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At the end of a wooden footpath in the Planči swamp is a viewing area and place for leisure. This is the place where you can enjoy landscapes of the high-type swamp and breathe the unusual air of the swamp. This is the only outdoor infrastructure object in Latvia with information posted in Braille. It is in the ZBR.
From the Markova castle hill, which you will access from the local information trial, you will see a view of the Daugavsargi curve of the Daugava. Further along, you will reach the open shore of the Daugava to see one of the most unique landscapes of Latvia’s river valleys. The Slutišķi village of Old Believers and the mighty Slutišķi cliff will be in the background.

A beautiful part of the Rēzekne-Dagda-Krāslava road – along two km or so, you can see Lake Rāzna and Mākoņkalns hill, which is 10 km away on the other shore of the lake.


A new section of the walking trail along the sea has been built and an environmental object "Sunset watcher" has been created in Saulkrasti near the White Dune and Sunset Trail. It is a photo object where the newlyweds and every guest of Saulkrasti can capture memories in the symbol of the sun, which is so characteristic of Saulkrasti.

In Dagda, on the side of Daugavpils Street, there is a forested hillock that is the Lubāne castle hill. On the upper part of its southern side, there’s a viewing area which offers a view of the small Lake Lubenenis, the eastern part of Dagda, and the white tower of the local Catholic church. Legend has it that treasure is buried here.
At the Aizkraukle Lutheran church along the upper part of the shores of the ancient Daugava River valley, there is a bit of an old road from which one of the most beautiful views of the central section of the river can be seen, particularly when the trees are bare. Approximately one kilometre to the North-west is the Aizkraukle castle hill, which offers a no less impressive view.

The Kurzeme Peninsula has the largest landscape of hillocks and valleys in Europe in the shoreline segment from Melnsils and Kolka to Oviši and Liepene.  It is a unique landscape in Latvia, and part of it is in the Slītere National Park.  The Pēterezers Nature Trail offers the best chance to look at the landscape.  There are hillocks and valleys elsewhere, too – near shoreline villages where the Kukšupe valley (one of the longest ones – 8 km in all) is crossed by the Ventspils-Kolka highway, as well as near Apakšceļš.  The only thing is that you need to learn how to spot the areas out in nature.


Благоустроенная природная тропа знакомит с одним из редких обрывов Рижского морского залива (высотой до 15 м) и лесами побережья. По лестнице можно спуститься к необыкновенно узкой полоске песчаного пляжа, который во время шторма исчезает в морских волнах. Протяженность тропы - 0,3 км в одном направлении. На обочине шоссе Колка – Юрмала обустроена автостоянка (находится у границы Слитерского национального парка).

At the highest point of Krievkalni (149 metres above sea level), there is a good location for relaxation which offers an impressive view toward the East.
The viewing area on the Ērgļi (Ērģeles) cliffs offers an impressive view of Latvia’s most monolith sandstone cliffs (up to 22 metres high) – this is the highest location in the Gauja River valley. Please be very careful and don’t go anywhere near the edge of the cliff!

Находится на левом берегу Лиелупе, напротив Межотненского замка. Одно из крупнейших укрепленных городищ земгалов 9 - 13 вв., рядом с которым на площади в 13 га располагался древний город. Благоустроено. Через Лиелупе построен понтонный мост, по которому пешеходы и велосипедисты (май - октябрь) могут пройти к Межотненскому замку. Примерно в 0,5 км к югу от городища находится Винная гора, до которой ведут деревянные мостки.


Viena no augstākajām Latvijas celtnēm ar vienu no augstākajiem skatu laukumiem (65 m). Paveras izcila Vecrīgas un Rīgas ainava, kā arī Daugavas (līdz Rīgas HES dambim) un Pārdaugavas skati. Labi redzami blakus esošie Rīgas centrāltirgus paviljoni.


Наивысшая точка Разнавскогохолма Латгальской возвышенности и третья по высоте вершина в Латвии (289,3 м н.у.м.). Относительная высота холма - 86 м! Платформа смотровой вышки - наивысшая точка Латвии в настоящий момент (323 м н.у.м.), на которую можно подняться пешком! Окрестности Липовой горы благоустроены.

This is one of the most lovely and expressive castle hills in Latvia, with a very fine view of territory all the way to Lithuania. According to Ernests Brastiņš, a researcher of castle hills in Latvia, this was the site of the Semigalian Sidrabene castle. There are no improvements in the area.

No ūdens tūrisma attīstības centra „Bāka” skatu laukuma, kas atrodas Lubāna ezera ziemeļdaļā pie V 560 autoceļa, paveras viens no labākajiem Lubānas ezera skatiem. Redzams milzīgais Latvijas lielākā ezera klajs un Kvāpānu – Īdeņas zivju dīķu ar dambjiem ainava.

These are beautiful and impressive views, particularly early in the morning, of the historical locations of Alūksne. Go to Templis Hill, the Aleksandrs Pavilion, the obelisk which commemorates Heinrich von Fittinghoff, and the memorial to soldiers of the No. 7 Sigulda Brigade for good views. The Templis Hill, the castle ruins, the estate and the pavilions are arhitectural monuments.
The tower of St John’s Lutheran Church in Cēsis, which is one of the oldest stone buildings in Vidzeme, offers a view of the historical centre of Cēsis, and a wide area all the way to Zilaiskalns Hill. There is also the western tower of the ruins of the Cēsis castle, one of the strongest fortresses of the Livonian Order in the Baltic region, and it offers a grand view of the castle’s park.

Aptuveni 0,5 km dienvidos no Mežotnes pilskalna atrodas Vīna kalns, kas līdzīgi kā Mežotnes pilskalns, ir veidots, izmantojot Lielupes ielejas stāvās krastu nogāzes, tās pārveidojot. Vietvārds ir it kā radies no stāsta, ka šeit parādījies dievgalds ar maizi un vīnu. Vīna kalnu ar Mežotnes pilskalnu savieno jauka koka laipa, kas ved pa Lielupes ielejas pamatkrasta lejas daļu.

The Northern breakwater of Liepāja is located n the Karosta area of the town. It offers a lovely place for perambulations, as well as an opportunity to observe the sea. To the South of the breakwater you will find a fine view of the Liepāja Freeport and its system of breakwaters. To the East is the unique Karosta area, while to the North, there are remnants of a sea fort. Please be very careful while observing the sea, however – the surface of the breakwater is not in great shape.

Науенское городище находилось на крутом правом берегу долины Даугавы на высоте 25 м, между двумя оврагами. Под руководством магистра Ливонского ордена Эрнеста фон Раценбурга в 1275 - 1277 гг. на месте прежнего латгальского деревянного замка возводится каменный замок. До середины XVI века замок служит резиденцией комтура Динабурга. В 1577 году войска Ивана Грозного полностью разрушили замок. После этого события Динабург теряет свое стратегическое значение, и строительство новых укреплений начинается в том месте, где сейчас находится Даугавпилс.Рядом с развалинами замка ордена установлен уменьшенный макет замка. С места автостоянки до городища можно дойти по тропе. С городища открывается один из красивейших видов на изгибы Даугавы.