
Malerische Straßenabschnitte, Blick auf Hügel, Hügel, Flusstäler oder Küste.

Überblick Details

The Nelkes cliffs

The Neļķes cliffs are in Skaņākalns Park, and they offer the most beautiful view of the Salaka River valley, with its sandstone cliffs and peaceful river. There are good views from the “devil’s pulpit.” It’s worth visiting the Skaņamkalns Hill to check out the views from the famous echo cliff. This is part of the ZBR.
Naturparks Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Daugavas aizsargdambji Jekabpili

Daugavas aizsargdambju būvniecību Jēkabpilī uzsāka pēc 1981. gada lielajiem paliem, kad ūdens līmenis pārsniedza kritisko - 6,3 m atzīmi un pakāpās līdz rādījumam „8,7 metri”. Šo plūdu laikā puse pilsētas klāja Daugavas ūdeņi. 2011. gada vasarā notika plašāki dambja atjaunošanas un labiekārtošanas darbi. Pie tā uzstādīja laternas, soliņus, izveidoja pastaigu promenādi un piemiņas zīmi Daugavas kreisajā krastā, kas parāda maksimālo plūdu līmeni. Uz aizsargdambja Daugavas labajā krastā ir izvietoti informatīvie stendi, kur var uzzināt daudz interesantus faktus par pilsētas vēsturi. Dambji ir piemērota vieta, kur fotografēt vai gleznot pilsētas ainavas.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt137

Views of the Daugava River valley

At the Aizkraukle Lutheran church along the upper part of the shores of the ancient Daugava River valley, there is a bit of an old road from which one of the most beautiful views of the central section of the river can be seen, particularly when the trees are bare. Approximately one kilometre to the North-west is the Aizkraukle castle hill, which offers a no less impressive view.
Naturparks Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Ergli cliffs

The viewing area on the Ērgļi (Ērģeles) cliffs offers an impressive view of Latvia’s most monolith sandstone cliffs (up to 22 metres high) – this is the highest location in the Gauja River valley. Please be very careful and don’t go anywhere near the edge of the cliff!
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

A viewing area on Greili Hill

As you travel from Kandava to Sabile, you will find a parking lot on the right side of the road. From there, there are steps to a viewing area on the highest hill in the Abava Ancient River Valley – Greiļi Hill. This offers a wonderful view of the ancient river valley and the local mosaic of meadows and forests. The landscape is enriched by the Imula and Amula valleys that are on the other side of the ancient river valley.
Naturparks Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Views of Old Riga

The classical skyline of Old Rīga can be enjoyed from several locations – Mūkusalas Street, between the railroad bridge and the stone bridge, from the stone bridge, from the A-B dam, from the grounds of the central office of the Swedbank bank, from the Vanšu bridge, and from the Ballast Dam at Ķīpsala. You can hike or bike from location to location. During the summer, little ships cruise up and down the Daugava to offer different views.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Hügel Makonkalns

Von einem 60 m hohen Hügel eröffnet sich eine der schönsten lettgalischen Landschaften und ist der 2 km weit gelege Rāzna-See zu sehen. Die Ruinen der im 13 Jh. gebauten Burg.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt281 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Pusenu Hill

One of the highest dunes in Latvia, located between Bernāti and Jūrmalciems villages. It is 37m high and offers a magnificent view of the sea and natural pine forests. The highest dunes in Latvia stand to the South of Jūrmalciems village: the Pūsēnu hill, the Ķupu hill, the Mietragkalns or Tiesas hill, the Pāļu hill, the Garais hill, the Ātrais hill, the Lāvas hill. The Pūsēnu dune is the highest of these dunes which are all called hills by the local people. The Pūsēnu hill developed between 1785 to 1835 when shifting sand became extremely dangerous. Several homesteads were buried in sand, among them „Pūsēni”, where a forester’s family lived. The family is said to have moved to Bārta. The dune was named after the buried homestead.

