No Name Description

Der Stützpunkt des Livländischen Ordens. Der Bau der Burg war eine Strafe für Ortsbewohner. Die Burg wurde nach dem Befehl des Dänischen Königs Frederik der II 1576 vernichtet.


Līdzmūsdienām ir saglabājusies vecā - 18. gs. vidū klasicisma stilā celtā vecā kungu māja (šobrīd netiek izmantota, skaisti sīkrūšu logi!) un tai iepretim - pēc 1905. g. ugunsgrēka atjaunotā (1912. – 1913. g., neoklasicisma stils) jaunā pils, kurā atrodas Īvandes pagasta pārvalde, bibliotēka un jauniešu tūristu mītne. Ēkā saglabājušies atsevišķi interjera elementi – parketa grīdas, koka kāpnes u.c. Muižas parkā joprojām zaļo Baltijā lielākā Eiropas baltegle. Tās augstums pārsniedz 32 m, apkārtmērs - 4 m. Parkā izveidota atpūtas vieta.


The Volkenberga Castle was built in the 13th century by the Livonian Order, and it was practically impregnable, as it was on top of Mākoņkalns hill.  These were among the first fortifications in Latgale, and only fragments of the castle remain today.  Architect Pēteris Blūms has said that this was a special type of fortification.  Legends say that after the lord and lady of the castle died, the property was divided up among their three daughters – Roze, Lūcija and Marija.  Each sister built a new castle on the land which she inherited – Roze built Rēzekne, Lūcija built Ludza, and Marija built Viļaka.  A memorial plaque at the foot of Mākoņkalns hill recalls the visit which pre-war Latvian President Kārlis Ulmanis paid to Latgale in 1938.


Muiža vēsturiskajos dokumentos pirmoreiz ir pieminēta 16. gs. Tagad redzamā vienstāva kungu māja ir vairākreiz pārbūvēta laikā no 17. – 19. gs. 1997. g. ēku vēlreiz atjaunoja un tagad tajā atrodas viesu nams un Vilsandi nacionālā parka apmeklētāju centrs, kur var iegūt ne tikai vērtīgu informāciju, bet arī apskatīt Vilsandi apkārtnē atrastās fosilijas. No Lonas muižas var uzsākt pārgājienu uz Vilsandi salu. Vienā no muižas ēkām ir izveidota Vilsandi nacionālajam parkam veltīta ekspozīcija.


The Castle was built beside the Põltsamaa River in the 13th C and became the residence of Duke Magnus, King of Livonia in the 16th C. In the castle yard you find the tourist information centre, local history museum, wine cellar, Estonian Press Museum, art gallery, ceramic and handicraft workshop.
Põltsamaa has a fabulous Rose Garden, where tours can be booked to learn more about roses, legends and history of rose growing.


The New Cēsis Castle (Pils Square 9) was built in 1777 as a residence for Karl Eberhard von Zievers, and it is home to the Cēsis Museum of History and Art, which was opened in 1949.  The building has a neo-Gothic tower decorated with curved arcades and window apertures.  It is one of the first examples of eclecticism in Latvian architecture.  Beginning in 2012, the museum will feature a modern exhibition under the title "Latvia: Symbol of Latvian History."  This will be an interactive exhibition featuring the history of Cēsis and its environs since the era of the Vendians and up to the early 20th century.  There will be sections on the history of the Latvian flag, the lives of the Zievers dynasty, and the family's great contributions toward the development of Cēsis.  The third and fourth floors of the castle are dedicated to temporary exhibitions, and there is a special room there for families and children.  The tower of the castle offers the best view of the Cēsis Castle ruins, the old town, and St John's Lutheran church.


There are several buildings from the estate that survive to the present day and were built by the Plater dynasty of noblemen.  The old mansion that is on the side of the Count Plater Street was built in 1759 on the banks of the Jāņupīte River.  The Baroque building was designed by an architect from Venice, Antonio Parazzo.  Later the mansion was rebuilt, and after a new castle was erected, the Plater family spent its summers on the first floor of the old building.  The second and third floors had a library with some 20,000 books.  The noblemen managed to move most of the contents of the library to safer locations during World War I, when the library as such was destroyed.  Work on the new castle of the Krāslava Estate (on the upper part of the Daugava River Valley) began in 1756 (architect Domenico Parazzo).  Initially it was in the Baroque style, but reconstruction at the turn of the 18th century involved Classicism.  Unique Rococo wall paintings with views of Rome have been discovered in the building.  These were based on samples from castles in Poland and were painted during the 1760s and 1770.  A high school used the new castle until the 1970s.  Then the building was abandoned and gradually turned into a ruin.  More recently there has been major renovation of the castle’s façade, and it now has a good appearance.  Surrounding the structure is a romantic landscape park that dates back to the mid-18th century.  It is on the hillocks of the Daugava River Valley and the valleys that cross it.  An artificial grotto has been restored, and a statue of a lion stands guard over the site.  The stairway has been placed in its historical location, and the park features pathways and a yard.


