No Name Description

The Skaistkalne Roman Catholic Church is in the southern part of Skaistkalne and on the right bank of the Mēmele River valley. The Baroque church is known as the most beautiful Catholic church in Zemgale. The ornate interior and the graves of clergymen and noblemen can be toured.


The Velēna Lutheran Church is at the crossing of the Smiltene-Gulbene-Lizums roads. It is said that the roof of the first wooden church at this location had a peat moss roof. The organ from the Sauer company still works, and it is one of the best organs in Latvia. The organist offers guided tours of the church.


Die Ruinen der um 1500 gebauten eindrucksvollen Kirche, die man besichtigen kann. Das Gebäude wurde nach dem Luftangriff 1942 beschädigt.


The St George Lutheran Church of Subate is on the north-eastern shore of Lesser Lake Subate. The church was built in the Byzantium style in 1685 and 1868 and was commissioned by the owner of the Prode Estate, H.F. Osten-Sacken. This is the only church in Latvia which is reminiscent of the typical appearance of Protestant churches in the late 17th century. The small towers at the corners of the building are of interest. Inside you will find a richly ornamented ensemble of sculptures and wood carvings, including a 17th-century altar, pulpit and pews, as well as artworks from the 17th and 18th century and a bell that was cast in 1682. Some of the interior design was the work of students at the Stelmuže wood carving school.


Atrodas Daugavas prospektā 10, starp Rīgas – Daugavpils šoseju (A 6) un Kalēju ielu. Dievnams celts laikā no 1931. - 1933. g. (arhitekts: Pēteris Kundziņš). Padomju gados tajā bija izvietota Latvijas Valsts bibliotēkas grāmatu glabātava. Pateicoties draudzes aktivitātēm 1989. g., ēku atjaunoja. Tagad tā kalpo savam pamatmērķim.

Paramonovas Old-Believer Preaching House was built in 1882.

Atrodas Grobiņas centrā, Dzērves laukuma malā. Pirmā baznīca Grobiņa bija celta jau ap 1560. g., bet nākamā – 1596. g. celtā iznīcināta 1659. g. zviedru iebrukuma laikā. Pēc Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Jēkaba Ketlera iniciatīvas 1664. g. tiek uzcelts jauns dievnams, ko atjauno 1892. gadā. Tas dedzis 2. pasaules kara laikā, bet vēlāk atkal atjaunots. Šobrīd notiek altāra restaurācijas darbi.


On sunny days, this white church absolutely sparkles. It is in the southern section of the village and can be seen from a great distance. Jesuits built the first wooden church at this location in 1759 in honour of St Peter and St Paul. The church that is there today was built nearly a century-and-a-half later, in 1893. The interior can be visited during worship services. Interred in the yard of the church is the Lithuanian pastor and wood carver Antons Rimovičs (1865-1933). The congregation building is opposite the church.


The first wooden church was built here in 1252, and the brick church was built in 1665.  It burned down and was restored in 1672, but it was rebuilt in later years.  There are important artistic monuments in the interior of the church – the altar, the pulpit and the painted organ.  Legendary Duke Jacob Kettler of Courland (1610-1682) was baptised in the church and married Princess Charlotte Louise from Brandenburg in it.  During the Soviet era, the church housed a museum and a concert hall.  According to legend, the name of the church is based on a woman called Catherine, who donated funds to build the church, was subjected to lies, tortured and then proclaimed as a saint.  Above the side entrance is a medallion of a woman with a crown of thorns, torture equipment and a sword in her hand.  Elements of this story can also be seen in the herald of Kuldīga.  The steeple of the church offers a good look at the roofs of the ancient part of the city.


18 A. Upīša Street. The church was built in 1897 in the Neo-Gothic style (Architect H. Shel) and it is one of the few19th century city brick buildings. In the church there is the altarpiece "Christ healing the sick" - I. Zeberliņš (1943). You can see the church from the inside during the worship or by a prior arrangement. Near the church, you can see a monument designed by E. Laube (1926) to 80 Latvian riflemen who died in World War I and who were buried in the Warrior's Cemetery near the river Vēršupīte. Near the cemetery, there are also buried J. Kārkliņš and F. Siliņš, fighters of the Kauguri Battle of May 18, 1919. By a prior arrangement, tourist groups can see the church from the inside.