Jēkabs Janševskis, a Latvian writer, wrote in his book „Nīca”: “In olden times, large pine trees were growing in the dunes on the coast of Nīca and they stood steady and firm. But i Swedish times (around 1650), the Swedes built a large kiln for charcoal and tar. Pine wood and stumps provided an excellent material for this. Once a big fire rose, and the charcoal kiln burned down as well as the whole pine forest. The remaining stumps and bare trunks in the vast burnout could not hold the storm-driven sand; it flew further and further burying not only the burned-out forest, but also the nearest fields. In wintertime, when the vast, low marshy grasslands were covered with ice, jets of sand drifted further over its surface, and soon most of the grasslands and large meadows turned into sandy heath-land and dunes.”

To reconstruct Liepāja, severely damaged during WWII, a silicate brick factory was built in the town. The main raw material was white sand and it was taken from the Bernātu forest. In the 1960-ies they started to dig off the Green Dune and the White Dune, later also the Pūsēnu hill. The excavators used to work day and night, in three shifts. The work stopped at around 1980, as there was no more sand suitable for production of brick.

A trail is set up to facilitate walking in the Pūsēnu Dune in the Bernātu Nature Park.

Naturparks Entfernung von der Hauptstadt232 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Keizarskats and Keizarkresls

On the left bank of the Gauja River, opposite the Piķene cliff is the mighty Beite cliff which is split by a deep ravine. On the left side there is Ķeizarskats (Emperor's View), which is approximately 67 metres above the level of the Gauja and offers a fine view of Krimulda and the Turaida Castle. The viewing place was installed in 1862, when Russian Tsar Alexander II visited Sigulda. On the right side of the ravine is the mighty wooden Ķeizarkrēsls (Emperor's Chair). To get there, you have to cross the ravine (there are wooden stairs and a forest trail). You can go around it on Laurenču, Kalna and Gulbju streets.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt60

A viewing location at Krievkalni

At the highest point of Krievkalni (149 metres above sea level), there is a good location for relaxation which offers an impressive view toward the East.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Dunduri meadows

The barrow which offers a good view is at the northern end of the Dunduri meadows – at the end of Melnragi. It is an artificial barrow which follows along with the bed of the little Slampe River. The meadows are home to livestock allowed to live in the wild, and you can see a bit of the restored Slampe. The view is particularly interesting during flooding season, when the surrounding wetlands become saturated. This is a location for bird-watching.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Asote castle hill

From the Asote castle hill, which is on the right bank of the Daugava River near Jēkabpils, there is a fine view of the Daugava River valley, the Ābeles Island, and the Kaupre castle hill that is at the northern end of the island.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt137 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Steilküste der Ostsee

Die Steilküste beginnt ein Paar Kilometer weiter im Norden von Pāvilosta und endet kurz vor Ošvalki. Die eindrucksvollsten und interessantesten Formen sind auf der Strecke Strante – Ulmale und in der Umgebung von Jurkalne zu sehen.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt200 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Viewing areas in Kandava

We recommend that you walk through the town of Kandava not only to enjoy the charm of a small town, but also to find fantastic viewing locations where you can see the town and the shores of the ancient Abava River valley from the Kurši (Ancestor) castle hill, Lielā Street, the Bruņinieki castle hill and Zīļu Street (School Hill), as well as from the area of the Ozolāji open-air stage.
Naturparks Entfernung von der Hauptstadt95 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Markova castle hill

From the Markova castle hill, which you will access from the local information trial, you will see a view of the Daugavsargi curve of the Daugava. Further along, you will reach the open shore of the Daugava to see one of the most unique landscapes of Latvia’s river valleys. The Slutišķi village of Old Believers and the mighty Slutišķi cliff will be in the background.
Naturparks Entfernung von der Hauptstadt245 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

"Sunset watcher"

A new section of the walking trail along the sea has been built and an environmental object "Sunset watcher" has been created in Saulkrasti near the White Dune and Sunset Trail. It is a photo object where the newlyweds and every guest of Saulkrasti can capture memories in the symbol of the sun, which is so characteristic of Saulkrasti.

