
River and lake islands accessible to visitors

Overview Details

Viskuzu sala

This is Latvia’s largest lake island and is found in the middle of Lake Usma. The island is restricted to protect old stands of pine, as well as various plants and birds.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city150
FishingNature watching

Rusona ezera salas

Of the many islands in Lake Rušons, ten are restricted natural areas so as to protect the broadleaf forests which are on the islands and the endangered plants found therein. An ancient cult location – the Rušons Sacrificial Rock – is found on Upursala island.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city230
Nature watching

Zvirgzdenes ezera salas

Vairākas salas Zvirgzdenes ezerā, uz kurām saglabājušies platlapju (ozolu, liepu) meži ar bagātīgu zemsedzes floru. Salas var redzēt no ceļiem, kas piekļaujas ezera ziemeļu un austrumu krastam.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city265

Cieceres ezera sala

The only island in Lake Ciecere has a more or less virgin forest of oak, linden and elm. Some of the oaks are huge. This is an important habitat for woodpecker-type birds. The island has not been improved.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city110
Nature watching

Dole Island

The Dole is the largest island in the Daugava River, surrounded to the Northeast by the rapid waters of the Daugava and to the Southwest by calm and gradually overgrown waters from Dry Daugava.  The island is a specially protected nature park, established in 1986 to protect the landscape and cultural and historical values of the island in the wake of the construction of the Rīga hydroelectric power plant, as well as rare and protected species of plants and animals.  The island is also meant to provide education and leisure for visitors.  Best known on the island is the Daugava Museum, which is in the mansion of the old Dole Estate.  The museum features some 13,000 exhibits that speak to the history of the island and the river – Baltic and Livonian apparel, tools and household objects.  The exhibition also presents the Daugava as an important waterway and the related history of forms of transport and rafters.  In the park is an open-air exhibition with reconstructed lamprey eel traps and a barrier to fish salmon, along with a set of fishing tools.  A dolomite cliff is alongside the museum on the steep shore of the Dry Daugava.  The ruins of the Vecdole castle can be found on the south-eastern end of the island, near Bēči.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city25
Nature watching

Kala ezera salas

Dabas liegums veidots ainaviskā Kāla ezera trīs salu (Tolkas, Lielā Vestienas un Vistu sala) un to mežu biotopu aizsardzībai. Diemžēl, salu apmeklētāji (makšķernieki?) aiz sevis ir atstājuši ne tikai nelabiekārtotas apmetņu un ugunskuru vietas, bet arī atkritumus. Tā kā salu vērtību spēs novērtēt tikai zinošs speciālists, ieteicams dabas liegumu vērot no skaistajiem un pauguriem klātajiem Kāla ezera ziemeļu un austrumu krastiem. Teritorija atrodas Vestienas aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city115