Palmse Manor is known to be considered as one of the most beautiful manors in Estonia. The manor has been mentioned first in 1510 as a property of women's monastery. In later centuries it belonged to Palenu family. Manor was built in 1697 but it was made the way we see it nowadays in 18th century. It has been renovated one more time in 1970-1980's. Around the building is a big and scenic park with several ponds. Inside the manor you can become familiar with its interior and visit the basement as well as buy Estonian wine.


The Kretinga Estate park is one of the oldest ones in Lithuania to have survived to the present days.  Established in the 16th and 17th century, it is a mixed-style park that covers 23 ha of land.  The southern part of the park has an astronomical calendar with a sundial, a hedge, allies, and flowerbeds and rock gardens with dahlias, peonies, tulips and roses.  There are trails for strollers and areas for relaxation.  Particularly popular among local residents is the restored fountain in the park.


The Rudbārži Estate was built at the request of Baroness Thea von Firks from the aristocratic dynasty.  After a reconstruction in 1883, the building became an ornate example of Mannerism and Renaissance architecture, with decorative finishing and a larger size.  On December 15, 1905, the building was torched by revolutionaries.  The restoration began three years later under the leadership of architect L. Reinier.  The castle has a holiday hall with two marble fireplaces, the parquet in some of the rooms dates back to the early 20th century, and the outdoor doors have metal engravings.  The castle was reconstructed in 1938.  It housed a German field hospital during World War II, while after the war it housed a school for forestry workers.  In 1962, the Rudbārži school moved into the building, which is now named after Oskars Kalpaks.  A commemorative plaque outside the building is devoted to the Kalpaks battalion.  During Latvia’s liberation battles, on January 22, 1919, the Bolsheviks occupied Skrunda, and seven days later, Kalpaks’ battalion attacked from the direction of the Rudbārži Estate.  After a three-hour battle, the victory was won, with the battalion taking over a strategic line near the banks of the Venta River.   This was the first victory for Kalpaks’ men after many retreats, and that inspired the rest of the liberation battles.


Vieta, ko nekādi nevar uzskatīt par tūrisma objektu, bet tajā pat laikā tas ir Latvijas mērogā nozīmīgs kultūras un vēstures piemineklis, ko nevar nepieminēt! Laikā no 1923. – 1943. gadam muižas pilī atradās Latvijā zināmākā mājturības skola, kurā mācījās izslavētās kaucmindietes! Tagad muižas pils ir pamesta, avārijas stāvoklī un apskatāma tikai no ārpuses un „pa gabalu”. Ap 1780. gadu celtā pils, kas 1909. – 1912. g. tika pārbūvēta pusloka būvapjomā, ir Latvijai diezgan unikāls arhitektūras paraugs.


Atrodas Taurenē, Gaujas labajā krastā. Muižas apbūve, kurā ietilpst pils (19. gs. 80. gadi, arhitekts – R. G. Šmēlings, historisma un neoklasicisma stils), senie alus pagrabi, klēts, vecā pils un parks, veidojies 19. - 20. gs. Šobrīd muižas pilī atrodas Taurenes pagasta pārvalde un kultūras nams. Muižas kompleksā ietilpst ēka, kurā atrodas Vecpiebalgas novada tūrisma informācijas punkts un Taurenes novadpētniecības ekspozīcija (senajā ledus pagrabā). Parkā (ziemeļos no pils) uzmeklējams piemiņas akmens, kas veltīts komunistiskā terora upuriem. Pie Nēķena muižas sākās 0,4 km garā Cieres dabas taka, kas iepazīstina ar Gaujas krastu mitrājiem.


Muiža sāka veidoties 16. gs. beigās (īpašnieki - Tīzenhauzeni, vēlāk Bēri), bet no 1753. g. tā kļūst par Mēdemu dzimtas īpašumu. Tagad redzamo muižas pili (mūsdienās tikai atliekas) cēla 1806. - 1810. g. klasicisma stilā (Johana Georga Ādama Berlica projekts) pēc itāļu izcelsmes Pēterburgas galma arhitekta Džakomo Kvarengi meta. Muižas īpašnieks tajā laikā bija Johana Frīdriha Mēdema dēls - Kristofs Johans Frīdrihs (saukts par Žanno). Elejas pilī bija savākti daudzi nozīmīgi Eiropas mākslinieku darbi, kā arī iekārtots izcils interjers. 18 muižas kompleksa ēkas nodedzināja Pirmā pasaules kara laikā (1915. g.) un līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nelieli pils pirmā stāva drupu fragmenti ar kaltiem portika kolonu kapiteļiem, pārvaldnieka māja (apskatāma no ārpuses), atsevišķas saimniecības ēkas un parks. No pils drupām pa aleju var aiziet līdz Tējas namiņam (bēdīgā stāvoklī). 0,5 km ziemeļos no pils drupām atrodas 1912. g. izveidotā Mēdemu dzimtas kapsēta. Elejas pils mūra žoga arkādē iemūrēts dobumakmens.


