ERDF Interreg CB

Rural Lifestyle

The "Rural Lifestyle" offer allows tourists to learn about rural lives and people, finding new tourism destinations which have their own identity.  This is a story about lifestyles which changes accustomed ideas about the countrywide and establishes a new rural environment in which traditional and modern values can be merged.  Guests can learn about life in small towns, farms and companies together with local residents.  You can watch and become involved in everyday processes such as gardening, modern design craftsmanship, healthy food, the manufacturing of innovative products, architecture and the environment, a green lifestyle and many other true values.

>>> Rural Lifestyle project web page:

>>> MAP - “Rural Lifestyle” farms

>>> "Rural Lifestyle" events


Here is a list of farms which offer "Rural Lifestyle" experiences to visitors (In Latvia and Estonia). The programme description includes information about the destination and the location of the farm. There will be information about the family at the farm and its history, with the programme also being described via activities. You absolutely must contact the farm in advance, because not all of them offer tourist services, instead working with manufacturing or other activities. Such farms usually set special times and/or days when they are prepared to receive visitors. The duration of the program and the number of people also need to be agreed in advance with the hosts.

Обзор Подробности



Day 1:

  • Depart from Tallinn. 1 hour drive to Viru bog.
  • 1.5-hour walk in Viru bog with a local nature guide. A walking trail passes through the forest and bog landscapes characteristic of Lahemaa National Park. The trail is 3.5 km and the loop is 6 km long.
  • 30 min. drive to the scenic traditional Estonian fishing village of Altja.
  • Arrival, settling in at Toomarahva smallholding and a small tour of the farm – ‘Our Story’.
  • Lunch at the local tavern where traditional Estonian food is served.
  • Leisure time to walk through the village and enjoy the coast, getting a feel for life in a traditional fishing village.
  • Sauna (traditional Estonian massage, sauna or leech therapy available).
  • Cooking an evening meal with the hostess and enjoying local food.
  • Overnight at Toomarahva.

Day 2:

  • Traditional Estonian breakfast at Toomarahva, from a seasonal menu that uses local organic produce.
  • Seasonal farm work at Toomarahva with the family, which may include wood chopping/stacking, haymaking, gathering wild herbs, pickling seasonal produce in the Estonian way, or other jobs, depending on the season and weather. A photo session is included.
  • Lunch at Sagadi Manor’s à la carte restaurant. A tour of the estate and the surrounding area. Opportunity to buy local souvenirs.
  • Dinner at Palmse tavern.
  • Transfer to Tallinn.
У моря Местный стиль жизни Гости6 (8) Спальни1 (4) Расстояние от столицы100 Месяцы активного сезона1-12 Скидка для детей50%
КаминСаунаСадавой каминГрильВеникМеста для палатокВ помещениях курить запрещеноВ распоряжении гостей- жилая комнатаПарковка трейлеров ФенУтюгЧайникХолодильникЭлектроплитаСтиральная машина Пылесос Посудомоечная машина Место для купания0.1кмПрокат лодокПрокат велосипедовСпортивная площадкаПрогулки на лошадях5кмИнструктор верховой ездыКатание на санных упряжкахМеста для отдыха с детьми Сбор грибов и ягодУслуги гида Ближайшие соседиБлижайший ресторан/кафeЖилой дом хозяев  Хозяева говорят по-английски Хозяева говорят по-русски

Центр отдыха и проведения семинаров Klaara-Manni

Der Standort liegt unweit der Grenze des Soomaa-Nationalparks und des Gemeindezentrums Tori. Auf der großzügigen Anlage des Gästehauses Klaara-Manni steht eine traditionelle estnische Sauna, umgeben von einem großen und schönen Bio-Garten.

Die uralte Kultur der Sauna lässt sich nur durch echte Saunaerlebnisse verstehen und genießen. Das Landfrauen-Wellness-Programm beinhaltet ein belebendes Saunabad, das den Körper in Schwung bringt. Das Landfrauen-Saunavergnügen mit echten estnischen Saunatraditionen ist zwar in erster Linie für Frauen gedacht, aber ebenso gut für Männer geeignet.

Das Landfrauen-Wellness-Programm ist der Name eines Saunabesuchs, bei dem die Teilnehmerinnen die Charakteristik, die Beschaffenheit und die Traditionen der Sauna kennenlernen. Der Saunagang wird von der Gastgeberin oder dem Gastgeber geleitet, die im täglichen Leben Biobauern sind und einen Lebensstil pflegen, der im Einklang mit der Natur steht. Während der Saunagänge geben sie ihr Wissen über die Heilkraft der Sauna und die der Natur an die Gäste weiter. Dabei erfahren die Teilnehmer, wie die Menschen einst auf sich und ihre Gesundheit achtgaben und durch das Saunieren Kraft für Körper und Seele erhielten. Die Sitzungen finden im Wald, auf dem Hof und in der holzbeheizten Sauna statt.


  • Ankunft und Einführung. Bei der Ankunft der Gäste erwartet die Gäste eine beheizte Sauna. Vor dem Saunagang erzählen die Gastgeber von der Saunakultur und den Saunaritualen, von menschlichen Wünschen und innerer Energie, von der Kraft der Natur, der Pflanzen und Bäume und wie dies alles in der Sauna zusammentrifft.
  • Vorbereitungen. Je nach Jahreszeit können die Gäste entweder ein vorgefertigtes Kräuterbüschel wählen oder unter Anleitung der Gastgeber aus frischen Linden-, Eichen-, Ebereschen- oder Birkenzweigen selbst eines herstellen. Vor dem Saunagang gibt die/der Saunameister/in eine Einweisung in den Ablauf. Jeder Saunagast erhält ein Saunahandtuch. Wenn der Gast in der Sauna nicht nackt sein möchte, kann er/sie gegen eine zusätzliche Gebühr ein Saunatuch aus Baumwolle erhalten. Zum Schutz vor der heißen Luft gibt es spezielle Badehüte.
  • Saunagang. Jeder Teilnehmer benutzt während des gesamten Saunagangs sein eigenes Saunabüschel. Der Tisch in der Sauna ist mit frischen Pflanzen und Kräuterwasser gedeckt. Das Besondere an der Klaara-Manni-Sauna ist die Eimerdusche neben der Sauna und die Möglichkeit, sich in Schüsseln im Saunaraum zu waschen.
  • Beauty-Prozeduren. In der "Dampfpause" erfahren die Gäste, wie man einfache Produkte wie Honig, Salz und weitere zur Körperpflege verwendet.
  • Leichte Snacks. Im Vorraum warten Saunatücher und ein leckerer Saunasnack auf die Gäste.
Местный стиль жизни Гости20 (14) Спальни10 Расстояние от столицы130 Месяцы активного сезона1-12 Есть возможность заказать еду
КаминСаунаСадавой каминГрильПомещение для семинаров Проектор Спортивная площадкаПриродная тропа
от 16,50 LVL / B&B


The camp activities include:

  • Skills workshops: carpentry and handloom weaving, berry/apple jam making, black bread baking. Dancing and playing musical instruments. In winter, participants can learn to ski or snowboard.
  • Work: 2–4 hours per day with local families or villagers. Summer/autumn: picking berries and mushrooms, taking care of hiking trails, piling up chopped firewood, planting trees, making birch whisks for the sauna.
  • Winter/spring: take care of hiking trails, piling up chopped firewood, planting trees, carpentry; we may also help to organise local events, e.g. the Haanja Marathon.
  • Every day there is the chance to use the sauna.
Местный стиль жизни Катание на лыжах Рыбалка Гости27 (8) Спальни12 Расстояние от столицы270 Месяцы активного сезона1-12
КаминТВ в комнатахСаунаГрильВеникДетская кроваткаВ помещениях курить запрещено УтюгЧайникХолодильник  Ловля рыбы0.5кмМесто для купания0.5кмПрокат лодокПрокат велосипедовСпортивная площадкаПрогулки на лошадях2кмКоммерческая рыбалкаМеста для отдыха с детьми Места для катания на лыжахЛыжный инвентарь СнегоходыСбор грибов и ягодУслуги гида Ближайшие соседиБлижайший магазинРайонный центрЖилой дом хозяев  Хозяева говорят по-английскиХозяева говорят по-немецкиВстреча на остановке
от 44 LVL / DBL



  • Arrival to Pesa hotel in the afternoon / evening. Check-in. Pesa hotel mini spa services can be used before or after dinner.
  • Dinner in Pesa restaurant. Before dinner: a tasting e.g. local ciders/juices. During dinner or after: a cultural programme e.g Seto leelo choir. Duration:  2 hours.
  • Overnight stay in Pesa hotel (TWIN rooms). Breakfast in hotel restaurant.
  • Short hiking or guided walking in picturesque Taevaskoja area. Duration: 2 hours.
  • Visit to a local diary – Andre Farm. Cheeses of the farm have won several prizes in Estonia and internationally. Visitors can have a look at the production, visit the farm shop, taste the cheeses and even feed the cows. Duration 1.5 hours.
  • Lunch in Pesa hotel restaurant or another place on the route. Duration 45 minutes.
  • Visit to a garden at Mikko farm or Palusalu farm. Both gardens are an English style gardens with varied landscapes and scenic views. Duration: 1.5 hours.
  • Smaller groups may visit Wiera candle factory and the shop. This factory stands in the middle of nature and it produces candles with wooden candlewicks. Duration 2.5 hours.
  • Bigger groups may visit Süvahavva nature farm. There is a possibility to choose between nature garden or wool factory and museum. In nature garden visitors get to know about herbs and organic farming, in wool factory visitors will see how wool is produced and can buy therapeutical woollen products. Duration: 1.5 hours.
  • Dinner in Pesa restaurant with musical programme.
  • Overnight stay in Pesa hotel. Breakfast in hotel restaurant.
  • The tour may be continued with a tour to Setomaa or Võromaa regions. Both regions are nearby – at distance of 30-40 km.
Местный стиль жизни Семинары Гости60 Спальни30 Расстояние от столицы246 Месяцы активного сезона1-12 Подключение интернета Есть возможность заказать еду
ТВ в комнатахПомещение для семинаровБассейн WC и душ в комнате Прокат лодокПрокат велосипедовПрогулки на лошадяхБеговая лыжняУслуги гидаПрогулка на кораблике/лодкеПриродная тропа  Хозяева говорят по-английски Хозяева говорят по-русскиМассаж

Holiday home "Kärka"

Estonia is a maritime country where coastal fishing has a long tradition and is part of the history of the Estonian coastal people. Scenic fishing villages Kaberneeme Salmistu, Purekari and Viinistu in Lahemaa region are located in the area that is the best for fishing sea trout and boasts the biggest fish.

The host of the programme is Lahemaa Kalaturism – the local fishing association and their main goal is the propagation of sustainable fishing and educating new fishing guides. Timo, the fishing guide, is well known in Estonia and probably one of the best sea trout catchers in the area. Rain Käärst, the chef, will cook the dinner together with guests, and Signe Bloom will take care of the cosy atmosphere in the holiday house. 

The Fishing tour takes guests to fishing sites, the choice of which will be selected on the morning of the tour depending on the weather conditions, wind and currents. The fishing sites are 10-30 km from the guest house. Guests are picked up in the morning and guided in fishing until the end of the day. The package includes snacks and refreshments throughout the fishing day. The day ends with a delicious dinner of grilled fish and local specialities, cooked under the guidance of the chef, followed by a country sauna in the holiday house.


Day 1. 

  • Transfer from Tallinn to Kärka Holiday House.
  • Introduction of the tour. Meeting with the fishing guide, instruction about fishing.
  • Guided fishing. Fishing 3–4 hours, light lunch in the open air, fishing 3 hours. Return to the accommodation.
  • Dinner. Guests will prepare dinner from the day’s catch with the chef.
  • Evening sauna.
  • Overnight in Kärka Holiday House.

Day 2. 

  • Breakfast.
  • Guided fishing.  Fishing 3–4 hours, light lunch prepared with the guidance of the chef. 
  • Transfer to Tallinn.
Местный стиль жизни Гости4 (2) Спальни2 Расстояние от столицы70 Месяцы активного сезона1-12


Setomaa is one of the most unique, yet undiscovered regions of Estonia. It is located on the border of Estonia and Russia therefore the culture of Setos, the people living in Setomaa, is influenced by both cultures, yet maintaining their own traditions and values. The Setos are especially well known for their traditional way of singing (Seto leelo), which is on the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. In addition to their own singing traditions, the Setos have their own language, remarkable and colorful national clothes and impressive silver jewelry, as well as cuisine. Being part of the Orthodox church makes their mindset different from that of Estonians. 

