta, ko nekādi nevar dēvēt par tūrisma objektu. Vidsmuiža bija viena no Latgales lielākajām muižām, kuras dominante bija 18. gs. celtā un vēlāk pārbūvētā grāfu Borhu muižas kungu māja. Tagad redzamais muižas kompleksa veidols tapis 19. gs. otrajā pusē. Tajā ietilpst kūtis, staļļi, kalpu māja, klētis, sarga mājiņas, kas izvietotas ap parādes pagalmu. Pēdējais tagad ir stipri aizaudzis. Vecākā saimniecības ēka ir mūra klēts (iespaidīga!), ko cēla 18. gs. Regulāra plānojuma muižas parku veidoja 18. gs. franču dārzu stilā. Kungu māja ir „pamesta” un apskatāma tikai no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city224

Penije muiza (Penijõe mõis)

Muiža rakstos pirmoreiz minēta 17. gs. sākumā, taču klasicisma stilā celtās pils veidols tapis 1835. gadā. Penijē muižas būtisks likteņa pavērsiens (atšķirībā no daudzām citām muižām) bija apstāklis, ka tajā izveidoja Matsalu rezervāta (pirms nacionālā parka izveides) apmeklētāju centru. 2000. gadā muižas pili restaurēja un tajā ierīkoja nelielu ekspozīciju. Apmeklētāju centrs te pastāv joprojām, tādēļ šeit var iegūt nepieciešamo informāciju. No ārpuses var apskatīt arī citas muižas saimniecības ēkas.

Distance from countries capital city112

Zvartavas pils

Zvārtavas pils aicina ceļotājus un dabas draugus, kultūras un mākslas cienītājus iepazīties ar Zvārtavas pili un citiem muižas kultūrvēsturiskiem objektiem, izbaudīt parku un ezeru, izzināt novada vēsturi un apskatīt mākslas darbus, kuri radīti šeit plenēros un rezidencēs, gan LMS muzeja kolekcijas ekspozīcijas un aktuālās izstādes.

Skaistā Zvārtavas pils celta 1881.gadā un ir viena no spilgtākajiem neogotikas stila arhitektūras pieminekļiem Latvijā, kas ir valsts nozīmes kultūras piemineklis. Pašlaik pils pieder Latvijas Mākslinieku savienībai, un tieši šis fakts ir pamats pils unikalitātei. Pilī ir saglabājušies neogotikas interjeri, koka kolonas vestibilā, oriģinālās parketa grīdas, mēbeles un stikla kupols ar vitrāžām, caur kurām gaisma dažādos toņos, veido zīmējumus uz sienām un grīdas.
Pils parka nogāzē atrodas gleznainais Zvārtavas ezers, kur iespējams peldēties, makšķerēt un vizināties ar laivām. Ir pieejamas telts vietas.
Zvārtavas pilī – Starptautiskajā Mākslas un izglītības centrā tiek organizēti mākslas simpoziji, izstādes, darbnīcas un citi pasākumi, tādejādi rosinot šajā vietā īpašu radošo auru.
Pils telpās ir iespējams rīkot seminārus, konferences, simpozijus, sarīkojumus un pieņemšanas un citas svinības. Lielajā zālē šiem pasākumiem ir 30 vietu, savukārt ēdamzālē – līdz 30. Piedāvā arī ekskursijas, radošās darbnīcas, laivu īri, un peldvietu.  

Distance from countries capital city170 Active season months1-12

The Garsene Estate

The mansion of the Gārsene Estate is built in the Neo-Gothic style, and its design was based on a villa in Germany. The building was erected between 1856 and 1860, and from then until 1920, the baronial dynasty of the Budbergs and Beningshausens owned it. The castle was expanded with another wing in 1885. Between 1939 and 1940, the building was rebuilt to become a school, and President Kārlis Ulmanis attended its opening on June 2, 1940, when he was taking his last official trip as the country’s president. There are other buildings and a park on the estate. The mansion today is home to the Gārsene Elementary School, but there is also an exhibition featuring the baronial dynasty, the history of the school, and the town itself. Just wait until you see the pot-bellied stoves! Outside the mansion are the Gārsene nature trails – the cultural and historical trail, the baronial strolling trail, etc. Before setting off, buy a ticket at the mansion. In front of the mansion is a memorial stone to Professor Pēteris Kulitāns (1878-1951), who was an agro-chemist.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city160 Accepts tourist groups75pers.
Place for tentsRooms for seminars FishingFootball fieldFacilities  appropriate for childrenBicycle trail Nearest restaurant

