No 20506
Country kitchen
Country kitchen Latvia, Kurzeme, Liepāja, Liepāja


The "Pastnieka maja" restaurant is an old restored building in Old Liepāja. Legend has it that a postal carrier named Arvīds used to live there, and the building has been praised for its interior design. The menu offers an attractive look at the life of Arvīds, and it is up to you to believe or disbelieve those stories.

Latvian cuisine: Cold soup, sorrel soup, oven-baked cod, catfish and plaice filet, grilled pork ribs, porridge with a bacon and onion sauce, potato pancakes, crepes, stacked rye bread.

Special foods: Smoked cod with potatoes, onions and dill in a ceramic ramekin.

Distance from countries capital city216 Season1-12 Accepts individual travellers Optional meals This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups
Facilities  appropriate for children