Пешие туры

Путешествуя пешком, вы можете по-настоящему испытать разнообразие природных пейзажей. Вы можете идти по пляжу, прогуливаться вдоль живописных речных долин, вековых лесов и по болотам. Вы найдете много природных троп с информационными стендами и обзорными платформами. Тропы ведут через национальные парки и другие места, находящиеся под защитой окружающей среды. В некоторых национальных парках возможна прогулка по болоту в специальной обуви.

  • Пешие туры организуются с мая по сентябрь
  • Для вашего удобства мы можем организовать трансфер багажа от одного места проживания к другому
  • Для некоторых туров мы предоставляем маршруты GPS
  • В национальных парках и музеях-резерватах вам могут быть обеспечены услуги гида-специалиста
  • Перед вашим приездом мы отправим вам персонализированную программу тура с датами, местами для размещения и дополнительными услугами, которые были вами зарезервированы (пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со списком возможных дополнительных услуг в описании каждого тура в разделе «цена»).
  • По прибытии в первую гостиницу на вашем маршруте вы получите детализированные дорожные карты на каждый день, описания с достопримечательностями, интересными местами, возможностями поесть вдоль маршрута, инструкциями по путешествию с места на место и ваучеры на зарезервированные вами услуги, а также на тур. Для ознакомления с возможными инструкциями по путешествию, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь (pdf файл). Координаты GPS доступны для некоторых туров.
  • Для наших клиентов мы доступны 24 часа в сутки по телефону неотложной помощи.

Если у вас есть представление о том, каким образом вы хотели бы путешествовать по странам Балтии, мы можем помочь вам с организацией тура, и вы можете рассчитывать на советы во всем, что касается местной жизни.

Индивидуальные путешествия
Обзор Подробности
1 день
от 150 EUR / перс.

Тур под руководством гида в Национальный парк Кемери

Болото, озеро, морское побережье и прогулки по лесу
На пути к Кемери мы будем проезжать через популярный в Латвии морской курорт Юрмалу с его характерными деревянными виллами 18 века. Однако, именно Кемери- это то место, где начинается история курорта. Здесь мы попробуем лечебную серную воду из источника, затем посетим Лесной дом и пройдемся по тропе Черной Ольхи через лесную местность. Затем время для прогулки по дощатому настилу в Большом Кемерском болоте с его интересным ландшафтом, редкими птицами, животными и растениями. Далее маршрут идет к озеру Валгумс, где остановитесь на ланч и для того, чтобы прогуляться вокруг озера Каниерис с его тропой по замковому холму и вышкой для наблюдения за птицами. Завершите день релаксирующей прогулкой вдоль пляжа, посетив хижины старых рыбаков и попробовав местной копченой рыбы.

8 дней
Общее расстояние на велосипеде 157 км, пешком 9 км, на лодке 17 км
от 405 EUR / перс.

Захватывающий тур по Национальному парку Гауя

В этом туре вам предлагается езда на велосипеде, байдарке, и пешие прогулки.

Если вам по душе активный отдых, этот тур — отличная возможность насладиться наследием, таящимся в Национальном парке Гауя, с различных перспектив. Велосипедная часть маршрута начинается в Стренчи и проходит через две местные пивоварни в Бренгули и Валмиермуйже, где найдете отличные кафе и хорошее пиво. Из Валмиеры маршрут проходит через красивый лес в Цесис с его очаровательным Старым городом. От Цесиса в Лигатне сплавитесь на байдарке, по одной из красивейших частей реки Гауя, с ее берегами из песчаника, отдаленными друг от друга фермерскими хозяйствами, и старинной переправой, работающей от силы течения. Исторический центр Лигатне связан с развитием там бумажной фабрики. Здесь вы также сможете посетить местных производителей вина и ремесленников, которые расположились в одной из искусственно созданных пещер, типичных для данной местности. Пройдясь по Природным тропам Лигатне, увидите диких животных в лесной обстановке. А проехав на велосипеде по удивительно холмистым, петляющим дорогам Сигулды, увидите средневековые замки Турайду и Сигулду, пещеру Гутмана, и насладитесь красивыми пейзажами.

Вело Водный туризм Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-10
2 дня
Общее расстояние пешком 52 км

The rocky beach of Vidzeme: Saulkrasti - Svetciems

This section of the seacoast of Vidzeme is of outstanding scenic beauty with a lot of rocky capes and boulders in the sea alternating with small, sandy coves where the small streams and rivulets, which dry out in summer, flow into. Occasionally, the beach is completely covered with the gray backs of stones. In Zvejniekciems you need to make a detour around the estuary of the Aģe River and the Skulte port. In some places, small patches of reeds appear, while near Tūja you will see the first sandstone outcrops. Some part of the route can be covered via the beach or via a trail meandering through the dune forest with old pines. At the end of the route, you can see the unique lamprey fishing method - Svētupes nēģu tacis.

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
1 день
Общее расстояние пешком 23 км

Slitere National Park: Mazirbe - Kolka

The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route starts at the center of Mazirbe village where you can see the Livonian National House. Continuing through small forest and country roads past the former Mazirbe Naval school, it winds through small coastal Livonian villages: Košrags, Pitrags and then Saunags. The Livonian coast is the only place where you can get to know the cultural history heritage of one of the smallest peoples in the world, the Livonians. In this section, the indicating signs are in both the Latvian and Livonian language. At the end of route you will see Cape Kolka, the point where the Great Wave Sea meets the Little Wave Sea. It is one of the most popular bird-watching sites on the Baltic seacoast.

Пешком У моря Месяцы активного сезона5-9
6 дней
Общее расстояние пешком 113 км

Along the ancient valley of the River Gauja through Gauja National Park: Ramkalni – Valmiera

This section of the Forest Trail leads through the entire Gauja National Park and gives an opportunity to see all the most beautiful places and sights of this national park of more than 100 km. Gauja National Park is the oldest and largest national park in Latvia. The ancient valley of the River Gauja is the deepest river valley in the Baltic states. The banks of the River Gauja reveal colourful sandstone outcrops, which are reflected in the water. The sights are most wonderful in springtime, when bird cherry trees are in full bloom, and in autumn, as the trees turn red and yellow. The ancient valley of the River Gauja has a distinctive terrain relief that can fluctuate by up to 80 m. The largest part of the road leads through forest paths, along the river, and exits the woods in Līgatne and Sigulda.

Almost half of the park is covered by forest. Gauja National Park is known for the great diversity of specially protected forests, featuring herbaceous spruce forests, slope and ravine forests, as well as mixed broadleaf forests.

1 день
Общее расстояние пешком 23 км

Bird watching in Matsalu National Park Haeska – Puise

One of the most beautiful sections of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route in Matsalu National Park, which leads through the agricultural lands and coastal meadows located near Matsalu Bay, where thousands of migrating cranes and geese gather in autumn. There are excellent birdwatching sites with towers near Haeska village (coastal meadows, shallow coves, small islets, cattle pastures) and at Cape Puise (coastal meadows with pastures, shoals). The most panoramic views of the sea and strings of islands can be seen in the surroundings of Põgari-Sassi and Puise nina

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
1 день
Общее расстояние пешком 22 км

Engure Nature Park: Mersrags - Engure

Route meanders between a rocky seacoast richly overgrown with reeds and other grasses on one side and wooded seaside dunes on the other side. In some places, the beach is paved with small round stones, in other places you can see grey dunes with a rich variety of plants. Near Bērzciems village, there are large coastal meadows with shoals appearing far away in the sea that are suited for birdwatching. During this route, it is possible to visit the fishermen’s homestead “Dieniņas”, where you can buy local smoked fish. Also it is worth to see Engure port and Engure Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Пешком У моря Месяцы активного сезона5-9
2 дня
Общее расстояние пешком 43 км

