Nature trails

Trails of different lengths to explore the nature.

Overview Details

Valguma pasaules baskaju taka

The first barefoot trail created in the Baltic States in the recreation complex "Valguma pasaule", which is located on the forested shores of Lake Valguma. When walking on the path, the feet "massage" sand, wood chips, clay, peat, gravel, cones and various other materials.

Distance from countries capital city60
Nature trail

Vikmestes taka

Vikmesti dēvē arī par Foreļstrautu, jo tā ir nozīmīga foreļu un taimiņu nārsta vieta. Gaujas labā krasta pieteka ir izveidojusi dziļu gravu ar stāvām nogāzēm, kuras lejtecē izveidojušies nelieli – ap 4 m augsti smilšakmens atsegumi. Gravas labajā (rietumu pusē) paceļas ar mežu apaugušais Vikmestes pilskalns. Gar Vikmestes upi izveidota taka, kuras sākumdaļa atrodas pie Siguldas – Turaidas ceļa, bet beigu daļa – pie Raganas – Turaidas ceļa (ap 3 km).

National park Distance from countries capital city55
Nature trail

Sildi trail in the Teici swamp

Teiči Nature Reserve — untouched territory, bogs, and birds. This is a significant bird resting place before seasonal migrations. Here you can see up to 1,500 cranes and 8,000 geese at once. The bog is a mating-place for black-cocks, therefore if you are near in an early spring, listen, and maybe you will hear these majestic mating calls.
You can get acquainted with this unique nature territory when accompanied by a guide and taking an excursion to Sildi trail that has been renovated in 2013. After a walk in the length of about 3 kilometres on well-improved wooden footbridges, you will reveal amazing and untouched bog landscape. Here you can know more about different bog types (raised moss, transition, and grass bogs), see pools and puddles from the safe ground of the bog’s footbridges, as well as enjoy the blueness of two bog lakes (lakes Sildi and Dzērvīte) and visit the bog island Siksala. 

The trail can be visited only with the Nature Conservation Agency employee's escort from June 1 until October 31.

Strict nature reserve Distance from countries capital city166 Active season months6-10
Nature trail

The Jeci nature trail

A marked hiking route (a guide will be needed) begins at the Jēči windmill, which was built in 1878. Nearby is a dendrology park and a collection of rocks. You will learn about moraines and other geological features in the region, study various kinds of swamps, see the unique piles of rock at Pugas, as well as the Kraujiņi rock. The route is 7 or 5 km in length, returning at the starting point, and it will take some four hours to traverse. Be sure to put on waterproof boots!
Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Murjani - Ligatne

Maršruts "Murjāņi - Līgatne" ved caur Gaujas senieleju ar devona smilšakmens atsegumiem, raksturīgo augu valsti un dzīvniekiem. Krastos sastopami Latvijā lielākie nogāžu un gravu meži ar liepām, ozoliem, gobām un ošiem. Upes līkumos palienē aug baltalkšņu un vīksnu audzes. Uz koku stumbriem atrodams plaušķērpis. Senieleja bagāta ar sausokņiem un kritalām, tāpēc Gaujas krastu mežos dzīvo visu Latvijā sastopamo dzeņu dzimtas sugu putni. Smilšainajās Gaujmalas pļavās un Gaujas vecupēs ir bagātīga bezmugurkaulnieku fauna. Upes krastos ir smilšakmens klintis ar čurkstu alām un zivju dzenīša ligzdām. Klinšu pakājē iztek avoti, kas uztur mikroklimatu ielejā. Gauja ir nozīmīga arī kā Latvijas lielākā lašupe. Maršruts ir daļēji marķēts un papildināts ar norādēm un informācijas stendiem.

Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Vasenieki swamp trail

The trail informs visitors about one of the loveliest natural habitats in Latvia – a moss or high swamp.  The path is in the Stiklu swamp nature reserve and passed through lovely swamp lakes, plants and animals, and the degraded part of the swamp.  At the middle of the path is a bird watching tower that can be climbed.



Nature reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Gaujienas dabas taka

Taka veidota gar Gaujas labo krastu augšpus un lejpus Gaujienas un tā iepazīstina ar nogāžu mežu un dažādu pļavu biotopiem. Visā tās garumā izvietoti informatīvi stendi. Takas daļu lejpus Gaujienas var braukt ar velosipēdu.
Protected landscape area Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Tourism trails at Embute

Here the visitor will find an ecological tourism trail in the ancient Embūte valley. The hills around Embūte date back to the Ice Age. There are valleys and forests of many fallen trees which are protected habitats. The visitor will learn about important natural and cultural monuments – the Embūte castle hill, as well as the ruins of a baronial estate, a castle and a church. The Courlandian chieftain Indulis died in the region. The visitor can view the Devil’s Dam, along with meadows, a viewing tower, etc. There are bicycler routes in the region. The site is located in the Embūte nature park.


Ligatne nature trails

Lots of wild animals can be found in vast paddocks along the ancient Gauja river valley and its small tributaries – areas in which living conditions are as close to natural circumstances as possible. Here the visitor can find, if lucky, reindeer, deer, wild boars, bears, foxes, lynx, various kinds of birds, as well as aurochs. There is a dense network of pathways in the park, including lots of information. There is also a route for drivers and bicyclists. During the winter, it is used for distance skiing. There is also a visitors’ centre.
For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city73 Active season months1-12
Tour guide servicesNature trail

The Kolkasrags Pine Trail

The trail (the length 1.2 km) introduces with the habitats of dunes and century-old pines, partly covered with sand. Biologists estimate that the oldest tree, the “mother of pines”, could be around 200 years old. Coastal pine forests serve as a barrier between the sea and land protecting inland areas from impact of the sea and winds. Felling coastal forests was forbidden by law already back in 1643, during the Duchy of Courland. Still due to economic activities, the seashore forests were often fell and fires occurred there occasionally. As a result, the sand which had for centuries been hold by trees, started drifting at Cape Kolka. In the 1930ies, there were about 142 hectares of sandy areas in the Slītere National Park, and 11.5 hectares of those were drifting sand. To stop drifting, the sand areas were carefully afforested. Afforestation was started before WW I and it was completed in the 1970ies. To plant new trees, first the sand had to be stopped. Just 26km to the south from Kolka there was one of the largest sand dunes in Latvia, 25km in length. Every year it devoured 0.3 hectares of land. The sand was stopped covering it with heather, twigs and branches of pines and junipers. Pine trees were planted between them.

Today in Kolka, the old, low pine trees tell about the once drifting sand. After storms, when the water washes the bluff and tree roots are exposed, one can see that the tree trunks once have been covered with sand more than 1 meter high. The trees on the seacoast usually have crooked trunks and flag-shaped crowns formed under influence of persisting sea winds. Now these forests are designated biotope “Wooded dunes of the coast”.

