Nature objects in Estonia

What's special about the nature in Estonia?

In Estonia, there stands the most impressive rock wall in the Baltics - the so called North Estonian "glint" (from Estonian language). Estonia has its own "Land of Inlets" - the Lahemaa region with its national park, the "Land of Islands" - the Saaremaa island and the Monzund archipelago. The Matsalu bay is one of the most significant rest stops for birds during their migration. In Estonia there is one of the most prominent impact craters in Europe, there are the greatest waterfalls and boulders in the Baltics, the Munamagi hill - the highest spot in the Baltics, the Lake Peipus - the 5th largest lake in Europe, - with long-standing fishing traditions, and the great variety of nature from West to East, from North to South.

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Overview Details

The Soomaa National Park

The word “Soomaa” means “land of the swamps” in Estonian. There are several major swamps in this area, along with rivers, lowland meadows, wetland forests, and other biotopes that are of key importance in terms of the diversity of species. Major floods occur here in the spring, which is known by locals as the “fifth season''. The fifth season is the best time to explore the landscape of Soomaa.

National park Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months1-12
FishingCross-country skiingBoat tourNature trailNature trailNature watching

The Matsalu National Park

This is one of the most popular bird-watching locations in Estonia, and during spring and autumn migration there are a great many different kinds of birds resting and feeding in the meadows and shallow coastal waters of the Bay of Matsalu and the Kasari River.
National park Active season months1-12
Boat tourNature trailNature watching

The Ilumetsa meteor craters

There are three craters here, and the biggest one, known locally as Põrguhaud, or Grave of Hell, has a diameter of 80 m and a depth of up to 12 m. There are barriers around the crater that are several metres high. The other two craters are hard to spot. The craters around 6,000 years old. No scraps of the supposed meteorite have been found, however, and so the origins of the craters cannot be confirmed with certainty.

Paunas taka (Pauna rada)

Kultūrvēsturiska taka (garums ~ 2 km) Tipu (Tipu) ciemā, kas iepazīstina ar vairākiem interesantiem objektiem: veco skolu (1931. g.), Hallistes upi, pirti un Paunas saimniecību, kurā dzimis viens no Igaunijas nacionālās kustības līderiem Villems Reimans (1861. – 1917.).


The Lahemaa National Park

This is the first national park in Estonia and the Baltic States. Perfect for a day trip out from Tallinn for a hiking trip and nature watching. It was established in 1971 to protect the area that is along the Bay of Finland – the shoreline, forests, swamps, meadow biotopes, species, natural monuments, rocks, waterfalls, cliffs and cultural monuments such as ancient cemeteries, castle hills, baronial estates, fishing villages, etc.

National park Distance from countries capital city50
Cross-country skiingBicycle trailNature trailNature watching

Meteoriten-kraterfeld von Kaali

Eins der eindrücksvollen Meteoritenkraterfelder Europas. Der Hauptkrater ist 22 m tief, Durchmesser – 110 m. Der ungefähre Zeitraum des Meteoriteneinschlags liegt ung. 7500-Jahre zurück. 

Distance from countries capital city205

The Otepää Nature Park

This park is found in the Otepää highlands and offers an outstanding example of how the terrain of a protected natural territory can be used for recreation, sports and active leisure. The infrastructure of the park is perfect for such activities and is of a high level of quality.

Ancient Ajha River valley

This ancient river valley stretches from Koorvere to the Otteni Windmill, and there are nearly 40 revealed sandstone cliffs from the Devonian age. Two of them, Väike and Suur Taevaskoja (the latter is 22 m high) are popular tourist destinations.

Ancient Piusa River valley and Piusa cave

The area of the ancient Piusa River valley that is between the villages of Vana-Vastseliina and Ignasõ is around 15 km long, features some substantial rapids, and offers a view of beautiful Devonian period cliffs. The largest, Härma müür, is 43 metres high and is the highest sandstone cliff in Estonia. There are caves from old mines in the village of Piusa. A small part of the mines, which have tunnels that are more than 10 km long in all, has been tured into a local museum.

Stein Majakivi

Der dritgrößte Feldstein im Baltikum (584 m3, 7 m hoch, Durchmesser bei dem Grund – 32 m ). Auf estnisch bedeutet „Hausstein”. Befindet sich am Rande des Pikanõmme – Majakivi Pfades (4,5 km lang).

Distance from countries capital city60

Aegna Island

An afforested island in the Gulf of Finland, approximately 14 km to the North of Tallinn.  There is a network of small roads and trails on the island.  Forests:  Mostly 1.1, 1.2 and 4.2.  Information:  A ferry boat to the island departs from the port at Pirita. 

Hike around the shore of the island, where you will find all kinds of environments – dunes, sandy areas, rocky areas and places with lots of reeds (~9 km).

Active season months1-12
Nature trailNature watching

Skizentrum Otepää

Das größte im Baltikum. Marathonloipe von Tartu, Wand der künstlichen Felsen und Trasse der Radmarathon. Skimuseum. Auf der Tehvandi-Sprungschanze ist ein Aussischtsplatform eingerichtet.

Distance from countries capital city225

Nemmeveski udenskritums (Nõmmeveski juga)

No vairākiem parka ūdenskritumiem noteikti ir jāapmeklē divi. 1,2 m augstais vienpakāpes Nemmeveski ir izveidojies uz Valgejegi upes (Valgejõgi), vietā kur tā šķērso Ziemeļigaunijas glintu. Šeit Valgejegi atgādina krāčainu (īpaši – pavasaros) kalnu upi, kas plūst pa vairākus metrus augstu klinšu ieskautu kanjonu. Palu laikā šo upes posmu ir iecienījuši ekstrēmie ūdenssporta veidu cienītāji. Pie ūdenskrituma un tālāk pa upi lejup redzamas ap 1920. g. celtās hidroelektrostacijas konstrukciju paliekas.


Suitsu tornis (Suitsu torn)

Suitsu tornis celts 1979. g. kā pirmais Matsalu rezervāta metāla tornis. To atjaunoja 1998. g. Torņa augstums ir 21 m, tādēļ no tā paveras izcila dabas un kultūrainava uz Kazari deltas niedrājiem un blakus esošo Suitsu upi (Suitsu jõgi), kuras krastā ir uzceltas vairākas zvejnieku laivu būdas.


Trips aboard kaleships

Kale is a traditional wooden sailing ship for trawling nets on Lake Võrtsjärv, but its graceful appearance with two triangular sails often inspired pleasure trips too. Võrtsjärve Foundation supported the building of the ship Paula, completed in 2005 and Liisu in 2009. Trips aboard a kaleship are a genuinely memorable experience.
When booked in advance a sailing trip may include eating fish soup and freshly smoked fish.

Distance from countries capital city181 Active season months5-9


This is a quick boat ride from Tartu down the Emajõgi River to Piirissaare Island in Lake Peipsi (Peipsi järv). Along the lower reaches of the river are major wetlands which are of enormous importance for birds.

Reimann Retked

The company runs wildlife tours: rafting in early spring, kayaking in summer (with beaver watching upon request), bog and snowshoeing round the year, kick-sledging in winter. Our experienced guides tell exciting stories of wildlife and history.

Distance from countries capital city34 Active season months1-12

Terama taka (Tõramaa matkarada)

Divarpus kilometrus gara taka (vienā virzienā) aizved līdz Hallistes palieņu pļavām, kur Hallistes upes labajā krastā ir uzcelts divstāvīgs koka skatu tornis. No tā paveras visaptverošs skats uz atjaunotajām (izcirsti krūmi) Hallistes palieņu pļavām. Pavasara palu laikā no torņa redzamā apkārtne un tornis atrodas ūdenī.


Sõrve säär

Die Südspitze der Insel Saaremaa – eine aus Geröll in der Irbenstraße langgestreckte Landzunge. Militärbefestigungen, Leuchtturm (1960), Vogelbeobachtungsort.

Distance from countries capital city270

Metsamoori (Woods Crone) Family Park

This park is a network of farms in Kaika area where visitors can learn about healthy life styles and alternative medicine. Farms have programmes on using herbs and leech in therapies, on the magical worlds of bees and mushrooms, spells and meditation. In workshops you can learn to use weeds in cooking, make bread and herbal drugs. Individual travellers are welcome to explore the farm on their own.