Cliffs in Gauja National Park: Cesis – Valmiera

The Forest Trail follows small roads and trails through the woods. Along the route you will see the Ērģeļu Cliffs, where the observation terrace provides a great view of the impressive 700 m wide sandstone cliff and the beautiful natural landscape in the ancient River Gauja valley. One of the most beautiful places on the banks of the River Gauja is at “Caunītes” tourist lodging, where you will end the first day of the route. Further on the trail leads through pine forests and wetlands, across and around hills and slopes. One of the most beautiful views of the River Gauja opens from Sietiņiezis Rock, a 15 m high sandstone cliff where a circular 1.5 km trail has been constructed. Coming to Valmiera, you will reach the so-called “Dzelzītis” bridge (a narrow-gauge railway bridge) and continue walking along the River Gauja to Valmiera Centre. Sites of interest in Valmiera: St. Simon’s Church, ruins of the Livonian Castle and Valmiera Museum. There is also an adventure park “Sajūtu Parks” (“Park of Senses”), where you can walk on the barefoot trail, the tree-top trail and enjoy other activities.

1 день
Общее расстояние пешком 14 км

Coastal Nature Park: Vecaki – Carnikava

This section of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route is a comparatively short hike across a beautiful sandy beach, the coastal side of which is bounded by brightly colored pine forests with spectacular dunes and dams of dunes. To get from the beach to Carnikava, the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route will take you through a forest via a promenade. Then it takes a stroll around the Old Gauja River via a levee and reaches the pedestrian bridge over the Gauja River. Both as you start and end the hike, it is nice to sit in one of the pubs and summer cafés located on Vecāķi beach and in Carnikava.

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
6 дней
Общее расстояние пешком 92 км

The Greate Wave Sea: Liepaja - Ventspils

The Baltic Sea littoral on the West coast of Kurzeme is called the Great Wave Sea. The seacoast is mainly sandy. While the Great Wave Sea section is the least populated coastal area in Latvia, at the same time, the third biggest city in Latvia, Liepāja, is also located there. Steep bluffs rise before your eyes on the seacoast between Pāvilosta and Sārnate. The villages are quiet and sparsely populated. At the beginning of the route, you can see the Soviet military heritage in Liepāja Karosta Prison, taste smoked local fish in Pāvilosta and then enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the entire route to the seacoast from Užava lighthouse. The route closes in the port city of Ventspils, where there are various entertainment and sightseeing places, especially for families with children.

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
12 дней
Общее расстояние на автомашине 890 км, пешком 85 км
Эстония, Латвия

Walking forest nature trails in Latvia and Estonia

This is the longest of the Forest Trail tours, where you will hike on many beautiful forest nature trails in Latvia and Estonia. These nature trails are part of the Forest Trail and this tour is suitable for self-drive tourists, who wish to hike different sizes of trails and get an impression of the forest diversity in both countries. You have the possibility to see the northern coniferous forests with spruces and pines, broadleaf forests, wet floodplain forests and picturesque forests growing on slopes and ravines. You will also see the most interesting tourist sights in Latvia and Estonia, which are close to the Forest Trail. In Latvia you will visit Sigulda, the historic Ligatne papermill village, medieval Cesis, the River Amata valley, which is located in Gauja National Park. Then you will drive to the less populated eastern part of Latvia – the Northern Gauja protected landscape area, Aluksne Town and hike in the Korneti-Peļļi subglacial depression, one of the most impressive ravines in Latvia. You can climb to Drusku castle mound – the highest and steepest of all the castle mounds in Latvia, When entering Estonia, you will see the highest point of the Baltics – Suur Munamagi Hill, where the observation tower is built. Further on the tour will lead you to the River Piusa valley, Obinitsa, with the culture of Seto people. You will hike in the historic Varska resort town, which is very close to the Russian border. Then you will reach Tartu and Lake Peipsi, which is the 5th biggest lake in Europe. You will hike in the Kurtna landscape reserve, see the Ontika limestone cliff, Valaste waterfall – the highest in Estonia. Finally you will hike in one of the beautiful wooded areas in Estonia – Lahemaa National Park. The tour ends in Tallinn, where you can enjoy the medieval Old Town and many other attractions.

2 дня
Общее расстояние пешком 47 км

Along Pärnu Bay: Häädemeeste – Pärnu

This section of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route is suitable to hardy hikers who like to travel across uninhabited places. In many places, reeds, floodplains with pastures and wetlands stretch across the Estonian seacoast, which is why the itinerary often leads you along forest and country roads. In the second half of summer you can pick the mushrooms and berries in the coastal forests. Pärnu is a popular resort city with many cafés, live music, SPAs, hotels and a beautiful Old Town.

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
1 день

Riga surroundings: Vangazi – Ramkalni

The Forest Trail leads through smaller paths, arching around Vangaži Lutheran Church and the Werewolf Pine. On its way to the Hunting Palace, it passes the garden created by opera singer Anna Ludiņa and then follows the Hunting trail. The first side ravines with the pronounced relief of the ancient valley of the River Gauja can be seen here. One of them is located by Inčukalns Velnala (Devil’s Cave), surrounded by small river channels of the old Gauja. From there, the Forest Trail continues through meadows and crosses the Murjāņi–Valmiera motorway, where the recreation park “Rāmkalni” is located. In this park, there is a café, shop and active leisure centre with a sledge track.

On this route you will mainly see pine forests of various ages, as well as the botanical plantation with 80 tree and 120 shrub species. By the end of the section, the landscape features sandstone outcrops – Devonian sedimentary rocks and habitats protected in Latvia.

7 дней
Общее расстояние на автомашине 935 км, пешком 40 км
Эстония, Латвия
от 299 EUR / перс.

На машине и пешком по Латвии и Эстонии

Тур из Риги в Таллинн представляет собой комбинацию природного и культурного наследия и включает в себя красивейшие пейзажи, а также 15 природных троп, которые пересекают болота, луга и леса вдоль побережья Балтийского моря, включая несколько охраняемых природных резерватов. Многие тропы оборудованы вышками для наблюдения за птицами. На лугах Ранду около Айнажи представлена одна треть всех видов растений Латвии. Дощатый настил для прогулок выведет вас к наблюдательной платформе, с которой можно увидеть луга и море.

На острове Сааремаа увидите очень интересные и совсем иные, отличные от материка, природные достопримечательности - доломитные скалы, можжевельниковые пустоши, метеоритное озеро и скалистый берег моря. Маршрут проходит вдоль деревенских фермерских хозяйств и традиционных деревень, типичных для прибрежных областей.

Остров Хииумаа — спокойное место, с типичной для Эстонии атмосферой, где находится важный резерват для птиц в заливе Кайна, необычный Сааре Тирп, а также несколько небольших островков вблизи его юго-восточного побережья. А на материке, на полуострове Палдиски, есть возможность ознакомиться с недавним прошлым в виде его бывшей советской военной базы.

Пешком Месяцы активного сезона4-10
1 день
Общее расстояние пешком 20 км

Around Pakri Peninsula: Paldiski - Kersalu

The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route leads around the Pakri Peninsula, from whose rocky shores you will discover the most beautiful coastal landscapes in northwest Estonia. It goes through the centre of Paldiski and, after having reached the fortress bastions of Peter I, it turns towards the Pakri Lighthouse going across the upper part of the impressive Pakri Cliffs. Further on up to Kersalu, there are both ups in the shape of rocks and downs where the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route meanders along a sandy and rocky seacoast and a beautiful pine forest.

Пешком У моря Месяцы активного сезона5-9
1 день

In the heart of Gauja National Park: Sigulda – Ligatne

After passing through Sigulda, the Forest Trail follows the River Vējupīte to Paradīzes Hill, where a steep staircase leads down into the ancient valley of the River Gauja and the ravine of the River Vējupīte. It continues to wind down smaller paths through meadows, crossing small rivers whose banks reveal sandstone outcrops. The last six kilometres of this section follow a smaller path down the Līgatne Nature Trails. You can see local wildlife animals and birds on this 5.5 km long trail. Further on the Forest Trail moves up the hills of the ancient valley of the River Gauja, before descending back down into the deep ravine of the River Līgatne, where the village of the former Līgatne paper mill is located. You can explore this attractive small village, visit the Līgatne spoon factory, winery and Līgatne caves. There is also the Līgatne Net Park with 4-7 m high net labyrinths among the treetops.

This part of the Forest Trail and Gauja National Park is characterised by a gradual transition from diverse, deciduous forests (ash, grey alder, oak, birch, linden) to coniferous stands.

2 дня
Общее расстояние пешком 29 км

Along the Northern Gauja forests: Valmiera – Strenci

This part of the Forest Trail passes through the historical centre of Valmiera. In Valmiera you can visit St. Simon’s Church, the Ruins of the Livonian Order Castle and Valmiera Museum. We also suggest walking the barefoot trail in “Sajūtu Parks” (Park of Senses). After sightseeing in Valmiera, the Forest Trail goes through Atpūtas (Recreation) park, the beautiful pine forest and Baiļi winter ski centre. Further on you will walk along the River Abuls Trail, curving along the banks of the river until reaching the Brenguļi brewery built in an old Hydroelectric power plant. You can enjoy unfiltered and unpasteurised beer here. Further down you will enter unpopulated forest areas and the Northern Gauja protected landscape area.

The forests in Northern Gauja (“Ziemeļgauja”) are very diverse. There are old or natural boreal (northern) forests and marsh forests, oak forests, alluvial forests (formed on river sediments which periodically flood) and mixed oak, wych elm and ash forests along the river. The tour will end in Strenči Town.

16 дней
Общее расстояние пешком 166 км
Эстония, Латвия

Grand hiking tour on the coast of Latvia and Estonia

This grand hiking tour is provided for experienced hikers wishing to walk along a large part of the coasts of Latvia and Estonia, gain a detailed impression about the diverse coastal landscape, nature, birds and animals of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route sometimes runs through sandy beaches, sometimes along sections of beach covered in stones and pebbles. Sometimes the trail goes through coastal forests or stops at a fishermen’s village. There are many floodplain meadows, lagoons and shallow bays on the Estonian side, so sometimes the path goes along coastal trails and roads. In the end section of the route you will feel Estonia’s Nordic nature more. Part of the route runs along a sparsely populated seashore where you can be alone with yourself, but you will also be able to visit the most prominent cities. You will visit both capitals: Rīga and Tallinn. Enjoy the hospitality of the resort towns of Jūrmala, Pärnu and Haapsalu. During the hike, you will also get acquainted with the regions of small ethnic cultures: the Livonians in Latvia and the inhabitants of Kihnu in Estonia.

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
7 дней
Общее расстояние пешком 57 км
от 420 EUR / перс.

Пешком по Национальному Парку Гауя

Этот маршрут включает в себя лучшие пешие тропы и достопримечательности в Национальном парке Гауя. Походы организованы таким образом, что путешественники постоянно находятся в движении. Главная «артерия» парка — это старинная долина реки Гауя с множественными притоками, и глубокие ущелья с массивными обрывами из песчаника времен девонского периода. Поход начинается от одной из самых старинных церквей в Латвии и идет вдоль реки, заканчиваясь у бобслейной трассы в Сигулде. На следующем этапе путешествия вас ждут живописные виды на реку, обрывы и природные тропы. Водный путь реки Амата вьется через девственные леса, и здесь же находится икона латвийского пейзажа — скала Зварте. В Цесисе откройте для себя маленькие улочки, взберитесь на башню церкви Св. Иоанна и посетите руины средневекового замка, прежде чем отправиться по природной тропе Цирулиши для исследования геологической истории края. Поместье Унгурмуйжа — единственное уцелевшее в странах Балтии деревянное поместье в стиле барокко. Короткая тропа вьется между вековыми дубами.

В парке находятся также несколько важных культурных достопримечательностей: музей-резерват Турайда, поместье Кримулда и исторический центр Лигатне.

Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
1 день
Общее расстояние пешком 20 км

The legendary Suurupi Peninsula: Vääna - Jõesuu - Tabasalu

This tour is suitable only for experienced hikers. The itinerary circles the Suurupi Peninsula where the dense forests conceal the military heritage of different eras. The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route meanders through overgrown and rocky seacoasts, birch groves, along former pioneer camps and sand-stone cliffs protecting coves with sharp capes. At the end of the itinerary, one of the most astounding outcrops of the Estonian littoral rises before your eyes – the Rannamõisa Cliffs, which gives views of Kakumäe Bay and Peninsula and the towers of Tallinn’s Old Town

Пешком У моря Месяцы активного сезона5-9
2 дня

Древняя долина Аматы - Лигатне

Маршрут предусмотрен для путешественников, которых привлекает большой и частый перепад рельефа, а также для тех, кто жаждет увидеть и на себе испытать впечатляющие берега глубокой древней долины Аматы, передвигаясь по мало тронутым лесным тропам. Тропа, проложенная на правом берегу реки, петляет как по нижней, так и по верхней части долины, поэтому местами необходимо преодолевать перепад высоты более чем 40 метров.
Это можно считать своего рода геотуристическим маршрутом, так как он знакомит с обнажениями доломита и песчаника девонского периода. Маршрут проходит по национальному парку «Гауя». Ночевать можно в палатках или местах туристического  ночлега.

Maršruta informācija no Latvijas Lauku foruma​​

Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
6 дней
Общее расстояние пешком 64 км

A hiking tour along the western coast of Estonia and the resort towns: Parnu and Haapsalu

On this hiking route you will see the most part of the western coast of Estonia from Pärnu to Tallinn. You will visit Estonia’s most popular resort cities: Pärnu and Haapsalu. You will pass along many bays, cape horns, fishermen’s villages and overgrown meadows. In the northern part you will walk along the spectacular Pakri cliffs, where you will see some of the most beautiful scenery in the area. There will also be sandy beaches and dolomite outcrops in places. In some rocky and wet sections you will use coastal forests and trails. During the route, you will see the Soviet military heritage in Paldiski. 

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
2 дня
Общее расстояние пешком 44 км

Bays and cape horns in the northwestern part of Estonia: Rooslepa – Vihterpalu

The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route goes through Nõva Nature reserve where you will have exceptional views of the white and grey dunes. The beaches are popular for fishing and kite-surfing. In Dirhami you can spend some time in a cafe and from its terrace you will have a beautiful view of the sea and the port. Along the way you can also see ancient Swedish hamlets with a different cultural environment and landscape, as well as shallow lakes that have been separated from the sea. 

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
8 дней
Общее расстояние на автомашине 685 км, пешком 225 км
Эстония, Латвия

Walking Nature Trails in Latvia and Estonia

The tour from Rīga to Tallinn combines natural and cultural heritage and includes lovely landscapes and 15 nature trails which cross marshlands, meadows and forests along the shores of the Baltic Sea, including several protected nature reserves. Many trails are equipped with viewing towers for birdwatching. Randu meadows near Ainaži contains one third of Latvia’s entire plant species. A boardwalk leads through reeds to a viewing platform with views over the meadow and the sea. Saaremaa island is interesting with very different natural attractions to the mainland - dolomite cliffs, juniper heaths, a meteorite lake and rocky sea shore. The tour passes rural farms and traditional villages typical of the coastal areas. Hiiumaa island is a laid back place and retains a very Estonian atmosphere with an important bird reserve at Käina Bay, unusual Sääre Tirp as well as several small islets off its south-eastern coast. Back on the mainland, Paldiski peninsula gives a glimpse of the recent history with its former Soviet military base

У моря Пешком Месяцы активного сезона5-9
7 дней
Общее расстояние пешком 102 км

A hiking route across the diverse coastal landscapes of Latvia

This long tour of Latvia includes some of the best and most beautiful parts of Jūrtaka in Latvia. Hikes along the sea alternate with trips and excursions in the cities. You will go along the coast of the Baltic Sea from Mazirbe to Kolka, seeing Slītere National Park and Livonian villages. You will see Engure Nature Park and the overgrown seaside meadows that are suitable for bird watching. Along the way, you will be able to purchase smoked fish from local fishermen and learn about fishing traditions in Latvia. Further, the route will take you through the most popular seaside resort in Latvia, Jūrmala; you will also have time to visit the capital city - Rīga. The second part of the route runs along the Vidzeme coast from Saulkrasti to Svētciems. In terms of landscapes and views, the most multifaceted section of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route in Latvia, which includes both sandy and rocky beach, coastal meadows, reeds, dunes, sandstone outcrops, forests, capes and small coves, fishing villages and pubs.

Пешком У моря Месяцы активного сезона5-9
2 дня
Общее расстояние на автомашине 200 км, пешком 22 км

The most beautiful sights of Northern Latvia: Ape – Korneti

This tour will give you an impression of the eastern part of Latvia, which is less populated and also less popular among tourists. You will first arrive in Aluksne and explore the town, which is located at Alūksne highland, on the shore of Lake Alūksne. It is worth visiting Temple Hill – an old Latgalian castle mound and the place of the old town, Sun bridge, and the Castle manor park, Alūksne Lutheran Church and the Bible Museum. After staying there overnight you will go by bus to the start point of the hike in Ape. This Forest Trail section winds through a hilly farmland landscape, then enters a large dark forest, occasionally interrupted by the blue surfaces of lakes. After Peļļi, it crosses the Latvian/Estonian border and winds along the shores of the lakes Smilšājs, Sūneklis and Ilgājs for 2 km on the Estonian side, known as Paganamaa (translation: Devil's Land). There it descends and enters the Korneti-Peļļi subglacial depression, one of the most impressive ravines in Latvia. The Forest Trail returns to Latvia at Lake Ilgājs and, after a steep climb, takes you through a hilly area to the Drusku castle mound. Here you can enjoy a beautiful view. At the end of this tour, you will reach Korneti. The section is located in the protected landscape area “Veclaicene”.

8 дней
Общее расстояние на велосипеде 90 км, пешком 28 км, на лодке 17 км

Soft adventure tour in Gauja National Park

If you enjoy an active lifestyle, then this tour is the perfect way to enjoy the heritage hidden in Gauja National Park, from several different perspectives. Cycling starts at Strenči and passes two local breweries at Brenguļi and Valmiermuiža with nice cafés and good beer. You will hike through beautiful forests and along the Sietiņiezis sandstone cliff towards Cēsis with its charming medieval Old Town. Canoeing takes place from Cēsis to Līgatne, which is one of the nicest parts of the River Gauja with its sandstone banks, remote farmsteads and old fashioned water-powered ferry. Līgatne historic centre is connected with the development of its paper mill. Here you can also visit local wine and handicraft producers located in one of the artificial caves typical of the area. Walk the Līgatne Nature Trails to see local wild animals in a forest setting. At the end you will cycle from Līgatne to Sigulda, which is one of the most popular tourist sights in Latvia. You'll see the Turaida and Sigulda medieval castles, Gutman’s Cave and other picturesque views.

1 день
Общее расстояние пешком 23 км

Walk the Kihnu Island, Estonia

Kihnu Island is the largest island in the Gulf of Rīga and the seventh largest island in Estonia. Its total area is 16.9 km², the island is 7 km long and up to 3.3 km wide. The former seal hunter and fishermen’s island, with around 600 inhabitants, is currently eager to maintain its identity in spite of everything. The unique characteristics of the Kihnu cultural space, like the lifestyle of the community, the diverse cultural traditions, the Kihnu language, music, national costumes and nature, are included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list.

A coastal route that goes through four villages – Sääre, Linaküla, Rootsiküla and Lemsi - will help you to discover the cultural and natural values of Kihnu Island. You can visit Kihnu Museum all year round and get insight into the history of the island, including the life of the famous local captain, Kihnu Jõnn. It is also worth seeing Kihnu Church and the cemetery located across from the museum. In the summer, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the island, the surrounding sandbanks and the sea from the lighthouse. The commemorative stone by the former house of Kihnu Jõnn introduces you to the island’s legendary “wild captain”.

Пешком У моря Месяцы активного сезона5-9