No 53
Guest house
Guest house Latvia, Latgale, Aglona


Environment-friendly and well equipped guesthouse. Guestrooms ar located in the building of bathhouse complex, celebration hall, massage rooms. Theatricalised nature trail, horoscope park. Playground for children with domestic animals and playhouse. Sauna, Russian bath with beating, bathhouse attendant, masseur, bath tub, Jacuzzi massage bath. Ecological kitchen, Latgale district traditional cuisine, bread baking (degustation).

Guests40 (10) Bedrooms9 (4) Distance from countries capital city250 Season1-12 Child discount20%
Farm animalsBaby cot ScreenWhiteboardTV Video HairdryerTeapot Swimming4kmBoatsFacilities  appropriate for childrenNature trailNature watchingSouvenire shop Neighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurant Hosts speak Russian