Remarkable buildings

Overview Details

The old Kolkasrags lighthouse

The old Kolkasrags lighthouse is just a set of ruins right now. The lighthouse at the tip of the horn was built in the 16th century and renovated several times. The ruins are slowly decaying because of storms and ice during the winter. They had been standing well away from the shoreline once, but now are slowly disappearing under water.
Distance from countries capital city159

The windmill of the Kuldiga Castle

Documents show that the first windmill was built here in the 13th century along with the Kuldīga Castle.  During the rule of Duke Jacob, gunpowder was manufactured at the windmill, and it later became the first place in Kurzeme where paper was manufactured.  The building took on its current appearance during the 19th century.  During the Soviet occupation, a metal processing workshop was in it.

Distance from countries capital city156

Gipkas jurskolas eka

Divstāvīgā ēka ir redzama no Dundagas – Ģipkas ceļa (ap 3,7 km no Ģipkas ciema). Šis nav tūrisma objekts, bet gan vēsturiska vieta, kurai vērts pievērst uzmanību kaut vai no attāluma. Ēkas pirmajā stāvā no 1860. g. darbojās skola, kurā par skolotāju strādāja rakstnieks Antons Austriņš. 1867. g. tai uzbūvēja otro stāvu, kurā uzsāka jūrskolas izveidi. Jūrskola darbojās līdz 1894. g., kad to pārcēla uz Mazirbi.

Distance from countries capital city141

The oldest building in Jekabpils

The oldest building in Jēkabpils can be found at Brīvības Street 125A. It is in the city centre and worth a look. The building is near the Lutheran Church of St Michael in Jēkabpils, which dates back to 1769 and is owned by the local congregation. The wooden building was erected in 1808.

Distance from countries capital city141

Marcinkones dzelzcela stacija

Viena no 19. gs. sešdesmito gadu sākumā būvētās St. Pēterburgas – Varšavas dzelzceļa līnijas stacijām. Kaut arī sliežu ceļš joprojām turpinās Baltkrievijas virzienā (tālāk – pamests), Marcinkones dzelzceļa stacija ir pēdējā, līdz kurai pasažieri var nokļūt ar vilcienu no Viļņas (3 reizes dienā). Arī kravas vilcieni tālāk nekursē. Stacijas ēka ir izcils koka arhitektūras un stacijas kompleksa apsaimniekošanas piemērs. No Marcinkones dzelzceļa stacijas virzienā uz Čepkeļu purvu savulaik ir bijis izveidots šaursliežu dzelzceļš, kuru izmantoja kokmateriālu izvešanai. Tā vietā šobrīd ir saglabājies vecs meža ceļš, kur plānots izvietot šaursliežu dzelzceļu tematikai veltītu informācijas stendu.


Monument „Carrier of the Cross”

Monument „Carrier of the Cross”. Statue of Christ carrying His Cross is placed on a high pedestal of the pyramid shape. The pedestal was built in 1828 by dean and writer Jāzeps Kirkillo from Rezekne. In 1918, the monument was renovated. The new statue was placed in 1918. The monument was rebuilt once again in 1990.

A monument to the parents of A. Bertholds

This is the grave of the parents of Captain A. Bertholds with an unusual grave monument.
Distance from countries capital city175

The Mikelbaka lighthouse

The Miķeļbāka lighthouse was built in 1957 and is the highest one in Latvia.  Standing 58 m tall, it can only be viewed from the outside.

Distance from countries capital city217

The Forest House (Meza maja)

The Forest House (Meža māja) was built in 1933, and this is one of the most outstanding buildings in Latvia from the style of National Romanticism. It used to house an enormously popular restaurant, “Merry Mosquito" (Jautrais ods). The restaurant was popular among the spa’s guests, but also among prominent people of the day. A children’s sanatorium was installed here after World War II for kids from all over the Soviet Union. When the Ķemeri National Park was established in 1997, the building became its headquarters and today it is a modern visitors’ centre.
Distance from countries capital city48

Promenade entlang des Flusses Driksa

Eine gut eingerichtete Strecke des Flusses Driksa (ein Nebenarm des Flusses Lielupe) mit einer zweistufigen Promenade, der im Baltikum einzigartigen Brücke Mītava, Aussichtsplätzen, dem Denkmal Student von Jelgava u.a.

Distance from countries capital city45

Tahkuna lighthouse

Tahkuna lighthouse is on Tahkuna peninsula in the north of the island. It was built from French cast iron parts in 1875 and is the highest in Estonia at 43 m above sea level.

Distance from countries capital city172 Active season months5-9

Kuldigas bijusi sinagoga

Atrodas 1905. gada ielā 6. Sinagoga tika celta 1875. g. – Krievijas cara Aleksandra II valdīšanas laikā. Pēc 2. pasaules kara tajā atradās graudu noliktava, kinoteātris, kafejnīca un visbeidzot – naktsklubs. No 2003. gada to vairs neizmantoja. Pirms gada tika pabeigts vērienīgs projekts - sinagogas un lūgšanu nama atjaunošana, kurā izveidots sabiedrībai pieejams kultūras un informācijas centrs un pārcelta Kuldīgas novada bibliotēka.

