Nature objects in Lithuania

What's special about the nature in Lithuania?

The Curonian spit - a sandy, desert-like stretch of land between the Baltic see and the Curonian Inlet, teh hilly landscapes of the Žemaitija region, the blue mirror labyrinths of the lakes in teh Aukštaitija region, the pine forests in teh Dzūkija region, the curves of the Nemuna river valley, and the many regional nature parks, created not only to protect  the nature but also for people's recreation and interest - these are the nature values attracting guests of Lithuania. 

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Overview Details

The Kurtuvenai Estate Park

This estate is surrounded by an ancient and geometric landscape.  During the latter half of the 19th century, it had a landscape style with various elements of geometry.  The park covers 4.2 ha and has ancient linden, maple, elm, oak and other decorative bushes, with more than 20 types of plants that have turned into wood.

Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

The Survilai village countryside tourism farm

Enjoy nature with all of your senses in the Survilai village tourism farm, which is a Swiss village in the Jonavos district.  Walk down paths barefoot!  The paths are covered with pine cones, puddles, peat, clay, granite, smooth glass, pine needles, hay, an obstacle course, etc.  The path is more than a kilometre long, and you will feel unbelievable and positive emotions, as well as an inflow of energy.

Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Must register in advance Accommodation available Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

The Venta Regional Park

The park was established to protect the Venta River valley and the landscapes that are around its tributaries. On the west bank of the Venta, at Papilė, there is a cliff from the Jurassic period which is unique in the Baltic States, has been known since 1925, and has layers in which more than 300 forms of life have been identified over the course of time.

Plokstines izzinas taka (Plokstinės pazintinis takas)

Ja apskatīta kodolraķešu bāze, tad var iziet 3,2 km garo Ploštines izziņas taku, kas sākas turpat netālu. Taka ved cauri dažādiem mežu tipiem, iepazīstinot ar sikspārņu būrīšiem (cilvēka radītas sikspārņu dzīves vietas), apkaimes augiem un putniem, kā arī aizsargājamu dabas pieminekli – Pileļu avotu (Pilelio šaltinis).

Distance from countries capital city302

The Zemaitija National Park

This park is located in the northern part of the Žemaitija Highlands, and much of it is taken up by Lake Plateliai. The park was established to protect lakes, rivers, wetlands and forest ecosystems, as well as the local cultural environment.

Varniku izzinas taka (Varnikų pazintis takas)

Varniku mežā (Varnikų miškas) ir izveidota patiesi interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kas iet cauri dažādiem biotopiem – skujkoku un ozolu mežiem, purvainu mežu un sūnu purvu ar akačiem un nelieliem purva ezeriņiem, kur uzceltas divas skatu platformas. Mitrajās vietās un purvā ir izveidotas koka laipas. Šī ir populāra pastaigu vieta. Taka ir lokveida un marķēta. Tās apskatei būs nepieciešama ~ pusotra stunda.


The Asveja Regional Park

This park was established to protect Lithuania’s longest lake, Lake Asveja (> 20 km). The lake is in a sub-glacial valley carved out by ice during the Ice Age, and it actually resembles a wide and curvy river.

The Panemunių Regional Park

This park covers the Nemuna River valley between the villages of Seredžius and Geldaudišķis, with lovely views of castle hills, medieval castles, aristocratic estates, etc., along the shores.
Nature park Distance from countries capital city156
Bicycle trailNature watching

Putnu verosanas tornis

Reškutenu (Reškutėnai) ciema apkārtnē ir atjaunots neliels mitrājs, kura malā uzcelts putnu vērošanas tornis. Ja paveicas, pavasaros te var dzirdēt vai redzēt tādas retas un aizsargājamas putnu sugas kā ķikutu Gallinago media, ormanīti Porzana porzana, melnkakla dūkuri Podiceps nigricollis, griezi Crex crex u.c. Ciema ainava īpaši pievilcīga ir pieneņu un ābeļu ziedēšanas laikā. No putnu vērošanas torņa var redzēt vietas, kur akmens laikmetā dzīvojuši cilvēki. Blakus esošajā purvainajā pļavā bijis ezera līcis, kur tika būvēti ciemati līdzīgi kā Āraišu ezerpils gadījumā.

Distance from countries capital city108

Garnu kalns (Garnių kalnas)

  Aiz Jodkrantes (Nidas virziens) ceļa labajā pusē ir izveidots autostāvlaukums un labiekārtota vieta, no kuras apskatāma Lietuvas (atrodamas ziņas, ka arī Eiropas) lielākā zivju gārņu Ardea cinerea un jūras kraukļu Phalacrocorax carbo kolonija, kur kopā varētu būt ~ 3000 putnu. Neaizmirstiet līdzi paņemt tālskati!

Distance from countries capital city355

Ula (Ula) un Merke (Merkys)

Ūla ir viena no skaistākajām un likumsakarīgi – arī populārākajām Lietuvas ūdenstūristu upēm. Tās galvenā pievilcība ir skaistā ainava ar augstajiem upes krastiem, kuros slejas iespaidīgas smilšu kraujas līdzīgi kā Irbes krastos Latvijā. Laivošanu var sākt no Mančagires (Mančiagirė) vai Zervinos ciemiem un turpināt līdz Ūlas ietekai Merķē un tālāk pa Merķi līdz pat Merķinei un Nemunai. Ūla nav plata, taču posmā no Zervinos ciema tajā nav neviena koku aizgāzuma vai cita šķēršļa, kuram laiva būtu jānes apkārt. Ašā straume, asie līkumi, dzidrais ūdens un tajā redzamā zemūdens pasaule rada patiesi patīkamu sajūtu! Upes krastos atrodas gan publiskas (apsaimnieko Lietuvas valsts meži), gan privātas ūdenstūristu apmetnes un atpūtas vietas. Šī ir vienīgā Baltijas upe, kur ūdenstūristiem ir jāpērk licence. Ūlas krastos atrodas divi interesanti apskates objekti – Ūlas atsegums (Ūlos atodanga) un spēcīgs avots – Ūlas acs (Ūlos akis). Savukārt, Merķe jau ir jau krietni platāka upe, taču ar acīm redzamu straumi un dažviet pat jaukām straujtecēm. Kaut arī Merķes krasti ir mazapdzīvoti, tajos atradīsim piemērotas nakšņošanas vietas. Pa Ūlu un Merķi no Zervinos līdz Merķinei sanāk „mierīgs” pusotras - divas dienas ilgs brauciens.


The Joniskelis Estate park

The Jakiškiu Estate was first mentioned in documents in the late 16th century.  The estate had elements of Classicism in terms of its architecture.  Among the buildings, the only ones that have survived are the mansion, an ice cellar and a steam-driven windmill.  The estate has not been restored, so it is still authentic.  Its artistic soul is preserved by various objects that remain from the time when people lived at the estate and from the Soviet era.  Alongside the estate are a few fragments of a park, which covers approximately 2 ha.  There is an ancient alley of linden trees that are on both sides of the entrance road, as well as several other valuable types of trees and a small pond.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers

The Labanoras Regional Park

This territory is rich with forestland and lakes (some 285 in all). There are extensive opportunities for active recreation or calm leisure.
Nature park Distance from countries capital city82
Boat tourNature trailNature watching

The Aukstadvaris Regional Park

This territory in the northern part of the Dzūkija Highlands with lots of hillocks and lakes. The most interesting tourist destination is Velnio duobė (Devil’s Flowerbed) – a funnel-shaped hole that is up to 40 m deep and 200 m wide and is thought to have originated during the Ice Age.
Nature park Distance from countries capital city56
Nature trailNature watching