Stable white dunes (biotope 2120) do not form in Cape Kolka as they are washed by sea waters during spring and autumn storms. Embryonic dunes develop here (code 2120) with plants that usually grow in dunes. These plants have adapted well to poor soils, heat, drought, and the saline sea water.

The Kolkasrags Pine Trail is in Slītere National Park.

Distance from countries capital city155 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Andrupenes dabas taka

Andrupenes dabas takā var iepazīt sūnas, pārliecināties par sfagnu lielo ūdens uzsūkšanas spēju, gar laipas malām ieraudzīt apaļlapu raseni un purva dzērveni, apskatīt spilves, vaivariņus un purva vārnkāju, kā arī purva pasauli. Takas garums ~ 750m.
Active season months1-12

Randatu dabas taka

1,2 km garā taka atrodas netālu no vietas, kur Gauju šķērso Vidzemes šoseja (A 2). Izejot taku, var iepazīt vienu no Latvijas augstākajiem dolomītiežu atsegumiem – Randātu klintis, kas paceļas 25 m virs Gaujas. Taka ir apļaveida un tās apskatei nepieciešamas ~ 45 minūtes.

Distance from countries capital city152
Nature trail

Orhideju taka

Engures apkaimē aug 22 no Latvijā sastopamajām 32 orhideju dzimtas sugām .Lai dabas parka apmeklētājiem dotu iespēju aplūkot šīs interesantās augu sugas, ierīkota Orhideju taka. Kopējais takas garums ir 3.5 km, tā sākas netālu no Engures Ornitoloģisko pētījumu centra, līkumo caur kalcifilajiem purviem un mežam putnu novērošanas torņa virzienā, un aizvijas tālāk gar atjaunoto ezera piekrastes pļavu, kurā mīt govis un zirgi. Takas sākumā novietotajā informācijas zīmē attēlotas ne tikai apkārtnē sastopamās orhidejas. Tur iespējams gūt daudzpusīgu informāciju arī par citām interesantām Engures ezera dabas parka augu sugām.
Nature park Active season months1-12

Laumu dabas parka takas

Dabas parkā izveidota Baltijā vienīgā Bišu taka, kurā apmeklētājs var iejusties bites ‘’lomā’’. Zinātkārie var ieģērbties bitenieka tērpā un novērot bišu dzīvi stropā vai kāpt kokā ar seno dravnieka ierīci – dzeini. Ekskursija, Bišu, Putnu, Meža, Sporta un Augu takas.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city130 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Latvijas vestures taka Nitaure

Nītaures vēstures takā var apskatīt un iepazīt dažādus vēsturiskus objektus no 13.gadsimta līdz mūsdienām - seno pilskalnu, vācu ordeņa pilsdrupas, luterāņu un pareizticīgo baznīcas, soda vietu un muižas seno apbūvi.

Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Pilskalnes Siguldinas taka

Dabas liegumā "Pilskalnes Siguldiņa" ir izveidota dabas taka - kājinieku tūrisma maršruts – t.s. Augšzemes ainavu taka, kas sākas Pilskalnē un beidzas pie Driģeņu mājām. Tā izlīkumo ezeru krastus, šķērso purvu (laipas). Apmeklētājiem, arī bērniem, izveidotas arī īsākas - lokālas takas. Pieejami dažādu taku garumi: 1,6 km, 3,8 km, 8 km.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city240 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Peterezers nature trail

This circular trail features a unique landscape of parallel rampart-type sand dunes and grassy swamps among the dunes. The 3.5 km trail leads through a landscape that is unique in Europe and emerged some 6,000 years ago as the sea was receding. This landscape offers evidence of the geological history of the Baltic Sea. There is a high-type swamp (the Pēterzers swamp), along with remnants of an old narrow-gauge railway. Wooden pathways have been installed along the swamp and the surrounding wetlands. 

Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Cirisa Upursalas taka

1,8 km garā taka atrodas neparastā vietā – uz Cirīša ezera salas. Tās galvenās vērtības ir augu valsts un dzeņveidīgo putnu daudzveidība. Viens no apskates objektiem ir Upurkalns – sens pilskalns. Taka labiekārtota, izveidoti informācijas stendi, atpūtas vieta. Lai nokļūtu uz salas, no vietējiem jānomā laiva, vai jādodas ar savējo. Atrodas dabas parkā „Cirīša ezers”.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city230
Nature trail

Kupskalnu dabas taka

Taka izveidota 2005. gadā. Tā atrodas uz Lapmežciema un Bigauņciema robežas un izskatās kā koka dēlīšu laipa gar Siliņupi. Taka aizved līdz jūrai, kur apskatāms vecais Lapmežciema mols. Siliņupē novērojami ūdensputni.

Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Akmenupite trail

The Akmeņupīte river starts in the highlands and ends at the Daugava, and it is a rapid river only during the spring or after lots of rain. Otherwise it is a shallow little river with a rocky bottom. On the shores of the river is a nice path with several places to relax or to build a campfire (firewood is available). Water from the local streams is potable.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Dunikas purva taka

This territory was established to protect the rare tree specie in Latvia - common hornbeam, which covers approximately 4% of the territory, but the most visually interesting part of the area is the Tīrspurvs swamp, also known as the Dunika heath. This is where the visitor will find Latvia’s longest and most impressive swamp footpaths, which crosses the area from the North to the South. Visitors will be fascinated by the unique landscape of the central part of the swamp, where in some places there are not even small swamp pine trees. Various habitats will be found – small swamp lakes, mineral islands, marsh pools, etc., and that is to say nothing of all the birds in the area.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city240
Nature trailNature watching

The Zibgrava Health Trail

1.2 km long, the trail passes through a unique terrain of hillocks and forests, with the height of the valley rising to as much as 15 metres.  Visitors will find a diversity of plant life, as well as the beautiful little Kauliņupīte River, which crosses the rail at two points.  The health trail was established in the late 1990s.

Distance from countries capital city176 Active season months5-10

Vizlas dabas taka

Takas sākums atrodas Vidagā, vietā, kur uz Vizlas celts vēsturiskais akmens arkas tilts. 1,2 km garā taka bez marķējuma ved gar pašu upes krastu līdz pat ietekai Gaujā. Redzami skaisti dolomīta atsegumi, nelieli krāčveidīgi ūdenskritumi un iespaidīgais Žākļu dižakmens.

Distance from countries capital city151
Nature trail

Kartavkalna taka

Kartavkalnā, kur senāk atradusies seno zemgaļu apmetne, ir izveidota dabas taka ar soliņiem, piknika vietām. Šeit apskatāms arī Jaunpils Kartavu kalns un lapegļu aleja, kā arī iespējams aplūkot, kāda izskatās senlatviešu apmetne ar īstu guļbaļķu sētu.
Active season months1-12

Asares veselibas taka

Asares muižas romantiskā stila dendroloģiskais ainavu parks veidots 18. gs. un papildināts 19. gs. 2. pusē. Muižas parka teritoriju ieskauj laukakmeņu mūris. Bet parkā sastopamas daudz interesantas krūmu un koku sugas: Sibīrijas baltegles, Eiropas lapegles, duglāzijas, šķeltlapainie baltalkšņi, Švedlera kļavas, košumkrūmi, dažādi lakstaugi. Liepu alejā - 2 dižkoki. Tempļa kalna atjaunotajā lapenē - muižnieku tējas dzeršanas vieta ar skatu uz pili.

Active season months1-12

Imulas taka (Buses - Kauka kalns)

Nepilnus 3 km garā taka iepazīstina ar dziļo Imulas ieleju – Abavas kreisā krasta pieteku. Īpaši iespaidīga ieleja izskatās bezlapu periodā, kad ir apjaušami tās izmēri un formas. Viens no takas iespaidīgākajiem objektiem ir Buses jeb Matkules pilskalns. Apskatāmi citi objekti – Baznīckalns, Bedrīšakmens, Ķauķa kalns ar avotiņu. Atrodas dabas parkā „Abavas senleja”.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city110
Nature trail

The trail tells about grey dunes which have survived thanks to the border restrictions and the presence of military. The trail starts from the parking place at the mouth of the Užava river. It is one of the few natural rivermouths in Europe. One can also see the „tacis”, an industrial installation for lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) fishing during their spawning migration period. The 3km long trail is circular. It winds for 1.5km from the Užava rivermouth to the North, along the coastline (the beach is covered with sand and pebbles), and returns to the starting point by a gravel road through grey dunes. Along the trail, one can observe a distinct white dune with rare plant species Linaria loeselii, Lathyrus maritimus, Anthyllis arenaria, Tragopogon heterospermus. About 1km from the rivermouth, in the sea, one can see a wrack of a sailing ship (parts of frame). The visibility depends on the flow of sand in the sea. The way back opens a beautiful view of the range of grey dunes. Unfortunately, Scots Pine starts taking over the area. There are three important biotopes of EU significance: „Fixed dunes with herbaceous vegetation 2130”, „Decalcified fixed dunes with Empetrum nigrum 2140” and „Dunes with Salix arenaria 2170”, forming a unique mosaic. Typical species here: mountain Alison ‘(Alyssum gmelinii), Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla pratensis), Sand Pink (Dianthus arenarius), Rosemary Leaved Willow (Salix rosmarinifolia), Dark Red Helleborine (Epipactis atrorubens), Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylus uva-ursi).

As a former military site, some military constructions can be seen here like horseshoe-shaped sand ramparts by the road in gray dunes. They were built to disguise military vehicles in case of sea attack. By the Kangroti graveyard, towards the Užava river, there is an underground pillbox. It is a one-man fortification to fire along the coastal perimeter.

The Mouth of River Užava walking route is in the nature reserve „Užava”

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city80

Nature trail "Curves of Riva"

Nature trail "Curves of Riva" starts at Ulmale-Labraga Lutheran Church and continues 3 kilometres down the picturesque downstream of river Riva. Rīva here flows in a canyon-type ravine which reaches 12 meter rise at some points. The trail reveals countless river twists and turns and steep coastal cliffs.
The air here is unusual, filled with sea and pine tree aroma. You'll be able to enjoy an undisturbed peace and quiet, watching the magnificent scenery and the tranquil flow of the river.

The trail is partly accessible with an assistant and is marked with green paint.

Distance from countries capital city194

The trails of Munchhausen

This trail of pathways dates back to 2005 and it passes from the Dunte Estate (which has an exhibition about Munchhausen) along damp shoreline forests and on to the sea.  There are rest stops along the trail with wooden sculptures related to the famous Baron Munchhausen, as well as other attractions.  The trails are in the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve.


Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Ziemassvetku kauju pieminas parka taka

Ap 7 km garā apļveida taka sākas pie leģendārajām Mangaļu mājām. Tā iepazīstina ar latviešu strēlnieku kauju vietām, vietām, kur atradušās to fortifikācijas, t.s. „Vācu valni” u.c. liecībām. Mangaļu mājās – Ziemassvētku kaujām veltīts muzejs.

Distance from countries capital city46
Nature trail

Skanaiskalns hill and the Skanaiskalns cliff

One of the most popular areas of uncovered sandstone in Latvia, known for its unusually smooth and sound-reflecting cliff wall (around 12m in height). Located on the right bank of the Salaca river, there is a place for tenting. A fun experiment is to stand in various closes opposite the cliff and to speak quietly. The echo will be heard either by the speaker or by people who are standing elsewhere. Located in the Salaca valley nature park and the Skaņaiskalns park.
Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Veksu taka

Interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kurā izvietoti informatīvie stendi, kas stāsta par dažādiem pļavu biotopiem – sausām, palieņu un parkveida ozolu pļavām un tās iemītniekiem. Pļavas nogana dzīvei savvaļā pielāgotie mājlopi.

Protected landscape area Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Tervete nature park

One of the few places in Latvia where there are so many well-organised pathways. The region is known for castle hills, the location where the great Latvian author Anna Brigadere (1861-1933) lived and worked, the storybook character figures that are scattered around that area, a great forest, an arboretum, a museum of history, a viewing tower, landscapes, etc. This has been recognised as the most family-friendly place in the country.
Nature park Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Pokainu takas

Pokaiņu mežs atrodas 13 kilometru attālumā no Dobeles, braucot Īles virzienā. Tas, izvietojies uz stāviem pauguriem un dziļām ielejām, veido neparasti gleznainu ainavu. Mežā grupās, kaudzēs, akmens upēs un valnīšos, atrodas slavenie Pokaiņu akmeņu krāvumi. Krāvumi daudziem cilvēkiem liek sajust savdabīgus enerģijas strāvojumus - vieni redz vīzijas, bet citi – uztver informācijas plūsmu. Takas ved pa pagurainu apvidu.
Active season months1-12

Adamovas taka

Ap 1,6 km garā un labiekārtotā Adamovas dabas taka iepazīstina ar Adamovas krauju un tās apkaimē esošajām dabas vērtībām. Takas sākums meklējams pie autostāvlaukuma, no kura paveras plašs skats uz Krāslavu un Daugavas senieleju. Adamovas krauja (aizsargājams ģeoloģisks piemineklis) ir viena no garākajām (ap 1,7 km) un augstākajām (25 - 35 m) Daugavas kraujām. Tā veidojusies sānu erozijas rezultātā, Daugavas ūdeņiem noskalojot Daugavas pamatkrastu Adamovas loka ziemeļdaļā.

Distance from countries capital city260 Active season months1-12

The Kubesele nature trail

The beginning of this circular trail can be found at the Krimulda church – the oldest in Latvia. In one direction, the tourist will pass along the banks of the little Runtiņupīte river (Runtiņš) to the place where it flows into the Gauja river. Among the points of interest along the way are the parsonage of the church, the Kubesele castle hill, a memorial to the Livonian chieftain Kaupo, the Kubesele cave, the Saulstari rock, the “Great Rock”, ancient anchor blocks, ancient graveyards, a unique labyrinth, etc.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Oleru purva taka

Taka ved cauri mežam uz skatu torni purva malā. Takā apskatāma Nāzara priede –priede, pie kuras 1905. gadā nošauts dumpinieks, pati priede – ekoloģiskais koks ar dzilnu kaltiem dobumiem, nokaltusi. Melnalkšņu dumbrājs - slīkšņa ar cūkaušiem un puplakšiem. Oleru purvs no skatu torņa – pārejas un sūnu purvs, kas izveidojies nolaista ezera vietā. Papildus objekti blakus takai, pieejami pa ceļu – Oleru muižas komplekss, Krustakmens, Oleru muižas kapi.

Kopējais takas garums: 1,1 km.

Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Naujene trail

The Dinaburga trail first goes downhill, and then it quickly goes uphill to the steep shores of the Daugava river. Among a set of gullies, there is the Naujene (Vecpils) castle hill – some 25m high and the “cradle” of the city of Daugavpils. The ruins of the castle are still visible, and a unique open-air model of the old Dinaburga castle has been prepared. There is a lovely view of the Daugava river valley, and the visitor can expect to spend 20 minutes to an hour here. Objects are located in a protected area of Augšzeme landscapes and in the Curves of Daugava nature park.
Protected landscape area Distance from countries capital city235 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Koksu ezera taka

Labiekārtota (informācijas stendi, atpūtas vietas) un marķēta taka, kas ved apkārt Kokšu ezeru virknei, kurā ietilpst Zāļu, Dziļais un Dibena ezers. Iepazīstami mežu biotopi, dzīvnieki un to darbības pēdas. Iespējami trīs dažādi takas izziešanas varianti: 7 km, 4,5 km, 2,7 km. Maršrutu var braukt ar divriteni. Ietilpst Ziemeļvidzemes biosfēras rezervātā.

Strict nature reserve Distance from countries capital city155
Nature trail

The Daugavgriva Trail

The trail tells about the protected nature area which is found in Riga city and has been established to protect the seashore habitats (forests, meadows, reeds, dunes) and the birds, populating the daugavgrīva meadows. There is a bird watching tower with facilities for people with special needs.
Nature reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Ragakapa nature trail

One of the most attractive and informative nature trails in the environs of Rīga. It leads the visitor around the 17-metre Ragakāpa dune, which is most interesting. People can learn about the habitats of the dune areas and the plants and animals of the area. Some of the pine trees are as much as 100 years old and more. The trail is 2km long in each direction and will take some two hours to traverse. This is part of the Ragakāpa nature park.
Nature park Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Zakumuizas dabas taka

Dabas taka atrodas Zaķumuižā un ved cauri vecajam muižas parkam, pa ceļam iespējams aplūkot simtgadīgus kokus, dažādus augus, kā arī dažādus kukaiņus, putnus. Taka ir veidota kā mācību taka un to veidojusi Zaķumuižas pamatskolas skolotāja. Taka ir 1,5 km gara. Tai ir vidējas grūtības pakāpe: takas reljefs ir samērā vienmērīgs, mērens, izņemot atsevišķus posmus (daži stāvumi un kritumi, dažviet nelīdzens reljefs), tāpēc īpaša fiziska sagatavotība pirms takas iziešanas nav nepieciešama. Vietās, kur reljefs ir stāvāks, izvietoti roku balsti, bet pāri muižas dīķu sistēmas ūdeņiem uzcelti divi tiltiņi. 


Distance from countries capital city28

The Sietiniezis nature trail

In terms of shape, this is one of the most diverse areas of uncovered sandstone in Latvia. Found on the right bank of the Gauja river, the Sietiņiezis is up to 15m high. Small holes that can be seen in the cliff face are created by single and protected insects, which carve tiny caves in the cliff for their caterpillars. A circular and well appointed trail, with stairs, has been installed. It is 1.5 km in length and will take an hour or so to traverse. Objects are in the Gauja National Park.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Dzilezers nature trail

Near the Priedīši homestead, there is a nature trail which allows visitors to study Lake Dziļezers and the surroundings. There are various lakes in this region which are found in a depression left behind by the Ice Age – Lake Dziļezers, Lake Riebezers, Lake Mazezers, Lake Auziņš, Lake Skuja and Lake Bruņķītis are all there. Along their shores, there are various kinds of forests, including ones with broadleaf trees that are under environmental protection. The trail is 3km in length and will take an hour or so to traverse. This is a part of the environmentally restricted territory of Lake Dziļezers and Lake Riebezers.
Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Limbazu Lielezera taka

Taka izveidota Limbažu Lielezera ZA galā, tā ir 3.6 km gara vienā virzienā. Ezeru ziemeļu galā izbūvēts putnu novērošanas tornis. Izbūvēts bērnu rotaļu laukums, labiekārtotas atpūtas vietas, izveidota laivu piestātne. Pāri Donaviņai izveidots gājēju tiltiņš uz pontoniem.

Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12

The vast Ukri forest

This is a fairly unique territory in Latvia – a vast forest of oak trees (many of them very large, indeed), linden trees, elms and various other deciduous trees. In the company of a forest guide, the visitor can walk through a small part of the forest, learning about the inhabitants of the area and their importance. This is an environmentally protected zone.
Nature reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Cirulisi nature trails

This is a tour that will take you trough time and space, because it clearly reveals the history of the location since the end of the Ice Age, which created the impressive ancient Gauja river valley. Uncovered sandstone leads one back to the Devonian period, known as the “fish age” – here we’re talking about history that dates back hundreds of millions of years. Human beings arrived in the region quite recently, but they’ve also left lots of evidence behind.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Raipala ezera taka

Takas sākums atrodas pie Veclaicenes pagasta pārvaldes (autosvālaukums). Tā izlokas gar Ievas, Trumulīša un Raipala ezeru dienvidu krastiem un pa ziemeļu krastu nogāzēm atgriežas atpakaļ sākumpunktā. Apļveida takas garums – ap 8 km. Atrodas Augšzemes aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū, Kornetu – Peļļu subglaciālajā vagā.

Protected landscape area Distance from countries capital city193
Nature trail

The “We Cannot Make Do Without One Another” trail

This trail offers education about the forest for children of all ages, families with children, and friends of the environment.  The trail is located in the Īle Parish of the Auce Administrative District, 2 km from the Pokaiņu forest.

Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Planci swamp

In 2006, a wooden pathway was installed across the Planči swamp – 500m long, which means that the visitor will spend around 20 minutes there. This is probably the only nature trail in Latvia for which there are plans to post information in Braille for people with impaired vision.
Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Cuzu purva taka

Teritorijas apskates nolūkos ir izveidota un labiekārtota dabas izziņas taka. Dabas liegums atrodas Abavas senlejas dabas parka teritorijā. Taka iepazīstina ar vienīgo krūmu čužas savvaļas augšanas vietu Latvijā.

Nature park Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Augstrozes pilskalna taka

Augstrozes pilskalna taka atrodas ainaviskā vietā, gleznainā 13. gadsimta pilskalnā, kas apvīts ar teikām un leģendām. No pils drupām paveras labākais skats uz lielisko ainavu, ko veido Augstrozes Lielezers un Ziemeļu purvi.
Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Raganu taka

Taka ved gar Vaidavas krastu, kur iespējams veldzēties dabas skaistumā, kāds vērojams tikai šeit. Starp Apes vidusskolu un kapsētu Vaidavas upes kreisajā krastā ir izveidojušies 8 - 10 m augsti, līdz pat 100 m gari smilšakmens atsegumi - Raganu klintis. To lejasdaļā upes straume izskalojusi nelielas nišas. Pie klintīm pāri upei izveidots gajēju tiltiņš uz otru krastu, no kura klintis paveras visā savā krāšņumā. Te ir teikām un nostāstiem apvīti avoti un alas. Avots ar skaidru ūdeni iztek no vietas, kur Vaidavas upes smilšu klints krasts ir augsts un stāvs. Senāk vietējie ticējuši, ka tas ir veselības avots, jo daudzi to lietojuši dažādām acu slimībām.Dīvainos dabas objektus – Vilkaču priedi un Dvīņu priedes, Raganu slotu, “raganu apļus”, “raganu kaulus” u.c. te var apskatīt un vides gida vadībā mēģināt izprast to veidošanos
Active season months1-12

Raganu swamp trail

This wooden pathway will introduce the visitor to a high-type swamp and a unique habitat – a place where sulphur streams flow into the Raganu swamp. The little lakes in the swamp are unique – they are the result of sulphur bacteria, and there is a special range of species in those lakes. The landscape is interesting, and the smell of sulphur pervades, mostly from sulphur ponds. The trail is 800m long and will require 20 minutes to an hour to traverse. The object is on the border of the Zemgale and Vidzeme regions.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Randu meadows

Overgrown with reeds, full of seashore meadows, lagoons, muddy little lakes and sandy shallows – this is the part of the Bay of Rīga shoreline which runs between Ainaži and Kuiviži. The Randi meadows are an important location for birds and plant life. It is a protected habitat with environmental restrictions. A bird-watching tower and nature trail have been installed so that visitors can study the meadows. The tour will take around one hour to complete. Objects are in the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve.
Biosphere Reserve Distance from countries capital city112 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Lielauce manor house trail

Near the Lielauce manor house start of a wooden pathway which crosses the transition-type swamp that is on the shore of Lake Lielauce to a boating facility near the open part of the lake. Boating and fishing are possible – here, too, the population of fish is regularly restored. The area is a part of the Vīķi swamp restricted zone.

Nature reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Teirumniku (Tirumnieku) swamp path

The wooden pathway which crosses the high swamp leads to the Teirumnīku swamp lake, which is right in the middle of the swamp. On the shores, there is a well-appointed place for leisure and relaxation. One can return to the starting point via a forest path. The trail is 800m long, and visitors will spend about an hour there. It is a part of the Tīrumnieki nature reserve.
Nature reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Visraga nature trail

Located at the Lake Burtnieks southern shore, these are wetland meadows which are regularly flooded and which are important places for various birds, including the corn - crake, to nest. This is part on the environmentallyrestricted area which covers the meadows of Lake Burtnieks.

Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Kirbizu meza izzinas taka

Aptuveni 2km garā Ķirbižu meža izziņas taka izveidota apļveidā gar Vitrupes abiem krastiem. Visā takas garumā var mācīties atpazīt Latvijas mežu raksturīgākos kokus, krūmus un augus. Šeit var aplūkot arī Vālodzes dižozolu (6.5 m). Upes labajā krastā, pie tā sauktā vīna pagrabiņa un kreisajā krastā apmēram 200 m no takas sākuma pie Meža muzeja, atklājas ainaviski skati uz ieleju un Vitrupi.

Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Plienciema taka

Plieņciema taka atrodas dabas liegumā "Plieņciema kāpa" starp Plieņciemu un Ķesterciemu. Pāri kāpai ir izveidota laipu taka un atpūtas vieta. Taka ir izveidota, lai mazinātu negatīvo ietekme uz Plieņciema kāpas dabas vērtībām – zemsedzes nomīdīšanu, piegružošanu ar atkritumiem, braukšanu ar autotransportu.
Nature reserve Active season months1-12

Jankalnu folkloras taka

Folkloras taka "Jāņkalni" iepazīstina ar mūsu senču rakstiem, zīmēm un dievībām, kas ir mūsu folkloras mantojums. Folkloras takas (garums: apm. 1,5 km vai 2 stundas) mērķis ir arī iepazīstināšana ar senlatviešu ieražām, folkloru, kā arī tautu dainu izprašana. Piedāvā iziet Latvijas karti - labirintu ar 19 etnogrāfiskajiem novadiem. Gids Jums sniegs izsmeļošu stāstījumu un atbildes uz interesējošiem jautājumiem.

The Sunset trail

The Sunset trail starts in the centre of Saulkrasti town and takes you to the White Dune. Saulkrasti town with its municipal rural territory, occupies a 17km long stretch of coastal land to the North from the river Lilaste and the lake Lilaste.

The White Dune stands on the right side of river Inčupe mouth. It is covered by old pine forest. The white, 18m high sand outcrop in olden times served as a landmark for fishermen. The White Dune formed as winds carried the sand from the beach over clay sediments of the Baltic Ice Lake. Some 150-200 years ago, the dune had been drifting as witnessed by several layers of soil buried within it. Local fishermen and farmers at Bātciems initiated afforestation of the drifting dunes. At that time, the 30m high dunes which are now covered with forest, were bare, shifting and even buried a farmstead. To speed up afforestation, mountain pines were planted. The White Dune was partly washed away in heavy storm in 1969, and 4-6m high precipice formed. Now the wind and sand have levelled out the dune surface, it has been fixed with willow-twigs or grown with forest where the largest pines are more than 170-190 years old. The pines are notable with their large trunks and branches, the scars obtained during their lifetime and the typical “crocodile skin” – the bark forms rhombuses resembling those of the reptile’s scales. Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris) is one of the most common tree species in Latvia. It grows in dry, meagre sandy soil in dunes as well as in marsh. However, it does not stand overshadowing. Forest fires help pines to get rid of competitors as pine endures fire better than other trees because of its thick bark and high crown. The wood exudes resin and burned wounds close soon. Fire cleans space for seedlings of young pines. Pines can live 300-350 years.

Ground cover in dune forests is very sensitive. If the sparse vegetation is destroyed, not only the natural biodiversity and landscape is damaged, but also the dangerous shifting dunes can possibly “wake up”.

Embryonic dunes, White (yellow) dunes, Grey dunes and Wooded dunes are EU protected biotopes. Grey Dunes are protected by Latvian law as well.
A wooden trail with watching platform is built to protect the White Dune and to facilitate the sightseeing. In winter, a skiing trail in the vicinity of the White Dune is arranged.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city42 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Ligatnes pagrabu alas un klintis

Klinšu smilšakmens ieži veidojušies, ūdens straumēm sanesot smilšainas, mālainas iežu daļiņas. Tās lēnām nogulsnējās un sablīvējās, topot par vareniem dabas veidojumiem! Līgatnes pagrabu alas savām rokām radījuši senie iedzīvotāji. Šī neparastā vieta ļāvusi daudzām paaudzēm izdzīvot, jo alās bija iespēja uzglabāt nepieciešamās pārtikas rezerves. Alām ir nemainīga temperatūra, kas padara tās par drošu pārtikas produktu un dzērienu glabātuvi.

Distance from countries capital city71 Active season months1-12

The Markova trail

The Markova information trail is the most diverse and impressive trails along the upper reaches of the Daugava river in terms of objects and landscapes. The visitor will go to the top of the Markova castle hill, which offers a great view of the river valley. The deep Putāni stream valley will be crossed to get to the cliffs on the right bank of the Daugava. Here, the visitor will see one of the most unusual landscapes of Latvia’s river valleys. There is the Slutišķi village of Old Believers, along with the mighty Slutišķi cliff in the background. The trail is 1.6km long, and it will take an hour or two, particularly if the visitor chooses to tour the village and the homes of the Old Believers.
Protected landscape area Distance from countries capital city247 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Ungurmuiza trail

The Ungurmuiža park is well known for its outstanding and huge oak trees. Some of them are rotting or dead, and they are home to a great many species, including many that are found nowhere else in Europe. A pathway leads through these noble trees – 1.3km in length, with visitors spending as much as an hour there. The park also contains the only wooden castle from the early 18th century that has been preserved to the present day. There are other cultural and historical treasures, as well.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Daugavas taka

10 km garais pārgājienu maršruts iepazīstina ar vienu no vēl retajiem, cilvēka mazāk ietekmētajiem Daugavas senlejas posmiem. Tā sākums – Aizkraukle, finišs – Skrīveri. Gar upes krastu izvietotas atpūtas vietas. Maršrutu var braukt arī ar velosipēdu.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city90
Nature trail

The Nature Trail of Pape

The nature trail was built in 2003 supported by the WWF, the Latvian Environment Protection Fund, the International volunteering organization supporting conservation initiatives in the United Kingdom (BTCV) involving volunteers from Nīca and Rucava municipal parishes.

 The trail exposes the surrounding landscapes and related biotopes – dunes, forest, grasslands and bog, as well as bird and animal species found there. On the trail, there is a bird watching tower and two birdwatcher hides. You can see the rivers Paurupe and Līgupe, beaver activity areas, grasslands, black alder forest, spruce forest, floodland, wild horses, aurochs, the Šķilu lime tree, the Holy Grove, the Ezerskolas sacrificial stone, the Pape ornithological field station, the Papes polder grasslands and the Pape lighthouse. There are resting places en route. The trail leads through the historical Ķoņu village with the traditional coastal fishing village architecture of buildings and yards.

The trail is 9 km (5 km one way by a gravel road, returning 4km along the coastline). The trail is in the Pape nature park


Nature park Distance from countries capital city268 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Kaniera niedraja laipa

Taka atrodas Riekstusalas pussalā, netālu no putnu vērošanas torņa. Uz peldošiem pontoniem celtā laipa iepazīstina ar Kaņiera ezeru „tuvplānā”. Var iepazīt niedrājus, to putnus, labi redzamo ezera gultni ar zivju mazuļiem un kalcifilām augu sabiedrībām. Laipa aizved līdz salai, uz kuras aug kadiķi.

Distance from countries capital city45
Nature trail

Kokneses dabas taka

Kokneses dabas taka (5,65 km) ved gar Daugavas un Pērses krastiem un savieno Kokneses parku un Likteņdārzu. Pastaigā pa dabas taku var doties no jebkuras sevis izvēlētas vietas, kas vijas cauri Kokneses parkam. Takā izveidotas laipas, tiltiņi, informācijas stendi un norādes.

Distance from countries capital city100
Nature trail

Around the Lake Vaidava

This is a route for hikers and bicyclists, starting at the village of Vaidava and then moving along the eastern shore of the narrow Lake Vaidava, which has steep cliffs around it. The trip covers the Veļķi baronial estate, the “Swedish pine”, the famous Vaidava (Metimne) hillfort, a series of streams, the great Rubene rock, the Vaidava baronial estate on the western shore of the lake. After that, the trail leads the visitor back to the starting point.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Drubazi trail

This path is found on the right bank of the ancient Abava river valley. The visitor will be able to view places where underground streams create wetlands, various kinds of meadows, a stand of juniper bushes, etc. The area is “managed” all year long by “wild” cows. The shore of the ancient valley can be climbed (some 200 steps), and the view is magnificent. It is recommended that the trail be visited in the company of a knowledgeable guide. There is a shorter path that is 600m long, along with a longer one that is more than a kilometre in length. It will take an hour or so to traverse it. Objects are found in the ancient Abava valley nature park.
Nature park Distance from countries capital city110 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Sedas purva kajnieku marsruts

Sedas purva kājnieku maršruts atrodas dabas liegumā Sedas purvs, pārgājienu pa maršrutu iespējams apvienot ar Sedas pilsētas apskati, kas ir unikāls 50.–60. gadu pilsētbūvniecības un arhitektūras paraugs -  kūdras purva strādnieku pilsēta. Maršrutam ir divi apļi - Jērcēnu aplis - 5,5 km un Sedas aplis - 4,2 km. Tajos apakatāms izstrādātais kūdras purvs, šaursliežu dzelzceļš, ritošais sastāvs, divi skatu toņi. Rudenī un pavasarī - putnu migrācijas lāikā -  interesanta vieta putnu vērošanai.

GPS koordinātes: Jērcēnu puses aplim: 57.7055987, 25.7001324; Sedas puses aplim: 57.6699587, 25.7514815.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city130
Nature trail

Ziles taka

Informatīvi bagāta un interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kas ved pa Gaujas tuvumā esošajiem krasta biotopiem – boreāliem mežiem, nogāžu mežiem, gar vecupi, jauktiem lapu koku un platlapju mežiem, kā arī parkveida ozolu pļavām. Ziemeļgaujas aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū esošie meži ir vieni no sugām daudzveidīgākajiem Latvijā. Taka ir marķēta, izveidotas skatu platformas, izvietoti informatīvie stendi.

Kopējais takas garums: 2,2 km

Protected landscape area Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Cena's heath swamp's trail

Cena's heath swamp's trail was made to introduce vistors to one of the most beautiful things in nature - a moss swamp. The pathway goes not only around beautiful swamp lakes but also meets the degraded part of the swamp. At the beggining and the end is a watch tower.

Nature reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Ierikupite nature trail

A pathway of wooden trails and little bridges, featuring the most beautiful part of the Ieriķupīte river, with several waterfalls, an old windmill, a unique millwheel, and various areas of obstacles for active people in the company of a guide.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Linezera dabas taka

Linezera dabas takā apskatāms ezers, kurš mēdz pazust pazemē. Apmeklējums saskaņojams ar zemes īpašnieku.

Distance from countries capital city53

Garsenes dabas takas

Pie Gārsenes pils atrodas bijušais muižas parks 4ha platībā un pie tā sākas arī Gārsenes dabas takas. Dabas takas vēsturiski tika veidotas vienlaicīgi ar pils kompleksa būvniecību un ieeja takās atrodama pie mākslīgi veidotā, ar bruģa pamatni izliktā barona peldēšanās dīķa. Takas sākumā saglabājusies ošu aleja, ko savulaik stādījis barona dārznieks, savukārt taku vidusposmā apmeklētājiem ir iespēja pasēdēt uz Barona krēsla - akmens ar cilvēku veidotu sēdvietu tajā. Kopumā Gārsenes mežā vijas dažāda garuma labiekārtotas pastaigu un izziņas takas - Kultūrvēsturiskā taka, Zaļā taka, Baronu pastaigu taka, Staburaga taka,  ar ierīkotām atpūtas un ugunskuru vietām.  Takās apskatāmi vairāk kā 40 unikāli dabas objekti, gan dižakmeņi, gan dižkoki, kā arī un pagasta ievērojamākie arhitektūras un kultūrvēstures pieminekļi. No 2016.gada maija Dabas takās ietilpst arī „Krēslas stundas taka”, kas īpaši patiks zinātkāriem mazajiem ceļotājiem. Taka stāsta par Rūķu dzīvi mežā un tās veidošanas pamatā ir stāsti no „Lielās Rūķu enciklopēdijas”.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city160 Active season months4-10
Place for tents FishingSports groundPicnick areaNature trail Nearest restaurantNearest town

Dumbraju taka

Uz pāļiem veidotā koku laipu taka līkumo cauri Vēršupītes dumbrājiem (pārmitri platlapju meži), tādēļ visiespaidīgākie skati šeit ir vērojami tieši pavasara palos vai citos gadalaikos pēc lielām lietavām, kad mazā upīte iziet no krastiem un appludina dumbrājus lielākā platībā. Par teritorijas sezonālu applūšanu liecina arī daudzo alkšņu resnie sakņu kakli, kas nevilšus atgādina mangrovju audzes. Mitrie meži ir viens no sugu skaita ziņā daudzveidīgākajiem Latvijas biotopiem.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Brivdabas taka gar Rojas upi

Dabas takā gar Rojas upi iespējamas 3 dažāda garuma distances, kas lokveidā ved gar upi un tai pieguļošajiem mežiem – 2 km, 7 km un 15 km, kas katra atzīmēta ar savas krāsas norādēm. Dzeltenais aplis 2 km, zilais aplis – 7 km, sarkanais aplis – 15 km. Maršrutus var veikt arī ar velosipēdu, taču braucot ar velo, atsevišķi posmi var būt grūti izbraucami smilšu dēļ.

Pie upes ierīkotas vairākas atpūtas vietas ar soliem, galdiem, labierīcībām, šūpolēm, vingrošanas konstrukcijām, atkritumu urnām, kā arī ugunskura un telšu vietām. Pie atpūtas vietām Žocenē un Rojā ir izveidotas arī laivu piestātnes. Takas sākumā upes krastā labiekārtota vieta, kur upē ietek Rojas avots, ko kā ūdensņemšanas vietu iecienījuši vietējie iedzīvotāji.

Distance from countries capital city141

The Purciems White Dune trail

The trail climbs up and down along the bluffs of lower River Pilsupe and reveals a fascinating sight of three white dune exposures (the largest is called the White Dune). The trail is 900m long, and the White Dune is ca 20m high. It has formed ca 6000 years ago, in the period of the Littorina Sea which is a foregoer of the Baltic Sea. Here the first Stone Age settlement on the North Western coast of Latvia has been found in 1934 by geologist S. Burhards. In the sand, some 500m from the sea, he found some pottery fragments, a sandstone hone, a piece of flint, parts of bones and an amber bead. He handed the findings over to the National Museum of History. In October 1934, the site was checked by archaeologist E. Šturms, who found the archaeological layer, typical for such settlements, in the landslides of the Pilsupe riverbanks. In 1936 he started larger excavations to continue by 1938. Totally seven, chronologically different settlements were detected and many artefacts found, including fragments of the so called Sārnate and pit-comb pottery, as well as some pieces of corded pottery. Based on these findings, the settlement is dated back to the beginning or middle of the 3rd millenary B.C., and it has been inhabited till the beginning of the 2nd millenary B.C. Especially remarkable are three clay figures in human shape which have probably been used for some religious cult purposes.

Since 1993, archaeologist Ilzes Loze has discovered several pit-comb ware culture settlements in large area around Pūrciems village. They are known in research literature as „the Ģipka settlements”.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city134 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Evazi nature trail

The trail reveals one of the rare bluffs of the Gulf of Riga – the Ēvaži Bluff (up to 15m high, a beautiful scenery opens from its watching platform) and the seashore forests. The trail starts from the main road and crosses a biotope “Wooded dunes of the coast” (according to Habitats Directive, Annex II), which is frequently observed by the sea. One can climb down the stairs to an extraordinary beach with narrow seashore and Black Alders growing almost in the sea. There are occasional puddles which make shelter for Natterjack Toad (Bufo calamita), a protected amphibian. Deeper pools are inhabited by three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), they are food for fish-eating birds. In the second half of the summer, Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) can be observed in the sea.

About two kilometres to the South, there is Melnsils, one of the Liv fishing villages, famous for the stories about a channel which was once dug to drain coastal lakes into the sea, as well as about Trommel, the chief of robbers. The trail is in the Slītere National Park.

Distance from countries capital city146 Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Kaltene bird-watching trail

This is a trail for hikers and bird-watchers, located in a very interesting place on the shore of the Bay of Rīga near Kaltene. The visitor will see small inlets and capes and a rocky or overgrown shore. At the end of the trail there is a bird-watching tower. During the spring and autumn migrations of birds, the visitor will see a great many different kinds of birds in the area – geese, plovers, etc. The length of the track is a bit more than one kilometre, and it will take 20 minutes to an hour to cover.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Ozolmuizas Mazezera taka

Taka ap Ozolu Mazezeru. Purvaino krastu posmā, ap ezera rietumu galu, ierīkotas gājēju laipas. Novērojami purva, meža un ezera augi, dzīvnieki un biotopi. Jūlija beigās īpaši krāšņi zied ūdensrozes. Blakus atrodas Ozolmuiža ar parku.
Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Kalvu taka

Atrodas mežā, netālu no Kaltenes. Labiekārtota (laipas, kāpnes, informācijas stendi) taka, kas iepazīstina ar Latvijai samērā neparastu dabas pieminekli (aizsargājams) – Kaltenes kalvām, kas ir lieli, līdztekus Rīgas jūras līča krasta līnijai orientēti laukakmeņu krāvumi. Uzskata, ka tos veidojuši Baltijas ledus ezera ūdeņi un ledi. Garums – ap 1,5 km.

Distance from countries capital city120
Nature trail

Daugenu taka

Ap 9 km garā taka (vienā virzienā) sākas Skaņākalna dabas parkā (Mazsalacā) un beidzas pie Ramatas. Tā iepazīstina ar Salacas ielejas dabas parka nozīmīgākajām vērtībām – smilšakmens atsegumiem (Skaņaiskalns, Dauģēnu klintis u.c.), alām, nozīmīgu izmēru laukakmeņiem u.c. Taka marķēta. Tajā izvietoti informācijas stendi, norādes. Jāpadomā par loģistiku – kā nokļūt sākuma punktā.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city154
Nature trail

The Amata Forest trail

This is an uncommon trail. The visitor will learn all about quite “ordinary” trees such as the oak, the linden, the hazelnut, the fir and the pine. The information is quite interesting, however, making use of the heritage of Latvian folklore. The site is located near the Zvārte rock. Visitors will spend around one hour on the trail.
Active season months1-12
Nature trail

The Slitere nature trail

Because this circular trail is in a nature zone, it may only be traversed in the company of a guide from the Slītere Nature Park. A steep stairway that has been installed along the ancient shores of what was once a Baltic lake of ice will lead the visitor to a completely different world, one with fallen trees, broadleaf forests, an area in which underground streams create aboveground wetlands, a limy and grassy swamp (all of these are protected areas), remains of old-time reclamation ditches, and rotting fir stumps which are important in terms of the diversity of species and which have been in the region since a major windstorm in 1969. The trail is 1.2 km long and will take an hour to an hour-and-a-half to traverse. The trail begins at the Slītere lighthouse, where the SNP visitors’ centre is located (in tourist season).
Active season months5-9
Nature trail

Korku pastaigu taka

Brīvdienu mājas "Korķi” apkārtnes priežu mežā ir izveidota Jāņtarpiņu taka. Ideāla vieta aktīviem sēnotājiem un ogotājiem. Savukārt saules un jūras cienītāji pa šo taku 5-10 minūšu gājienā nonāks Vitrupes pludmalē, kur varēs baudīt sauļošanās un peldēšanās priekus.
Biosphere Reserve Distance from countries capital city80 Active season months1-12

Amatas geologiska taka

Ģeoloģiskā taka sastāv no trīs saistītiem posmiem: „Melturi – Kārļu zivjaudzētava”, „Kārļu zivjaudzētava – Zvārtes iezis” un "Zvārtes iezis - Veclauču tilts". Amatas senleja veidojusies vienlaikus ar Gaujas senleju leduslaikmeta beigu posmā un pēcleduslaikmetā, ledāja kušanas ūdeņiem plūstot uz Gaujas ieleju. Gaujas NP teritorijā Amatas senielejas dziļums sasniedz 50 metrus un platums palielinās līdz apmēram 1-1,5km. Augstas kraujas (vairāk ne kā 40 metru), kurās redzami augšdevona Pļaviņu svītas dolomītu un augšdevona Amatas un Gaujas svītu smilšakmeņu atsegumi, mijas ar mežiem apaugušām, 3-16m augstām stāvām terasēm. Amatas senieleja ir nozīmīga ne tikai ar savām dabas ainavām. Tās krastus grezno dolomīta un smilšakmens atsegumi, kas atklāj zemes vēstures lappuses 350-400 miljonu gadu tālā pagātnē, kad Latvijas teritoriju klāja jūra. Velobraucieniem taka nav piemērota!
Active season months1-12

The Niedraji-Pilka swamp

Here you can cross a swamp without getting your feet wet and enjoy the local environment, which has been little touched by humankind. You can take the dam of the former Smiltene-Valmiera-Ainaži narrow gauge railroad. It crosses the swamp from the South-East to the North-West and is three to four km in length. There is also a circular wooden pathway on the eastern side of the dam. The length of the trail (including the dam) is around 5km, and it will take 90 minutes to two hours to traverse. The area is covered by environmental restrictions.
Biosphere Reserve Active season months1-12
Nature trail

Cecilu dabas taka

Cecīļu dabas taka ir kājāmgājēju tūrisma maršruts, kurā ir iespēja iepazīt Amatas novada dabas objektus gar Kumadas upes, Dančupītes un Amatas upes krastu. Takas sākuma punkts ir Amatas novada Ieriķos, 1 km no kafejnīcas, degvielas uzpildes stacijas, Cecīļu dabas takas apmeklētāju centra, blakus autoservisam. Apmeklētājiem ir iespēja izbaudīt cilvēka nepārveidotu dabas ainavu – Dančupītes kanjonu, minatūru ūdenskritumu, no Kumadas upes labā krasta aplūkot iespaidīgo Cecīļu iezi un citus objektus. Taka ir marķēta.
Takas garums ir 2 km, bet vasaras sezonā to ir iespēja pagarināt, dodoties uz Dzilnas iezi, sekojot norādēm.  Taku iespējams apmeklēt jebkurā gadalaikā. Sezonas tumšajā periodā Cecīļu iezis un Dančupīte, sestdienās un pēc iepriekšējas  pieteikšanās, ir izgaismota.

Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city72

Imulas taka (Vitini - "Romance")

4 km garā un marķētā taka iepazīstina ar dziļo Imulas ieleju – Abavas kreisā krasta pieteku. Īpaši iespaidīga ieleja izskatās bezlapu periodā, kad ir apjaušami tās izmēri un formas. Vēstures cienītāji var upes gultnē uzmeklēt Langsēdes Velna pēdas akmeni. Atrodas dabas parkā „Abavas senleja”.

Nature park Distance from countries capital city110
Nature trail