No Name Description

Plateļu dienviddaļā plešas sakoptais Plateļu muižas (muižas vēsture ir zināma, no 16. gs.) parks, kura centrā aug Raganu osis – dižkoks 7,2 m apkārtmērā. Parkā un tā tuvākajā apkārtnē ir redzamas muižas saimniecības ēkas. Vienā no tām – atjaunotajā zirgu stallī ir izveidots muzejs, kurā var apskatīt unikālas 250 vietējo meistaru darinātās maskas. Pašreiz šī ir lielākā šāda veida masku kolekcija Baltijas valstīs. Plateļu ezerā ir atrastas trīs no ozolkoka taisītas vienkoča laivas. Viena no tām (darināta 16. gs.) atrodas Lietuvas Jūras muzejā. Otra (15. gs.) ir apskatāma atjaunotajā Plateļu muižas graudu glabātavas pagrabā (Didžioji gatve 22), jo šobrīd tiek restaurēta. Trešā laiva arī izlikta apskatei kā muzeja eksponāts.


Found along Liepājas Street, which is the old road from Livonia to Prussia, the ruins are a symbol of Aizpute and are depicted on its herald and its flag.  Work on the castle began around 1248 and was done during the role of Dietrich von Grenningen, master of the Livonian Order.  It was a castella-type stone castle with a tower at one corner and wooden buildings in the courtyard.  The bishopric of Kurzeme was in Aizpute during the Middle Ages.  The castle was abandoned after the Livonian War in the latter half of the 16th century, but it was restored in the early 17th century, with annexes being added to it.  Part of the castle had residential flats until the 1970s.  The ruins have been preserved to a certain extent, but it is dangerous to clamber upon them, so that is forbidden.  Aizpute is one of the oldest towns in Latvia, with written information about it dating back to 1378.  100 m to the East of the ruins is a stone bridge, which is one of the newest bridges in Latvia.  The stone railings were presented by Baron Karl von Manteufel, and the bridge was installed in 1907.  The granite plaque on the railing on the north end of the bridge has the herald of the Manteufel dynasty, though it is hard to see.




This is one of the most expressive estates built in the style of Romanticism.  Dating back to the 19th century, it is on a peninsula in Astravo, which can easily be reached from Biržu along the longest wooden bridge in Lithuania, crossing Lake Širvenos.  Covering 18 ha, the mixed-plan park was installed from 1851 until 1862.  Local fir trees, linden trees and pine trees grow in the park.


Atrodas stāvā Tebras (Dzirnavdīķa) ziemeļu krasta augšdaļā (Skolas ielā 1). Ēka celta 19. – 20. gs. mijā kā Aizputes muižas jaunā kungu māja. Tajā atrodas Aizputes novadpētniecības muzejs (no 1999. g.) un Aizputes TIC. Ekspozīcija par Aizputes pilsētas un apkārtnes vēsturi tiek pasniegts saistošā veidā, ļaujot apmeklētājiem iejusties vairāku gadu desmitu seno notikumu atmosfērā.


Atrodas Taurenē, Gaujas labajā krastā. Muižas apbūve, kurā ietilpst pils (19. gs. 80. gadi, arhitekts – R. G. Šmēlings, historisma un neoklasicisma stils), senie alus pagrabi, klēts, vecā pils un parks, veidojies 19. - 20. gs. Šobrīd muižas pilī atrodas Taurenes pagasta pārvalde un kultūras nams. Muižas kompleksā ietilpst ēka, kurā atrodas Vecpiebalgas novada tūrisma informācijas punkts un Taurenes novadpētniecības ekspozīcija (senajā ledus pagrabā). Parkā (ziemeļos no pils) uzmeklējams piemiņas akmens, kas veltīts komunistiskā terora upuriem. Pie Nēķena muižas sākās 0,4 km garā Cieres dabas taka, kas iepazīstina ar Gaujas krastu mitrājiem.


Die älteste (16 Jh.) der drei Burge am Fluss Nemunas. Renoviert nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. Heutzutage – eine Schule. Ein Park. Blick vom Burgturm.


