No Name Description

The Bīriņi palace was built in 1857-1860 as a family property of Counts von Pistolkors. The palace was designed by Riga architect F. W. Hess. Information can be found that in those times it was the most luxurious and modern historicism building in Vidzeme. The ensemble of the Bīriņi palace includes a wide park and forest of the19th century with plantings of alien species, an artificial lake Bīriņi, a family vault built in 1814 with a tomb monument to Counts von Mellin (aproximately in 1835), a watermill, manager's house, stables, etc. Obelisks to A. And N von Pistolkors are erected near the palace. Until today, there have been preserved valuable indoor decorative finishes of the second half of the 19th century. The Birini palace was rebuilt in the start of the 20th century after the project of Architect R. H. Zirkwitz. From 1926 to 1995, a sanatorium functioned there. Today, the palace complex is used for various events, there is located a hotel, restaurant and museum.


The Jelgava Castle stands between the Lielupe and Driksa rivers. The Baroque castle was designed by the well known Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, and this was the most important piece of early work that he did. The Latvian Agriculture University is housed in the castle today. A museum was established in 1968. +371-6300-5617. The socle story of the south-eastern wing has the graves of rulers from the Duchy of Courland – members of the Kettler and Byron dynasties, which ruled from 1569 to 1791. There are 18 restored sarcophagi here.


Gebaut am Ende des 18. Jh. im Stil des Frühklassizismus als der Besitz der Grafen von Mellin. Saaldekorationen vom künstlerischen Wert von K. V. Kalopka (1792) und Öfen (Ende des 19. Jh.). Ein Park.


Kīdevas muiža rakstos ir minēta 1614. g., taču pašreiz redzamā divstāvu kungu māja, ir celta 19. gs. beigās. Ēkas sienas ir klātas ar koka šķindeļiem, kas viens otru pārklāj kā zivs zvīņas. Šāds kungu mājas sienu pārklājums Igaunijas mērogā ir unikāls. Laikā no 1919. – 1951. g. tajā atradās skola. Blakus muižai atrodas neliels parks. Diemžēl turpat pusgadsimtu ilgās pamestības rezultātā ēkas atrodas ļoti kritiskā stāvoklī. Tas ir arī pietiekams apmeklējuma iemesls.


Pussalas pils pirmsākumi ir meklējami 14. gs. Tajā laikā minētā pils bija viena no lielākajām šāda tipa aizsardzības pilīm. Pēc Traķu un Viļņas ieņemšanas 1382. g. pils kļuva par Ķēstutu (Kęstutis) - Lietuvas dižkunigaišu dzimtas dzīves un valdīšanas vietu. 1655. g. Polijas – Lietuvas lielvalsts un Krievijas kara laikā pili nopostīja. Līdz mūsdienām no iespaidīgās celtnes (aizņēma 4 ha platību) saglabājušās tikai no laukakmeņiem celtā aizsargmūra un torņu paliekas. Tās iekšpagalmā ir apskatāma efektīvā viduslaiku ieroča – katapultas atdarinājums.


The estate owned by the dynasty of Baron Osten-Zaken was rebuilt in 1856 and 1857, because the old estate was sacked during the Crimean War (1853-1856).  At the beginning of the war, British warships bombarded Latvia's shoreline and ships with the purpose of scaring the Russian tsar.  Some of the gunfire hit Kolka, which was part of the Russian Empire at that time.  After the estate was destroyed, the so-called White House was built there with a series of ancillary buildings.  A mantel chimney was installed on the second floor, and it was used to smoke wild game (the chimney is still there).  The estate belonged to the aristocrats until 1919, when its last owner, Christian von Osten-Zaken, was shot in Tukums.  An elementary school, known as the Kolka School, was installed in the White House in 1929.  It remained open until 1961, when a new school was built.  Crafts lessons were offered at the building until 1989, at which time it was known as the Old School or the Small School.  In 1991, the Old School was taken over by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia, and it has been used for summer internships for students ever since 1994.


