Нo 10041
Территория Латвия, Zemgale


This territory is meant to protect the large hillocks and lakes of the Augšzeme highlands – Lake Svente, Lake Medums, Lake Ilga and others, with their islands, landscapes and species. The nature park which has been established around Lake Svente and Lake Medums is part of this territory, and there are several areas that are restricted for environmental reasons – Lake Bardinskis, Lake Skujine, and the islands of Lake Medums and Lake Svente. There is a viewing tower on Egļukalns Hill, along with downhill ski routes.

Tерритории охраняемых ландшафтов Расстояние от столицы230
 Ловля рыбыМеста для катания на лыжахПрогулка на кораблике/лодкеПриродная тропаНаблюдение за природой