Industrial heritage

Overview Details

The Baltezers pump station and the Riga Water Delivery Museum

The Great and Small Baltezers lakes, which are in a forested and sandy area, feature a unique system in Latvia – a water delivery zone with artesian wells and water filtration layers.  The system was in place in 1904, when the Baltezers pump station was opened.  In 1998, the Rīga Water Delivery Museum was opened in the station, providing information about the 400 years of water delivery in Latvia, including various mechanisms, ancient wooden pipelines, etc.  Around the museum is a boiler house, along with a machinery house, accommodations for workers, and mechanical workshops.

Distance from countries capital city19 Active season months1-12

The Daugavpils Pellet Factory

This is a unique example of industrial heritage – the only open munition factory in the Baltic States.  It includes Europe’s oldest pellet pouring tower, and it is still used for that purpose today.  Tours are available for those who contact the factory in advance, and a guide will lead groups through the factory, the tower and the museum.  Today the factory manufactures nine types of bullets for smooth-barrel weapons, as well as bullets for pneumatic weapons.  The products are exported to Germany and other countries.

Distance from countries capital city223 Active season months1-12

Торговый канал

Торговый канал, протяженностью неполных 3 км, в советское время являлся закрытой зоной со статусом режима приграничного района. Лиепайский порт был известен еще в XIV столетии. В конце XVII века здесь выкопали канал, который соединил море с Лиепайским озером - теперешний Торговый канал. Заканчивается он Зимним портом и двумя молами, из которых Южный мол служит излюбленным местом для прогулок и рыбалки. В южной части Торгового канала тянется Променад, на котором установлены Янтарные часы.

Distance from countries capital city216

The Smiltene Cheese hut

The Cheese hut dates back to 1768 and was once part of the Kalnamuiža (Smiltene) Estate.  It is the only object of industrial heritage that is still found in Latvia.  On the first floor there was the storage of milk and a set of cheese pots.  Stairs to the second floor have been lost.  The second floor was used to dry cheese, and the process was facilitated by holes in the walls of the hut so that the wind could help in the process.  Although the holes have been filled up, their placement can still be easily seen.  The Cheese hut is alongside the ruins of the Medieval castle in Smiltene.  Sadly, it is in terrible shape and can only be viewed from the outside.


Kugis "Dole"

Meklējams pie Pāvilostas tilta pār Saku (Meža iela). Te apskatāms 2005. g. restaurētais un uz postamentiem novietotais Pāvilostas zvejnieku kuģis, ar kādu tie zvejoja pagājušā gadsimta 50. – 60. gados. Šāda tipa kuģus būvēja Vācijas Demokrātiskajā republikā.

Distance from countries capital city216

Remnants of the plank ways of a fishing port

Remnants of the plank ways of a fishing port can be seen on the shoreline and in the sea opposite Mazirbe. They recall the former fishing co-operative Zivs, which was here in the 1930s.
Distance from countries capital city177

The little Ventspils tram

This little tram offers a great opportunity to return to history, when small trams were found all over Latvia.  Until the 1960s, there was a narrow-gauge railroad that linked shoreline fishing villages along the shores of Northern Kurzeme.  Only a few remnants of the old tracks can still be found in nature, and there are only a few train stations or parts thereof.  Visitors to the Ventspils Open Air Museum can take the 1.4 km Circle Line or the 3 km Mountain Line.  The locomotive was built in Germany in 1916, and the museum features a station building with all of its elements.

Distance from countries capital city189 Active season months5-10

The old peat quarries

The old peat quarries is the next place beyond Ķemeri where vast amounts of peat were extracted, primarily during the first period of Latvia’s independence.
Distance from countries capital city43

Kugitis "Hercogs Jekabs"

Kuģīša piestātne atrodas Ostas ielas malā, kur tai piekļaujas Tirgus iela. „Hercogs Jēkabs” ekskursantus izvizina 45 minūšu garā braucienā (no maija – oktobrim) pa Ventas grīvu, piedāvājot aplūkot Ventspils ostas un vecpilsētas ainavas no citiem skatu punktiem.

Distance from countries capital city191

Plavinu HES

Baltijā lielākās HES celtniecību uzsāka 1961. g., bet pabeidza 1966. g. Tajā uzstādīto 10 hidroagregātu projektētā jauda bija 825 MW. Pļaviņu HES tiek uzskatīta par unikālu, jo pirmoreiz HES būvniecības praksē tā konstrukcija tika balstīta uz mālsmilts un smilšmālu gruntīm ar maksimālo spiedienaugstumu - 40 m! Pļaviņu HES ēka ir apvienota ar ūdens pārgāzi, zem kuras atrodas Latvijas garākais tunelis - Enerģētiķu iela. 20. gs. deviņdesmitajos gados Pļaviņu HES rekonstruēja un tagad tās jauda ir sasniegusi 870 MW. Apmeklētāji var iepazīt mašīnzāli, skatu laukumus un HES maketu.

Distance from countries capital city92

The Kegums hydroelectric power plant and the Energy Museum

This is Latvia’s first major hydroelectric power plant, and construction along the right bank of the Daugava began in 1936.  The plant was designed by the architect Eižens Laube.  The first hydro-aggregate (17 MW of capacity as the largest plant in Latvia) was switched on in 1939.  A second round of construction occurred between 1976 until 1979, the result being a new building on the left bank of the Daugava, increasing the capacity of the plant to 260 MW.  Another round of reconstruction occurred between 1998 and 2001 on the left bank of the Daugava (the HES-2 plant).  The Energy Museum is now there.


Distance from countries capital city49

Vaemla Wool Factory Hiiu Vill

Hiiu Vill is a family business and one of very few wool manufacturing companies in Estonia, it uses 19th C machinery of Polish origin (carding and roving machines), which the owners are happy to demonstrate. A café is open in summer only; woollen handicrafts are sold all year round.

Distance from countries capital city144 Active season months1-12

The port and breakwaters of Roja

It is said that Krišjānis Valdemārs began to dream about a port at this location when he was a child, but a so-called protective port was only established in Roja in the early 20th century, with a protective dam 500 metres from the shore that was 213 m long.  The dam gradually disappeared, and the port was shut down in 1933.  Work on straightening the Roja River began in the 1930s, using a French machine to create berms and build rock dams and pile-based breakwaters that were subsequently extended several times.  In 1932, fishermen built a 107 m breakwater.  Reconstruction of the breakwaters was completed in 1972.  The fishing kolkhoz Banga used to be active here, merging shoreline fishermen’s homesteads. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city121 Active season months1-12

Променад улицы Остас в Вентспилсе

Одна из самых красивых набережных Латвии. Расположена в северной части Старого города Вентспилса. Началом набережной на улице Остас в восточной ее части служит «Тиргоню дарзс» (здесь же Вентспилсский ТИЦ) и Юракменс. Набережная украшена скульптурами коров, памятниками, фонтанами и цветочными композициями. До середины прошлого столетия на улице Остас находились склады - амбары, часть из которых сохранилась. Напротив замка Ливонского ордена установлен памятник Кришьянису Валдемару. У пристани стоит кораблик «Герцог Екаб».

Distance from countries capital city191

The Naukseni Estate creamery or clock tower

The creamery or clock tower (so known because a clock was installed in the round roof window of the structure) is near the gate to the Naukšēni Estate.  The eight-corner brick building has a domed roof that is covered with tin.  The clock tower has two floors.  The second is easily ventilated because of small windows on all sides of the building.  The creamery is seen in a picture drawn by J.K. Brotze around 1800.  It suggests that the building has not lost its initial shape even today.  The tower deteriorated during the Soviet era, when a barn was attached to it and a large gate opening was broken into it.  In 2002, the tower was renovated (architect Inese Maurāne).  The interior preserves the historical brick floor and the stairs to the second floor.  Historical objects are displayed in the creamery, and today it is one of the main tourist attractions for the Naukšēni Estate.


The old narrow-gauge railroad

The old narrow-gauge railroad. You can still see the station, the baggage warehouse, the house where the station commander lived, and the path along which the little train ran back in the day.
Distance from countries capital city176

Rigas hidroelektrostacija (HES)

Rīgas HES komplekss ir savienots ar Doles salas austrumdaļu. Rīgas HES ir pēdējā no elektrostacijām Daugavas HES kaskādē. Tās celtniecību uzsāka 1966. g., bet pirmo hidroagregātu iedarbināja 1974. gadā, tā projektēto jaudu sasniedzot divus gadus vēlāk. Rīgas HES uzstādīti seši hidroagregāti, kuru kopējā jauda ir 402 000 kW. No Rīgas – Daugavpils šosejas (A 6) labi redzamas Rīgas HES dambis. Rīgas HES dzelmē palika daudzi kultūras un vēstures pieminekļi, Laukskolas apmetne, kas ir vecākā zināmā cilvēku apmešanās vieta tagadējā Latvijas teritorijā.

Distance from countries capital city20

The peat cement factory

The peat cement factory. This is an abandoned but unique industrial landscape. Follow markings when crossing the factory’s territory.
Distance from countries capital city42

Tujas mols un laivu steki

Starp steķiem un Tūjas ķieģeļu fabriku bija izveidots sliežu ceļš, pa kuru transportēja labākās kvalitātes ķieģeļus. Pēckara gados „Dzeņu” krastā uzcēla zivju pārstrādes rūpnīcu, bet pāri steķiem – cauruli, pa kuru ar ventilatora palīdzību sūknēja zivis no kuģiem, kas bija piestājuši steķu galā.
Distance from countries capital city78

Tujas kiegelu fabrika

1935. gadā Tūjā darbojās ķieģeļu ceplis, kas ražošanā izmantoja apkārtnē esošās Devona perioda mālu iegulas. 1936. gadā uzsāka jaunās fabrikas celtniecību. Šeit ražoja arī augstas kvalitātes ķieģeļus, ar kuriem tika apšūts arī Rīgas Pulvertornis. Tagad fabrikas vietā ir pamests grausts, kas redzams no Tūjas centra, ejot jūras virzienā.
Distance from countries capital city76

The hanging bridge over the Irbe River

The bridge across the Irbe river so that bicyclists and pedestrians can cross the bridge where the former tram tracks were located.

Distance from countries capital city178

The Aluksne-Gulbene train

The narrow gauge rail line between Alūksne and Gulbene  has tracks that are 750 mm wide and was once part of a rail line between Stukmaņi and Valka.  Today it is the only passenger train on a narrow gauge railroad in Latvia, offering services every day.  The Alūksne station was opened in 1903, and 33 km line with 10 stations and other stop scan be covered in approximately 90 minutes.  A festival is held each year  -- one that is very popular among fans of small trams.

Distance from countries capital city184

Kazari vecais tilts (Kasari vana sild)

Interesantā būve, kurai Baltijas valstīs grūti atrast līdzinieku, ir meklējama 2 km ziemeļaustrumos no Kirblas (Kirbla). 307,8 m garo arkveida tiltu pāri Kazari upei (Kasari jõgi) uzcēla 1904. g. deviņu mēnešu laikā. Tajā brīdī to uzskatīja par Eiropas garāko šāda tipa dzelzsbetona tiltu. Tagad to var šķērsot tikai ar kājām vai ar divriteni. Tumšajā diennakts laikā tilts ir skaisti izgaismots! Tā ievērojamais garums ir skaidrojams ar apstākli, ka pavasara palos Kazari palienes applūst lielās platībā.

Distance from countries capital city100

Jaunpils udensdzirnavas

Jaunpils ūdensdzirnavas ir industriālā tūrisma apskates objekts, kurā ir saglabājusies dzirnavu iekārta, kas darbojusies 20. gs. 20.−30. gados, kā arī hidrotehniskās būves un ūdenskrātuve. Šobrīd dzirnavās ir izveidota ekspozīcija par pašām dzirnavām, malšanas procesu un graudkopību.


Liepajas promenade

Atrodas Tirdzniecības kanāla dienvidu krastā, kas padomju laikā bija slēgta zona ar pierobežas režīma statusu. Tagad lieliska pastaigu vieta, kur var vērot kuģīšus un jahtas. Promenādes visā garumā izvietojušies vēsturiskie spīķeri. Šeit meklējami krodziņi, viesnīcas, mūzikas klubs, mākslas galerija un Dzintara pulkstenis.

Distance from countries capital city216

A fish processing plant

A fish processing plant which has collapsed down to its foundations (it ended operations in 1978)
Distance from countries capital city177