The manor was established in the 19th C. Today its mansion houses a restaurant where chefs cook affordable and simple dishes from local produce following principles of Estonian cuisine. Menus are always displayed and daily updated on the website, motorists in transit and group bookings are equally welcome. 


Gebaut am Ende des 18. Jh. im Stil des Frühklassizismus als der Besitz der Grafen von Mellin. Saaldekorationen vom künstlerischen Wert von K. V. Kalopka (1792) und Öfen (Ende des 19. Jh.). Ein Park.


Ruins of a Livonian Order castle tower atop a steep hill alongside the Pärnu-Valga highway in Helme. The castle changed hands from Germans to Russians and Lithuanians to Swedes who eventually destroyed it in 1658. The spring at the foot of the hill is believed to cure seven diseases.
North from the ruins are Helme caves which local people have also called the Hell. The village also has a local history museum.


The Trakai Island Castle is the only East Europe's castle which is built on a little island. The process of building this castle started in 14th century. After its fall on 1410 during a war it lost its meaning as a military base and became a living place for ruler of Lithuania. Trakai Castle is one of the most popular objects in Lithuania for tourists. Inside the castle is a museum which tells about Trakai history. 



The Ance Estate was built for Ulrich Johann von Behr by his father as a gift.  The estate was once surrounded by an ornate French garden.  Beginning in 1766, the building was rebuilt and ornately decorated.  Around 1810, French soldiers occupied the mansion and caused much damage to it.  For that reason, the second floor was torn down a bit later, and extensive renovations were conducted to adapt the estate into apartments for the manager and his civil servants.  In 1920, the estate was taken over by the state.  

The lady of the house will teach visitors to bake carrot buns and talk about the history of the pastry. The workshop of a craftsmanship group offers a look at the work of craftsmen and a chance to try the crafts yourself.


The historical centre of the Tāšu Estate is in the Ālande (Telse) River Valley near Lake Tāši.  The current estate was built by the von Korff dynasty, and the mansion dates back to 1734.  Inside there are valuable Baroque fireplaces, the main entrance portal made of sandstone from Gotland, the original stone floor in the hall, parquet and wall panels.  The front door, windows, stairs and other details were installed in the early 19th century

„Zaļmuiža” (Green Manor) is notable because of its legendary past. The protector of peasants and poet Peter Miglinīks (1850 – 1883) worked there as a clerk in the beginning of the 19th century. In 1784, the building belonged to Frederick von Korf. The manor was bought by officer of Russian army Nikolaj Paulin von Rosenschild. Once the manor had a large farm (800 ha): several cattle-sheds, fruit and wine cellars, alcohol brewery. Now there in only a manor house and a barn. Till 1960s, the manor house was the centre of kolkhoz „Liesma”, later the club. Now there is a smithy of a craftsman Jānis Ļubka. Guests are welcome to watch and try the metal processing.

Sēļu muiža, par kuru pirmās ziņas saistāmas ar 1561. gadu, ar seno ēku kompleksu un ainavu parku mūsdienās vēl joprojām darbojas kā pagasta administratīvais un kultūras centrs, kur tiek organizēti arī atpūtas un saviesīgi pasākumi. Neskatoties uz to, ka muiža vairākkārt ir tikusi pārbūvēta, tās senatnīgums ir vēl saglabājies. 

Sēļu pagasta Tautas nams piedāvā bezmaksas ekskursijas Sēļu muižas kompleksā un divas meistardarbnīcas: ādas apstrādes meistardarbnīca pie Benitas Audzes un kokapstrāde un galdniecība pie Uģa Vītiņa.


Dabiskā zemesragā starp Lielo un Mazo Ludzas ezeru 14. gs. beigās slejās seno latgaļu koka pils, kuras vietā Livonijas ordenis uzcēla Latgales varenāko mūra pili. Tā bija iespaidīga trīsstāvu celtne kvadrāta formā ar sešiem torņiem, trīs vārtiem un divām priekšpilīm. Pēc krievu iebrukuma Latgalē 1481. g., Ludzas pili atjaunoja 1525. g. 1654. g. to atkal izposta Krievijas cara Alekseja Mihailoviča karaspēks. Jau 18. gs. no pils bija palikušas tikai drupas, kas arī mūsdienās ir ļoti iespaidīgas un ainaviskas (ar skatu uz Lielo Ludzas ezeru un baznīcu torņiem).


