Green holidays

If you're a fan of a green and healthy lifestyle, nature and the countryside environment, then "Green Holidays" will be just for you! Look for the countryside accommodations, open farms and eating places which have received the "Green Certificate". That means that everything has been carefully considered to make sure that management of the facilities is environment friendly while ensuring comfort and amenities for guests. These buildings are in clean and orderly rural environments, and their owners have tended well to the surrounding landscape. Many of these are traditional family farms, with buildings made of and filled with materials that are natural and do not harm people's health - timber, rocks and bricks, reed roofs, as well as modern materials which reduce the likelihood of allergies. Interior design in these buildings also is based on environmentally friendly paints and other finishing elements. Cleaning and laundry substances are also ones with ecological certification. Smoking is not permitted in any of the facilities. Many of the "Green Certificate" holders offer home-grown and locally grown food to guests, and there are various open-air activities available such as bicycling, hiking and animal watching. Some facilities are appropriate for children, with playgrounds, pets and amenities for families with very small children. Many of the guest houses offer traditional saunas. The hosts can tell you interesting things about their surroundings.

Overview Details
from 70 EUR / night


“Sīpolos” apskatāma Latvijā lielākā dzirnakmeņu kolekcija. Saimnieki aktīvi darbojas vietējā biedrībā, uzlabojot vidi un koplietošanas infrastruktūru ciemā.

By the sea Guests4 (2) Bedrooms1 Distance from countries capital city220 Active season months4-12 Optional meals
Steam bathOutdoor firepalce IronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeWashing machineCoffee machineEn-suite facilities FishingSwimming1kmSports groundHorseback riding1kmTable games, etc.Facilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesPicnick areaNature trailNature watching Nearest train station12kmNearest bus stop100mNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianOther languagesHosts can meet at the nearest station


Kempings izvietojies kāpu zonā, Slīteres Nacionālajā parkā. Viesiem tiek piedāvātas dažādas nakšņošanas iespējas – sākot no mucu mājām un 2. pasaules kara bunkura līdz pat viesu namam. Viena no retajām vietām parka teritorijā, kur var ieturēt maltīti. Saimnieki viesiem stāsta gan par tūrisma iespējām Slīterē, gan ejot Jūrtaku (E9). Zaļo sertifikātu iegūst pirmo reizi!

Guests100 Bedrooms24 Distance from countries capital city143 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Accommodation available
Farm animals BoatsBicyclesFacilities  appropriate for children

Piedagi Usi

Uzcelta jauna brīvdienu māja ar modernu drēbju žāvēšanas skapi, uzstādīta bioloģiskā attīrīšanas iekārta.

By the sea Guests7 Bedrooms2 Distance from countries capital city160 Active season months1-12


Saimnieks izveidojis sistēmu, kur, apvienojot siltuma un enerģijas ražotājus, izdodas efektīvi izmantot dabas resursus. Piedāvā videi draudzīgas aktivitātes – velonomu, braucienus ar laivām, uzstādīts saules kolektors, efektivizēta apgaismes sistēma.

Ir pasūtīts projekts par papildus saules parka izveidi (applūstošās teritorijas), viesu namā visur uzlikti kustību sensori.

Guests20 (5) Bedrooms10 Distance from countries capital city44 Active season months1-12 Optional meals
Steam bathRooms for  festivities FishingBoatsBoat tour Nearest town

"Arpus laika"

Viesi var palikt interesantās kupolmājās ar īpašu dizainu. Pērnajā gadā ir uzstādītas ar saules paneļiem lādējamas lampas, kustību sensori, saliktas papildus LED lampas. Ar videi draudzīgām krāsām noklāts jumts. Viesi var uzlādēt elektroautomobiļus.

Local lifestyle Guests1 Bedrooms1 Distance from countries capital city31 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Accepts individual travellers Electric vehicle charging available Accepts tourist groups
BBQRooms for  festivities2Rooms for seminars ScreenLCD/Projector SwimmingBicyclesSports groundFishing - commercialPicnick areaNature watching Nearest train stationNearest bus stopNearest shop

Atputas parks Laumas

This is a chance to learn about the life of a beekeeper.  You’ll be given an appropriate costume to watch bees in their hive, walk down the trail of bees, and climb a tree with the help of a hoist.  You can make was candles and buy beekeeping products such as honey, pollen, etc.  A café is open during the summer, and there are spots for picnicking.

Latvian cuisine:  Bean and dumpling soup, pancakes with jam, homemade lemonade, herbal teas.

A special dish:  “Bukstiņi porridge that is enjoyed by fairies.”

Skiing Seminars For children and teenagers For parties Horseback riding Distance from countries capital city130 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Optional meals Internet access Accommodation available
FireplaceSteam bathFarm animalsOutdoor firepalceBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsNo smokingLiving room available to guests ScreenWhiteboardOverhead projectorLCD/ProjectorTV Video SwimmingSports groundHorseback ridingFacilities  appropriate for childrenSkiingCross-country skiingSkiing equipment rentalTour guide servicesIce skatingPicnick areaNature trailNature watchingSouvenire shop Nearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant

Sparkling birch sap production plant BIRZI

Saimnieki iegūst bērzu sulas, no kurām ražo bezalkoholiskos dzirkstošos dzērienus. Tām pievieno piparmētras u.c. tradicionālās latviešu garšvielas, izmantojot vevecāku receptes. Saimnieki izvadā ekskursijā pa saimniecību, piedāvā produkcijas degustāciju un iegādi.

Nature for Health Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city126 Active season months5-10 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance
Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The “Neptuns” restaurant

Restorāns “Neptūns” atrodas Ķemeru Nacionālā parka teritorijā, tādēļ aktīvi sadarbojas ar nacionālā parka administrāciju, piedaloties dažādos parkā organizētajos pasākumos kā uzticams sadarbības partneris. Ēdienu receptēs izmanto arī produkciju, kas audzēta Latvijas lauku saimniecībās.

By the sea For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city38 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups
Facilities  appropriate for children

Forest retreat "Baldone"

Atrodas Baldonē, netālu no vietas, kur savulaik kursējis leģendārais Baldones – Ikšķiles zirgu tramvajs jeb trulītis. Saimniece aktīvi sadarbojas ar vietējo kopienu, pēta Baldones apkaimes vēsturi, vada ekskursijas un stāsta par Baldones vēsturisko kūrortu, sēravotiem un sanatoriju. Energoefektīva sadzīves tehnika, rekonstruēta pirts.

Sauna Experience4pers. Skiing Walking Cycling For parties Guests13 (4) Bedrooms4 Distance from countries capital city35 Active season months1-12 Optional meals Internet access
FireplaceSteam bathBBQRooms for  festivities30pers.Birch besomBaby cotJacuzzi/Hot tub HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorGas cookerWashing machineVacuum cleanerWashing-up-machine BicyclesSkiingBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesBicycle trailSouvenire shop Nearest bus stopNearest shopNearest restaurant Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The Drubazas farm

"Drubazas" ir viena no Latvijas paraugsaimniecībām, kas kopj un uztur pļavu, kas veidojušās Abavas senlejas nogāzēs, daudzveidību, gan pļaujot, gan turot savvaļā pielāgotos mājlopus. Saimnieks vada ekskursijas, stāsta par pļavu apsaimniekošanu. Sadarbojas ar Latvijas Dabas fondu un īsteno ar dabas aizsardzību saistītus projektus. Zaļo sertifikātu iegūst pirmo reizi!

Distance from countries capital city110 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

ZELT Smiltserksku darzs

Saimnieki audzē smiltsērkšķus, no kuriem iegūst dažādus pārstrādes produktus - gan miesai, gan garam. Uzņēmuma zaļā būtība izpaužas tādējādi, ka pārstrādāta tiek ikviena smiltsērkšķa krūma daļa - gan ogas, gan pats krūms, tādējādi radot bezatkritumu tehnoloģisku procesu. Ir uzbūvēts jauns, moderns apmeklētāju centrs, kurā var uzzināt par smiltsērkšķiem, to pārstrādes produktiem, kā arī degustēt un iegādāties produktus.



