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This is Latvia’s largest lake island and is found in the middle of Lake Usma. The island is restricted to protect old stands of pine, as well as various plants and birds.

Palieņu un mitrās pļavas abos Dubnas upes krastos, kuras nelielā posmā var vērot no Rožupes - Vārkavas ceļa. Piemērotā laikā šeit dzirdēsiet griezes balsi, kas ir Eiropā izzūdoša putnu suga.
This lighthouse is in Ovīši, which is an ancient Livonian village. The 38-metre lighthouse on Cape Ovīši was built in 1814 and modernised in 1860, and it is the oldest functioning lighthouse in Latvia today. Visitors will get a great view of the shores of the Baltic Sea and the forests which cover them. The lighthouse also offers an exhibition devoted to the history of lighthouses in Latvia.
The trail tells about the protected nature area which is found in Riga city and has been established to protect the seashore habitats (forests, meadows, reeds, dunes) and the birds, populating the daugavgrīva meadows. There is a bird watching tower with facilities for people with special needs.
Nature restricted area has been established in old and overgrowing gravel pit and where rare species in Latvia - Natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) can be found. Natterjack toad needs open sand – gravel area therefore the population of it is decreasing once gravel pit is overgrowing by bushes. The population of this amphibian is depending on the activity of people in the area. There is very little chance to find Natterjack toad just by entering the restricted area, therefore please respect this area as especially sensitive.
This is a segment of the Gauja River which is full of rapids in some places. It stretches from Vidaga and the place where the Vecpalsa River flows into the Gauja. Along the Gauja and its tributaries, dolomite outcrops can be seen on the shores, and the largest of these are the Randati cliffs. The restricted area was established mostly to protect various kinds of forests, meadows, outcrops and their habitats. This is an interesting part of the central section of the Gauja for people who enjoy beautiful landscapes and for those who are water tourists.
Nature restricted area is located to the South from former railroad Ventspils-Liepaja and includes approximately 6 km of Uzava River (and the old drainage system). The territory was used for agriculture during Soviet time, now it starts overgrow by scrubs. The protected nature values – rare bird species, including corncrakes, variety of grassland habitats and plant species. Territory is not useable for tourism activities. There is a possibility to get good insight into the North part of restricted area from the road Alsunga – Berzkalns where information stand is located.

he wetland meadows that are around the Pededze River are the site of this 200 ha farm with some 350 red deer, other deer and wild boar. There are towers from which you can watch the graceful animals, and there are ponds for commercial fishing. Please contact the owner well in advance for a tour.

Periodically flooded flood-land meadows on the eastern and southern shores of Lake Burtnieks are an important nesting location for the rarely seen corncrake. A nature and information trail has been established at Vīsrags with directions, information stands and a viewing tower.
This structure is smaller than the Great Kangari hills – approximately 10 kilometres long and 16 metres high. This structure is near the Buļļi swamp, and the restricted area is meant to protect the structure, the swamp and the various forest types and rare plants that are in the area.

This territory protects the shore of the onetime Baltic lake of ice, which most significant part stretches for 10 kilometres on the eastern side of the Grobiņa-Ventspils highway from Kapsēde till Vērgale bus stop. From the top of this ancient shoreline there is a lovely view of the Piejūra lowlands, but no specific viewing areas or information stands have been installed. There are protected species and habitats in the territory.

This restricted area protects the eutrophic Lake Istra and the biotopes that are alongside it – various kinds of forests and meadows. This is a particularly lovely part of the Latgale region. Interestingly, the so-called system of “rope farms” can still be seen in the nature park.

The tower is locatede in the Niedrāji-Pilka swamp. Access it via the old Ainaži-Valmiera-Smiltene narrow gauge rail line, which dates back to 1912, and then take the wooden footpaths which are approximately one kilometre long. This is a high-type swamp with small lakes at the foot of the tower. It is in the ZBR.

The Staburags cliff of Rauna has been Latvia’s most distinct travertine cliff since the great Staburags cliff of the Daugava River sank under the waves during the construction of a hydroelectric power plant nearby. The cliff is approximately 8,000 years old and is still being formed as lime settles on moss and other plants. The Staburags cliff of Rauna is cited as the only location in Latvia of the Alpine butterwort, but it has not been seen there for the last 15 years. That is probably because of the many people who tramp across the cliff each year. The streams which deliver lime to the cliff are a biotope that is of priority at the EU level.

This area protects the landscape of the Lielauce hillocks, which are a part of the Eastern Kurzeme highlands. Lake Zebrus and Lake Svēte are in this territory. On the north-eastern shore of Lake Zebrus one can see the Ezerlūķi castle hill. On the eastern shore of the lake is a boating area, along with a viewing tower and a set of information about the area. The territory includes protected biotopes such as stream swamps and swampy forests, along with protected birds and species of bat.


Dabas liegumā "Lielie Kangari" atrodas 33 metrus augsts skatu tornis, kura virsotnē atrodas platforma, no kuras paveras skats uz Kangaru ezeru un Lielkangaru purvu. Dabas liegumā izbūvēta arī nepilnu divu kilometru gara pastaigu taka ar tiltiņiem un skatu platformu pie ezera.  Takas sākumā izvietotais veselības maršruts ikvienu apmeklētāju aicina kārtīgi izvingroties un izkustēties. Apmeklētāju informēšanai un izglītošanai visas takas garumā izvietoti arī informatīvie stendi ar fotogrāfijām, kas apvieno varenu stāstu un teiku kopumu par notikumiem, vietām, tēliem un parādībām dažādās apkārtnes vietās. 

One of the rare places (see also Rucavas ivju audze) in Latvia where two rare and protected wild tree species grow - yew-tree and Baltic ivy. Territory is not marked on site with information signs or stands therefore it is hard for visitors to find. Not usable as tourism object.
The main “treasure” in this restricted area is the shallow and eutrophic lake, which is home to many important birds. The lake and its flood-land meadows also feature many different plants. The Svētupe River flows from the northern part of the lake.
Viens no dažiem Latvijas dzidrūdens ezeriem. Apskatāms no Lubānas - Ļaudonas ceļa malas pie Visagala. Lai saudzētu šo ezeru, tajā esošos aizsargājamos biotopus un sugas, ūdenstilpē nevajadzētu peldēties lielām cilvēku masām un pieļaut cilvēka darbības produktu nonākšanu ezerā.

The only island in Lake Ciecere has a more or less virgin forest of oak, linden and elm. Some of the oaks are huge. This is an important habitat for woodpecker-type birds. The island has not been improved.