No Name Description

Muiža rakstos pirmoreiz minēta 17. gs. sākumā, taču klasicisma stilā celtās pils veidols tapis 1835. gadā. Penijē muižas būtisks likteņa pavērsiens (atšķirībā no daudzām citām muižām) bija apstāklis, ka tajā izveidoja Matsalu rezervāta (pirms nacionālā parka izveides) apmeklētāju centru. 2000. gadā muižas pili restaurēja un tajā ierīkoja nelielu ekspozīciju. Apmeklētāju centrs te pastāv joprojām, tādēļ šeit var iegūt nepieciešamo informāciju. No ārpuses var apskatīt arī citas muižas saimniecības ēkas.


Mooste Manor is located on the Mooste lakeshore. The attractive mansion is complemented by a large number of outbuildings in Historicist style, and a landscaped park in English style. The mansion houses the local school, the woodwork shop has become a guesthouse, the stable of workhorses is home to restorers, the manager´s house is the Centre for Art and Social Practice while the cattle shed is a concert hall today.


Lodes muižas ēkas izvietojušās t.s. Lodes – Taurenes subglaciālās iegultnes (cauri tek Gauja) austrumu nogāzē. Muižas apbūve tapusi 19. gs. pirmajā pusē, bet kungu māju (klasicisma stils) cēla 1815. g. Pēdējie īpašnieki, kas šeit saimniekoja (līdz 1939. g.) – bija Šmidtu dzimta. Mūsdienās muižas pilī vasarās dzīvo LU Ģeogrāfijas un Zemes zinātņu fakultātes studenti, kuriem šeit ir lauku prakšu norises vieta. Kungu māja apskatāma no ārpuses.


Pirmie dokumenti par Kokmuižu atrodami 1601. gada zemes revīzijas pierakstos. Tur sniegtā informācija vēsta, ka Kokmuiža pastāvējusi jau 1560. gadā. Taču 1880. gadā vācu muižnieks sākas celt kungu māju neobaroka stilā. 20. gs. sākumā tā tika izpostīta, bet 1937. gadā to pārveidoja par skolu.

Kokmuižā kādreiz atradusies alus darītava. Tas bija laika periodā no 17.- 20. gs. Tā bija viena no slavenākajām alusdarītavām visā Vidzemes guberņā.

Mūsdienās var izstaigāt muižu pats vai gida pavadībā. Var aplūkot kungu māju, staļļu ēkas, muižas pārvaldnieka namu, bibliotēku, ekspozīciju, abas klētis un alus darītavas pagrabu, kā arī sfērisko saules pulksteni.



Ruins of a Livonian Order castle tower atop a steep hill alongside the Pärnu-Valga highway in Helme. The castle changed hands from Germans to Russians and Lithuanians to Swedes who eventually destroyed it in 1658. The spring at the foot of the hill is believed to cure seven diseases.
North from the ruins are Helme caves which local people have also called the Hell. The village also has a local history museum.


The Rudbārži Estate was built at the request of Baroness Thea von Firks from the aristocratic dynasty.  After a reconstruction in 1883, the building became an ornate example of Mannerism and Renaissance architecture, with decorative finishing and a larger size.  On December 15, 1905, the building was torched by revolutionaries.  The restoration began three years later under the leadership of architect L. Reinier.  The castle has a holiday hall with two marble fireplaces, the parquet in some of the rooms dates back to the early 20th century, and the outdoor doors have metal engravings.  The castle was reconstructed in 1938.  It housed a German field hospital during World War II, while after the war it housed a school for forestry workers.  In 1962, the Rudbārži school moved into the building, which is now named after Oskars Kalpaks.  A commemorative plaque outside the building is devoted to the Kalpaks battalion.  During Latvia’s liberation battles, on January 22, 1919, the Bolsheviks occupied Skrunda, and seven days later, Kalpaks’ battalion attacked from the direction of the Rudbārži Estate.  After a three-hour battle, the victory was won, with the battalion taking over a strategic line near the banks of the Venta River.   This was the first victory for Kalpaks’ men after many retreats, and that inspired the rest of the liberation battles.


Atrodas Vecpiebalgas dienvidaustrumdaļā aiz baznīcas. 1340. - 1365. g. Rīgas arhibīskaps šeit uzcēla pili - cietoksni, ko apjoza aizsarggrāvji (atliekas redzamas arī mūsdienās). Pils ziemeļu pusē atradās priekštilta nocietinājumi, bet austrumdaļā - pils galvenā ieeja un tornis. Pili postīja 1577. g., bet pilnībā sagrāva 18. gs.

„Zaļmuiža” (Green Manor) is notable because of its legendary past. The protector of peasants and poet Peter Miglinīks (1850 – 1883) worked there as a clerk in the beginning of the 19th century. In 1784, the building belonged to Frederick von Korf. The manor was bought by officer of Russian army Nikolaj Paulin von Rosenschild. Once the manor had a large farm (800 ha): several cattle-sheds, fruit and wine cellars, alcohol brewery. Now there in only a manor house and a barn. Till 1960s, the manor house was the centre of kolkhoz „Liesma”, later the club. Now there is a smithy of a craftsman Jānis Ļubka. Guests are welcome to watch and try the metal processing.

Plateļu dienviddaļā plešas sakoptais Plateļu muižas (muižas vēsture ir zināma, no 16. gs.) parks, kura centrā aug Raganu osis – dižkoks 7,2 m apkārtmērā. Parkā un tā tuvākajā apkārtnē ir redzamas muižas saimniecības ēkas. Vienā no tām – atjaunotajā zirgu stallī ir izveidots muzejs, kurā var apskatīt unikālas 250 vietējo meistaru darinātās maskas. Pašreiz šī ir lielākā šāda veida masku kolekcija Baltijas valstīs. Plateļu ezerā ir atrastas trīs no ozolkoka taisītas vienkoča laivas. Viena no tām (darināta 16. gs.) atrodas Lietuvas Jūras muzejā. Otra (15. gs.) ir apskatāma atjaunotajā Plateļu muižas graudu glabātavas pagrabā (Didžioji gatve 22), jo šobrīd tiek restaurēta. Trešā laiva arī izlikta apskatei kā muzeja eksponāts.


Pussalas pils pirmsākumi ir meklējami 14. gs. Tajā laikā minētā pils bija viena no lielākajām šāda tipa aizsardzības pilīm. Pēc Traķu un Viļņas ieņemšanas 1382. g. pils kļuva par Ķēstutu (Kęstutis) - Lietuvas dižkunigaišu dzimtas dzīves un valdīšanas vietu. 1655. g. Polijas – Lietuvas lielvalsts un Krievijas kara laikā pili nopostīja. Līdz mūsdienām no iespaidīgās celtnes (aizņēma 4 ha platību) saglabājušās tikai no laukakmeņiem celtā aizsargmūra un torņu paliekas. Tās iekšpagalmā ir apskatāma efektīvā viduslaiku ieroča – katapultas atdarinājums.

Veitko Manor was built in 1832. From 1993, there are hostels of Latgale Craft School.

One of the largest castles in Kurzeme, this building has been preserved in fairly good shape.  Work on its began in the mid-13th century, and it was commissioned by the heads of the Dome Cathedral in Rīga.  In 1434, the estate was bought by the bishop of Kurzeme.  The Maidel and Osten-Sacken dynasties owned it from the 16th to the 20th century.  The Dundaga Castle burned down twice and has been rebuilt many times.  The last reconstruction was in 1905, after the castle was burned down during the revolution.  Of interest on both sides of the castle’s door are stone carvings of a knight and a bishop.  In recent years, the hotel in the castle has been renovated, as has the second floor hallway and a terrace that is popular for weddings.  There are many legends about the castle, including one about a wedding of elves and another about the Green Lady.  Today the building houses the Dundaga School of Music and Art, a hotel, party rooms, the Dundaga Tourism Information Centre and various exhibitions.  It is worth finding a guide to tour the castle.  Groups of tourists can also order tastings of local foods.


Atrodas Viļānu dienviddaļā, Maltas upītes krastos, kuras tecējumu pārtrauc Viļānu HES. Par muižu atrodamas ziņas jau no 15. gs. beigām, kad tā piederēja bruņiniekam J. Loem. Līdzīgi kā Vidsmuiža, arī šī bija viena no Latgales lielākajām muižām, kurai piederēja zemes > 49 000 ha platībā. 18. - 19. gs. mijā ap muižu sāka veidoties Viļānu miests. Muižas dzīvojamo ēku, kas apskatāma tikai no ārpuses, ieskauj parks.


All that remains today is the governor’s house in which the Latvian author Rūdolfs Blaumanis (1863-1908) lived from 1885 until 1887, and a stable built of fieldstones.  The Central Daugava Forestry Centre of the Latvian State Forests company is located in the building.  The stone gates of the Koknese High School where once the gates of the estate.  The buildings can mostly be viewed from the outside.




The first mention of Pēterupe Rectory goes back to the late 17th century. The Manor Park and the buildings have partially survived to the present day, including a linden alley at the end of Smilšu Street, planted by the pastor Jānis Neilands in 1879 and the grand oak planted by Johann Wilhelm Knierim in 1869. After the fire of 1908, the Rectory was restored and partially rebuilt. In Soviet times, the property was removed from the parish and the house was named “Līgotnes”. During German times the Rectory was occupied by legionnaires. After the war, the building of the Rectory was turned into a hospital, then into a secondary school and later it was transformed into a block of flats for teachers. Now the building again belongs to the parish and it is inhabited by a priest of the parish and his family. 


Kīdevas muiža rakstos ir minēta 1614. g., taču pašreiz redzamā divstāvu kungu māja, ir celta 19. gs. beigās. Ēkas sienas ir klātas ar koka šķindeļiem, kas viens otru pārklāj kā zivs zvīņas. Šāds kungu mājas sienu pārklājums Igaunijas mērogā ir unikāls. Laikā no 1919. – 1951. g. tajā atradās skola. Blakus muižai atrodas neliels parks. Diemžēl turpat pusgadsimtu ilgās pamestības rezultātā ēkas atrodas ļoti kritiskā stāvoklī. Tas ir arī pietiekams apmeklējuma iemesls.


The Trakai Island Castle is the only East Europe's castle which is built on a little island. The process of building this castle started in 14th century. After its fall on 1410 during a war it lost its meaning as a military base and became a living place for ruler of Lithuania. Trakai Castle is one of the most popular objects in Lithuania for tourists. Inside the castle is a museum which tells about Trakai history. 



A very impressive ensemble that is in terrible shape.  The estate dates back to the 18th and 19th century, with the castle being built in the early 19th century.  Half a century later it was rebuilt in the Neo-Gothic style with symmetrical towers and bricks in the cornices.  The estate belonged to the Manteufel-Stzege dynasty.  The vestibule, stairwell and second floor hall still have ornamental ceiling paintings, but visitors are not allowed to enter the building, so they cannot be seen.  Valuable interior design elements include a fireplace from the early 19th century that is decorated with marble elements.  After the expropriation of the castle in 1920 and until 1951, the building housed a forestry school and then an agricultural crafts school.  Opposite the castle was the stable of the state that was built in the style of Classicism with a pediment and mighty columns.  Built in the early 19th century, the stable is no longer used and can only be viewed from the outside.  A very much overgrown park surrounds the complex, and the hillock is the grave of one of the baron’s dogs.



Atrodas 0,9 km ziemeļrietumos no Dzērbenes centra. Tagadējais muižas komplekss veidojies 14. gs. celtās un 1577. g. nopostītās mūra pils vietā. Muižas pils (18. gs. beigas, klasicisma stils) savā pastāvēšanas laikā piedzīvojusi vairākkārtīgu nopostīšanu (1905. g., Pirmajā pasaules karā) un tai sekojošu atjaunotni. 19. gs. beigās tai tapa piebūve – iespaidīgs četrstūru neogotikas stila tornis. Laikā no 1927. - 1975. g. pilī darbojās lauksaimniecības skola, tagad - Dzērbenes pagasta pārvalde, Tautas nams un mūzikas skola. Pili ieskauj parks ar septiņu dīķu kaskādi. No kādreiz iespaidīgā laukakmeņu žoga saglabājušies vien pils vārtu stabi. Dažādā stāvoklī (arī avārijas) atrodas citas muižas ēkas. 2010. gadā tika veikta pils iekštelpu un ārējās fasādes restaurācija. Iepriekš piesakoties, tiek piedāvāta gida vadīta ekskursija un piedzīvojums muižā iekārtotajā spoku kambarī.


The manor is in Basi in the Gudenieki Parish of Kuldīga District, some 20 km from the district centre.  The manor was built in the 19th century, burned down in 1905, and then restored.  A former residence for servants and an old magazine barn have survived.  The surrounding park covers 4.5 ha, and the estate is a cultural and historical monument of local importance.  The barn was fully reconstructed in 2009 and 2010 with co-financing from the European Union, and today it is the Basi Culture Centre. In 2019, there is to be an interactive exhibition about Suiti events in Gudenieki -- baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc.