No Name Description

In the 15th century, Preili manor became the property of Count Borhs family. Borhs were living here until the 60ties of 19th century. The city itself formed in the first half of the 19th century by fusion of Preili Manor, the village and free village - settlement of traders and craftsman. In the 19th century a luxurious palace was built in Preili and Landscape Park was created. Today Preili is an important economic centre of Latgale (cheese and sewing plants), where t folklore, crafts and Catholicism traditions are fostered. Preili tour in the guidance of TIC employee Irena Kjarkuza is highly recommended.


Arī 18. novembra laukums. Tas sācis veidoties 18. gadsimtā kā tirgus laukums. Tā dominantes bija 1752. g. celtais rātsnams (nav saglabājies) un aptieka, kas šajā ēkā darbojas no 1810. g. līdz pat mūsdienām. 2010. gadā laukumā izveidota strūklaka, kam ir pilsētas ģerboņa forma.


Jaunpils development is linked to the Livonian Order's castle, which until now has hardly changed its building volume and appearance. From 1561 until 1919 it belonged to the barons Reki family. In 1905 the castle was burned down, but later it was reconstructed under the supervision of architect V. Bockslaff. Substantial castle restoration work began during the sixties of 20th century. Now in the castle is a museum, but gourmets can taste medieval dishes at the castle tavern.


1275 is considered as a year of foundation of Daugavpils. This is the time when the Master of Livonian Order Ernst von Ratceburgs built Dinaburg castle at the Naujene hill fort. It suffered several Lithuanian and Russian invasion until in 1577 the castle was destroyed by Russian troops under the command of Ivan the Terrible. After this event Dinaburg was restored 17 km further on the right bank of the river, where now the town of Daugavpils is located. From 1810-1833a new fortress was built. In 1826 started the building of what is now the historic centre of the town. During the World War I the major industrial companies with workers were evacuated to Russia. During first Latvian Republic, the cultural life in Daugavpils flourished. Most part of the town was destroyed during World War II – in the July of 1944. Nowadays the town is the second largest town in Latvia and is an important economical centre of Latgale historic region. Restoration of Daugavpils Fortress was launched recently; this project can be considered as a unique on the European scale.


"The heart of Latgale", where during the 9th – 12th century stood a fortified Latgalian castle. In 1285 Livonian Order began the construction of stone castle instead of Latgalian castle. After the collapse of Livonia (Rezekne in the composition of Poland) the city languished. Economic life in Rezekne restored in the second half of the 18th century. After the construction of St. Petersburg – Warsaw highway (1836) and railway (1861), Rezekne became a holiday destination for holidaymakers from St. Petersburg. During the World War II, buildings of the city significantly suffered. Today the town is an important economic and cultural centre of Latgale region.


Истоки площади Роз уходят в 1911 - 1913 гг., когда на этом месте разбили открытый сад с > 500 кустами роз. В советское время рядом с площадью Роз был установлен памятник Ленину. Восстановленную в 2000 году площадь окружает Лиепайская Педагогическая академия, гостиница «Лива», Центр бизнеса и сделок De Rome (построен в XIX веке, архитектор Пауль Макс Берчи, бывшая гостиница «Рим») и Лиепайский дом латышского общества (камень в основание заложил Карлис Ульманис в 1934 г.). По бордюрам грядок роз размещены памятные знаки городов содружества Лиепаи. К площади Роз подходит улица Зивью (Рыбная), получившая свое название от когда-то существовавшего рыбного рынка. На улице Зивью находится Аллея славы латвийских музыкантов (с 2006 г.), где установлено 35 плит с бронзовым рельефом ладоней музыкантов, 10 плит, посвященные популярным латвийским музыкальным группам, а 5 – ушедшим в мир иной. Здесь же установлена самая большая гитара Латвии.