The ruins of the Valmiera Castle

Work on the Valmiera Castle began in 1283.  The castle was burned down in 1702 during the Great Northern War, and the city’s walls were torn down in the late 17th century.  Ruins of the castle and remnants of other Medieval fortifications have been preserved.


Distance from countries capital city108


The historical centre of the Tāšu Estate is in the Ālande (Telse) River Valley near Lake Tāši.  The current estate was built by the von Korff dynasty, and the mansion dates back to 1734.  Inside there are valuable Baroque fireplaces, the main entrance portal made of sandstone from Gotland, the original stone floor in the hall, parquet and wall panels.  The front door, windows, stairs and other details were installed in the early 19th century

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Nearest town

Nekena muizas komplekss

Atrodas Taurenē, Gaujas labajā krastā. Muižas apbūve, kurā ietilpst pils (19. gs. 80. gadi, arhitekts – R. G. Šmēlings, historisma un neoklasicisma stils), senie alus pagrabi, klēts, vecā pils un parks, veidojies 19. - 20. gs. Šobrīd muižas pilī atrodas Taurenes pagasta pārvalde un kultūras nams. Muižas kompleksā ietilpst ēka, kurā atrodas Vecpiebalgas novada tūrisma informācijas punkts un Taurenes novadpētniecības ekspozīcija (senajā ledus pagrabā). Parkā (ziemeļos no pils) uzmeklējams piemiņas akmens, kas veltīts komunistiskā terora upuriem. Pie Nēķena muižas sākās 0,4 km garā Cieres dabas taka, kas iepazīstina ar Gaujas krastu mitrājiem.

Distance from countries capital city113

Vilanu muiza

Atrodas Viļānu dienviddaļā, Maltas upītes krastos, kuras tecējumu pārtrauc Viļānu HES. Par muižu atrodamas ziņas jau no 15. gs. beigām, kad tā piederēja bruņiniekam J. Loem. Līdzīgi kā Vidsmuiža, arī šī bija viena no Latgales lielākajām muižām, kurai piederēja zemes > 49 000 ha platībā. 18. - 19. gs. mijā ap muižu sāka veidoties Viļānu miests. Muižas dzīvojamo ēku, kas apskatāma tikai no ārpuses, ieskauj parks.

Distance from countries capital city213

"Muizas istabas"

Iespējams apskatīt Kroņvircavas muižas kompleksu, kas bija pēdējā Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Pētera Bīrona lauku īpašums ar pili.  To pēc hercoga pasūtījuma 1776. - 1785. gadā būvēja galma arhitekts Severīns Jensens. 

No hercoga pils līdz mūsdienām saglabājies vienīgi ziemeļaustrumu korpuss un virtuve kā atsevišķa ēka. Vispilnīgāk no muižas kompleksa ēkām saglabājušās Kavalieru māja, Pārvaldnieka māja, kurā tagad vietu radis projekts “Muižas istabas”, klēts-magazīna, stallis. Kroņvircavas muižas apbūve ir Valsts aizsardzības objekts. Pili ieskāva liels baroka stila parks ar ūdens parteru, kas kā muižas dārzs sākts ierīkot 1693. gadā.

Šobrīd “Muižas istabās” saimnieko ģimene, kas vēlas saglabāt autentiskās mājas vērtības, iedzīvināt džezu uz “Muižas istabu” improvizētās skatuves, izstādīt mākslinieku darbus un  svinēt svētkus. Aicinām apmeklēt vēsturiskā un kultūras mantojuma interesentus dzīvās mūzikas pavadījumā atklāt Vircavas bagāto vēsturi, ģimenes piedzīvojumus ar 250 gadīgo namu un sajust īpašo atmosfēru, ko novērtējuši daudzi mūsu apmeklētāji. 


The former Slitere Semi-Estate

Several of the buildings of the Šlītere Semi-Estate have survived to the present day – the servants' house (late 19th century), the pump house (mid-19th century), the smokehouse (mid-19th century), the cattle barn, etc.  A forestry building was built here in 1936 and renovated in 2010.  Since the end of 2009, the administration of the Slītere National Park has been housed here.  Today the building also houses the Kurzeme regional branch of the Environmental Protection Board.  Opposite the building are two yews, and there is a productive ivy which has covered the northern side of the servants' house.  The common yew and the Baltic ivy are symbols of Šlītere, and you can see and photograph them here without "bothering" them in their natural environment.  The pump house contains a well that is unique in Latvia – it is 34 m deep, which is nearly the height of the Blue Hills of Šlītere.  It reportedly was active until the 1970s and delivered water to the forestry system.  A fragment of the stone well can be seen as a part of the wall of the pump house.  The semi-estate is surrounded by small elements of a park, including an impressive alley of elm trees.  Locals says that pre-war Latvian President Kārlis Ulmanis spent the night at the building once while on a hunt.

Distance from countries capital city163

The Liestraupe Castle

The Lielstraupe Castle is the only building in Latvia which contains a Medieval castle and a church.  Work on the castle began in 1263.  The building suffered great damage during the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as during the riots of 1905.  The complex was restored in 1909 by the architect Wilhelm Bockslaff.  There are several artistic monuments in the church – the organ loft from the 17th century and the pulpit paintings of the 18th century.  In 1944, two stained glass windows produced by the artist Sigismunds Vidbergs were installed at the church – Golgotha and Birth of Christ.  The tower contains a clock produced by a local clockmaker, and there is a sun dial on the wall of the church.  Visitors to the park of the castle will see the wooden bell tower which dates back to 1744.  A memorial plaque to men who fell during World War I and Latvia's liberation battles was installed in the church in 1938.  A drugs treatment hospital was installed in the castle in 1963.  The church is open during worship services, and the rest of the complex can only be viewed from the outside.

Distance from countries capital city71

The New Sigulda Castle

The New Sigulda Castle was built between 1878 and 1881 for Prince Kropotkin.  Its tower was extended in 1937.  From 1923 until 1940, the building was known as the Writers Castle, and it was managed by the Latvian Press Association.  During the Soviet era, a cardiology sanatorium was housed there.  In 1993, the Sigulda City Council took over the castle, and since 2003 it has been home to the Sigulda Administrative District Council.  The wooden residential building (mid-19th century) in which the Kropotkin family lived still survives, as do the granary (late 18th or early 19th century), the gardener's house (19th century), and the stone wall (19th century).  The New Sigulda Castle is part of the historical centre of the Sigulda, Turaida and Krimulda complex, as are the ruins of the Sigulda Castle and the Krimulda Castle, the Krimulda Estate and the Turaida Castle.

Distance from countries capital city55

The Silute Estate Park

The Šilute Estate is often described on the basis of its last owner, Hugo Scheu, who bought the estate in 1889.  He restored the estate's buildings and territory, also installing two parks, one for the estate, and the other one known as the "raven forest." Alongside the estate is an English-type park with strolling trails.  The park is used by local residents and is on both sides of the curvy Scheu River, with the banks connected by pedestrian bridges.  He park stretches to an old railroad bridge and has approximately 150 types of plants, including 40 types of trees and shrubs.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

The Birzi Manor Complex

The manor is in Basi in the Gudenieki Parish of Kuldīga District, some 20 km from the district centre.  The manor was built in the 19th century, burned down in 1905, and then restored.  A former residence for servants and an old magazine barn have survived.  The surrounding park covers 4.5 ha, and the estate is a cultural and historical monument of local importance.  The barn was fully reconstructed in 2009 and 2010 with co-financing from the European Union, and today it is the Basi Culture Centre. In 2019, there is to be an interactive exhibition about Suiti events in Gudenieki -- baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc.

