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Pirmo reizi vēstures avotos 1253. g. šī vieta ir minēta kā kuršu apdzīvota apmetne. Laikā no 1637. – 1639. g. te uzcēla pirmās 19 kapelas – t.s. „Krusta ceļa stacijas", kas atgādināja Jeruzalemes Krusta ceļu. Kopš tā laika Žemaišu Kalvarija ir pazīstama kā nozīmīgs svētceļnieku galamērķis. Dažas no Krusta ceļa kapelām ir veidotas 17. – 18 gs., bet citas – 19. gs. Jāatceras, ka vēl pavisam nesen – Padomju laikos svētceļniekus nežēlīgi vajāja un represēja. Mūsdienās pilsētā ir izveidots 21 svētceļnieku „pieturas punkts". Te ik gadu (parasti no 2. – 12. jūlijam) notiek Žemaišu Kalvarijas katoļu draudzes svētki, kas pulcina daudz ļaužu no dažādām Eiropas valstīm. Iespaidīgā katoļu bazilika ir slavena ar Vissvētākās Jaunavas Marijas Katoļu Ģimeņu Karalienes gleznu, kas 17. gs. atvesta no Romas. Tai piedēvē brīnumdarītājas spējas. Interesants ir pilsētas ielu tīklojums, kas atgādina 9. – 13. gs. apdzīvotas vietas ielu plānojumu. Noteikti apskatāms iespaidīgais Žemaišu Kalvarijas pilskalns, kas slejas mazās Varduvas (Varduva) upītes krastā.


The Capital of Saaremaa island. Popular resort. The Town Hall is built in the style of Baroque.


Cēsis is in the centre of the Gauja National Park, but it is not part of the park as such. There are many interesting places in Cēsis to visit and examine. The oldest part of the town is of key interest. The origins of Cēsis can be found at Riekstu hill, which is 18 metres high. Between the 11th and 13th century, there was a wooden castle here built by the Vendians. The hill is in the central part of the castle park, and it offers a good view of the park, pond and the ruins of the Cēsis castle, which can be accessed via a long cascade of stairs. The Cēsis castle (see below) was built in the early 13th century as a residence for masters of the Livonian Order, and it was one of the strongest fortresses in the Baltic territories. Alongside it is the New Cēsis castle, which was built in 1777 where the gate fortifications once stood. The Cēsis Museum of History and Art is in the building, alongside which is a visitors centre and the Cēsis Tourism Information Centre. From the tower of the castle, there is a fine view of the castle ruins, St John's Lutheran church and the northern part of the town. Opposite the New Cēsis castle are stables and a wheelhouse (both from the first half of the 19th century). The Cēsis Exhibition Hall is there today. You can look at the exteriors of the granary, the hut for coachmen, and the old brewery. On the other side of the street is the romantic Maija park, which was installed in the 1830s. The park is popular among parents with children, because there is a playground there. From this area, you can walk down some of the old streets of the town – Lielās Katrīnas, Mazās Katrīnas, Mazā Kalēju, Kalēju and Lielā Līvu streets, plus Līvu Square. The wooden buildings along the streets date back to the late 18th and early 19th century. Torņa Street, which weaves its way along the defensive walls of the Medieval castle, offers a look outside the church of a sculpture by Matiass Jansons, "As the Centuries Pass". Legend says that if you rub the lantern carred by the Old Man of Time, you can see the future. One of the most impressive buildings in Cēsis is St John's Lutheran Church, which was built in the late 13th century for the Livonian Order. It is a basilica built in the Roman style and with Gothic elements. The tower, which is 65 m high, was built in 1853. The building was reconstructed several times during the 20th century. Inside the building are grave epitaphs for masters of the Livonian Order and for bishops. The pulpit was installed in 1748, the oak altar followed in 1858, and the altar painting "The Crucified One" dates back to 1862. The stained glass windows around the altar are of great artistic value. The organ was built in 1907 by the E.F. Walker Company, and the instrument is one of the best concert organs in Latvia. A sun clock featuring the year 1744 is at the south-western corner of the church. It is worth climbing the church's tower. At the foot of the building is Rose Square, which began as a market square in the mid-19th century, remained in place until 1927, and was restored in 2008. This is the central square in the town today. During the Medieval Era, there were stockades here, along with the city's well. Rīgas Street has been the main street of the old town from the very beginning, and it is here that you will find the most architecturally outstanding buildings in town from the 18th and 19th centuries. They include the former Cēsis City Hall, the Fābers building, and the Princess building. At one end of the street is Līvu Square, where, during the 13th century, there was a church, a cemetery and a gate in the town walls. Today the square features a lighted fountain which is on the site of a 13th century well known as Lejas Šķimbēgs. At the other end of the street is a reconstruction of the foundations and surface elements of the Rauna gate that was a part of the town walls in the 14th and 15th centuries. The site offers a good idea about Medieval fortifications and the size and mightiness of gates therein.

Pilsētā nebija lielu rūpniecības uzņēmumu, un tās iedzīvotāji nodarbojās galvenokārt ar amatniecību, tirdzniecību un lauksaimniecību. Ilūkste tika pilnībā nopostīta 1. pasaules kara laikā un smagi cieta arī 2. pasaules kara laikā. Šodien Ilūkste ir klusa pierobežas mazpilsēta, ko ieskauj gleznains dabas apvidus. Apskates objekti: bijušā jezuītu klostera ēka un Ilūkstes katoļu baznīca.

Ein einzigartiges Örtchen beiderseits des Flusses Minija, wo der Fluss eine „Hauptstraße” ist. Litauens Venedig.


Origins of Livani as a bigger place of population are linked to the 1533, when the then owner of the land Lieven established the manor and called it after his own name Lievenhof. The 1678, the first Catholic Church was built here. The city suffered considerably during the two world wars. Name of Livani is associated with the glass. In 1887 a glass factory was founded here, which today has ceased operation.


Vēstures avotos pirmoreiz minēta 1483. g. Pilsētas uzplaukums bija vērojams pēc dzelzceļa uzbūvēšanas 19. gs. beigās, kad barons Korfs sadalīja un iznomāja apbūvei muižas zemi. Pilsētas tiesības Priekule ieguva 1928. g. Pilsēta smagi cieta 2. pasaules kara pēdējos mēnešos, - t.s. Kurzemes katla laikā, kuru laikā tika sagrautas 410 no 450 ēkām. Mūsdienās tā ir neliela pilsētiņa ar mazstāvu apbūvi un nesteidzīgu dzīves ritmu.


Materials of archaeological excavations show that the Ogre river banks were inhabited by the Livs. Ogre as a larger populated area and a major resort developed after the construction of Riga-Daugavpils railway in 1861. Until the World War I about 300 cottages offered their services in Ogre, most of them were destroyed during the war. The next "major" event took place 1965 when one of the largest knitwear plants in Europe was built in Ogre, which was staffed by guest workers from Vietnam and countries. Today, Ogre has still not recovered its glory of a resort, but has become a rather exclusive site of mostly low-rise residential buildings.


The town of Subate was first listed in documents in 1570, when Duke Gotthard Kettler of the Duchy of Courland sold the Subāte marketplace to Count G. Plater-Sieberg. When the Plater-Sieberg dynasty converted to Catholicism in the mid-17th century, Lutherans in Subate protested by moving to the eastern bank of Lake Subate. That was the property of the Prode Estate (only ruins remain at this time), which was owned by the Osten-Sacken dynasty. In 1685, the Osten-Sackens built a Lutheran church for the “refugees,” and Jaunsubate was established around it. Both parts of the town were merged again in 1894. During Latvia’s liberation battles in 1919, Subate was liberated by Lithuanians, at which time the town was divided up between Latvia and Lithuania (though the border between the two countries was set at the previous line in 1921). The historical centre of Subate was established between the 16th and the 19th century, and it includes four churches for various congregations and low wooden buildings which stretch along narrow and curvy streets. The town is on the shores of a sub-glacial depression with Great Lake Subate and Lesser Lake Subate therein. This provides the town with unusual landscapes for Latvia.


For the first time Valmiera is mentioned in the historical sources in 1323. Until the 13th century this place was in the composition of Talava, inhabited by Latgalians. Construction of Valmiera medieval castle began in the beginning of the 13th century, but in 1283, between the Gauja River and Rate River towered church. Location near to the Tartu-Pskov and Novgorod trade routes greatly facilitated the economic development of the populated area. During the 14th-16th century Valmiera was a part of the Hanseatic League. It suffered greatly from wars, epidemics and fires in 16th to 18th century. In the second half of the 19th century the economic boom started again. It was also facilitated by the building of wooden bridge across the Gauja in 1866 and Riga-Pskov railway opened in 1899. Historic centre is destroyed in 1944. During post-war years, large industrial companies such as - Valmiera glass fiber factory (to this day) are opeating in the town. Today, Valmiera is economic, educational and sports centre of Vidzeme.


Was mentioned in 1387, where it was called Domesnes.  That was the name until the early 20th century.  A ledger at the Irbe-Ģipka church states that there were four farms in Kolka in 1770 -- Krogi, Ūši, Vecvagari and Kabriki.  In 1844, a school for vergers was established, and Nika Polmanis worked there as a teacher.  Kolka's first school was built in 1881, and Livonian Kārlis Bernšteins (1881-1951) worked there for nearly half a century as a teacher.  The Dundaga riots that began in 1859 were led by Livonian Nika Šūbergs (1833-1884), the son of the owner of the Sārnasti farm.  At the end of the 19th century, there were 392 residents in Kolka, and in 1935, 145 of the 343 residents were Livonians.  During the mid-1980s, 13 Livonians spoke their language freely.  Kolka is the only coastal Livonian village that continued to develop during the frontier regime of the Soviet Union, because it was the centre of a fishing kolkhoz.  The number of residents increased rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s because new homes, a school, a people's centre, a kindergarten and several fish processing factories were built there.  Today Kolka has 700 residents and is the largest village along the Livonian coastline.  The "Līcis-93" fish processing factory is there, and local fishermen and smokers of fish work in the village.  The Kūolka Livonian Centre and the Livonian ensemble Laula operate there, as well.  The Ūši farm offers tastings of Livonian foods.


Dundaga baron once was one of the largest landowners of Courland, therefore during the second half of 19th century around the estate formed centre of economic and social life. Dundaga Central Square is dominated by its water tower, behind which starts Dakterleja, where from 1844 to 1854 worked one of the first ethnic Latvian doctors and linguist, J. Bars. Until the sixties of the 20th century from the Dundaga through Mazirbe and fishermen villages to Ventspils ran a Narrow gauge train. Today Dundaga attracts tourists with its spectacular castle, the Lutheran church, crocodile sculpture, Eizenberga pottery workshops and other objects.


The history of Līgatne cannot be separated from the paper factory which was once the only factory of its kind in Latvia. Tours are available in the company of a guide. During the late 19th and early 20th century, the company built homes, a school, a birthing centre, a hospital, a club, a guesthouse and other buildings for its employees, and most of these buildings have survived to this day. There are more than 200 interesting underground passageways which are still used as warehouses for various items, including vegetables.


The largest town in South-Eastern Latvia is on the banks of the Daugava River, which is the border between Latvia and Belarus at this location.  The border runs down the middle of the river.  Piedruja has two parts – Piedruja and Aleksandrova, which are separated by a central street (the V 631 road).  Piedruja emerged from the Druja town that was on the left bank of the Daugava.  During the 17th century, the two parts were owned by the Stapekha dynasty of Lithuanian aristocrats.  It is worth strolling through the town, because the low-level wooden houses are reminiscent of buildings that are exhibited in open-air ethnographic museums.  Piedruja is neat and tidy, with two churches and the Daugava rock that are part of a local hiking trails.  Aleksandrova has a tourist accommodation, “Piedruja,” which offers special soirées in the Lettigalian, Russian and Belarusian style.  Please be aware that you need a temporary permit to enter the border zone.  The Border Guard facility is in Piedruja and at a place where there was a Daugava crossing point comparatively recently.


Ļoti skaists un ainavisks etnogrāfiskais ciems Balošas (Baluošas) ezera ziemeļu krastā, netālu no diviem iepriekš minētajiem ciemiem. Te apskatāmas interesantas un skaistas koka ēkas, kas celtas no guļbaļķiem, ar niedru vai lubiņu jumtiem un izrotātas ar dažāda veida dekoratīvajiem elementiem. Pirmo reizi rakstos Šumini minēti 1784. g. Savu vārdu ciems ieguva no kādreiz dzīvojošas ģimenes uzvārda. Kā interesantākā ir jāpiemin sena klēts.


The Capital of Latvia. The Old Town of Riga (included in UNESCO Cultural Heritage list) - an excellent medieval building monument. The pearl of Art Noveau in Europe. The former city of Hanza.


Palanga is known to be the biggest by-the-sea resort in Lithuania because of its seacoast's main attractions - dunes and white sand. And because Palanga is a resort there are plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars and more for those who would like to enjoy a meal or a drink, for those who like active sport - there is possibility to cycle, go horseback riding, swim and much more. 


Ein der ethnografischen Dörfer in Dzūkija mit Holzgebäuden und Kruzifix.


On the right bank of the River Pēterupe is one of the historical areas of Saulkrasti – Pēterupe Village. It is believed that the village began to form around a chapel during the so-called Swedish or Catholic times. The chapel was named after the Apostle St. Peter, and therefore the river and the village also carries his name. Pēterupe Village can be considered the oldest village in the Saulkrasti region. The oldest witnesses of the origin of Pēterupe Village are: Rectory, Pēterupe Evangelical Lutheran Church, Outpatient Clinic and the wooden buildings in the old village centre.


Tāpat kā Ventspils Rātslaukums, arī Tirgus laukums ir uzskatāms par pilsētas vēsturiskā centra nozīmīgu daļu, kura apkaimē ir saglabājies senais ielu plānojums. Kādreizējā Rātsnama vietā tagad slejas kariljonu zvana pulksteņu tornis. Tas zvana katru stundu, bet 12:33:44 un 00:33:44 ar īpašu melodiju ieskandina astronomisko Ventspils laiku. Tirgus laukumā ir aka, kas saulainā laikā darbojas arī kā Saules pulkstenis. Monētu automātā var izkalt īpašu piemiņas monētu.