Tukums in the historical sources is mentioned in 1253 agreement of the Livonian Order and the Bishop on the division of Kursa. If the town's name is translated from the Liv language, it means "a pile, mountains of sand". at the beginning of 14th century German merchants and craftsmen settlement was formed at the Livonian Order stone castle, whose flowering was facilitated by the proximity of Riga - Prussian road. Later the city was largely influenced by the construction of Riga - Tukums railway in1877. During the Soviet period the on the eastern outskirts of Tukums, the largest Soviet military airfield and military town in the Baltic States was deployed. Today Tukums is a district centre of the same name with a wide range of services offered to tourists.


Already in the 10th century, an ancient village was located at the Sabile hill fort. After the division of Course land, Sabile was won by the Livonian Order, which built a stone castle (not preserved) here. Sabile is first time mentioned in written sources in 1253. During the 15th century an urban area started to develop at the castle. Town right was awarded to Sabile in 1917. Today Sabile is a small town, surrounded by many notable monuments. Roma culture is an integral part of Sabile and therefore, Sabile is also known as the Latvian capital city of Roma. Sabile has long been known for its wine-growing and oenological traditions, which have been reborn and enjoyable during the Sabile wine festival.


This is an urban construction monument that was created between the 17th and 19th century, and it is of national importance.  The street layout around Jelgavas and Rātūža streets forms closed blocks of buildings.  There are Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox and Baptist churches in Jaunjelgava.  One of the most outstanding architectural monuments is City Hall, which was built in 1912 and features Art Nouveau forms.  None of the city’s five synagogues has survived.  The historical centre of Jaunjelgava features a promenade that runs along the banks of the Daugava River.  This is a popular place for strolls, leisure and swimming.


Ein ehemaliges Fischerdorf am Ufer des Kurischen Haffs. Hierher sind die Bewohner der Dörfern umgezogen, deren Dörfe unter dem Sand der Wanderdünen begraben wurden. Holzbebauung des 19 – 20 Jh.


Eine Floßhauptstadt Lettlands mit dem jährlichen Flößerfest im Mai.


This location is important in terms of Latvia’s history, because during the 12th and 13th century, this was the administrative and spiritual centre of the Lettigalian tribe, with the ruler of Jersika being Visvaldis.  The castle stood on the shore of the Daugava at a height of 18 m, and this was a mighty castle hill.  The flat part of the hill measured 100 x 75 m, and it was surrounded by a barrier and a defensive wall made of logs.  People entered the castle via guarded gates beyond which there were residential and household buildings, as well as a small church.  Archaeologists have found the remnants of log buildings, as well as many antiquities from the 10th to the 13th century that speak to extensive trade relations with other parts of Europe, including ancient Russia.  In 1209, the forces of Bishop Albert fooled the people in the castle and sacked it and the ancient town that was around it.  Visvaldis’ family was taken hostage, and so the Lettigalian ruler was forced to become a vassal of the bishop.  The castle hill is privately owned, so please contact the owner before planning a visit.


Haapsalu was once loved by aristocrats who stayed here during summers, nowadays this town is very appealing to its visitors because of its essence - tiny streets, old wooden buildings and promenade. Worth mentioning are also town's SPAs which were one of the reasons why Haapsalu was so popular its earlier years. Interesting enough, the famous composer Tchaikovsky considered this place one of his favorite's for spending the holidays.


To the south of Koknese, the Destiny Garden is on an island that is surrounded by the waters of the Pļaviņas hydroelectric power plant (there is a bridge to the shore).  The aim of this fundamental open-air object was to commemorate people in Latvia who suffered because of totalitarian regimes.  The first work here began in 2008, and the designer of the landscape was a Japanese landscape architect, Shunmyo Masuno.  Work on the garden continues, but it is already a popular tourist destination.  The first permanent structure is a terrace that offers a view of the Koknese castle ruins and the local Lutheran church.  This means that there will be something new each time that people visit the park.  People are invited to bring rocks for this nationally important location that commemorates Latvia’s history.


