Activities on this tour are cycling, walking and canoeing.
If you enjoy an active lifestyle then this tour is the perfect way to enjoy the heritage hidden in the Gauja National Park, from several different perspectives. Cycling starts at Strenči and passses two local breweries at Brenguļi and Valmiermuiža with nice cafes and good beer. From Valmiera the route goes through beautiful forest to Cēsis with its charming medieval Old Town. Canoeing takes place from Cēsis to Līgatne, which is one of the nicest parts of the Gauja river with its sandstone banks, remote farmsteads and old fashioned water-powered ferry. Ligatne historic centre is connected with the development of its paper mill. Here you can also visit local wine and handicraft producers located in one of the artificial caves typical of the area. Walking the Ligatne Nature trails to see local wild animals in a forest setting. Cycling the surprisingly hilly, winding roads of Sigulda, you'll see Turaida and Sigulda medieval castles, Gutmana Cave and other picturesque views.