Distance from countries capital city167 Active season months1-12

The Jakiskiu Estate park

The Jakiškiu Estate was first mentioned in documents in the late 16th century.  The estate had elements of Classicism in terms of its architecture.  Among the buildings, the only ones that have survived are the mansion, an ice cellar and a steam-driven windmill.  The estate has not been restored, so it is still authentic.  Its artistic soul is preserved by various objects that remain from the time when people lived at the estate and from the Soviet era.  Alongside the estate are a few fragments of a park, which covers approximately 2 ha.  There is an ancient alley of linden trees that are on both sides of the entrance road, as well as several other valuable types of trees and a small pond.

Active season months1-12 Pre-order required Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

The Bistrampolio Estate park

This is a lovely park and a reconstructed estate from the mid-19th century, located 14 km away from Panevežys in northern Lithuania.  The estate was established during the latter half of the 19th century, and during the 20th century, various buildings were erected, including a two-story mansion with two floors (mid-19th century), stables, cellars, a gardener hut and ancillary buildings.  The mixed-type park with ponds was installed in during the latter half of the 19th century.  There was a large pergola on a hillock in the park, and it was alongside the gardener's hut.  The silhouette of the park is enlivened by newly pave pathways and little bridges that link the ponds.

Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Optional meals Accommodation available This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups

Burg Panemunė

Gebaut in 1610, später umgebaut. Eins der hervorragenden Gebäuden Litauens der Renaissance. Eine Ausstellung der Kunstakademie Vilnius. Ein Aussichtsturm.

Distance from countries capital city173

Uue-Varbla Manor and Varbla Museum

The mansion of Uue-Varbla Manor houses the local history museum which presents local life from the early 20th C and history of Varbla municipality. There is a handicraft workshop in the museum, while old tools and machinery are exhibited in the granary. The mansion in early Classicist style from 1797 is an attraction in itself. Traditional handicraft fairs are held in the grounds in July every summer.

Distance from countries capital city149 Active season months5-10

Põhjaka Manor

The manor was established in the 19th C. Today its mansion houses a restaurant where chefs cook affordable and simple dishes from local produce following principles of Estonian cuisine. Menus are always displayed and daily updated on the website, motorists in transit and group bookings are equally welcome. 

Distance from countries capital city94 Active season months3-1


Pirmie dokumenti par Kokmuižu atrodami 1601. gada zemes revīzijas pierakstos. Tur sniegtā informācija vēsta, ka Kokmuiža pastāvējusi jau 1560. gadā. Taču 1880. gadā vācu muižnieks sākas celt kungu māju neobaroka stilā. 20. gs. sākumā tā tika izpostīta, bet 1937. gadā to pārveidoja par skolu.

Kokmuižā kādreiz atradusies alus darītava. Tas bija laika periodā no 17.- 20. gs. Tā bija viena no slavenākajām alusdarītavām visā Vidzemes guberņā.

Mūsdienās var izstaigāt muižu pats vai gida pavadībā. Var aplūkot kungu māju, staļļu ēkas, muižas pārvaldnieka namu, bibliotēku, ekspozīciju, abas klētis un alus darītavas pagrabu, kā arī sfērisko saules pulksteni.


Distance from countries capital city104 Active season months1-12

Matsalu muiza (Matsalu mõis)

Matsalu muiža pirmoreiz vēsturiskajos avotos ir minēta 1560. g., kad tā ietilpa Lihulas bīskapijas sastāvā. Tagad redzamās ēkas ir celtas laikā no 18. gs. otrās puses līdz 20. gs. sākumam. Pagājušā gadsimta sešdesmitajos gados te plānoja izveidot Matsalu rezervāta centru, taču „veiksmīgā loze” tika netālu esošajai Penijē muižai (sk. iepriekš). Mūsdienās muižas pils, citas ēkas un parks (tajā dīķis ar salu) atrodas kritiskā stāvoklī. Taču kā nozīmīgu vēstures liecinieku arī šo muižu var iekļaut apskatāmo objektu sarakstā. Muižas komplekss atrodas pa ceļam uz Kēmu (Keemu) putnu vērošanas torni.