Schöne Landschaften Wandern Entfernung von der Hauptstadt42 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Views of Vecslabada

In Vecslabada, there is a peninsula among Lake Dziļezers, Lake Audzeļi, and Lake Istra. From the highest point on the peninsula, you will see a truly unusual view of the land of the blue lakes – lake islands, as well as the village of Vecslabada with its church towers. The Lake Istra nature reserve is nearby.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt318 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Druskas castle hill

This is a view worth a journey from a distance. This is an impressive terrain for Latvia, and here you will see as far as the Hanja highlands of Estonia, where the Great Munameģis Hill – the highest surface in the Baltic States – can be found.
Landschaftsschutzgebiete Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Die Steilküste von Evazi

Die Steilküste von Ēvaži – bis zu der 8-15 Meter hohen Steilküste führt der 0,3 km lange Pfad, an dessen Ende man einen der schönsten kurländischen Anblicke auf die Bucht von Riga hat.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

A view of the Venta falls

The recently renovated old brick bridge and the viewing area that is on the left bank of the Venta beyond the castle guard’s hut offers a lovely view of the widest and most impressive waterfall in Latvia – the Venta falls. It is worth visiting during the spring floods, when fish are migrating.
Naturschutzgebiete Entfernung von der Hauptstadt153 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

A lovely road along Lake Razna

The eastern, southern and western shores of Lake Rāzna have roads which offer many lovely and unusual views of Latvia’s second largest lake and its surrounding landscape. Particularly lovely is the road between Foļvarkova and Vilkakrogs, which is part of the Rēzekne-Ezernieki road.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Grobinas promenade „Senais juras krasts”

Gar Grobiņas ūdenskrātuvi (Ālandes labais krasts) izveidota mūsdienīga un labiekārtota pastaigu un atpūtas vieta - promenāde, uz kuras izvietotas plāksnes ar Zentas Mauriņas un Jāņa Raiņa citātiem. No promenādes paveras labi skatu punkti uz Skābaržkalnu un Grobiņas pilsdrupām. Grobiņas ūdenskrātuves sašaurinājumā pāri Ālandei ved neliels tiltiņš, kas ir bijušā Liepājas – Aizputes šaursliežu dzelzceļa tilta ferma.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt206

Ostmole der Daugava

Für Reduzierung der Verschlammung der Flussmündung und Regelung des Flusslaufes wurde im Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts die Ostmole in der Länge von 980 Meter gebaut. Eine Holzpfahlbauweise bildet die Gründung der Mole, die mit Steinen bedeckt ist. Die 2,2 km lange Mole ist heutzutage rekonstruiert und dient als beliebter Platz für Spaziergänge, Erholung und Angeln in allen Jahreszeiten. Von der Mole kann man Vögel beobachten, von Zeit zu Zeit kann man Glück haben und eine Robbe beobachten. Am Anfang der Mole sind zwei Gedenksteine mit Inschrift zu sehen. Die Inschrift lautet, dass den Bau der Mole der Kaiser Alexander II. von Russland (1856) und seinen Thronfolger Nikolaus Alexandrowitsch (1860) besucht haben. Dieses Ereignis erhöht die Bedeutung des Rigaer Hafens im Kontext der damaligen Ostseehandelswege.

Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Great Liepukalns Hill

This is the highest point in the Latgale highlands (289 metres above sea level), opening up a narrow but lovely view of Lake Rāzna and the massive forests of the highlands. You really should visit this hill when the sun is setting beautifully!
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt283 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Views of Embute

The hill is the highest point on the shores of the little Slocene River valley, and it is located in Tukums, at the side of Jelgavas Street. It opens up a broad view of the Slocene River valley and the town of Tukums with its historical centre on the opposite side of the valley. The view is particularly interesting in the evening, when the town is lit up. There is a monument to the liberators of Tukums.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Gaizinkalns Hill

Latvia’s highest hill is the second highest in the Baltic States, but alas, it has only a wrecked viewing tower, so you’ll have to look for the best views on your own. You’ll find some around the tower and the ski trails, particularly Large and Small Golgotha. It is worth hiking the Gaiziņkalns nature trail.
Naturparks Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

A viewing area at the White dune

At the estuary of the Inčupe River, there is the White Dune, which is around 18 metres high and is the most lovely element of the Vidzeme shoreline among those that have been created by the wind, sand and sea. There is a wooden footpath (the Saulriets trail) which is meant to view, but also protect the dune. It has a viewing area, too. The territory to the south of the river is in the Piejūra Nature Park.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt47 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Felsen Zvarte

