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Gebaut als ein Gebäude des Festungstyps. Wurde in der Zeit des Livländischen Kriegs und des Nordkriegs zerstört. 1865 wurde der heutige Turm gebaut. Die von J. V. Rabe gebaute Kanzel mit Spindeltreppe.


This is one of the most outstanding Catholic churches in Latvia.  The current building was built in 1761 in the Polish Baroque style.  The interior from the 18th century is original and very ornate.  Each year there are spiritual music events and Polish cultural festivals here.  The guide will give you a tour of the church and of other tourism destinations along the frontier line of the EU (please be sure to bring along your passport!).


This, the third church at this location, was built in 1906 at the initiative of and financing from Gotthard von Budberg, who dedicated it to his late wife, Gertrude. The Walker company organ in the church was built in 1906 in Ludwigsburg in Southern Germany. In 1992, a memorial plaque to commemorate people from Gārsene who were repressed by the Soviet regime was consecrated at the church. 100 m to the East is a cemetery where we see the legendary chapel of the Budberg dynasty, as well as the graves of the noblemen. The church is open to visitors.


Atrodas Jasmuižas austrumdaļā. Dievnams celts 1815. g., bet pārbūvēts 1932. g.


Atrodas Labraga – Apriķu ceļa malā. Kāds nostāsts vēsta, ka to 1896. gadā cēlis vietējais muižkungs, kurš vēlējies, lai viņa meitas laulības notiktu baznīcā. Dievnamā atrodas altārglezna "Kristus pie krusta un Sv. Marija Magdalēna", kas gleznota 19. gadsimtā (autors T. Šprengels).


Varakļānu centrā, Rīgas ielas malā paceļas neliels paugurs, uz kura atrodas balta ēka ar 4 kolonnām un kupolveida jumtu, kas celta pēc Romas Panteona parauga. Kapela būvēta 1814. g. (arhitekts Vinčento Macoti), un tajā atrodas grāfu Borhu dzimtas apbedījumi. Kapelā bija novietoti arī Sv. Viktora pīšļi, kas pārvesti uz Varakļānu katoļu draudzes baznīcu.


Since the 1970s, these ruins have been on a small (100 m long) island that is part of the reservoir of the Rīga hydroelectric power plant.  The island is named after St Meinhard and the ruins are part of the oldest stone building in Latvia.  Work on the church began in 1184, but it was rebuilt and sacked several times, most recently in 1916.  The ruins have been conserved and are protected by a metal cover.  The shores of the island have been strengthened.  The 10 metre metal cross on the island was designed by E. Samovičs, while the stone altar was sculpted by J. Karlobs.

Ismeri Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1912 by the donations of local people. The parish of Ismeri exists since 1861.
From the tower of St Simon’s Lutheran Church, you can see the central part of Valmiera and the banks of the Gauja River. During clear weather, you can see Zilaiskalns Hill. The church contains some cultural and historical treasures, as well as one of Latvia’s most resonant pipe organs.

Одна из самых красивых деревянных церквей Южной Латгалии. Построенный из бревен и обшитый досками храм строился в период с 1750 по 1751 гг. Сохранился алтарь работы XVIII века (резьба по дереву, барокко) и проспект органа, а также более 30 предметов, имеющих художественную ценность. Во дворе церкви в XIX веке построена колокольня. В направлении озера Рушонс построен деревянный пасторат.


The Aknīste Catholic Church was built between 1937 and 1940, and its design is based on the Kaunas Church of the Resurrection in Lithuanian. The building features the rectangular and geometric forms that were typical of the age of Functionalism. Inside is a large wooden altar, along with a pulpit and two side altars (from the early 19th century) which were once found at the Rokišķi church. They were brought to the Aknīste church when the one in Rokišķi was redesigned. In 1997 the church was granted the Blue Flag of European cultural heritage. Alongside the church are the red brick gates of an old Catholic church, which date back to the latter half of the 19th century. Also there is the Selonian Park.


Целостное здание церкви строилось в 1780 – 1781 гг. во времена барона Х.Ф. Бера, а перестраивалось в 1876 и 1888 гг. Церковь известна своим алтарем и кафедрой, выполненными в стиле рококо, и построенным в первой половине XVIII века органом. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.

Notra’s Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works lasted from 1928 till 1931. The church is situated on the site of the previous church that was originally built in 1853.

Vecauces ev. lut. baznīca ir valsts nozīmes arhitektūras piemineklis. Baznīca pirmo reizi uzcelta kā koka būve 1667. gadā, bet pēc zibens spēriena 1729. gadā tā nodega. Mūra baznīca celta 1744. gadā, savukārt 1866.gadā Mēdemu valdīšanas laikā baznīcu paplašināja līdz 500 sēdvietām, izgatavoja jaunu altāri, kanceli un uzstādīja Liepājas ērģeļmeistara Kārļa Hermaņa būvētas ērģeles. meklētājiem piedāvā doties interesantā, izklaidējošā un informatīvā ekskursijā pa baznīcu, apskatot ekspozīciju "Auce pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laikā" un baznīcas bibliotēku (Baznīcas grāmatas (pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laiks – 1918.-40.g., vācu laiks, padomju laiks un šodiena)). Baznīcā izveidotajā Mākslas telpā apskatei tiek piedāvātas vairākas unikālas ekspozīcijas: skolotājas Jadvigas Kupčes grāmatu un personīgo lietu ekspozīcija, kantātes “Dievs Tava zeme deg” vārdu autora Andreja Eglīša ekspozīcija, izcilā flamenko ģitārista Andreja Kārkliņa un režisora Kārļa Pamšes ekspozīcijas.

The Crucifix of Kurpinīki is known also as the place where Janis Streičs shot some scenes of the movie „The Child of a Man”. Long time ago this crucifix was situated in the courtyard of writer’s grandfather Donat Klidzejs in the USA.

Construction of the church began in 1830 thanks to money donated by nobleman Ludvigs Šabanskis.  The Baroque stone church is surrounded by a restored stone fence, and inside there are icons including "Heart of Jesus," "Christ's Suffering," and "St Joseph."  The church is not open to the public on a daily basis.


The first building of the church was built in 1641. The fourth building of the church was only built in 1856 – during the times of Pastor Johann Wilhelm Knierim. Its altar painting – The Crucified Christ (Golgotha) was painted in 1856 by Jozeps Millers, who was influenced by the altar piece in Munich Louis Church created by his teacher Peter Cornelius. An epitaph of Baroness Auguste Amalija von Pistohlkros, the sister of the owner of Bīriņi Manor and the patroness of the church, was immured in the memorial wall. Construction of the tower was completed on 11 June 1856, as evidenced by a memorial plaque on the wall of the church with an inscription “Erbaut von August Pistolkors 1856”. The church was consecrated in 1864. And a year later an organ by Martin Company with 8 registers, which was extended to 14 registers in 1903, was installed in the church. Unfortunately, the organ was destroyed in WW2. Saulkrasti (Pēterupe) Evangelical Lutheran Church survived both World War 2 and the Soviet period. The Soviet era was one of the most difficult times for the church, because many churches in the area were destroyed, pastors were discharged and the congregation fell apart. The Pēterupe congregation remained. As an architectural monument the church was lucky enough to undergo roof repairs of the tower even during Soviet times. Funds were granted by the Chairlady of the Executive Committee Ņina Manzūrova. 


This small wooden church with fragments of a metal gate is on the side of the road in the village of Ruduški.  It is not open to visitors on a daily basis.


Находится в стороне от площади Куршу, ул. Э.Венденбаума, д. 1. Старейшая церковь города, сведения о которой сохранились с 1508 года. Первый храм на этом месте был построен из дерева. После неоднократных перестроек (последняя – в 1893 г. под руководством архитектора Лиепаи Пауля Макса Берчи) храм приобрел теперешний вид в неоготическом стиле с башней высотой около 60 м. Церковный интерьер славится одним из самых выдающихся шедевров времен барокко в Латвии – алтарем (резчик по дереву Николя Сефренс младший), который в 2012 году отметил свое 350-летие.Алтарь считается одной из самых выдающихся работ Восточной Европы того времени. Ретабло алтаря (5,8 x 9,7 м) известно тематическим циклом страданий Иисуса. В храме находится третий по величине орган Латвии, который построен по эскизам композитора и органиста Альфреда Калниньша. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри и подняться на колокольню.


Atrodas starp Kr. Valdemāra un Kuršu ielām. Viena no iespaidīgākajām un greznākajām pilsētas celtnēm, kas būvēta neoromantikas formās. 19. gs. beigās katoļu draudze nevarēja saņemt atļauju jauna dievnama celtniecībai, tādēļ uz vecās ēkas uzbūvēja jaunu, kur vecā baznīca tapa par lielākās ēkas sānu kapelu. Baznīcas sienas un koka griestus rotā attēli ar Bībeles sižetiem. Dievmātes kapelā saglabājies mazās baznīcas (no 18. gs.) centrālais altāris. Baznīcas griestos ir iekārts burinieka modelis, ko dāvinājuši vētras laikā izglābušies jūrnieki.