Seven routes in Latvia that are devoted to three dimensions of time – the past, the present and the future, inviting you to look at how the Latvian state was established and the twists and turns that it experienced in the more recent and more distant past. You can evaluate benefits and resources and work with others to plan Latvia’s future. These routes will allow you to learn about aspects of Latvia’s history, personalities, places and events that facilitated the establishment of the state and the emergence of its national identity. Peer into the more distant past and remember the aspects of statehood that have existed in the territory of Latvia for many centuries and have become part of Latvia’s cultural world. These routes are clearly meant to be travelled, because they are exciting, with destinations and farms to visit, with wealthy stories of memories and beautiful landscapes all around you.
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The 7 Routes of Latvia’s Statehood have been developed within the programme for celebration of the centenary of Latvia as a state. The celebration events continue from 2017 to 2021. The key message of the centenary celebration is „I am Latvia” focusing on people as the core value of the state. They shape today’s life in the country and, together with their young generation, they lay foundations for the future.
Project is supported by Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds.
*„Statehood” is a political and legal concept that speaks to direct and sovereign links between people and governments. The concept allies to modern nation states, as well as to Medieval and more ancient political formations that spoke to personal links between people and rulers. Thus statehood in the territory of Latvia has existed since the time when the power of large dynasties transformed into a relationship of public governance. (Egils Levits)
Esam uzsākuši kopīgu sadarbību ar "Autotransporta Direkciju", lai uzlabotu un veicinātu Latvijas iepazīšanu un apceļošanu tieši ar sabiedrisko transportu - autobusu un vilcienu. Ceļošana ar sabiedrisko transportu ļauj iepazīt mazpilsētas, lauku reģionus, satikt vietējos iedzīvotājus un izbaudīt jaunus iespaidus.
Pie katra no 7 valstiskuma veidošanās ceļiem atrodama prakstiska informācija - maršruta sadalījums pa dienām, veicamie attālumi, katras dienas apskates vietas, foto galerija, kā arī vietējo stāsti un atmiņas par vēsturiskajiem notikumiem. Sniegta arī par to, kur paēst, pārnakšņot, kā sazināties ar apskates vietu un naktsmītņu saimniekiem. Pie katra ceļa atradīsi sarakstu ar autobusu un vilcienu maršrutiem, kas Tevi aizvedīs pa katru no ceļiem - sabiedriskā transporta veidu, maršrutus un to pakalpojumu sniedzējus, kā arī noderīgus padomus ceļošanai ar sabiedrisko transportu, kas būtu jāzina pirms došanās ceļā - kur meklēt sabiedriskā transporta kustības grafikus, kā un kur iegādāties biļetes un kā ceļot kopā ar velosipēdu:
Jau šobrīd sabiedriskā transporta maršrutos - autobusos un vilcienos, kas ved pa Latvijas valstiskuma ceļiem, ir izvietoti materiāli, kas mudina apceļot Latviju un pieejama informācija par šiem maršrutiem.