Nature parks, arboretums and gardens

Nature objects can also be viewed on the Baltic Country Holidays map, with the possibility to choose the type of nature object.


Overview Details

The “Wagner Garden” arboretum

Established: 1890. The Wagner Garden is located near Lake Jumprava. Its originator was Friedrich Wagner, who grew fruit trees, decorative shrubs and flowers. This garden contains one of Latvia’s oldest and best collections of foreign trees and shrubs. There are trails for perambulations in the park. Unique species: Todo Fir (Abies mayriana), among others. Guides for groups and individuals; please contact the garden in advance. Sale of plants
Active season months1-12

The Legurga arboretum

The park was founded by the gardener Arvīds Janitens. Professor Raimonds Cinovskis has said that Arvīds is just amazing, because he alone did work that would usually be done by a big group of people. This is one of the most popular tourism destinations of its kind in Latvia.
Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers


This arboretum was established in 1996, when dendrologists Raimonds Cinovskis and Ināra Bondare joined with the local government in Rucava in experimenting with plants on the Rucava castle hill.  The first plants were planted in 1998, and ever since then the collection has been expanded in the town centre and outside the Rucava Elementary School.  Each year new and exotic plants are brought in from all around the world.  A traditional garden festival is held each year in May, when rhododendrons and magnolias are in full bloom.

Distance from countries capital city255 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers
Tour guide servicesNature watching

The arboretum at Lacupite

Established: 1959 60 coniferous and 350 deciduous trees Brief description: Between the Tukums-Kolka road, the Lāčupīte stream and the sea, Igors Mednis has planted a series of foreign trees and shrubs. He has conducted experiments to see how different foreign plants adapt to different conditions. The best time to visit is in May and June, when the rhododendrons are in bloom.
Active season months1-12

The Skriveri arboretum

This is the oldest arboretum in Latvia. It was planned by the owner of the Skrīveri Estate, Maximmilian von Sievers (1857-1919). It has to be said that before World War I, there were two times more species of plants in the park than is the case now. The plants are grouped in accordance with the geo-botanic regions of the world. There are trails in the park, and signs showing the Latvian and Latin name of each plant are there, as well. There’s a fountain which is operated from every hour on the hour from 11:00 AM until 11:00 PM from Tuesday until Sunday. On the other side of the Rīga-Daugavpils highway is the Skrīveri Forest Park with hiking trails.
Distance from countries capital city79 Active season months1-12

The Kalsnava arboretum

This arboretum is in a lovely location in the Vidzeme highlands. It covers 140 hectares of land and offers a look at interesting coniferous trees, lianas, lilacs, rhododendrons and peonies. The facility has a modern visitor information centres. Unique species: The Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), the Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginicus), and the Kobushi Magnolia (Magnolia kobus).
For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city144 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance
Rooms for seminars Tour guide servicesPicnick area

Ledurgas dendroparks

Lēdurgas dendroparks ir viens no bagātākajiem parkiem Latvijā. Parkā var iepazīt vairāk kā 1000 koku un krūmu sugas, pasugas un varietātes. Gadu gaitā Lēdurgas dendroparks kļuvis par dabas un kultūrvēsturisku aizsargājamu objektu. Piedāvājumā - skuju un lapu koki, dekoratīvie un ogu krūmi, vīteņaugi, ziemcietes, tējas augi u.c.

Distance from countries capital city74 Active season months1-12
Place for tentsIndoor pool Boats4kmRide in horse driven sledgeFacilities  appropriate for childrenCross-country skiingTour guide servicesBicycle trailPicnick areaNature trailNature watching Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianOther languagesHosts can meet at the nearest station

The Silva arboretum

Work on the arboretum, which covers 15 hectares of land, began in 1968, and it was meant to be a landscape park. The first plants were planted in 1972. During the fierce winter of 1976, sadly, many of the plants froze. In 1987, the park was redesigned. At that time it had 234 types of deciduous trees, coniferous trees and bushes. There are signs showing the Latin and Latvian names of the various plants
Active season months1-12

The “Lazdukalni” arboretum park

This arboretum park is in a lovely place – the Blue Hills of Ogre, where there is a tower with a good view of the Daugava River Valley. The landscape is enlivened by a pond and its streams. There are beautiful hiking trails throughout the park. Unique species: The Amur Cork Tree (Phellodendron amurense) and the Field Elm (Ulmus minor), among others.
Distance from countries capital city41 Active season months1-12


This guesthouse and dendrological garden are found near Kuldīga, and its pond has trout and carps.  The Sauleskalni arboretum is alongside the guesthouse.  It was established in 1960 and features some 100 types of plants and bushes, including 25 local types and 16 types of rhododendrons.   Unique samples include a 50-year-old magnolia tree, a 45-year-old smoke tree, a maidenhair tree, and others.  Donations are accepted.  The owners will discuss history and the gardeners who created the garden.  Various plants are available.

Heritage gardens Active season months5-10 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accommodation available Accepts tourist groups
Rooms for seminars Picnick area

The arboretum at Spridisi

Established: 1931. The arboretum was set up at the suggestion of Latvia’s distinguished author Anna Brigadere. After her death and until 1935, the arboretum was supported and expanded by book publisher Jānis Rapa. There are some 180 foreign trees and shrubs of various kinds here. Some of the plants are outside the arboretum itself. Unique plants: The Bunge’s Ash (Fraxinus chinensis), the Eastern Black Walnut (Juglans nigra), the American Buckeye (Aesculus glabra), the Smoketree (Cotinus coggyria), the White Mulberry (Morus Alba), and the Kentucky Yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea).
Nature park Distance from countries capital city85 Active season months1-12


This is a natural monument of protected dendrological plants.  The park is in the Upmala Parish, covers 2.7 ha, has been protected since 2001 and is managed by the Vārkava Administrative District Council.  Judging from the oldest oak trees (approximately 200 years old), the park was established in the early 19th century, with other plants from the latter part of the century.  Local species of trees, including maples, elms, fir trees, aspens, oak trees, willow trees, linden trees and hazelnut trees grow in the park, as do more than 10 exotic types of trees and bushes, including various types of maple, aspen, willow, lilac and linden trees.

Nature monument Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12


Overview Details

The Zieduleja Park

features an open-air stage in a lovely place.  During the summer there are concerts, theatrical performances, parties, Summer Solstice celebrations, etc.  The International Bourdon Festival is held once every four years, and the next one will be in 2020.  This brings together bourdon singers from many countries in the world.  

Distance from countries capital city176 Active season months1-12

Dundagas pils parks

Dundagas pili ieskauj parks, kura pirmsākumi ir meklējami jau 17. gs. Tam cauri tek Pāces upīte, kuras uzdambējums veido Dundagas dīķi. Tajā atrodas senatnē (vēl pirms pils būvniecības) mākslīgi veidota sala - Kalnadārza pilskalns. Tam iepretim (dīķa austrumu krastā) atrodas Dundagas pilskalns. Parkā joprojām zaļo (daži lielākie zari ir nolūzuši) t.s. “Rubļa ozols”, kura attēls bija uz 1919. g. izdotās Latvijas simts rubļu naudaszīmes. Parkā uzcelta estrāde.

Distance from countries capital city153

Andreja Pumpura skvers

Atrodas dienvidos no Vienības nama. Skvērs veidots 19. gs. otrajā pusē. Tajā atrodas vairāki ievērības cienīgi objekti: strūklaka (20. gs. 20. gadi), latviešu tautas dzejnieka Andreja Pumpura krūšu tēls, piemiņas akmens Nevainīgajiem sarkanā terora upuriem un Sv. Aleksandra Ņevska pareizticīgo kapela. Vienības ielas otrā pusē paceļas iespaidīgā Daugavpils universitātes ēka ar Raiņa pieminekli un saules pulksteni priekšplānā.

Distance from countries capital city227

Dubrovina parks

Mūsdienās redzamais parks starp Rīgas un Parādes ielu tapa vairāk nekā pirms 100 gadiem un tā patrons bija pilsētas pirmais mērs - Pāvels Dubrovins (1839. – 1890.). Pilsētas „zaļā saliņa”, kuras centrā atrodas strūklaka, ir iecienīta atpūtas un pastaigu vieta. Atraktīvs ir no bronzas veidotais piemineklis (2007. g., tēlnieks A. Tartinovs),kas veltīts pilsētas pirmajam mēram.

Distance from countries capital city227

Кокнесский парк

Established in 1900 at the place where the Pērse River flows into the Daugava (now the reservoir of the Pļaviņas hydroelectric power plant), the park offers a look at 17th century Swedish cannons and monuments from Medieval graves.  Next to the high school in the park is a restored fountain, “Head of a Faun,” which was near the legendary Pērse waterfall during the 1930s.  The waterfall is now underwater, but its location is indicated by a stone sculpture, “Girl of Pērse,” which was created by the sculptor Juris Zihmanis.  A path leads to an 11 metre high wooden sculpture, “For Eternity,” by the sculptor Ģirts Burvis, and another sculpture, “Little Owl,” which is the work of the Rurāns brothers, both of whom are sculptors of wooden sculptures.


Distance from countries capital city101

The Kuldiga city garden

The German order built a stone castle here in 1242, and only a few fragments of it remain along with a vaulted cellar in which local wines can be tasted if you register in advance.  The castle of the Duke of Courland was here later, but it was destroyed during the Great Northern War in 1701.  Reconstruction of the park involved wooden pathways and bridges, information stands, a pergola and a fountain.  There are 22 sculptures in the park that are the work of Līvija Razevska.

Distance from countries capital city158


Work on the park began in end of 18th century, when it was a landscape park with trails for strolling and a system of pathways, benches and bridges.  The 196-ha park is one of the largest estate parks in Latvia, and in dendrological terms it is one of the richest ones, with more than 200 varieties of trees and bushes, including 127 foreign ones.  The park encircles the village of Kazdanga, including the Kazdanga Castle and the territory to its north, where you will find the burying grounds of the Manteuffel family.  These were established at the very beginning of the 20th century, but the work was interrupted by World War I.  The park features leisure areas and decorative elements.  The castle was built around 1800 by the European-level architect Johann Gregor Berlitz after a design by architect Giacomo Quarenghi.  The ensemble included a Cavalier House, a granary, a residential home, a stable, a bridge across the valley and other structures.  An agricultural school was opened in the castle in 1924.  Today it is the Kazdanga Museum, with the local Tourism Information Centre..

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city165

Pavilostas parki

Pāvilostā ir trīs parki. Pāvilostas centrā (pie kultūras nama) atrodas Piecdesmitgades parks, kuru 1929. g. iekopa skolotājs un novadpētnieks Ernests Šneiders. Vienu ozolu tajā esot iestādījis Latvijas Valsts prezidents Gustavs Zemgals. Simtgades parks ar piemiņas akmeņiem tapa Sakas labajā krastā jau kā turpinājums iesāktajam. Vecākais no Pāvilostas parkiem - Upesmuižas parks (19. gs.) atrodas tuvu Liepājas – Ventspils šosejai. Upesmuižas pils nav saglabājusies (nodedzināta 1905. g.). Parkā apskatāms sens akmens sols (perimetrs 5,55 m) un Upesmuižas parka Lielais akmens. Domājams, tas ir kultakmens.

Distance from countries capital city216

The Burtnieki Estate Park

Burtnieku muižas parks, kas atradās kungu ēkas priekšā, ir valsts nozīmes dabas aizsardzības objekts, tika izveidots ap 60. gadiem 10 ha platībā. 

Iespēja doties ekskursijā pa Burtnieku muižas parku mazākā vai lielākā grupā. Ekskursijas laikā gida pavadībā iespējams iepazīt teikām un nostāstiem bagāto parku, apskatīt teiksmaino Burtnieku ezeru, kā arī baudīt nesteidzīgu pastaigu svaigā gaisā. Papildus tiek piedāvāta iespēja iegādāties oriģinālus Burtnieku suvenīrus, kuros dažādi meistari ielikuši ne vien savu talantīgo roku darbu, bet arī Burtnieku stāstu.  Lai diena būtu piepildīta, gids ieteiks, ja nepieciešams, koordinēs un dosies līdzi apskatīt arī citus dabas un vēstures objektus tuvākajā apkārtnē. 

Distance from countries capital city130 Active season months1-12

Embutes dabas parks

Embūtes dabas parks, saukts par Embūtes senleju, ir viena no skaistākajām, interesantākajām un noslēpumainākajām Kurzemes vietām. Nav Latvijā otras tādas vietas, kur ieejas vārtus dabas parka teritorijā simbolizē stilizēti zobeni ar vairogiem ceļa abās pusēs, radot mītisku un cienījamu noskaņu. Par Embūtes apkārtnes vēsturi stāsta daudzas teikas un leģendas. Viena no pazīstamākajām ir romantiskā teika par kuršu vadoņa Induļa un vācu komtura meitas Ārijas mīlestību. Vietā, kur viņi pirmoreiz tikušies joprojām atrodas Ārijas un Induļa ozoli.

Embūtes dabā parkā ieteicams apskatīt - ekotūrisma taku, Embūtes viduslaiku pilsdrupas, Embūtes luterāņu baznīcas mūrus, Induļa pilskalnu, Pilskalna avotiņu, Induļa un Ārijas ozolu. Dabas parks aprīkots ar labiekārtotu pastaigu taku, skatu platformām, skatu torni, labierīcībām un atpūtas vietu.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city173 Accommodation available Disable Access
BoatsBicyclesTour guide services

Cesvaine Park

To the North of the Cesvaine Castle is a park that is crossed by the rapidly flowing Sūla River.  The Cesvaine castle hill is on the northern bank of the river, is around 15 m high and is covered by trees today.  The grave of the owner of the castle, Adolf von Wolff, is there.  It is said that he wanted to have his casket dragged to the gravesite on a sled.  He died during the summer, but that was done anyway.  The park features a wide diversity of trees and bushes, some of which the owner brought home from his extensive travels.

Distance from countries capital city182

Hoftenbergas muizas parks

Atrodas Kraujā – Daugavas ielejas krasta malā un nogāzēs. Atrodama informācija, ka šajā vietā Livonijas kara laikā atradusies krievu karaspēka nometne. Muižas nosaukums cēlies no vācu Hof zum Berg – „Kalnu muiža”. Pēdējie muižas īpašnieki līdz 1. pasaules karam bija grāfu Šahno dzimtas pārstāvji. Viens no tiem – Marians Šahno 1910. gadā uzceļ muižas pili, kas bija būvēta eklektisma formās. Daļēji nojaukta tā pārdzīvo padomju laikus, līdz 2002. gadā nodeg. Līdz mūsdienām saglabājušās vien ēkas sienas, kuras slēpj biezs augājs. Var tikai iedomāties, kādi skati šeit kādreiz pavērušies uz Daugavas ieleju! Muižas parks ir vietējo iedzīvotāju pastaigu vieta.

Distance from countries capital city233

Milestibas grava

Madonas ainavai zināmu šarmu piešķir Leivērītes un Madonas upītes gravas, kuru atsevišķiem posmiem doti dažādi nosaukumi. Mīlestības gravas krasti ir iecienīta pilsētnieku pastaigu un atpūtas vieta. Gravas nogāzē aiz 2. vidusskolas ieslēpusies "Lazdu laipa", kas pazīstama no rakstnieces (šejienes novadniece) Ilzes Indrānes romāniem. Parka dīķī esošo strūklaku uzskata par Latvijā augstāko. Mīlestības gravas turpinājums ir Laulības un Šķiršanās grava.

Distance from countries capital city165

The Zasa park

The Zasa park is an estate park that is on the shores of the little Zasa River near the Zasa millpond (toward the North of Zasa). The landscape park dates back to the 18th century and is in the style of Romanticism. The park was installed when the mansion of the Zasa Estate was built. It was owned by Heinrich von Zass, after whom the Zasulauks neighbourhood of Rīga is named. When ownership of the estate changed in the 19th century, the Zasa Estate was seen as one of the wealthiest and most beautiful estates in the region. It is worth hiking through the vast park with its many bridges, the Werewolf tree, the Devil’s rock and a sacred stream. There are guides who will accompany you on a tour of the park. +371-2633-7227.

Distance from countries capital city176

The Rubenu (Rubenes) park

The Rubeņu (Rubenes) park dates back to the mid-1950s and is toward the north of Rubeņi, on the banks of the little Dzirnavupīte River. There are beautiful ponds, a stage, a rock garden and a playground for the kids. The cultural centre that is alongside the park features a monument to the poet Rainis which was unveiled during Poetry Days in 1969 and was produced by the sculptor Kārlis Baumanis.

Distance from countries capital city170

Kaletu Mezaparks (Priediens)

Kalētu muižas bijušais medību dārzs. Muižas laikos šeit ierobežotās platībās turēja meža dzīvniekus, kuru medības bija populārs muižniecības izklaides veids. Parkā uzmeklējams piemiņas akmens Krievijas imperatoram Aleksandram III, kurš šeit nošāvis briedi (irsi). No Kalētiem Latvijas teritorijā „ienāca” staltbrieži, kurus medību vajadzībām 1848. g. atveda no Vācijas. Parkā izveidotas takas un atpūtas vietas.

Distance from countries capital city242

The Aluksne Castle park

This landscape park dates back to the latter half of the 18th century, and its initiator was the owner of the Alūksne Estate, Baron Otto Hermann von Fittinghof.  The largest park has important small buildings – the Alexander Pavilion, a temple honouring the Ancient Greek god of winds, Aeolus, the Palm House, a 1799 granite obelisk, the mausoleum for the noble family, a fountain basin that is made of a single piece of granite, as well as a set of granite benches.  This is known as one of the most beautiful parks in Vidzeme.

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12

Other nature objects

Overview Details

Korkulu sausgultne un pazemes upe

Viens no raksturīgiem karsta parādību piemēriem, kur nelielas upītes - strauta ūdeņi pazūd vairākos ūdensrijējos un pēc kāda brīža - iespaidīgās Lauces ielejas krastos iznāk spēcīgu avotu veidā, tālāk ieplūzdami Lauces upē. Šī parādība dinamikā vislabāk ir novērojama pēc lietavām vai pavasaros sniega kušanas laikā un kādu brīdi pēc tam.

Nature monument Distance from countries capital city100
Nature watching

Maras birzs

Māras birzs atrodas apmēram 4 km no Īles, Zebrenes virzienā. 2012.gada pavasarī iestādītā piemiņas birzs ir biedrības „Zebrus draugi” veltījums šīs apkaimes ļaudīm un viņu dzimtajām mājām, kas pēdējā gadsimtā ir zudušas no Latvijas kartes. Valsts meža izcirtumā iestādīto jauno kļavu, liepu un ozolu birzs centrā izveidots Māras altāris – simbolisks akmeņu krāvums, kurā katrs, kas jūt piederību šim apvidum, var pievienot savu akmeni. Birzs projekta un altāra autors - V.Lukjanovs.

Distance from countries capital city100 Active season months1-12

The Zeni pond

This is an artificial body of water that was dug in the 1960s to obtain ice for fish processing plants in Kolka.

Distance from countries capital city151 Active season months1-12