The Castle was restored recently and now exhibits life and history of a noble family on three floors. Tour guides have numerous stories and legends to tell, visitors can make their personal castle souvenirs.
Kivi Kõrts ( near the castle is a pub with simple meals from locally sourced produce, characteristic to the Estonian cuisine and the Peipsi area.


The Raudondvaris Castle is on the right bank of the Neveža River in Raundondvaris.  The estate and a park that covers 3.8 ha has two buildings, an orangery, a stable for horses and a cellar.  Alongside the estate in 1834 was a park that was rebuilt in the 20th century with new plants and flowerbeds that featured ancient types of roses.  The northern part of the park is forested, with maple, pine and linden trees, as well as Edelweiss that blooms in the spring.  Paths in the park lead to a local environmentally protected area.


Kīdevas muiža rakstos ir minēta 1614. g., taču pašreiz redzamā divstāvu kungu māja, ir celta 19. gs. beigās. Ēkas sienas ir klātas ar koka šķindeļiem, kas viens otru pārklāj kā zivs zvīņas. Šāds kungu mājas sienu pārklājums Igaunijas mērogā ir unikāls. Laikā no 1919. – 1951. g. tajā atradās skola. Blakus muižai atrodas neliels parks. Diemžēl turpat pusgadsimtu ilgās pamestības rezultātā ēkas atrodas ļoti kritiskā stāvoklī. Tas ir arī pietiekams apmeklējuma iemesls.

„Zaļmuiža” (Green Manor) is notable because of its legendary past. The protector of peasants and poet Peter Miglinīks (1850 – 1883) worked there as a clerk in the beginning of the 19th century. In 1784, the building belonged to Frederick von Korf. The manor was bought by officer of Russian army Nikolaj Paulin von Rosenschild. Once the manor had a large farm (800 ha): several cattle-sheds, fruit and wine cellars, alcohol brewery. Now there in only a manor house and a barn. Till 1960s, the manor house was the centre of kolkhoz „Liesma”, later the club. Now there is a smithy of a craftsman Jānis Ļubka. Guests are welcome to watch and try the metal processing.

Lodes muižas ēkas izvietojušās t.s. Lodes – Taurenes subglaciālās iegultnes (cauri tek Gauja) austrumu nogāzē. Muižas apbūve tapusi 19. gs. pirmajā pusē, bet kungu māju (klasicisma stils) cēla 1815. g. Pēdējie īpašnieki, kas šeit saimniekoja (līdz 1939. g.) – bija Šmidtu dzimta. Mūsdienās muižas pilī vasarās dzīvo LU Ģeogrāfijas un Zemes zinātņu fakultātes studenti, kuriem šeit ir lauku prakšu norises vieta. Kungu māja apskatāma no ārpuses.


The Krimulda Estate was first recorded in documents in the 15th century.  The Krimulda Castle that can be seen now is on the right bank of the ancient Gauja River valley opposite the aerial tram.  There are outstanding views of the ancient river valley from the castle and the opposite shore.  The Krimulda Castle is a Neo-Classical structure which was built by a local nobleman in the 19th century.  In the 1920s, the castle was expropriated and turned over to the Latvian Red Cross, which installed a children's sanatorium there.  Today the Krimulda rehabilitation hospital is in the building, and among other structures, the ones that have survived include the stables, threshing barn, servants' quarters, governor's quarters, and the so-called Swiss house.  Educational tours are available, and overnight stays are possible at the estate.


The estate owned by the dynasty of Baron Osten-Zaken was rebuilt in 1856 and 1857, because the old estate was sacked during the Crimean War (1853-1856).  At the beginning of the war, British warships bombarded Latvia's shoreline and ships with the purpose of scaring the Russian tsar.  Some of the gunfire hit Kolka, which was part of the Russian Empire at that time.  After the estate was destroyed, the so-called White House was built there with a series of ancillary buildings.  A mantel chimney was installed on the second floor, and it was used to smoke wild game (the chimney is still there).  The estate belonged to the aristocrats until 1919, when its last owner, Christian von Osten-Zaken, was shot in Tukums.  An elementary school, known as the Kolka School, was installed in the White House in 1929.  It remained open until 1961, when a new school was built.  Crafts lessons were offered at the building until 1989, at which time it was known as the Old School or the Small School.  In 1991, the Old School was taken over by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia, and it has been used for summer internships for students ever since 1994.