
Massive forests rich in biodiversity and rare stands

Overview Details

Nicas ivju audze

One of the rare places (see also Rucavas ivju audze) in Latvia where two rare and protected wild tree species grow - yew-tree and Baltic ivy. Territory is not marked on site with information signs or stands. Territory is not suitable for visitors as visitor without environmental knowledge will see “regular” forest. On the East side of the restricted area is located extending low wall – former narrow gauge railway (600 mm, length 41 km) line Dulbeni – Rucava. Railway was built by German military forces with the goal – to export wood.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city230

Nicgalu mezi

This territory was established to protect various kinds of rare butterflies A popular tourist destination in the Nīcgaļi forests is the great rock of Nīcgale, which is the largest rock in Latvia – a geological and geo-morphological monument of nature. The rock has a circumference of 31.1 metres, and it is 3.5 metres high, 10.5 metres long and 10.4 metres wide for a total size of 170 m3.

Protected landscape area Distance from countries capital city205
Nature watching

Plakanciema mezs

Neskartu mežu cienītāji var doties izpētīt Plakanciema puses mežu takas. Braucot no Plakanciema pasta nodaļas Mellupu virzienā pa autoceļu V7, pēc aptuveni 1 km jānogriežas ceļā pa labi. Tālāk jādodas uz priekšu vēl 1,2 km. Maršruta sākums - iepretī mājām “Putriņas” ceļa kreisajā pusē, kur sākas meža ceļš. Sākumā maršruts ved pa taisnu meža ceļu. Pēc 500 m nonākam pie ūdenskrātuves (karjera). Šeit ir iespēja doties vai nu gar vienu ūdenskrātuves krastu, vai gar otru. Abās pusēs var aiziet aptuveni līdz ūdenskrātuves pusei un tad griezties atpakaļ. Krastā augošos kokus iecienījuši bebri. Ūdenī peldas pīles, meža ceļa malā vairāki skudrupūžņi, no sakritušo pērno lapu apakšas lien ārā zaķskābenes.

Distance from countries capital city26

Zvardes mezi

The forests of Zvārde are located on land which used to be a Soviet air base. The territory was unpopulated and was not accessible to civilians. The vast area includes various types of forest - boreal forest, bogs of black alder, etc. The fact that the military used to control the territory is one of the reasons why the forests of Zvārde are a location where many rare and protected birds live, reproduce and find food. Some of the elements of the old air base are still in place, including a unique surveillance platform. It is recommended that visitors to the area drive only along general use roads.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city130
Nature watching


Kaziņmežs is a small area of forest to the East of the Cirste-Mazirbe road where it intersects with the Kolka-Ventspils road. This is a fabled place. When we take the Krustceļš route through Kaziņmežs, we arrive at the Kolka-Ventspils road (P 124).
Distance from countries capital city175

Garkalnes mezi

A diverse stand of forest that is bisected by the Vidzeme highway and the Rīga-Lugaži railroad line. This is a place where the largest endangered bird in the world – the European roller – can be found. Between one-quarter and one-fifth of the Latvian population of the crow is found here. This, too, is one of the last nesting places for the green woodpecker.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city20
Cross-country skiingBerry and mushroom picking

Burned areas

Between Saunags and Vaide on the road to Kolka, you will see an area on the left (South) side of the road where there was a massive forest fire in 1992 which burned approximately 3,300 hectares of forest.  Biologists use the area to study the regeneration of the forest.  There were extensive and destructive fires here during the early 20th century, as well.  Swedish scientists say that there have been at least 15 fires in the forests of Šlītere over the last several centuries.  The burned area is in a nature reserve and can only be viewed from the road.

Distance from countries capital city172

Rucavas ivju audze

One of the rare places (see also Rucavas ivju audze) in Latvia where two rare and protected wild tree species grow - yew-tree and Baltic ivy. Territory is not marked on site with information signs or stands therefore it is hard for visitors to find. Not usable as tourism object.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city245

Alsungas mezi

Territory is not attractive for a visitor without environmental knowledge and is very hard to find and reach through swampy forests on the North from Riva village. Area is not intended and appropriate for visits.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city250

The Piloru stand of oak trees

One of the few pure stands of oak trees in Latvia, this one covers 19.6 ha, and it was declared to be a protected territory back in 1928.  The oldest trees are 300 to 400 years old.  The stand of trees can be found alongside the Ezernieki-Andzeļi road.  There is a small car park, along with a hiking trail, an information stand, and a leisure area with a plank from which the northern bay and islands of Lake Ežezers can be seen very well.  There are typical species of plants, mushrooms and insects here, but only a specialist will be able to recognise them.

Distance from countries capital city280

Bejas mezs

Bejas meža dabas liegums veidots no reljefa viedokļa - interesantā, pauguru un starppauguru ieplaku saposmotā teritorijā, kuru klāj vecs un varens egļu mežs. Bejas mežā atrodas viena no Alūksnes rajonā vairākām "Velna pēdēm" - dziļa, krāterveida ieplaka, ko veidojis kūstošais ledājs.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city210
Nature trail

Darmstates priezu audze

Ap 100 gadus veca priežu audze, ko iesēja pagājušā gadsimta sākumā. Sēklu materiāls bija nācis no kādas Vācijas (Darmštatē) sēklu tirdzniecības firmas. Mūsu klimatiskajos apstākļos priežu stumbri izauga līki un kroplīgi. Savdabīgā audze labi redzama no šosejas malas.
Distance from countries capital city20 Active season months1-12

Sasalu mezs

The most important aspect of the Sasaļi forest is the eutrophic Lake Sasalis, as well as the unusual Lake Melnezers. Also of importance are various types of forestland in the area. Lake Sasalis is a popular place for leisure and swimming.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city230
SwimmingNature watching

Daugmales mezs

Ķekavas novada Daugmales pagastā atrodas pastaigām un dabas baudīšanai piemērots mežs, kurā baudīt dabas daudzveidību. 

Distance from countries capital city37