Place of reference

Overview Details

Film city Cinevilla

The biggest and the most impressive public decoration in the open air which was originally built in 2004 as the set for the film „The guards of Riga”and later as the set for the film directed by J.Streich „Rudolf’s inheritance”. Here you will also find the weapon museum Arsenal (contains weapons of different periods, uniforms and household goods), as well as the bakery "Laci".

Distance from countries capital city78

A Ferris wheel

The Ferris wheel that is in Sigulda is on the corner of Leona Paegles and Cēsu streets, and it is only open during the summer. If you ride the wheel, you can take lovely snapshots of the ancient Gauja River valley.


Biedriba "Selijas laivas"

Sēlijā, 5 km attālumā no Aknīstes, mājā "Skārdupītes" atrodas biedrība “Sēlijas laivas”. Kamēr teritorijā vēl tikai tiek attīstīta aktīvā tūrisma bāze, jau tagad viesiem tiek sniegts ieskats laivošanas kultūras attīstībā, kā arī ir iespējama dažādu laivu veidu noma un laivošanas tehnikas apmācība.

Papildus: vides gida pakalpojumi ar iespēju laivojot iepazīt upes ekosistēmu, floru un faunu.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city145 Active season months1-12

Daugavas plosts

Pļaviņās, pie Daugavas ielas, Daugavas krastā uz laukakmeņiem novietots plosta modelis ar stendu (2011. gads, biedrība „Kopsolis”), kur izlasāms stāsts ar plostnieka atmiņām un aplūkojamas vēsturiskās plostnieku fotogrāfijas. Daugavas posms starp Pļaviņām un Koknesi bija visgrūtāk pārvaramais plostnieku šķērslis ar krācēm un līdz 20 m augstiem, klinšainiem upes krastiem.

Distance from countries capital city124

A collection of sailing ships in Roja

Laimonis and Ilga Veidemanis lived in Roja 20 or 30 years ago.  They were deaf and loved to produce models of sailing ships of various sizes.  This was based on a dream about the big ships of their ancestors and the wide seas upon which the couple could not sail.  The models are very precise, designed with much care and love.  The couple never learned the secrets of ship models, but their collection has been inherited by Laimonis’ granddaughter, who wants to display the wonderful collection and her grandfather’s careful work to the public.  The hostess welcomes visitors and tells her story about how the models were produced. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city120

A collection of ancient household items in “Sturisi”

Stūrīši is a homestead owned by the Taisel family, offering a collection and a chance to taste Liv foods: fish soup, porridge, sprat sandwiches, pastries, etc.

Distance from countries capital city173 Active season months4-11 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Karulas nacionala parka apmekletaju centrs

Apmeklētāju centrā var iegūt noderīgu informāciju un iepazīt ekspozīciju par Karulas augstienes veidošanās vēsturi, ezeru iemītniekiem un šejienes novada kultūrvēsturiskajām tradīcijām. Apmeklētāju grupas semināru zālē var noskatīties izzinošu prezentāciju.


“Little Chamber of Ancient Items, Writings and Photographs”

The space is on the second floor of the Jūrkalne library, featuring traditional objects from Jūrkalne and the Suiti people, as well as several looms where locals organise creative workshops.  Contact the chamber in advance to arrange for a guide who will tell you all about the culture and traditions of the Suiti and present a film about them.  

Seminars Distance from countries capital city188 Active season months1-12

An aerial tram

The aerial tram across the Gauja is the only vehicle of its type in the Baltic States. It was installed in 1969 with the help of engineers from Georgia. The crossing is 1060 m long, and the cable which crosses the river is just one cable without any supports. The tram rides about 40 metres above the river, and it offers an outstanding look at the local landscapes. During the evening, the tram is used by Bungee jumpers.


Nacionala parka apmekletaju centrs

Atrodas Plateļu centrā. Plateļi ir otra lielākā apdzīvotā vieta nacionālā parka teritorijā. Apmeklētāju centrā var noskaidrot aktuālo informāciju, pieteikties organizētās ekskursijās, iegādāties informatīvus materiālus, kā arī apskatīt nelielu dabas ekspozīciju par nozīmīgākajām parka dabas vērtībām.

