Nature objects in Lithuania

What's special about the nature in Lithuania?

The Curonian spit - a sandy, desert-like stretch of land between the Baltic see and the Curonian Inlet, teh hilly landscapes of the Žemaitija region, the blue mirror labyrinths of the lakes in teh Aukštaitija region, the pine forests in teh Dzūkija region, the curves of the Nemuna river valley, and the many regional nature parks, created not only to protect  the nature but also for people's recreation and interest - these are the nature values attracting guests of Lithuania. 

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Overview Details

Seires dabas taka (Seirės gamtos takas)

Četrus kilometrus garā lokveida un marķētā dabas taka meklējama Plateļu pilsētiņas ziemeļaustrumu daļā. Tā ved pa dažādiem biotopiem – mežu, purvu, ezera malu, atklājot dažādas ainavas un tajās mītošās augu, putnu un dzīvnieku sugas. Šī ir interesantākā un ainaviskākā no Žemaitijas nacionālā parka takām.

Distance from countries capital city307

The Kursiu Dune (Kursių nerija)

In terms of territory, it is the most impressive dune range in the Baltics. This is the only place in the Baltics, where one can enjoy open dune sands that are still active and, under the influence of wind, form the so-called eolian relief forms. There are trails, wooded trails and a paved bikeway for the conveniences of visitors. In order to protect the dune, The Dunes of Curonian spit National Park has been established .

Distance from countries capital city340

The Zagare Regional Park

Žagare has long since been known for a special type of cherries.  There are various varieties which only differ in terms of when they are ripe and productive.  There are different types of trees.  The cherries grow at nearly home, and that is an exclusive symbol of Žagare. 

Active leisure Silence and Peace Beautiful sights Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city260 Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Nature trailNature watching

Kurisches Haff

Das beinah 100 km langes und bis zu 36 km breites aus dem Süßwasser bestehende Haff, das im Norden mit der Ostsee verbunden ist. Das Haff trennt vom Merr die eindrucksvolle Kurische Nehrung. Ins Kurische Haff mündet der größte Fluss Litauens Nemunas ein.

Distance from countries capital city310

The Baltu Plant Museum

This museum was established in 2014 in partnership with the Siauliai University botanical garden. The museum is 85 m long and 40 m wide on a territory that covers 0.34 ha.

Heritage gardens Active season months5-9 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance

The Salu Estate park

Located on an island in Lake Dviragio, the Salu Estate and its park, when viewed from above, are reminiscent of the boundaries of Lithuania.  The park to the east of the estate is a mixed-type park and is one of the oldest ones in Lithuania.  Back in the day, it was a forest park where trees were never cut down.  The park featured maple, linden, elm, aspen and other local trees, and they are now around 200 years old.  A winding path links the alley to a park trail by the lake.  The various plants and fragments of alleys have survived to the present day.

Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance

The Asveja Regional Park

This park was established to protect Lithuania’s longest lake, Lake Asveja (> 20 km). The lake is in a sub-glacial valley carved out by ice during the Ice Age, and it actually resembles a wide and curvy river.

Varniku izzinas taka (Varnikų pazintis takas)

Varniku mežā (Varnikų miškas) ir izveidota patiesi interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kas iet cauri dažādiem biotopiem – skujkoku un ozolu mežiem, purvainu mežu un sūnu purvu ar akačiem un nelieliem purva ezeriņiem, kur uzceltas divas skatu platformas. Mitrajās vietās un purvā ir izveidotas koka laipas. Šī ir populāra pastaigu vieta. Taka ir lokveida un marķēta. Tās apskatei būs nepieciešama ~ pusotra stunda.


The Energetic Labyrinth and Geometric Figure Park

This park has five labyrinths with decorative plants, flowers and various kinds of medicinal plants.  The longest path in the labyrinth is 1.7 km long.  The total distance of the paths is 4.5 km.  The park has three geometric figures -- a cupola, a mandala and a Merkabah.

Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Optional meals Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Pre-order required

The Stelmuze Estate park

This park dates back to the mid-18th century and is to the south of Lake Stelmuže.  There are winding trails on all sides of the hillock that lead to the Christ the King Church, with linden, maple, oak, birch, fir, elm and pine trees.  At the foot of the hillock is the Laime stream, and visitors are welcome to stroll along the alley of oak trees.  The oldest and fattest oak tree in Lithuania is one of the oldest ones in Europe.  It is though that it is 1,500 to 2,000 ears old, and its record-setting diameter is 3.5 metres (eight or nine people linking hands are needed to encircle it).  The tree is 23 m high.

Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

The Cepkelių Nature Park

This is Lithuania’s largest mossy swamp, and the Čepkeliu Nature Reserve was established to protect it.  Before visiting the swamp, you must register at the Dzūkijos National Park’s visitor centre (Marcinkonys, Šilagėlių gatve 11).


The Pakrujo Estate park

This landscape park has survived to the present day and was installed between 1850 and 1860.  On one side the territory has a boundary that is the dammed Kruoja River, and on the other side there is a fence made of fieldstones.  The English park principles at that time meant that advantage was given to a natural landscape with imitations of nature.  There are some 26 types of trees in the park, and some of them were introduced from various parts of the world a few centuries ago.

Active season months1-12 Optional meals This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accommodation available

The Birzuvenai Estate Park

This park surrounds the mansion of the Biržuvenai Estate, and it is based on the terrain of the Virvite River and an old river that provides water for the park.  The central part of the park is regularly designed, while the rest has elements of landscape.  Opposite the estate is a glass sculpture, and on its western side is a wooden pergola.  Local trees dominate in the park, but there are also trees from other countries.  Of importance is a group of oak trees on the banks of the river, as is an alley of linden trees that leads to the pond in the direction of the estate.

Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups

Hügel Ladakalnis

Vermutlich ein heidnischer Hügel. Schöner Blick auf die 6 Seenlandschaften. Ein Symbol vom Nationalpark.

Distance from countries capital city122