Der schönste Platz des Amata-Urstromtals mit Blick auf den Felsen, sowie auch vom Felsenabschuß (200 m lang und bis zu 44 m hoch). Am gegenüberliegenden Ufer befindet sich das Besucherzentrum.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt83 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

A landscape of hillocks and valleys

The Kurzeme Peninsula has the largest landscape of hillocks and valleys in Europe in the shoreline segment from Melnsils and Kolka to Oviši and Liepene.  It is a unique landscape in Latvia, and part of it is in the Slītere National Park.  The Pēterezers Nature Trail offers the best chance to look at the landscape.  There are hillocks and valleys elsewhere, too – near shoreline villages where the Kukšupe valley (one of the longest ones – 8 km in all) is crossed by the Ventspils-Kolka highway, as well as near Apakšceļš.  The only thing is that you need to learn how to spot the areas out in nature.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt178

The views of Araisi

The loveliest views of the local cultural and historical treasures (the Āraiši lake castle, the Lutheran church, the parsonage, Medieval castle ruins – all of these cultural monuments). The hillocks of the area which offers this view can be found in the immediate proximity of the Āraiši windmill and the Drabeši-Āraiši road.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Viewing areas in Kraslava

An all-encompassing view of the urban environment next to the Daugava River valley is offered at the car park which is at the start of Augusta Street on the boundary of Krāslava. The unique wooden buildings of the area (the Kaplava Street region) can also be seen on the bridge which crosses the Daugava. Climb Karņickis Hill and hike through the park of the Plāters family of nobles. From there, you will see more local scenes.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Other viewing areas in and around Sabile

Beautiful views are accessible from the Sabile castle hill (steps, a location for relaxation), Upurkalns Hill (no improvements) and Briņķpedvāle, which part of the Pedvāle Open-Air Art Museum. There are also the Drubaži nature trails. The road between Kandava and Sabile which runs along the right bank of the Abava and the Aizdzire-Kalnmuiža road which runs on the left bank of the Abava also offer beautiful landscapes.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Viewing locations in Cesis

The tower of St John’s Lutheran Church in Cēsis, which is one of the oldest stone buildings in Vidzeme, offers a view of the historical centre of Cēsis, and a wide area all the way to Zilaiskalns Hill. There is also the western tower of the ruins of the Cēsis castle, one of the strongest fortresses of the Livonian Order in the Baltic region, and it offers a grand view of the castle’s park.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt90 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Weinberg in Sabile

Dieser Weinberg war schon in den Zeiten des Herzogtums Kurland als der Ort bekannt, wo so weit im Norden Weintrauben gezüchtet wurden. Hier werden sie immer noch gezüchtet, und aus den Weintrauben wird der säuerliche nordkurländische Wein hergestellt. Jährlich findet in Sabile in der zweiten Hälfte von Juli das Weinfest statt.

Naturparks Entfernung von der Hauptstadt109 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Vina kalns Mezotne

Aptuveni 0,5 km dienvidos no Mežotnes pilskalna atrodas Vīna kalns, kas līdzīgi kā Mežotnes pilskalns, ir veidots, izmantojot Lielupes ielejas stāvās krastu nogāzes, tās pārveidojot. Vietvārds ir it kā radies no stāsta, ka šeit parādījies dievgalds ar maizi un vīnu. Vīna kalnu ar Mežotnes pilskalnu savieno jauka koka laipa, kas ved pa Lielupes ielejas pamatkrasta lejas daļu.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt74

A viewing area at the Planci swamp

At the end of a wooden footpath in the Planči swamp is a viewing area and place for leisure. This is the place where you can enjoy landscapes of the high-type swamp and breathe the unusual air of the swamp. This is the only outdoor infrastructure object in Latvia with information posted in Braille. It is in the ZBR.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Delinkalns Hill

From the highest point in the Alūksne highlands, you will see an unusually beautiful view of the surrounding forested hillocks and the small areas of meadows and farmland. Sadly, there are no improvements to the location, which can be difficult to access. It is on private property.
Landschaftsschutzgebiete Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Ludza castle hill

The Ludza castle hill offers one of the most interesting views in Latgale – that of the oldest town in Latvia and its historical centre, Great Lake Ludza and Small Lake Ludza, the ruins of the castle of the Livonian Order, Baznīckalns hill, churches, the regional research museum, the craftsmen’s centre, etc.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt267 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Sakas moli

Molu (sākotnēji – pāļu rindas ar akmeņu krāvumiem) izbūve pie Sakas ietekas jūrā tika uzsākta 1878. gadā, lai nodrošinātu ostas darbību. 1929. gadā notiek molu pārbūve, pagarinot tos ar masīviem betona blokiem. Pēdējā rekonstrukcija notika 2010. gadā, pārveidojot molus par ērtu pastaigu un makšķerēšanas vietu, no kuras var vērot arī saulrietu.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt216

Viewing areas near the Buse castle hill

The Buse (Matkule) castle hill is near the Imula River. From the castle hill and from the opposite shore of the river, you can find one of the loveliest views of Kurzeme’s small rivers. Their appearance is best when trees and other flora are bare and the view is unimpeded. A wonderful view of the Imula valley is also seen on the road to the castle hill – near the Buse homestead.
Naturparks Aktive Saisonmonate1-12


No ūdens tūrisma attīstības centra „Bāka” skatu laukuma, kas atrodas Lubāna ezera ziemeļdaļā pie V 560 autoceļa, paveras viens no labākajiem Lubānas ezera skatiem. Redzams milzīgais Latvijas lielākā ezera klajs un Kvāpānu – Īdeņas zivju dīķu ar dambjiem ainava.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt219

The Inceni castle hill

This is one of the most lovely and expressive castle hills in Latvia, with a very fine view of territory all the way to Lithuania. According to Ernests Brastiņš, a researcher of castle hills in Latvia, this was the site of the Semigalian Sidrabene castle. There are no improvements in the area.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Viewing locations in Sigulda

The impressive Gauja River valley and its best natural and cultural landscapes can be seen from Paradīze (Gleznotāji) Hill, the Sigulda castle ruins, the aerial tram, the Ferris wheel, the Ziediņi and Pilsēta ski trails, the area of the bobsled and sledding trail, Ķeizarskats, the viewing area of the Velnala cliffs, the mountain bike route of Sigulda (on the right bank of the Gauja, particularly when the trees are bare), the area of the Krimulda castle ruins, Dainu Hill, and the Turaida castle tower.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt53 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Das nördlichen Mole

The Northern breakwater of Liepāja is located n the Karosta area of the town. It offers a lovely place for perambulations, as well as an opportunity to observe the sea. To the South of the breakwater you will find a fine view of the Liepāja Freeport and its system of breakwaters. To the East is the unique Karosta area, while to the North, there are remnants of a sea fort. Please be very careful while observing the sea, however – the surface of the breakwater is not in great shape.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt215 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Bakuzi Hill

The area known as the territory of high hillocks has several heights – Lakta Hill (250 metres above sea level), Egļu Hill (268 metres above sea level), and Bākūži Hill (272 metres above sea level). They are connected by an earthen road – it’s worth hiking the trail to find the best viewing areas. A very fine view of the backs of hillocks in the Vidzeme highlands can be seen from the northern side of Lakta Hill.
Landschaftsschutzgebiete Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Zilaiskalns Hill

This is an area that is full of legend and tale. There is a stiff hillock, which stands about 66 metres above the surrounding land. From its southern side, you can see the Burtnieki lowlands. The tower, however, is not open to the public.
Naturschutzgebiete Entfernung von der Hauptstadt107 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12


Viena no augstākajām Latvijas celtnēm ar vienu no augstākajiem skatu laukumiem (65 m). Paveras izcila Vecrīgas un Rīgas ainava, kā arī Daugavas (līdz Rīgas HES dambim) un Pārdaugavas skati. Labi redzami blakus esošie Rīgas centrāltirgus paviljoni.


