
Floodplain meadows on the banks of rivers and lakes.

Overview Details

The Dunduru meadows

These meadows are of distinction because of the curvy Slampe River, which has caused a gradual recovery of damp meadows, complete with species of plants and animals that are typical of such areas.  Domestic animals adapted for life in the wild can be seen here, and a bird watching tower on the location will offer you an excellent opportunity to view them.  You can get to the meadows via a narrow corridor known as the Melnragu throat.  The gravel road will lead to a hillock called Kurgāns from which you can have an excellent view of the surrounding landscape.

Distance from countries capital city62

Dubnas paliene

Palieņu un mitrās pļavas abos Dubnas upes krastos, kuras nelielā posmā var vērot no Rožupes - Vārkavas ceļa. Piemērotā laikā šeit dzirdēsiet griezes balsi, kas ir Eiropā izzūdoša putnu suga.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city190
Boat tour

Lielupes palienes plavas

Natural flood-land meadows along the banks of the Lielupe before Jelgava. Many protected plants are found here, and birds nest and rest here during migration season.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city40
Nature watching

Rujas paliene

Palieņu pļavas starp Rūjienu un Rūjas ieteku Burtnieku ezerā, kurām raksturīga liela augu un putnu sugu daudzveidība. Tās robežojas ar bijušiem Rūjas zivju dīķiem, kas šobrīd aizaug ar mežu. Rūjas palienes var vērot gan braucot ar laivu pa Rūju, gan arī no ceļa, kas ved uz minētajiem dīķiem. Tur izvietots informācijas stends.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city150
Boat tourNature watching

The Dumele lake meadows

A legendary location which is said to have been the site of a lake which, in 1838, was poured into the sea. When the water was gone, remnants of ancient tree stumps and ships were found at the bottom of the lake.
Distance from countries capital city151

Kalnciema plavas

This is a territory which regularly floods when the Lielupe River crosses its banks. These are flood-land meadows of importance to birds. The area can be surveyed from the Rīga-Liepāja highway and the Kalnciems road which runs along it.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city50
Nature watching