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News from Baltic Country Holidays


We have arranged a new section on our website - wellness tourism.

There are leisure offers intended to provide you with feelings of emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Peace, quiet, open spaces, fresh air, pampering yourself, a healthy lifestyle, gentle exercise, beautiful surroundings, closeness to nature – all of these are skilfully merged to provide you with a sense of harmony, balance in your inner world, and to revitalise your energy. In Latvia, people has known for centuries how to use nature materials for their health and wellbeing. The knowledge about preparation of herbal teas, sauna switches, body masks and scrubs are inherited from generation to generation.

We have also developed wellness tourism brochure in Latvian and English. The brochure is available in our office and an electronic version here.

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On the morning of 3rd of September 2015 in Brussels, the European Conference “Transparency of CSR skills in European tourism” will create the opportunity to reflect on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the tourism sector, especially linked with the trainings, the qualification and competences of the professionals in Europe. 

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20. - 24.06.2015: Closed
25. - 27.06.2015: 09:00 - 17:00
28.06.2015: Closed

From the 15th-17th of February in Latvia - Riga was held a project partner meeting - "Baltic Sea Country Style and Baltic Culinary routes initiative". There were a project partners from 7 countries - Latvian, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Finland, Norway and Denmark.
This project aims are to ceate a common rural tourism conception and to create a common "Baltic Sea Culinary Route.

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Year 2015, Location: Croatia, Greece, Latvia and Poland.
12 educational institutions, seven national tourism associations, over 250 travel agencies, over 300 employees of travel agencies and more than 600 pupils and students to connect and move towards a common goal of sustainable tourism development in the EU. The project is implemented training programs and certificates acquired over 500 students, over 200 staff travel agencies and implementation processes društvano responsibility and Travelife certification is followed over 50 travel agencies in Croatia, Greece, Poland and Latvia.

Press Release

The main prize is a holiday voucher of  EUR 300 in the Baltic States. You could use your voucher buying any Baltic Country Holidays products found on our website

Eight participants will receive one of the vouchers for the stay or discounts at the Latvian manors, country hotels, spas or self-catering cottages. 

All winners will receive useful Baltic Country Holidays' tourism publications – guidebooks and maps.

The winner will be announced on the 11th of May, 2015 and published on our website, Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as informed by e-mail.
Fill in the questionnaire and participate in the lottery:

Our new cycling map includes 9 cycling routes, 240 tourism objects, how to travel to and around the Baltic States.
This cycling map contains brief descriptions of 9 cycling routes withing the three Baltic States as well as descriptions of 240 tourism objects found along the
cycling routes. There are also marked local cafes and pubs in the map, where we recommend to have a meal. Several routes or their separate sections can be combined
together. The Baltic landscape is gentle rolling hills.None of the featured routes are particularly difficult and most routes are suitable for beginners.

More detailed route descriptions are available at

Electronic version: English / German

This year Latvia is a partner country of “International Green Week” which takes place from 16-25th January, 2015 in Berlin. Latvia's stand is planned as a rural homestead with demonstrations of produce from gardens, meadows, the Baltic Sea as well as representation of rural tourism. Food tastings, demonstrations, and various activities will take place during the fair. Tourism of Latvia will be representing by Latvian Rural tourism association “Lauku celotajs” and Latvian National airline AirBaltic. 


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Just when the years are going to turn our Winter Newsletter is out. 

We wish to all of you successful 2015 and a lots of pleasure enjoying what the tourism can give us.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!


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Latvian culinary traditions have absorbed influences from both East and the West. The cuisine is distinctly seasonal with a strong emphasis on wild food. Spring brings birch juice, the Summer Solstice brings caraway seed cheese and beer. In Autumn, mushroom hunting and cranberry gathering becomes a national obsession while Winter is the time of smoked meat and fish, warming soups and bacon filled pīrāgi. For the simplest of snacks, just smear hemp butter and honey on a slice of rye bread!
Latvians are hospitable, and they will bring gifts when they come visiting and always give you one for the road when you’re leaving.

Culinary map of Latvia

Latvian Foods and Beverages