Нo 10027
Биотоп Латвия, Vidzeme

Salacas ieleja

This park is in an area which has not been affected much by humankind – sandstone cliffs, an undisturbed diversity of caves, other habitats, species and landscapes is the attractive aspect of this area. The Salaca River is one of the most important rivers in the Baltic Sea region for the spawning of salmon, and it is the second most popular river for water tourists in the Latvian region of Vidzeme. There are geological monuments which are very attractive to visitors – the Red cliffs, Skaņais Hill, the Neļķu cliff, the Velna (Devil’s) cave, etc. There are also cultural monuments such as the Livonian castle hill, the Vecsalaca baronial estate, the Livonian Museum, the Vantenberģi estate, the unique Salaca lamprey weirs, etc. Also in the park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Northern Vidzeme – the Skaņākalna park, which has a dense network of footpaths. The Salaca is also popular among fishermen. This is part of the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve.

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