Meklējama Skaistkalnes dienviddaļā, Mēmeles labajā krastā, Skolas ielā 5. Vietvārds Šēnberga tulkojums no vācu valodas nozīmē „Skaistais kalns”. No sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem celtā divstāvu muižas pils (historisma stils) tapusi ap 1894. g. (arhitekts Pauls Makss Berči). Ēkā ir saglabājušies dekoratīvās apdares elementi un iespaidīgs kamīns (vienīgais tāds Latvijā), uz kura atainota dzimtbūšanas atcelšanu Latvijā. Kamīnzālē atrodas pirms četriem gadiem atjaunotais griestu plafons. Muižas pilī atrodas Skaistkalnes vidusskola. Muižu ietver parks, kurā atrodas citas ar muižu saistītās ēkas.


Pussalas pils pirmsākumi ir meklējami 14. gs. Tajā laikā minētā pils bija viena no lielākajām šāda tipa aizsardzības pilīm. Pēc Traķu un Viļņas ieņemšanas 1382. g. pils kļuva par Ķēstutu (Kęstutis) - Lietuvas dižkunigaišu dzimtas dzīves un valdīšanas vietu. 1655. g. Polijas – Lietuvas lielvalsts un Krievijas kara laikā pili nopostīja. Līdz mūsdienām no iespaidīgās celtnes (aizņēma 4 ha platību) saglabājušās tikai no laukakmeņiem celtā aizsargmūra un torņu paliekas. Tās iekšpagalmā ir apskatāma efektīvā viduslaiku ieroča – katapultas atdarinājums.


Muiža rakstos pirmoreiz minēta 17. gs. sākumā, taču klasicisma stilā celtās pils veidols tapis 1835. gadā. Penijē muižas būtisks likteņa pavērsiens (atšķirībā no daudzām citām muižām) bija apstāklis, ka tajā izveidoja Matsalu rezervāta (pirms nacionālā parka izveides) apmeklētāju centru. 2000. gadā muižas pili restaurēja un tajā ierīkoja nelielu ekspozīciju. Apmeklētāju centrs te pastāv joprojām, tādēļ šeit var iegūt nepieciešamo informāciju. No ārpuses var apskatīt arī citas muižas saimniecības ēkas.


This beautiful castle (1797-1802) is seen as the most brilliant example of Classicism in Latvian architecture.  It, like the Eleja Castle, was designed by the architect of the royal court in Russia, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Quarenghi and the architect Johann Georg Adam Berlitz.  The ornate interior was unique for Kurzeme at the time when the castle was built.  Empress Catherine II gifted the castle to Charlotte von Lieven (1742-1828) after Charlotte served as governess for the empress’ grandchildren.  An agricultural school operated in the building from 1921 until 1941, and it was very much damaged and pillaged during World War II.  Restoration began later, when the Mežotne experimental selection station was housed in it.  The lovely building houses a hotel and can be toured.  Around the castle, which is on the banks of the Lielupe River, there is one of the most beautiful English-type gardens in Latvia – perfect for a stroll.


A very impressive ensemble that is in terrible shape.  The estate dates back to the 18th and 19th century, with the castle being built in the early 19th century.  Half a century later it was rebuilt in the Neo-Gothic style with symmetrical towers and bricks in the cornices.  The estate belonged to the Manteufel-Stzege dynasty.  The vestibule, stairwell and second floor hall still have ornamental ceiling paintings, but visitors are not allowed to enter the building, so they cannot be seen.  Valuable interior design elements include a fireplace from the early 19th century that is decorated with marble elements.  After the expropriation of the castle in 1920 and until 1951, the building housed a forestry school and then an agricultural crafts school.  Opposite the castle was the stable of the state that was built in the style of Classicism with a pediment and mighty columns.  Built in the early 19th century, the stable is no longer used and can only be viewed from the outside.  A very much overgrown park surrounds the complex, and the hillock is the grave of one of the baron’s dogs.