Distance from countries capital city127

The Bauska Castle

One of the most important military and political elements of the Livonian Order, the Bauska Castle was built between 1443 and 1456 at the place where the Mūsa and Mēmele rivers flow together.  The castle had five towers and walls that were up to three metres thick.  Between 1580 and 1596, the forecastle was replaced with a residence for the duke of Courland, and its walls were finished with the sgrafito technique.  The castle suffered damage during wars in the 16th and 17th century, but it was always restored until 1706, when the Russian military blew it up during the Great Northern War.  Today the castle houses a museum, with a viewing platform in its south-eastern tower.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city66 Active season months1-12

Gutshof Audru

Das im 18. – 19. Jh entstandene Ensemble von Gutshofsgebäuden mit Museum Audru und Spiritusfabrik.

Distance from countries capital city134

The Vecpiebalga Estate

The estate is in the centre of Ineši, 5 km to the south of Vecpiebalga.  The estate dates back to the latter half of the 17th century, when an ornate castle for the noble Sheremetyev family was built here in the style of Classicism and on the banks of the little Orisāre River.  The castle was built down during the 1905  Revolution, but restored four years later.  Around the castle is a lovely landscape park.  The castle served as the prototype for the Slātava Estate in the famous novel “Age of the Surveyors” by the Kaudzīte brothers.  In 1992, the Piebalga Administrative District Museum was opened in the wine cellar of the castle, which is home to the Ineši Parish Council and a porcelain painting studio.  Organised tours of the estate and its surrounding area are available.

Distance from countries capital city133

Ruinen der Ordensburg Maasi

Der Stützpunkt des Livländischen Ordens. Der Bau der Burg war eine Strafe für Ortsbewohner. Die Burg wurde nach dem Befehl des Dänischen Königs Frederik der II 1576 vernichtet.

Distance from countries capital city170

The Burbiske Estate

The Burbišķe Estate houses the Daugivene Culture and History Museum.  The 28 ha territory is environmentally protected.  The central part of the park has a pond that covers 3 ha and has 15 islands and 11 bridges, both large and small.  Since 2000, the estate has hosted a tulip festival with some 300 types of tulips.

Heritage gardens Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers

The Turaida Castle

Before the stone Turaida Castle was built beginning in 1214, there was a wooden castle there that had been built by the Livs.  The Turaida Castle was owned by the bishop of Rīga.  It remained in place until 1776, when it burned down.  The initial entrance to the castle's main tower was 9 m above ground, and in 1936, a viewing platform was installed at a height of 27 metres.  There is no other view in Latvia that is like the one from the Turaida Castle!  Restoration work at the castle began in 1953, when the upper level of the tower was restored and a roof was installed.  Also restored was the former granary, which was home to an exhibition about the Sigulda region, along with the semi-circular tower and the southern segment of the castle complex, complete with the full reconstruction of its historical interior.  Archaeological work was done around the castle between 1976 and 2001, and this led to the restoration of a large part of the complex.  The castle now contains a museum exhibition related to the historical events of the surrounding area.  The Turaida Castle is in the Turaida Museum Reserve (see above).

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city57

Zosna (Veczosna) Manor

Zosna (Veczosna) Manor. The building is surrounded by a small park near the bank of Lake Rāzna. There are 39 different species of trees and bushes. It was built in 1870 by the order of duke Goļicins. It is one of the rare truss buildings in Latgale.
Distance from countries capital city249

The Aizkraukle castle ruins

Found on the right bank of the Daugava where the little Karikste river flows into the Daugava, all that remains of the castle today is a set of ruined walls and foundations.  The castle was built by the Livonian Order in 1224, and it was inhabited until the mid-17th century, when it was sacked during the Polish-Swedish war.  The ruins offer a good view of the local gravel road that goes along the right bank of the river valley.


Distance from countries capital city83

The Jelgava Castle

The Jelgava Castle stands between the Lielupe and Driksa rivers. The Baroque castle was designed by the well known Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, and this was the most important piece of early work that he did. The Latvian Agriculture University is housed in the castle today. A museum was established in 1968. +371-6300-5617. The socle story of the south-eastern wing has the graves of rulers from the Duchy of Courland – members of the Kettler and Byron dynasties, which ruled from 1569 to 1791. There are 18 restored sarcophagi here.

Distance from countries capital city44

Vilce manor

The manor’s castle was built in the middle of the 18th century (belonging to the noble kin of baron Medem) as a huntsmen castle. Later, in the 19th century, it was rebuilt by adding a second floor. The kitchen was situated in the vaulted basements of the castle and when the food was ready, it was brought upstairs in the elevator. The gantry entrance of the castle (late baroque) and marble buttons above it picturing the coat of amrs of the union of Medem and Keizerling noble kins, is one of the most valuable example of arts monuments of the 18th century. To this day there are various  outhouses preserved- a  threshing barn, a granary and a smithy, as well as the park. In front of the castle one can see a magnificent oak, which was supposedly planted by K.Ulmanis. From 1837 the manor’s castle has also served as a place for Vilce primary school. 

Distance from countries capital city78 Must register in advance

The Rezekne castle hill

The Rēzekne castle hill is an impressive hillock (15 m) on the right bank of the Rēzekne River. From the 9th to the 12th century, there was a Lettigalian castle here. In 1285, the Livonian Order began to build a two-story stone castle on the site, and its ruins have survived to this very day. Alongside the castle hill is the Eastern Latvian Creative Service Centre - „Zeimuļs”, along with a tourism information centre.

Distance from countries capital city240

Rikavas Manor

Rikavas Manor is the local architectural monument that belonged to Janovski family. Michael Riks bought the building in the second half of the 18th century. The construction works of the manor house lasted from 1870 till 1875. The redbrick building is an example of Neo Gothic style. Since 1926 there was established a school. You should see the beautiful interior and wooden stairs as well as school’s workshop

Kuressaare Castle

The stronghold dates back to the 13th C, exhibitions in its cellars present wildlife and history of the island. Workshops (smithy, glass, ceramics, stone) run from May to August for visitors to admire or participate in. The archery range nearby adds to the excitement and there you can also mint coins.
Mihkli Farm Museum (+372 454 6613, is a museum branch in Viki village in western Saaremaa with lots to tell and see about heritage, culture and architecture.

Distance from countries capital city219 Active season months1-12

The Cesvaine Castle

The Cesvaine Castle is one of Latvia’s most beautiful castles. Built in the style of Eclecticism, it is said to have been presented by its owner, Adolf von Wulff, to his wife. The castle was built between 1893 and 1896. On the banks of the Sūla River alongside the castle is the Cesvaine Park, including the afforested Cesvaine castle hill.

The Cesvaine castle roof reconstruction is complete! Visitors may tour the castle accompanied by a Cesvaine Tourism Centre guide. Restoration of the castle interior will ccontinue throughout 2020. Periodic closure of the castle can be expected. Please phone in advance to arrange a visit T. +371 26172637. For more information visit

Distance from countries capital city182

„Zalmuiza” (Green Manor)

„Zaļmuiža” (Green Manor) is notable because of its legendary past. The protector of peasants and poet Peter Miglinīks (1850 – 1883) worked there as a clerk in the beginning of the 19th century. In 1784, the building belonged to Frederick von Korf. The manor was bought by officer of Russian army Nikolaj Paulin von Rosenschild. Once the manor had a large farm (800 ha): several cattle-sheds, fruit and wine cellars, alcohol brewery. Now there in only a manor house and a barn. Till 1960s, the manor house was the centre of kolkhoz „Liesma”, later the club. Now there is a smithy of a craftsman Jānis Ļubka. Guests are welcome to watch and try the metal processing.

Nauksenu Cilvekmuzejs

The Naukšēni People’s Museum, where we tell intelligent people about those who were born at the NAUKŠĒNI DISCO, arrived here and stayed here.  We’ll look at how they talk, sing, think and love.

Distance from countries capital city157 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Lielvardes viduslaiku pilsdrupas

Atrodas Lielvārdes parkā pie Rumbiņas ietekas Daugavā. Līdzīgi kā citur, arī šeit 13. gs. pirmajā pusē bīskapa pili cēla nodedzinātās lībiešu koka pils vietā. Mūra pili nopostīja Livonijas kara laikā - 1577. g. Tikai 1987. g. notika drupu konservācija. Lielvārdes parka veidošanu uzsāka 19. gs. beigās Lielvārdes muižas barona Artura fon Vulfa vadībā. Sagaidot eposa „Lāčplēsis” simtgadi tajā izvietoja sešpadsmit no ozolkoka veidotas skulptūras (t.s. Skulptūru dārzs) (autori V. Ansavs, P. Mellis, Ē. Delpers, A. Dauvarte). Aiz pilsdrupām Daugavas krastā ir stāva krauja ar dolomīta iežuatsegumu. Līdz HES ūdenskrātuvei var nokļūt pa kāpnēm. Lielvārdes muižas pils līdz mūsdienām nav saglabājusies.

Distance from countries capital city56

Helme Order Castle and caves

Ruins of a Livonian Order castle tower atop a steep hill alongside the Pärnu-Valga highway in Helme. The castle changed hands from Germans to Russians and Lithuanians to Swedes who eventually destroyed it in 1658. The spring at the foot of the hill is believed to cure seven diseases.
North from the ruins are Helme caves which local people have also called the Hell. The village also has a local history museum.

Distance from countries capital city206 Active season months1-12

Palmse Manor

Palmse Manor is known to be considered as one of the most beautiful manors in Estonia. The manor has been mentioned first in 1510 as a property of women's monastery. In later centuries it belonged to Palenu family. Manor was built in 1697 but it was made the way we see it nowadays in 18th century. It has been renovated one more time in 1970-1980's. Around the building is a big and scenic park with several ponds. Inside the manor you can become familiar with its interior and visit the basement as well as buy Estonian wine.

Distance from countries capital city82


This estate is an unexpected surprise in this place and date.  Work on the castle began in themed-18th century, and it was rebuilt one century later.  During the first half of the 20th century the castle hosted an elementary school, and during the Soviet occupation it was an apartment building.  Today the castle has been reborn in terms of form and content in the direct and indirect sense.  The Mountain Holiness Community works here.  During the summer, there are children's camps and other events.  The old stairs, window shutters and brass door hinges are all original.  A church is being built on the site.  The Renaissance-style garden can be visited.  Contact the estate in advance for a tour of the interior of the castle an church in the company of local residents who will tell you all about the history of the estate and its garden.  300 m to the south-west of the estate is the Brukna Castle Hill, which is hard to see in situ and even harder to access. 

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city72 Active season months6-11 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Place for tents

The Ance Estate

The Ance Estate was built for Ulrich Johann von Behr by his father as a gift.  The estate was once surrounded by an ornate French garden.  Beginning in 1766, the building was rebuilt and ornately decorated.  Around 1810, French soldiers occupied the mansion and caused much damage to it.  For that reason, the second floor was torn down a bit later, and extensive renovations were conducted to adapt the estate into apartments for the manager and his civil servants.  In 1920, the estate was taken over by the state.  

The lady of the house will teach visitors to bake carrot buns and talk about the history of the pastry. The workshop of a craftsmanship group offers a look at the work of craftsmen and a chance to try the crafts yourself.

Agri Heritage Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Drustu muiza

Krogus un Brengūža ezeru un Drustu parka ieskāvumā samērā plašā teritorijā „izmētātas” Drustu muižas ēkas. Muižas kungu māja celta 1787. g. Līdz mūsdienām dažādā stāvoklī ir saglabājusies pārvaldnieka māja (19. gs.), klēts (ar kolonnām), krejotava, brūzis, smēde, magazīna, sķūņi u.c. ēkas. Muižas Kavalieru namā ierīkots viesu nams. Interesanti, kāda izskatītos Latvijas lauku ainava, ja tajā šodien nebūtu saglabājušās muižu kompleksi, kas tiek izmantoti vēl joprojām?

Distance from countries capital city121

Mooste Manor

Mooste Manor is located on the Mooste lakeshore. The attractive mansion is complemented by a large number of outbuildings in Historicist style, and a landscaped park in English style. The mansion houses the local school, the woodwork shop has become a guesthouse, the stable of workhorses is home to restorers, the manager´s house is the Centre for Art and Social Practice while the cattle shed is a concert hall today.