The tour is guided by Mrs. Helen Külvik, an experienced guide and passionate ambassador of Seto culture. She has been a member of the Seto community for over 20 years and works for the Seto Institute. 

The tour takes guests to meet the local people of Setomaa visiting a family-run café, a soap maker, an artisan’s gallery, a caretaker of the local chapel and a young farmer family. All of them are eager to share the best of their lifestyle, culture, values and stories with visitors.


  • Tartu – Setomaa. A bus ride from Tartu to Setomaa takes about 1 h 15 min. On the way, the guide will talk about Setomaa. 
  • Inara’s Vanavalge Kohvitarõ (a café). Making traditional dumplings (pelmeny) together with the hostess Inara Luigas and listening to her stories about the Seto cuisine. For lunch, enjoy the dumplings and other delicacies of the Seto kitchen. 
  • “Saatse boot”. Driving through the 800-meter “Saatse boot” – a Russian territory within Estonia. No visa required.
  • Old George’s soap shop. Driving to Kolossova village and visiting the Old George’s soap shop. Silver Hüdsi, the shop owner, will tell stories about living “in the middle of nowhere”.
  • Obinitsa museum. In Obinitsa local museum one of the guests will be dressed up as a Seto. Admire the beauty and logic of the clothes and impressive silver jewellery, and listen to the magical Seto leelo.
  • Seto gallery. Visiting the Seto gallery to meet Ülle and Evar, great storytellers, and making one’s  own personal Seto-themed souvenir using the block-printing technique. Visiting the art, handicraft and souvenir store “Kunstizaal” (the Art’s Hall).
  • Serga Orthodox chapel. Eevi, the caretaker of the chapel, will show the chapel and tell about living by the border.
  • Rikka Ivvani Farm. A drive to Küllätüvä village to visit a young family on their authentic Seto farm. There are sheep and other pets, there’s music and real rural life. Having dinner together with the hosts and cooking some of the dinner with them. 
  • Return to Tartu (ca 1 h 30 min).
Местный стиль жизни Месяцы активного сезона1-12

Guest house "Mesi Tare"

The guest house is located on the Onion Route, a destination on the shores of Lake Peipsi, the largest lake in Estonia and the trans-border lake of the European Union. It is about 45 km from Tartu. The area by Lake Peipsi is well known for growing the Peipsi Onion. This area has been populated for 350 years by Russian Old Believers – orthodox Christians who fled from Russia due to persecution. Guests can experience a family stay in a traditional Old Believer house which is all authentic from the furnishing up to spoons and forks.

The hostess, Herling Mesi, moved from Estonia’s capital Tallinn to this remote area of Lake Peipsi shore. She got fascinated by the local lifestyle, learned a lot about Russian Old Believers everyday life and now shares it enthusiastically with her guests. 

”Sibulatee Subbotnik” is a mix of Estonian and Russian cultures, meaning joint work done on Saturdays. It is a long-standing custom in the community that families or friends come together to cope with some seasonal work such as harvesting or other. Guests will get a real experience of joining some seasonal joint work the way it is done in the Onion Route area. After a bit of work there is time to enjoy the local lifestyle – learn about samovars and tea drinking culture in Russian Old Believers community, take a sauna and have a relaxing evening. 


  • Arrival and welcome. Arriving at Mesi tare guesthouse on Friday evening. Welcome house tour with the hostess. Dinner.
  • Saturday morning breakfast.
  • Seasonal work / workshop. Options:

In spring: digging onion beds according to Russian Old Believers traditional method / preparing for onion planting / making onion pie together.

Fishing on Lake Peipsi with a fisherman. Subsequent fish cleaning, salting / drying / cooking of fish soup.

Cutting underwood / wood splitting / making a campfire.

In autumn: harvesting fruit, preparing them for wine production.

  • Lunch. Making and enjoying lunch together with the hostess. 
  • The collection of samovars. The hostess will show her collection of 100 samovars – the traditional tea making devices, and will tell about tea drinking traditions.
  • Visiting neighbours. The Voronja artisan gallery is open in the summer.
  • Smoke sauna. Heating the sauna together with the host and experiencing sauna rituals with the sauna master.
  • Dinner with entertainment. Traditional music with local musicians, learning dances and singing along.
  • Overnight in Mesi tare guest house.
  • Sunday morning breakfast.
Местный стиль жизни Гости10 (1) Спальни3 Расстояние от столицы220 Месяцы активного сезона1-12

Домашний музей туристического хутора Лухтре

Основанный в 1874-ом году хутор сегодня действует как туристическое предприятие, где гостей ждут уютные комнаты в помещении амбара, бани, открытый бассейн и натуральное питание, приготовленное по рецептам начала прошлого столетия. В музейной комнате хутора наследие прошлых поколений хуторян: от женского и детского белья с тончайшей вышивкой до домашнего  инвентаря. Все предметы рассказывают свои истории о мечтах и делах своих прежних владельцев.

Местный стиль жизни Расстояние от столицы70 Месяцы активного сезона1-12 Есть возможность заказать еду Предлогают ночлег Удобства для людей с особыми потребностями
ТВ в комнатахСаунаГрильМеста для палаток Фен Место для купанияТеннисные корты

Kuraga farm

Kihnu is the largest island in the Gulf of Riga with an area of 16.4 km2, it is only 7 km long and 3.3 km wide. There are four villages on the island and the unique atmosphere of the island can be experienced by visiting a local family at Kuraga Farm. Three generations live in this farm and are happy to welcome guests.

Местный стиль жизни Расстояние от столицы180 Есть возможность заказать еду Предлогают ночлег

Mustvee village

A haven for Russian Old Believers. Mustvee village has held fairs for the past two centuries. It is also a traditional fishing town.

Местный стиль жизни Расстояние от столицы174

Samovarimaja (Samovar House)

This area has been populated for 350 years by Russian Old Believers – orthodox Christians who fled from Russia due to persecution. Today the area surprises with its authentic customs and traditions. One of the most important traditions is tea drinking. Traditional samovar, a predecessor of the modern kettle, is used to brew, boil and serve tea. Tea rituals take time, so people slow down, sit back, enjoy company, and have a chat. Making tea in samovar is a social event. 

The host, Herling Mesi, moved from Estonia’s capital Tallinn to this remote area of Lake Peipsi shore, 45km from Tartu, Estonia’s second largest city. She got fascinated by the local lifestyle, learned a lot about Russian Old Believers everyday life and now shares it enthusiastically with her guests. She has collected more than 100 samovars that are exhibited in a special building – the Samovar House.

The Mesi family offers visitors to experience the lifestyle of the local Russian Old Believers. In the workshop guests learn about local tea drinking history, how samovar works, the sizes and the shapes of samovars, and they enjoy a very special Ivan’s tea made from Fireweed. Also guests learn how to decorate the traditional gingerbread that goes with the tea. The workshop has an EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) ecotourism quality label for maintaining authentic traditions, skills and atmosphere.


  • Arrival and welcome. The hostess gives a guided Samovar House tour.
  • Samovar and Ivan Chai workshop. In the workshop, the hostess guides her guests through the process – start the samovar, find out how fast the samovar starts boiling the water and how to actually make tea. While drinking tea with her guests, she will talk about the history of Ivan Chai – Ivan’s tea, why it has that name and why not many people know about this tea anymore. Depending on the season (end of June to beginning of August),  guests will learn in nature about the tea plant Fireweed, pick the leaves and learn about how to prepare the leaves for Ivan’s tea. 
  • Gingerbread decorating workshop. The second part of the day is dedicated to decorating the local specialty gingerbread that is traditionally on the tea table. The best Estonian gingerbread master from the neighbouring Kolkja village will come to the Samovar House to teach the technology and secrets of grandmothers’.  Guests will decorate gingerbread and take it with them as a souvenir. 
Местный стиль жизни Расстояние от столицы220 Месяцы активного сезона1-12

Лесное хозяйство MÄNNIKU

In Männiku Forest Farm we offer different workshops with professional instructors.

Workshop topics:

  • Estonian national textile workshop, where we study wood block printing (xylotypography), braiding various ribbons, etc.
  • Estonian folk music workshop, where folk music is introduced and various musical instruments can be tried.
  • Estonian traditional dance workshop, where different dances, accompanied by folk instruments, are learned.
Местный стиль жизни

Хозяйство ENERGIA

Der Ferienhof Energia Talu (Energiefarm) liegt im südlichen Teil Estlands. Es handelt sich um ein Heilpflanzenzentrum mit einem eigenen Teehaus. Alle Kräuter auf dem Hof werden biologisch angebaut.

Der ökologische Anbau und die bewusste Nutzung von Heilpflanzen begann 1991. Das Wissen und die Fertigkeiten dafür stammten vom Großvater des Hofbesitzers, der Heilpflanzen kannte und für den sie ein wichtiger Teil seines Lebens waren.

Auf dem Bauernhof, der am Ufer des Flusses Navesti liegt, gibt es das Energy Eco-Spa mit Sauna. Der Saunabetrieb wurde im Jahr 2010 gestartet. Die Sauna ist der perfekte Ort für Menschen, die einen naturnahen Lebensstil genießen möchten, der sich auf die traditionelle Weisheit vergangener Generationen stützt.

Der Gastgeber Aivar Siim ist ein ausgebildeter und erfahrener Saunameister, der verschiedene Schulungen in Estland, Lettland, Litauen und Russland absolviert hat. Im Jahr 2020 besuchte Aivar in Moskau einen Kurs bei Iwan Iwankin, einem bekannten russischen Saunameister.

Aivar stellt ein Ritual mit Aromatherapie und ein spezielles praktisches Saunaprogramm zusammen, das sich am körperlichen und seelischen Befinden eines Menschen orientiert. Er prüft den Allgemeinzustand vor dem Saunagang und wählt die Anwendungen individuell auf der Grundlage der VedaPulse-Diagnostik aus. Er lenkt und balanciert die Bewegung der Energien und empfiehlt auf Wunsch eine persönliche ayurvedische Ernährung und Lebensweise, die dem persönlichen Körpertyp entspricht.


  • Ankunft und Begrüßung durch die Gastgeber
  • Willkommensgruß bei Kräutertee. Der Saunameister informiert die Gäste über die Traditionen und Rituale der Sauna und deren Nutzen. Wer möchte, kann vor dem Saunaritual einen beruhigenden Spaziergang durch die Heilpflanzenfelder und natürlichen Blumenwiesen am Fluss Navesti machen.
  • Saunaerlebnis. Während des Saunabesuchs werden folgende Leistungen angeboten: Fußbad mit warmem Wasser, Salz und Heilkräutern, Kräutertee. Das Saunaerlebnis beinhaltet folgende Elemente:
    • Körpererwärmung und Entspannung
    • Gießen von Blütenwasser auf die Steine des Saunaofens (Aromatherapie). Die Blütenwasser werden vor Ort hergestellt.
    • Körperreinigung mit Salz und Heilkräutern
    • Aromatherapie mit Heilkräutern und mildem Dampf
    • Körperbad mit viel Dampf
    • Gelenkkompresse mit Heilkräutern
    • Quästen in geeignetem Dampf
    • heißes Massage-Bad
    • Nach dem Saunaritual ist es möglich, in der Energiepyramide einen köstlichen Kräutertee zu trinken.
Местный стиль жизни

Mulgimaa historic region

Mulgimaa is a historic region in southern Estonia. Mulgi farmers were known as wealthy and the first in Estonia to start buying their own farms from landlords in the late 19th century to cultivate flax. Three Mulgi cultural icons: the dialect, the well-known men’s long black jacket and the traditional Mulgi porridge have survived to this day.

The tour hostess is Jaanika Toome who knows the Mulgimaa communities very well.

The tour takes place in Tarvastu and Helme parishes, Viljandi County, ca 70 km from Tartu, the second largest Estonia’s city. The communities of Mulgimaa and their enterprising people do what they love, earn their daily bread with it, and are looking forward to receiving guests.


  • Viljandi – Mulgimaa. The trip starts from Viljandi and en-route information will be shared about the history of Mulgimaa, the name Mulgi, and the life of the people today.
  • Kärstna mõis (Kärstna manor). Urve Kass, the hostess of the manor, will introduce the manor and her passion – crafts, which is how she makes her living in the countryside. Visitors will try sewing with different sewing machines and those who wish to, can make a textile potholder.
  • Mäe-Koda kohvik Riidajas (Mäe-Koda cafe in Riidaja). The family’s main business is running a café, but they also make candles, notebooks, cakes and gateaux, soaps, etc. Visitors will make soap together with the family in the traditional way, adding medicinal  and scented plants. Everyone will get the self-made piece of the soap. When the job is done, guests will be treated to traditional Mulgi porridge and will find out how this delicious dish is made. 
  • Lunch at Mäe-Koda café.
  • The Soe village community. In this village there is always something to do and guests are welcome to join in. Depending on the season and the weather this can include: cutting and stacking logs, digging and clearing snow or feeding birds in winter, digging the soil and planting potatoes in spring, feeding farm animals, or other daily chores of a rural homestead or farm.
  • Tarvastu Käsitöökoda (Tarvastu Handicraft Studio). One of the region’s most famous dishes is Mulgi korp - Mulgi curd cake with semolina filling. In the warm kitchen aprons and flour bags are awaiting guest bakers and everyone can try their hand. While the cakes are baking, guests will try out weaving on looms.
  • Return to Viljandi in the evening.
Местный стиль жизни Расстояние от столицы160 Месяцы активного сезона1-12

Деревня викингов

Upon arrival in the Viking Village, you will be greeted by the Viking chieftain, who will give you an overview of various ancient weapons, items and clothing. You will also get to listen to stories about ancient times, when our forefathers were brave seafarers and ruled the Baltic Sea. To head out on your adventure, you will be given clothes and helmets to protect you on the journey.

Then you will board an authentic Viking ship with your friends and family as Viking conquerors, grab the oars and head off on a treasure hunt.

The ancient Vikings are famous for their skill as seafarers and conquerors. The Viking Village resurrects this ancient tradition and, from the month of May (depending on the weather), offers you a chance to sail down the Pirita River like a real Viking and take part in a voyage lasting over an hour. As a Viking, you will be the one holding the oars of the ship and deciding on how far you wish to venture. Following a treasure map given to you for the journey, and with a strong crew and experienced thralls, you should be able to reach a treasure chest filled to bursting with gleaming riches. The treasure must be divided among the crew amicably, and according to ancient law, the map reader, i.e. the navigator, is entitled to twice the bounty of other adventurers. The expedition will be led by the Viking captain.

Местный стиль жизни Расстояние от столицы30 Месяцы активного сезона1-12

Kuusiku Nature Farm

You will find the nice and quiet Kuusiku Nature Farm on the edge of the beautiful Lahemaa National Park by Lake Viitna Pikkjärv. The Kuusiku Farm offers traditional farm bread.


Баня по-черному MOOSKA

The Võromaa smoke sauna tradition, practiced in southern Estonia, is on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. At Mooska Farm, guests can experience this Estonian heritage. 

Mooska farm is a typical lifestyle farm in Southern Estonia. The powerful location at the foot of Vällamäe is amidst the beautiful nature and harmonically connects the farm life with nature and the heritage of ancestors.

The Veeroja family share their lifestyle values and introduce the local heritage to their guests, the pride of which is their local food and the traditional smoke sauna. The workshop has an EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) ecotourism quality label for maintaining authentic traditions, skills and atmosphere.

Smoke sauna is a building or room heated by a stove covered with stones and with an elevated platform for sitting or lying. It has no chimney, and the smoke from the burning wood circulates in the room. People usually go into the sauna together and remain until they are sweating. Water is thrown on the heated stones to produce hot steam laden air and bathers beat their bodies with whisks to remove dead skin and stimulate blood circulation. After sweating, whisking, relaxing and possible healing procedures, people cool themselves outside and rinse their bodies with water. The procedure is then repeated. 


  • Arrival, meeting the hosts.
  • Excursion.  The excursion will introduce the heritage of the smoke sauna of Vana-Võromaa region. The hosts show the three smoke saunas of Mooska farm. Two of them are for bathing, while the third one is for smoking meat. Visitors get an overview of the construction, heating, sauna rituals and family traditions of the smoke sauna. The excursion ends with a tasting of smoked pork. 
  • Sauna session with the host family. The hosts lead the visitors through the sauna process. The rich aroma of burning wood is complemented by a whispered note of the meat smoked in the sauna, birch boughs, and sauna honey. The sauna is located near a pond for a cooling swim when the water is ice free or for an invigorating dip in winter. During the sauna experience the hosts tell their guests about Estonian smoke sauna traditions and beliefs and explain the process.
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This project is part-financed by the European Union and European Regional Development Fund Central Baltic Programme
This publication reflects the views of the author(s). The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein