
There are different types of swamps, where visitors have access to well-maintained nature trails

Overview Details

Ruksu purvs

The territory has been established for protection of the bog and its habitat species. It is not appropriate for visits. North-east part of the bog can be slightly seen from the road Neveja – Lapmezciems on winter season. Further on Cirste direction is located on of most impressive oak trees in Latvia – Rigzemju ozols.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city150

Kirbas purvs

Nature restricted area is established to protect various wetland habitats – Big Kirba Bog and protected plant species within it. Only the West part of the Bog is a protected nature area. The rest of the bog is used mainly for intensive extraction of peat and large cranberry cultivation. Nature restricted area of the bog has no tourism infrastructure therefore is not useable for tourist visits.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city250

Cuzu purvs

This is a swamp into which sulphurous waters flow, and it is on the left bank of the Abava River valley. This is the only place in Latvia where the protected shrubby cinquefoil is found in the wild. This bush covers approximately one-fifth of the restricted territory. It also includes forests, various kinds of meadows and sulphurous streams, including the one which is known as the Devil’s Eye.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city95
Nature trailNature watching

The Zalais (Green) swamp

The Zaļais (Green) swamp is a medium swamp in terms of the national park, and it used to be a place where peat moss was extracted (those areas are flooded now). In the North it links to the Čaukciems swamp. The swamp is to the South­west and West of the Green Dune.
Distance from countries capital city55

Lubanas un Sulagala purvs

Dabas liegums atrodas dienvidaustrumos no Lubāna ezera un tas veidots purva un meža biotopu un tajos esošo sugu aizsardzībai. Gar teritorijas ziemeļu robežu iet Nagļu - Degumnieku ceļš (iekļaujas kopējā Lubāna dambju sistēmā), pa kuru apkārt Lubāna ezeram izveidots velomaršruts. Tas nozīmē, ka teritoriju var aplūkot arī "no malas", netraucējot tās dabiskās norises. Teritorija ietilpst arī Lubāna mitrāja kompleksā.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city230
Bicycle trailNature watching

Sedas purvs

Peat moss has been extracted from the Seda heath since the middle of the last century, but it is nevertheless one of the most important NATURA 2000 territories in Latvia, with a great diversity of landscapes, biotopes and biology – birds in particular. This is a good place for bird-watching during migration season, and viewing towers have been set up on the edge of the swamp for this purpose.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city130
Nature watching

Laugas purvs

This is a diverse territory in terms of biotopes and landscapes, and the restricted area was established to protect nesting and migrating birds in the area. One part of the swamp has a cranberry farm – one of the first artificially established farms of its type in Latvia.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city60
Nature watching

Purgailu purvs

Augstā un purva vidusdaļā - pārejas tipa purvs, putniem nozīmīga vieta. Apmekļējumiem nav piemērota infrastruktūras trūkuma un sugu aizsardzības nolūkā.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city90
Nature watching

Raganu swamp

A comparatively large swamp to the North of the Zaļā dune, this is an important place for sulphurous waters, just as is the case with Zaļais swamp.  The swamp is cut in two by the 3.5 km Ķemeri-Antiņciems road, from which interesting landscapes can be seen.  The road is not appropriate for cars, however.  To the East of Raganu swamp is Lake Putnezers, which is difficult to access.  There is a small car park with an information stand on the shore of Lake Melnezers alongside the Ķemeri-Jaunķemeri road.  The historical and overgrown Old Ķemeri road can be used to get to the seashore from this location.

Distance from countries capital city45

Cenas tirelis

This is one of the largest areas of swampland in Latvia, lying between Lake Babīte and Olaine. Most of the area is still made up of peat. Relatively untouched is the northern part of the swamp, where there is a lovely set of swamp lakes, featuring landscapes of moss swamps. The heath is one of the few swamps in Latvia where the western-type and eastern-type swamp coexist. This is an important location for protected birds. A nature trail and viewing tower are to be installed at the heath in the near future.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city35
Nature trailNature watching

Platenes purvs

There is no need to enter the bog to see it, there are good views from the highway Ventspils – Riga (77 km, bus stop “Pagrieziens uz Elkskeni”). The main value of restricted area is chalky fen bog with brown bog-rush (greatest habitat finding in Latvia). Be careful when stopping on the highway – mind the traffic! A couple of kilometers towards Riga, on the right side of the highway, there is sign to Grizu Velna kresls ( Grizu Devil Chair) which is an attractive boulder (protected).
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city180

Ellites purvs

A small and forested territory with sulphurous springs, among which the most popular one is the Ellīte sulphur spring. It has sulphurous water with a low level of minerals, and the water supposedly has medicinal properties. The area around the stream is well-appointed, and a pathway leads to it. The stream is considered to be the source of the Iecava River. The restricted area is there to protect biotopes and protected plants which are in the area.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city100
Nature watching

Stiklu purvi

Very wide territory for a nature restricted area where extensive forests and several bogs can be found. The territory is important living space for many bird species. Vasenieku bog path with observation tower is the most attractive sites of the restricted area and offers unique landscape of the bog for its visitors. Waterproof shoes are recommended for visitors as the first 500 m of the path is molded turf rampart. Information stands are significant source of information along the path. It is suggested to visit also Stikli (Glass) village where glass factory used to be. Chandelier of Stende church has been made in this factory (by memory of Inese Roze).

Niedraju-Pilkas purvs

This restricted area was established to protect a high-type swamp, a swampy forest and a series of rare birds. The Niedrāji-Pilka swamp can be crossed with dry feet while enjoying almost virginal nature. This is possible on the narrow-gauge railroad embankment which runs through the swamp for three to four kilometres from the North-east to the South-west, or on the well-appointed circular wood pathway which is on the eastern size of the embankment.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city120
Nature trailNature watching

Apsu ciema zalu purvs

This lime swamp of grasses is in an area among dunes which floods from time to time, and it is an important location for many protected plants. The swamp is easily surveyed from the forested dunes which are on the south-eastern side of the swamp.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city55
Nature watching

The Slokas and Vecais swamps

This territory is around 9 square kilometres in size and is found to the North of the village of Kūdra, where the so-called old peat quarries are found.  Peat was extracted here during the first period of Latvian independence.  Today the territory is overgrown, preserving the old and flooded quarries which offer a very unusual landscape.  The best way to examine them is on foot or bike, taking the road from the Kūdra railroad station which leads to Lake Sloka.

Distance from countries capital city40

Viku purvs

The best place to look at the restricted area of the Vīķi swamp and the Lielauce lake which is in the middle of that swamp is the Lielauce castle, where a wooden pathway stars. The pathway will lead visitors across the swampy shores of Lake Lielauce and deliver them at a boating area on the open part of the lake. The swamp itself is to the South-east of the lake. The restricted area is there to protect biotopes and species in the area.


Teirumniku purvs

Teirumnīku purvs ir latvijas lielākā iekšzemes mitrāja - dabas lieguma "Lubāna mitrājs" sastāvdaļa, kas meklējams dienvidaustrumos no Lubāna ezera.


Brienamais purvs

Territory established mainly for protection of bog myrtle and various bird species. An interesting fact is that bog myrtle or sweet gale is used as ingredient for making famous Riga Black Balsam. Brienamais purvs (wade bog) is hard to find and reach therefore it is not suitable for tourism.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city240

The Great Kemeri Heath

This is one of the largest high-type swamps (6,192 ha) in Latvia, with very distinct landscapes of little lakes and hillocks.  The Great Ķemeri Heath is of importance as an extensive hydrological system and preserver of the local microclimate.  It is also of international importance as a site for birds, as well as a major source of sulphurous water.  Along the Kalnciems-Kūdra road, which is on the eastern edge of the swamp (3.4 km from the Rīga-Ventspils highway), there is an information stand with information about the management of the heath and about the role of swamps in nature and in the lives of people.  Great Ķemeri Heath wooden pathway trail is now restored and opened for visitors in 2013.

Distance from countries capital city44

The Andrupene swamp

The small Andrupene swamp is found to the North of the Andrupene Farm Museum in a deep area between hillocks.  It is a high-type swamp with an open central part, and it is 130 m long and 120 m wide.  There are stands of white alder alongside the swamp.  In 2009, the administrators of the Rāzna National Park restored a wooden educational pathway that had been established originally by the Andrupene Elementary School.  Today there are stairs, a viewing platform, wooden pathways, and information stands.

Distance from countries capital city270

Melna ezera purvs

Relatīvi grūti pieejama un cilvēka mazskarta teritorija kūdrā izstrādātajā Cenas tīreļa ziemeļaustrumu daļā, kur saglabājušies augstā purva biotopi ar purva ezeriem, kas kopumā veido nozīmīgu vietu ligzdojošām un migrējošām zosveidīgo, tārtiņveidīgo u.c. putnu sugām. Teritorija nav piemērota (un nav vēlams) tūrisma aktivitātēm.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city20

The Bazas swamp

The Bažas swamp is the largest swamp in the Slītere National Park and is entirely off limits to visitors.
Distance from countries capital city156

Oleru purvs

Dabas liegums veidots salīdzinoši neliela pārejas tipa purva aizsardzībai. Purvu lieliski var pārredzēt no nelielā skatu torņa.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city160
Nature trail