
Farm owners are growing historic and Latvian-bred rye varieties that are suitable for baking rye bread in the traditional way. They take more effort in return for a smaller yield, but bakers claim that only the “old” varieties give traditional rye bread its characteristic flavour and consistency. Farms are also producing different types of rye flour (wholegrain, coarsely- and finely-ground), rye breadcrumbs, rye bran and other ingredients for healthy and delicious dishes.

Overview Details

Cafe Alida

Tours of the production building, coffee tasting with snacks 10-40 pers., 1 h. Coffee workshop and coffee preparation according to a recipe of your choice 5-10 pers., 2.5 h.

Local lifestyle Agri Heritage For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city142 Active season months4-10 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Nearest train station44kmNearest bus stop0.1kmNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak Russian


A small manor brewery that not only brews a wide range of different beers, but also non-alcoholic beverages such as the malt drink “Zelta zirgs”, kvass, and the “Gardu muti” soft drinks – sodas, fruit drinks, chilled teas, and flavoured water.

A tour for learning how beer, malt drink, and kvass are made, and the tasting of these drinks. For groups of 1-50 pers., 1.5-2 h.

The possibility to choose one of the four types of tastings. More information:

For parties Seminars For children and teenagers Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city111 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Optional meals Accepts tourist groups
BBQRooms for  festivitiesRooms for seminars Horseback ridingRide in horse driven sledgeFacilities  appropriate for childrenTour guide servicesPicnick areaSouvenire shop Nearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianOther languages

Beer brewery Tervete

Factory tours and tasting. For groups of up to 40 people: the possibility to learn about the history of the brewery and about its operation today, to see the modern factory, to get acquainted with the beer and kvass brewing processes, ingredients, and assortment of drinks. 

Distance from countries capital city90 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance

Kelmeni, the Ranka bakery

Ceptuve te darbojas kopš 1993.gada, kur no pašu audzētiem "Kaupo" šķirnes rudziem cep Rankas rudzu rupjo maizi. Tiek cepta arī kviešu un rudzu saldskābā maize, baltmaize un graudu maize. Rudzu maizes cepšanas process neapstājas ne dienu un mīklas sakasnītis katru dienu tiek glabāts un izmantots nākošās dienas cepieniem. Plaucējuma dabiskā rūgšana noris koka kubulos, katrs kukulītis tiek veidots ar rokām un pacietību. Ik gadu saimniecība pārstrādā un izcep maizē aptuveni 800 tonnu rudzu.

Ja ir patiešām īsta interese iepazīt saimniecību un maizes cepšanas procesu, iepriekš piesakoties, ir iespējams izzinošs saimniecības un ražotnes apmeklējums.

Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months1-12

Latgolys smakovka

No 2020. gada rudens sortimentā būs maizes šmakovka, kas gatavota no rudzu miltiem. Pieejamas degustācijas, ekskursijas un produkcijas iegāde.

Agri Heritage Distance from countries capital city280 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Nearest town

Z/S "Kotini"

Zemnieku saimniecība, kas audzē rudzus. Saimniecība uzņem ekskursiju grupas, kurās iespējams iepazīties ar saimniecību - graudaugu laukiem, ražošanas un uzglabāšanas telpām, apkārni, kā arī pēc ekskursijas pa saimniecību, saimniecības veikaliņā ir iespēja iegādāties produkciju. Netālu no Z/S Kotiņi atrodas Rekovas dzirnavas, kurās iespējams nobaudīt rudzu produktus jau pasniegtus uz sķīvja.

Distance from countries capital city249 Active season months1-12

Ice-cream factory RUJIENAS SALDEJUMS

Rūjienas saldējums ražo rupjmaizes kārtojuma saldējumu, kura sastāvā ir rudzu rīvmaize. Saldējumu iespējams iegādāties lielākajā daļā pārtikas veikalu Latvijā. Uz vietas "Rūjienas saldējuma" ražotnē tiek organizētas ekskursijas ar produktu degustāciju.

Distance from countries capital city151 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

Skriveri Sweets

Creative workshop for groups. Programme: the story of the company; production videos; tastings of special sweets; “Skrīveru Gotiņa” expedition with the possibility to wrap your own special sweets. Duration 1-1.5 h. The workshop offer: 

Distance from countries capital city75 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
Nearest train stationNearest town Hosts speak Russian

Atbalsta Zemkopības ministrija un Lauku atbalsta dienests

Projekta nosaukums: Kulinārā tūrisma produkts "Rudzu ceļš". Projekta numurs: 19-00-A01630-000002.
Partneri: LLTA "Lauku ceļotājs", SIA "JS Caunītes" Vineta Cipe IK "Dzīles", z/s "Bērziņi", z/s "Buliņi", z/s "Klajumi".
Vairāk informācijas par projektu “Rudzu ceļš”
Vairāk informācijas par Eiropas Lauksaimniecības fondu lauku attīstībai pieejams EK tīmekļa vietnē