The tour starts at Jaunmokas Castle estate, where you will also find the Forest Museum. The pride of the castle is its unique painted tile stove (beginning of the 20th century) made of 130 painted tiles featuring 50 different views of the cities Rīga and Jūrmala. The Forest Trails runs along smaller tracks through the Austrumkursa Uplands, the valley of the river Slocene, along Lake Sekļa and Lake Jumprava to finally reach the town of Tukums. Well, the town takes pride in its pots, planters and flower beds with blooming roses along its streets. Next, the route meanders through forests to the demanding hillock of Milzkalns and Lake Valguma, where you will find the barefoot trail and a secluded art space within the woods. The Forest Trail continues to make a stopover at the Ķemeri National Park. The park is dedicated to protection of wetlands, since it is home to one of the largest marshlands of Latvia – the Great Ķemeri bog. As to the town – Ķemeri – it is the former balneological and sulphur springs resort. The tour ends in the village of Bigauņciems, where the Forest Trail joins with the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route (E9 European long distance path). Optionally, one can take a detour along the Lake Sloka trail with its bird-watching tower or pay a visit to the “Forest House” – the visitor’s centre of the Ķemeri National Park.