No Name Description
Notra’s Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works lasted from 1928 till 1931. The church is situated on the site of the previous church that was originally built in 1853.

Kolka Evangelical Lutheran Church. A story has survived of one Danish trader saved in a shipwreck at Kolkasrags who in gratitude built a church in Kolka. The church had changed its location for three times in Kolka. The foundation of the church visible nowadays and built of boulders was laid by Karl Ludwig Ferdinand von der Osten-Zaken, the former owner of the Dundaga estate. It was built instead of the wooden church (or close to it) which was heavily damaged during the Crimean War. The first construction works were started in 1885 by the construction foreman Otto Sievert (Architect: T. Zeiler). In the Soviet time, the church was vandalized and it was used as a warehouse. It is worth to see the modern- style altarpiece
(a donation of the artist Helen Heinrihson) which does not have a counterpart in any other church. Before in its place there was placed a cross.
Kolka Orthodox Church. Data on the Liv turning to orthodoxy are provided by a document found in the tower of the Kolka Orthodox Church (see also below) during restoration works (the nineties of the last century) that was placed there during building of the church in 1885. It says that the Liv turning to orthodoxy or the so-called emperor's faith "has nothing to do with the religious belief but it is a means to get the earthly benefits or pleasures." In 1885, the orthodox congregation purchased land from baron Osten-Zaken. In 1890, a church, priest's house and school building were built on it. All the buildings have survived until now. The church has its own congregation and worships are held once a month. Information is found that Kolka is the only Liv coastal village where in the nineties of the 19th century there was built an orthodox church. The church bell is place "occupied" in 1936. In the Soviet time, the Church was used as a chapel but nowadays it performs its original role.

Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church of Ozolmuiža was built in 1820 by the foundation of counts Plāteri-Zībergi. It is a stone building with a small bell tower. The church has a huge stone altar with four columns and a massive cross. It is a monument of state importance.
Tiskādi Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1886 and reconstructed in 1905. The large church was sanctified 100 years ago. It is situated in the district which is mostly populated by Old Believers. The church stands on the hill.

 The Orthodox Church and Cloister of the Holy Spirit and the Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Miracle Maker are found at Brīvības Street 200 in Jēkabpils. The Byzantine Church of the Holy Spirit was built between 1853 and 1886 to replace a wooden church which had been built in the latter half of the 17th century and burned down in 1773. Duke Jacob of the Duchy of Courland supplied the timber for the old church. The cloister was alongside the church. On Second Easter in 1903, the church caught on fire, and the only icon rescued was a painting of the Virgin Mary. The church suffered damage during World War I and was restored in 1933. Alongside the Church of the Holy Spirit is the oldest church in Jēkabpils – the oldest stone church in the city, which is named after St Nicholas the Miracle Maker and was erected in 1774. This is a very small church, just 17 x 19.5 m. The cloister of the Church of the Holy Spirit operates the church today, and it can be viewed from the inside. The stone fence that surrounds the complex is massive, but atypical of urban environments in Latvia.


Tiskādi Orthodox Church is the cultural monument of the local significance. The construction works of the building lasted from 1829 to 1878. The church was reconstructed in 2008. The church has antique icons and the library of sacred literature.

In the centre of the Old City, on the corner of Latgales and Baznīcas streets, the church was built in the style of Russian Classicism between 1843 and 1845.  The ceiling and wall paintings were recently restored, and the bell in the steeple weighs 1,667 kg.

Sts. Simon and Judas the Apostles Roman Catholic Church of Prezma. The brick stone church with its two towers was built in 1859. The Monument of National significance.

Dievnamu (atrodas Skujenes – Vecpiebalgas ceļa malā) 1872. g. cēla pirmais izglītotais latviešu arhitekts Jānis Frīdrihs Baumanis (1834. – 1891.), kas ir vairāku pazīstamu celtņu – J. Vītola Mūzikas akadēmijas, Rīgas cirka, Valsts bankas u.c. ēku projekta autors. Padomju laikā Māļu baznīcā atradās tukšās taras pieņemšanas punkts, bet mūsdienās – saglabājies tikai ēkas ārējais veidols. Baznīca apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Nagļi was built in 1862 by landlord Nābels. Some time ago, Nagļi Church was a branch of Viļāni Church. The Bernardian monks served there. After the closing of the cloisters in 1930s, the church was served by priests.

Atrodas starp Kr. Valdemāra un Kuršu ielām. Viena no iespaidīgākajām un greznākajām pilsētas celtnēm, kas būvēta neoromantikas formās. 19. gs. beigās katoļu draudze nevarēja saņemt atļauju jauna dievnama celtniecībai, tādēļ uz vecās ēkas uzbūvēja jaunu, kur vecā baznīca tapa par lielākās ēkas sānu kapelu. Baznīcas sienas un koka griestus rotā attēli ar Bībeles sižetiem. Dievmātes kapelā saglabājies mazās baznīcas (no 18. gs.) centrālais altāris. Baznīcas griestos ir iekārts burinieka modelis, ko dāvinājuši vētras laikā izglābušies jūrnieki.


Vienīgā baznīca nacionālā parka teritorijā. Tā atrodas Kirblas (Kirbla) ciemā – uz neliela pacēluma, kas Baltijas ledus ezera laikā bijusi sala, kuru no visām pusēm ietvēris ūdens. Kirblas baznīcas pirmsākumi ir meklējami 16. gs. un par tās celtniecību saglabājušies dažādi interesanti nostāsti. Tas ir viens no mazākajiem Igaunijas dievnamiem (29 x 11 m).


This small wooden church with fragments of a metal gate is on the side of the road in the village of Ruduški.  It is not open to visitors on a daily basis.


Atrodas iepretim bākai. Saukta arī par Pizes (Miķeļtorņa lībiskais nosaukums) baznīcu. To uzcēla 1893. g. Padomju laikā ēkā bija izvietots pionieru nometnes klubs. Tagad tā atkal kalpo savam pamatmērķim.


The Nereta Lutheran Church is in the centre of Nereta at Rīgas Street 2. The Baroque church features elements of the late Gothic period, and it is seen as one of the oldest churches in Zemgale. It was built between 1584 and 1893 at the initiative of Count Wilhelm von Effern and rebuilt in 1679. There are gravestone reliefs in the church dedicated to Wilhelm and Georg von Effern which date back to the late 16th century. The gravestone for Georg Effern is the most distinguished artwork in the style of early Nordic Mannerism in Latvia. The altar painting was painted in 1863 by P. Handler. The organ was built by R. Knauff in 1893, and the stained glass windows were produced by E. Baiermann in 1900. The chandeliers on the ceiling date back to the 17th and 19th centuries. Visitors can view Nereta and its surroundings from the unique eight-corner tower of the church, which is 38.6 m high.


Traķu pirmsākumi ir meklējami Senajos Traķos, kas atrodas 4 km dienvidaustrumos no Traķu centra. Uzskata, ka Senos Traķus ir dibinājis Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Ģedimins (~ 1275. – 1341.) 14. gs. pirmajā pusē. 14. gs. otrajā pusē šeit uzcēla mūra pili, no kuras līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nostāvināti zemes vaļņi. Laikā no 1345. – 1382. g. tajā valdīja Ģedimina dēls – Ķēstutis (1297. – 1382.). Senajos Traķos dzimis arī viens no izcilākajiem viduslaiku Lietuvas valdniekiem – Ķēstuta dēls - Vītauts Dižais. Kā pilij, tā arī tās valdniekiem bija nozīmīga loma sekojošajos krusta karos un cīņās. 1391. g. pils tika sagrauta cīņas laikā ar Vācu ordeni, kādēļ arī zaudēja savu stratēģisko nozīmi. 1405. g. benediktīniešu mūki šajā vietā uzcēla baznīcu, bet 18. gs. beigās - jaunu un lielāka apjoma klosteri, kura vienu no korpusiem 1889. g. pārbūvēja par baznīcu.

Bоrisovas St. Nikolay Old-Believers Prayer House was built in the period of 1911 – 1921 . The different feature of the Prayer House is a brick building placed on the hill. The bell of the temple was specially ordered and brought from St. Petersburg. The bell has a very soft sound.
Puša Manor - Chapel was built in the end of the 18th century; it is located in the Pušas Manor park that was built in the middle of the 19th century. Both are permanent local architectural monuments.

Roman Catholic Church of Divine Grace – On 19 April 1998, the so-called “White Sunday” or the Day of Divine Grace, Saulkrasti Roman Catholic Church of Divine Grace was consecrated. The building is 24 m long and its tower is 16 m high. The 300-seat church was designed by the architect Jānis Šrēders. The image of Christ on the altarpiece was derived from the vision of the saint, Sister Faustina, of 22 February 1931 in a monastery in Poland. The altarpiece was created by the artist Ēriks Pudzēns. 14 paintings on the walls of the church depict Christ’s path of suffering from conviction to resurrection. The altar is built of ash. On 2 August 1998, a 7.38 m tall cross was consecrated by Saulkrasti Roman Catholic Church of Divine Grace. At night this cross is illuminated. The cross is similar to the cross of Golgotha in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ was crucified.


Atrodas Grobiņas centrā, Dzērves laukuma malā. Pirmā baznīca Grobiņa bija celta jau ap 1560. g., bet nākamā – 1596. g. celtā iznīcināta 1659. g. zviedru iebrukuma laikā. Pēc Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Jēkaba Ketlera iniciatīvas 1664. g. tiek uzcelts jauns dievnams, ko atjauno 1892. gadā. Tas dedzis 2. pasaules kara laikā, bet vēlāk atkal atjaunots. Šobrīd notiek altāra restaurācijas darbi.