No Name Description

The oldest elements of the Oleri Estate date back to the 17th century.  Initially there was a wooden mansion with an ancillary building.  The new centre was built in the late 18th century in the style of Early Classicism.  After agrarian reforms, the mansion housed an elementary school, and during the Soviet occupation and until the 1970s it was a school for children with mental disorders.  The mansion suffered in a fire in 2000, after which it was restored.  A local organisation was of great importance in this regard.  The mansion is known for its Classicist paintings, with a unique “Painting Gallery.”  The mansion is surrounded by a lovely park.  The Oleri Estate is known for hosting chamber music concerts.  The local Oleri swamp has a wooden pathway and a little viewing tower.


The mansion of the Gārsene Estate is built in the Neo-Gothic style, and its design was based on a villa in Germany. The building was erected between 1856 and 1860, and from then until 1920, the baronial dynasty of the Budbergs and Beningshausens owned it. The castle was expanded with another wing in 1885. Between 1939 and 1940, the building was rebuilt to become a school, and President Kārlis Ulmanis attended its opening on June 2, 1940, when he was taking his last official trip as the country’s president. There are other buildings and a park on the estate. The mansion today is home to the Gārsene Elementary School, but there is also an exhibition featuring the baronial dynasty, the history of the school, and the town itself. Just wait until you see the pot-bellied stoves! Outside the mansion are the Gārsene nature trails – the cultural and historical trail, the baronial strolling trail, etc. Before setting off, buy a ticket at the mansion. In front of the mansion is a memorial stone to Professor Pēteris Kulitāns (1878-1951), who was an agro-chemist.


Kaunas Castle is the oldest stone castle in Lithuania and interestingly enough, the museum that is inside is also the oldest one in Lithuania. It's possible to take a tour to get know more about Kaunas Castle and also visit the museum where there's not only information about the castle but also about the city of Kaunas itself and much more.


Vieta, ko nekādi nevar uzskatīt par tūrisma objektu, bet tajā pat laikā tas ir Latvijas mērogā nozīmīgs kultūras un vēstures piemineklis, ko nevar nepieminēt! Laikā no 1923. – 1943. gadam muižas pilī atradās Latvijā zināmākā mājturības skola, kurā mācījās izslavētās kaucmindietes! Tagad muižas pils ir pamesta, avārijas stāvoklī un apskatāma tikai no ārpuses un „pa gabalu”. Ap 1780. gadu celtā pils, kas 1909. – 1912. g. tika pārbūvēta pusloka būvapjomā, ir Latvijai diezgan unikāls arhitektūras paraugs.


Muiža vēsturiskajos avotos ir minēta jau 1560. gadā. Tagad redzamā kungu māja ir celta no akmens 1805. g. Padomju laikos tajā atradās Matsalu rezervāta administrācija, bet mūsdienās ēkā ir izveidota viesnīca. Līdz muižai nokļūstam pa skaistu aleju, kuras apkaimē ir redzamas citas muižas kompleksa ēkas.


Atrodas Viļānu dienviddaļā, Maltas upītes krastos, kuras tecējumu pārtrauc Viļānu HES. Par muižu atrodamas ziņas jau no 15. gs. beigām, kad tā piederēja bruņiniekam J. Loem. Līdzīgi kā Vidsmuiža, arī šī bija viena no Latgales lielākajām muižām, kurai piederēja zemes > 49 000 ha platībā. 18. - 19. gs. mijā ap muižu sāka veidoties Viļānu miests. Muižas dzīvojamo ēku, kas apskatāma tikai no ārpuses, ieskauj parks.


Muiža sāka veidoties 16. gs. beigās (īpašnieki - Tīzenhauzeni, vēlāk Bēri), bet no 1753. g. tā kļūst par Mēdemu dzimtas īpašumu. Tagad redzamo muižas pili (mūsdienās tikai atliekas) cēla 1806. - 1810. g. klasicisma stilā (Johana Georga Ādama Berlica projekts) pēc itāļu izcelsmes Pēterburgas galma arhitekta Džakomo Kvarengi meta. Muižas īpašnieks tajā laikā bija Johana Frīdriha Mēdema dēls - Kristofs Johans Frīdrihs (saukts par Žanno). Elejas pilī bija savākti daudzi nozīmīgi Eiropas mākslinieku darbi, kā arī iekārtots izcils interjers. 18 muižas kompleksa ēkas nodedzināja Pirmā pasaules kara laikā (1915. g.) un līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nelieli pils pirmā stāva drupu fragmenti ar kaltiem portika kolonu kapiteļiem, pārvaldnieka māja (apskatāma no ārpuses), atsevišķas saimniecības ēkas un parks. No pils drupām pa aleju var aiziet līdz Tējas namiņam (bēdīgā stāvoklī). 0,5 km ziemeļos no pils drupām atrodas 1912. g. izveidotā Mēdemu dzimtas kapsēta. Elejas pils mūra žoga arkādē iemūrēts dobumakmens.


Atrodas 0,9 km ziemeļrietumos no Dzērbenes centra. Tagadējais muižas komplekss veidojies 14. gs. celtās un 1577. g. nopostītās mūra pils vietā. Muižas pils (18. gs. beigas, klasicisma stils) savā pastāvēšanas laikā piedzīvojusi vairākkārtīgu nopostīšanu (1905. g., Pirmajā pasaules karā) un tai sekojošu atjaunotni. 19. gs. beigās tai tapa piebūve – iespaidīgs četrstūru neogotikas stila tornis. Laikā no 1927. - 1975. g. pilī darbojās lauksaimniecības skola, tagad - Dzērbenes pagasta pārvalde, Tautas nams un mūzikas skola. Pili ieskauj parks ar septiņu dīķu kaskādi. No kādreiz iespaidīgā laukakmeņu žoga saglabājušies vien pils vārtu stabi. Dažādā stāvoklī (arī avārijas) atrodas citas muižas ēkas. 2010. gadā tika veikta pils iekštelpu un ārējās fasādes restaurācija. Iepriekš piesakoties, tiek piedāvāta gida vadīta ekskursija un piedzīvojums muižā iekārtotajā spoku kambarī.


The palace was built as the summer residence of the duke of Courland, Ernst Johan Byron, and it was designed by the outstanding Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. The construction of the palace ensemble took place between 1736 and 1740. The decorative finishing of the interiors was carried out from 1765 to 1768 by the sculptor Johann Michael Graff and the painters Francesco Martini and Carlo Zucchi. The significance of the palace lies in its authenticity as it has not been modified through rebuilding since then. Intensive restoration works started in 1972 when the Rundāle Palace museum was established. The restoration was completed in 2018.


Pirmie dokumenti par Kokmuižu atrodami 1601. gada zemes revīzijas pierakstos. Tur sniegtā informācija vēsta, ka Kokmuiža pastāvējusi jau 1560. gadā. Taču 1880. gadā vācu muižnieks sākas celt kungu māju neobaroka stilā. 20. gs. sākumā tā tika izpostīta, bet 1937. gadā to pārveidoja par skolu.

Kokmuižā kādreiz atradusies alus darītava. Tas bija laika periodā no 17.- 20. gs. Tā bija viena no slavenākajām alusdarītavām visā Vidzemes guberņā.

Mūsdienās var izstaigāt muižu pats vai gida pavadībā. Var aplūkot kungu māju, staļļu ēkas, muižas pārvaldnieka namu, bibliotēku, ekspozīciju, abas klētis un alus darītavas pagrabu, kā arī sfērisko saules pulksteni.


„Zaļmuiža” (Green Manor) is notable because of its legendary past. The protector of peasants and poet Peter Miglinīks (1850 – 1883) worked there as a clerk in the beginning of the 19th century. In 1784, the building belonged to Frederick von Korf. The manor was bought by officer of Russian army Nikolaj Paulin von Rosenschild. Once the manor had a large farm (800 ha): several cattle-sheds, fruit and wine cellars, alcohol brewery. Now there in only a manor house and a barn. Till 1960s, the manor house was the centre of kolkhoz „Liesma”, later the club. Now there is a smithy of a craftsman Jānis Ļubka. Guests are welcome to watch and try the metal processing.

Виргская господская усадьба как лен была передана вассалу Ливонского ордена Конраду Нолду. До наших дней сохранился дворец господской усадьбы «Виргас», в котором с 1935 года до наших дней разместилась школа. Во дворце находятся три двери, украшенные красивой резьбой по дереву, с гербами рода Нолдов и портреты баронов. В бывшей клети господской усадьбы в 1983 г. обустроен Дом традиций - теперь Дом культуры. Господскую усадьбу окружает парк, в котором находится место могилы барона Нолда и баронессы с памятником. В центре Вирги установлен сапог Карла XII с двумя направленными друг от друга пушками и ядрами, которые вещают о временах Северной войны, когда в Вирге в 1701 г. был лагерь шведского войска.


All that remains today is the governor’s house in which the Latvian author Rūdolfs Blaumanis (1863-1908) lived from 1885 until 1887, and a stable built of fieldstones.  The Central Daugava Forestry Centre of the Latvian State Forests company is located in the building.  The stone gates of the Koknese High School where once the gates of the estate.  The buildings can mostly be viewed from the outside.




The Castle was built beside the Põltsamaa River in the 13th C and became the residence of Duke Magnus, King of Livonia in the 16th C. In the castle yard you find the tourist information centre, local history museum, wine cellar, Estonian Press Museum, art gallery, ceramic and handicraft workshop.
Põltsamaa has a fabulous Rose Garden, where tours can be booked to learn more about roses, legends and history of rose growing.


The Lielstraupe Castle is the only building in Latvia which contains a Medieval castle and a church.  Work on the castle began in 1263.  The building suffered great damage during the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as during the riots of 1905.  The complex was restored in 1909 by the architect Wilhelm Bockslaff.  There are several artistic monuments in the church – the organ loft from the 17th century and the pulpit paintings of the 18th century.  In 1944, two stained glass windows produced by the artist Sigismunds Vidbergs were installed at the church – Golgotha and Birth of Christ.  The tower contains a clock produced by a local clockmaker, and there is a sun dial on the wall of the church.  Visitors to the park of the castle will see the wooden bell tower which dates back to 1744.  A memorial plaque to men who fell during World War I and Latvia's liberation battles was installed in the church in 1938.  A drugs treatment hospital was installed in the castle in 1963.  The church is open during worship services, and the rest of the complex can only be viewed from the outside.


Das in 1671 gebaute Schloss wurde mehrmals umgebaut und die heutige Aussicht im Stil des Klassizismus hat das Schloss 1820 – 1923 erhalten. Der im 19. Jh angelegte Park mit einer Rotunde und einer Steinbrücke. Tematische Ausstellungen.


The Ance Estate was built for Ulrich Johann von Behr by his father as a gift.  The estate was once surrounded by an ornate French garden.  Beginning in 1766, the building was rebuilt and ornately decorated.  Around 1810, French soldiers occupied the mansion and caused much damage to it.  For that reason, the second floor was torn down a bit later, and extensive renovations were conducted to adapt the estate into apartments for the manager and his civil servants.  In 1920, the estate was taken over by the state.  

The lady of the house will teach visitors to bake carrot buns and talk about the history of the pastry. The workshop of a craftsmanship group offers a look at the work of craftsmen and a chance to try the crafts yourself.


Pussalas pils pirmsākumi ir meklējami 14. gs. Tajā laikā minētā pils bija viena no lielākajām šāda tipa aizsardzības pilīm. Pēc Traķu un Viļņas ieņemšanas 1382. g. pils kļuva par Ķēstutu (Kęstutis) - Lietuvas dižkunigaišu dzimtas dzīves un valdīšanas vietu. 1655. g. Polijas – Lietuvas lielvalsts un Krievijas kara laikā pili nopostīja. Līdz mūsdienām no iespaidīgās celtnes (aizņēma 4 ha platību) saglabājušās tikai no laukakmeņiem celtā aizsargmūra un torņu paliekas. Tās iekšpagalmā ir apskatāma efektīvā viduslaiku ieroča – katapultas atdarinājums.


This beautiful castle (1797-1802) is seen as the most brilliant example of Classicism in Latvian architecture.  It, like the Eleja Castle, was designed by the architect of the royal court in Russia, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Quarenghi and the architect Johann Georg Adam Berlitz.  The ornate interior was unique for Kurzeme at the time when the castle was built.  Empress Catherine II gifted the castle to Charlotte von Lieven (1742-1828) after Charlotte served as governess for the empress’ grandchildren.  An agricultural school operated in the building from 1921 until 1941, and it was very much damaged and pillaged during World War II.  Restoration began later, when the Mežotne experimental selection station was housed in it.  The lovely building houses a hotel and can be toured.  Around the castle, which is on the banks of the Lielupe River, there is one of the most beautiful English-type gardens in Latvia – perfect for a stroll.


Braucot cauri Kaives ciemam, var pievērst uzmanību Kaives muižas „atliekām”. Vietas vēsture ir sena, jo jau 1440. gadā Livonijas ordeņa mestrs piešķīra šeit īpašumu Johanam Kaivenam. Kungu māja gāja bojā 1905. gadā, bet pārvaldnieka ēku nopostīja 2. pasaules kara laikā. 1956. g. nodega kalte, bet pirms trijām desmitgadēm - muižas krogs. Līdz mūsdienām palikusi tikai 1861. gadā celtā magazīna (sarkana ķieģeļu ēka) pakalnā un tai blakus esošais parks, kurā izveidots neliels skulptūru dārzs, estrāde un atpūtas vieta.