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Место для наблюдения за животными/птицами/растениями
Место для наблюдения за животными/птицами/растениями Латвия, Latgale

Idenu un Kvapanu diki

Along with the Nagļu ponds, these are Latvia’s largest fishing ponds. They were established on the flood-land peat areas of Lake Lubāns in the 1970s, when the hydrotechnical system of the lake was first established. The Lubāna-Gaigalava road bisects the Kvāpāni-Īdeņa ponds. There are three bird-watching towers on the dams of the ponds. The ponds are a major location for water bird nests, as well as places for migrating birds to rest. There are extensive bird-watching opportunities in the area.
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