Distance from countries capital city306

The “Wooden Objects of a Farm in the Dviete Wetlands” exhibition

The Atāli homestead is on Putnu Island, and a local researcher, Ārija Gruberte, has used the threshing barn to exhibit everyday objects used in the area of the ancient Dviete River valley over the course of time. She has collected these items over the course of 20 years, and they include objects dating back to the Stone Age, the Iron age and the Middle Ages. All of them speak to human lives over the course of more than 10,000 years. Please call in advance to arrange for a tour.

Distance from countries capital city196

Kokneses pils makets

Atrodas Kokneses tūrisma centra telpās (1905. gada ielā 7). 160 cm garais un 120 cm augstais makets ir Vittingenas (Vācija) dāvinājums Koknesei, atzīmējot 10 gadu sadraudzības jubileju. Šāda Kokneses pils izskatījās ap 1701. gadu. 

Distance from countries capital city102

Vastseliina Bishop´s Castle and Visitor Centre

Vastseliina Castle dates from between the 14th and 17th centuries; during this time it was a mighty stronghold on the border between Russia and Europe and in the Middle Ages it was also a pilgrimage destination, it was destroyed in 1702 during the Great Northern War.
Vastseliina Visitor Centre, located in the former Piiri Inn, has exhibitions on the castle history and local legends, craft workshops, concerts and shows, and castle feasts in which all participants are dressed in medieval clothing.

Distance from countries capital city281 Active season months1-12

The "Gacas" farm

This is the home of singer and oral tradition keeper Lidija Jansone, who is a holder of the Latvian Order of Tree Stars and a fierce defender of the cultural heritage of the Suiti people.  She will tell you about her community’s history and traditions and about the special bourdon singing of the Suiti.  Lidija will also talk about how beer was once brewed by our ancestors for various celebrations.

Distance from countries capital city176 Active season months1-12

The Ventspils Crafts House

Līga Reitere is a ventiņi story teller and a specialist in herbs, and in an old school classroom, she teaches penmanship and the ventiņi dialect.  An informational tour is available, and visitors can purchase products and souvenirs from Kurzeme.

Distance from countries capital city191

Angla Windmill Park and Heritage Culture Centre

Angla Tuulikumägi (Windmill Hill) is the only site in Saaremaa which has retained its historical mill scenery with four post mills characteristic of the area and one Dutch-type mill. All windmills are open to visitors.
Part of the park is the heritage culture centre where you can learn traditional craft skills, take part in events and taste traditional rye bread.

Distance from countries capital city195 Active season months1-12

The Suiti Ethnic Cultural Centre

This collection features the heritage of the Suiti people, including an exhibition of folk costumes.  Visitors can learn about the costumes and try them on.  This is a cosy place for meetings, with well-equipped rooms for seminars and various types of training sessions.

Distance from countries capital city176 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance

A Viking ship

To view the Daugava River from a different perspective, visit the Liepkalni bakery, which offers tours in a Viking longboat that is called “Lāčplēsis” and can carry up to 24 people.  The Daugava has always been an important transport corridor for many species and animals that arrived in Latvia because of that, as well as for people and tribes that lived along the banks of the Daugava River and the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Distance from countries capital city114

The Uldevens Castle

The artist Agris Liepiņš was the initiator of the project to recreate a 12th-century Ancient Latvian wooden castle. The building was erected in 1997 on the basis of samples from the remnants of castles found at various castle hills in Latvia. This is an idealised version of the residence of Uldevens, who was once the senior official of the Lielvārde region.
Distance from countries capital city54 Active season months1-12

Folkloras centrs NAMINS

2003.gada decembrī folkloras kopa „Atštaukas” izveidoja folkloras centru „Namīns”, kurā svin svētkus, organizē Jāņu ielīgošanu, Lieldienu iešūpošanu, Miķeļdienas tirgu, Annas dienas Saimnieču svētkus, tautiskos Ziemassvētkus. „Atštaukas” palīdz saglabāt un popularizēt dažādus latviešu tautas godību rituālus, gan kāzu, gan arī bēru tradīcijas. Folkloras centrā „Namīns” darbojas arī skola, kurā bērniem tiek mācīta folklora un tautas tradīcijas.