Distance from countries capital city275 Active season months5-9

The Letipea Ehalkivi rock

This is the largest rock in the Baltic States and, according to some sources, in all of the segment of Northern Europe which was affected by the last Ice Age. Its size is 930 m3! The rock is 7.5 m high, 16.5 m long and 14 m high, with a circumference of 48.5 m. The rock resembles a huge pebble from a distance, and it is on the sandy and rocky beach. Depending on the season, it can be out in the water. The Ice Age carried the rock to its current location from the southern shore of Finland. It is made of pegmatite.

Rebases ainavu taka (Rebäse maastikurada)

Ap 7 km garš lokveida pārgājienu maršruts (marķēts), kas ved pa dažādiem biotopiem – mežiem, mitrājiem un pļavām, mezdams līkumus pa stāvo pauguru nogāzēm. Takas malās ir izvietoti informācijas stendi un norādes. Rebases ainavu taka ir domāta tiem, kurus nebaida garāka iešana un orientēšanās pa ļoti dabisku un mazapdzīvotu apvidu.


The Haanja Nature Park

This park was set up to protect the landscape and cultural environment of the Haanja highland. At the central part of the park are the two highest hills in the Baltic States – Suur Munamägi, which stands 318 m above sea level, and Vällamägi, which is 304 m above sea level. The ancient Rõuge River valley (Rõuge ürgorg) is found in the western part of the park. It is 7.5 km long and up to 60 m deep. The valley dates back to the Ice Age, and it has seven lakes, including the deepest one (38 m) in Estonia – Lake Rõuge Suurjärv.

Jägala waterfall

This is one of the greatest waterfalls in the Baltic States – 8 m high and up to 70 m wide. It is most impressive in the spring and after strong rains. The waterfall and its ~300 m canyon emerged from the limestone of the Ordovician Period. You may spot some fossils there. When the water is low, courageous people try to ford the river both above and below the waterfall. The limestone and the falling water have established a unique “tunnel” there.
Distance from countries capital city31
Nature watching

Risas purva taka (Riisa rabarada)

Izcila lokveida taka (4,5 km), kuras lielākā daļa (koka laipas) ved pa Rīsas purvu (Riisa raba). No takas un divstāvīgā koka skatu torņa ir vērojami purva ezeriņi, lāmas, un purvaini meži. Ja nacionālā parka apskati sāk no ziemeļu puses, tad šī taka ir labs ceļojuma iesākums!


The sandstone cliffs of Kallaste

This is one of the few places in the Baltic States where one can find Devonian period sandstone cliffs featuring abrasion caves, arches, etc. The cliffs are on the shores of Lake Peipsi (Peipsi järv), near Kallaste, and they are between two and four (in some cases – nine) metres high, stretching for a distance of around one km.


In Estonian, Luitemaa means ‘the land of dunes’. It is the seashore territory of the Gulf of Pärnu, 13 km between Vöiste and Häädemeeste with shallow waters, vast coastal meadows, the highest dune range in Estonia and the Tolkuse Mire (Tolkuse raba). The Tolkuse mire trail (~2.2 km) and watching tower are available for dune and mire sightseeing tours. Situated in Luitemaa Nature Reserve.


Kostivere karst field

This is one of Estonia’s most beautiful karst fields, covering 125 hectares which feature different karst processes – subterranean streams, the dry Jõelähtme River bed, karst streams, funnels, ditches, caves, cliffs, a unique rock “mushroom,” etc. During the spring, the field is flooded, but at other times of the year, its contents are easily visible.

Gas mixture

Gas mixture is the main raw material for Estonia’s energy and chemical industries, and it is extracted in our day from open quarries or underground shafts. This layer was established during the Ordovician Period between 450 and 480 million years ago, and it is made up of the remnants of plants and animals from that age. In the Kohtla-Nõmme suburb, there is a shaft which can be toured in the company of a guide who will tell you that this is the only layer of its kind in the Baltic States. He will tell you about how the gas mixture has been extracted over the course of history.

Kap Juminda

Der weiteste Nordpunkt der Juminda Halbinsel mit einer Raketen-Attrappe der Sowjetarmee, der alten Grabstätten, dem Juminda-Leuchtturm und einem Denkmal für die Opfern des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

Distance from countries capital city69