The palace was built as the summer residence of the duke of Courland, Ernst Johan Byron, and it was designed by the outstanding Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. The construction of the palace ensemble took place between 1736 and 1740. The decorative finishing of the interiors was carried out from 1765 to 1768 by the sculptor Johann Michael Graff and the painters Francesco Martini and Carlo Zucchi. The significance of the palace lies in its authenticity as it has not been modified through rebuilding since then. Intensive restoration works started in 1972 when the Rundāle Palace museum was established. The restoration was completed in 2018.


Before the stone Turaida Castle was built beginning in 1214, there was a wooden castle there that had been built by the Livs.  The Turaida Castle was owned by the bishop of Rīga.  It remained in place until 1776, when it burned down.  The initial entrance to the castle's main tower was 9 m above ground, and in 1936, a viewing platform was installed at a height of 27 metres.  There is no other view in Latvia that is like the one from the Turaida Castle!  Restoration work at the castle began in 1953, when the upper level of the tower was restored and a roof was installed.  Also restored was the former granary, which was home to an exhibition about the Sigulda region, along with the semi-circular tower and the southern segment of the castle complex, complete with the full reconstruction of its historical interior.  Archaeological work was done around the castle between 1976 and 2001, and this led to the restoration of a large part of the complex.  The castle now contains a museum exhibition related to the historical events of the surrounding area.  The Turaida Castle is in the Turaida Museum Reserve (see above).


Виргская господская усадьба как лен была передана вассалу Ливонского ордена Конраду Нолду. До наших дней сохранился дворец господской усадьбы «Виргас», в котором с 1935 года до наших дней разместилась школа. Во дворце находятся три двери, украшенные красивой резьбой по дереву, с гербами рода Нолдов и портреты баронов. В бывшей клети господской усадьбы в 1983 г. обустроен Дом традиций - теперь Дом культуры. Господскую усадьбу окружает парк, в котором находится место могилы барона Нолда и баронессы с памятником. В центре Вирги установлен сапог Карла XII с двумя направленными друг от друга пушками и ядрами, которые вещают о временах Северной войны, когда в Вирге в 1701 г. был лагерь шведского войска.


Muiža vēsturiskajos avotos ir minēta jau 1560. gadā. Tagad redzamā kungu māja ir celta no akmens 1805. g. Padomju laikos tajā atradās Matsalu rezervāta administrācija, bet mūsdienās ēkā ir izveidota viesnīca. Līdz muižai nokļūstam pa skaistu aleju, kuras apkaimē ir redzamas citas muižas kompleksa ēkas.


The Trakai Island Castle is the only East Europe's castle which is built on a little island. The process of building this castle started in 14th century. After its fall on 1410 during a war it lost its meaning as a military base and became a living place for ruler of Lithuania. Trakai Castle is one of the most popular objects in Lithuania for tourists. Inside the castle is a museum which tells about Trakai history. 



The castle was built during the first half of the 19th century in Tudor Neo-Gothic forms.  The first owner of the castle was Baron Johann Gottlieb von Wolff.  During the 1870s and 1880s it was rebuilt in the style of French Neo-Renaissance.  The castle was burned down during the 1905 Revolution, but it was restored with certain elements of Art Nouveau forms.  Tours are available of the interior of the building.


The Castle was built beside the Põltsamaa River in the 13th C and became the residence of Duke Magnus, King of Livonia in the 16th C. In the castle yard you find the tourist information centre, local history museum, wine cellar, Estonian Press Museum, art gallery, ceramic and handicraft workshop.
Põltsamaa has a fabulous Rose Garden, where tours can be booked to learn more about roses, legends and history of rose growing.

„Zaļmuiža” (Green Manor) is notable because of its legendary past. The protector of peasants and poet Peter Miglinīks (1850 – 1883) worked there as a clerk in the beginning of the 19th century. In 1784, the building belonged to Frederick von Korf. The manor was bought by officer of Russian army Nikolaj Paulin von Rosenschild. Once the manor had a large farm (800 ha): several cattle-sheds, fruit and wine cellars, alcohol brewery. Now there in only a manor house and a barn. Till 1960s, the manor house was the centre of kolkhoz „Liesma”, later the club. Now there is a smithy of a craftsman Jānis Ļubka. Guests are welcome to watch and try the metal processing.

The Buse (Matkule) castle hill is next to the Imula River.  The hill and the opposite bank of the river offer one of the loveliest views of small rivers in Kurzeme.  They are best seen during the season when trees are bare so that leaves do not cover up the landscapes.  There are trails for pedestrians in the area.


Pirmie dokumenti par Kokmuižu atrodami 1601. gada zemes revīzijas pierakstos. Tur sniegtā informācija vēsta, ka Kokmuiža pastāvējusi jau 1560. gadā. Taču 1880. gadā vācu muižnieks sākas celt kungu māju neobaroka stilā. 20. gs. sākumā tā tika izpostīta, bet 1937. gadā to pārveidoja par skolu.

Kokmuižā kādreiz atradusies alus darītava. Tas bija laika periodā no 17.- 20. gs. Tā bija viena no slavenākajām alusdarītavām visā Vidzemes guberņā.

Mūsdienās var izstaigāt muižu pats vai gida pavadībā. Var aplūkot kungu māju, staļļu ēkas, muižas pārvaldnieka namu, bibliotēku, ekspozīciju, abas klētis un alus darītavas pagrabu, kā arī sfērisko saules pulksteni.



Atrodas Gatartas centrā uz reljefa virsmas paaugstinājuma. Muižas pili cēla laikā no 1823. - 1824. g. (fasāde - klasicisma stilā). Tās ieeju vēl pavisam nesen rotāja divi (postīti) lauvu tēli. Par muižas kompleksa varenību liecina vēl 20 citas ēkas (dažādā stāvoklī, g.k. – sliktā!) – ļoti iespaidīgs ledus pagrabs, dārznieka un kalēja māja, klēts, magazīna, alus brūzis, Kundziņkrogs, kas atrodas plašākā teritorijā. Daļēji saglabājies 19. gs. veidotais parks. Drustu muižas īpašnieks – vācbaltietis un pētnieks Ludvigs Kārlis Augusts fon Hāgemeisters (1780. – 1833) 1806. g. organizēja un vadīja Krievijas ekspedīciju uz Aļasku. Šobrīd muižas pils ir privātīpašums un apskatāma no ārpuses.

Muižas ansamblis veidots 19.gadsimtā, tās arhitektūrā atspoguļojās vairāku eklektisma formāli stilistisku virzienu uzslāņojumi, taču dominējošais bija baroka stils. Tā bija grāfa Kazimira Plātera-Zīberga (1808-1876), vēlāk grāfa Fēliksa Konstantina Plātera-Zīberga (1847-1928) rezidence. Pils un daļa saimniecības ēku tika iznīcinātas pirmā pasaules kara laikā, krievu armijas lielkalibra artilērijas apšaudes gaitā. Pārpalikušās drupas laika gaitā tika nojauktas. Līdz mūsdienām saglabājušies vārtu stabi, kas ir apmierinošā tehniskā stāvoklī. Muižā bijusi arī grāfa Zīberga 1697. gadā celta mūra kapela ar altāri un skaistām gleznām. Dievkalpojumus esot noturējis Ilūkstes prāvests. Bijušie īpašnieki: 18. gadsimtā barons A. Plāters-Zībergs, Kazimirs Plāters-Zībergs (1808-1876).

The mansion of Uue-Varbla Manor houses the local history museum which presents local life from the early 20th C and history of Varbla municipality. There is a handicraft workshop in the museum, while old tools and machinery are exhibited in the granary. The mansion in early Classicist style from 1797 is an attraction in itself. Traditional handicraft fairs are held in the grounds in July every summer.


Muižas dzīvojamā ēka līdz mūsdienām nav saglabājusies. Šodien Dvietes muižas parkā ir apskatāmas muižas pārvaldnieka māja un trīs mūra saimniecības ēkas. 19. gs. veidots ainavu parks ar laukakmeņu mūrējuma tiltu. Parkā atrodas Dvietes muižas ēkas.