Ūdenstūrismam izmantojamo upju garums Latvijā pārsniedz vairākus simtus kilometru, bet ceļojumi var tikt organizēti arī jūrā un ezeros. Gan pavasara palos vai ievziedu laikā, gan vasarā, gan rudens lapu zeltā katra upes sniedz izjūtu ziņā atšķirīgu baudījumu. Daudzu upju dziļo senieleju krastos paceļas skaistas smilšakmens klintis. Upju krastos ir piknika vietas, kur var sagatavot ēdienu un atpūsties, vai celt telti. Laivu braucieni var ilgt dažas stundas vai tā var būt aktivitāte garākam ceļojumam Baltijas valstīs. Ne visi ceļojumi ir pieejami latviešu valodā, tāpēc, iesakām Baltijas apceļošanas idejām skatīt arī šo lapu angļu vai vācu valodās.
Pārskats | Ceļojuma detaļas |
no 865 EUR / pers.
Adventures in the Gauja National Park for kids and adultsThis is an activity-packed, family-oriented tour. Planned activities are cycling, walking and canoeing. After exploring Riga' s Old Town and parks, you stop at the Open-Air Ethnographic Museum which gives a hands-on insight into ancient Latvian life and architecture. At Sigulda, the walking starts from romantic medieval Sigulda castle ruins and continues along the Gauja river valley to Turaida Museum Reserve with its medieval castle, viewing tower, traditional estate buildings, and working smithy where forging coins is always fun. A exciting canoeing trip from Cēsis goes along several picturesque riverside cliffs and gentle rapids, finishing at the old-fashioned wire ferry at Līgatne which still operates every day using just the power of the river flow. While at Līgatne, walk along nature trails that introduce local wild animals in large enclosures with wild boar, bears, lynx, wolves and more. A 'Time Travel' experience offers an excursion to a former Soviet top secret nuclear bunker, while exploring medieval Cesis and its Livonan Order Castle by lamplight will give another historical insight. |