Distance from countries capital city157

The Western breakwater and the Daugavgriva lighthouse

The Western breakwater was finished in 1885 and stretches 860 metres into the sea.  Together with the Eastern breakwater it regulates the flow of water from the Daugava River into the sea, also reducing silt levels in the river.  The structure of the breakwater is based on piles that are strengthened with rocks.  The breakwater has been reconstructed and strengthened several times.  During the 19th century, it held a prison for offenders.  Approximately ½ of the breakwater has been restored with cement, but the rest of it is in fairly sad shape.  Polish King Stefan Báthory ordered the construction of a lighthouse alongside the Daugava in 1528, and the first map to show a lighthouse was produced in 1536.  A 1721 list of lighthouses in the Russian Empire notes a pile of rocks at the location upon which a fire was lit.  Later there were wooden and stone towers that were destroyed during wars.  The current Daugavgrīva lighthouse was built in 1957 and is 35 m high.  Its light can be seen at a distance of 18 nautical miles.

Active season months1-12

Tetelmindes tornis

Neparastais objekts meklējams Teteles pamatskolas parkā, Lielupes labajā krastā. Torni cēlis (dažādas versijas par celšanas gadu: 1840. g. vai 1885. g.) Tetelmindes muižas barons Frīdrihs Bērs, jaunākais, par godu saviem viesiem, kas ieradušies pie barona uz medībām. Tornis kalpojis kā medību skatu tornis un vieta apkārtnes novērošanai. Godinot viesus, tajā uzvilka karogu. Apskatāms no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city44

The Ligatne Paper Factory

The Līgatne Paper Factory is located at Pilsoņu Street 1 in Līgatne. The factory was first built in place of an old paper windmill by two tradesman from Rīga who also built dormitories for residents. These structures are an important component in the urban environment of Līgatne. The rapid flow of the Līgatne River allowed the factory to produce writing paper, stationary and wrapping paper. In 1858, the factory was brought by a local nobleman who brought in new equipment from Scotland. If some 100 people worked at the factory during the first half of the 19th century, then that number rose to 600 by the end of the century and 800 at the beginning of the 20th century. Writing paper was the primary product from the factory, although there were sometimes special orders. During World War I, for instance, the factory produced paper on which the Russian military printed its maps. This allowed the factory to hold an important role in the Russian market. During the Soviet era, the factory at Līgatne produced notebooks and other products that were sent all over the USSR. Today the factory mostly produces wrapping paper of various kinds from waste paper. The Līgatne Paper Factory is the only functioning entity of its kind in Latvia, and there are guides available to give you a tour. The historical centre of the campus on which the factory sits is a cultural monument. The Līgatne Tourism Information Centre (_371-6415-3313) offers tours of the centre during which you will learn about the lives of the factory's workers and administrators in the late 19th and early 20th century. Back then there was major construction work at the factory to build residences for workers, a school, a childbirth facility, a hospital, a club, a guesthouse and other buildings which have survived to the present day.


Alte Feuerwache von Limbazi

In einem in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jh. errichteten Gebäude befindet sich eine Sammlung vom Limbažu-Museum und das Touristeninformationszentrum. Blick auf die Altstadt vom Turm (der glässerne Boden).

Distance from countries capital city88

Pils iela Ventspili

Pils iela pazīstama ar jūgendstila apbūvi, kas veidojusies 19. un 20. gs. mijā veco vienstāvu ēku vietā. Pirmā ēka Pils ielā 30 (jaušama jūgendstila ietekme) tika uzcelta 1901. g. Pils un Kuģinieku ielas krustojumā (Pils iela 40) paceļas 1905. g. celtais Vulfsona trīsstāvu īres nams, ko var pazīt pēc neobarokālā stila torņa. Netālu esošo ēku Pils ielā 31 un 38 (Mūzikas skola) fasādes jau ir uzskatāmas par raksturīgiem jūgendstila paraugiem. Savukārt, ēku Kuģinieku ielā 2 uzskata par vienu no skaistākajiem Latvijas jūgendstila namiem ārpus Latvijas galvaspilsētas. Uzmanība jāpievērš arī ēkām Pils ielā 54 un 60.

Distance from countries capital city191

Mill of Count Borh

Mill of Count Borh. Count Borh built the three- storey mill in the end of the 18th century not far from the castle of Varakļāni. Here you can see how the flour was milled in past centuries.

The Culture Centre of Jurkalne

The Jūrkalne People's Centre is the main gathering place for Suiti people and is in a former saloon that was built around 1875.  Major restorations were conducted in 2011.  The centre offers various events, there is an exhibition hall for visitors, and the "Maģie Suiti" ethnographic ensemble and other amateur ensembles are active there.  If you want to meet the Suiti and learn about their traditions, contact the centre in advance. 

Distance from countries capital city189 Active season months1-12

The Ligatne crossing point

Located on the bank of the Gauja River in the northern part of Līgatne is the only functioning crossing point on the Gauja River and the only one in the Baltic States which is powered by the river itself. This is a public transportation resource of local importance.

Distance from countries capital city75

Veca pasta eka

Skaisto un mūsdienās atjaunoto zilā krāsojuma ēku Karaīmu ielas 5 malā sākotnēji (1810. g.) cēla Dominikāņu mūki. Kopš 1864. g. tajā 23 gadus saimniekoja policija, līdz 1887. g. te izvietoja pastu un telegrāfu. Šobrīd ēkā atrodas nacionālā parka administrācija.


Kõpu lighthouse

Kõpu lighthouse s the world’s oldest continuously operating lighthouse. There are exhibitions in the lighthouse, and a cafe.

Distance from countries capital city195 Active season months5-9

The Turaida Museum Reserve

The Turaida Museum Reserve is found at the place where the deep gullies of a number of small streams split up the right bank of the ancient Gauja River valley. The Turaida Museum Reserve features monuments of Baltic importance, and their history dates back more than 1,000 years. Among the treasures are the Turaida Estate (21 buildings), the grave of the Rose of Turaida, the Turaida Lutheran Church (one of the oldest wooden churches in Latvia, 1750), and the Turaida Castle. Nearby is Folk Song Hill, where various thematic events are organised.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city57

Ristna Cape lighthouse

The Ristna Cape lighthouse was constructed in 1874 from parts manufactured in France. There is a small cafe at its foot, open summer only.

Distance from countries capital city172 Active season months5-9

Ältestes Gebäude in Kuldiga und Kurland (Kurzeme)

Ein schönes Holzhaus (Baznīcas ielā 7), gebaut 1670 an der sogenannten Venedig-Brücke in Kuldīga über den Fluss Alekšupīte. Auf dem Dach des Hauses befindet sich eine der ältesten und schönsten Windfahnen der Stadt.

Distance from countries capital city156

Turm Kiiu

Der Turm befindet sich im Gutspark Kiiu. Wurde im ersten Viertel des 16. Jh. errichtet und diente als einen „Schutzraum” für Grundbesitzer. Geöffnet für Besucher und bietet den berühmten estnischen Likör „Kiiu torn” an.

Distance from countries capital city38

The Kolka lighthouse

The Kolka lighthouse is on an artificial island which was created between 1872 and 1875. The original lighthouse was made of wood, and its light was first lit in June 1875. As the island settled into the sea, the current tower was built. It began operations on July 1, 1884. Today the lighthouse is six kilometres from Kolkasrags at the end of its sandy shallows (back when it was built, it was just five kilometres away). The island still has the building for the lighthouse supervisor, as well as several outhouses. The metal lighthouse which is there now was built in St Petersburg. It has been an automated lighthouse since 1979.
Distance from countries capital city159

Kalna Antenu rija

Atrodas 2,5 km dienvidos no „Kalna Kaibēniem”, Ogres kreisajā krastā. Ap 300 gadus vecā rija, ko atjaunoja 2008. gadā ir uzskatāms par Baltijas (Eiropas) mērogā vienreizēju koka arhitektūras pieminekli. Šobrīd tā ir Latvijā lielākā senlaiku dzīvojamā rija. Iespējams, ka kādam var būt arī grūtības ar šī objekta atrašanu dabā. Apmeklējums iepriekš jāpiesaka: + 371 29266840.

Distance from countries capital city135

The bridge over the Kikanupe River

A bridge for pedestrians and bicyclists, which is on the border of the Slītere National Park.

Distance from countries capital city170

A pavilion and rotunda on the Island of Love

A pavilion and rotunda on the Island of Love, designed in the style of Classicism in 1928. There was once a boat pier here. The object is run down and dangerous for visitors, but there are plans to restore it.
Distance from countries capital city48

Vilsandi baka (Vilsandi tuletorn)

Vilsandi bāka sāka darboties 1809. g. Ja uzmanīgi palūkojas uz torņa, labi redzams, ka tas ir vairākas reizes paaugstināts. Tagadējās bākas augstums ir 37 m, bet gaismas elements atrodas 40 metrus virs jūras līmeņa. Bāka ar apkārtējām ēkām ir apskatāma tikai no ārpuses. Ja pa Vilsandi arhipelāgu ceļo ar jūras laivu vai citu peldlīdzekli, tad bāka kalpo kā ļoti labs orientieris daudzo salu, līču un pussalu labirintā. No bākas redzama jūras krastā uzceltā glābšanas stacija. Pateicoties tai, Vilsandi ūdeņos izglābti 29 cilvēki, 2 suņi un 1 kaķis. Tā stāsta vietējie.


The hut of the guard of the Kuldiga Castle

This little building is on the left bank of the Venta River beyond the ancient brick bridge.  It is located at Pils Street 4.  The hut was built in 1735, using rocks from the damaged castle of the duke, and it was built on a terrace that is the last fragment of the walls that surrounded the castle.  Also known as the Hangman’s hut, the building was rebuilt during the 19th century.  It can only be viewed from the outside.

Distance from countries capital city156

The Kemeri water tower

The Ķemeri water tower was built in 1929 and used to be a reservoir for drinking and mineral water. Until World War II, there was a viewing platform at a height of 42 metres from which one could see the surroundings of Ķemeri.
Distance from countries capital city47

Observatory of Tartu University

Observatory which was built (1808. – 1810. g.) Southeast of Doma Hill is called pearl of Estonian's science. There's a museum inside.

Distance from countries capital city185

The Kemeri Hotel

The five-story hotel with a tower at its centre was built in the style of Neo-Classicism between 1933 and 1936, and it is known as the "White House" or "White Ship."  The building is seen as one of the most outstanding structures of the first period of Latvian independence, and it was one of the symbols of the independent state.  The building has survived, as have some of the interior design elements and artworks of the vestibule, music salon, library and dining hall.  The Ķemeri Hotel is also known for having served as a set for the Aigars Grauba film "Terrible Summer."  In 1998, the sanatorium was privatised by the Ominasis Italia S.R.L. company.  Restoration has continued for more than a decade, and the building can only be viewed from the outside.  There is a garden on its western side.

Distance from countries capital city47

Sv. Jana kolonna

No Vecās pasta ēkas ir redzama Sv. Jāņa kolonna. Domājams, ka tā celta 17. gs. un sākotnēji kalpoja kā blakus esošā tirgus laukuma „ziņojumu vieta”. Vēlāk kolonnu pārdēvēja Sv. Jāņa - zvejnieku aizbildņa vārdā, jo daudziem Traķu apkārtnes iedzīvotājiem zveja bija ikdienas dzīves sastāvdaļa.


Windmühlen Ginucių

Die im 19. Jh. gebauten Mühlen sind vollständig renoviert. Eine Erzählung über ihre Geschichte und einem originalen Arbeitsmechanismus. 

Distance from countries capital city122

University of Tartu

One of Northern Europe's oldest universities (founded in 1632). Many famous people and scientists have studied here. Main building (1804. – 1809.) is one the country's most excellent monuments of Classical architecture.

Distance from countries capital city185

Daugava crossing point at Livani

In the southern part of Līvāni, where Zemgales Street ends at the Daugava River, there is a fairly unusual and exotic form of transportation – one of three river crossings in Latvia.  Unlike the one in Līgatne, this one is operated by a motor, not the flow of the river.  It involves a cable across the river, and it is based on Soviet military pontoons that were used to build pontoon bridges for tanks.  The crossing point was established by its owners.

Distance from countries capital city165

Ivandes udensdzirnavas

Atrodas Īvandes dienviddaļā, Vankas upītes krastos. Ūdensdzirnavas celtas 1842. gadā (par to liecina arī sienā iemūrēts dzirnakmens) un darbojas joprojām. To iekārtas ir saglabājušās no 1930. gada. Divstāvu ēka apskatāma no ārpuses, bet iepriekš piesakoties, - arī no iekšpuses.

Distance from countries capital city170

Akmens tilts par Tebru

Viens no jaunākajiem Latvijā celtajiem mūra tiltiem. Tā akmens margas ir barona Karla fon Manteifeļa dāvinājums (celts 1907. gadā) Aizputei. Tilta ziemeļu puses margās ir iemūrēta granīta plāksne ar Manteifeļu dzimtas ģerboni, kas ir vāji izšķirams.

Distance from countries capital city176

The former building of the State Bank

The former building of the State Bank is at A. Pormaļa Street 11 in the centre of Jēkabpils. The 1931 building was erected in the style of Classicism, and the interior has been preserved to this very day. The Jēkabpils branch of the SEB Bank occupies the building at this time.

Distance from countries capital city141

The former parsonage

Built in the 18th century and rebuilt in the mid-19th century, the parsonage was the place where the Liv flag was first consecrated. Renovations of the parsonage are underway at this time. Since September 2009, it has been used by the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church as a rest home for its Recollection Centre.
Distance from countries capital city176

Leuchtturm in Nida

Auf dem Urbo-Hügel befindet sich der 1953 ronovierte schönste Leuchtturm an der Küste Litauens. Das Licht von diesem Leuchtturm kann man in einer Entfernung von 22 Seemeilen sehen.

Distance from countries capital city357

The “Strand” Complex

The “Strand” Complex – it was the largest and most luxurious recreational complex in Neibāde. It consisted of three buildings, a dance pavilion and a park. Only one building of the hotel, the same as what was once Saulkrasti outpatient clinic at 17 Ainažu Street, has survived until nowadays.

Distance from countries capital city47

Saulkrasti Secondary School

The roots of Saulkrasti Secondary School reach back to Pabaži, to 1912, when a young teacher – Olga Veicmane (after marriage: Cīrule) arrived from Riga to teach the sea captain Reisons’ daughter. Soon many other tutor-seekers joined her and in autumn of 1912 a school was established in Pabaži. The school had a good reputation, and pupils came from the entire surrounding area. In January of 1913, the school was moved to more spacious premises at 20 Rīgas Street. 
During World War I the school was ruined and its furniture and equipment were dragged away. In 1918 the school was reopened, giving an opportunity for children to enjoy many interesting and captivating activities such as choir singing, theatre group and a group of new writers. The headmaster of the school Olga Cīrule became the soul of local social life. By 1933, the number of pupils had outgrown the size of the school. Therefore in 1933, the school was moved to 3 Raiņa Street – to the premises of the former outpatient clinic. The school was named Pēterupe Primary School. In 1950, the school became Saulkrasti Secondary School and at the end of 1956 the school obtained a new and beautiful building at 6 Smilšu Street. 

Distance from countries capital city46

Mikeltorna (Pizes) krogs

Atrodas ceļa, kas ved uz Miķeļtorņa bāku – līkuma malā. Unikālā ēka (vienīgais lībiešu ciemu krogs ar raksturīgo plānojumu, kas saglabājies līdz mūsdienām) šobrīd atrodas avārijas stāvoklī un apskatāma tikai no ārpuses. Pizes krogs celts 1853. gadā.

Distance from countries capital city217

Straptautiska rakstnieku un tulkotaju maja

Atrodas Ventspils Rātslaukuma rietumu pusē iepretim Nikolaja luterāņu baznīcai. Ēkas pirmsākumi ir meklējami 18. gs. 1850. g. tajā atradās pilsētas Rātsnams, kopš 2006. g. - rakstnieku un tulkotāju māja, kurā patstāvīgi uzturas un strādā Latvijas un ārvalstu literāti.

Distance from countries capital city191

Pervalkas baka (Pervalkos svyturys)

 Ja no Pervalkas (Pervalka) pa Kuršu jomas krastu ar kājām (neliela taka) dosimies Klaipēdas (ziemeļu) virzienā, pēc 10 – 15 min gājiena nonāksim līdz Arkļu ragam (Arklių ragas, citās kartēs – Žirgų ragas), kam iepretim ~ 0,2 km attālumā no krasta uz mākslīgi veidotas akmeņainas salas slejas 14 m augstā bāka. Tā celta ~ 1900. g. vietā, kur savienojas trīs kuģu ceļi no Klaipēdas, Nidas un Ventes raga (Ventės ragas). No šejienes paveras fantastisks skats un Nagļu dabas rezervāta iespaidīgajām kāpām.

Distance from countries capital city344

The Gunpowder Tower

The square structure with walls that are nearly two metres thick became known as the Gunpowder Tower during the rule of Duke Jacob, because that is what was stored here.  There might have been a well here, because groundwater is close to the surface.  The tower and the castle were linked by a 12-metre bridge on one pillar.  The tower is only visible from the outside.

Distance from countries capital city95 Active season months1-12

The Ribbes windmill

The windmill was built between 1867 and 1869 after a design first produced in the Netherlands.  Its name is that of its first owner – Riba.  The windmill is one of the best preserved architectural monuments of its type in Latvia, and it offers an educational exhibition, “The Path of the Grain.”  It talks about the development of agriculture in Zemgale and about grain farming and the baking of bread.  Guided tours are available.  The windmill is part of the Rožmalas leisure complex, which features a hotel and a restaurant.

Distance from countries capital city76 Active season months1-12

House “Forstei” or “Forest House”

The former name of the house was “Forstei” (Forester’s House). It was built using logs of the old Bīriņi Castle. The first owner of the building was Alexander Alexei von Pistohlkors, the baron of Bīriņi Manor. It used to be a house of the manor’s chief forester Pauls Moltrehts. The building served as the chief forester’s work place and residence, as well as the Manor’s hunting base. The building was rebuilt several times. It obtained its current appearance and also the symbolic deer antlers in 1891. During the times of the Independent State of Latvia the house obtained a Latvian name – “Meža māja” or “Forest House”. Ownership of the house has repeatedly changed. In the 1930s, the house became a recreation place for cultural professionals and artists. In 1937, the composer Alfrēds Kalniņš spent the summer in the house working on an interpretation of the score for the second staging of the first Latvian opera “Baņuta”. During the post-war period – from 1945 to 1956 – the building housed Saulkrasti Village Council, and during the times of Saulkrasti District it was the location of the People’s Education Department. Later the children’s sanatorium “Ugunskurs” was transferred from Jūrmala to this building and was renamed “Saulkrasti Children’s sanatorium”. Now the building is privately owned.

Distance from countries capital city47

GORS, The Embassy of Latgale

GORS, The Embassy of Latgale is located in the heart of Latgale region – Rezekne city. It is a place where the story of Latgale is both created and told. Cultural heritage and ancient values, traditions and creation, the language and events, the most significant global trends, art, culture, dance and songs converge here. A centre of culture, concert halls, film theatre, a place of residence for artists, an exhibition space for art, a restaurant for the enjoyment of life, a place for experiments with all the senses. 

Distance from countries capital city240 Active season months1-12

Outpatient Clinic in Peterupe

In 1888, the building, provided for a doctor’s needs, was donated by Baron Alexander Alexei von Pistohlkors to the parish of Pēterupe Lutheran Church. Along with the building, Baron Pistohlkors also donated 6 hectares of land and 10 000 roubles for the doctor’s use. Arvēds von Engelhards became the first medical doctor in Pēterupe. In 1890, the first pharmacy was opened in one room of the clinic, serving people from a wide area; it remained in the building until 1895. This outpatient clinic was the very first stone building in Saulkrasti, the first health authority in a wide area, as well as the first pharmacy. Through its entire lifetime, the house was maintained from voluntary donations – at first by Alexander Alexei von Pistohlkors, then by churchgoers of Pēterupe Parish – therefore by the money of the villagers.
This house also played a role as the place of establishment of the Saulkrasti development society, which was actively supported by many celebrities such as the opera singer Herberts Ozolītis, actresses Tija Banga, Mirdza Šmithene, Lilija Štengele and Malda Gruzevska, composer Alfrēds Kalniņs and many other cultural professionals, artists and writers of that time, who used to spend summers in Saulkrasti. In 1933, the parish converted the outpatient clinic for the needs of a school.
Saulkrasti Primary School was transferred to the building of the former outpatient clinic.

Distance from countries capital city46

Liepajas iela Kuldiga

Interesanta dažāda vecuma ēku ieskauta gājēju ieliņa (gājēju daļa ~ puskilometrs), kura var novērot pilsētas arhitektūras stilu attīstību no 17. - 20. gs. Šeit tāpat kā citur Kuldīgā var apskatīt un nofotografēt pilsētai raksturīgos virsgaismas lodziņus un greznās un daudzveidīgās ēku durvis. Te vērts pasēdēt arī krodziņā!

Distance from countries capital city158

Jaunpiebalgas muizas kroga eka

Atrodas 0,9 km no Jaunpiebalgas muižas pils, Jaunpiebalgas centra virzienā. Redzot šo ēku, nav jāpārliecina, ka tā ir viena no garākajām Vidzemē. Tik gara, ka grūti pat „iedabūt kadrā”.

Distance from countries capital city136

The former Kemeri swimming facility

The former Ķemeri swimming facility used to have a building of wooden bathtubs in the 19th century. The mud treatment facility which is designed in the style of Classicism was erected in 1924. The Ķemeri clinic was opened here after World War II. A monument to Ivan Pavlov, a distinguished Russian doctor and physiologist is on the western end of the ruins, and no one has taken much care of it, either.
Distance from countries capital city47

Ciravas udensdzirnavas

Cīravas muižas ūdensdzirnavas būvētas 1881. g., bet 20. gs. – pārveidotas. Šīs ir vienas no salīdzinoši retajām Latvijas ūdensdzirnavām, kas tādā apjomā saglabājušas vēsturiskos mehānismus. Apskatāmas no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city191

The Kemeri school

The Ķemeri school was built in 1934 (architect Kārlis Cināts). It is one of the few school buildings in Latvia to have preserved an historically valuable interior and exterior, including allegorical images on the façade.
Distance from countries capital city47

The Lapmezciems People’s Centre

The Lapmežciems People’s Centre was built in 1957 and is home to the local administrative district’s council at this time.
Distance from countries capital city44

The statue of Virgin Mary

The statue of Virgin Mary, also called „the statue of Madonna” was repeatedly erected in Lūznava Manor park in 1991.

Dominikanu klosteris (Dominikonų vienuolynas)

Traķu pussalas pils austrumu mūrim pieguļ ar mežu apaudzis iespaidīgs pilskalns (uzved koka kāpnes) – t.s. Upurkalns, kurā pirms mūra pils celtniecības stāvējusi koka pils. 1779. g. dominikāņu mūki sagrautās Pussalas pils vietā uzsāka baznīcas celtniecību. Jau vēlāk – 1822. – 1823. g. vienā tās daļā uzcēla dominikāņu klosteri, bet otrā – kapelu. 1990. g. šeit izvietoja Traķu vēstures muzeja administrāciju, bet 2005. g. kapelā izveidoja Sakrālās mākslas izstādi. 2011. g. ēku kompleksā notika vērienīgi rekonstrukcijas darbi.


Daugavpils Unity House

Found at Rīgas Street 22A, this impressive building was suggested by Latvian President Kārlis Ulmanis and built in 1936 and 1937 after a design by the architect Verners Vitands.  It is seen as one of the most outstanding architectural monuments from the first period of Latvian independence, and it is said that it was once the most modern multifunctional building in all of Europe.  The building now houses the Daugavpils Theatre, the Latgale Central Library, the Latvian Cultural Centre, the Latvian House, the US Information Centre, the Daugavpils Tourism Information Centre and other institutions.  Unity Square is alongside the building, and beautiful compositions of flowers are nearby during the growing season.

Distance from countries capital city227

The former Maritime School

The former Maritime School (1894-1914) trained more than 1,000 students. During Soviet times, a border guard facility was housed here, and the border guard tower has been preserved. Along the road to the school are forested shoreline dunes with small buildings which create an interesting coastal landscape. The road between the Maritime School and the sea was once known as the Captains’ Road.
Distance from countries capital city177

Latgale rehabilitation centre „Razna”

Latgale rehabilitation centre „Rāzna”. The rehabilitation centre „Rāzna” is built on a small hillock at Lake Zosna. Sanatorium „Rāzna” is surrounded by many trees. Originally, the house was built as a summer house for artists. The centre is an architectural monument of local importance.

Aizputes udensdzirnavas

Atrodas 200 m ziemeļaustrumos no akmens tilta pār Tebru. Ūdensdzirnavu komplekss celts 18. gs. beigās – 19. gs. sākumā uz Tebras upītes, uzpludinot Dzirnavdīķi. Blakus dzirnavām atrodas 19. gs. beigās celtā Aizputes muižas alusdarītava, apvienojot divas vecākas Pilsmuižas saimniecības ēkas.

Distance from countries capital city176

Vecpiebalgas kulturas nams

Atrodas Vecpiebalgas dienviddaļā pie Inešu ceļa. No sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem būvētā ēka uzcelta 1887. g. par vietējo iedzīvotāju saziedotajiem līdzekļiem. Vairāk nekā simts gadus šī ir vieta, kur vecpiebaldzēni pulcējas uz nozīmīgiem notikumiem, svētkiem, uzturot novada kultūras mantojumu. Celtni uzskata par vienu no spilgtākajiem Latvijas lauku arhitektūras pieminekļiem. Tai blakus uzstādīts piemineklis brāļiem Kaudzītēm.

Distance from countries capital city128

Neibade Park, Open-air Stage

Construction of the Neibāde resort in 1823, started up hospitality traditions. The park, designed in an English style, was created by the gardener Akerbergs, who was brought from Estonia by Baron August von Pistohlkors. In the 1920s – 1930s the Pēterupe – Neibāde Seashore Aid and Improvement Society looked after the restoration and care of the monument and the park of the resort that was ruined during the war, the appearance of Saulkrasti, the organisation of different events and foundation of the theatre and the choir, led by Olga Cīrule. Saulkrasti open-air stage has always been a place for festivities. 16 July 1933 is a date that deserves special attention as it was on this date that the open-air stage became the place where Neibāde and Pēterupe were renamed Saulkrasti. The open-air stage was repeatedly rebuilt and improved. Both during the Soviet era, as well as later, this was a meeting place for locals on joyful moments, on moments of change and remembrance. The stage was the place of origin of the Popular Front of Latvia (Latvijas Tautas fronte) Saulkrasti branch. Now the stage is a meeting place and holds different events on summer weekends. Each year Saulkrasti town festival concert takes place on this open-air stage.

Distance from countries capital city47

Kiru vejdzirnavas

Redzamas pa lielu gabalu Vecumnieku – Skaistkalnes un Stelpes ceļu krustojuma tuvumā. Šīs Holdandes tipa vējdzirnavas uzcēla 1903. gadā. Sākot ar 20. gs. 30. gadiem dzirnavas darbojas ar elektrības palīdzību. Līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies vējdzirnavu vēsturiskie mehānismi. Kādreiz daudzie vējdzirnavu stāvi bija raksturīga Zemgales vēsturiskajam novadam, ko pamatoti dēvē par Latvijas „maizes klēti”. Diemžēl līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai daži. Šīs vējdzirnavas ir apskatāmas tikai no ceļa malas.Ap 8 km rietumos (Iecavas virziens) redzamas vēl vienas – Kāravu vējdzirnavas.

Distance from countries capital city57

Daugavpils aizsargdambji

Pilsētas aizsargdambi upes labajā krastā (1830. - 1841., autors kara inženieris P. Meļņikovs) cēla ar mērķi aizsargāt pilsētu no applūšanas. Dambis stiepjas 5,6 km garumā. Pēc 1922. g. postošajiem plūdiem uzsākta aizsargdambja celtniecību arī Daugavas pretējā - kreisajā krastā.

Distance from countries capital city226

Daugava crossing point at Dunava

This is one of two crossing points across the Daugava (the other is near Līvāni).  It is an exotic form of transportation to carry pedestrians, bicyclists and light automobiles across the river.  There is a motor that operates a 200-metre metal cable.  The crossing point is based on Soviet military pontoons that were used to build pontoon bridges for tanks.  The crossing point was established by its owners.  The Dunava Catholic Church is on the left bank of the river, and nearby is a monument to rafters.  During the 1820s, there were three crossing points of this type across the Daugava.

Distance from countries capital city189

Проспект Курмаяс

В давние времена проспект Курмаяс был главной дорогой, ведущей на пляж. Вдоль проспекта стоят роскошные дома и виллы рубежа XIX – XX века, принадлежащие аристократам – обожателям моря и побережья. Здесь установлены отлитые в бронзе скульптуры из гимна Лиепаи «Город, в котором рождается ветер» - «Лодочник», «Янтарные латыши», «Ворона» и др. В конце проспекта возвышается памятник погибшим морякам и рыбакам (установлен в 1977 г.). Он символизирует женщину, которая ждет возвращения домой своего мужчины. На проспекте Курмаяс 16/18 находится Лиепайский историко-художественный музей. Музейный фонд (всего более 100 000 экспонатов)разместился в построенном в 1901 году в стиле эклектизма (с элементами готики) доме, который строился по эскизам берлинского архитектора Эрнеста фон Ине и проекту П. М. Берчи. В экспозиции представлена каменная стела – единственная подобного рода находка в странах Балтии с могильника под Гробиней (могильник Скандинавов).

Distance from countries capital city216

Пастарская ветряная мельница

Находится в Пастари, примерно на расстоянии 2,5 км от дороги Прейли - Виляны, в самом высоком месте с красивейшим пейзажем на Латгальскую возвышенность. Ветряная мельница голландского типа (с вращающимся механизмом крыльев) построена в 1902 году. В 2012 году были восстановлены крылья ветряной мельницы. По предварительной договоренности мельницу можно осмотреть изнутри.

Distance from countries capital city224

The former Gipka saloon

A school that was moved from Žocene was here during the 1850s, and it is alongside the Ģipka church.  In 1938, a company from Dundaga opened a shop here to sell goods of basic necessity. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city132 Active season months1-12

Hercoga Jekaba galma aptieka

Atrodas Baznīcas ielā 10. Skaistā ēka ir viena no nedaudzajām 17. gs. celtnēm, kas būvēta koka pildrežģa tehnikā (restaurēta 1986. g.). Kurzemes hercogistes laikā tajā atradās pirmā zāļu tirgotava. Apskatāma no ārpuses.

Distance from countries capital city156

Sudrabkalni (Silberberge)

Sudrabkalni – a former pharmacy and medical treatment facility until the late 1980s, then an elementary school, and now a private residence.
Distance from countries capital city176

The wooden bridge across the Riva River

This fairly large wooden bridge across the Rīva River is a fairly unique phenomenon in Latvia, but it is one of few, if not the only bridge of its type.  The bridge is in a convenient and easily accessed place, and of interest is the fact that it was once part of the Liepāja-Ventspils railroad that was installed during the first half of the 20th century.

Distance from countries capital city199

The Old Taizelis monument

The Old Taizelis monument. This monument is dedicated to the fisherman Niks Freimanis (1845-1908), who served as the prototype for the character Old Taizelis in stories and a play written by Marģers Zariņš.
Distance from countries capital city175

Puces dzirnavas

Atrodas uz Imulas upes un celtas 19. gs. sākumā. Uz dzirnavu vārtu staba redzama tēlnieces D. Ezergailes veidota pūce. Pūces dzirnavās savulaik uzņēma pazīstamo latviešu mākslas filmu Likteņdzirnas.
Distance from countries capital city105

Vannuzis (Bath) in Neibade

Vannūzis (Bath) – A building of the five-building complex “Kurhaus”. During the times of the Neibāde resort, this small building used to be a bath place. In order for the guests of the resort to be able to take a dip in the sea water even in bad weather, barrels of water were delivered by horses to the bath place.  

Distance from countries capital city47

Alte Backsteinbrücke über Venta

Die dritlängste (in seiner Zeit auch eine der modernsten Brücken) Backsteinbrücke Europas (164 m), gebaut 1873 – 1874.

Distance from countries capital city156


Ķesteri – the home where the Liv cultural activist and organist Kārlis Stalte (1870-1947) was born.
Distance from countries capital city175

Lizuma vejdzirnavas

Meklējamas Lizuma ciema dienviddaļā. Tās ir vienas no retajām vējdzirnavām (1880. g.), kas saglabājušās labā stāvoklī. Mūsdienās dzirnavas ir gleznotājas Ilonas Brektes īpašums.

Distance from countries capital city167

The Jantarnij Bereg Hotel (Dzintarkrasts)

This is one of two sanatoriums in Jūrmala where mud from the surrounding area is used for medical procedures.  The Jūrmala Spa Museum of History was opened here in 2009, and it offers interesting information about the history of the spa and the sanatorium.  You will see historical photographs and medical equipment from the 1970s and 1980s.  Guides will tell you all kinds of interesting information.

Distance from countries capital city42

A former pharmacy

A former pharmacy recalls the fact that Ķemeri at one time was a spa of all­Soviet importance. Symbols devoted to the subject of pharmacies are still on the wall.
Distance from countries capital city48

The granary of the Dviete Estate magazine

The granary of the Dviete Estate magazine is on the side of the Dviete-Bebrene road. The restored building dates back to 1874 and was used as a prayer house from World War I until 1929, when the Dviete Catholic Church was rebuilt.

Distance from countries capital city207

The Old Kuldiga City Hall

Painted in dark colours, this building dates back to the 17th century (the square around it is cited in documents).  The city’s first prison was in the cellar of the building, and the square was historically a place for residents of the city could gather and suffer punishments.  A pole of shame was at the south-eastern corner of the square.  The building now houses the Kuldīga Tourism Information Centre and a workshop for weavers.  Visitors can purchase products and souvenirs from Kurzeme and watch weavers at work.

Distance from countries capital city156

Bijusais Aizputes Pilsmuizas krogs

Atrodas Sakas un Liepājas ielas krustojumā. Ēka, kas šobrīd atrodas sliktā stāvoklī, celta 19. gs. vidū.

Distance from countries capital city176

Шведские ворота

Находятся в 100 м к юго-востоку от Приекульского замка. Символ Приекуле, изображенный на гербе города. Ворота (1688 г., отреставрированы в 1954 г.) служили в качестве сторожевой башни сквозных ворот Приекульской господской усадьбы, где проводился досмотр торговцев (таможня), отправляющихся или приезжающих из Литвы. Интерес представляет родовой герб баронов Корфов выполненный в XVIII веке из голландского песчаника, с серебряным ядром и своеобразный маскарон в центральной части фасада. Во времена баронов в нишах по обеим сторонам стояли двухметровые, выполненные в камне, грозного вида фигуры стражников - солдат. Сегодня на их месте стоят деревянные фигуры стражников.

Distance from countries capital city232

Kuldigas jaunais ratsnams

Atrodas vēsturiskā rātslaukuma dienvidu malā. Jaunā rātsnama celtniecība (itāļu renesanses stilā, arhitekts O. Dīce) tika pabeigta 1860. gadā. Iespaidīgo celtni, kas nulle kā atjaunota, ir vērts apskatīt gan no āra, gan iekšpuses. Ir restaurēts rātsnama pulkstenis, ārējā fasāde, iekšējie interjeri un Lielā zāle.

Distance from countries capital city156

Gaujas tilts

Gaujas tilts Siguldā ir vienīgais tilts Latvijā ar šādu unikālu tehnisko risinājumu. Pirmo reizi tilts uzcelts 1937. gadā, taču kara laikā tas tika sagrauts. 1950. gadā to atjaunoja. 2017. gada vasaras beigās noslēgsies tā rekonstrukcijas darbi. 

Distance from countries capital city53 Active season months1-12

The Kemeri railroad station

The Kemeri railroad station dates back to 1877, when the rail line was opened. A train from Moscow travelled to Ķemeri for awhile, and until 1920, there was a tram leading from the train station to the beach at Jaunķemeri. The station was destroyed during World War I and rebuilt in 1922 (the architect was Artūrs Medlingers). This was the first building in Ķemeri to be erected after the establishment of Latvia’s independence. The station building was rebuilt once again after World War II. A bike rental facility is found inside.
Distance from countries capital city46

Klajumu vejdzirnavas

Viena no ciema augstākajām būvēm. Koka vējdzirnavas cēla 1930. g. un ar vēja palīdzību darbināja septiņus gadus (vēlāk ar elektromotoru). Pie dzirnavām atrodas Jūrmalciema tūrisma informācijas punkts, stends un atpūtas vieta. Turpat redzami veco, zvejnieku pamesto liellaivu koka korpusi.

Distance from countries capital city241

Babrungenu udens dzirnavas (Babrungėnų vandens malunas)

Ūdensdzirnavas meklējamas Babrungas (Babrungas) ciema ceļa malā. Dzirnavu ēka ir celta 1816. g. un mūsdienās tajā iekārtota Leonarda Čerņauska (Leonardas Černiauskas) darbnīca un mākslas galerija. Tajā apskatāmas meistara gleznas, koka izstrādājumi un tuvākajā apkārtnē savāktā senlaicīgo priekšmetu kolekcija.

Distance from countries capital city296

The Liv People’s Centre

The Liv People’s Centre – a building erected in 1939 which represents the identity of the Liv people and houses a photographic exhibition devoted to the Liv people.
Distance from countries capital city175