Skatīt ziņas tikai par Naktsmītnēm Ceļojumiem Profesionālās

Visi Lauku Ceļotāja jaunumi

Iznācis jaunais katalogs "Atpūta laukos 2013". Šajā katalogā atradīsiet praktisku informāciju, kas palīdzēs plānot brīvdienas un ceļošanu Latvijas laukos - ko darīt, ko redzēt, kur paēst, kur nakšņot. Plašāka informācija par katalogu un citiem Lauku ceļotāja izdotajiem materiāliem atrodama šeit.

Valodas: latviešu, krievu un angļu.

Cena: 2.00 Ls. Pērkot katalogu kā bezmaksas pielikumu ir iespēja izvēlēties kādu no Lauku ceļotāja izdotajiem tūrisma celvežiem. 

Kataloga e-versiju skatieties šeit.

Skatīt visas ziņas par "Lauku Ceļotāja izdevumu jaunumi"

„Lauku ceļotājs” piedalās projektā „AcTour : Aktīvais Tūrisms Ilgtspējīgai Attīstībai” , kurā partneri no Spānijas, Bulgārijas, Slovēnijas un Latvijas pilnveidos un izplatīs inovatīvu, uz tehnoloģijām un praktisko pieredzi balstītu mācību rokasgrāmatu un apmācību programmu aktīvajam tūrismam kā jaunam profesionālam profilam Eiropas lauku reģionos. Rezultāti būs pieejami projekta lapā

Atveriet AcTour projekta lapu jaunā logā


Just as leaves have started to turn colourful - our newsletter is out too. /Read here/

In this issue:

  •  What to do in autumn

  •  Accomodation places with Latvian heritage

  •  New tours: Cycling in national parks and islands

  • Special Winter package

  • Short breaks: Cycling at Curonian Spit and Canoeing along the Gauja River

  • Message for tour operators.

Skatīt visas ziņas par "Baltic Country Holidays Newsletters"

The  4th European Congress on Rural Tourism, organised jointly by EuroGites and our Romanian partners of ANTREC, is now officially launched and takes place in October 7-10, in Piatra Neamt, Romania. Follow the program updates and organizers’ information in the congress web site: 

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Lauku ceļotājs announces the results of the tender within the framework of project „Heritage Tourism“.

Description of Services: Arrangement of the study tour of Latvian rural tourism businesses and Lauku Celotajs project staff to Estonia, including accommodation and catering.

Date of the decision: 04.09.2012
Decision published: 07.09.2012

Winner: OÜ Reisibüroo MERE

Content of the publication reflects the author’s opinion and the Managing Authority is not responsible for the information published by project partners.

Mushroom and berry picking is incredibly popular in Latvia. In autumn driving along the thicker forests on weekend, you can see many people with their baskets and knives in hand - all out for mushroom hunt.

We offer mushroom and wildlife tours for those who'd like to experience and learn about mushroom picking and preparation here.

At Riga airport's magazine "Gateway Riga", Justin Walley tells all about this healthy and tasty pass-time of many Latvians. Read here and  come to Latvia!

Within the framework of project „Heritage Tourism“ we are looking for following services:

Arrangement of the study tour of Latvian rural tourism businesses and Lauku Celotajs project staff to Estonia, including accommodation and catering.

Size of the group: 38 persons
Dates: 18.-20.09.2012
Description of the route:
18.09.2012: Laiksaare village/Pärnumaa-Paide-Vihi village/Viljandimaa-Intsu village/Viljandimaa
19.09.2012: Põltsamaa- Avinurme- Alatskivi-Mooste
20.09.2012: Obinitsa- Vastseliina- Rõuge

Description of services:
-    Arrangement of accommodation for 2 nights for the group on the route in 18.09.12 and 19.09.212.
-    Arrangement of 3 lunches for the group in 18.-20.09.2012 on the route
-    Arrangement of 1 coffee break per day in 18.-20.09.2012 on the route 

The price offer should be in EUR and include:
-    the price of 1 accommodation per night/per person and for the group 2 nights
-    the price of 1 lunch per person / for the group and for the group 3 lunches
-    the price of 1 coffee break per person / for the group and for the group 3 coffee breaks

More detailed programme here.

If You are interested to involve, please send us the price offer till 3rd September, 2012 to e-mail For any questions please contact us +371 29135813.

Content of the publication reflects the author’s opinion and the Managing Authority is not responsible for the information published by project partners.


The 6th Pan-European Green Belt Conference took place in June 27. – 29., 2012 in Mavrovo, Macedonia.

The Green Belt conference is an annual event taking place each time in a different Green Belt site. This time the conference was hosted by Mavrovo national park in Balkan Macedonia. The conference gathered 100 professionals from 21 Green Belt countries. Asnāte Ziemele, the president of the Latvian Country Tourism Association presented the experience and results of the Green Belt Military Heritage pilot project in Latvia. The representatives of the Green Belt countries approved new territories joining the Green Belt. Asnāte Ziemele was approved as the Baltic Green Belt NGO representative. The European Green Belt initiative is presently headed by the EuroNatur foundation (Germany). There are the following sections in the European Green Belt:

1) Feno-Scandinavian Green Belt (the northern part with Norway, Finland and Russia);

2) Baltic Green Belt (the area along the Baltic coast);

3) Central European Green Belt (the Baltic coast to the river Drava)

4) Balkan Green Belt (from the river Drava to the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea).

12 European Green Belt coordinators meet twice a year. The next meeting will take place in Finland, in winter 2012. 

Press release see here.


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Kā jau katru gadu, arī šogad – un šoreiz tas notiks jau 10. reizi – no 10. līdz 12. augustam, ar vēl nepieredzēti plašu programmu tiks svinēti Ķemeru svētki.

Norišu klāsts plānots gana plašs, un ko interesantu sev varēs atrast ikviens – gan sporta aktivitāšu piekritēji, gan mierīgākas izklaides un kultūras pasākumu atbalstītāji. Pasākumu programmu skatieties šeit.

Plašāka informācija par svētku norisi vai pa tālr. 26424972


The Baltic Sea region is the most afforested territory in all of Europe. The forest is an inviolable component of the Northern European landscape and cultural environment.  Forests and trees have served as sources of inspiration for people over the course of ages, leading to countless legends, stories, fairy tales and riddles as a very important part of the intangible folklore heritage of Northern European peoples.  Neither can it be denied that the forest has always been an important source for timber and non-timber (mushrooms, berries) resources in the economies of the lands which encircle the Baltic Sea.

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