Pirmo reizi vēstures avotos 1253. g. šī vieta ir minēta kā kuršu apdzīvota apmetne. Laikā no 1637. – 1639. g. te uzcēla pirmās 19 kapelas – t.s. „Krusta ceļa stacijas", kas atgādināja Jeruzalemes Krusta ceļu. Kopš tā laika Žemaišu Kalvarija ir pazīstama kā nozīmīgs svētceļnieku galamērķis. Dažas no Krusta ceļa kapelām ir veidotas 17. – 18 gs., bet citas – 19. gs. Jāatceras, ka vēl pavisam nesen – Padomju laikos svētceļniekus nežēlīgi vajāja un represēja. Mūsdienās pilsētā ir izveidots 21 svētceļnieku „pieturas punkts". Te ik gadu (parasti no 2. – 12. jūlijam) notiek Žemaišu Kalvarijas katoļu draudzes svētki, kas pulcina daudz ļaužu no dažādām Eiropas valstīm. Iespaidīgā katoļu bazilika ir slavena ar Vissvētākās Jaunavas Marijas Katoļu Ģimeņu Karalienes gleznu, kas 17. gs. atvesta no Romas. Tai piedēvē brīnumdarītājas spējas. Interesants ir pilsētas ielu tīklojums, kas atgādina 9. – 13. gs. apdzīvotas vietas ielu plānojumu. Noteikti apskatāms iespaidīgais Žemaišu Kalvarijas pilskalns, kas slejas mazās Varduvas (Varduva) upītes krastā.


The town's name in historical sources was first mentioned in 1224. In 1340 Archbishop of Riga built a stone castle at the Latgalian hill fort (now - the Lutheran Church). In 1802 (owned until 1920) Vecgulbene estate was bought by Baron G. Wolf. Manors in the surroundings of Gulbene and Vecgulbene castle substantially suffered during the Revolution in 1905 and in the further historical events. Today, there is a substantial change in the landscape, especially in the area of White Castle, where a large-scale restoration works occurred in recent years. Either way, - Gulbene is the place worth visit to get new impressions and knowledge.


The history of Līgatne cannot be separated from the paper factory which was once the only factory of its kind in Latvia. Tours are available in the company of a guide. During the late 19th and early 20th century, the company built homes, a school, a birthing centre, a hospital, a club, a guesthouse and other buildings for its employees, and most of these buildings have survived to this day. There are more than 200 interesting underground passageways which are still used as warehouses for various items, including vegetables.


Ļoti skaists un ainavisks etnogrāfiskais ciems Balošas (Baluošas) ezera ziemeļu krastā, netālu no diviem iepriekš minētajiem ciemiem. Te apskatāmas interesantas un skaistas koka ēkas, kas celtas no guļbaļķiem, ar niedru vai lubiņu jumtiem un izrotātas ar dažāda veida dekoratīvajiem elementiem. Pirmo reizi rakstos Šumini minēti 1784. g. Savu vārdu ciems ieguva no kādreiz dzīvojošas ģimenes uzvārda. Kā interesantākā ir jāpiemin sena klēts.


Aizputes pilsdrupas, akmens tilts pār Tebru, Jaunā pilsmuiža, ūdensdzirnavas un Sv. Jāņa luterāņu baznīca, kā arī 19. gs. beigās celtās koka ēkas starp Jāņa, Katoļu un Atmodas ielu veido neparastu pilsētbūvniecības kompleksu, kam piešķirts kultūras pieminekļa statuss. Staigājot pa vēsturisko centru, uzmanība jāpievērš ēku durvīm un to vērtnēm, logu ailēm, balkonu margām u.c. elementiem.


Maza apdzīvota vieta ar dažām viensētām uz pussalas (salos tulkojumā no lietuviešu valodas nozīmē „sala") starp vairākiem ezeriem. Salos II ir viens no sešiem Augštaitijas nacionālā parka etnogrāfiskajiem ciemiem. Ciems patiks tiem, kas meklē ļoti nomaļas vietas ar vecām guļbaļķu dzīvojamām un saimniecības ēkām. No Salos II pa sauszemes maršrutu var doties pārgājienā līdz Ladakalnim un Ginuču pilskalnam (sk. iepriekš).