Distance from countries capital city218 Active season months1-12

Suiti meeting places – Alsunga, Gudenieki, Jurkalne

The environmental object “SUITI MEETING PLACE” was established during an international arts plénière in Jūrkalne, and the originator of the idea was the musician Igo.  Sculptor Ivars Miķelsons with assistants Didzis Grodzs and Juris Krafts produced the environmental object.  The idea of marking out the Suiti cultural space among Gudenieki, Alsunga and Jūrkalne in nature began in 2013, when the first Suiti meeting place was established where the Gudenieki-Ēdole and Alsunga-Basi roads cross.  The second meeting place was established the next year where the Kuldīga-Alsunga-Jūrkalne road crosses the town in the direction of Jūrkalne past the Alsunga centre.  The third Suiti meeting place was established in Jūrkalne.  The objects were established in partnership with local governments and landowners by the “Vēju sēta” association.

Distance from countries capital city178 Active season months1-12

The Dobele Crafts House

The Dobele Crafts House is to the East of Market Square at Baznīcas Street 8 in Dobele. Enthusiasts use it to preserve ancient traditions from the Zemgale region. Workshops to teach crafts are organised here five days a week.

Distance from countries capital city72

Ship "Balta Kaza"

The ship "Baltā Kaza" transports tourists along the Daugava and also acts as a ferry from Jaunjelgava to Skriveri. In the summer season it runs at regular times. Excursions and trips to the Love Island, Aizkraukle castle ruins, Ķegums HPP, etc. are also possible. Other routes are possible.

25 passenger seats. During the trips you can get acquainted with the narration of cultural-historical, historical and biological objects on both banks of the Daugava. The owner organizes events and concerts both on the Daugava and on the bank of the Daugava.

Possibility to rent SUP boards, rowing and canoe boats, catamarans at the berth.

Active leisure Active season months5-9
Boat tour

History Centre Wittenstein

The History Centre Wittenstein is located in the Livonian Order castle on the rampart hill in Paide, where a time machine lift transports visitors through historic events and periods. The trip covers the period from 10,000 BC to the present day. The Centre uses lots of sound and light effects, video programmes and illusions.

Distance from countries capital city92 Active season months1-12

AHHAA Wissenschafts-zentrum

Das größte Wissenschaftszentrum Baltikums mit Möglichkeiten, mitzuarbeiten und zu experimentieren. Ein Planetarium.

Distance from countries capital city185

Tartu Barge Yard

The Peipsi barge is a type of sailing ship specially adapted to Lake Peipsi and Emajõgi River conditions, and originates from the 14th C. Jõmmu was the first barge launched in 2006 following a 50-year gap. The Emajõgi River Barge Association runs varied trips on the Emajõgi River and Lake Peipsi. Little fans of barges can learn about old crafts and shipbuilding at the barge yard.

Distance from countries capital city189 Active season months1-12

The Alsunga Tourism Information Centre

The centre was opened in 2018 with the aim of facilitating tourism in Alsunga and the historical Suiti territory and to offer information about the district, thus establishing a positive and attractive image for Alsunga and the historical territory in Latvia and abroad.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city177 Active season months1-12

An educational tour of historical locations in Preili

One of the rare guides in Latgale who sings Lettigalian songs during the tour.  This is an interesting, attractive and educational tale about historical events related to the Preiļi Estate and the surrounding town.

Distance from countries capital city201

A medieval farm

This is a site where you can try out ancient weapons – bows and crossbows (a reproduction of items from the 14th and 15th century), throwing an axe (replicas of German axes from the 13th century), and spears. Once you’ve learned how to handle those weapons, you can also forge a copy of a Medieval coin. You can try on copies of armoured caps and gloves and have your picture taken with a sword or battle axe. For larger groups, the enterprise will organise ancient sports and table games.
Active season months7-8
Tour guide services

Куршское поселение викингов

Находится за Гробиньским водохранилищем на берегу реки Аланде (ул. Пиладжу, д. 3). Туристический клуб «Ога» с 1 мая 2013 года планирует здесь организацию разных связанных с жизнью викингов мероприятий, во время которых можно будет войти в образ викинга, отправиться в поход на корабле викингов (в соответствующей одежде) по реке Аланде, а также познакомиться с окрестностями, которые связаны с тематикой викингов. Рядом с поселением установлена деревянная фигура викинга с рогами (от коров, пасущихся на Витиньских лугах на берегу Лиепайского озера).

Distance from countries capital city206

The ancient Dviete river valley information centre “Gulbji”

The ancient Dviete river valley information centre “Gulbji” is one of the most important information facilities in the nature park and is housed in a single family farm that is 100 years old and is typical of the historical region of Selonia. Visitors can study an exhibition that is dedicated to the park, buy products from local craftspeople and farmers, and enjoy a beverage that is made from the distillation of beaver glands. To the North and East of “Gulbji” is the Putnu island paddock (250 ha) with livestock adapted to life in the wild – Konik horses and Highlander cows. There’s a bird watching tower on the shore of Lake Skuķi, which is 500 m away.

Distance from countries capital city190

Association "Watermarks", The Meadow Museum in Kaldabruṇa

The village of Kaldabruņa in the Jēkabspils Adminitsration District has a former elementary school that is currently managed by the Ūdenszīmes organisation.  The meadow museum exhibition is compared to a human life cycle, and visitors will see a Smilga exhibition, a childhood lighting objects, the Kadabruņa Māra belt in a hole in an oak tree, the Vārdnieki crown, the Pūra crown, and exhibitions of endangered and rare plants.  The Kaldabruņa or Krievāni Māra belt is one of the greatest cultural and historical treasures in the administrative district because it is a unique ethnographic material.  The belt is made of 52 ornaments, including 36 modified fire cross ornaments.  Nothing of the sort can be seen in Latvian ethnography.  The Stāmeriena wrap has 19 modifications of the fire cross, while the belt has blue and yellow ornaments, with red and green colours on its edges.  At the end of the belt is a complicated weave of little pearls and fringes.  Authentic copies of the belt have not been presented in public, and this unique material has also not been seen in the digital environment.  The original belt was received by ethnographers in the late 19th century from Māra Krievāne from the Mačulāni homestead in Kaldabruņa.  It is housed at the Latvian Museum of History, which also has the only known copy of the belt.  Decoding of the ornaments can be found in a book about Latvian ornaments.  The building that is managed by Ūdenszīmes also contains an unprecedented art venue -- the Šķūņa Art Gallery.  Also of interest is a hay museum and the stories about the locations. 

Agri Heritage Heritage gardens Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city177 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
SaunaPlace for tents Picnick areaSouvenire shop

Latgalisko tradiciju un prasmju maja AMBELU SKREINE

Latgalisko tradīciju un prasmju māja “Ambeļu skreine” ir latgalisko vērtību glabātāja un popularizētāja. Interesentiem tiek piedāvātas interaktīvas aktivitātes latgaliešu kultūras garā, dažādas meistarklases.  “Ambeļu skreinē”  tiek svinēti gadskārtu svētki un  izkoptas dažādas amatu prasmes.  Te notiek danču vakari, dziedāšana, zīlēšana, tiek cepta maizīte, siets siers un tiek  veidotas tautas lietišķās mākslas izstādes.  No mājas paveras brīnišķīgs skats uz Višķu ezeru un Latgales krāšņajām dabas ainavām. 

Distance from countries capital city251 Active season months1-12

Regional history in Vecmuiza

One of the 15 semi-estates of the former Dundaga Castle, Vecmuiža, has a private collection of historical materials.  

Distance from countries capital city144 Active season months1-12

Ekopoligons „Getlini”

Getliņu ekoloģiskais poligons ir Latvijā unikāls piemērs ekoloģiski saderīgu darbības virzienu ieviešanai. Tā energobloka saražotais siltums tiek izmantots siltumnīcu apsildei, kas nodrošina ideālu vidi lauksaimnieciskai ražošanai (puķes un tomāti - lielaugļu tomāti, tumšsarkanie tomāti, aveņkrāsas ķekartomāti) gada aukstajos mēnešos. Poligona teritoriju (zālāju) nogana ar aitu ganāmpulka palīdzību.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city15 Active season months1-12

Kiruvere Viking Festival and Viking ship

How did people live 1,000 years ago? What clothes did they wear? What tools and appliances were used? Answers to these and many other questions will be found at Kiruvere Viking Festival, held annually in July with re-enactors from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.
The Viking ship Äge sails the lake from May to October. A nature trail nearby is open for walks all year round.

Distance from countries capital city53 Active season months5-10