A viewing area at the Lustuzis cliff

In the centre of Līgatne, on the right bank on the rapid Līgatne River, there is a viewing plan which offers a close-up look at one of the most impressive sandstone cliffs which rise above it – the Lustūzis cliff. There are artificial caves in the wall of the cliff, which locals use as cellars and as places to store their property.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12


A beautiful part of the Rēzekne-Dagda-Krāslava road – along two km or so, you can see Lake Rāzna and Mākoņkalns hill, which is 10 km away on the other shore of the lake.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt270

A viewing area on the Vilce castle hill

The viewing area is near the top of the Vilce castle hill, with a view of the Rukūze River valley, Zaķi meadow, and surrounding forests. This is an unusual landscape for the region of Zemgale. The Vilce baronial estate is nearby.
Naturparks Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

A viewing area at the Lubane castle hill

In Dagda, on the side of Daugavpils Street, there is a forested hillock that is the Lubāne castle hill. On the upper part of its southern side, there’s a viewing area which offers a view of the small Lake Lubenenis, the eastern part of Dagda, and the white tower of the local Catholic church. Legend has it that treasure is buried here.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt269 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Mezotne castle hill

The Mežotne castle hill is on the left bank of the Lielupe River and opposite the Mežotne Castle. This was one of the largest Semigalian fortified castle hills during the 9th to the 13th century, and an ancient town alongside the hill covered 13 ha of land. The castle hill has been improved. A pontoon bridge across the Lielupe allows hikers and bikers to reach the castle (between May and October). Vīna Hill is approximately 500 m to the South of the castle hill, and a wooden pathway leads to it.

Naturparks Entfernung von der Hauptstadt66 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Viewing areas in Aluksne

These are beautiful and impressive views, particularly early in the morning, of the historical locations of Alūksne. Go to Templis Hill, the Aleksandrs Pavilion, the obelisk which commemorates Heinrich von Fittinghoff, and the memorial to soldiers of the No. 7 Sigulda Brigade for good views. The Templis Hill, the castle ruins, the estate and the pavilions are arhitectural monuments.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt200 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Der Burghügel von Naujiena, die Burgruine Dünaburg

In diese konnte man über eine Zugbrücke gelangen, in dem man die äußere und die innere Vorburg durchquerte. Bis in die Mitte des 16. Jh. diente die Burg als Residenz des Komturs von Dünaburg. 1577 wurde sie vom Heer Iwans des Schrecklichen zerstört.Nach diesem Ereignis verlor Dünaburg seine strategische Bedeutung und der Bau eines Festungsbaus wurde dort begonnen, wo sich heute Daugavpils befindet. Neben der Ruine der Ordensburg befindet sich ein verkleinertes Modell der Burg, damit man sich vorstellen kann, wie es hier vor vielen Jahrhunderten ausgesehen hat. Vom Parkplatz bis zum Burghügel gelangt man über einen bequemen Pfad.Vom Burgberg hat man einen der schönsten Ausblicke auf den Naturpark der Daugavabiegungen. 

Naturparks Entfernung von der Hauptstadt235 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

A view from the dam of the hydroelectric power plant at Plavinas

In Aizkraukle, drive down Enerģētiķu Street to the Selonian side (there will be small “pockets” at the side of the road) to see one of the best views of the Daugava River valley, reminding us of what this fateful river was like before the power plant was built. You will see that the river has eroded the steep cliffs on the right bank. The further part of the valley is part of the Daugava Nature Park.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

The Augstroze castle hill

This is not a well known castle hill, but it offers one of the most unusual views of Lake Lielezers of Augstroze. There are ruins on the castle hill, and a short hiking trail has been installed to look at them. This is part of the ZBR.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Viewing locations in Talsi

The town of Talsi is known as the “town of the nine hillocks,” and it is worth touring the location on foot. You’ll find the best views from the Talsi castle hill (views of Lake Talsi and Ķēniņkalns Hill), Sauleskalns (Lake Talsi, the castle hill, Ķēniņkalns Hill), and the hiking trails of Ķēniņkalns (Lake Talsi, the castle hill, the historical town centre).
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt119 Aktive Saisonmonate1-12

Elka Hill

Elka Hill is one of the highest surfaces in the western part of the Vidzeme highlands, and it offers a lovely and broad view to the North. There is a small parking lot, a TV and radio tower, and the place where the Gauja River is thought to originate.
Aktive Saisonmonate1-12