Distance from countries capital city228 Active season months1-12

Selu muizas komplekss

Sēļu muiža, par kuru pirmās ziņas saistāmas ar 1561. gadu, ar seno ēku kompleksu un ainavu parku mūsdienās vēl joprojām darbojas kā pagasta administratīvais un kultūras centrs, kur tiek organizēti arī atpūtas un saviesīgi pasākumi. Neskatoties uz to, ka muiža vairākkārt ir tikusi pārbūvēta, tās senatnīgums ir vēl saglabājies. 

Sēļu pagasta Tautas nams piedāvā bezmaksas ekskursijas Sēļu muižas kompleksā un divas meistardarbnīcas: ādas apstrādes meistardarbnīca pie Benitas Audzes un kokapstrāde un galdniecība pie Uģa Vītiņa.


Herrenhaus von Ozolmuiza

Gebaut am Ende des 18. Jh. im Stil des Frühklassizismus als der Besitz der Grafen von Mellin. Saaldekorationen vom künstlerischen Wert von K. V. Kalopka (1792) und Öfen (Ende des 19. Jh.). Ein Park.

Distance from countries capital city120

The Pilkalne Estate

The Pilkalne Estate is in a remote location on the border of Latvia and Lithuania, 5 km to the Southwest of Nereta. Lovers of history certain must visit this estate. Why? One reason is that the grain kiln of the estate, which is gradually being restored, and the grain drying stove, a few wooden parts of which have been preserved, are unique in Latvia. The stable and servants’ home have also survived and are populated today. The buildings were built in the 18th century. The owner can tell you stories about interesting aspects of this location’s history.

Distance from countries capital city125 Active season months1-12

The castle of the Plater dynasty

There are several buildings from the estate that survive to the present day and were built by the Plater dynasty of noblemen.  The old mansion that is on the side of the Count Plater Street was built in 1759 on the banks of the Jāņupīte River.  The Baroque building was designed by an architect from Venice, Antonio Parazzo.  Later the mansion was rebuilt, and after a new castle was erected, the Plater family spent its summers on the first floor of the old building.  The second and third floors had a library with some 20,000 books.  The noblemen managed to move most of the contents of the library to safer locations during World War I, when the library as such was destroyed.  Work on the new castle of the Krāslava Estate (on the upper part of the Daugava River Valley) began in 1756 (architect Domenico Parazzo).  Initially it was in the Baroque style, but reconstruction at the turn of the 18th century involved Classicism.  Unique Rococo wall paintings with views of Rome have been discovered in the building.  These were based on samples from castles in Poland and were painted during the 1760s and 1770.  A high school used the new castle until the 1970s.  Then the building was abandoned and gradually turned into a ruin.  More recently there has been major renovation of the castle’s façade, and it now has a good appearance.  Surrounding the structure is a romantic landscape park that dates back to the mid-18th century.  It is on the hillocks of the Daugava River Valley and the valleys that cross it.  An artificial grotto has been restored, and a statue of a lion stands guard over the site.  The stairway has been placed in its historical location, and the park features pathways and a yard.

Distance from countries capital city264

Dzerbenes muiza

Atrodas 0,9 km ziemeļrietumos no Dzērbenes centra. Tagadējais muižas komplekss veidojies 14. gs. celtās un 1577. g. nopostītās mūra pils vietā. Muižas pils (18. gs. beigas, klasicisma stils) savā pastāvēšanas laikā piedzīvojusi vairākkārtīgu nopostīšanu (1905. g., Pirmajā pasaules karā) un tai sekojošu atjaunotni. 19. gs. beigās tai tapa piebūve – iespaidīgs četrstūru neogotikas stila tornis. Laikā no 1927. - 1975. g. pilī darbojās lauksaimniecības skola, tagad - Dzērbenes pagasta pārvalde, Tautas nams un mūzikas skola. Pili ieskauj parks ar septiņu dīķu kaskādi. No kādreiz iespaidīgā laukakmeņu žoga saglabājušies vien pils vārtu stabi. Dažādā stāvoklī (arī avārijas) atrodas citas muižas ēkas. 2010. gadā tika veikta pils iekštelpu un ārējās fasādes restaurācija. Iepriekš piesakoties, tiek piedāvāta gida vadīta ekskursija un piedzīvojums muižā iekārtotajā spoku kambarī.

Distance from countries capital city115