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Городище Бусе (Маткулес) находится в изгибе берегов реки Имула. С него, на противоположный берег Имулы открывается один из самых живописных видов на речушки Курземе. Видом лучше всего любоваться в безлистный период, когда ландшафт не закрывает береговая растительность. С правого берега великолепный вид на долину Имулы открывается также по дороге к городищу рядом с домом Бусе.


По количеству природных ресурсов, ландшафтов, биологического разнообразия и памятников культуры – один из самых богатых и ландшафтно самых необычных природных парков Латвии, главная «ценность» которого – это практически нетронутая долина среднего течения Даугавы с восьмью большими излучинами (длина 4 – 8 км) и оврагами ее притоков. Великолепные виды открываются с крутых берегов Даугавы, в частности с обрывов Слутишкю и Верверу, а также с гравийной горы Элернес. На берегах долины находятся более двух десятков различных памятников археологии, древние городища – Науенес, Марковас, Вецрачинас и др., многочисленные храмы – Юзефовас, Спрукту, Боровкас, Элернес, Сикелес, Каплавас и др., поместья (Розалишкю, Лиелборнес и др.), а также уникальная обжитая старообрядческая деревня Слутишки, в которой для посетителей создана музейная экспозиция. На территории парка находятся также интересные природные тропы, велосипедные маршруты, можно отправиться в поход на лошадях. Недавно в Краславе была построена новая современная смотровая вышка. Увлекателен спуск по Даугаве на лодках. Природный парк входит в состав большей особо охраняемой природной территории – в охраняемую ландшафтную местность Аугшдаугавы.

Dabas parks, kura lielāko daļu aizņem neprastās formas un līčiem bagātais Cārmaņa (arī Cārmins) ezers. Ezera ūdens ir ļoti tīrs, tādēļ tajā sastopamas Latvijai retas augu sabiedrības. Tā kā parka teritorijā nav tūristiem veidota infrastruktūra, interesenti var baudīt skatus, kas paveras uz ezera un tā apkārtni no Aulejas – Grāveru ceļa.

One of the most important locations for migrating water birds in terms of rest and feeding in Latvia is the Svēte flood-land, which overflows in the spring time, along with the Svēte polder. It has been calculated that when circumstances are good, tens of thousands of birds can be seen in the area – swans, geese, corn-crakes, pintails, predatory birds, plover-type birds, etc.

This is one of the most outstanding areas in the entire Baltic States with active underground waterways which still, to this very day, dissolve local gypsum rock. Parts of the area collapse regularly, and there are legends about all of this. Underwater rivers, streams, the so-called Karvės (Cow) cave, etc., can be seen in the area.

The nature park near the town of Ogre is a popular place for leisure, hiking and, in the winter, cross-country skiing. Most of the park is covered with coniferous trees that are on a long and comparatively narrow line of hillocks with steep sides – another element of nature left behind in Latvia by the Ice Age. Many different plants can be found here. The Jaunogres castle hill is one of the most distinct hillocks in the area.


Богатое заливами и полуостровами озеро Цириш (находится в Циришском природном парке) украшено несколькими островами, наибольший из которых - Упурсале укрыл в листве своих деревьев городище древних латгалов – Упуркалнс. У подножья обнаружены свидетельства древних поселений и найдены черепки посуды, каменное долото и другие предметы. На берегу восточной части острова устроена лодочная пристань лодок, а вокруг острова проложена благоустроенная природная тропа.

The “backbone” to this park is the valley of the Šventoji (Holy) River. One of the most impressive Devonian cliffs in Lithuania can be seen from the river – Vetygalos atodanga. On the shores of the Varius stream is a cliff made of quartz and sand – Variaus atodanga. 6 km to the S of Anykščiai is Lithuania’s second largest rock (5.7 m high, ~100 m3) – Puntukas akmuo.

Kuģinieku drošībai 1875. g. celtā bāka stipri cieta 1. pasaules kara laikā. Savu tagadējo izskatu tā ieguva pēc atjaunošanas 1922. g. Bākas uguns atrodas 21,3 m v.j.l. un tās detaļas savulaik vestas no Francijas. Pie bākas ieejas 1975. g. uzstādīta piemiņas plāksne par godu bākas simtgadei. Pie bākas atrodas bijušās padomju armijas militārās bāzes atliekas.


The shallow and mostly overgrown (65% of its surface) Lake Engure is one of those Latvian lakes which are most favoured by birds. It is a location which is governed by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and 186 species of nesting birds have been identified there. The area is also distinguished by great botanical diversity (more than 800 kinds of plants). The coastline varies between sandy beaches and seashore meadows. There are forests, fishing villages and damp areas which ensure a great diversity in landscapes and species. The flood-land plains of the lake and the sea are grazing grounds for wild livestock – horses, blue cows, etc. Several bird-watching towers are open to visitors, as is the Orchid trail. The Centre for Ornithological Research is located on the eastern bank of Lake Engure. A unique floating house built by ornithologists is located on the lake. The territory is appropriate not just for holiday-makers, but also for hikers, bicyclists and bird-watchers. A leisure area and a small exhibition are located close to the ornithological research centre.


Atrodas Skuķu ezera dienvidrietumu krastā. Sasniedzams no Putnu salas, ejot cauri dzīvei savvaļā pielāgoto mājlopu aplokiem un taku. No torņa labi pārskatāma Dvietes paliene (ūdeņainos pavasaros pārplūst) un aizaugušais Skuķu ezers. Laba putnu vērošanas vieta. Putnu salas Atālu mājās – vietējais gids.


1,8 km garā taka atrodas neparastā vietā – uz Cirīša ezera salas. Tās galvenās vērtības ir augu valsts un dzeņveidīgo putnu daudzveidība. Viens no apskates objektiem ir Upurkalns – sens pilskalns. Taka labiekārtota, izveidoti informācijas stendi, atpūtas vieta. Lai nokļūtu uz salas, no vietējiem jānomā laiva, vai jādodas ar savējo. Atrodas dabas parkā „Cirīša ezers”.

This park is found in the Otepää highlands and offers an outstanding example of how the terrain of a protected natural territory can be used for recreation, sports and active leisure. The infrastructure of the park is perfect for such activities and is of a high level of quality.
The viewing area is near the top of the Vilce castle hill, with a view of the Rukūze River valley, Zaķi meadow, and surrounding forests. This is an unusual landscape for the region of Zemgale. The Vilce baronial estate is nearby.

2015. gadā uzceltais skatu tornis atrodas dabas parkā „Daugavas loki”, Daugavas ielejas kreisajā krastā – Daugavpils novada Vescalienas pagastā. No torņa aplūkojama izcilā Daugavas loku ainava.

One of the most attractive and informative nature trails in the environs of Rīga. It leads the visitor around the 17-metre Ragakāpa dune, which is most interesting. People can learn about the habitats of the dune areas and the plants and animals of the area. Some of the pine trees are as much as 100 years old and more. The trail is 2km long in each direction and will take some two hours to traverse. This is part of the Ragakāpa nature park.

The Svene Nature Park is in the central part of the Augšzeme highlands, and Lake Svente is at its centre. This is one of the cleanest lakes in Latvia. There is also Egļukalns Hill, which offers one of the most beautiful views in all of Zemgale from its viewing tower. Visitors can gaze at the hillocks and lakes of the Svente area. Egļukalns Hill also has ski trails and a nature trail.

Established: 1931. The arboretum was set up at the suggestion of Latvia’s distinguished author Anna Brigadere. After her death and until 1935, the arboretum was supported and expanded by book publisher Jānis Rapa. There are some 180 foreign trees and shrubs of various kinds here. Some of the plants are outside the arboretum itself. Unique plants: The Bunge’s Ash (Fraxinus chinensis), the Eastern Black Walnut (Juglans nigra), the American Buckeye (Aesculus glabra), the Smoketree (Cotinus coggyria), the White Mulberry (Morus Alba), and the Kentucky Yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea).

The viewing tower is on the western part of the Blue Hills of Ogre, not far from the Dubkalni quarry.  Paths lead to the tower, as does a wooden staircase.  The viewing platform offers a very broad view of the Ķegums hydroelectric power plant reservoir and the towers of Rīga.  The platform is part of the nature park of the Blue Hills of Ogre.



There are three large lakes at the centre of this park – Lake Dusia, Lake Metelys, and Lake Obelija. Lake Dusia has very clear and transparent water, and its southern and south-eastern beaches are popular among swimmers. The lakes and their nearby wetlands are important during the migration season of birds.