Wellbeing Tourism - Latvian Sauna Experience

The Latvian sauna (pirts) restores the body in physical and spiritual terms. A sauna ritual is an adventure on various levels – healing and purifying the body, concentrating the emotions, learning about yourself, and even experiencing a positive change in your consciousness. Sauna rituals are offered by certified and experienced experts, and the rituals make use of gifts from the environment – branch and plant switches, scrubs and body masks from natural and local raw materials. Herbal teas are also offered.

Overview Details


Tīra, mājīga, sildoša tradicionāla latviešu pirts nelielām kompānijām (līdz 12 personām). Pie pirts mājas ir dīķis ar peldvietu, kā arī neliels pēdu masāžas taku komplekss ar dažādiem dabisku materiālu segumiem. Zem klajas debess atrodas arī siltais un aukstais mini baseins. Papildu pieejamas arī bērzu slotiņas, pavasara-vasaras sezonā bērzu sulas, zāļu tējas, masāžas, pirtnieka pakalpojumi un citi labumi, kas var būtiski vairot pirtošanās prieku un pirts labvēlīgo ietekmi uz Jūsu veselību.


Papildu pieejama arī japāņu un indiāņu pirts.

Skiing Sauna Experience For children and teenagers Seminars For parties Fishing Active leisure Guests62 (20) Bedrooms5 (11) Distance from countries capital city25 Active season months1-12 Child discount50% Optional meals Disable Access Internet access No pets allowed Accommodation available
FireplaceTV in bedroomsSteam bathSaunaFarm animalsBBQRooms for  festivitiesBirch besomPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsIndoor poolJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guestsTrailer parking available ScreenTV VideoComputer HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeGas cookerWashing machineWashing-up-machineKitchenEn-suite facilities FishingSwimmingBoatsBicyclesSports groundFishing - commercialFishing - winterFishing equipment rentalFootball fieldTable games, etc.Dart boardFacilities  appropriate for childrenCross-country skiingBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesBicycle trailIce skatingPicnick areaNature trailNature watchingQuadPaintball Nearest train station11kmNearest bus stop7kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianOther languagesHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultant


-    Sertificēta/as pirtnieka/ces pirts rituāli, kā arī zāļu tējas un veldze baseinā vai piemājas dīķī;
-    Relaksējošas ķermeņa masāžas ar aromātiskām, Latvijā ražotām eļļām;
-    Attīrošs un atjaunojošs ķermeņa pīlings, izmantojot Latvijā ražotu kosmētiku;
-    Karsto griķu pindu masāža uz pirts lāvas;
-    Atslābinošā un dziednieciskā karstā medus masāža.

Horseback riding Sauna Experience Seminars Active leisure Fishing For parties Skiing Guests29 (60) Bedrooms7 (2) Distance from countries capital city115 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Internet access Accommodation available
FireplaceSteam bathSaunaOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivitiesBirch besomPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsBaby cotIndoor poolNo smokingLiving room available to guestsTrailer parking available ScreenWhiteboardLCD/ProjectorTV VideoComputerCopier HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeGas cookerWashing machineVacuum cleanerWashing-up-machineCoffee machineKitchenEn-suite facilities Fishing2kmSwimmingBoatsBicyclesSports groundHorseback riding9kmFishing - commercialFishing - winterFishing equipment rentalRide in horse driven sledgeFootball fieldTable games, etc.Dart boardFacilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingSkiing equipment rentalBerry and mushroom pickingHuntingBicycle trailIce skatingPicnick areaNature watchingBilljard Nearest train station20kmNearest bus stop0.7kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultantBabysittingCar rent


Piedāvā iespēju izbaudīt Eco SPA pirts rituālu profesionāla pirtnieka pāra pavadībā. Pirts rituālā var baudīt dažādus augu aromātus, kuri ir ievākti pašu rokām un ļauties sildošām un kontrasta procedūrām, kas dos prāta un visa ķermeņa relaksāciju. 

Pirtiņa atrodas vienā ēkā ar istabām. Pirts izkurināšana par papildus maksu.

Fishing Nature for Health Rural SPA Sauna Experience Guests11 Bedrooms5 Distance from countries capital city161 Active season months1-12
TV in bedroomsNo smoking HairdryerTeapotCoffee machine
from 60 EUR / night

Meza Skuki

Pirts rituāls profesionālas pirtnieces vadībā. Vēlamais apmeklētāju skaits: 2. Procedūras ilgums: 3-4 stundas. 
Pasākuma saturs: 
1) pieredzes apmaiņa un sarunas pie zāļu tējas; 
2) uzsildīšanās pirtiņā; 
3) ierīvēšanās ar pirtnieces pašgatavotiem skrubjiem vai mālu;
4) atvēsināšanās pie avota vai ezerā;
5) lielais pēriens;
6) atvēsināšanās;
7) nobeigumā medus vai augļu maska ķermenim.
Lielākai kompānijai (8-12 cilvēki) tiek kurināta Melnā Pirts. Pasākuma saturs līdzīgs kā jaunajā pirtī.

Active leisure Agri Heritage Fishing Local lifestyle Sauna Experience Guests9 Bedrooms2 Distance from countries capital city205 Active season months1-12 Child discount50% Accommodation available
FireplaceSteam bathSaunaFarm animalsBBQBirch besomPlace for tentsLiving room available to guests HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveGas cookerWashing machineKitchen FishingBoatsBicyclesSports groundBerry and mushroom pickingPicnick areaNature watching Nearest train station6kmNearest bus stop3kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant
from 14 EUR / pers


Melnā pirtiņa ar pirtnieka - saimnieces pakalpojumiem, maskas, skrubes un tēja.

For parties Sauna Experience Agriculture Agri Heritage Guests8 (2) Bedrooms2 Distance from countries capital city240 Active season months5-10 Child discount50% Optional meals No pets allowed
Steam bathFarm animalsOutdoor firepalceBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tents Kitchen FishingSwimmingBoatsHorseback ridingNature trail Nearest shopDistance to hosts house Hosts speak RussianMassageProfessional sauna-consultant


Lauku pirts ar bērza vai jauktu koku zaru slotiņām, zāļu tēja. Pirts mājiņa ir ērta līdz 6-7 personām. Zem klajas debess atrodas apsildāms kubls ar burvīgu skatu uz ezeru, izmantojams visu gadu.

Pieejami profesionāla pirtnieka pakalpojumi ar pirts rituālu.

Pirtnieku lūdzam pieteikt iepriekš.

For parties Fishing Silence and Peace Seminars Sauna Experience Canoeing Guests55 (12) Bedrooms19 Distance from countries capital city25 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Electric vehicle charging available1items
FireplaceSteam bathOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsBaby cotJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guests ScreenWhiteboard HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeWashing machineWashing-up-machineKitchenEn-suite facilities FishingSwimmingBoatsFacilities  appropriate for children Nearest train station5kmNearest bus stop2kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian


Velnalas pirts. Ekoloģiski bagātā un enerģētiskā vietā, uz uguns āderes, no pamatīgiem baļķiem celta, latviskā stilā iekārtota zāļu pirts. Šeit gaidīti pirts procedūru un pēršanās baudītāji. Velna alas pirtij ir sava aura un smarža, kādu var sastapt senajās lauku pirtīs. Pirts neatņemama sastāvdaļa ir zāļu tēju rituāls.

Skiing Sauna Experience Seminars For parties Guests81 (4) Bedrooms19 (1) Distance from countries capital city40 Active season months1-12 Internet access Electric vehicle charging available2items No pets allowed
FireplaceSteam bathOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivities100pers.Birch besomPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsBaby cotJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guests WhiteboardDiaprojectorLCD/ProjectorTV Video HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeVacuum cleanerCoffee machineKitchen FishingSwimming0kmBicyclesSports groundHorseback riding5kmHorseback riding instructorRide in horse driven sledgeFootball fieldFacilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingBerry and mushroom pickingPicnick areaNature trail Nearest train station7kmNearest bus stop2kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant

The Marciena Manor Hotel

Country sauna for up to 14 people.

Rural SPA Skiing For parties Sauna Experience Seminars Guests81 (19) Bedrooms33 Distance from countries capital city160 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Internet access Accommodation available
FireplaceTV in bedroomsSteam bathSaunaFarm animalsOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivitiesBirch besomRooms for seminarsBaby cotIndoor poolJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guests ScreenWhiteboardLCD/ProjectorTV VideoComputerCopier HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeKitchenEn-suite facilities FishingSwimming0.1kmBoatsSports groundHorseback riding15kmFishing equipment rentalHorseback riding instructorRide in horse driven sledgeTable games, etc.Dart boardFacilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingSkiing equipment rentalBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesHuntingBoat tourNature trail Nearest train station1kmNearest bus stop0.3kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultant


Traditional and black sauna with professional sauna practitioners. Milk SPA and milk museum.


  • Meeting the hosts, getting acquainted with the estate and surroundings.
  • Master class for collecting sauna plants. Guests will get acquainted with the range of seasonal wild plants, their preparation for use in sauna, and their effects on physical, emotional and mental health.
  • Sauna ritual with a sauna master. The process will include an introductory procedure for calming down the feelings and emotions, application of a natural scrub, made form seasonal nature gifts, treatment with sauna whisks made form wild plants. The ritual will be ended end with an application of a herbal compress.
  • Enjoying a refreshing herbal tea or a glass of warm milk with honey.
Skiing Seminars Walking Rural SPA Active leisure Heritage gardens Sauna Experience Mammal watching For parties For children and teenagers Agri Heritage Cycling Guests46 (90) Bedrooms23 (1) Distance from countries capital city157 Active season months1-12 Internet access SPA Accommodation available Optional meals
FireplaceTV in bedroomsSteam bathSaunaBBQRooms for  festivities120pers.Birch besomPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsBaby cotIndoor poolNo smokingTrailer parking available ScreenWhiteboardLCD/ProjectorTV VideoComputerCopier HairdryerIronTeapotEn-suite facilities FishingSwimming2kmBicyclesSports groundFootball fieldTennis courtTable games, etc.Facilities  appropriate for childrenCross-country skiingSkiing equipment rentalTour guide servicesPicnick areaNature trailNature watchingSouvenire shopBilljard Nearest train station9kmNearest bus stop0.6kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultant

Meza salas

Pirtnieka pakalpojumi - dažādas pirts procedūras un rituāli.


Sauna Experience Fishing Active leisure For children and teenagers For parties Seminars Guests50 (35) Bedrooms11 Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months1-12 Child discount50% Optional meals Disable Access Internet access
FireplaceTV in bedroomsSteam bathOutdoor firepalceBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsBaby cotJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guestsTrailer parking available ScreenWhiteboardOverhead projectorLCD/ProjectorTV VideoComputerCopier HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeVacuum cleanerCoffee machineKitchenEn-suite facilities Fishing5kmSwimmingBoatsBicyclesSports groundFishing - commercialFishing - winterFishing equipment rentalFootball fieldTable games, etc.Facilities  appropriate for childrenCross-country skiingBerry and mushroom pickingHuntingBicycle trailIce skatingPicnick areaNature trailPaintball Nearest train station25kmNearest bus stop4.5kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultant
from 50 EUR / night


“Piekūni” offers Latvian sauna (pirts) rituals which are combined with the singing of Latvian folk songs and herbal tea rituals. Guests can stay overnight on beds made ancient-style from round timber. Hosts are also environmental guides and offer hikes around the surrounding area pointing out significant plants, stones and natural energy.

Fishing Sauna Experience Skiing Active leisure Silence and Peace Guests9 Bedrooms1 Distance from countries capital city160 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available
FireplaceSteam bathOutdoor firepalceBBQBirch besomPlace for tentsNo smoking TeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeKitchen Fishing1kmSwimming1kmSports groundFootball fieldFacilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingTour guide servicesPicnick areaNature trailNature watching Nearest train station23kmNearest bus stop3kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak RussianProfessional sauna-consultant


This is a herbal sauna built from round logs in an ecologically rich location on a reputed energy point. “Velnalas pirts” has its own aura and aromas typical of Latvian rural saunas. 

Sauna Experience For parties Guests1 Bedrooms1 Distance from countries capital city40 Active season months1-12 No pets allowed Electric vehicle charging available2items
Steam bathOutdoor firepalceBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesNo smoking Hosts speak Russian


Lauku pirts rituāli ar pirtnieku. Īsais lauku pirts rituāls (1,5-2 h): viegla pēršanās ar bērza vai jauktu koku zaru slotiņām, zāļu tēja, citronūdens un uzkodas. 

Klasiskais lauku pirts rituāls (3h): pēršanās ar bērza un jauktu zaru slotiņām, ķermeņa skrubis pēc izvēles - cukura, aromātiskais, medus maska un viegla ķermeņa masāža, zāļu tēja, citronūdens un uzkodas.

Sauna Experience Rural SPA Skiing Fishing For parties Seminars Guests22 (7) Bedrooms11 Distance from countries capital city142 Active season months1-12 Internet access No pets allowed Optional meals
TV in bedroomsSaunaOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivitiesRooms for seminarsBaby cotIndoor poolNo smoking ScreenWhiteboardOverhead projectorLCD/ProjectorTV VideoComputerCopier HairdryerIronEn-suite facilities FishingSwimmingBoatsBicyclesSports groundFishing - winterPaddle boatsFacilities  appropriate for childrenCross-country skiingSkiing equipment rentalBerry and mushroom pickingBoat tourIce skatingPicnick area Nearest bus stop1kmNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassage


Lauku pirts apmeklējums ar profesionālu pirtnieku. Pirtnieka vāktas un sietas zāļu slotiņas, zāļu tējas un medus baudīšana. Pirtnieka konsultācijas un ieteikumi.

For parties Active leisure Sauna Experience Seminars Beautiful sights Guests50 (10) Bedrooms12 Distance from countries capital city100 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Internet access
TV in bedroomsSteam bathBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsBaby cotNo smokingLiving room available to guestsTrailer parking available ScreenWhiteboardOverhead projectorTV VideoComputerCopier HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeCoffee machineKitchenEn-suite facilities FishingSwimmingBoatsBicyclesSports groundPaddle boatsFootball fieldFacilities  appropriate for childrenHuntingBoat tourPicnick area Nearest bus stopNearest shopNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultantBabysittingCar rent

Forest retreat "Baldone"

Ir pieejami pirtnieces pakalpojumi grupiņām līdz 4 personām. Ilgums  ap 4 stundām

Sauna Experience4pers. Skiing Walking Cycling For parties Guests13 (4) Bedrooms4 Distance from countries capital city35 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Internet access
FireplaceSteam bathBBQRooms for  festivities30pers.Birch besomBaby cotJacuzzi/Hot tub HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorGas cookerWashing machineVacuum cleanerWashing-up-machine BicyclesSkiingBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesBicycle trailSouvenire shop Nearest bus stopNearest shopNearest restaurant Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian



  • Meeting the hosts, getting acquainted with the estate and surroundings.
  • Wild grass and flower learning and picking workshop for sauna. Visitors will get acquainted with the range of seasonal wild plants, their preparation for use in sauna, and their effects on physical, emotional and mental health.
  • Sauna ritual with a sauna master. The process will include an introductory procedure to relax, application of a natural scrub, treatment with sauna whisks. It will end with an application of a herbal compress.
  • Enjoying a refreshing herbal tea or a glass of warm milk with honey.
Sauna Experience Distance from countries capital city156 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available

Speka pirts & viesu nams

Pirts un viesu nams atrodas 70 km attālumā no Rīgas, Ogres novada Ķeipenē. Saimniece piedāvā dažādus pirts rituālus - dzimšanas dienas, dāmu, terapeitisko pirts rituālu, u.c.; masāžas; aromdiagnostiku un terapiju. Viesu mājā pieejamas 3 divvietīgas guļamistabas, viesu rīcībā ir arī aprōkota virtuve. Blakus dīķim ir kubls ar masāžas funkcijām. Šī vieta piemērota arī dabas baudīšanai - to ieskauj ozoli, blakus ir dīķis ar peldvietu un mežs.

Sauna Experience Guests6 Bedrooms3 Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months1-12
Steam bath


Tiek piedāvāti pirts rituāli un relaksējošas masāžas

Wellbeing Tourism Local lifestyle Sauna Experience Guests13 (7) Bedrooms4 Distance from countries capital city56 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Internet access
Steam bathBBQRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsJacuzzi/Hot tub SwimmingNature watching Massage

Abulkrastu pirts

Pirts procedūras ar sertificētu pirtnieku, ķermeņa un gara sakārtošanai:

Pēršanās ar dabīgām augu slotiņām;

Kontrasta procedūras ar dabīgu minerālūdeni;

Skrubēšanās ar dabīgas izcelsmes skrubjiem;

Sāls terapija;

Krāsu terapija;


Maskas ķermenim;

Karstie akmeņi;

Relaksācija šūpolēs

Beautiful sights Sauna Experience Silence and Peace Rural SPA Distance from countries capital city125 Accepts tourist groups Pre-order required
Steam bathFarm animalsPlace for tents Hosts speak RussianMassageProfessional sauna-consultant


“Pincikājas” offers a sauna and a place for leisure in a lovely place on the banks of Lake Sudals.  A certified masseur and sauna master is on hand to organise sauna-related rituals.  You will relax in the jacuzzi that is outside the sauna, or go swimming in the lake.  Enjoy a period of leisure or take part in sports, camping or parties for your team at work.

There are accommodations for up to 11 people on the mansard floor of the main building.  Boats and SUP boards are available to rent.  There is space for tenting and room for parties with up to 30 participants.  There is a place for swimming, as well as a playground for children.

Sauna Experience Guests11 Bedrooms1 Distance from countries capital city181 Active season months1-12

Leisure centre "Sauleskalns"

Recreation complex "Sauleskalns" is located on the outskirts of Riga, in Zaķumuiža, Ropaži region. The guest house offers accommodation and saunas, as well as active leisure activities for children and adults, such as boat rental, sports fields, a laser tag, 4x4 trips and a canapolo. The complex also accommodates student excursion groups, as it has a cognitive and walking trail "Sun Trail", where you can get to know all 8 Latvian anniversaries.

Thematic culinary programs, events, master classes and tastings are organized in the "Craft House". There are also creative workshops where you can make masks, candles, bird cages, etc. things. One of them is the Bread Workshop, where it is possible to learn rye bread baking skills. Workshop visitors also receive a recipe for yeast and rye bread.

Active leisure For parties Sauna Experience For children and teenagers Canoeing Guests32 (18) Bedrooms3 (1) Distance from countries capital city20 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Optional meals
SaunaRooms for  festivities BoatsSports groundFacilities  appropriate for childrenPicnick areaNature trail Nearest town

Saimniekapirts & SarmaSpa

Are you ready to escape to peace and prosperity? Enjoy our cleansing ritual in the peaceful Latvian countryside to rejuvenate your spirits. Regardless of whether you are looking for one time relaxation or a regular relaxation plan, the host will take care of your wishes. From a simple getaway with friends or colleagues to the sauna ritual, our host is ready to exceed your expectations. 

"Pirts" or Latvian sauna rent for friends, family & business

The host offers a relaxing holiday for friends, families or informal business meetings in the countryside of Riga.

Bathhouse Latvian rituals and bathhouse treatments with bathhouse attendant.

The bathhouse procedure for both real steamers and those who have not yet gained strengths for their first time. All procedures are designed to relax the sauna lover with cleaning body and rejuvenate spirits.

Sauna Experience Active season months1-12 Accommodation available
Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant

Ciekuru pirts

Latviskais pirts rituāls Latgales Maltā, kurā Jūs baudīsiet daudz un dažādu koku, krūmu un zāļu slotiņu pieskārienus, liks aizmirsties no ikdienas steigas, rūpēm un raizēm, atgūsiet spēkus jaunam darba cēlienam.

Piedāvājumā: pirts rituāli, masāžas (vakuummasāža, dzintara masāža, pēdu masāža, masāža ar koka elementiem u.c.), skaistumkopšanas procedūras pirtī.

Sauna Experience Distance from countries capital city240 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available Optional meals


Rural sauna.

Beautiful surroundings, SPA procedures, accommodation, catering, meeting and conference rooms. The “Gadalaiki” restaurant promises something unforgettable and special on its menu for every season.

Sauna Experience Skiing Seminars Rural SPA For parties Guests60 (12) Bedrooms30 Distance from countries capital city40 Active season months1-12 Child discount50% Optional meals Internet access No pets allowed Disable Access
FireplaceTV in bedroomsSteam bathSaunaOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivities80itemsBirch besomRooms for seminarsBaby cotIndoor poolJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smoking ScreenWhiteboardOverhead projectorLCD/ProjectorTV VideoCopier HairdryerIronEn-suite facilities Fishing0.2kmSwimming0.2kmBicyclesFacilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingBicycle trailPicnick area Nearest train station3.5kmNearest bus stop3kmNearest shopNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianOther languagesMassage
from 50 EUR / night


Pieejami pirtnieka pakalpojumi, masāža. Vienmēr var iegādāties pirtsslotas. Vasarā svaigas vai kaltētas, ziemā - saldētas vai kaltētas.


Pieejama arī "Mājas Melnā pirts" - vēsturiska dūmu pirts, kas 2007.gadā pārvesta no saimniecības Latgalē. Pirtij nav skursteņa, tādēļ kurināšanas laikā dūmi iet pērtuvē, tādejādi to sasildot, dezinficējot un padarot sienas un griestus melnus. Pirts jāpiesaka laicīgi (vēlams vairākas dienas iepriekš), jo katra kurināšana aizņem 8 stundas. Ir iespējams piedalīties kurināšanas procesa beigu posmā un pirts sagatavošanā, lai uzzinātu kā to darījuši mūsu senči. Iespējams noīrēt  tikai siltajā sezonā: aprīlis – oktobris.

Sauna Experience Guests4 (2) Bedrooms2 Distance from countries capital city50 Active season months1-12
FireplaceSteam bathSaunaOutdoor firepalceBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guests TeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeKitchen FishingBicyclesFishing - commercialDart boardFacilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingSkiing equipment rentalBerry and mushroom pickingBicycle trailPicnick areaNature trail Nearest bus stop1.5kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant


The sauna ritual takes place in the floating sauna, and is held by a sauna attendant. Either male or female, as the client wishes. The ritual goes on for about an hour, and under it guests can enjoy salt scrub massages, a revitalizing and purifying flogging ritual with besoms. The temperature in the sauna during the ritual is from +65 to +75 degrees Celsius. The sauna attendant can also use juniper besoms, that purify the energetic channels of the body as well as purifies it from the stored negative energy. 

Rural SPA Beautiful sights Sauna Experience Guests8 Bedrooms4 Distance from countries capital city250 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available
FireplaceSteam bathSaunaBirch besomJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guests TV Video Kitchen FishingSwimmingBoatsBicyclesFishing - winterTable games, etc.Cross-country skiingSnowmobileBerry and mushroom pickingPicnick area Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianMassage


“Pirts Lielzemenes” offers an adventurous and healing atmosphere. Knowledge of our ancestors is carried on today by professional sauna practitioners offering energising treatments and sauna rituals. Special rituals for newborns. 


  • Welcome and introduction of the host family and the homestead.
  • Warming up in sauna - exercises using vibration, sound and power of word.
  • Diagnostics - the sauna master diagnoses each participant;
  • Cleansing - scrubbing with herbal powder to cleanse the body and spirit;
  • Bathing in the sauna using different sauna whisks, cooling in the pond;
  • Aromatherapy – the sauna procedure ends with choosing essential oils and body treatment with it;
  • Drinking herbal tea and relaxing.
Sauna Experience Distance from countries capital city47 Active season months1-12


Latviskās pirts rituāli ar sertificētām pirtniecēm.

Sauna Experience Rural SPA For parties Fishing Birdwatching Active leisure Guests12 Bedrooms2 Distance from countries capital city138 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Internet access
FireplaceSteam bathFarm animalsRooms for  festivities20pers.Birch besomPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smoking ScreenCopier TeapotRefrigeratorCoffee machine Fishing2kmSwimming5kmBoats5kmFishing - commercialFishing - winterCross-country skiingBicycle trailPicnick areaNature trailNature watching Nearest train station32kmNearest bus stop0.3kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant

Holiday house MELDERI

Close to Ape town, by the river Vaidava, a guest house on a trout farm with rooms for seminars, parties. A sauna, tent sites, barbecue sheds. Licences for angling in the river Vaidava, trout fishing in stocked ponds, commercial hunting.
Sauna Experience Fishing Seminars For parties Guests48 (10) Bedrooms12 Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance
Steam bathSaunaOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsNo smokingLiving room available to guests IronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeWashing machineVacuum cleanerCoffee machineKitchenEn-suite facilities FishingSwimmingSports groundFishing - commercialTable games, etc.HuntingPicnick areaNature trailNature watching Nearest bus stop0.2kmNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak RussianOther languages


Sauna ritual which restores fallen energy levels, harmonizes the physical and spiritual “I” and stimulates thought about your relation to the world. Sauna attendants show and explain the rituals and their sense for those without prior experience. They talk about ancient inherited knowledge. Rituals for newborns. 

Sauna Experience Distance from countries capital city37 Active season months1-12

Erholungskomplex GRAVAS

 Herbal sauna created according to ancient Latvian traditions, which creates a cosy, peaceful atmosphere and helps you to relax and balance your thoughts. Sauna rituals are carried out by professional sauna attendants. There are goat’s milk baths, massages, yoga and meditationon offer too.

Rural SPA For children and teenagers Sauna Experience Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available
Steam bathBirch besomIndoor pool Paintball MassageProfessional sauna-consultant


A hotel in Sigulda - a nice wooden building with shingled roof and oak doors. A fireplace in the lobby. Cosy rooms with soft duvets. A hot massage bath outdoors - by the sauna house. A restaurant, a sauna, a music club are located in the neighbouring buildings.

Seminars Skiing Sauna Experience Guests66 Bedrooms33 Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months1-12 SPA Accommodation available
TV in bedroomsSaunaRooms for seminars Hairdryer Nearest train stationNearest bus stop
from 50 EUR / DBL


Sauna und Saunameister, Massagen.

Sauna Experience Silence and Peace Birdwatching Cycling Fishing Guests8 (4) Bedrooms4 Distance from countries capital city130 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Optional meals Internet access Pre-order required
Steam bathBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsNo smokingLiving room available to guests HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeWashing machineKitchen FishingSwimmingBoatsBoatsBicyclesSports groundFishing equipment rentalFishing equipment rentalTable games, etc.Facilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingBerry and mushroom pickingBicycle trailIce skatingPicnick areaNature watching Nearest bus stopNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianOther languagesHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultant
from 70 EUR / night


Zāļu tēju ārstnieciskā tvaika lāde – jaunības eleksīrs jeb veselā miesā vesels gars! Viens no senākajiem tradicionālajiem ādas dziļās attīrīšanas paņēmieniem, ķermeni iegremdējot ārstniecības augu tvaikos.

Silence and Peace By the sea Sauna Experience Guests8 (2) Bedrooms4 Distance from countries capital city125 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available
FireplaceSteam bathBBQBirch besomPlace for tentsBaby cotJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smoking HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeWashing machineVacuum cleanerCoffee machineKitchen Fishing17kmSwimmingTable games, etc.Dart boardBerry and mushroom pickingPicnick areaNature trail Nearest bus stop1.5kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianProfessional sauna-consultant