Gebaut am Ende des 13. Jh. als eine dreischiffige Basilika im romanischen Stil mit gotischen Elementen. 1853 wurde der 65 m hohe Turm aufgebaut (Aussichtsplatz). In der Kirche befinden sich die Grabsteine der livonischen Bischöfe, Kanzel (1748), Altar aus Eichenholz (1858), Altarbild (1862), Buntglasfenster und eine der besten Orgeln Lettlands (1907).


The Krāslava Catholic Church was built between 1755 and 1767 after a design by the Italian architect A. Paracco, and it is considered to be Latgale’s most outstanding Baroque monument. The interior can be toured, and you can also visit the restored cemetery where members of the Plater family of noblemen are buried.


The Rēzekne Old Believer Prayer House of St Nicholas is in the southern part of the city, at Siņicina Street 4. The house of worship was built in 1895 and rebuilt in 1906. Its tower has three silver and brass bells (restored), and one of them is thought to be the largest bell in Latvia (4,832 kg with a tongue that weighs 200 kg in and of itself). Alongside is a museum which features the cultural and religious environment of the Old Believers.


Vecauces ev. lut. baznīca ir valsts nozīmes arhitektūras piemineklis. Baznīca pirmo reizi uzcelta kā koka būve 1667. gadā, bet pēc zibens spēriena 1729. gadā tā nodega. Mūra baznīca celta 1744. gadā, savukārt 1866.gadā Mēdemu valdīšanas laikā baznīcu paplašināja līdz 500 sēdvietām, izgatavoja jaunu altāri, kanceli un uzstādīja Liepājas ērģeļmeistara Kārļa Hermaņa būvētas ērģeles. meklētājiem piedāvā doties interesantā, izklaidējošā un informatīvā ekskursijā pa baznīcu, apskatot ekspozīciju "Auce pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laikā" un baznīcas bibliotēku (Baznīcas grāmatas (pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laiks – 1918.-40.g., vācu laiks, padomju laiks un šodiena)). Baznīcā izveidotajā Mākslas telpā apskatei tiek piedāvātas vairākas unikālas ekspozīcijas: skolotājas Jadvigas Kupčes grāmatu un personīgo lietu ekspozīcija, kantātes “Dievs Tava zeme deg” vārdu autora Andreja Eglīša ekspozīcija, izcilā flamenko ģitārista Andreja Kārkliņa un režisora Kārļa Pamšes ekspozīcijas.


This is a simple one-story building with a cross on its roof.  The Pitrags congregation was established in 1890, but the church was built in 1902.  It was restored after a World War I fire in 1925 and 1926, and restored again during the period of Latvia's restored period of independence.


Iespaidīgais un monumentālais dievnams uzcelts 1816. gadā. No baznīcas nozīmīgākajām interjera detaļām ir saglabājušās ērģeles, altārglezna, lustra un kroņlukturis. Jāpiebilst, ka baznīca savā pastāvēšanas laikā nav pārtraukusi savu darbību.


Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā – 18. novembra ielā 66. Apjoma ziņā – lielākais Daugavpils luterāņu dievnams, kuru cēla laikā no 1891. - 1893. g. neogotiskā stilā no sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem (arhitekts Vilhelms Neimanis). 1941. g. baznīcā izcēlās ugunsgrēks un gāja bojā lielākā daļa no tās sākotnējās iekārtas. Turpmāko divu gadu laikā baznīcu daļēji atjaunoja, taču vēlāk tajā izveidoja noliktavu u.c. baznīcai „nepiederīgas” iestādes. 1985. g. ēka vēlreiz cieta ugunsgrēkā. Pagājušā gadsimta deviņdesmito gadu sākumā uzsāka baznīcas atjaunošanas darbus, uzstādīja solus un altāri, kas ir Ogres Amatniecības vidusskolas audzēkņu darinājums.

From the tower of St Simon’s Lutheran Church, you can see the central part of Valmiera and the banks of the Gauja River. During clear weather, you can see Zilaiskalns Hill. The church contains some cultural and historical treasures, as well as one of Latvia’s most resonant pipe organs.
Krupenišku Old-Believer Prayer House was built in 1908. The autor of the design is engineer I. Ivanov. At present the church is in bad tehnical condition.

Dievnams celts no šķeltajiem laukakmeņiem un sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem laikā no 1894. - 1909. g. Tajā saglabājušās vecās koka baznīcas iekārtas un 18. gs. sākumā veidots cilnis “Svētais vakarēdiens”.