No Name Description
The Staburags cliff of Rauna has been Latvia’s most distinct travertine cliff since the great Staburags cliff of the Daugava River sank under the waves during the construction of a hydroelectric power plant nearby. The cliff is approximately 8,000 years old and is still being formed as lime settles on moss and other plants. The Staburags cliff of Rauna is cited as the only location in Latvia of the Alpine butterwort, but it has not been seen there for the last 15 years. That is probably because of the many people who tramp across the cliff each year. The streams which deliver lime to the cliff are a biotope that is of priority at the EU level.
This is a large set of coastal meadows, ancient rivers and areas of reeds. It is found at a location where the Daugava River used to flow – between Vecmīlgrāvis and Vecāķi. There are inland dune meadows here, complete with the very rare silver grass. Vecdaugava is an important location for nesting birds and several uncommon plant species. On the southern end of the Vecdaugava peninsula, at a place called Skanstnieki, one can find remnants of medieval Swedish fortifications. The Vecdaugava Regional Research and Fishing Museum is here, as well.
This is a segment of the Gauja River which is full of rapids in some places. It stretches from Vidaga and the place where the Vecpalsa River flows into the Gauja. Along the Gauja and its tributaries, dolomite outcrops can be seen on the shores, and the largest of these are the Randati cliffs. The restricted area was established mostly to protect various kinds of forests, meadows, outcrops and their habitats. This is an interesting part of the central section of the Gauja for people who enjoy beautiful landscapes and for those who are water tourists.

Sedas purva kājnieku maršruts atrodas dabas liegumā Sedas purvs, pārgājienu pa maršrutu iespējams apvienot ar Sedas pilsētas apskati, kas ir unikāls 50.–60. gadu pilsētbūvniecības un arhitektūras paraugs -  kūdras purva strādnieku pilsēta. Maršrutam ir divi apļi - Jērcēnu aplis - 5,5 km un Sedas aplis - 4,2 km. Tajos apakatāms izstrādātais kūdras purvs, šaursliežu dzelzceļš, ritošais sastāvs, divi skatu toņi. Rudenī un pavasarī - putnu migrācijas lāikā -  interesanta vieta putnu vērošanai.

GPS koordinātes: Jērcēnu puses aplim: 57.7055987, 25.7001324; Sedas puses aplim: 57.6699587, 25.7514815.


The Little Sigulda of Pilskalne is a place for longer or shorter hikes. Here you will find a number of trails – the Sprīdītis trail (1.6 km, featuring wooden sculptures of characters from fairy tales by Anna Brigadere), the Forest landscape educational trail (3.8 km), and the Highland landscape trail (8 km in each direction). The trails are in a sub-glacial depression with a number of little lakes and swamps that are connected by streams. This is a restricted environmental area aimed at protecting the landscape and its treasures. At the beginning of the trails (near Pilskalne) there is the Melnaiskalns (Rāmavas) castle hill, which is around 30 m high.

A shallow, eutrophic (more than 60% coverage), lagoon-type lake, which is a restricted area to protect the overgrowing lake and the damp meadows which surround it. There are some 60 species of nesting birds in the area. The system of dams on the southern shore of the lake can be used by visitors to look at the area.
Covered with rocks and with small capes and inlets, this is the eastern shore of the Bay of Rīga and the only place in Latvia where sandstone outcrops are found. These are the result of the abrasive effects of waves between Tūja and Vitrupe. Among the most distinguished of these outcrops are the Veczemi cliffs, which are less than half a kilometre long and up to four metres high. The area has been improved for tourists. It has to be said that this part of the shoreline changes very often, particularly after large storms.

This comparatively large territory is found to the South of the Irbe River and Stende River, and it is unique with more or less virginal forests and dunes. The Irbe River has a system of ancient tributaries, and the Dižpurvs swamp is parallel to the shoreline. The Irbe has become a popular river for water tourism in recent years, but the tourist infrastructure on its banks remains insufficient. Territory has good road connections and has potential for nature education activities.


This is an uncommon landscape for the Kurzeme region with a protected biotope – open inland dunes with meadows of silver grass and forests of deciduous trees, including the common hornbeam. Tourists can visit the Muiža (Lejas) sacred stream on the right bank of the Sventāja valley, above which they will find Latvia’s most noble bird-cherry trees. A nice reed pergola has been installed above the stream. Wide are of Sventāja River valley can be overseen from the road before the stream.

After a big storm in 2005, the nature trail of the Randu meadows was restored. It is about 4 km long, and there is a bird-watching tower which offers a fine view of unique shoreline meadows with small lagoons and areas of reeds. It is a fine place to watch migrating birds. This is part of the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve (ZBR).
The recently renovated old brick bridge and the viewing area that is on the left bank of the Venta beyond the castle guard’s hut offers a lovely view of the widest and most impressive waterfall in Latvia – the Venta falls. It is worth visiting during the spring floods, when fish are migrating.

Lake Liepāja is shallow and eutrophic (around 40%), and it is one of the most important lakes on the shores of the Baltic Sea for nesting and migrating birds (resting and feeding place). More than 100 different species of birds have been spotted there. The lake is no less important for plants which flourish in salty biotopes. On the north-eastern shore of Lake Liepāja (Vītiņu meadow) there are flood-land plains which are the home to domestic animals which have been adapted to life in the wild. There is also a viewing tower, available upon request with the guide. The system of dams along the south-western part of the lake can be hiked or biked (extreme!) to find lots of interesting viewing areas and landscapes. In the surrounding of the lake there are ruins of unique former fortification systems.

A diverse stand of forest that is bisected by the Vidzeme highway and the Rīga-Lugaži railroad line. This is a place where the largest endangered bird in the world – the European roller – can be found. Between one-quarter and one-fifth of the Latvian population of the crow is found here. This, too, is one of the last nesting places for the green woodpecker.
This is another so-called hill left behind by the Ice Age – five kilometres long with a height of between 15 and 30 metres and with high hillocks and steep hillsides. Te most distinct part of the hill can be found between Lake Pinti and Lake Šeški. The pine forests on the hillocks are a habitat with many rare and protected species. A trail has been established to tour Grebļa Hill, as well as Āža Hill and Kausu Hill, but it is recommended that visitors travel the trail in the company of a guide. The biological diversity of the area is made clear if one knows, for instance, that more than 500 kinds of butterflies have been found in the restricted territory.
Bejas meža dabas liegums veidots no reljefa viedokļa - interesantā, pauguru un starppauguru ieplaku saposmotā teritorijā, kuru klāj vecs un varens egļu mežs. Bejas mežā atrodas viena no Alūksnes rajonā vairākām "Velna pēdēm" - dziļa, krāterveida ieplaka, ko veidojis kūstošais ledājs.
There is no need to enter the bog to see it, there are good views from the highway Ventspils – Riga (77 km, bus stop “Pagrieziens uz Elkskeni”). The main value of restricted area is chalky fen bog with brown bog-rush (greatest habitat finding in Latvia). Be careful when stopping on the highway – mind the traffic! A couple of kilometers towards Riga, on the right side of the highway, there is sign to Grizu Velna kresls ( Grizu Devil Chair) which is an attractive boulder (protected).
A small and forested territory with sulphurous springs, among which the most popular one is the Ellīte sulphur spring. It has sulphurous water with a low level of minerals, and the water supposedly has medicinal properties. The area around the stream is well-appointed, and a pathway leads to it. The stream is considered to be the source of the Iecava River. The restricted area is there to protect biotopes and protected plants which are in the area.
Along with the Nagļu ponds, these are Latvia’s largest fishing ponds. They were established on the flood-land peat areas of Lake Lubāns in the 1970s, when the hydrotechnical system of the lake was first established. The Lubāna-Gaigalava road bisects the Kvāpāni-Īdeņa ponds. There are three bird-watching towers on the dams of the ponds. The ponds are a major location for water bird nests, as well as places for migrating birds to rest. There are extensive bird-watching opportunities in the area.
Periodically flooded flood-land meadows on the eastern and southern shores of Lake Burtnieks are an important nesting location for the rarely seen corncrake. A nature and information trail has been established at Vīsrags with directions, information stands and a viewing tower.

Dabas liegumā ietilpst divi aizauguši ezeri ar grūti pieejamiem krastiem - Lielais un Mazais Asūnes ezers, kas atrodas dienvidos no Asūnes ciema. Abus ezerus var vērot, atrodoties ārpus lieguma teritorijas - no blakus esošo pauguru augstākajām daļām, kas atrodas austrumos no abiem ezeriem. Ja līdzi būs paņemts tālskatis, iespējams, izdosies iztālēm novērot šeit esošās aizsargājamās putnu sugas, piemēram, melno zīriņu.