TransCSR project: PESTO conference October 2nd - 3rd 2014


On the 2nd and 3rd of October, the “PESTO” conference took place in Graz (Austria) and the project TransCSR (Transparency of CSR skills through ECVET in European tourism) was presented by the lead applicant kate. 
PESTO stands for Promotion and networking of EU projects on sustainable tourism. The conference had been organized by the network E.N.T.E.R, which aims at transferring and exploiting EU Project Results. 

From more than 180 EU projects they had chosen and invited 20 EU-projects all related to the topic of sustainable tourism. Each project had a stand and presented promotional materials at the project fair. In addition to presentations the conference program offered a series of workshops. The workshop-session on qualification and training was attended by kate who had the chance to present the goals and contents of TransCSR.

PESTO- participants agreed on the necessity of integrating CSR in tourism SMEs but they underlined that most of them need assistance and training to able to implement the existing tools.

More informations HERE.

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