The “Upenite” country house is located on the southern shore of Lake Ciritis. This farm nurtures Lettigalian traditions, serves Lettigalian foods, produces dairy products (including cheeses), grows local plants (which you can purchase), and offers a chance to visit a proper Lettigalian black sauna. The owners themselves will serve as the sauna masters. Master’s classes in the baking of tortes are offered.
Latvian cuisine: Farmer’s soup, potato dumplings, potato sausages (grated green potatoes with dried pork and onions), black currants with whipped cream, caraway seed sticks, herbal teas, cottage cheese with cream, curdled milk pancakes.
Special foods: Oven-baked carp or tench from the local pond.

Horseback riding For parties Agri Heritage Fishing Distance from countries capital city229 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance No pets allowed SPA Accepts individual travellers Optional meals Accommodation available Accepts tourist groups Pre-order required
FireplaceSteam bathFarm animalsRooms for  festivities20pers.Birch besomPlace for tentsNo smokingLiving room available to guests FishingSwimmingBoatsHorseback ridingFishing - winterFacilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesBoat tourPicnick areaNature trailNature watching Nearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianOther languagesHosts can meet at the nearest stationMassageProfessional sauna-consultant

Viesu nams Saulgriezes

Atrodas netālu no dabas parka “Bernāti”. Apkārtnē ir iespēja doties pastaigā pa priežu mežu, 500 m attālumā atrodas Bernātu pludmale. Apartamentu viesiem ir pieejams bērnu rotaļu laukums un ugunskura vieta. Dzīvokļi ir piemēroti ģimenēm ar bērniem. Uzņēmums ir atbildīgs pret dabas resursu izmantošanu – šķiro atkritumus, taupa ūdens resursus un ir izveidojis bioloģiskās attīrīšanas iekārtas. Zaļo sertifikātu iegūst pirmo reizi!

By the sea Silence and Peace Guests40 Bedrooms10 Active season months1-12

A winery at the Tevini homestead

Apsaimnieko Austrumkursas augstienes nogāzes, kurās audzē vīnogas, jāņogas un citas Latvijai raksturīgās augļu, ogu un dārzeņu šķirnes. Uzņēmumā taupa enerģiju, ūdeni. Apmeklētājiem stāsta par seno Kurzemes sētu, Latvijas laukiem raksturīgo saimniekošanu un vietējās produkcijas ražošanu. Zaļo sertifikātu iegūst pirmo reizi!

For parties Distance from countries capital city90 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers
Place for tents Picnick area

Brantu manor

Brantu muižas saimniece Ilze Briede ir viena no "Latvju saimniecēm", kas ne tikai gatavo gardus ēdienus, bet arī savā darbā saudzē dabas resursus un domā par klientu veselību. Ēdiens tiek gatavots uz lauku krāsns, kuru kurina ar malku. Tiek izmantoti turpat laukos netālu audzēti produkti no vietējām zemnieku saimniecībām. Tiek piedomāts arī par ēdienu sastāvu - vai un cik tas satur konservantus, GMO. Atkritumi tiek šķiroti, organiskie nonāk kompostā. Tiek domāts arī par cilvēku ar īpašām vajadzībām ērtībām.

from 70 EUR / night


Saimnieki apkaimē izveidojuši velomaršrutus un iegādājušies jaunu konteineru plastmasas šķirošanai.

Bērni var komunicēt ar mājdzīvniekiem, piedalīties videi draudzīgās spēlēs. Saimniece piedāvā latviešu nacionālos ēdienus.

Iegādāts jauns aktīvās atpūtas inventārs un nomainītas dārza mēbeles uz videi draudzīgākām.

Horseback riding For parties Fishing Guests6 (14) Bedrooms2 (1) Distance from countries capital city60 Active season months1-12 No pets allowed Optional meals
FireplaceSteam bathFarm animalsBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingLiving room available to guests TV Video HairdryerTeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeWashing machineWashing-up-machineCoffee machineKitchen Fishing2kmSwimming2kmBoats2kmBicyclesSports groundHorseback ridingFishing - commercialFishing equipment rentalPaddle boatsJet-skiRide in horse driven sledgeTennis courtFacilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom pickingBoat tourPicnick area Nearest train station1Nearest bus stop1.5kmNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationBabysitting

OTTO Hotel & Sun

OTTO Hotel & Sun offers small rooms with a TV, Wi-Fi and a minibar. The rooms are suitable for couples, families and groups of friends, as some of them can accommodate another bed. It is also possible to connect three pairs of standard rooms, making them more suitable for larger companies. Almost all rooms have a balcony or terrace. The hotel has a spa area, a swimming pool and 2 saunas, as well as a rooftop terrace.

The hotel’s restaurant serves dishes made with local ingredients and farmed produce from the surrounding area. The location on the shores of the Baltic Sea also provides fresh fish from local fishermen. In good conditions, meals can be enjoyed on the garden terrace. The hotel has a special Wine Hour offer.

Guests48 (8) Bedrooms24 Active season months1-12


In creation of the centre that consists of a self-catering cottage, place for tents, fireplace, bathhouse and other household buildings there has been to the utmost maintained existent environment with old trees, pine forest and the dune area that has been bounded with stones in order to prevent travelling all over sands and dunes. Place for tents is equipped with a tap with dispensed water supply.

Hosts are offering to the guests to take part in coastal fishing (group of several people) with a boat and seining; they are telling about traditions and acquainting with lamprey fishing in the River Svētupe weir that is characteristic to Vidzeme coast. The hosts show the process of cooking of lampreys and fish soap.  

Active leisure Fishing By the sea Guests25 (6) Bedrooms8 Distance from countries capital city80 Active season months1-12
FireplaceSteam bathOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivities20pers.Birch besomPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsNo smokingTrailer parking available ComputerCopier IronTeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeWashing machineWashing-up-machineKitchenEn-suite facilities Fishing0.3kmSwimming0.3kmBoatsSports groundHorseback riding3kmFootball fieldTable games, etc.Facilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesPicnick area Nearest bus stop1.3kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest station


Komfortabla atpūta divās brīvdienu mājās pie kamīna. Relaksācijai sauna ar nelielu baseinu vai melnā dūmu pirts ar ozola kublu. Atjaunota arī koka laipa, kas apmeklētājiem atvieglo ceļu uz Nirzas ezeru.

Saimnieki piedāvā veselībai un videi draudzīgas aktivitātes – makšķerēšanu vietējā karpu dīķī, pašu audzētus dārzeņus.

Ir uzstādīti saules paneļi laukā, viesiem domātajās ēkās pievienoti kustību sensori, uzstādīts siltumsūknis: gaiss - ūdens. Papildinātas zināšanas par apkārtnes biodaudzveidību.

Fishing For parties Guests12 (2) Bedrooms5 Distance from countries capital city220 Active season months1-12 Optional meals
FireplaceSteam bathSaunaOutdoor firepalceBBQRooms for  festivitiesBirch besomPlace for tentsIndoor poolJacuzzi/Hot tubNo smokingTrailer parking available TeapotRefrigeratorElectric rangeWashing machineVacuum cleanerKitchen FishingSwimmingSports groundTable games, etc.Facilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom pickingPicnick areaNature watching Nearest bus stop1.5kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian


Saimnieki rūpējas par Ventas upes krastu sakopšanu un seko līdzi, lai tiktu sargātas dabas lieguma “Ventas upes ieleja” dabas vērtības.

Atrodas blakus Ventas upes dabas liegumam. Sadarbojas ar apkaimes bioloģiskajām saimniecībām un piedāvā klientiem veselīgus – laukos audzētus pārtikas produktus. No pašas mežā lasītām gailenēm taisa „gaileņu kaviāru”.

Active leisure For parties Fishing Guests9 Bedrooms3 Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months4-10 Optional meals No pets allowed
FireplaceSteam bathBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsNo smokingLiving room available to guests TV Video HairdryerIronTeapotRefrigeratorMicrowaveElectric rangeWashing machineVacuum cleanerWashing-up-machineCoffee machineKitchen Fishing0.3kmSwimming0.3kmBoatsSports groundFishing - commercialFootball fieldTable games, etc.Facilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom pickingTour guide servicesBoat tourBicycle trailPicnick areaNature watchingBilljard Nearest train station13kmNearest bus stop6kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest station